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[Schedule 2(b)]


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Question paper setting is part of the course evaluation process and hence it must be undertaken with utmost care and sincerity. The aim and objectives of the curriculum may get vitiated through incorrect evaluation methods. With a view to ensure the correctness and quality in the question paper setting exercise the following guidelines are suggested.

1. Kindly peruse the syllabus of the course and the model question paper of that course before commencing the exercise of question paper setting

2. The combination of the questions in terms of difficulty level shall be as given below. Very easy questions - 30% Easy questions - 30% Difficult questions - 30% Very difficult questions - 10%

This proportion is to be maintained on the total weightage for the paper. 3. Ensure proper coverage of all the modules of the syllabus. 4. Ensure that there is no duplication of questions. Make sure that the same question is not

appearing in different parts of the question paper. 5. While setting question papers for Income tax Law and Practice, make sure that the

questions are based on the relevant Assessment Year. 6. Ensure that you are testing conceptual knowledge, analytical abilities, interpretational

skills and comprehension. 7. For objective type multiple choice questions, give closely resembling or associating

answers that provoke thinking and creative understanding. There should be a specific answer to such questions without ambiguity or chaos.

8. The scheme of valuation giving the key to objective type questions and suggested points of the answers with distribution of weights to descriptive type questions should also be prepared along with the question paper.

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Qn. Nos. Type of Questions Wt. per Qn. Total Wt.

Section A 1 - 16 Objective (4 bunches of 4 qns. each – No choice)

1 (per bunch) 4 x 1 = 4

Section B 17 - 28 Short answer (8 out of 12)

1 8 x1 = 8

Section C 29 - 36 Paragraph (5 out of 8) 2 5 x 2 = 10

Section D 37 - 39 Long Essay (2 out of 3) 4 2 x 4 = 8

Total wt. 30

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Foundation Course I: CC 1121 – INFORMATICS FOR BUSINESS

STUDIES (2010 Admissions onwards)

Time: Three Hours Max. Weightage: 30 SECTION – A

This section consists of four bunches of four questions each. Each bunch carries a weightage of 1. Answer all questions.

I. Choose the most appropriate answer from the following: 1. Unsolicited sending of bulk e-mail is referred to as:

(a) Stalking

(b) Spam

(c) Phishing

(d) Cyber fraud

2. INFLIBNET is an Autonomous IUC of: (a) University of Kerala

(b) CSIR

(c) UGC

(d) Gujarat University

3. Internet, Cell Phones or other devices are used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person is called:

(a) Cyber terrorism

(b) Spam

(c) Phishing

(d) Cyber-bullying

4. Daisy wheel printer is a: (a) Non-impact printer

(b) Thermal printer

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(c) Impact- printer

(d) Page printer

II. 5. To request information from the server, the browser uses a special addressing system called:

(a) TCP

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(b) HTTP

(c) URL

(d) XML

6. The programming language used in WAP, Primarily in GSM phones is: (a) HTML

(b) WML

(c) WAN

(d) WINS

7. A worldwide part line protocol that allows one to converse with others in real time is: (a) IRSG

(b) IP

(c) IRC

(d) ISP

8. Which of the following refers to the main software used for accessing the World Wide Web (a) Browser

(b) Operating System (c) ISP (d) Microsoft

III. Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from those given in brackets. 9. The world’s largest personal computer network service is provided by _____________. [(a) ERNET (b) INTEL (c) INTERNET (d) TECHNET] 10. _____________is the Standardised Protocol for credit card payments [(a) SET (b) TCP/IP (c) FTP (d) ISP] 11. Computers which offer information to be read are called___________ [(a) Servers (b) Clients (c) Workstations (d) Mainframe ] 12. Domain name extension of servers that provide defense information is _________ [(a) .Org (b) .Com (c) .mil (d) .gov] IV. Match the Following: A B 13. EBay (a) Protocol

14. Alta vista (b) E-Governance

15. Gopher (c) E-Business

16. Critical Flow Model (d) Search Engine

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(e) Social Network Service

(f) Wireless Technology (4x1 = 4 wt.)

SECTION – B Answer any eight questions in one or two sentences each.

Each question carries a weightage of 1.

17. What is Knowledge Management?

18. What do you understand by E-Governance?

19. What is Artificial Intelligence?

20. What is e-waste?

21. What is software piracy?

22. What is the role of Firewall?

23. What is an OS?

24. What is NICNET?

25. List the different types of e-cash?

26. What is Bio Informatics?

27. What is cyber addiction?

28. List four software packages which are familiar to you.

(8x1 = 8wt.)


Answer any five questions in not exceeding one paragraph each. Each question carries a weightage of 2.

29. Briefly discuss the working of Electronic Clearing System. 30. Explain the application of IT in Education. 31. Write down the functions of INFLIBNET. 32. Explain the characteristics and Benefits of Smart Card... 33. Explain the Characteristics of Bio computing. 34. Explain the security requirements for e-payments. 35. Discuss the potential for mobile commerce in India 36. Describe how one can protect oneself against cookies.

(5x2 = 10wt.)

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Answer any two questions in not exceeding four pages each.

Each question carries a weightage of 4.

37. Discuss in detail the application of E-Governance at national level and state level. 38. Explain various negative impacts of IT in the Society. Also mention the measures to

rectify it. 39. Briefly explain various operating systems you are familiar with.

(2x4 = 8wt)





(2010 Admissions onwards)

Time: Three Hours Max: Weightage: 30 SECTION –A

This section consists of four bunches of four questions each. Each bunch carries a weightage of 1. Answer all questions.

I. Choose the most appropriate answer from the following 1. An important characteristic of capitalism is: (a) centralized planning (b) private property (c) Government property (d) social welfare 2. Consumer sovereignty prevails in: (a) capitalism (b) socialism (c) communism (d) mixed economy

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3. Which of the following types of business organization has a separate legal entity? (a) sole proprietorship (b) partnership (c) joint venture (d) Joint stock company 4. Stock exchanges allow trading in securities: (a) to the genuine investors only (b) to the speculators only (c) to the genuine investors and speculators (d) to the institutional investors only. II . 5. Savings based on the stock concept can be estimated by : (a) Income Account method (b) Income and Expenditure Account method (c) Receipts and Payments Account method (d) Balance Sheet method. 6. Industrial Development Bank of India is a: (a) departmental undertaking (b) Government company (c) private company (d) public corporation 7. Under circumstances of perfect competition the price is determined by: (a) the interaction of the forces of market demand and supply (b) the conditions of cost and revenue (c) the existence of competition (d) the profit at the equilibrium price-output level 8. Managerialism is the belief that : (a) organisations have more similarities than differences (b) organisations have more differences than similarities (c) organisations have equal similarities and differences (d) organisations have equal managerial efficiency

III . Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from those given in brackets: 9. Trade credit is a source of ------------ [ (a) internal finance (b) short-term finance (c.) medium- term finance (d) long- term finance ] 10. Poultry farming is an example of --------------industry [(a) extractive (b) genetic (c) manufacturing (d) construction] 11. Corporate governance is the system by which companies are directed and ----------- [ (a) managed (b) reviewed (c) controlled (d) planned] 12. Debentures are known as…………… securities. [(a) custodianship (b) creditorship (c) entrepreneurship (d) ownership]

IV .Match the following. A B 13. Entrepreneurship (a) Mixed economy

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14. Joint sector (b) Primary market 15. Oligopoly (c) Secondary market 16. Stock exchange (d) Capitalism (e) Market situation (f) Innovation ( 4x1= 4 wt.)


Answer any eight questions in one or two sentences each. Each question carries a weightage of 1.

17. What is a tertiary sector ? 18. What is a Trust ? 19. What is globalization ? 20. What do you understand by mixed economy ? 21. Who is an intrapreneur ? 22. What is ROI ? 23. What is private- public partnership ? 24. What is primary data ? 25. What do you understand by quality of life ? 26. What is stock broking ? 27. What is do you understand by electronic storage of business data ? 28. What is cost of capital?

( 8x1 =8 wt.)


Answer any five questions in not exceeding one paragraph each. Each question carries a weightage of 2.

29. Distinguish between business not for profit and business for non-profit. 30. Explain undivided families. 31. Explain the goals of co- operatives. 32. Explain HRM. 33. Distinguish between direct taxes and indirect taxes. 34. How can a business mobilise financial resources ? Explain. 35. Explain why profit maximisation objective is regarded as inappropriate one? 36. Explain the use of technology in business.

( 5x2 = 10 wt.)


Answer any two questions in not exceeding four pages each. Each question carries a weightage of 4.

37 “.Primary market contributes to capital formation directly; secondary market does so

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indirectly.” Discuss. 38.What do you understand by imperfect market ?Explain its advantages and disadvantages. 39. Discuss the various stakeholders of a business organization. ( 2x4= 8 wt.)




(2010 Admissions onwards)

Time: Three Hours Max: Weightage: 30


This section consists of four bunches of four questions each. Each bunch carries a weightage of 1. Answer all questions.

I. Choose the most appropriate answer from the following . 1. According to which of the following concepts even the owner of the business is treated as a creditor of the business. (a) Business Entity Concept (b) Going Concern Concept (c) Money Measurement Concept (d) Dual Aspect Concept 2.Closing Stock appearing in the Trial Balance will be shown in :

(a) Trading Account (b) Profit and Loss Account (c ) Balance Sheet

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(d) Trading account and Balance Sheet 3. Incomplete records are usually maintained by : (a) Private companies (b) Public companies (c) Government companies (d) Sole trading concerns 4. Which of the following account is prepared to ascertain the net result of the activities of

non – trading institutions during a given period? (a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account (b) Statement of Profit or Loss (c) Receipts and Payments Account (d) Income and Expenditure Account. II. 5. International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) came into being in the year: (a) 1962 (b) 1972 (c) 1973 (d) 1977 6. No Self balancing entry is required for: (a) Discount allowed to customer (b) Goods purchased on credit (c) Bills receivable received from customers (d) Bad debts written off recovered

7. While preparing final accounts from incomplete records, credit purchases can be found out by preparing:

(a) Total Debtors Account (b) Total Creditors Account (c) Bills payable Account

(d) Bills Receivable Account 8.Income and Expenditure Account records transactions of: (a) Capital nature (b) Revenue nature (c) Both revenue and capital nature

(d) Non- recurring nature. III . Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from those given in brackets : 9. Under sectional balancing system -----------------------is made self balancing [(a) general ledger (b) purchases ledger (c ) sales ledger (d) both sales ledgers and purchases ledger ] 10. Receipts and payments Account is a -------------- account.

[ (a) real (b) nominal (c) personal (d) representative personal] 11. Patents and copy rights are -------------assets [(a) tangible (b) intangible (c) fictitious (d) current]

12. When goods are sent on consignment---------------account is debited. [ (a) goods sent on consignment (b) consignor’s (c) consignee’s (d) consignment]

IV. Match the following A B

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13. Account Sales (a) Statement of Affairs 14. Specific donation (b) General ledger Adjustment Account 15. Single entry (c) Liability 16. Control Accounts (d) Income and Expenditure Account (e) Consignment (f) Suspense Account ( 4x1=4 wt.) SECTION- B

Answer any eight questions . Each question carries a weightage of 1.

17. What do you mean by Accounting Standards? 18. Give any two advantages of self balancing ledger system. 19. Identify the methods of ascertaining profit under the Single Entry System. 20. A non- trading concern received an amount of Rs.25000, as per the will of a deceased person. Identify the item of the receipt and state how you will treat this item in the final accounts of the concern . 21. How will you deal with non –recurring expenses while valuing closing stock on consignment? 22. A fire broke out in a factory and goods costing Rs.20,000. Stock was partly insured and claim of Rs. 10,000 was admitted by the insurance company. What adjustment entries are required to record the above transactions? 23. “ The information required for the preparation of accounts under self balancing system is obtained from various subsidiary books”. What are these subsidiary books? 24. The drawings of a proprietor for the year 2009 are Rs.15000. The profit for the year is Rs. 25000 and capital at the end is Rs, 70000. What is the capital at the beginning. ? 25. From the followings particulars calculate the amount paid for stationery during the year 2009. (a) Amount of stationery debited to Income and Expenditure Account. Rs.12,600/- (b) Stock of stationery as on 1-1-2009 ,Rs.3,000 (c) Stock of stationery as on 31-12-2009, Rs. 1500

26. Mr. Basu of Calcutta consigned 100 tons of coal @ Rs. 300 per ton to Mr. Anzar of Delhi. Mr. Basu paid non-recurring expenses amounting to Rs. 2000. The normal loss due to loading and unloading is 5 tons. The quantity sold by Mr. Anzar is 85 tons.

Calculate the value of unsold stock. 27. Briefly explain the accounting convention which states the rule` ̀ anticipate no profit but

provide for all possible losses”.

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28. How will you treat the following items in the Final accounts of a sole trader? (a) Income Tax paid by the sole trader (b) Premium paid on the life policy of the sole trader ( 8x 1=8 wt.)


Answer any five questions. Each question carries a weightage of 2.

29. Distinguish between Receipts and payments Account and Income and Expenditure

Account. 30. Give the steps to be taken for converting single entry system into the double entry

system. 31. Distinguish between self balancing system and sectional balancing system. 32. State the differences between consignment and sale. 33. Cleetus of Chennai consigned 500 boxes of tea at Rs.1600 per box to Daniel of Delhi.

Cleetus paid Rs. 5000 as freight and insurance. Daniel sold 400 boxes at Rs. 2000 per box and 50 boxes at Rs. 2200 per box. Daniel spent Rs. 4000 as clearing charges and octroi. His other expenses amounted to Rs. 1500. Daniel remitted the amount due to Cleetus after deducting his commission @ 5% (normal), 2 ½ % delcredere) and 1% (over riding) on sales as per the terms and conditions of correspondent deed. Prepare Consignment Account.

34. From the following particulars prepare the Sales Ledger Adjustment Account as would

appear in the General Ledger. Rs. Debtors balance in the General Ledger Adjustment A/c (Cr) 60500 Credit sales 40300 Cash sales 12800 Receipts from debtors 48200 Discount allowed 375 Returns inwards 1225 Bills Receivable 4800 Bills Receivable dishonored 200 Interest charged for dishonor 15 Bad Debts 375 Bad Debts Recovered 100 Provision for Bad and doubtful debts 1000

35. From the following information compute the amount of subscriptions to be credited to the Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31st March 2009. Rs. (i) Subscriptions received during the year 24,800 (ii) Subscription outstanding on 31st March,2008 900 (iii) Subscription outstanding on 31st march,2009 1,300

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(iv). Subscription received in advance on 31st March,2008 1,000 (v) Subscriptions received in advance on 31st March, 2009 520

36. Mr. Careless started a business with Rs., 2,50,000 on 1st January,2009. From the following particulars prepare a statement of profit and loss for the year ending 31st December 2009.

Rs. Cash and Bank Balance 15,000

Fixed Assets 86,000 Debtors 1,90,000 Creditors 2,97,000 Investment 1,85,000 Stock in trade 1,71,000

His drawings during the year amounted to Rs. 1,25,000 and further capital introduced in the business is Rs.75,000. Write off Rs.10,000 as bad debts and create a reserve for doubtful debts at 5%. Depreciate fixed assets by 10%. (5x2= 10wt.)

SECTION – D Answer any two questions.

Each question carries a weightage of 4.

37. What do you mean by “Generally - Accepted Accounting Principles” (GAAPs)? Highlight its need and essential features and briefly. Explain the ‘dual aspect concept’

38. From the following balances extracted from the books of Mr. Abhilash on 31st March

2009,prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2009 and the Balance Sheet as on that date.

Rs. Rs. Abhilash’s Capital Account 60,000 Plant and Machinery 18,000

Depreciation on Plant & Machinery 2,000 Repairs to Plant 1,600 Wages 28,000 Salaries 4,000 Drawings 500 Cash in hand 2,000 Land 24,500 Depreciation on Buildings 2,500 Purchases less Returns 1,23,500 Sales 2,49,000 Bank Over draft 13,800 Accrued Income 1,500 Salaries Outstanding 2,000 Bills Receivable 30,000 Bills Payable 3,000 Discount on Purchases 4,000 Bad debts 1,000 Sundry Creditors 23,300 Sundry Debtors 35,000 Buildings 50,000 Opening Stock 37,000 Provision for Bad debts 6,000

Additional information:

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(i) Stock on 31st March 2009 was Rs.30,000. (ii) Write off Rs.3,000 bad debts and maintain a provision for bad and doubtful debts

at 5% on Sundry Debtors. (iii) Goods costing Rs. 5,000 were sent to customers on sale on approval basis on 31st March, 2009. These were recorded as actual sales. The rate of gross profit was 1/6th of sales.

(iv) Rs. 1200 paid as rent of the office was debited to Landlord’s account and were included in sundry debtors.

(v) The General Manager is entitled to a commission of 10% on the net profit after charging such commission.

39. Vikas Arts and Sports Club give you the following Receipts and Payments Account for

the year ended 31st March 2009.

Receipts and Payments Account


(Rs.) Payments


To Balance b/d ,, Subscriptions ,, Miscellaneous Income ,, Interest on Fixed Deposit

4,820 28,600

700 2,000

36,120 ======

By Salaries ,, Rent and Electricity ,, Library Books ,, Magazines and News papers ,, Sundry Expenses ,, Sports Equipments ,, Balance c/d

12,000 7,220 1,000 2,172

10,278 1,000 2,450

36,120 ======

The following information is also available. 31st March ,2008 31st March ,2009 Rs. Rs. Outstanding salaries 710 170 Outstanding rent & Electricity 864 973 Outstanding magazines & newspaper 226 340 Fixed Deposits (@10%) with Bank 20,000 20,000 Interest Accrued thereon 500 500

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Subscription receivable 1,263 1,575 Prepaid expenses 417 620 Furniture 9,600 ---- Sports equipments 7,200 ---- Library Books 5,000 ----- The closing value of furniture and sports equipments are to be determined after charging depreciation at 10% and 20% p.a. respectively inclusive of additions, if any, during the year. The Library Books are revalued at the end of every year and the value at the end of 31st March 2009 was Rs. 5,250. You are required to prepare: (a) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending on 31st March 2009 (b) Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2009. ( 2 x 4 =8 wt.)





(2010 Admissions onwards) Time: Three Hours Max. Weightage: 30


This section consists of four bunches of four questions each. Each bunch carries a Weightage of 1. Answer all questions.

I. Choose the most appropriate answer from the following :

1. Languages such as FORTRAN, COBOL and C are: (a) Functional

(b) Procedural (c)Problem oriented (d) Logical

2. BIOS is stored in :

(a) ROM

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(b) RAM

(c) CD


3. Open Office is a :

(a) Language

(b) OS

(c) Software package

(d) Word processor

4. E-cash is based on cryptographic systems called:

(a) Cryptography

(b) Digital Signature

(c) Firewall

(d) Biometrics II . 5. Rediff is a:

(a) E-mail site (b) Search Engine (c)Shopping and Auction site (d) Browser

6. The algorithm used to hash the certificate: (a)Signature (b) Thumbprint (c)Public key (d) Digital Certificate

7. Value-chain Integrators is widely used in (a)E-Business (b) E-commerce (c)E-banking (d) E-governance

8. In Business-to-business e-commerce transaction take place across (a) Internet

(b) Extranet

(c) Agents

(d) WWW

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III .Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from those given in brackets :

9. HTTP uses internet addresses in a special format called -------------- [(a) URD (b) URF (c) RAL (d) URL]

10. A gateway is a device that connects ----------------- [(a) Similar networks (b) Dissimilar networks (c) Only two cables (d) LAN]

11. Data redundancy is ----------------- [(a) Reduction in data (b) Duplication of data (c) Correction in data (d) Loss of data]

12. A communication network which is used by large organisations over regional, national or

global area is called -------------- [(a) LAN (b) MAN (c) WAN (d) VAN]

IV. Match the following :

13. Internet Protocol (a) Scripting Language

14. Visual Basic (b) Packaged Software

15. MS Office (c) E-commerce

16. Information service model (d) E-governance

(e) Network Layer

(f) E-business


SECTION – B Answer any eight questions in one or two sentences each.

Each question carries a weightage of 1.

17. What is a Random Access Memory ?

18. State the uses of URL.

19. List the important attributes of Digital Signature.

20. List the search engines in general use.

21. What is reverse auction ?

22. List four security requirements for safe e-payments.

23. What is Biometrics?

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24. List the client-server protocols of the Internet.

25. What is a Digital Certificate?

26. Who is an e-citizen?

27. What is e-broking ?

28. What is cryptography ?

(8x1 = 8wt.)

SECTION – C Answer any five questions in not exceeding one paragraph each.

Each question carries a weightage of 2.

29. Briefly discuss about Flash memory and its applications. 30. Briefly explain the physical structure of Internet. 31. Describe the process of Internet Shopping. 32. Explain various e-banking services offered by banks in India. 33. Define e-cash, and list the different types of e-cash. 34. What are some of the potentially dangerous internet services, and why? 35. Explain the benefits and risk of e-governance. 36. Briefly discuss various e-business models.

(5x2 = 10wt.)


Answer any two questions in not exceeding four pages each. Each question carries a weightage of 4.

37. Discuss in detail e-governance and its different models. 38. Illustrate and explain the features and design of a Desktop computer. 39. Discuss in detail the working of internet browsers with proper illustrations.

(2x4 = 8wt)

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Complementary Course I: CC 1131 - MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS (2010 Admissions onwards)

Time: Three Hours Max: Weightage: 30


This section consists of four bunches of four questions each. Each bunch carries a weightage of 1. Answer all questions.

I. Choose the most appropriate answer from the following:

1 .Price mechanism refers to: (a) the operations of the forces of demand and supply (b) the operations of the forces of demand and price (c) the operations of the forces of supply and purchasing power of the customer (d) the operations of the forces of demand of the customer 2. Note the properties of the Indifference curves: (a) Indifference curves are concave to the origin (b) Indifference curves are convex to the origin (c) Indifference curves cannot intersect each other (d) Indifferences curves need not necessarily be parallel to each other 3. Under bilateral monopoly there is: (a) so many sellers and buyers (b) only one buyer and many sellers (c) only one seller and many buyers (d)a single buyer and a single seller

4. Which one of the following steps is not relevant in decision making? (a) identification of the problem (b) evaluation of alternatives (c) follow up action (d) studying the situation

II.5. Which one of the following reasons is not valid for the demand curve slopes towards right? (a) income effect (b) substitution effect (c) diminishing marginal utility (d) increasing the purchasing power of the consumer 6. Which one of the following conditions is not applicable in pricing decisions under

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perfect competition? (a) large number of buyers and sellers (b) free entry and exit (c) homogeneous product (d) presence of transportation cost

7. Which one of the following objectives is not applicable to pricing policy? (a) profit maximization (b) ensuring a certain market share (c) sales maximization (d) encouraging the price war 8. Which one of the following properties is not applicable to Isoquants? (a) Isoquants never intersects (b) Isoquants slope downwards from left to right (c) Isoquants are concave to the origin (d) Different proportions of two variable inputs that yield equal product III. Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from those given in brackets. 9. The customer is in equilibrium when he maximises his …………….. [ (a) marginal utility (b) additional utility (c) utility (d) total utility] . 10. A producer is said to be in equilibrium regarding combination of inputs when he hits at the…………. …..combination [ (a) least cost output. (b).high cost output (c)low cost input (d)least cost input] 11.A market situation where there are only ………………….is duopoly] [ (a) two sellers (b) many sellers (c)one buyer and one seller (d) two buyers.] 12. Rise in price leads to ………………..in demand

[(a)increase (b) decrease (c) contraction (d) extension]

IV . Match the following. A B 13. Micro economics (a) benefits common to all the firms located in a particular area 14. Internal economies (b) convex to the origin 15.Isoquants. (c) behavior of individual economic units 16. External economies (d) managerial economics (e) intersect (f) deals with economy as a whole ( 4 x I = 4 wt.)


Answer any eight questions in one or two sentences each. Each question carries a weightage of 1.

17.What is demand function? 18.What is marginal revenue ?

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19.What do you mean by demand forecasting ? 20. What is supply schedule? 21.What is point elasticity ? 22. What is production function ? 23. What do you mean by marginal product ? 24. What is break even analysis ? 25 .What is cost reduction? 26. State the law of supply. 27.What do you understand by price discrimination ? 28.What is business boom? ( 8 x1=8 wt.)

SECTION- C Answer any five questions in not exceeding one paragraph each.

Each question carries a weightage of 2. 29.Explain dumping. 30. What is monopolistic competition ? What are its features ? 31.Explain Kinked curve. 32. Explain budgetary control. 33.What is margin of safety ? How is it calculated ? 34. Explain consumer’s surplus. 35. State the objectives of pricing policy. 36.Discuss the methods to control business cycle. (5x2=10 wt)


Answer any two questions in not exceeding four pages each. Each question carries a weightage of 4.

37. Describe the law of demand. State the assumptions and exceptions to the law. 38.What is demand forecasting ? How is it classified ? State the purposes of each. 39.Define supply. Explain the factors determining supply of a commodity by a firm and market. (2x 4=8 wt.)

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Foundation Course I: CC 1221- ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES (2010 Admissions onwards)

Time: Three Hours Max:Weightage:30

SECTION –A This section consists of four bunches of four questions each. Each bunch carries a weightage of 1. Answer all questions.

I Choose the most appropriate answer from the following

1. The graphic representation of the number of individuals of various tropic levels per unit per area at any time is called:

(a) ecological pyramid (b) pyramid of numbers (c) pyramid of biomass (d) pyramid of energy 2. Dry climate with moist air is one of the characteristic features of : (a) tropical rain forest ecosystem (b) tropical seasonal forest ecosystem (c) temperate forest ecosystem (d) mediterranian shrub forest system 3. Biomedical wastes are generated from: (a) household activities (b) industrial activities (c) health care activities (d) hazardous activities 4. Ex-situ conservation means conservation of species : (a) in their natural ecosystem (b in man-made ecosystem (c) in protected areas (d) away from their natural habitat under human supervision

II.5. The idea of sustainable development was conceived in : (a) early 1970s (b) early 1980s (c) early 1990s (d) early 2000 6. Which one of the following is an objective of eco-labeling of products? (a) marketing a product which does not adversely affect the health

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(b) encourage the manufacturers for using eco-friendly materials in their products (c) maintain reputation in the market (d) provide information about environmental factors to the consumers in taking their purchase decisions

7. The diffused sources of water pollution include: (a) industries (b) sewage treatment plants (c) run-off from agricultural land (d) off shore oil wells 8. The environmental ethics deals with : (a) the right or wrong actions of mankind in respect of his surroundings (b) remedial measures to control the depletion of ozone layer (c) resettlement and rehabilitation of people (d) strategies to protect environment from waste products III. Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from those given in brackets: 9. An ecosystem is composed of abiotic and………components [ (a). genetic (b) biotic (c) aquatic (d) aesthetic ] 10. A complex of inter-related food chain is called ……………. [(a) food web (b) grazing food chain (c) detritus food chain (d) balanced diet] 11. …………of solid waste is the first fundamental function of solid waste management [(a) Disposal (b) Processing (c) Collection (d)Purification ] 12. The arrangements to collect flood water in flood plains are referred to as………….. [(a) water conservation (b) water harvesting (c) save water campaign (d) watershed management] IV . Match the following. A B 13. Decomposers (a) Micro consumers 14. Waste management (b) Macro consumers 15. Green marketing (c) Source reduction 16. Acid rain (d) Eco friendly products (e) Air pollution (f) Marine pollution (4x1= 4 wt.)

SECTION- B Answer any eight questions in one or two sentences each.

Each question carries a weightage of 1.

17. Define environmental studies. 18. What do you mean by Ecology ? 19. What is food chain?

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20. Define biodiversity. 21. What is habitat loss? 22. What do you mean by contamination ? 23. What are nuclear hazards ? 24. What is green house effect ? 25. What is afforestation ? 26. What is ecomark ? 27. What is recycling? 28. What do you understand by human rights ? (8x1= 8 wt.)


Answer any five questions in not exceeding one paragraph each. Each question carries a weightage of 2.

29. What is ecological succession ? What are its characteristics ? 30 Explain grassland ecosystem. 31. What are the causes of water pollution ? 32. Explain solid waste management. 33. What are the effects of global warming ? 34. Explain the role of an individual in conservation of natural resources. 35. Explain disaster management. 36. State the importance of value education. (5x2= 10 wt.)


Answer any two questions in not exceeding four pages each. Each question carries a weightage of 4.

37. What is environment ? Explain the different segments of environment. 38. What is water conservation ? State the major strategies that can be adapted to conserve water. 39.What is population explosion ? Explain the effects of population explosion. (2x4= 8 wt.)

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(2010 Admissions onwards)

Time: Three Hours Max: Weightage: 30


This section consists of four bunches of four questions each. Each bunch carries a weightage of 1. Answer all questions.

. I. Choose the most appropriate answer from the following. 1.The process of efficiently getting activities completed with and through other people is: (a) management (b) administration (c) direction (d) leadership 2. The guide for administrative action is : (a) objective (b) rule (c) method (e) policy 3. The flow of authority from the top management to lower level is directed and regulated by the process of:

(a) decentralization (b) centralization (c) delegation

(d) departmentation 4. The final step in selection is: (a) recruitment (b) training (c) placement (d) appraisal II 5. Managers oversee the subordinates at work through: (a) motivation (b) communication (c) supervision (d) leadership

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6. The risk of uncertainty can be reduced through proper: (a) co-ordination (b) planning (c) decision making (d) administration 7. Which one of the following is an internal source of recruitment: (a) placement agencies (b) telecasting (c) web-publishing (d) promotion 8. Ability of a person to look at a matter from others’ point of view is: (a) decisiveness (b) initiative (c) empathy (d) integrity III .Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from those given in brackets. 9. The concept of scientific management is propounded by…………… [(a) Henry Fayol (b) Elton Mayo (c) F.W. Taylor (d) Max Webber] 10………………is the planning for unpredictable contingencies. [ (a) strategic planning (b) Tactical planning (c) formal planning (d) informal planning] 11. The process of assigning duties and authority to others is known as…………….. [(a) departmentation (b) decentralization (c) delegation (d) authorization] 12. Centralization of authority at the top itself is …………style of leadership [ (a).autocratic (b) participative ( c) free-rein (d) paternalistic] IV. Match the following. A B 13. Job enrichment (a) Rule 14. Managerial grid (b) Policy 15. Specific and detailed guide to action (c) Blake and mountain 16. Participative (d) Centralised power (e) Decentralised power (f) Motivation

(4x1=4 wt.)


Answer any eight questions in one or two sentences each. Each question carries a weightage of 1.

17. What is supervisory management ? 18. What do you mean by organization structure ?

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19. What do you understand by strategy ? 20. What is span of management ? 21. What do you understand by planning ? 22. What is budgeting ? 23. What is meant by recruitment ? 24. What do you mean by free-rein leadership ? 25. What is global management ? 26. Distinguish between MBO and MBE. 27. What is the need for motivation? 28. What do you mean by group dynamics? (8x1= 8wt.)


Answer any five questions in not exceeding one paragraph each. Each question carries a weightage of 2.

29. Explain Systems Management School of Thought 30 “There is close and reciprocal relationship between planning and controlling”. Comment. 31. Outline the basic theory of managerial grid. 32. Explain how functional management is different from divisional organization structure? 33. “ Co-ordination is the essence of management “. Explain. 34. Distinguish between training and development. 35. “ Delegation provides the means whereby a manager multiplies himself.” Comment. 36. Explain the significance of job evaluation to an industrial enterprise. (5x2= 10wt.)


Answer any two questions in not exceeding four pages each. Each question carries a weightage of 4.

37. What do you mean by HRM ? Briefly state the activities of HRM. 38. Explain the planning process in organizations. Give the classification of various types of managerial plan. 39. “ Good leadership is an integral part of effective direction “. Elucidate. (2x4= 8 wt.)

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(2010 Admissions onwards)

Time: Three Hours Max: Weightage: 30


This section consists of four bunches of four questions each. Each bunch carries a weightage of 1. Answer all questions.

I. Choose the most appropriate answer from the following. 1. In the absence of an agreement between partners, profits and losses shall be shared : (a) in the proportion of their capital contribution. (b) in the proportion of capital after deducting drawings. (c) equally. (d) in the ratio of their current account balance. 2.Current accounts are opened for partners by the firm when: (a) capital accounts are kept under fluctuating method. (b) capital accounts are kept under fixed capital method . (c) when bank account is opened personally for each partner. (d) when the partner withdraws amount at regular intervals. 3.Cash in transit represents : (a) cash sent by branch to Head office but not received by Head office . (b) cash sent by Head office to the branch but not received by the branch. (c) cash kept by the branch in its bank account. (d) cash kept by Head office in its bank account . 4.Stock and Debtors system for Branch Accounting is followed by : (a) branches which sells goods both for cash and credit. (b) branches to which Head office supplies goods at selling price. (c) branches to which Head office supplies goods at cost price. (d) independent branches.

II.5.Realisation account is opened by a partnership firm at the time of: (a) admission of a partner. (b) in the event of death of a partner.

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(c) in the event of dissolution of a firm. (d) when retirement and admission takes place simultaneously.

6. Garner vs. Murray is applied : (a) when admission of a partner takes place. (b) when an existing partner retires and a new partner is admitted. (c) at the time of dissolution of a firm. (d) at the time of dissolution and when a partner becomes insolvent. 7. The assets and liabilities continue to appear in the Balance Sheet at the old figures subsequent to revaluation when: (a) revaluation account is opened . (b) profit and loss adjustment account is opened. (c) profit and loss appropriation account is opened. (d) memorandum revaluation account is opened. 8. Incorporating entries are required : (a) to show the results of transactions of the Head Office. (b) to find the profits of the branch. (c) to incorporate the branch trial balance in Head Office books. (d) to incorporate the branch profit and loss account in Head Office books. III. Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from those given in brackets. 9. Branch Account under Debtors System is ---------------- account. [ (a) real (b) personal (c) nominal (d) fictitious ] 10. When the new partner brings premium for goodwill, it is shared by the old partners in ________ ratio [ (a) gaining (b) sacrificing (c) new (d) old ] 11. The final profits or losses shown by the Memorandum Revaluation Account prepared at the time of admission of a new partner is shared by _______ [ (a) old partners (b) old partners and new partners (c) sacrificing partners (d) gaining partners ] 12. A partner admitted into the partnership firm acquires the right to share in the assets of the partnership and also the right to share ________of the firm. [(a) in the profits and losses (b) in the profits (c) in the goodwill (d) in the liabilities] IV. Match the following: A B 13. Sacrificing ratio (a) Excess of invoice price over cost price 14. Fixed capital (b) Retirement of a partner 15. Goods in transit (c) Stock and Debtors System 16. Loading (d) Current account

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(e) Branch (f) Admission of a partner (4x1=4wt.)

SECTION-B Answer any eight questions.

Each question carries a weightage of 1 . 17. What do you mean by partnership ? 18. A and B are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses equally. They admit C as a new Partner giving a fifth share in future profits. Calculate the new profit sharing ratio. 19. Give the adjustment entries made by the Head Office when goods are sent to branch at invoice price. 20. What is Realisation Account? How is it differing from Revaluation Account? 21. Mention the purpose of taking joint life policy by a partnership firm. 22. A firm is dissolved and after discharging all outside liabilities there is a sum of 40,000. How will you distribute it to the partners X and Y having a capital of Rs.1,00,000 and Rs. 80,000 respectively and who shares profits and losses in the ratio of 2:1. 23. At the time of closing the books of account by the head office, it is observed that the Delhi Branch had sent Rs. 5,000 but it is not still received. Record this transaction in head office books. 24.Write a note on Maximum Loss Method of piecemeal distribution of cash . 25. X and Y who share profits and losses equally admit Z for ¼ th share in future profits. Z is unable to bring his share of goodwill. The goodwill of the firm is valued at Rs.20,000. Show the treatment of goodwill. 26. A branch purchased furniture for Rs 10,000 for its use with the permission of the Head Office How will you record this transaction in the books of the branch and Head Office? 27. Goods costing Rs 7500 is transferred by Kanpur branch to Agra branch as per the instruction from the Head office. How is it dealt with in the books of Head office and Agra branch? 28. Show the treatment of unrecorded assets, if any, at the time of dissolution of a firm. (8x1=8wt.)


Answer any five questions.

Each question carries a weightage of 2. 29. Raju and Rahim sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2 decided to dissolve the firm. Their capital was Rs. 30,000 and Rs.20,000 respectively. Raju agreed to discharge his wife’s loan of Rs.10,000 at an agreed amount of Rs.9,000 in full settlement. He also agreed to collect the book debts of Rs.10000 at an agreed value of Rs. 7,500. Rahim took over an unrecorded liability of Rs.2,000.Show the accounting entries to record the above transactions. 30. When the branch maintain complete double entry system of accounts, how will you

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deal with the following: a) Goods supplied by branch to Head office

b) Remittance-in-transit c) Goods-in-transit d) Depreciation of branch fixed assets 31. If a firm maintains both capital and current account of partners A and B, how will you record the following: a) commission payable to A b) drawings made by B c) fresh capital introduced by B d) share of profit earned by A and B. 32. A,B and C started a partnership on 1st January2009 with a capital of Rs.40,000,Rs.30,000 and Rs.20000 respectively. The partnership deed provides that : a) interest on capital is provided @10% p.a. b) A is entitled to a salary of Rs.250 p.m. c) interest on partners drawings be provided at 5% p.a. and the amount comes to Rs.300,Rs.200 and Rs.100 respectively for A,B and C. d) B is entitled to a commission of 5% on net profit after charging interest on capital ,interest on drawings, salary and commissions. On 31st December 2009 the profit of the firm showed an amount of Rs.3,500 prior to the above adjustments. Prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account. 33. P and Q are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:1. They admit R as a partner with 1/4th share of profit on the condition that he should bring in Rs.40,000 as capital. The capital of old partners after all adjustments have been worked at Rs.90,000 for X and Rs.30,000 for Y. It is agreed that the capital of the partners should as per the new profit sharing ratio. You are required to ascertain the new capital of X and Y and pass the necessary Journal entries assuming that the adjustments are made by opening current accounts. 34. Explain the different methods of treatment of goodwill at the time of retirement of a partner. 35. From the following particulars, calculate the value of goodwill of the firm by capitalization method. Average profit of firm during the past few years is Rs 50,000. Normal rate of return in a similar type of business- 20%. Net tangible assets of the firm Rs 1,60,000. 36. Joy &Company Ltd. Kolkata has a branch at Guwahati for sale of its goods . The following particulars are furnished for the year ending 31st march 2009. Rs. Goods sent to branch 1,42,000 Goods returned by branch 4,000 Cash sales 79,000 Credit sales 2,02,000 Cash recovered from debtors 1,89,500 Branch expenses paid by the head office:

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Rent 10,000 Salaries 30,000 Cash sent by head office to branch for petty cash Rs 5,000. Other details are the following. 1st April 2008 31st March 2009 Rs. Rs. Petty cash at branch 100 150 Branch debtors 23,500 ? Branch stock 44,500 27,000 All cash collections are remitted to head office. Prepare branch account in H.O. books. (5 x 2 = 10wt.)

SECTION-D Answer any two questions .

Each questions carries a weightage of 4. 37.R,S and T are in partnership sharing profits and losses 3/6th , 2/6th , and 1/6th respectively.

. The Balance sheet on the date of dissolution was as follows:

Balance Sheet of R,S and T

Liabilities Amount Assets Amount Rs. Rs. Sundry creditors 38,500 Cash in hand 9,860 R’s Loan account 2,750 Sundry Debtors 30,560 R’s Capital account 15,200 Stock 18,440 S’s Capital account 11,200 Furniture 7,200 T’s Capital 1,590 ------------- ------------- 67,650 67, 650 ======= ====== The assets realized are : Stock Rs 13,840, Furniture Rs 5,150 and Debtors Rs 29,200. The creditors were paid less discount Rs 250 . T is insolvent and is unable to bring in anything. The expenses of winding up were Rs 520. Show the ledger accounts as per Garner vs. Murray decision.

38.A,B and C are equal partners retires on 31st March 2009. The Balance Sheet of the firm as on 31st

December 2008 stood as follows:

Balance Sheet Liabilities Amount Assets Amount

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Rs. Rs. Creditors 12,900 Cash in hand 1,000 Contingency reserve 4,000 Cash at bank 4,000 Investment fluctuation fund 1,200 Debtors 10000 Less provision for Doubtful debts 800 9,200 Partner’s capital : Stock 10,000 A 30000 Investments(at cost) 5,000 B 20000 Land and Building 40,000 C 20000 70,000 Goodwill 18,900 ----------- ---------- 88,100 88, 100 ======= ===== In order to arrive at the balance due to ‘C’, it was mutually agreed that : (a) Land and building be valued at Rs.50,000. (b) Investment fluctuation fund be brought to Rs.500. (c) Debtors being all good, no reserve is required . (d) Stock is taken at Rs.9,400. (e) Goodwill will be valued at one year’s purchase of the average profits of the past five years. (f) C’s share of profits to the date of retirement is calculated on the basis of the average

profit of the preceding three years. The profits for the preceding years were as under: 2004, Rs.11,500, 2005, Rs.14,000, 2006, Rs.9,000, 2007,Rs.8,000 2008,Rs.10,000. Pass journal entries. Give retiring partners capital account and the revised balance sheet. 39. A and co. having its head office at Delhi with branches at Luck now and Allahabad closes its

annual account on 31st Dec 2009,when the following transactions have taken place. a) Remittance of Rs.4,500 made by Luck now branch to its H.O on 31st December2009 was received by the H.O on 5th Jan next. b) Goods valuing Rs.2,200 dispatched by Allahabad branch on 27th December 2009 was received by the Luck now branch on 3rd January next. c) Depreciation amounted to Rs1,100 on Lucknow branch fixed asset(accounts of such assets are maintained by HO) d) Goods worth Rs.9,000 dispatched by H.O. to Lucknow branch on 30th December2009 was received by the branch on 7th January following. Show entries in the books of H.O. and Luck now branch at the close of the year.


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PUBLICATIONS AND STATISTICS (2010 Admissions onwards)

Time: Three Hours Max. Weightage : 30 SECTION- A

This section consists of four bunches of four questions each. Each bunch carries a weightage of 1. Answer all questions.

I. Choose the most appropriate answer from the following.

1. The short cut key for ‘Paste’ is : (a) Ctrl X (b) Ctrl V (c) Ctrl S (d) Ctrl P

2. Which one of the following Navigation Key is used to select the beginning of the document?

(a) Ctrl+End (b) Ctrl+Home (c) Page Up (d) Home

3. State the number system in which the base is 16.

(a) Octal (b) Hexadecimal (c) Binary (d) Decimal

4. The number of bytes in 1 KB is :

(a) 1000 (b) 1024

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(c) 1048 (d) None of these

II. 5. The tools used to draw circles and ovals in PageMaker are :

(a) Hand tool (b) Ellipse tool (c) Line tool (d) Rotating tool.

6 How many panels SPSS screen consist of?

(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Six

7. The UNIX system’s command interpreter is : (a) UNIX shell (b) Kernel (c) Scheduler (d) PIPE

8. The spacing between the letters and words on the line is called: (a) Tracking

(b) Indent

(c) Subscript

(d) Fonts

III . Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from those given in brackets .

9. The process of inserting an address from the mail list document into a letter text is called……….

[(a) editing (b) mail merge (c) booting (d) importing]

10.……….is a reserved space on the hard drive where the deleted files and folders are Stored.

[ (a) memory (b) cache (c) recycle bin (d) register ]

11. Folders in Linux are equivalent of ……………… in DOS. [ (a) file (b) directory (c) path (d) drives ]

12 .An electronic circuit which operates on one or more input signals to produce standard output signals is called………………

[ (a) logic gate (b) processor (c) memory (d) complier ]

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IV . Match the following.


13. Binary (a) PageMaker

14. Linux (b) MS Word

15. Mail Merge (c) Base is 2

16. Publications (d) SPSS

(e) Free software

(f) Power Point

(4x1 =4wt.)


Answer any eight questions in one or two sentences each.

Each question carries a weightage of 1.

17. List out any five palettes used in PageMaker.

18. Explain the number system in which the base is eight.

19. What is a Truth Table?

20. What is the use of OLE in PageMaker?

21. List out various non parametric tests available in SPSS.

22. Explain the steps to delete the existing page numbers in a file.

23. What is the use of ‘search and replace’ utility in word processing.

24. State the procedure to rename a publication.

25. What is an ordinal scale?

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26. Find the binary equivalents of the decimal number 569.624.

27. Define Kernel.

28. How can you move between pages in a publication?

(8x1 = 8 wt.)


Answer any five questions in not exceeding one paragraph each.

Each question carries a weightage of 2.

29. Write a note on Logic Gates.

30. What do you mean Cascading?

31. Write down the features and advantages of free softwares.

32. What is mail merge?

33. Explain the steps to insert an image in PageMaker publication.

34. Find the decimal equivalent of the following.

(a) 101011.101(2) (b) 2BA (16) (c) 245 (8)

35. Explain the difference between swapping and paging.

36. What is meant by parametric and non parametric data and tests?

(5x2 =10wt.)


Answer any two questions in not exceeding four pages each.

Each question carries a Weightage of 4.

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37. Explain free softwares. Examine in detail the problems of security of free softwares.

38. While preparing a word document Mr. Sunil wants to insert a table and some pictures

in it. Help him by explaining the procedure for the same.

39. Explain the procedure for working with text and graphics in PageMaker.




Complementary Course II: CC 1231- BUSINESS STATISTICS

(2010 Admissions onwards) Time :Three Hours Max. Weightage : 30

SECTION – A This section consists of four bunches of four questions each. Each bunch carries a weightage of 1. Answer all questions.

I. Choose the most appropriate answer from the following. 1. Statistics can best be considered as:

(a) an art (b) science (c) both art as well as science (d) neither art nor science

2. While editing primary data, we have only to see that information contained in questionnaire is: (a) complete (b) consistent

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(c) homogenous (d) accurate

3. When population under investigation is infinite we should use the : (a) sample method (b) census method (c) either census or sample method (d) none of these

4. The geometric mean of two numbers 8 and 18 shall be : (a) 12 (b) 13 (c) 15 (d) 11.08

II . 5. If some of the products of deviations of x and y series from their means is ? xy is Zero, the coefficient of correlation shall be

(a) +1 (b) 0 (c) -1 (d) none of these

6. When one regression coefficient is negative the other would be: (a) bivariate (b) positive (c) zero (d) none of these

7. Time reversal test is satisfied when: (a) P01 x P10 = 0 (b) P01 x P10 = 1 (c) P01 x P10 = >1 (d) P01 x P10 = <1

8. In the least square, linear trend equation Y = a + bx, if b is positive it indicates: (a) declining trend (b) rising trend (c) no trend at all (d) all of these

III. Fill in the blanks choosing suitable words from those given in brackets. 9. Probability ranges from _________ to ______________

[(a) - 0 to +1 (b) 0 to 1 (c) 1 to 0 (d) + 0 to -1] 10. The additive model of a time series is expressed as _________.

[(a) Y=T–S + C x I (b) Y= T x S x C+ I (c) Y=T + S + C + I (d) Y = T+S – C +I] 11. Index numbers are _____________ averages.

[ (a)geometric (b) arithmetic (c) specialised (d) progressive] 12. If the ‘r’ is more than six times _________ it is called significant.

[ (a) no error (b) error ( c) standard error (d) probable error]

IV Match the following: A B

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13. Range (a) Measure of dispersion 14. Rank Correlation (b) Spearman 15. Secular trend (c) Long term movement 16. Baye’s theorem (d) Short term movement

(e) P(A/B) (f) P(AB) (4 x 1 =4 wt.)


Answer any eight questions. Each question carries a weightage of 1.

17. Explain how cost of living index numbers are constructed ? 18. What is economic time series ? 19. State the relationship between nPr and nCr. 20. What is regression ? 21. Define Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation 22. What are the functions of averages ? 23. State the various measures of central tendency. 24. Define primary and secondary data. 25. State the principle underlying classification of data. 26. Distinguish between positive and negative correlation. 27. Distinguish between regression and correlation. 28. Explain the various approaches to probability. ( 8 x 1= 8 wt.)


Answer any five questions. Each question carries a weightage of 2.

29. Distinguish the difference between simple and compound events 30. What is the purpose of analysing seasonal variation in business problem 31. What is the probability that a leap year selected at random will contain either 53

Thursdays or 53 Fridays. 32. Explain briefly the method of moving averages for calculating the trend. 33. In calculating a certain cost of living index number the following weights were used:

food 15, clothing 3, rent 4, fuel and light 2, miscellaneous 1. Calculate the index for the period when the average percentage increase in prices of items in the various groups over the base period were 32, 54, 47, 78 and 58 respectively. Suppose a business executive was earning Rs.2050 in the base period, what should be his salary in the current period if his standard of living is to remain the same.

34. What is an index number ? Analyse the use of index numbers. 35. Explain what are regression lines ? Why are there two such lines ? 36. Explain clearly the relationship between mean, median and mode. (5 x 2= 10 wt.)

SECTION-D Answer any two questions.

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Each question carries a weightage of 4.

37. What do you mean by time series analysis? Explain the components of time series. 38.The following data relate to the scores obtained by 9 sales men of a company in an

Intelligence Test and their weekly sales in Rs.’ 000. Sales men A B C D E F G H I Intelligence Test score 50 60 50 60 80 50 80 40 70 Weekly sales 30 60 40 50 60 30 70 50 60

(i) Obtain the regression equation of sales on Intelligence Test scores of the salesmen.

(ii) If the Intelligence Test Scores of a salesmen is 65, what would be his expected weekly sales ?

39.It is stated that the Marshall Edgeworth index number is a good approximation to the Fishers ideal index number. Verify using the following data.

2008 2009 Commodity P Q P Q

A 2 74 3 82 B 5 125 4 140 C 7 40 6 33

(2 x 4 = 8wt.)

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