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  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    name="t tter car&" content="s6mmar'" #>

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    "Jt'pe" ".mageO)ject"8

    "6rl" "http ## $ p$com#techposts$org# p-content#6ploa&s#; 9 # #6nname&-TechpostsG$pngAf t=G B;CG "8

    " &th" G 8

    "he ght" G


    "&ateP6)l she&" "; 9 - - GT9 G+ ;I "8

    "&ateMo& f e&" "; 9 -99-;;T 99 ?I "8


    "Jt'pe" "Person"8

    "name" " a0 S ngh"


    "p6)l sher"

    "Jt'pe" "Organ at on"8

    "name" "Techposts$org"8


    "Jt'pe" ".mageO)ject"8

    "6rl" "http ##techposts$org# p-content#6ploa&s#; 9 # #Rogo-Tech-Cop'-;$png"8

    " &th" 9?G8

    "he ght" ;



    "&escr pt on" "E0er'one s a are of Scr )&8 h ch s the orl& s largest & g tal l )rar' of all: n&s of r tten )oo:s as PD"

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo



  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    tem men6- tem-t'pe-c6stom men6- tem-o)ject-c6stom men6- tem-9 ;+ "><class="fa fa-home"> Home< class="fa fa-an&ro &"> ,n&ro &< class="fa fa-56est on-c rcle"> HoTo< class="fa fa-apple"> OS< class="fa fa- n&o s">( n&o s< class="fa fa- or&press">(or&Press< class="fafa-0 &eo-camera"> V &eos

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    &ata-a&-cl ent="ca-p6)-9 +;?9?F G 9? "

    &ata-a&-slot="+?G 9F99 ?"> /a&s)'google = n&o $a&s)'google NN341$p6sh/ Q1K

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    / mportant step1$

    Uploa& ,n'Doc6ment to Scr )& 'o6r ,cco6nt Uploa& ,n' Doc6ment to Scr )&,cco6nt

    %Step? 2n)spK o Uploa& an' t'pe of &oc6ment$*or eg create a ne te t &oc6ment an& r te an'th ng on t an&


    %Step 2n)spK 0e t tles an& &escr pt on for the 6ploa&e&content /not re56 re& )6t f 'o6 ant to8 'o6 can1 an& Sa0e t to cont n6e$

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    log n 6s ng2n)spK'o6r *ace)oo: acco6nt2n)spKor S gn 6p for a ne acco6nt or )6' a pa &mem)ersh p8 nor 6ploa& an' &oc6ment2n)spKto Scr )&$ Yo6 j6st nee& Mo lla * refo (e)

    ro ser for th s tas:$

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    &oc6ment@ &=9 +FF; 9F2ampKaccess@:e'=:e'-9G&a0)c&e ne nFm ;

    ,n& paste the mo& f e& 6rl n a ne

    )ro ser n&o $

    < mg class="al gncenter p- mage-F G " src="" alt="scr )&-&o nloa&er-

    " &th=" ;;" he ght=";+F" &ata-la' r="http ##techposts$org# p-

    content#6ploa&s#; 9 # #scr )&-&o nloa&er- ;$png">?1 Ret the &oc6ment loa&$ Once t s completel' loa&e&8 cl c: on thepr nt )6tton an& then sa0e as p&f$< mgclass="al gncenter p- mage-F G9" src="" alt="scr )&-&o nloa&er-?" &th=" G+"he ght=" F;" &ata-la' r="http ##techposts$org# p-content#6ploa&s#; 9 # #scr )&-&o nloa&er-?;$png"> 1 That2rs56oKs t! The &oc6ment ll )e &o nloa&e& as a

    p&f f le to 'o6r comp6ter$ There are a co6ple of more scr )& &o nloa&er

    metho&s 6s ng h ch 'o6 can &o nloa& from scr )& tho6t pa' ngthem mone'$

    o that 'o6 :no ho to &o nloa& f les from Scr )& forfree8 So go ahea& an& &o nloa& hate0er &oc6ments 'o6 l :e$

    .f 'o6 face an'

    pro)lems n follo ng th s t6tor al8 lea0e a comment )elo $2n)spK,lso2n)spKS6)scr )e 6s for more s6ch Ho to Tech 6 &es on,n&ro &8 OS8 ( n&o s8 Mac an& R n6 )elo 2n)spKor2n)spKConnect th 6s to sta' 6p&ate&for more on2n)spK*ace)oo:82n)spK oogleI2n)spKan&2n)spKT tter$ < np6t t'pe="s6)m t" 0al6e="S gn Me Up"name="jetpac:@s6)scr pt ons@ &get" #>

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    content#js#&e0 cep -jetpac:$jsL>

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    e0en &epth-9" &="l -comment-;G?">S6n W6ne ;98 ; 9

    .2%+;9 Km 6s ng th r& step an& ts or:$Than: 'o6 so m6ch &6&e! H ) m W6ne ;G8 ; 9

    Metho& G onl' g 0es the f rst F pages forme$ ,n' a' to f th sA cma W6l' 9 8 ; 9

    same th ng happens th me as ell$$ . cansee the ent re &oc6ment )6t can2%+;9 Kt &o nloa& more then the f rst G pages < mgsrc=" http ##techposts$org# p- ncl6&es# mages#sm l es#fro n e$png" alt=" /" class=" p-sm le'"


  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    st'le="he ght 9emK ma -he ght 9emK" #> Manthan Octo)er ; 8 ; 9

    W6st t'pe the n6m)er of pages n the & alog

    )o )elo pr nt or a)o0e pr nt )6tton th s ll sol0e the pro)lem!CCa& o0em)er ;98 ; 9

    .f 'o6 cl c: share n the top r ght corneran& then cl c: the l n: 6n&er 2%+;; K E,D O SC . D2%+;;9K an& then cl c: &o nloa&8 t

    ll let 'o6 &o nloa& the hole th ng for free$

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    s=9? 2ampK&=monster &2ampKr=g ; L class=La0atar a0atar-+ photoL he ght=L+ L &th=L+ L #>

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    Chec:nmaterL> epl' ,S M,R,. Octo)er ;8 ; 9

    The f rst one reall' or:s!!!!!! Than:s a lottechposts! V nce W6l' G 8 ; 9

    ,ma ng! The f rst one or:s on me < mgsrc=" http ##techposts$org# p- ncl6&es# mages#sm l es#s mple-sm le$png" alt=" 1" class=" p-sm le'" st'le="he ght 9emK ma -he ght 9emK" #> Than:s Chec:nmater ,6g6st 8 ; 9

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    class="commentte t" temprop="commentTe t">

    Yo62%+;9 Kre al a's elcome!! < mgsrc=" http ##techposts$org# p- ncl6&es# mages#sm l es#s mple-sm le$png" alt=" 1" class=" p-sm le'" st'le="he ght 9emK ma -he ght 9emK" #> shoa ) ,6g6st ;8 ; 9

    than:s 0ams ,6g6st 8 ; 9

    than:s t or:s

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    epl' Chec:nmater ,6g6st +8 ; 9

    Happ' to help 'o6$ Most elcome!! < mgsrc=" http ##techposts$org# p- ncl6&es# mages#sm l es#s mple-sm le$png" alt=" 1" class=" p-sm le'" st'le="he ght 9emK ma -he ght 9emK" #> W Septem)er 9 8 ; 9

    He' there8 t seems for metho& ; the l n:for the M 6ser scr pt s &o n or m ss ng$ .s there some place else e can &o nloa& the scr ptACheers$

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    temt'pe="http ##schema$org#UserComments"> < mg alt=LLsrc=Lhttp ##;$gra0atar$com#a0atar#+ eG +&?f ;c ? + ?9f9GG9 ) &)As=+ 2% G+K&=monster &2% G+Kr=gL srcset=Lhttp ##;$gra0atar$com#a0atar#+ eG +&?f ;c ? + ?9f9GG9 ) &)As=9? 2ampK&=monster &2ampKr=g ; L class=La0atar a0atar-+ photoL he ght=L+ L &th=L+ L #>

    Harr' Decem)er ?8 ; 9

    ,fter 'o6 t'pe& e0er'th ng for 'o6r 6ploa&f le /name8 &escr pt on8 etc18 'o6 ha0e to cl c: the 2%+;; KSa0e 2ampK Cont n6e2%+;;9K l ne$,fter that8 cop' the 6rl to the a&&ress )ar of 'o6r e) )ro ser an& press Enter$ Hope ts or:! epl' ,&r an ghtsell Decem)er ;+8


  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    la)el=L epl' to ( ll am T moth'L> epl' W m ,6g6st 9F8 ; 9

    Use& metho& 98 or:e& f ne$Than:s! ,&e)anjo ,6g6st ; 8 ; 9

    ot or: ng for me$ ,m 6s ng an&ro &

    phone /phantom tecno1$ .s t or:a)le th an&ro & phonesA ,l ,6g6st ; 8 ; 9

    There s no l n: for the reasemon:e'


  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    6ser-scr pt mrcl ,6g6st ; 8 ; 9

    co6l& 'o6 paste the reasemon:e' 6ser-scr pt8 PRE,SEA Tre0or ,6g6st ; 8 ; 9

    He' man8 . tr e& metho& 9 an& t act6all'

    or:e&8 than: 'o6 so m6ch

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    temprop="name">Wa:e ,6g6st ;+8 ; 9

    S6rpr s ngl' eno6gh th s or:e&8 than:'o6! sa56 ) hasan ,6g6st ;F8 ; 9

    . am onl' a)le to &o nloa& f rst 9?

    pages$ M,S ,6g6st G 8 ; 9

    here s the 6ser-scr ptA alrea&'&o nloa&e& greasemon:e'8 all nee& s the scr pt

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    s=9? 2ampK&=monster &2ampKr=g ; L class=La0atar a0atar-+ photoL he ght=L+ L &th=L+ L #>

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    -->&a0 e Septem)er 998 ; 9

    Than: &6&e8 metho& 9 or:s l :echarm jes 9 Septem)er ;98 ; 9

    . cant follo step %+ n metho& 9$ Theresno 2%+;9?K&o nloa&2%+;9 K that appears n m' screen$$ pls help me plssssssss co . reall'nee& the &oc6ment .2%+;9 Km go ng to &o nloa& men& ngG Septem)er ;98 ; 9

    the f rst step or:s :e a charm$ so8 s mpl'6ploa& a f le an& 'o6 can &o nloa& the f le 'o6 ante& to

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    rel=Lnofollo L class=Lcomment-repl'-l n:L href=Lhttp ##techposts$org#ho -to-&o nloa&-&oc6ments-from-scr )&-for-free-9 - or: ng#Arepl'tocom=+G99%respon& L oncl c:=Lret6rna&&Comment$mo0e*orm/ "comment-+G99"8 "+G99"8 "respon&"8 "FG " 1L ar a-la)el=L epl' tomen& ngGL> epl' l&r9 Septem)er ;98 ; 9

    t or:s perfectl'8 the th r& opt on s the

    )est! 8 an& as tr' ng &o nloa& an& . th n: t or: n an' )ro ser8 )6t ts )etter 6se Chrome8

    -2gtK pr nt from 9-7 page8 than:s &6&e! Wolene Septem)er ; 8 ; 9

    Than: 'o6! metho& one or:e&! < mgsrc=" http ##techposts$org# p- ncl6&es# mages#sm l es#s mple-sm le$png" alt=" 1" class=" p-sm le'" st'le="he ght 9emK ma -he ght 9emK" #>

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    temprop="name">Et enne Septem)er ;F8 ; 9

    (ath s the l n: for the rease Mon:e'scr pt j m Octo)er 98 ; 9



  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    F99 " temscope temt'pe="http ##schema$org#UserComments"> < mg alt=LL src=Lhttp ## $gra0atar$com#a0atar#?+G ) F?ffcfa; faG c e& & &)+)fAs=+ 2% G+K&=monster &2% G+Kr=gL srcset=Lhttp ## $gra0atar$com#a0atar#?+G ) F?ffcfa; faG c e& & &)+)fAs=9? 2ampK&=monster &2ampKr=g ; L class=La0atar a0atar-+ photoL he ght=L+ L &th=L+ L #>

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    class="commentte t" temprop="commentTe t">

    Than:'o6 0er' m6ch88the f rstmetho& or:e& for me ran:o Stefano0 c Octo)er 8 ; 9

    (or: ng free Scr )& Do nloa&er https ##scr )&o nloa&$com$ Chec: t o6t8

    t ll &o nloa& free &oc6ments tho6t an' steps or an'th ng compl cate&$ S mpl' enter U R athttps ##scr )&o nloa&$com an& pressDo nloa&$ M rosla0 M tro0 c Octo)er 9F8; 9

    .can2%+;9 Kt &o loa&8 an& 6rgentl' n nee& for he follo ng )oo: 2%+;; KThe afaranf les2%+;;9K$ SC . .D U R for th s )oo: s https ## $scr )&$com#)oo:#; + ? #The- afaran -* les$ . o6l&apprec ate f some)o&' co6l& help an& &o nloa& for me the sa & )oo:$ Than: 'o6$M rosla0

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    "respon&"8 "FG " 1L ar a-la)el=L epl' to M rosla0 M tro0 cL> epl' a'6 Octo)er 8 ; 9

    reat than: 'o6 mate$$ epl' V r6s CMPT Octo)er 8 ; 9

    . th n: th s s m' f rst t me comment ng onsome nternet post other then 'o6t6)e$ Man8 'o6r metho& s great an& t helpe& me so m6ch!!!

    .2%+;9 Km gonna chec: o6t more of 'o6r )log an& altho6gh .2%+;9 Km not nto techall that m6ch .2%+;9 Km gonna )ro se t j6st o6ta respect !!

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    src=Lhttp ##9$gra0atar$com#a0atar#aG aG;+c 9?+?af +F ?F ?;) & ; As=+ 2% G+K&=monster &2% G+Kr=gL srcset=Lhttp ##9$gra0atar$com#a0atar#aG aG;+c 9?+?af +F ?F ?;) & ; As=9? 2ampK&=monster &2ampKr=g ; L class=La0atar a0atar-+ photoL he ght=L+ L &th=L+ L #> cole 0era Octo)er 9 8 ; 9

    Than: 'o6!D leep Octo)er 9 8 ; 9

    Than: Yo6 ro2%+;G K the f rst opt on

    or:e&2%+;G K Yo6 are a gem$$

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    D leepL> epl' a0S ngh Octo)er 9F8 ; 9

    Than: Yo6!! < mg src=" http ##techposts$org# p-ncl6&es# mages#sm l es#s mple-sm le$png" alt=" 1" class=" p-sm le'" st'le="he ght 9emK ma -

    he ght 9emK" #> S6raj Octo)er 9+8 ; 9

    Than:s a lot D6&e 6 sa0e& m'Da' a0S ngh Octo)er 9F8 ; 9

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo



    Than:s8 Share th s!! sa&sa& Octo)er ; 8 ; 9

    on step + here &o . paste the 6rlAA ,&e)anjo ,) o&6n Ola'em Octo)er ; 8; 9

    Hello8Than:s for the great or:$ .t or:s on m' laptop$ Can th s or: on an&r o& phones as ellA .a a t 'o6r 56 c: repl'$ Than:s epl'

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    srcset=Lhttp ##9$gra0atar$com#a0atar#a;&))cG ) eFcG aae )? ;+F9&?FaAs=9? 2ampK&=monster &2ampKr=g ; L class=La0atar a0atar-+ photoL he ght=L+ L &th=L+ L #>

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    oncl c:=Lret6rn a&&Comment$mo0e*orm/ "comment-F;G "8 "F;G "8 "respon&"8 "FG " 1L ar a-la)el=L epl' to VagnerL> epl' ,g6st n o0em)er 98 ; 9

    .2%+;9 K0e tr e& th the so6rceco&emetho& )6t co6l&n2%+;9 Kt ma:e t http ##&9$scr )&assets$com#Scr )&V e er$s fA&oc6ment@ &=;G ? + F2% G+Kaccess@:e'=:e'-;T X rtYTln&'.E+0T H .t :eepon g 0 ng me th s message 2%+;; KError$ There as an error con0ert ng th s&oc6ment2%+;;9K$ Th s s the )oo: l n: https ##es$scr )&$com#&oc#;G ? + F#S erra-&e-C nta-'-,serra&ero

    ,n' cl6esA ran&on o0em)er ?8 ; 9

    Than:s man! eall' helpf6l < mgsrc=" http ##techposts$org# p- ncl6&es# mages#sm l es#s mple-sm le$png" alt=" 1" class=" p-sm le'" st'le="he ght 9emK ma -he ght 9emK" #>

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    class="comment o&& alt threa&-o&& threa&-alt &epth-9" &="l -comment-F; ">

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    s=9? 2ampK&=monster &2ampKr=g ; L class=La0atar a0atar-+ photoL he ght=L+ L &th=L+ L #> epl' Mel ssa o0em)er 9F8 ; 9

    (here s the 6ser-scr pt for the secon&metho&A Than:s a0S ngh o0em)er ;;8 ; 9

    The User-Scr pt &o nloa& l n: has )een6p&ate&$ Sorr' for the ncon0en ence!! Enjo'!

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    class="comment e0en &epth- " &="l -comment-F F">Mo6se Wan6ar' 8 ; 9?

    st ll not a)le to acess t8 ma')e 6p&ateaga n pleaseA Scott; o0em)er ;;8 ; 9

    *or metho& G8 .2%+;9 Km gett ng a h te

    )ar at the top an& a )lan: /gre'1 )ac:gro6n& )elo th t o heels /that :eep sp nn ngen&lessl'1 an& the or&s2%+;G Ksa0 ng trees or t'pesett ng or ren&er ng2%+;G K$Scr )& ne

    e) &es gn seem to ha0e & sa)le& th s tr c:!!! ,rman&o o0em)er ;;8 ; 9

    the f rst metho& or:

    perfect2%+;G K than: 'o6 $$than: 'o62%+;G K

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    &oc6ments-from-scr )&-for-free-9 - or: ng#Arepl'tocom=FG9G%respon& L oncl c:=Lret6rna&&Comment$mo0e*orm/ "comment-FG9G"8 "FG9G"8 "respon&"8 "FG " 1L ar a-la)el=L epl' to,rman&oL> epl' amesh j o0em)er ; 8 ; 9

    *or metho& G8 n case of pre0 e )oo:s 8 .:eep gett ng a message th t o heels sp nn ng an& a te t )elo sho ng

    2%+;; Kt'pesett ng2%+;;9K X,Y o0em)er ; 8 ; 9

    . ll &ef n tel' sa0e th s )log page 2ampK tr'the tr c:s hen on PC$ than:s Orla o0em)er ;?8 ; 9

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    srcset=Lhttp ## $gra0atar$com#a0atar#G&)c&)fa)? Ga) +&c )+Ff)&?) FGAs=9? 2ampK&=monster &2ampKr=g ; L class=La0atar a0atar-+ photoL he ght=L+ L &th=L+ L #>,n&h.ra an Decem)er 9?8 ; 9

    Than: 'o6$ Metho& n6m)er G or:for me$ P p Decem)er 9+8 ; 9

    . tr e& the f rst metho&$ ,fter cop' ng theU R an& enter8 sa the page of the )oo: . ant$ )6t . cannot f n& the Do nloa& )6ttonan' here$ & & m ss an'th ngA than: 'o6 so m6ch$ S l0 a Decem)er ;98 ; 9

    H 8 .2%+;9 K0e tr e& & fferent metho&s )6t. can2%+;9 Kt &o nloapr nt the &oc6ment/&oc 18 get an error on scr )& Doc6ment https ##es$scr )&$com#f6llscreen#;FG9 9 FAaccess@:e'=:e'-tW+p DGOr )'e TH9cf

    R n:

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    href=" http ##&9$scr )&assets$com#Scr )&V e er$s fA&oc6ment@ &=;FG9 9 F2% G+Kaccess@:e'=:e'-tW+p DGOr )'e TH9cf "rel="nofollo ">http ##&9$scr )&assets$com#Scr )&V e er$s fA&oc6ment@ &=;FG9 9 F2% G+Kaccess@:e'=:e'-tW+p DGOr )'e TH9cf

    Ha0ean')o&' the same pro)lemA

    Than: 'o6 n a&0ance$ eorge Decem)er ; 8 ; 9

    Metho& G g 0es me all the pages of the p&ff le8 . can see an& rea& + pages )6t onl' ? can &o nloa&$ http ##&9$scr )&assets$com#Scr )&V e er$s fA&oc6ment@ &=; G9 G; 2% G+Kaccess@:e'=:e'-Os UGmrj5o(M.nfU?E&0 t6shar Wan6ar' ;8 ; 9?

    ha& the same pro)lem$$ ent to the last page2ampK then selecte& pr nt opt on$$ t or:e& for me n th s a'$$

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    oncl c:=Lret6rn a&&Comment$mo0e*orm/ "comment-F "8 "F "8 "respon&"8 "FG " 1L ar a-la)el=L epl' to t6sharL> epl' Wohnpla'er Decem)er G 8 ; 9

    Than:s alot2%+;G K

    Metho& G has

    or:e& f ne for me$$ < mg src=" http ##techposts$org# p- ncl6&es# mages#sm l es#s mple-sm le$png" alt=" 1" class=" p-sm le'" st'le="he ght 9emK ma -he ght 9emK" #> epl' eorge Wan6ar' G8 ; 9?

    * nal' . 6se& metho& 98 no ts OX8than:s Pan&a Wan6ar' 998 ; 9?

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo



    Than: 'o68 than: 'o68 than: 'o6!(as s:ept cal at f rst )6t . tr e& metho& t o /;1 an& t or:e& perfectl'2%+;G KThan:s aga n

    fert Wan6ar' 9G8 ; 9?

    please 6ploa& the 6ser-scr ptne a) ga l Wan6ar' 9?8 ; 9?

    .2%+;9 Km mostl' j6st post ng to see m'monster$ Metho& G or:e& great for me$ Than:s so m6ch$

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    srcset=Lhttp ##9$gra0atar$com#a0atar#a;&))cG ) eFcG aae )? ;+F9&?FaAs=9? 2ampK&=monster &2ampKr=g ; L class=La0atar a0atar-+ photoL he ght=L+ L &th=L+ L #>

    la& t or:e& for 'o6! :a:a Wan6ar' ; 8 ; 9?

    greasemon:e' 6ser scr pt &oes note st joe' Wan6ar' ; 8 ; 9?

    Than:s8 metho& G &oes not or: )6t& spla' the hole f le at least$ . s6ccee& th metho& 9$ * nall' get the f le l :e&$ epl'

  • 8/19/2019 Case analysis TVo


    class="comment o&& alt threa&-e0en &epth-9" &="l -comment-F ?">Sa'ar& *e)r6ar' ;8 ; 9?

    . :no th s s ol& )6t the 6ser-scr pt for

    reaseMone' sn2%+;9 Kt a0a la)le thro6gh that l n:8 an' a' t2%+;9 Ks st ll a0a la)leelse hereA epl' Vams Xr s *e)r6ar' G8 ; 9?

    * rst metho& or:e& l :emag c$

    Than: 'o6

    Vams 'n *e)r6ar' F8 ; 9?

    . o6l& also l :e the scr pt$ on ofthe metho&s ha0e or:e& for me the f rst &oesn2%+;9 Kt sho a &o nloa& )6tton an& . cannotf n& the 2%+;; Kaccess@:e'2%+;;9K n the page so6rce$ Thera are onl' G occ6rrences ofthe or& 2%+;; Kaccess2%+;;9K an& non of them are hat . nee&$ #


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    TH, XS

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    Th s totall' or:e&!!! than: 'o6!!! epl'

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