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From this establishing shot we see an office building and the appearance of a car appear. At this point it is still unclear to us weather it is early morning or evening. The use of black and white allows the audience to subject of what’s happening and not allow the audience to get distracted whilst watching.

From this next shot we see a low angle close up looking at the male character. The man looks around once getting out of the car in a cautious way as if to make sure that he hasn’t been followed to his location. This would be used as an early hook to get the audience to start making their own opinion of why he had to look around before entering the building. At this stage the only sound herd is that of the door (diegetic sound) and a faint background sound as well (non-diegetic sound).

By zooming and having a close up on the number it can be thought of as a way to show the authority of the man as in the higher up in the building the higher you are of importance, this will have also been emphasised from the low angle close up in the previous shot as well.

In this over the shoulder shot you see the introduction of the next character (James Bond). Leading up to the point where he hears Bonds voice you can hear the non-diegetic sound starting to become high pitched and occurring at a faster speed. This has been used to build tension between the characters as well build up to the climax of what is happening.

The close up on the draw and then the gun shows to us that our first male character is intimidated by the presence of Bond or it is trying to show that it may be a feature/symbol which may appear later on in the film.

At this point we are seeing a mid-shot as well as a low angle shot which could be being used to enhance or create a bigger image of our character in shot due to the fact that he has a gun which makes it feel that he is controlling the conversation that himself and that the audience are expecting him to kill Bond.

Throughout the conversation there is a flashback to Bond fighting one of our male characters men as seen from this high point of view angle. This has been used to display to the audience what their conversation is about and in the context of the film what it represents and the role that it plays.

In this close up of the male character holding a gun preparing to shoot it reemphasises the earlier point of the audience thinking that he is in control of the situation that is occurring when actually he isn’t due to the fact that his gun is empty. Throughout this non-diegetic sound can still be herd to create an atmosphere between the characters.

As Bond shoots the other character he swipes across the table wiping off his family photo. This quick close up is used to show that although dishonest he had a family which will now be without a father. It is used to show what the man will lose as well as showing that he was never in control of the conversation with Bond. Non-diegetic sound is still heard once the man is killed.

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