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[Case Information System, User Manual (Registration User) Page 1

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This document is the sole property of e-Committee and NIC, and is protected

by Copyright Act. Prior permission of Chairman e-committee and Director

General, NIC, is required to do any modifications, alterations, usage etc. of

this document.

References made to the rules of procedure are indicative and may not be used

for any official or judicial reference.

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1 Fees ..................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Receipt Fee (Add) .................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Receipt Fee (Modify) ................................................................................................ 8

1.3 Receipt Fee (Query)................................................................................................. 9

1.4 Acknowledgement Re-Print .................................................................................... 10

2 Case Objection................................................................................................... 11

2.1 Print Check Slip...................................................................................................... 15

2.2 Scrutiny List ........................................................................................................... 16

2.3 Objection Compliance Board.................................................................................. 17

3 Case Rejection................................................................................................... 18

3.1 Case Rejection Report ........................................................................................... 20

4 Case Registration............................................................................................... 21

5 Urgent Case ....................................................................................................... 32

6 Reports............................................................................................................... 33

6.1 Pending Registration List ....................................................................................... 33

6.2 Registers (All type) ................................................................................................. 34

7 Case Extra Information....................................................................................... 35

8 Suit schedule...................................................................................................... 37

9 Movable Suit Schedule....................................................................................... 39

10 Immovable Suit Schedule................................................................................... 42

11 MVC Details ....................................................................................................... 45

11.1 FIR Search.......................................................................................................... 48

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1 Fees

Introduction: This option is used to enter the Court Fee which is affixed with the

Plaint, when the Plaint is presented at the Filing Counter.

This option also makes provision for the addition of various other type of Fees such

as Process Fee, Search Fee etc.

Type of the matter: Select the status of the Case as Case No (If the matter is

registered), Filing No. (If the matter is not Registered) or Caveat (If the matter is a


Entering the Number: Enter the Case No / Filing No. / Caveat No as applicable

Select Petitioner/Respondent: Select the party paying the Court Fee.

Other Name: Enter the Name of the Other Party, if the fee is not paid by the Plaintiff

or Respondent.

Amount: Enter the amount of Court Fee to be paid.

Fees Type: Select the type of fees i.e. Court Fee / Process Fee / Search Fee or any

other fee as applicable.

Mode of Payment: Fees may be paid in Cash, through Stamps, DD, Cheque,

Challan or as per the rules of the respective State. Accordingly mode of payment by

which the fees is being paid is to be selected.

Add: By Clicking on the “Add” button, the fees paid are added in the grid as shown

on the screen. Multiple entries may be made for the same party at the same instance

using this option.

Finish: On clicking the “Finish” button, the Fees entered are saved in the system

and the Fee Receipt is generated.

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1.1 Receipt Fee (Add)

This form provides the facility to add the fees submitted with the case.

SN Field Data to be Entered

1 Case No. Select this radio button, if you want to add/modify the Fees Case no/Year wise.

2 Filing No. Select this radio button, if you want to add/modify the Fees F.R. No./Year wise.

3 Caveat No. Select this radio button, if you want to add/modify the Fees Caveat No./Year wise.

4 Civil Select this radio button if the case is Civil.

5 Criminal Select this radio button if the case is Criminal.

6 Case No. Enter the Case No., Filing No. or Caveat No. according to the radio buttons selected (Mentioned in SN 1,2,3 of this table) respectively.

7 Year Enter valid Year and Click on the Go button

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8 Select Petitioner/Respondent Name

All Petitioners/Respondents of the case will be displayed in this select box. Select Petitioner/Respondent Name for whom fees is to be added

9 Other Name Enter Name, If party is other than Petitioner/Respondent,

10 Amount Enter the Fee Amount.

11 Fees Type Select the Type of Fees for e.g. Court Fee, Process Fee etc. from the list box

12 Mode of Payment Select the appropriate Mode of Payment like Cash/Stamp/D.D/Cheque/Challan

13 Bank Details In case D.D or Cheque is selected as Mode of Payment, then the Bank Details need to be entered.

14 D.D. No./Cheque No. Enter D.D. No. or Cheque No. according to the mode of payment selected

15 D.D. date/Cheque date

Enter D.D .date or Cheque date according to the mode of payment selected.

16 Add The Add button provides provision to add more than one fee record for the same case.

17 Finish Once the addition process is complete click on the “Finish” button to save the changes

18 Reset The “Reset” button will Reset the changes made

On entering the information, and clicking the “Finish” button, the data is saved and

the Receipt Number is generated. The Receipt is generated in the following format

and can be printed, if required.

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1.2 Receipt Fee (Modify)

This option provides the facility to modify the fees already added in the


• The Receipt Number and Receipt Year, corresponding to which the

fees are to be modified are entered.

• The existing information is displayed on the screen.

• Select the Fee entry to be modified from the grid, the data will be

fetched automatically and it can be edited/modified.

• On clicking “Update” the edited fee entry will be updated in the grid.

• On clicking “Finish” the updated entries will be saved in the system.

• The option “Cancel Receipt” is used to cancel the receipt. Once the

receipt is cancelled, the entries of that receipt will not be further

accounted for.

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1.3 Receipt Fee (Query)

This option helps to query details of fees in the case. On giving the Case

number, Filing number or Caveat Number, the party wise fees paid, are

displayed. The total fees paid in the case and party wise subtotal assists the

court in further calculating the bill of costs.

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1.4 Acknowledgement Re-Print

This option provides the facility to re-generate and re-print the

Acknowledgement. Once the data is entered, Acknowledgement is generated.

Enter the Receipt Number and Receipt Year to generate the


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2 Case Objection

Introduction: Once the Case is filed, it is further Scrutinized, before it is finally


Objection found: Select the Case which has to be scrutinized. Mark the Objections

by selecting the radio buttons as Yes or No depending on whether that particular

Objection exists for the Case or not. Enter the Compliance Date before which the

Objections are to be complied. The Check Slip is generated with marked Objections,

Compliance Date and other details. This can be handed over to the Advocate. The

objections can also be viewed on Kiosk.

Document Return Date (Optional): If in the preliminary Scrutiny, Objections are

found in the Case, the documents are returned back to the Advocate. The procedure

of returning the documents is observed in some states.

Document Receipt Date: After removal of Objections, the documents are

resubmitted. This date is entered on resubmission of the documents.

Objection Complied: After the Objections are complied with, the case is forwarded

for registration, by checking on the “Forward for Registration” checkbox.

Objection Not Complied: The Case can be forwarded for Registration, even if the

Objections are not complied with. To do this, check on the “Forward for Registration”


No objections found: If there are no Objections in the Case, it can be directly

forwarded for Registration. To do this, select the Case and check on the “Forward for

Registration” checkbox.

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This option helps the user to enter the Objections found during Scrutiny.

SN Field Data to be Entered 1 Case Select the Case from the list.. 2 Petitioner Name After the selection of the Case, Petitioner Name (for Civil

Cases) or Complainant/Petitioner (for Criminal Cases) is displayed automatically.

3 Respondent Name

After the selection of Case, Respondent Name (for Civil Cases) or Accused (for Criminal Cases) is displayed automatically.

4 Objection Compliance Date

Select the Objection Compliance Date from the calendar control (Litigant/Advocate has to remove the objections by this date.)

5 Objection Type List of Objections are displayed 6 Whether any

Objection(s)? Click on Yes if the Objection is applicable. Else click on No if the Objection is not applicable to the Case

7 Description Enter Long Description/Remarks related to the Objection.

8 Other Objection Enter any Other Objections apart from the ones listed. 9 Doc. Return

Date Select the Document Return Date from the calendar control. This date refers to the date when the documents are returned by the court to the Litigant/Advocate for removal of

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• Select the Case from the dropdown list. The list contains all the Cases which

have been filed but not registered. Petitioner/Complainant Name is displayed

automatically. Respondent/ Accused Name is also displayed automatically.

• Select the Objection Compliance Date from the calendar control.

• “Objection types” and “Whether any Objection(s)?” are displayed as the

Case is selected. Choose Yes or No accordingly.

• Document Return Date is optional and entered when the documents are

returned by the court to the Litigant/Advocate to remove the Objections

• Document Receipt Date is optional and is entered when the documents are

resubmitted to the court after removing the Objections. Enter Remarks, if any.

• Any other objection apart from the ones present in the ?? can be entered in

the “Other Objections” field.

• If there are no Objections in the Case, it can be directly forwarded for

Registration. To do this, select the Case and check on the “Forward for

Registration” checkbox.

• Click on the ‘Submit’ button to save the Objections.

• Click on “Check Slip” to generate the check slip. It can be printed and can be

given to the Litigant/Advocate. Check slip is generated in the following format.

the Objections. 10 Doc. Receipt

Date Select the Document Receipt Date from the calendar control. This date refers to the date when the documents are returned back to the court after removing the objections.

11 Forward for Registration

Check the box to Forward the Case for Registration, after removing all the objections. If there are no objections in the case, it can be directly forwarded to Registration.

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If the Objections are complied with by the Litigant/Advocate, then the following steps

are to be followed:

• Select the Case, in which the compliance is sought from the dropdown

list. The list also contains cases for which Objection is yet to be

complied with. Petitioner/ Complainant Name is displayed

automatically. Respondent/ Accused Name is also displayed


• The Objection Compliance date is automatically displayed.

• The Objections found in the Scrutiny are automatically displayed.

• If the Objections are complied with, remove the Objections and forward

the case for Registration by checking the “Forward for Registration”


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2.1 Print Check Slip This option is used to re-print the Scrutiny Check Slip.

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2.2 Scrutiny List

This option generates the list of cases that have Objections. Select the date for

which the report is to be generated and click on the “View Report” button, to view

the report.

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2.3 Objection Compliance Board

This option is used to generate the Objection Compliance Board. On selection of the

Compliance Date, all the Cases that have Objections, which are not yet complied

with, as on the selected Compliance Date, are displayed. This list may be placed for

further orders (Rejection or Registration).

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3 Case Rejection Introduction: If the Objections have not been complied with, within the stipulated

time period (i.e. by Compliance Date), the Objection Compliance Board is generated.

The Court may further decide, if the Case under Objection is to be rejected.

For example the case can be rejected if -

• It does not declare any Cause of Action

• Claim is undervalued

• Plaint fails to comply with rules

After the case is rejected, it is recorded in the Register of Rejected Plaints.

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• The list contains all the Cases which are yet to be Registered. The list

may contain Cases with or without Objections, but are yet to be

registered. Select the Case to be Rejected from the dropdown list.

Petitioner Name and Respondent Name will be displayed automatically.

• If the selected Case is with Objections, then the Objection Compliance

date is displayed. Filing Date is also displayed automatically.

• Select the Rejection Date from the calendar control and press the “Go”


• The serial number of the “Register for Rejected Plaints” is

automatically displayed.

• Enter the “Reason for Rejection” of that case.

• Click on the “Submit” button to save the data into the system.

SN Field Data to be Entered 1 Case Select the Case that is to be Rejected 2 Petitioner Name After the selection of the case, Petitioner

Name (for Civil Cases) or Complainant (for Criminal Cases) is displayed automatically.

3 Respondent Name After the selection of case, Respondent name (for Civil Cases) or Accused (for Criminal Cases) is displayed automatically.

4 Objection Date Objection Date is displayed if the case is under Objection.

5 Filing Date Filing Date of the Case is displayed automatically.

6 Rejection Date Select the Date on which the Case is rejected from the calendar control.

7. Serial Number Serial number is displayed automatically 8. Reason For

Rejection Enter the Reason for which the case is rejected.

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3.1 Case Rejection Report Select the period (From and To Date), to generate the report of the cases which are

Rejected in the given period. This report is similar to “Register of Rejected

Plaints”. The format of the report is as given below:

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4 Case Registration Introduction: After the Filing and Scrutiny, the Case is forwarded for Registration.

Registration is the most important task as the information entered during Registration

will be used for all purposes during the Case life cycle and for creation of the Cause

Title of the case. All the information in this option is to be entered with utmost care.

This option is common for Registering Civil Case as well as Criminal Case.

Case: The list box shows both Civil and Criminal Cases which are forwarded for

Registration after due Scrutiny. Upon selecting the Case to be registered, the

Registration Number and Year shall be displayed automatically. (If automated filing

is enabled, Case Registration Number and Year may not be displayed as it will be

generated after submitting the information).

On selecting the Case to be Registered, the data entered during the Filing of the

Case, will be fetched automatically and this data can be edited, if required. The filing

data may be corrected and detailed information pertaining to the Case may be added

at the Time of Registration.

It is to be noted that unless the data pertaining to Age, Sex, Address, Acts section,

Nature etc. are properly keyed in, Reports like Number of Cases related to Senior

Citizens, Gender wise reports etc. cannot be made available to the Court


Nature of the Case relevant to the Case type is displayed in the select box. Select

the relevant Nature accordingly. One case may have more than one Nature and

hence multiple selections are also possible.

Petitioner Details: It is to be noted that the Plaintiff may be an individual or an

Organizational Litigant and accordingly the check box needs to be checked. Enter

the Name of the Organization, if the Plaintiff is an Organization or else enter

information like Name of the Plaintiff, the Gender, Father’s/Husband’s/Mother’s

Name and Address.

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Address: Address block contains information like District, Taluka, Village, Town etc.

Enter the detailed Address, so that Cases can be classified on the basis of their

Address. This is also useful for generating Village wise, Town wise list of Cases,

which can be further used to transfer these Cases to the Lokadalats (Lokadalats are

held in a particular Village to settle cases pertaining to that Village).

If the Advocate Master is already available in the software, then the Name of the

Advocate need not be entered. It can be automatically fetched by giving the

Advocate Code Number or Bar Enrolment Number. This will eliminate the need of

typing the Advocate’s Name. If the Master is not available then the Advocate’s Name

can be entered.

Alternate Address: Check on the “Alternate Address” checkbox to enter the

Alternate Address of the litigant, if it has been provided by the litigant.

Extra Information: Check on the “Extra Information” checkbox to enter the extra

information, if it has been provided by the litigant. This includes information like Date

of Birth, Passport Number, Country, Pin Code, Nationality, UID, PAN No, e-mail,

Mobile Number, Phone Number etc.

Defendant Details: Check on the “Respondent Details” to enter the Defendant

details. Entry of the Defendant details is not compulsory since in some cases like

Probate, Adoption matters etc. no Defendant is present. However if present, the

Defendant may be an individual or an Organizational Litigant and accordingly the

corresponding check box needs to be checked. Enter the Name of the Organization

if the Defendant is an Organization or else enter information like Name of the

Defendant, Gender, Father’s/Husband’s/Mother’s Name and Address.

Check on the “Proforma Respondent” checkbox to enter the data, if the

Respondent is a Formal Party (to whom summons may not be generated).

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Address: Address block contains information like District, Taluka, Village, Town etc.

Enter the detailed Address, so that Cases can be classified on the basis of their

Address. This is also useful for generating Village wise, Town wise list of Cases,

which can be further used to transfer these Cases to the Lokadalats (Lokadalats are

held in a particular Village to settle cases pertaining to that Village).

If the Advocate Master is already available in the software, then the Name of the

Advocate need not be entered. It can be automatically fetched by giving the

Advocate Code Number or Bar Enrolment Number. This will eliminate the need of

typing the Advocate’s Name. If the Master is not available then the Advocate’s Name

can be entered.

Alternate Address: Check on the “Alternate Address” checkbox to enter the

Alternate Address of the litigant, if it has been provided by the litigant.

Extra Information: Check on the “Extra Information” checkbox to enter the extra

information, if it has been provided by the litigant. This includes information like Date

of Birth, Passport Number, Country, Pin Code, Nationality, UID, PAN No, e-mail,

Mobile Number, Phone Number etc.

Note: The “Caveat Search” option will not be shown in case of Criminal Cases.

Caveat Search (On Defendant): This option is used to match the first three

characters of the Defendant’s Name with the search criteria. Enter the search criteria

and click on the “Search” button to view all the matching Caveats.

Example: If the keyword “Ram” is entered as the search criteria, then all matching

Caveats like “Ramakant”, “Rampal“, “Ramanand” etc. will be displayed.

Click on the “Show All” to view all the Active Caveats.

Caveat Search (On Subject): If the “Subject Matter” has been entered in the

“Important Information” box, at the time of filing of the case, then it is fetched

automatically during Registration. This option is used to match the first three

characters of the Subject Matter with the search criteria. Enter the search criteria and

click on the “Search” button to view all the matching Caveats.

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Example: If the keyword “Pro” is entered as the search criteria, then all matching

Caveats related to “Property” and other matters starting with “Pro” in the Subject

Matter will be displayed.

Click on the “Show All” to view all the Active Caveats.

The relevant Caveat is selected, so that it can be tagged with the Case.

Lower Court Details: (This block is displayed only if the user belongs to an

Appellate Establishment). If the case being filed is an Appeal, then the Lower Court

Name from which the Appeal originated, the Case Registration Number / Filing

Number and Decision Date of the Case in the Lower Court, are to be entered.

Caveat Search (On Lower Court Case Number and Lower Court Decision Date):

In this option, the Caveats can be searched by giving their Lower Court Case

Number as the search criteria. If any of the active Caveats match the search criteria,

then the relevant details are displayed on the screen.

This option is also used to search the Caveats by giving their Lower Court Name

and Lower Court Decision Date, as the search criteria. If any of the active Caveats

match the search criteria then the relevant details are displayed on the screen.

The relevant Caveat is selected, so that it can be tagged with the Case.

Police Station Details: This block will be shown, if the case being registered is a

Criminal Case. In this block, the Information pertaining to Complaint/FIR is entered.

Select the Type of complaint as Police/Private. Details of the Police Station, FIR

Number, Date of Offence, Date of Filing Charge Sheet etc. are displayed. Type of

trial like Summary/Sessions can also be selected. Facility is provided to search the

case by entering Date of Offence. Cases which are already in the system with the

same Date of Offence, are automatically displayed and can be tagged with the

current Case. Offence Details may be entered in the Offence Remarks block.

Main Matter Details: If the current Case being filed is an application in some

ongoing case, the original Case Number or the Main Matter Number can be entered

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so that the current case gets tagged with the Main Matter for further reference and it

also keeps a track of the disposal of such applications. One can search the

credentials of the Main Matter by using the search option.

Act Details: This section makes provision for the entry of relevant Acts and


Other Details: This section can be used to enter other relevant details of the Case

as listed below:

One can enter the Jurisdic Valuation of the suit and calculated fees (Amount). If

the Court Fee formula is present in the system, then the Amount is calculated

automatically on pressing the “Calculate” button.

“Important Information” is the information which the court intends to tag with the

case for searching the case in future with that information. This information can be

used to avoid repetitive litigations on the same Subject Matter. Enter the search

criteria in the “Important Information” box and press the search button to fetch such


Relief Claimed: This option is displayed only for Civil Cases. Multiple Prayer

clauses as mentioned in the plaint can be selected. These can be changed, if


Cause of action: This option is displayed only for Civil Cases. Cause of Action in

brief and the Cause of Action Date (when Cause arises) can be entered.

Offence Remark: This option is displayed only for Criminal Cases. The Offence

Details selected at the time of Filing are automatically fetched and can be edited, if


Necessity of Hiding Party Names: This option is provided to hide the Party Names

in certain cases like that of Juvenile offenders, Family matters or matters where

identity of parties is required to be protected. Check the Hide Party Name Flag in

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case this option needs to be activated. The hidden parties cannot be viewed by the

public in the Cause List or on the Kiosk, Website etc.

Selection of Registration Date: By default, Current Date is displayed as the

Registration Date. If the date has to be changed, then check on the “Change

Registration Date”, checkbox, enter the date and record the “Reasons for

Changing the Registration Date”. .

Compulsory Fields: All fields marked with red asterisks are compulsory.

Note: Although all other fields are not mandatory, it is advisable to enter all the data

at the time of Registration, so that correct and accurate management reports as

required by the management can be generated in future.

On completion of the data entry, press the “Submit” button to save the data into the

system. An Acknowledgement is automatically generated and can be printed, if


Note: - One has to take utmost care while doing the data entry of the

Registration module, since the facility to modify this data is not provided to

the Registration user and can be done only by the administrator.

Requirements :-

After the Filing and Scrutiny, the Case is forwarded for Registration.

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SN Field Data to be Entered

1. Filing Number Select Case which has to be registered 2. Nature Code Select the Nature Code of that Case type.

Petitioner Details 3.

Organization Details

Check on the Organization Details checkbox ,

and enter Organization Name if the case is filed

by the Organization.

4. Complainant Name of Complainant is displayed automatically 5. Sex Select the Gender of the Complainant (In case of

Organization, sex field is disabled) 6. Father/Mother/Husba

nd Enter the Father’s /Mother’s/Husband’s Name of the Petitioner

7. Relation Select appropriate Relation whether Father/Mother/Husband/(None/Other)

8. Caste Select the Caste of the Petitioner from the dropdown list.

9. Age Enter the Age of the Petitioner. 10. Search Advocate Enter Advocate Code Number and Press Search

Advocate button to search for the Advocate information if it is available in the Advocate

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Master 11. Petitioner’s Advocate If the Advocates Name is found it is automatically

displayed. Otherwise the Advocate’s Name is entered in this box.

12. Address Enter Address of the Petitioner. 13. District Select the District of the Petitioner from the

dropdown list. 14. Town Select the Town of the Petitioner from the

dropdown list

15. Ward Select the Ward of the Petitioner from the dropdown list

16. Taluka Select the Taluka of the Petitioner from the dropdown list.

17. Village Select the Village of the Petitioner from the dropdown list.

18. Alternate Address Check on the Alternate Address checkbox, if it is has to be entered.(Also select details of District, Taluka and Village)

19. Extra Information Check on the Extra Information checkbox, if it has to be entered

20. Date of Birth Select Date of Birth of the Petitioner from the calendar control.

21. Passport No. Enter the Passport No. of the Petitioner

22. Country Enter the Country name of the Petitioner 23. Pincode Enter the Pin code of the Petitioner’s address 24. Nationality Enter Nationality of the Petitioner 25. Occupation Enter Occupation of the Petitioner 26. E-mail Enter e-mail Address of the Petitioner 27. Mobile No. Enter Mobile No. of the Petitioner

28. Phone No. Enter Phone No. of the Petitioner 29. Fax No. Enter Fax No. of the Petitioner 30. UID No. Enter UID No. of the Petitioner 31. Pan No. Enter Pan No. of the Petitioner

Respondent Details 32. Respondent Details Check on Respondent Details to enter the details

of Respondent

33. Performa Respondent

Check on Performa Respondent to notify that the

party is Formal Party

34. Organization Details Check Organization Details, and enter

Organization Name if the case is filed by the


35. Accused Name of Respondent must be entered 36. Sex Select the Gender of Respondent(In case of

Organization, Sex field is disabled)

37. Father/Mother/Husband

Enter the Father’s/Mother’s/Husband’s Name of the Respondent

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38. Relation Select appropriate relation whether Father/Mother/Husband/(None/Other)

39. Caste Select the Caste of the Respondent from the dropdown list.

40. Age Enter the Age of Respondent. 41. Search Advocate Enter Advocate Code Number and Press Search

Advocate button to search for the Advocate information if it is available in the Advocate Master.

42. Advocate Name If the Advocate’s Name is found it is automatically displayed. Otherwise the Advocates Name can be entered in this box.

43. Address Enter Address of Respondent 44. District Select the District of Respondent from the

dropdown list. 45. Town Select the Town of Respondent from the

dropdown list. 46. Ward Select the Ward of Respondent from the

dropdown list. 47. Taluka Select the Taluka of Respondent from the

dropdown list. 48. Village Select the Village of Respondent from the

dropdown list. 49. Alternate Address Check the Alternate Address if it is required to be

entered.(Also select details of District, Taluka and Village)

50. Extra Information Check Extra Information if it is required to be entered.

51. Date of Birth Select Date of birth of the Respondent from the calendar control.

52. Passport No. Enter the Passport No. of the Respondent 53. Country Enter the Country Name of the Respondent 54. Pincode Enter the Pin code of the Respondent’s address 55. Nationality Enter Nationality of the Respondent 56. Occupation Enter Occupation of the Respondent 57. E-mail Enter e-mail address of the Respondent 58. Mobile No. Enter Mobile No. of the Respondent 59. Phone No. Enter Phone No. of the Respondent 60. Fax No. Enter Fax No. of the Respondent 61. UID No. Enter UID No. of the Respondent 62. Pan No. Enter Pan No. of the Respondent 63. Caveat search on

(Defendant) Enter Defendant Name and click on the search button

64. Caveat search on (Subject)

Enter Subject and click on the search button

Lower Court Details 65. Lower Court Name Select the Lower Court Name. 66. Case Type Select the Lower Court Case Type 67. Type Select the Type of number whether Case No. or

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Filing No.

68. Case Number/Filing Number

Enter Lower Court Case Number/Filing Number.

69. Year Enter Lower Court Case Year.

70. Caveat Search on Lower Court Case No

Caveat can be searched on Lower Court Case Number

71. Date of Decision Select Lower Court Decision Date from the calendar control

72. Caveat Search on Decision Date

Caveat can be searched on Decision Date

Main Matter 73. Case Type Select Case Type of Main Matter 74. Case No. Enter Case Number of the Main Matter 75. Year Enter Year of the Main Matter.

Act Details 76. Act 1 Provision to select Primary Act applied to the


77. Under Section 1 Section under the above act is entered. More

than one section should be separated by a


78. Act 2 If more than one act is applied, 2nd Act may be

selected here.

79. Under Section 2 Section under the above act is entered. More

than one section should be separated by a


80. Act 3 If more than two acts are applied, 3rd Act may be

selected here.

81 Under Section 3 Section under the above act is entered. More

than one section should be separated by a


82 Act 4 If more than three acts are applied, 4th Act may

be selected here.

83 Under Section 4 Section under the above act is entered. More

than one section should be separated by a


84 Act 5 If more than four acts are applied, 5th Act may be

selected here.

85 Under Section 5 Section under the above act is entered. More

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than one section should be separated by a


86 More acts More acts can be added by clicking on the “More Acts” button

87 Remove acts The Acts that have been added can be removed by clicking on the “Remove Acts” button

88 Jurisdic Value Enter the Jurisdic Value 89 Amount Enter the Amount

90 Important Information or Subject or Reason

Enter Important Information or Subject or Reason

91 Relief Claimed Relief Claimed will be displayed automatically, if entered while filing the case.

92 Cause of Action Cause of Action will be displayed automatically, if entered while filing the case.

93 Cause of Action Date Select ‘Cause of Action’ Date from the calendar control.

94 Filing Date Filing Date is displayed automatically. 95 Hide Parties Click on the check box to hide the identity of

parties. 96 Change Registration

Date Click on the check box to change the Registration


97 Registration Date Registration Date is displayed automatically. By

default, the Registration date is Current Date.

98 Reason for Change

Registration Date

Enter the Reason for changing the Registration


99 Listing Date Select the Listing Date i.e. the date on which the case is called for the first hearing.

100 Purpose of Listing Select Purpose of Listing 101 Plaint in Local

Language Check on the ‘Plaint in Local Language’ checkbox, if the Plaint is filed in local language.

102 Submit Button Press “Submit” button to save the entered details

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5 Urgent Case

Introduction: Cases which have to be disposed within a stipulated time frame, as

per the directions of the High Court or Supreme Court, are known as Time Bound or

Urgent matters. Urgent Matters are sorted separately by the system so as to

facilitate quick disposal of such matters. The matter marked as Urgent will have

topmost priority, and will be displayed on the top, in the Cause list, overriding all

other priorities which have been set at various stages.

SN Field Data to be Entered 1 Case Type Select Case Type from the ‘Case Type’ list 2 Registration No.

/Year Enter Registration No. and Year and click on the “Go” button

3 Petitioner Name of the Petitioner is displayed automatically

4 Respondent Name of the Respondent is displayed automatically

5 Identified Mark the Case as Urgent

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• Select Case Type, Registration Number and Year and click on Go


• If the information is correct, Party Names will be displayed


• Check on the “Urgent” check box and click on the “Submit” button.

• The case will be marked as Urgent.

6 Reports

6.1 Pending Registration List Click on the Civil, Criminal or Both radio buttons to generate the report for

Civil, Criminal or both (Civil and Criminal) cases respectively. Click on the

“View Report” link to view the report. The format of the ‘Pending Registration

List’ Report is as follows:

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6.2 Registers (All type)

Click on the Civil, Criminal or Both radio buttons to generate the report for

Civil, Criminal or both (Civil and Criminal) cases respectively. Click on the

“View Report” link to view the report. The format of the Register (All Types)

Report is as follows:

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7 Case Extra Information

Introduction: This feature is provided to enter extra information related to a

particular Case Type.

Example: In case of MVC matters, extra information specific to MVC Case Type like

Vehicle Number, License Number etc. can be captured.

Grouping and Linking of the Cases can be done, on the basis of their extra


Example: In case of MVC matters, all cases with a particular Vehicle Number can be

grouped and linked and they can be processed together, if required.

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SN Field Data to be Entered 1 Case Type Select Case Type from the drop down list 2 Registration No. Enter the Registration Number of the Case. 3 Year Enter the Year of Registration.

4 Record Id Record Id will be displayed automatically 5

Relevant fields Extra Information fields related to Case Type are displayed.

• Select Case Type, Registration Number and Year and click on the

“Go” button.

• The relevant fields pertaining to selected case type are displayed.

• Enter information in these fields and click on “Submit” save the data

in the system.

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8 Suit schedule Introduction: This option is provided to record the details of the Property under

dispute. The Disputed Property may be Movable or Immovable. Multiple

properties (like Land, House, Flat etc) may be involved in the dispute, in the

same suit. This option is used to enter the details of such property. Each

property will have a unique Identification (Id.) called the Schedule Id. Initially,

the Id. needs to be created before recording the property details. Details like the

Name of the Property, its Type, need to be provided. This Id. forms the

“Schedule” or “Annexure” to the suit register, for the respective cases.

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a. Add

Suit Schedule l Addition provides the facility to enter following information SN Field Data to be Entered 1 Case Type Select the Case Type 2 Case Number Enter the Case Number 3 Year Enter the Year

4 Plaintiff Name of the Plaintiff is displayed automatically 5 Defendant Name of the Defendant is displayed automatically 6 Schedule ID Schedule ID is displayed automatically 7 Schedule Name Enter Schedule Name

• Select Case Type, Registration Number and Year and click on the

“Go” button.

• If the information is correct, Party Names will be displayed


• The Schedule Id. is displayed automatically.

• Enter the Schedule Name as “Land A”, “Property no.1” etc. (In Case of

Immovable Property) or Vehicle, Gold, etc (In case of movable


b. Modify

This option provides the facility to modify the Suit Schedule details. Enter

the Suit Schedule (ID). The system will automatically fetch the existing

information for that Id. This can be modified/ edited by the user.

c. Delete

This feature provides the facility to Delete/Undelete the details of an already Suit Schedule.

d. Query

This feature provides the facility to Query the entered Suit Schedule


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9 Movable Suit Schedule

Introduction: Suit schedule is further classified into two categories

i] Movable Suit Schedule

ii] Immovable Suit Schedule

Movable Property details are entered using this option. Select the Schedule

Name entered in previous option to enter the details related to the Movable

Property. All Movable Property details can be entered item wise for e.g. Vehicle

information like Car Stereo Tape, Car Model, etc. can be recorded.

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a. Add

Movable Suit Schedule Addition provides the facility to enter following


SN Field Data to be Entered 1 Case Type Select the Case Type 2 Registration No. Enter the Registration Number 3 Year Enter the Year

4 Plaintiff The Name of the Plaintiff is displayed automatically

5 Defendant The Name of the Defendant is displayed automatically

6 Schedule Name Select the Schedule Name 7 Item No. Item No. will be displayed automatically 8 Property Name Enter Property Name 9 District Select the District from the dropdown list. 10 Town Select the Town from the dropdown list. 11 Ward Select the Ward from the dropdown list. 12 Taluka Select the Taluka from the dropdown list. 13 Village Select the Village from the dropdown list. 14 Movable Property

Details Enter the Movable Property Details

• Select Case Type, Registration Number and Year and click on the

“Go” button.

• If the information is correct, Party Names will be displayed


• Select the schedule under which the property information is to be


• The item number is displayed automatically.

• The individual Item details can be entered.

• Select District,Town, Ward, Taluka and Village

• Enter Movable Property Details and save the changes.

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b. Modify

Any information that has already been keyed in using the above option can

be modified using this option. After selecting the Schedule Name and Item

Number, the existing information is fetched automatically. This information

can be modified/ edited, if required.

c. Delete

This feature provides the facility to Delete/Undelete the Movable Suit

Schedule details.

d. Query

This feature provides the facility to view the existing details of the Movable

Suit Schedule.

e. Search Property

This feature provides the facility to search the existing details of the

Movable Suit Schedule.

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10 Immovable Suit Schedule

Introduction: Immovable Property details are entered using this option. Select

the Schedule Name entered in the previous option to enter the details related to

the Immovable Property. Immovable Suit Property is categorized into various

types like House, Site and Land. On selecting the type of the Immovable

property, the relevant fields are displayed on the screen. Various items related to

the immovable property can be entered..


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a. Add

Immovable Suit Schedule Addition provides the facility to enter the following


SN Field Data to be Entered 1 House/Site/Land Choose Type of Property 2 Case Type Select the Case Type 3 Registration No. Enter the Registration Number 4 Year Enter the Year 5 Plaintiff The Name of the Plaintiff is displayed

automatically 6 Defendant The Name of the Defendant is displayed


7 Schedule Name Select the Schedule Name 8 Item No. Item No. will be displayed automatically 9 Property Name Enter Property Name 10 District Select the District from the dropdown list. 11 Town Select the Town from the dropdown list. 12 Ward Select the Ward from the dropdown list. 13 Taluka Select the Taluka from the dropdown list.

14 Village Select the Village from the dropdown list. 15 House No./Site

No./ Survey No. Enter House No./Site No./ Survey No. as applicable, depending on the option selected in SN 1 above

16 Door No. /Sy. No./ Rs. No

Enter Door No./Survey. No./ Residence No. as applicable, depending on the option selected in SN 1 above

17 Hissa Enter the Hissa 18 Sub Hissa Enter the Sub Hissa 19 Sub Sub Hissa Enter the Sub Sub Hissa

20 Loc.Area Enter the Location 21 Area Enter the Area 22 Measure(E-W) Enter Measurement details(E-W) 23 Measure(N-S) Enter Measurement details(N-S) 24 Other Measure Enter Other Measurement details 25 East By Enter Boundary details like (East By) 26 West By Enter Boundary details like (West By)

27 North By Enter Boundary details like (North By) 28 South By Enter Boundary details like (South By)

• Select the type of Immovable property

• Select Case Type, Registration Number and Year and click on the “Go”


• If the information is correct, Party Names will be displayed automatically.

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• Select the schedule under which the property information is to be saved.

• The item number is displayed automatically.

• The individual Item details can be entered.

b. Modify This option provides the facility to modify the Immovable Suit Schedule.

After selecting the Schedule Name and Item Number, the existing

information is displayed on the screen, which can be modified by the user.

c. Delete

This feature provides the facility to Delete/Undelete the Immovable Suit

Schedule details.

d. Query

This feature provides the facility to view the existing details of the

Immovable Suit Schedule.

e. Search Property

This feature provides the facility to search the property. One can search

by giving the Property Name or Case Number & Year or Village Name,

by clicking on the respective radio buttons and filling in the necessary

search conditions.

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11 MVC Details

Introduction: This option is used to enter the Cases to be registered under

Motor Vehicle Act. Information pertaining to accidents like FIR details, Accident

date, Place of Accident, Vehicle details, License number, Insurance information

etc. can be added. This information can be further used to search Accident

details using FIR Number. Multiple entries of the above can also be made.

a. Add

MVC details Addition provides the facility to enter following information:

SN Field Data to be entered

1 Case Type Select the Case Type

2 Case Number Enter the Case Number

3 Year Enter the Case Year

4 Claimant The name of the Claimant is displayed


5 Respondent The name of the Respondent is displayed


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6 Item No Enter the Item number

7 District Select the District Name

8 Taluka Select the Taluka Name

9 Police Station Select the Police Station Name

10 Other Police Station If the required Police Station Name is not in the

dropdown list, enter the Police Station Name.

11 FIR Type Select the FIR Type from the list

12 Crime No Enter the Crime Number

13 Year Enter the Year when the Crime was committed

14 Accident Date Select the Accident Date from the calendar


15 Time of Accident Enter the Time of the Accident

16 Accident Place Enter the Name of the Place where the accident

has occurred.

17 Compensation

Claimed Enter the Compensation Claimed

18 Insurance Company

Name Enter the Insurance Company Name

19 Vehicle Type Enter the Type of the Vehicle

20 Vehicle Registration

No Enter the Vehicle Registration Number.

21 Driving License Enter Driving License Number

22 Issuing Authority Enter Name of the Issuing Authority

• Select Case Type, Registration Number and Year and click on “Go”


• If the information is correct, Party Names will be displayed


• The Item Number is displayed automatically.

• The individual Item details can be entered.

• Multiple items information can be entered.

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b. Modify

This option provides the facility to modify the MVC Details . After selecting

the Item Number the existing information is displayed on the screen,

which can be modified by the user.

c. Delete

This feature provides the facility to Delete/Undelete the MVC Details.

d. Query

This feature provides the facility to view the existing MVC Details.

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11.1 FIR Search

This option is used to search MVC case by giving the FIR number. All the details

entered in MVC details are displayed.

SN Field Data to be entered

1 District Select the District Name

2 Taluka Select the Taluka Name

3 Police Station Select the Police Station name

4 Crime No Enter the Crime number to be searched

5 Year Enter the Year when the Crime was committed

After entering the above mentioned values, the search result will be displayed on the


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