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Page 1: Carnivores

Kyle Young Presents


Page 2: Carnivores

Carnivores as a whole

Any animal/mammal that derives it’s meat/flesh from other animals for energy and nutrients

The term carnivore means “meat-eater”

Predation or scavenging

Important to Ecosystem

Lions Tigers and Bears OH MY!

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SEAL (SEa Air Land) Organs for capturing

and disarticulating prey. (Such as sharp teeth claws and beaks

Comes from all environments Sea, Air, or Land.

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“Finger Licking Good”

Lions are voracious carnivores

Requires up to seven kilograms (15lbs) of meat per day

Major component of their diet is the flesh of large mammals ( such as this african buffalo

Mate up to four days

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Snakes (vipers)

One of the most feared carnivores

Filled with protein degrading enzymes called proeases

Causes blood loss from cardio damage

Makes decision on how much venom to release on different occasions

Death from venom is usually caused by loss in blood pressure

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•Can digest meat at any stage of decay

•Can withstand diseases that would kill any other creature

•Waits for a larger scavenger to eat first when his dinner has to thick of a hide to open his beak

•Acute sense of smell to help catch their prey

•Seldom attack healthy animals

•Adapted to the diet of dead prey

•Has few predators

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•Diet fish seagulls dolphins and sometimes even other sharks

•Skeleton made out of cartilage instead of bones which allows more flexibility

•Most dangerous sharks

•The Great White Shark Tiger Shark and Hammer Head Shark

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The REAL Tasmanian Devil

Devil’s whiskers help it locate food

Can take prey up to the size of large kangaroos

Eat 40% of their body weight in 30 mins

Solitary animal that does not form in packs

Are opportunistic and eat carrion more than live prey

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Carnivorous plants

•Venus Fly Trap one of the most popular carnivorous plants

•Prey must come in contact with one or two trigger hairs and the plant will close in less than 0.1 second

•Takes 10 days to digest victims

•Pitcher plants has deep cavity filled with liquid called pitfall trap

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Humans Relationships with carnivores

•Creatures such as house cats and dogs are carnivores

•Cats and dogs can co-exist with humans which make humans and carnivore relationships very diverse

•Seals foxes and bobcats are used for hunting fur or food.

•Carnivores can be beneficial to humans

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Bonus Slide This is just to add a little levity to the idea of carnivore idea since their were some dark photos and videos in the power point.

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Music provided byGuns n Roses-Welcome to the

jungleLL Cool J (Shark’s Fin)Lil Wayne LouisanimalGrand Master Flash The MessageSourceshttp://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/


http://www.nhptv.org/NatureWorks/nwep10a.htmAll images literature and music

were arranged By Kyle Young

This has been a Kyle Young Production

All rights reserved © 2010

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