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  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care



    AndSkin Care

  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care


    CARBOXYLIC A CIDany of a class of organic compounds inwhich a carbon (C) atom is bonded to

    an oxygen (O) atom by a double bond

    and to a hydroxyl group (−OH) by asingle bond. A fourth bond lins thecarbon atom to a hydrogen (H) atom orto some other uni!alent combining

    group. "he carboxyl (COOH) group isso#named because of the carbonylgroup (C$O) and hydroxyl group.


  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care


  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care


  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care


     Hydroxy Acids are some of the most

    widely used and studied anti#agingsincare ingredients. Clinical studies ha!e

    shown %ust how e&ecti!e these ingredients

    are in re!ersing the e&ects of photoagingand signi'cantly impro!ing wrinles sin

    hydration elasticity and tone.

  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care


     Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are naturally

    occurring carboxylic acids found in many foods

    including glycolic acid (sugar cane) lactic acid

    (mil) citric acid (citrus fruits) and malic acid

    (apples) among others. "he most commonly used

    alpha#hydroxy acids are glycolic and lactic acids.

  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care


    eta Hydroxy Acids (HAs) such as salicylic acid are !ery

    similar to AHAs but are lipid#soluble instead of water#soluble."his structure allows it to penetrate into the sin through

    sebaceous follicles maing it appropriate for patients with

    oily sin and open comedones. HAs ha!e also been found to

    be less irritating to the sin than AHAs. *n a recent studyresults showed short#term topical application of glycolic acid

    in a cosmetic formulation increased the sensiti!ity of human

    sin to the +, radiation while a comparable treatment with

    salicylic acid did not.14

    *t-s also worth noting that salicylicacid has anti#inammatory acti!ity which may reduce


  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care


    Trichloroacetic acid(TCA) is astronger acid than acetic acid. *t isused to chemically burn warts andfor facial peels. *t is potentially as

    corrosi!e as sulfuric acid andneeds to be treated with care/ Asis the case with phenolthe

    concentration of thetrichloroacetic acid and theamount of time the sin is exposedneed to be monitored carefully.

  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care


    "CA remo!es ageing layers of sin

    that are damaged by !arious organicor external processes. *t coagulatescutaneous proteins by destroying theepidermal layer which is laterreplaced by a newepidermis and new connecti!e tissue.

  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care


    0etin#A 0egulates eratini1ation enhancingthe cellular reno!ation process. 0etinoic

    acid impro!es the appearance and o!erall2uality of the sin. 0etinoic acid nourishesthe sin pre!ents wrinles diminishes thedepth of existing wrinles and impro!es theelasticity of aging sin while stimulating'broblasts. *t synthesi1es connecti!e tissuemolecules particularly collagen. *n additionit regulates melanocyte acti!ity andattenuates spots caused by excessi!e

    exposure to +, rays.

    0etinoic acid

  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care



     is an acid produced by se!eral species ofthe bacteria genus Propionibacterium.

     Propionibacterium acnes grows onpeople-s sins and uses oils from thesebaceous glands as an energy source. *talso produces propionic acid as a product

    and is responsible for causing acne.3ropionibacterium freudenreichii is abacterium that produces the CO4 gasbubbles in 5wiss cheese and the propionicacid is partially responsible for the uni2ue

    a!or of 5wiss cheese.Lactic acid (4#hydroxypropanoic acid) is produced by

  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care



    H780O9730O3A:O*C AC*8)

    is produced by 6actobacillusacidophilus in yogurt and by your

    muscle cells during anaerobic exercise.*t is also used in a !ariety of sin careproducts.

  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care



     is sold in a !ariety of sin care products forremo!ing wrinles and maing sin loo younger.

    *t wors the same way as phenol andtrichloroacetic acid dissol!ing away the outerlayers of sin but it is milder in its action.

  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care


    ;< #+:8=C=:O*C AC*8( +:8=C76=:*C AC*8

    is a monounsaturated ;; Ccarboxylic acidwhich is used to treat epidermal fungal

    infections lie athlete-s foot. *t is the acti!eingredient in se!eral o!er the counterproducts

  • 8/19/2019 Carboxylic acid and skin care


    >0O+3 ;;?embers@

    ;. "hyrealle rances 5orongon

    4. Cherry ?ae 5ubaldoB.8arlene 5uboc

    . Descor 5ulli!an%

    E. ?ayrelle Audrey "abares

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