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  • Gut, 1984, 25, 526-530

    Case reports

    Sclerosing cholangitis and histiocytosis XH H THOMPSON, H A PITT, K J LEWIN, AND W P LONGMIRE Jr

    From the Departments ofSurgery and Pathology, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, USA

    SUMMARY Three patients with biopsy proven histiocytosis X who developed a clinical andpathological picture compatible with sclerosing cholangitis are reported. In one patient,operative biopsy of the common bile duct revealed histiocytosis X in the granulomatous/xanthomatous phase. At necropsy, however, only fibrosis of the biliary tree was seen, a pictureconsistent with sclerosing cholangitis. Fibrotic obstruction of the biliary tree led to death fromliver failure in all three patients. The aetiology of primary sclerosing cholangitis is unknown andmay be multifactorial. Perhaps involvement of the biliary tree by histiocytosis X is one cause.

    Sclerosing cholangitis may be primary or related tocongenital malformations of the biliary tract, ductcalculi, operative trauma, or cancer of the bileducts.' Primary sclerosing cholangitis is rare,2 andits aetiology unknown. Viral, bacterial and auto-immune theories have been proposed,3 but evidencefor them is lacking. The association betweensclerosing cholangitis and other diseases, includingulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, Riedel'sthyroiditis, retroperitoneal fibrosis and pancreatitis,has been reported,4 5 but the significance of theseassociations has yet to be determined. Perhapsprimary sclerosing cholangitis has more than onecause, as su6ggested by the very variable course ofthe disease.

    Biliary obstruction in an adult resulting frominvolvement of the intra- and extrahepatic biliarytree by histiocytosis X has been reported recentlyfrom this institution.7 The patient has subsequentlydied and further review of her clinical course,radiology, and pathology reveals many featuresidentical to those of primary sclerosing cholangitis.Review of our patients8 9 with a clinical picturecompatible with sclerosing cholangitis has revealedtwo additional patients with histiocytosis X. Wereport here the case histories of these three patientsand discuss the possible nature of the associationbetween these two rare conditions.

    Address for correspondence: Mr H H Thompson. MS. FRCS. Surgical Unit.The London Hospital. Whitechapel, London El 1BB.Received for publication 29 July 1983


    Case reports

    CASE 1A 44 year old woman was admitted with a history offatigue, epigastric pain, and jaundice. Five yearspreviously she had developed diabetes insipidusafter a road traffic accident. This resolved over thenext two years. A vulval ulcer biopsied nine monthsbefore admission was diagnosed as eosinophilicgranuloma. Examination showed jaundice andseveral bluish nodules in the left axilla, biopsy ofwhich also showed eosinophilic granuloma.Relevant investigation results were: serum bilirubin42 ,umol/l, serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST)167 u/l (normal

  • Sclerosing cholangitis


    Fig. 1 Section ofcommon bileductfrom case 1 showing adense inflammatory infiltrate inwall. The infiltrate is composedprimarily of 'histiocytes' andeosinophils(H and E x40 originalmagnification)

    trial of vinblastine were given but with no sympto-matic or objective improvement. A cholangiogram,carried out 15 months after her laparotomy, showeda stricture of the right hepatic duct. A furtherlaparotomy was performed, the stricture dilated andthe T tube replaced. A postoperative cholangiogramrevealed sparse and tenuous intrahepatic ducts (Fig.2). Despite this procedure, her liver functiondeteriorated and she died of hepatic failure fourmonths later. Necropsy showed advanced biliarycirrhosis and dense fibrosis at the porta hepatis. Thediagnosis of histiocytosis X would have been difficultto make from histopathological examination of thenecropsy material.

    CASE 2A 65 year old man was admitted with a recenthistory of pruritus and jaundice. At laparotomy theliver appeared cirrhotic and the extrahepatic bileducts were embedded in a mass of fibrous tissue. Acholecystectomy was performed. The common ductcontained 'sludge' and its distal portion appearedoccluded. The common duct was drained externally.Liver biopsy showed biliary cirrhosis. The gallbladder, which contained no stones, showed themicroscopic features of chronic cholecystitis.Biopsies from around the extrahepatic bile ductswere reported as showing fibrosis and chronicinflammation. Postoperatively, he complained ofpolydipsia and polyuria.He was transferred to UCLA Medical Center. On

    admission his serum bilirubin was 100 ,umol/l. Asecond laparotomy confirmed the previous findings.In addition, an operative cholangiogram showed

    small, irregular right biliary radicles with non-visualisation of the left intrahepatic biliary tree anddistal common bile duct. A choledochojejunostomywas performed. After this operation, his urineoutput greatly exceeded his fluid intake (in one day,

    Fig. 2 T tube cholangiogram performed soon after secondlaparotomy in case 1.


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  • Thompson, Pitt, Lewin, and Longmire Jr

    intake 14 1, urine output 6 25 1). A diagnosis ofdiabetes insipidus was made, but the cause notascertained. He died in liver failure six months afterhis first laparotomy. Necropsy showed a liverweighing 0*7 kg with the microscopic features ofbiliary cirrhosis. Microscopic examination of theneurohypophysis showed histiocytosis X (Fig. 3).

    CASE 3A 17 year old girl with an 11 year history ofhistiocytosis X involving lymph nodes, lung andskull, presented with episodes of abdominal painand jaundice. A laparotomy was performed. Thegall bladder was found to be fibrotic and thecommon duct strictured. Both the gall bladder andthe bile ducts contained soft, black stones. Acholecystectomy, choledocholithotomy, and chole-dochojejunostomy were performed. Post-operatively, she suffered from episodes ofcholangitis. Steroid therapy was instituted. At theage of 19 years, her choledochojejunostomy wasfound to be strictured and was revised.At the age of 21 years, she was admitted to UCLA

    Medical Center. Liver function tests at that timewere: serum bilirubin 400 gmol/l, serum AST 193u/I, serum alkaline phosphatase 809 u/l. A furtherlaparotomy revealed a dense mass of fibrous tissueat the porta hepatis, in which no bile duct could beidentified. An attempt to perform a cholangio-jejunostomy failed as no suitable duct foranastomosis could be identified after amputating theleft lateral segment of the liver. Histology of theresected liver showed secondary biliary cirrhosiswith no features of histiocytosis X. She was

    discharged from hospital but died soon after fromhepatic failure. A necropsy was not performed.


    The three patients reported had both a clinicalpicture consistent with sclerosing cholangitis andhistopathological evidence of histiocytosis X. Twocases presented in adult life with no evidence ofbone involvement. This is atypical of histiocytosisX.10 The generic term. histiocytosis X, wasproposed by Lichtenstein"1 to stress the histopatho-logical similarities between the Hand-Schuller-Christian syndrome, Letterer-Siwe disease andeosinophilic granuloma of bone. Otherauthorsl2 l3consider it unwarranted to group themtogether and have proposed other classifications,but none have gained widespread acceptance.Histiocytosis X may be a misnomer as thepredominant cell in the lesions is the Langerhanscell rather than the histiocyte. Langerhans cellgranulomatosis has been suggested as an alternativeterm. 14The liver is frequently involved in infants with the

    acute disseminated form of histiocytosis X(Letterer-Siwe disease). 15 Pathological changesinitially consist of infiltration of the portal tracts byhistiocytes, with fibrosis and cirrhosis occurringsubsequently.16 Single case reports of children withinvolvement of the extrahepatic bile ducts by histio-cytosis X have been made.'5 17 18 In addition,LeBlanc et al9 described three childhood cases, inone the common duct was affected and in two therewas partial stenosis at the confluence of the left and

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    Fig. 3 Section ofneurohypophysis from case 2showing an inflammatoryinfiltrate containingcharacteristic 'histiocytes' withfolded grooved nuclei (H and Ex 160 original magnification)

    ._ /


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  • Sclerosing cholangitis 529

    right hepatic ducts. This latter appearance isfrequently seen in primary sclerosing cholangitis.8Also cholangiography in those patients with histio-cytosis X and cholestasis shows an appearance of theintrahepatic ducts similar to that seen in primarysclerosing cholangitis.19

    In addition to the reports in children, Parker andLichtenstein2 described an adult with involvementof the extrahepatic ducts by histiocytosis X, butwithout biliary obstruction. Histiocytosis X andbiliary obstruction has been reported7 in an adultwhose case history and necropsy findings areincluded in this paper (case 1). In this patient, theinitial biopsies of the tissue encasing theextrahepatic bile ducts showed histiocytosis X.Microscopic examination of tissue taken from thissite at necropsy, however, revealed only chronicinflammation and fibrosis. In case 2, the thickenedgastrohepatic ligament was biopsied at twolaparotomies. On both occasions, the tissue wasreported as showing chronic inflammation andfibrosis. No features of histiocytosis X were present.This diagnosis was only made after postmortemexamination of the neurohypophysis. In case 3,histological confirmation of histiocytosis X wasmade from cervical lymph node and mandibularbiopsies at age 6 and 10 respectively. At age 17, abiliary stricture was found at her first laparotomy.Subsequently, she sclerosed the whole of her biliarysystem. No biopsies were taken from the bile ductsor from the tissue surrounding them.Engelbreth-Holm et alP described four histo-

    pathological stages through which a lesion of histio-cytosis X may progress: (i) a hyperplastic orproliferative phase, (ii) a granulomatous phase, (iii)a xanthomatous phase and (iv) a fibrous phase.Once a lesion has entered the last phase, it loses thehistological features which permit the diagnosishistiocytosis X to be made. In case 1, the biopsytaken at the first laparotomy showed the lesionencasing the bile ducts to be in the granulo-matous/xanthomatous phase, whereas examinationof the same tissue obtained at necropsy showed it tobe in the fibrous phase. Perhaps the fibrosissurrounding the bile ducts in case 2 represents thefibrous phase of a histiocytosis X lesion.

    Different authors' 8 22 have used different criteriafor inclusion of patients under the diagnosis ofprimary sclerosing cholangitis. Case 1 had clinicaland radiological features of primary sclerosingcholangitis, but would be excluded from having thisdiagnosis by some authors because the biliaryobstruction was due to involvement of the biliarysystem by histiocytosis X. This diagnosis was madebecause the biopsy was taken while the lesion was inthe granulomatous/xanthomatous phase. It is

    conceivable that this diagnosis would have beensubstituted by that of primary sclerosing cholangitisif the biopsy had been taken later, when the lesion'had entered the fibrous phase. Case 2 could beconsidered a classic example of primary sclerosingcholangitis, fulfilling the most rigid criteria22 neces-sary for making the diagnosis. Case 3, at age 17, hadstones in both the gall bladder and the bile ducts.These stones were soft and black and may haveresulted from stasis in a strictured biliary systemrather than have been the cause of the sclerosingcholangitis.One may speculate as to whether some cases of

    primary sclerosing cholangitis are caused byinvolvement of the biliary tree by histiocytosis X.The characteristic histopathological features ofhistiocytosis X may not be appreciated because thelesion has entered the fibrous phase at the time ofbiopsy. It is likely that more than one causal agentmay result in a clinical picture consistent withprimary sclerosing cholangitis. Perhaps involve-ment of the bile ducts by histiocytosis X representsone pathogenic mechanism for the development ofprimary sclerosing cholangitis. Until more is knownabout the aetiology of these two diseases, however,the nature of their association must remainspeculative.


    1 Longmire WP Jr. When is cholangitis sclerosing? Am JSurg 1978; 135: 312-20.

    2 Glenn F. Whitsell JC. Primary sclerosing cholangitis.Surg Gynecol Obstet 1966; 123: 1037-46.

    3 Fee HJ. Gewirtz H. Schiller J. Longmire WP Jr.Sclerosing cholangitis and primary biliarv cirrhosis - adisease spectrum? Ann Surg 1977; 186: 589-93.

    4 Whelton MJ. Sclerosing cholangitis. Clin Gastroenterol1973; 2: 163-73.

    5 Chapman RWG. Marborgh BA. Rhodes JM et al.Primary sclerosing cholangitis: a review of its clinicalfeatures. cholangiography. and hepatic histology. Gut1980; 21: 870-7.

    6 Wiesner RH. LaRusso NF. Clinicopathologicalfeatures of the syndrome of primary sclerosingcholangitis. Gastroenterology 1980; 79: 200-6.

    7 Jones MB. Voet R, Pagani J. Lotysch M. O'Connell T.Loretz RL. Multifocal eosinophilic granulomainvolving the common bile duct: histologic andcholangiographic findings. Gastroenterologv 1981; 80:384-9.

    8 Thompson HH. Pitt HA. Tompkins RK. Longmire WPJr. Primary sclerosing cholangitis: a heterogenousdisease. Ann Surg 1982; 196: 127-36.

    9 Pitt HA. Thompson HH. Tompkins RK. Longmire WPJr. Primary sclerosing cholangitis: results of an aggres-sive surgical approach. Ann Surg 1982: 196: 259-68.

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  • 530 Thomtipson, Pitt, Lewin, and Longmire Jr

    10 Cheyne C. Histiocytosis X. J Bone Joint Surg (Br)1971. 53: 366-82.

    11 Lichtenstein L. Histiocytosis X: integration ofeosinophilic granuloma of bone 'Letterer-Siwe'disease and Schiuller-Christian' disease as relatedmanifestations of a single nosologic entity. Arc/i Pathol1953: 56: 84-102.

    12 Vogel JM. Vogel P. Idiopathic histiocytosis: a discus-sion of eosinophilic granuloma. the Hand-Schiiller-Christian svndrome and the Letterer-Siwe syndrome.Semin Hematol 1972: 9: 349-69.

    13 Daneshbod K. Kissane JM. Idiopathic differentiatedhistiocvtosis. Am J Clini Pathol 1978; 70: 381-9.

    14 Lieberman PH. Jones CR. Filippa DA. Langerhanscell (eosinophilic) granulomatosis. J Invest Dermatol1980: 75: 71-2.

    15 Averv ME. McAfee JG. Guild HG. The course andprognosis of reticulo-endotheliosis (eosiniphilicgranuloma. Schuller-Christian disease and Letterer-Siwe disease): a studv of fortv cases. Am J Med 1957:22: 636-52.

    16 Grosfeld JL. Fitzgerald JF, Wagner VM, Newton WA,Baehner RL. Portal hypertension in infants andchildren with histiocytosis X. Am J Surg 1976; 131:108-13.

    17 Hampton AO. Case records of the MassachusettsGeneral Hospital. N Engl J Med 1942; 226: 393-5.

    18 Heitner R, Mouton S. Rabinowitz L, Rosen EU. Type1 histiocytosis X presenting as biliary atresia. A casereport. S Afr Med J 1978; 53: 768-70.

    19 LeBlanc A. Hadchouel M. Jehan P. Odievre M,Alagille D. Obstructive jaundice in children withhistiocytosis X. Gastroenterology 1981; 80: 134-9.

    20 Parker JW. Lichtenstein L. Severe hepatic involvementin chronic disseminated histiocytosis X. Report of acase with necropsy. Am J Clin Pathol 1963; 40: 624-32.

    21 Engelbreth-Holm J. Teilum G. Christensen E.Eosinophil granuloma of bone - Schuller-Christian'sdisease. Acta Med Scand 1944; 118: 292-312.

    22 Cutler B, Donaldson GA. Primary sclerosingcholangitis and obliterative cholangitis. Am J Surg1969; 117: 502-1 1.

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