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  • 5/24/2018 Catalogue 1108


    Ce catalogue vous fait gagner du temps et de largent

    Cette dernire mise jour du catalogue de toners, dveloppeurs et pices dINTEGRAL est conue

    pour une utilisation simple.

    Pour la facilit et la comparaison, nous indiquons, aprs la description du produit, la gamme compltedes modles dune marque laquelle il convient. En laborant ce catalogue, nous avons voulu viterdavoir tourner des pages pour passer dun modle de machine lautre dune mme marque,quand il sagit du mme produit; on gagne du temps. Rsultant, vous avez dun coup doeillensemble des applications du produit.

    Pour trouver un produit, il suffit daller la marque du copieur ou de limprimante, puis au produitconcern. Les marques sont par ordre alphabtique. Dans la marque les produits sont regroups partoners, dveloppeurs, tambours photorcepteurs et pices dtaches. Veuillez vous rfrer ausommaire.

    Pour commander ou pour recevoir une offre, vous pouvez utiliser, en faisant des copies, le bon decommande ou le bon de demande d offre respectivement en indiquant vos coordonnes et lesquantits requises, puis postez-le ou faxez-le INTEGRAL. Cest simple et rapide.

  • 5/24/2018 Catalogue 1108


    LES TONERS ET DEVELOPPEURS INTEGRAL: LE BON CHOIXEn tant que FABRICANT, INTEGRAL est reconnu depuis des annes pour ses toners et dveloppeursdune qualit telle quils sont devenus des rfrences. La marque GI dINTEGRAL de toners du qualit a tdveloppe pour rduire le cot copies et augmenter les marges.

    Au cours de leur laboration, les toners INTEGRAL sont soumis des tests intensifs dans desenvironnements et conditions de machine trs varis. Ce nest quaprs avoir pass avec succs ces tes tsrigoureux que le toner peut tre mis sur le march. Quand vous choisissez le toner INTEGRAL, vous tesainsi certain davoir un produit sans dfaut. A chaque stade de la fabrication les toners INTEGRAL sontsoumis des contrles de qualit stricts. Un systme de contrle qualit complet est mis au point chaquephase de la production pour garantir que chaque produit qui quittera lusine maintiendra la rputation dequalit dINTEGRAL. Des laboratoires ultra modernes sont en charge de ce systme de contrle qualitrigoureux. Pour le client, cest lindniable avantage de trouver chez INTEGRAL un toner de qualitirrprochable en termes de constance, performance et composition, chaque commande passe.

    Haute qualit dimage:En terme de qualit dimage, le toner INTEGRAL produit des copies bien noires ds linstant o on lintroduitdans le copieur ou limprimante. Parce quils sont fait des meilleures matires premires, la grande qualitdimage reste stable aprs des milliers de copies.

    Cot du S.A.V. rduit:Lutilisation du toner INTEGRAL rduit efficacement les dpenses dentretien parce quil a t laborspcifiquement pour obir aux spcifications de chaque copieur ou imprimante.

    Des copies irrprochables:La classification particulirement prcise dans le procd de fabrication garantit une limitation ou unerduction du niveau dmission de poussire de toner. Au lieu de trouver du toner en exccs dans le copieurou le bac de rcupration vous trouverez le toner INTEGRAL sa place: sur la copie. Le rsultat en est descopies propres et sans fond.

    Compatibilit:Evidemment, chaque toner mono ou bi-composant INTEGRAL est totalement compatible dans la mesure oil peut tre mlang avec le toner OEM dans le bac de dveloppement de la machine. Les toners bi-composant INTEGRAL peuvent tre utiliss avec un dveloppeur INTEGRAL ou OEM. La parfaitecompatibilit, chaque station dans la machine, permet aux pices dusure datteindre leur dure de viemaximum.

    Trs important:Il nest pas ncessaire de payer un prix lev pour profiter de ces avantages. Le toner INTEGRAL est unprix comptitif. Vous pouvez en tre convaincu quand vous passez votre commande.

    TONER HAUTE PERFORMANCE INTEGRALCertains toners INTEGRAL au label high performance toner ont t formuls pour apporter uneamlioration significative compars aux produits standard OEM. Les toners INTEGRAL classs highperformance toner apportent une qualit-copie ou un rendement sensiblement suprieurs. Ce qui signifiedune manire vidente quavec une cartouche de toner INTEGRAL high performance toner vous faitesplus de copies, compar aux toners conventionnels.Lutilisation de high performance toner est aussi une faon efficace de rduire les cots en S.A.V.A cause de leur procd de fabrication unique, les high performance toner contiennent moins de particulestrop fines. Ceci garantit des copies sans fond et jusqu 50% de toner en moins dans le bac de rcupration

  • 5/24/2018 Catalogue 1108


    UN PROGRAMME QUALIFIE INTEGRAL DE PICESDETACHEES En collaboration avec des fabricants de pices de premier plan, INTEGRAL propose maintenant une largegamme de pices de qualit, la demande de ses clients.Lunique but de ce service est de mettre la

    disposition des clients en toner dINTEGRAL les pices pour

    copieurs et imprimantes qui refoignent le mme haut standard de qualit quINTEGRAL a tabli pour ses

    toners.Seuls les meilleurs fabricants au monde ont t slectionns pour participer au programme de picesdINTEGRAL. Cest pourquoi nous appelons cette gamme de produits: programme qualifi INTEGRAL depices dtaches .Quand vous choisissez des pices chez INTEGRAL, vous bnficiez de lavantage des meilleurestechnologies des meilleurs fabricants dans leur domaine. Les produits proposs dans ce programme ont texclusivement labors et fabriqus pour apporter des performances optimales en termes de dure de vie etde qualit copie.

    Chaque modle de copieur ou dimprimante a des conditions de fonctionnement spciales concernant lespices. Cest pourquoi chaque produit disponible dans le programme qualifi INTEGRAL de picesdtaches convient aux exigences de chaque copieur au imprimante.

    ROULEAUX DE CHAUFFE SUPERIEURS:Les rouleaux de chauffe suprieurs dINTEGRAL sont fabriqus partir de techniques et de machinesspcialement conues pour lapplication de multi couches anti adhrentes extrmement dures pour unedure de vie amliore.Le sablage du substrat en aluminium donne un profil de surface optimal pour ladhsion de la couchedimpression et des couches dures. Le polissage spcial de la surface du rouleau rduit la friction pour unersistance labrasion amliore.

    Pour ces rouleaux de chauffe suprieurs du programme qualifi INTEGRAL de pices dtaches labellissHiTech rollers , on utilise des agents de surface de longue dure spciaux et brevets, dune structure

    molculaire plus

    serre et aux proprits amliores. Les rouleaux HiTech sont spcialement usins pour les machines

    rapides et ont une dure de vie denviron le double des rouleaux conventionnels.

    ROULEAUX DE PRESSION INFERIEURS:Les rouleaux de pression infrieurs aux manchons en PFA anti-adhrent, dune paisseur de 50,70 ou 110, proposs dans le programme qualifi INTEGRAL de pices dtaches sont labors pour fournir uneexcellente rsistance labrasion, pour une qualit copie constante et une longue dure de vie.

    ROULEAUX DE NETTOYAGE:Les rouleaux de nettoyage proposes dans le programme qualifi INTEGRAL de pices dtaches sontconus pour un rendement optimal. Ces rouleaux sont fabriqus partir dune combinaison de fibresspciales qui enlve efficacement les particules trangres de la surface du rouleau de chauffe. Le dbitlubrifiant continuel de la bonne quantit dhuile silicone garantit un fonctionnement lisse et efficace despices bu bloc du fusion.

    TAMBOURS OPC:Les tambours OPC disponibles chez INTEGRAL sont de plus haut niveau de la technologie OPC. Les OPCqui portent le symbole cinq toiles sont des tambours de longue dure de vie qui ont t laborsspcialement pour utilisation avec le toner MICROFINE.La surface particulirement lisse de ces OPC permet dviter toute accumulation de toner sur le tambour.Lutilisation de ces tambours OPC contribue une excellente qualit copie.

    RACLETTES:La vie du tambour dpend en grande partie du type de raclette utilise. Une raclette de tambour douce etcoupe dune faon unie augmente la dure de vie du tambour et contribue viter les problmes de striessur la copie.

  • 5/24/2018 Catalogue 1108


    Page4/ November 2008Catalogueproduitspour *Canon Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    1150002612cartouche1 x 530 gGP 210, 215, 220, 225, 335, 405, IR 400 115000276cartouche1,65 kgGP 555, 605, IR 105, 7200, 8070, 8500

    1150008712cartouche1 x 465 gIR 1018, 1019, 1022, 1023

    1150006720cartouche1 x 300 gIR 1200, 1210, 1230, 1270F, 1510, 1530, 1570

    115000648cartouche2 x 440 gIR 1600,1610, 2000, 2010

    1150007712cartouche1 x 460 gIR 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2025, 2030

    115000606cartouche1 x 795 gIR 2200, 2800, 3300

    115000756cartouche1 x 1060 gIR 2230, 2270, 2830, 2870, 3025, 3225

    115000766cartouche1 x 1219 gIR 3035, 3045, 3530, 3570, 4570

    115000546cartouche1,65 kgIR 4600, 5000, 5000 i, 5020 iN, 6000, 6000 i, 6020 i

    1150000224cartouche +

    barrette denettoyage

    2 x 105 gNP 1010, 1020, 6010

    115000168cartouchespour 18.500copies^

    4NP 1015, 1215, 1218, 1318, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1550,2010, 2020, 2120, 6020, 6216, 6220, 6317, 6320toner haute performance

    115000258cartouchespour 15.000copies^

    4NP 1015, 1215, 1218, 1318, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1550,2010, 2020, 2120, 6020, 6216, 6220, 6317, 6320The Toner For Better Images

    115000178cartouchepour 12.500copies^

    4NP 1015, 1215, 1218, 1318, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1550,2010, 2020, 2120, 6020, 6216, 6220, 6317, 63203000 PLUS

    115000138cartouche1 x 750 gNP 3030, 3050, 4050, 4080, 6241

    1150000912cartouche2 x 420 gNP 3325, 3825, 4335, 4835, 6825, 6826

    1150008515 kgkg sachet1 x 1,5NP 5020, 5060, 6150, 6650, 6850, 6880, 6885, 7050,7550, 8070, 8530, 8570, 8580 (bulk, 1,5 kg sachet)

    1150000520cartouche1 x 280 gNP 6012, 6112, 6212, 6312, 6412, 6512, 6612, 7120,7130, C 130

    1150001510cartouche1 x 500 gNP 6025, 6030, 6330

    1150001910cartouche1 x 540 gNP 6028, 6035

    115000246cartouche1 x 1,5 kgNP 6045, 6251, 6260, 6350, 6360, 7500

    115000116cartouche1 x 1,5 kgNP 6050, 6050 ER, 6450

    115000148cartouche1 x 1,65 kgNP 6060, 6062

    115000516cartouche1 x 1,65 kgNP 6085

    1150006312cartouche1 x 380 gNP 7160, 7161, 7164, 7210, 7214

    ^copie A4 6% de noir

    TONER COULEUR d'origine INTEGRAL1150008110cartouche1 x 345 gCLC 700, 800, 900-series, 1100, 1120, 1130, 1150,

    1160, 1180 / noir

    1150008210cartouche1 x 345 gCLC 700, 800, 900-series, 1100, 1120, 1130, 1150,1160, 1180 / jaune

    1150008310cartouche1 x 345 gCLC 700, 800, 900-series, 1100, 1120, 1130, 1150,1160, 1180 / magenta

    1150008410cartouche1 x 345 gCLC 700, 800, 900-series, 1100, 1120, 1130, 1150,1160, 1180 / cyan

    * pour utilisation dans CanonTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

  • 5/24/2018 Catalogue 1108


    Page5/ November 2008



    *Canon Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.

    Tambours OPC

    3152311350pc.GP 16031500016100pc.1GP 215, 218, 335, 405, IR 400, 2200, 2800, 3300


    3150003120pc.1IR 1210, 1230, 1270, 1300, 1310, 1330, 1510, 1530,1570, 1630

    31500019100pc.1IR 1600, 1610, 2000, 2010 Premium

    31500035100pc.1IR 2016, 2020 Premium

    31500036100pc.1IR 2230, 2270, 2770, 2830, 2870, 3025, 3030, 3035,3045, 3530, 3570, 4570 Premium

    3150000760pc.1NP 1010, 1020, 6010

    3150000620pc.1NP 1015, 1215, 1218, 1318, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1550,2010, 2020, 2120, 6020, 6216,6220, 6317 Premium

    3150001150pc.1NP 6025, 6030

    3150001024pc.1NP 6012, 6112, 6212, 6312, 6512, 7130

    3150001850pc.1NP 7160, 7161, 7164, 7210, 7214

    * pour utilisation dans CanonTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    Page6/ November 2008



    *Canon Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.

    Tambour OPC + Raclettes - CombinationTambour OPC

    31500016100pc.1GP 215, 218, 335, 405, IR 400, 2200, 2800, 3300 Premium


    61500255100pc.1GP 215, 218, 335, 405, NP 1015, 1215, 1520, 1550, 2010,2020, 6020, 6317

    Tambour OPC

    3150003120pc.1IR 1210, 1230, 1270, 1300, 1310, 1330, 1510, 1530, 1570,1630


    6150026420pc.1IR 1210, 1230, 1270, 1310, 1510, 1530, 1570

    Tambour OPC

    31500019100pc.1IR 1600, 1610, 2000, 2010 Premium


    61500261100pc.1IR 1600, 1610, 2000, 2010Tambour OPC

    31500035100pc.1IR 2016, 2020 Premium


    61500265100pc.1IR 2016, 2020

    Tambour OPC

    31500016100pc.1GP 215, 218, 335, 405, IR 400, 2200, 2800, 3300 Premium


    61500262100pc.1IR 2200, 3300

    Tambour OPC

    31500036100pc.1IR 2230, 2270, 2770, 2830, 2870, 3025, 3030, 3035, 3045,3530, 3570, 4570 Premium


    61500266100pc.1IR 2270

    Tambour OPC

    3150000620pc.1NP 1015, 1215, 1218, 1318, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1550, 2010,2020, 2120, 6020, 6216,6220, 6317 Premium


    61500255100pc.1GP 215, 218, 335, 405, NP 1015, 1215, 1520, 1550, 2010,2020, 6020, 6317

    Tambour OPC

    3150001024pc.1NP 6012, 6112, 6212, 6312, 6512, 7130


    6150025924pc.1NP 6012, 6112, 6212, 6312, 6512, 6612, 7130

    Tambour OPC

    3150001150pc.1NP 6025, 6030


    6150026050pc.1NP 6025, 6030

    Tambour OPC

    3150001850pc.1NP 7160, 7161, 7164, 7210, 7214


    61500263100pc.1NP 7160, 7161, 7164

    In order to assure an optimized copy and print quality INTEGRAL recommends to use a new cleaning blade every time a OPC drum is installed.To promote the renewal of cleaning blades together with OPC drums from INTEGRAL customers receive preferential pricing if they order cleaningblades in equal numbers with the corresponding OPC drums.Cleaning blades continue to be available independently from OPC drum purchases. However in case OPC drums are ordered in lesser quantitiesthan the corresponding cleaning blades the pricing will be different.

    * pour utilisation dans CanonTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    Page7/ November 2008



    *Canon Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.


    61500255100pc.1GP 215, 218, 335, 405, NP 1015, 1215, 1520, 1550,2010, 2020, 6020, 6317

    6150026420pc.1IR 1210, 1230, 1270, 1310, 1510, 1530, 1570

    61500261100pc.1IR 1600, 1610, 2000, 2010

    61500265100pc.1IR 2016, 2020

    61500262100pc.1IR 2200, 3300

    61500266100pc.1IR 2270

    61500254100pc.1NP 3030, 3050, 3325, 3825, 4050, 4080, 4335, 4835,6825DADF, 6826DADF, 6835RDF

    6150025924pc.1NP 6012, 6112, 6212, 6312, 6512, 6612, 7130

    6150026050pc.1NP 6025, 6030

    61500263100pc.1NP 7160, 7161, 7164

    Doctor Blade6152330250pc.1NP 1010, 1020, 6010

    Fusing Sleeves8152301815pc.1GP 210, 215, IR 200, 210, NP 6016, 6521, PC 850 (incl.


    81523016100pc.1IR 1210, 1230, 1270, 1310, 1320, 1330, 1510, 1530,1570, 1570F, 1630, 1670 (incl. grease)

    81523010pc.1IR 2016, 2020, 2200, 2200i, 2800, 3300, 3320i Premium

    81523011pc.1IR 2230, 2270, 2830, 2870, 3530, 3570, 4570 Premium

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur 5150021450pc.1FC 3,55150024140pc.1GP 285, 315, 335, 405, IR 330, 400

    5150023510pc.1GP 555, 605, IR 550, 600, NP 6045, 6050, 6050ER,6250, 6251, 6350, 6360, 6445, 6450, 6545, 6550, 6551,7500 (long life coating)

    5150024575pc.1IR 1600, 2000, 2010F

    51500253pc.1IR 7200, 8500

    5150021650pc.1NP 1010, 1020, 6010, PC6, RE, 7, 8, 11

    5150021050pc.1NP 1015, 1215, 1218, 1318, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1550,2010, 6116, 6216, 6318, 7318 (revtement bleu)

    5150021240pc.1NP 2020, 2120, 6020, 6220 (revtement bleu)

    5150021840pc.1NP 3030, 3050, 3325, 3825, 6825DADF, 6826DADF

    5150022020pc.1NP 4035, 4040, 4540, 5020, 5060, 6150, 6650, 6850

    5150021940pc.1NP 4050, 4080, 4335, 4835, I, S, 6241, 6835RDF

    5150021340pc.1NP 6025, 6030, 6330

    5150023175pc.1NP 6028, 6035

    5150023810pc.1NP 6260, 6360, IR 5000, 6000 (long life coating)

    5150023350pc.1NP 6317, 6320, 6321

    5150024675NP 7160, 7161, 7163, 7210, 7214

    5150022120pc.1NP 8070, 8530, 8570, 8580

    5150020840pc.1NP 150, 155

    * pour utilisation dans CanonTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    Page8/ November 2008



    *Canon Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.

    Bushings pour Chauffe Suprieur

    8150022050pc.1NP 3025, 3525, 7050, 7800, 8070, 8530, 8570, AgfaX800, Lanier 6483, 6583

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5150022250pc.1FC 2 (revtement FLC)

    5150022350pc.1FC 3,5

    51500251pc.1GP 215

    5150024420pc.1GP 605, 555

    5150024320pc.1IR 1600, 2000

    5150021120pc.1NP 1015, 1215, 1318, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1550, 2010,2020, 2120, 3030, 3050, 3325, 3825, 6020, 6220,6825DADF,6826DADF, GP30, 55 (manchon PFA)

    5150022620pc.1NP 3025, 3225, 3525, 3725, 6025, 6030 (manchon


    5150022720pc.1NP 4050, 4080, 6241 (manchon PFA)

    5150023025pc.1NP 4335, 4835, 6835RDF (manchon PFA)

    5150022920pc.1NP 7050, 7550, 8070, 8530, 8570, 8580, 9800(manchon PFA)

    5150024720pc.1NP 7060, 7161, 7163

    Rouleaux d'apport d'huile81500201100pc.1NP 1015, 1215, 1218, 1318, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1550,

    2010, 6216, 6317

    81500202100pc.1NP 2020, 2120, 6020, 6220

    Fuser Oil Pad

    8150043710pc.1NP 6060 (pour application: FC1-5570-000)

    Feutres et Barrettes de Nettoyage

    8150020740pc.1IR 5000, 6000

    8150020450pc.1NP 5020, 5060, 6060, 6062, 6085, 6150, 6285, 6650,6850, 6880, 6885, 8530, 8580, 9085, 9800(web) 15 m

    Exposure Lamps81500271100pc.1NP 1015, 1215, 1218, 1318, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1550,

    2010, 6116, 6216 (175V 330 W)

    81500339100pc.1NP 4050, 4080, 4335, 4830, 4835, 4850 (175V 300W)

    81500365100pc.1NP 6035, 6230, 6330 (80V 300W)

    81500351100pc.1NP 6045, 6050, 6350, 6545, 6551, 6445 (70V 265W)

    81500369100pc.1NP 6085 (75V 330W)

    * pour utilisation dans CanonTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    Page9/ November 2008



    *Canon Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.

    Heater Lamps

    81500270100pc.1NP 1015, 1215, 1218, 1318, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1550,2010, 2020, 2120, 6116, 6216, 6221 (220V 900W)

    81500338100pc.1NP 4050, 4080, 4335, 4830, 4835, 4850 (220V 880W)

    81500342100pc.1NP 5020, 5060, 6150, 6650, 6850, 9800 (upper heaterlamp)

    81500343100pc.1NP 5020, 5060, 6150, 6650, 6850, 9800 (lower heaterlamp)

    81500344100pc.1NP 5020, 5060, 6150, 6650, 6850, 9800 (220V, 1200W)

    81500352100pc.1NP 6045, 6050 (230V 1200W)

    81500353100pc.1NP 6060

    81500364100pc.1NP 6085 (230V 1600W)

    81500359100pc.1NP 6317 (230V 900W)

    81500358100pc.1NP 6521

    81500368100pc.1NP 7163 (230V 1050W)

    Doigts de Dcollement81500242100pc.1NP150,155,1015,1215,1218,1318,1510,1520,1530,1550,

    1820,2010,2015,F,2017,2020,2120,2215,3025,3030,3050,3225,3325,3525,3527,3725,3825,II,4050,4080,4335,i,4835,6020,6025,6030,6040,6050,6220,6241,6650,6825,6826,6835,GP55lower picker finger (pour application:FA2-9037-000)

    81500240100pc.1NP 1010, 1015, 1020, 1215, 1218, 1318, 1510, 1520,1530, 1550, 2010, 2020, 2120, 6010, 6020, 6216, 6220,FC 3, 5, PC 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11 upper picker finger (pourapplication: FB1-0301-000)

    8150024650pc.1NP 4035, 6650

    Roulement8150043810Set (3

    pcs.)1NP 1015, 1215, 1318, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1550 (appl.

    Area:40T/ FS2-0888-000)

    8150043910pc.1NP 1015, 1215 (applic. area: 30/20T/FS2-0891-020)

    8150044010pc.1NP 1015, 1215 (applic. area: 29T/FS2-0890-020)

    8150044110pc.1NP 1015, 1215, 1318, 1510, 1520, 1530, 1550 (applic.area: 18T/FS2-0892-000)

    8150025310pc.1NP 3030, 3050 (pour application: FS3-0986-000)

    * pour utilisation dans CanonTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

  • 5/24/2018 Catalogue 1108


    Page10/ November 2008


    Gestetnerproduitspour * Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    144000416cartouche230 gDSM 4151440002420cartouche230 g1302, 1302f

    1440003225cartouche260 g1502, 1802, 1312

    144000276cartouche700 g2145, 3235, 3235S, 3245

    1440002616cartouche360 g2212, 2712, 3212, DSm 622, 627, 632

    144000174cartouche4 x 370 g2518, 2520ZD, 2525Z, 2622

    144000309cartouche700 g2640 e, 2850 e, 3240

    1440000920cartouche1 x 415 g2627, 2627 T/TD , 2632, 2635, 2635 T/TD, 2722Z/ZTD, 2732 Z/ZTD, 2740 Z/ZT/ZTD, 2822, 2822TD

    14400044cartouche215 g2715, 2718, 2913

    1440002125cartouche216 g3220, 3225

    1440002949cartouche360 g3222, 3227144000236cartouche1220 g3255, 3265

    144000316cartouche1220 g3270, 3355, 3370, 5502

    144000434cartouche1450 g3285, 32105

    144000286cartouche550 g3502, 4502

    144000424cartouche1430 g8502, 9002, 10502, 10512

    Tambours OPC3210000150pc.1DSM 615, 616

    3440012220pc.11502, 1802

    3440011920pc.12535, 2545, 3235, 3245, 3502, 3532, 4245, 4502,4235G, DSM 635, 645, 735, 745, P7145,

    344001208pc.13255, 3265, 3285, 3355, 3370, 5502, 6002, 7502,8502, 9002, 32105, DSM 651, 660, 675, P7575

    Raclettes64400278100pc.13235, 3235S, 3245, 3502, 4502

    64400280100pc.13532, 4235G, DSM 632

    64400281100pc.16002, 7502

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur5320020240pc.12316, TCE, Z, ZD, 2318, 2320Z, 2322ZD


    5440020540pc.12533, 2533ZD

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5320020350pc.12201, 2203Z, 2301, 2303

    5320020420pc.12316, TCE, Z, ZD, 2318, 2320Z, 2322ZD


    5440020835pc.12513, 2513Z (manchon PFA)

    Heater Lamps84400106100pc.12525Z

    84400107100pc.12543ZD, 3943

    * pour utilisation dans GestetnerTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Hewlett Packard Unit Unit/cartonINTEGRAL


    TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    13100042cartouche1040 gHP 9055 MFP, 9065 MFP, HP 9085 MFP

    * pour utilisation dans Hewlett PackardTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Infotec Unit Unit/cartonINTEGRAL


    TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    1440002420cartouche230 g20131440002616cartouche360 gIS 2022, 2027, 2032, 2122, 2127, 2132

    144000316cartouche1220 gIS 2055, 4551 MF, 4700 MF

    144000416cartouche230 gIS 2215, 2416

    144000434cartouche1450 g4105MF, 4850EMF

    144000424cartouche1430 g4105EMF, 4850E, IS 2085, 2090, 2105

    1440003225cartouche260 g4151, 4181, IS2113

    1440002125cartouche216 g4201MF, 4251MF

    1440002949cartouche360 g4220MF, 4270MF

    144000276cartouche700 g4351, 4352, 4451

    144000286cartouche550 g4353MF, 4452MF

    144000236cartouche1220 g4550MF, 4651MF

    14400044cartouche215 g5118, 5132, 5151, 5152, 5181, 5182

    1440000920cartouche1 x 415 g5221 DZ/Z, 5222 DZ/Z, 5271 DZ/Z/ZL, 5321 DZ/ Z/ZL,5351 DZ/Z/ZL, 5403 DZ/Z/ZL

    144000309cartouche700 g5401 DZ, 5402 MF

    1440000110cartouche150 g9015, 9015RE, 9015Z (incl. 3 toner-wastecontainers/carton)

    144000174cartouche4 x 370 g9115, 9118, 9122Z, 9320, 9322

    144000186cartouche480 g9153

    Tambours OPC344001208pc.14105MF, 4550MF, 4551MF, 4651MF, 4700MF,

    4850MF, IS 2060, 2075, 2090, 21053440012220pc.14151MF, 4181MF

    3440011920pc.14351, 4352MF, 4353MF, 4451MF, 4452MF, IS 2035,2045,


    64400281100pc.1IS2060, 2075

    64400278100pc.14351MF, 4352MF, 4353MF, 4451MF, 4453MF

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur5440020140pc.19016Z


    5440020540pc.19233Z, 9233DZ

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5440021320pc.19026, 9032, 9032Z, 9134 (manchon PFA)


    5440020835pc.19213, 9213Z (manchon PFA)

    Heater Lamps84400103100pc.19016/Z, 9018, 9020, 9025Z, 9035Z, DZ, 9115Z

    84400106100pc.19026Z, 9120Z, 9126Z

    84400107100pc.19048Z/DZ, 9052DZ, 9143DZ

    * pour utilisation dans InfotecTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Konica Minolta / KonicaUnit



    TONER d'origine INTEGRAL1211900912cartouche190 g7015

    13100043cartouche1300 g7075, 7085, DP 85

    13100042cartouche1040 g7155, 7165, 7255, 7272, DP65

    Tambours OPC3190000120pc.11015, 1120, 1212, 1216, 2223

    319000026pc.16190, 6290

    3190000320pc.17020, 7025, 7030, 7035, 7130, 7135


    3190000520pc.17033, 7040, 7045, 7133, 7140

    3190000620pc.17050, 7055, 7060, 7065, 7150

    331000358pc.17075, 7085, 7185

    3310003220pc.17115, 7118, 7216, 7220

    319000098pc.17155, 7165

    3190001020pc.17222, 7228, 7235, 7322


    * pour utilisation dans KonicaTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Kyocera/Mita Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL pour machine photocopier

    1210001825cartouche290 gFS 1018MFP, 1118MFP, 1020D, KM 1500, 1815, 1820use as TK-18, TK 100

    1210000112cartouchepour 7.000copies^^

    300 gKM 1505, 1510, 1810 (European-Version)(Toner + Waste Box)

    12100001A12cartouche300 gKM 1505, 1510, 1810 (America/Asia-Version) (Toner +Waste Box)

    1210000210cartouchepour 11.000copies^^

    450 gKM 1525, 1530, 1570, 2030, 2070 (European-Version)(Toner + Waste Box)

    12100002A10cartouche450 gKM 1525, 1530, 1570, 2030, 2070(America/Asia-Version) (Toner + Waste Box)

    121000174cartouchepour 15.000copies^^

    870 gKM 1620, 1635, 1650, 2020, 2035, 2050 use as TK 410

    (870 g Toner + 2 Waste Container + Grid Cleaner)

    121000164cartouchepour 34.000copies^^

    1900 gKM 2530, 3025, 3035, 3530, 4030, 4035(European-Version)(1900 g cartouche + 2 Waste Container + Grid Cleaner)

    121360164cartouchepour 34.000copies^^

    1900 gKM 2530, 3025, 3035, 3530, 4030, 4035(America/Asia-Version)(1900 g Cartouche + 2 Waste Container + Grid Cleaner)

    121000244cartouchepour 34.000copies^^

    1900 gKM 3050, 4050, 5050 use as TK 715(1900 g cartouche + 2 Waste Container + Grid Cleaner)

    12100024A4cartouchepour 34.000copies^^

    1900 gKM 3050, 4050, 5050 (America-Version)(1900 g cartouche + 2 Waste Container + Grid Cleaner)

    121000056cartouchepour 30.000copies^^

    1260 gKM 4530, 5530 (European -Version)

    1210000912cartouchepour 4.200copies^^

    190 gVi 150, 155, 200 (European -Version)

    1210000812cartouchepour 10.000copies^^

    315 gVi 230, 310 (European -Version)

    1210000710cartouchepour 22.500copies^^

    700 gVi 400, 500, KM 4230, 5230 (European -Version)

    ^^copie A4 5% de noir

    * pour utilisation dans Kyocera / MitaTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Kyocera/Mita Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL pour imprimantes

    1210002312cartouchepour 6.000copies^^

    1FS 720, 820, 920, 1016MFP, 1116MFPuse as TK 110

    1210001012cartouchepour 6.000copies^^

    1FS 1000, 1000+, 1010, 1050use as TK 17

    1210001825cartouche290 gFS 1018MFP, 1118MFP, 1020D, KM 1500, 1815, 1820use as TK-18, TK 100

    1210002212cartouchepour 7.200copies^^

    1FS 1030D, 1030DNuse as TK 120

    12100012cartouchepour 20.000copies^^

    1FS 1800, 3800 use as TK 60

    12100027cartouchepour 12.000copies^^

    1 sous preparationFS 2000D, 2000DN use as TK 310/312(Toner + Waste Box)

    12100032cartouchepour 20.000copies^^

    1FS 3820, 3830 use as TK 65

    12100026cartouchepour 15.000copies^^

    1 sous preparationFS 3900DN use as TK 320/322(Toner + Waste Box)

    12100028cartouchepour 20.000copies^^

    1 sous preparationFS 4000DN use as TK 330/332(Toner + Waste Box)


    cartouchepour 40.000copies^^

    1600 gFS 9100, 9120DN, 9500DN, 9520DNuse as TK 70(1600 g cartouche + 2 Waste Boxes + Grid Cleaner)

    121000254cartouchepour 40.000copies^^

    1600 gFS 9130DN, 9530DN use as TK 710

    ^^copie A4 5% de noir

    Tambours OPC3210000250pc.1KM 1505, 1510, 1810 / CS 1505, 1510, 1810

    3210000150pc.1KM 1525, 1530, 1570, 2030, 2070 / CS-1530, 2030


    63200263100pc.1DC 1215, 1256, 12606320026250pc.1DC 1605, 1656, 1657, 1685, 1855, 2155

    6320026450pc.1DC 1556

    * pour utilisation dans Kyocera / MitaTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Kyocera/Mita Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur

    5320020240pc.1DC 1555, 1556, 1605, 1656, 1657, 1685, 1755, 1855,2055, 2058, 2155, 2254, 2255, 2285, 2355, 2556, 2557,3055, AC6500, Develop 205Z, Gestetner 2316, TCE, Z,ZD, 2318, 2320Z, 2322ZD, Kardex 2055, Nashuatec3917/L/S, OCE 2040, 8120, 8122/S

    52100004pc.1KM 1500, 1550, 1815, 1820, FS 720, 820, 920

    5210000150pc.1KM 1525, 1530

    5210000275pc.1KM 1620, 2020, 1650, 1625, 1630, 2050, 2550

    5210000375pc.1KM 2530

    52100005pc.1KM 3035, 4035, 5035

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5320020350pc.1DC 1205, 1255, 1415, 1435, 1455, 1001, Gestetner

    2201, 2203Z, 2301, 2303, Kardex 1205, Nashuatec3114, 8112, RE, Rex Rotary 8012C, 8014, 8122, 8314,Sanyo 75, Z

    5320020420pc.1DC 1555, 1605, 1656, 1657, 1685, 1855, 1856, 2055,2058, 2155, 2254, 2255, 2285, 2355, 2556, 2557, 3055,AC6500, Develop 205Z, Gestetner 2316, TCE, Z, ZD,2318, 2320Z, 2322ZD, Kardex 2055, Nashuatec3917/L/S, OCE 2040, 8120, 8122/S,

    * pour utilisation dans Kyocera / MitaTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Konica Minolta / MinoltaUnit



    TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    13100060--cartouche410 gbizhub 162, 180, 210, 7516, 7521Di 152, 181, 183, 1611, 1811, 2011 (105, 106, A&B;TN114)

    13100061cartouche413 gbizhub 200, 250, 350

    13100016--cartouche2 x 413 gDi 200, 200f, 250, 250f, 251, 251f, 350, 350f, 351, 351f(302 A&B)

    13100058cartouche1100 gDi 450, 470, 550 (502 A&B)

    131000176cartouche1,6 kgDi 520, 620 (603 A&B)

    13100042cartouche1040 gDi 551, 650, 5510, 7210 (604 A&B)

    13100043cartouche1300 gDi 750, 850 (701 A&B, 802 A&B)

    13100041cartouche420 gDi 2010, 2510, 3010, 3510 (205/303 A&B)

    1310001224cartouche4 x 55 gEP 1030, 1031, Develop 1300, 1320, Agfa X 7 (103B)

    1310000812cartouche2 x 220 gEP 1050, 1052, 1080, 1081, 1083, 2010, Develop 1500,1850 (101/102) (universel)

    1310001512cartouche2 x 270 gEP 1054, 1085, Develop 1502, 1801 (104)

    13100009--cartouche3 x 500 gEP 2050, Develop 2550 (201)

    13100019--cartouche2 x 360 gEP 2051, 2080, Develop 2551, 2850 (202)

    131000078cartouche4 x 50 gEP 2120, 2121, 2130, 2131, PRO, 2150, 2151,2152PRO, 2153, Develop 1211, 1212, 1311, 1312, 1511,1512, 1513, 1514

    13100010--cartouche4 x 500 gEP 3050 (EU-Version)

    13100010A--cartouche4 x 500 gEP 3050 (US-Version)

    13100062--cartouche4 x 500 gEP 3050, 4000, 4050, 5000, (401/501 A&B), DevelopD3550, 4550, Agfa X310, X410

    131000186cartouche1,75 kgEP 5050, 6000, 6001, 8015, (601/602 A&B), Develop6050, 6051, 8151

    Tambours OPC3310003620pc.1Bizhub 200, 250, 350, Di 1810, 2510, 3010, 3510

    319000098pc.1Bizhub 600, 750

    3310003220pc.1Di 152, 183, 1611, 2011

    3310003320pc.1Di 200, 250, 251, 350

    331000308pc.1Di 450, 550, Bizhub Di 470

    331000278pc.1Di 520, 620

    331000348pc.1Di 551, 650, 5510, 7210

    331000358pc.1Di 750, 850, bizhub PRO 7085, 85, 920

    3310004460pc.1Di 1610

    3310002850pc.1EP 1030

    3310000820pc.1EP 1050, 1052, 1054, 1070, 1080, 1085, 2010, 2030

    3310003710pc.1EP 2050

    3310003820pc.1EP 2051, 2080, 3000, 3010

    3310001310pc.1EP 3050

    3310003920pc.1EP 4000

    3310004010pc.1EP 4050

    331000228pc.1EP 5050, 6000

    331000238pc.1EP 6001, 8015

    331000428pc.1EP 8010

    * pour utilisation dans MinoltaTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Konica Minolta / MinoltaUnit




    63100017100pc.1EP 1050, 108063100016100pc.1EP 2050

    63100015100pc.1EP 2120

    63100019100pc.1EP 6000

    63100020100pc.1Di 520

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur5310003550pc.1Di 181

    5310003075pc.1Di 200, 251, 351

    5310004075pc.1Di 250, 350

    53100041pc.1Di 450, 470, 550


    pc.1Di 520, 620, EP 6000, 6001, 8015

    5310003910pc.1Di 551, 650, 5510, 7210

    5310003825pc.1Di 2010, 2510, 3010, 3510

    5310001040pc.1EP 450, 470, Z, 490Z, 550Z, 570, Z8, Agfa X35-1,X35-3, Develop 408Z

    5310002220pc.1EP 850, 870, 8600, 8601, 8602, 9600, Develop 6060,6061, Panasonic FP 6070

    5310001440pc.1EP 1050, 1080

    5310003375pc.1EP 2050, 3050, 4000, 4050, 4320, 5320, 5325, 5400,5401, 5420, 5425,

    5310002150pc.1EP 2100, 3120, 3150, 3151, 3152, Develop 1010, 1020

    5310001250pc.1EP 2120, 2121, 2130, 2131, 2150, 51, 52, 53, Develop1211, 1212, 1311, 1312, 1511, 1512, 1513, PanasonicFP1370

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5310003430pc.1Di 250, 251, 350, 351

    5310001120pc.1EP 270, 370Z, 410Z, 415Z, 425Z, 4230, 4232, 4233,4250, 4300, 430, Agfa X25, X28, X35, X200, Develop151 Z, 213Z, 500, 2360, 2361, 2500 (Sleeved & withbearings)

    5310002730pc.1EP 2050, Develop 2550 (manchon PFA)

    5310002620pc.1EP 1050, 1052, 1080, 1081, 1083, 2010, 2080, Develop2850 (manchon PFA)

    5310001350pc.1EP 2120, 2121, 2130, 2131, 2150, 51, 52, 53, Develop1211, 1212, 1311, 1312, 1511, 1512, 1513, Panasonic

    FP13705310001720pc.1EP 3170, 4210, Develop 1710, 2100

    5310002920pc.1EP 5000, Develop 5050, Agfa X520 (machon PFA)

    5310002320pc.1EP 6000, 6001, 8600, 8602, 9600

    Exposure Lamps83100116100pc.1EP 2050, Develop 2550

    83100101100pc.1EP 2100, Develop 1010

    83100118100pc.1EP 2150, 2151, Develop 1511, 1512

    83100104100pc.1EP 3150, Develop 1510, Agfa X18-15

    83100123100pc.1EP 8605

    * pour utilisation dans MinoltaTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Konica Minolta / MinoltaUnit



    Heater Lamps

    83100100100pc.1EP 450, 450Z83100119100pc.1EP 2120, 2121, 2130, 2131, 2150, 2151, 2152, 2153,

    Develop 1211, 1212, 1311, 1312, 1511, 1512, 1513,1514, Panasonic FP 1270, 1275, 1370

    83100105100pc.1EP 3150, Develop 1510, Agfa X18-15

    83100111100pc.1EP 4300, 4301, Develop 3060, Agfa X38

    * pour utilisation dans MinoltaTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Lanier Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    1440002125cartouche216 g5020MFD, 5025MFD144000309cartouche700 g5040 CPS, 5040 MFD

    1440002949cartouche360 g5222, 5227

    144000276cartouche700 g5235, 5245, 5445

    144000236cartouche1220 g5255, 5255 MFD, 5265, 5265 MFD

    144000434cartouche1450 g5485, 5505

    1440003225cartouche260 g5515, 5518, LD013

    1440002420cartouche230 g5613, 5613f

    1440002616cartouche360 g5622, 5627, 5632, LD 122, 127, 132

    144000286cartouche550 g5635, 5645

    144000424cartouche1430 g5685, 5705, LD 090, 0105

    144000416cartouche230 gLD 015

    144000316cartouche1220 gLD 055, 5455, 5470

    Tambours OPC3210000150pc.1LD 115

    3440012220pc.12132, 5222, 5227, 5618, 5622, 5627, AP3200, LD 032,LD 015, LD 12, LD 118, LD 122

    3440011920pc.12145, 5235, 5245, 5435 MFD, 5445 MFD, 5635, 5645,LD 035, 045, 135, 145, 235, 245

    344001208pc.15255, 5265, 5455, 5470, 5485, 5505, 5685, 5705, LD055, 060, 075, 090, 105, 151,160, 175, 255, 265, 275,0105,

    3510010812pc.16425, 6432, 6523, 6625, 6632, 6717

    Raclettes64400278100pc.15235, 5245, 5635, 5645

    65100002100pc.16425, 6432, 6523, 6525, 6625, 6632, 6717, 6725


    64400280100pc.1LD 035

    64400281100pc.1LD 060, 075

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur5510001040pc.1526, 546, 566, 596

    5510000740pc.1576, DF, 583, DF


    5510000250pc.16110, 6112, 6613, 3713, 7213, 7313

    5490005550pc.16113, 6213, 6413, 6514

    5510000940pc.16432, 6632


    5510000840pc.16532, 6540, 6735


    5510002220pc.16755, 6765, 7365

    Bushings pour Chauffe Suprieur8150022050pc.16483, 6583

    * pour utilisation dans LanierTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Lanier Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.Rouleaux Pression Infrieur

    5510001720pc.1526, 546, 566, 5965510001525pc.1570

    5510001625pc.1576, 537, 516


    5490005650pc.16113, 6213, 6413, 6514

    5150022920pc.16483, 6583 (manchon PFA)

    5510001925pc.16532, 6540, 6735

    Exposure Lamps85100104100pc.16523, 6717

    Heater Lamps

    84900101100pc.16113, 621384900115100pc.16716

    * pour utilisation dans LanierTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *NASHUATEC Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    144000416cartouche230 gDSM 415, MP 1611440002125cartouche216 gD420, D425

    1440002949cartouche360 gD422, D 427

    144000276cartouche700 gD435, 435S, 445

    144000309cartouche700 gD440, D 3640, D 4850

    144000236cartouche1220 gD455, D465

    144000434cartouche1450 gD485, 4105

    144000316cartouche1220 gD555, D 570, D 5505

    1440002420cartouche230 g1305, 1305f

    1440003225cartouche260 g1505, 1805, 1315

    1440002616cartouche360 g2205, 2705, 3205, DSm 622, 627, 632

    144000174cartouche4 x 370 g3018, 3115, 3120, 3322

    1440000920cartouche1 x 415 g3522, 3522TD, 3527, 3527 T/TD, 3535, 3535 T/TD,3632, 3640, 3722, 3722 TD, 3732, 3732 TD, 3740,3740T/TD

    144000286cartouche550 g3525, 4525

    14400044cartouche215 g3640, 3715, 3718, 3913

    144000186cartouche480 g4050

    1440000110cartouche150 g4100, 4110, 4115 (incl. 3 toner-wastecontainers/carton)

    144000424cartouche1430 g8505, 10505

    Tambours OPC

    344001208pc.1D 455, 465, 485, 555, 570, 651, 660, 675, 4105, 6005,7505, 8505, 9005, 10505, 10515,

    3440012220pc.1615, 618, 622, 627, 632, 725, 730, DocuStation 3205

    3440011920pc.1635, 645, 735, 745, D435, D445, P7145, DocuStation3252, 3525, 4525

    Raclettes64400278100pc.1D435, 435S, 445, 3525, 4525


    64400281100pc.16005, 7505

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur5440020540pc.1133/LD


    5320020240pc.13917, L, S


    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5440021950pc.12208, 5108

    5320020350pc.13114, 8112, RE

    5440020835pc.13213, 3213S (manchon PFA)

    5320020420pc.13917, L, S

    5440021320pc.17125, 5130, 5131, 7130 (manchon PFA)

    * pour utilisation dans NashuatecTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *NASHUATEC Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.Heater Lamps

    84400107100pc.13135D, 3943D, 7150/D/C84400103100pc.14300, 4310, 4325Z, 4510, 4550Z, 5115, RE, 8115


    * pour utilisation dans NashuatecTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *OLIVETTI UnitUnit/carton


    TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    121000174cartouchepour 15.000copies^^

    870 gCopia d-16MF, d-1600, d-2000, d-200MF(870 g Toner + 2 Waste Container + Grid Cleaner)

    1213600812cartouche315 gCopia d-23, d-31

    121360164cartouchepour 34.000copies^^

    1900 gCopia d-25, d-35, d-40, d-300(1900 g Cartouche + 2 Waste Container + GridCleaner)

    1210002312cartouchepour 6.000copies^^

    1d-Copia 163MF, 164MF

    136000174cartouchepour 34.000copies^^

    1900 gd-Copia 300MF, 400MF, 500MF(1900 g cartouche + 2 Waste Container + Grid Cleaner)

    1210001825cartouche290 gCopia d-1500, d-1800 MF,1160000224cartouche +

    barrette denettoyage

    2 x 105 gCopia 7025, 8010

    1360000612cartouche2 x 350 gCopia 7052, 7054

    1360000912cartouche2 x 420 gCopia 7062, 7064

    1360000520cartouche1 x 280 gCopia 8012, 8215

    1150001910cartouche1 x 540 gCopia 8028, 8035

    136000138cartouche1 x 750 gCopia 8040

    1360001510cartouche1 x 500 gCopia 8530

    115000116cartouche1 x 1,5 kgCopia 8550

    1213600912cartouche190 gCopia 9920^copie A4 6% de noir

    ^^copie A4 5% de noir

    Tambours OPC3210000150pc.1d-Copia 15, 20

    3150000760pc.1Copia 7025, 8010

    3150000620pc.1Copia 8521***

    Raclettes61500255100pc.1Copia 7039, 7041, 7047, 7139,7141, 7147, 8015, 8020,

    8515, 8521

    61500254100pc.1Copia 7052, 7054, 7062, 8030, 8130, 8040

    Adaptateur de Tambour8360000110pc.1Copia 7041, 8521

    * pour utilisation dans OlivettiTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *OLIVETTI UnitUnit/carton


    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur

    5150021450pc.1Copia 70055150021050pc.1Copia 7039, 7041, 7139, 7147, 8015, 8515

    (revtement bleu)

    5150021840pc.1Copia 7052, 7054, 8030, 8130

    5150021940pc.1Copia 7062, 7064, 8040, 8540

    5150022020pc.1Copia 7066, 7170, 8050

    5150021240pc.1Copia 8020, 8521 (revtement bleu)

    5150021340pc.1Copia 8025, 8530

    Bushings pour Chauffe Suprieur8150022050pc.1Copia 7055, 7056

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5150022350pc.1Copia 7005

    5150022250pc.1Copia 7014 (revtement FLC)

    5150021120pc.1Copia 7039, 7041, 7048, 7139, 7141, 7147, 7052,7054, 8015, 8515, 8521, 8130 (manchon PFA)

    5150022620pc.1Copia 7055, 7056, 8025, 8530 (manchon PFA)

    5150023025pc.1Copia 7062, 7064 (manchon PFA)

    5150022720pc.1Copia 8040, 8540 (manchon PFA)

    Rouleaux d'apport d'huile81500201100pc.1Copia 7039, 7041, 7139, 7141, 8015, 8515

    81500202100pc.1Copia 8020, 8521

    Feutres et Barrettes de Nettoyage8150020450pc.1Copia 8050

    (web) 15 m

    Exposure Lamps81500271100pc.1Copia 7039, 7041, 8015, 8515

    Heater Lamps81500342100pc.1Copia 7170, 8050 (upper heater lamp)

    81500343100pc.1Copia 7170, 8050 (lower heater lamp)

    81500344100pc.1Copia 7170, 8050 (220V, 1200W)

    81500270100pc.1Copia 7039, 7041, 8015, 8515

    Doigts de Dcollement81500240100pc.1Copia 7039, 7041, 7047, 8015, 8515 upper picker

    finger (pour application: FB1-0301-000)

    81500242100pc.1Copia 7039, 7041, 7047, 7052, 7055 lower pickerfinger (pour application: FA2-9037-000)

    Roulement8150025310pc.1Copia 8030, 8130 (pour application: FS3-0986-000)

    * pour utilisation dans OlivettiTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    Olympiaproduitspour * Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    1213700812cartouche315 gD 230, D 310121000174cartouche

    pour 15.000copies^^

    870 gD 1611(870 g Toner + 2 Waste Container + Grid Cleaner)

    1213700210cartouche450 gD 152, D 202 (Toner + Waste Box)

    1213700710cartouche700 gD 400, 420, 500, 520

    1213700112cartouche300 gD 1505, D 151, D 181 (Toner + Waste Box)

    ^copie A4 6% de noir

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur5320020240pc.11510Z, 1600, 1610Z, 1810Z, 2005Z, 2200Z, 2210ZD

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5320020350pc.11200, 1255, 1410, 1410Z

    5320020420pc.11510Z, 1600, 1610Z, 1810Z/, 2005Z, 2200Z, 2210ZD


    *Panasonic Unit Unit/cartonINTEGRAL


    TONER d'origine INTEGRAL131000078cartouche4 x 50 gFP 1270, 1275, 1370

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur5310001250pc.1FP 1370

    5310002220pc.1FP 6070

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5310001350pc.1FP 1370

    Heater Lamps83100119100pc.1FP 1270, 1275, 1370

    * pour utilisation dans PanasonicTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    Rex Rotaryproduitspour * Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    144000416cartouche230 gDSM 415, MP 1611440002420cartouche230 g1308, 1308f

    1440003225cartouche260 g1508, 1808, 1318

    1440002616cartouche360 g2238, 2738, DSm 622, 627, 632

    1440002125cartouche216 gR2820, R2825

    1440002949cartouche360 g2822, 2827

    144000276cartouche700 g2835, 2835S, 2845

    144000309cartouche700 g2840, 8240 e, 8250 e

    144000236cartouche1220 g2855, 2865, 8255 E

    144000316cartouche1220 g2870, 2955, 5508

    144000434cartouche1450 g2885, 28105

    144000286cartouche550 g3508, 4508

    144000424cartouche1430 g8508, 10508

    144000174cartouche4 x 370 g8515, 8518, 8522

    1440000920cartouche1 x 415 g8622 DZ/Z, 8627/DZ/LZ/Z, 8632, 8635 LZ/DZ/Z, 8640,8722 T/ZTD, 8732 Z/ZTD, 8740 Z/ZT/ZTD

    14400044cartouche215 g8715, 8718, 8913

    Tambours OPC3440012220pc.1615, 618, 622, 627, 632, 725, 730, 2822, 2827, P7032,

    DocuStation 1508, 1808, 2238, 2738

    3440011920pc.1635, 645, 735, 745, 2835, 2845, P7145, DocuStation3508, 4508

    344001208pc.1651, 660, 675, 2855, 2865, 2870, 2885, 2955, 2970,5508, 6008, 7508, 8505, 9008, 10518, 28105

    Raclettes64400278100pc.12835, 2835S, 2845, 3508, 4508


    64400281100pc.16008, 7508

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur5320020240pc.18016, 8018Z,8118Z/8216TCE/8020CZ/



    5440020540pc.18533D, 8533Z

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5320020350pc.18012C, 8014, 8122, 8314



    5440020835pc.18513, 8513Z (manchon PFA)

    Heater Lamps84400107100pc.18543D

    * pour utilisation dans Rex RotaryTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    1440002125cartouche216 gAficio 200, 2501440002949cartouche360 gAficio 220, 270

    144000276cartouche700 gAficio 340, 350, 355, 450, 455

    144000309cartouche700 gAficio 400, 401, 500

    144000236cartouche1220 gAficio 550, 650

    144000316cartouche1220 gAficio 551, 700, 800, 1055

    144000434cartouche1450 gAficio 850, 1050

    1440002420cartouche230 gAficio 1013, 1013F

    1440003225cartouche260 gAficio 1015, 1018, 1113

    1440002616cartouche360 gAficio 1022, 1027, 1032, 2022, 2027, 2032, 3025, 3030

    144000286cartouche550 gAficio 1035, 1045

    144000376cartouche1100 gAficio 1060, 1075, 2051, 2060, 2075

    144000424cartouche1430 gAficio 1085, 1105, 2090, 2105

    144000416cartouche230 gAficio 1515, MP 161

    144000386cartouche260 gAficio 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2020D

    144000396cartouche550 gAficio 2035, 2045, 3035, 3045

    1440000110cartouche150 gFT 3020, 3050, 3060 (incl. 3 toner-wastecontainers/carton)

    144000164cartouche2 x 320 gFT 3113, 3313, 3413 (R 310)

    14400044cartouche215 gFT 3613, 3813, 4015, 4018, 4615, 4618

    1440000920cartouche1 x 415 gFT 4022, 4027, 4127, 4522, 4527, 4622, 4822, 5035,5135, 5535, 5632, 5640, 5732, 5740, 5832, 5840 (R450)

    144000174cartouche4 x 370 gFT 4215, 4220, 4222, 4415, 4418, 4421 (R 410)

    144000458refill bottle3 x 380 gFT 6645, 6655, 7650, 7660, 7700 (R610) Refill

    144000186cartouche480 gFT 6750

    Tambours OPC3440012220pc.1Aficio 220, 270, 1015, 1018, 1022, 1027, 1032, 1113,

    2015, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2027, 2032, 3025, 3030,AP2700, AP3200, MP 1500, 1600, 2000, 2500, 2510,2550, 3010, 3350

    3440011920pc.1Aficio 340, 350, 450, 1035, 1045, 2035, 2045, 3035,3045, AP 4500, 4510, Imagio 4570, MF 3530, MP 3500,4000, 4500, 5000, SP 8100DN,

    344001208pc.1Aficio 550, 551, 650, 700, 850, 1050, 1055, 1060, 1075,1085, 1105, 2051, 2060, 2075, 2090, 2105, AP 900, MP5500, 6000, 6500, 7000, 7500, 8000, Imagio MF105PRO, 5550, 5570, 6550, 8570, SP 9100DN

    Raclettes64400282100pc.1Aficio 200, 250, 300, 320, 370, FT 4015

    64400283100pc.1Aficio 220, 270, 1022, 1027, 1032, 2022, 2027

    64400278100pc.1Aficio 340, 350, 450, 1035, 1045

    64400284100pc.1Aficio 1015, 1018

    64400281100pc.1Aficio 1060, 1075

    64400280100pc.1Aficio 2035

    64400285100pc.1FT 6645

    * pour utilisation dans RicohTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur

    5440023875pc.1Aficio 220, 2705440022840pc.1Afiico 250

    5440022275pc.1Aficio 340, 350, 450

    5440022920pc.1Aficio 550, 551, 650, 700

    5440023950pc.1Aficio 1013, 1013D

    5440023675pc.1Aficio 1015, 1018, 1113, 1115, 2015

    5440022575pc.1Aficio 1022, 1027, 1035, 1045, 2035, 2045, 3035, 3045

    5440020140pc.1FT 2050, 2070, M100

    5440023575pc.1FT 3513, 3713, 4015, 4615

    5440020540pc.1FT 4227, 4427, 4460, 4727, 5233, 5433, 5733

    5440021710pc.1FT 4500, 5500, 6350, 6500, 6645, 6655, 6665, 7500,

    7650, 7660, 7670, 7700, 7950, 7960, 79705440021850pc.1M3, M5, M50

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5440023025pc.1Aficio 200

    5440023125pc.1Aficio 250

    5440022320pc.1Aficio 340, 350, 450

    5440023230pc.1Aficio 400, 500

    5440024010pc.1Aficio 1022, 1027

    5440022620pc.1Aficio 1035, 1045

    5440024220pc.1Aficio 2035, 2045

    5440020835pc.1FT 3013, 3113, 3213, 3313, 3413 (manchon PFA)5440022120pc.1FT 4022, 4027, 4522, 4527, 5035, 5640, 5740, 5840,

    5632, 5732

    5440021320pc.1FT 4480, 5000, 5010, 5520 (manchon PFA)

    5440021950pc.1M3, M5, M50

    Heater Lamps84400103100pc.1FT 2050, 2070, 2260, 4030, 4060, 4085, 5050, 5070


    84400106100pc.1FT 4430, 4480, 4490

    84400107100pc.1FT 5540, 5550, 5570, 5580, 5590, 6620

    * pour utilisation dans RicohTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Savin UnitUnit/carton


    TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    144000276cartouche700 g2035, 2045, 9935, 9935D, 9945DP144000316cartouche1220 g2055 DP, 2070 DP, 2555

    144000434cartouche1450 g2085DP, 2105DP

    144000286cartouche550 g2235, 2245, 2535, 2545

    1440002420cartouche230 g2513, 2513f

    1440003225cartouche260 g2515, 2518

    1440002616cartouche360 g2522, 2527, 4022, 4027

    144000424cartouche1430 g2585DP, 4090, 25105DP, 40105

    144000416cartouche230 g3515

    1440000110cartouche150 g5015, 5015RE, 7015Z (incl. 3 toner-wastecontainers/carton)

    144000174cartouche4 x 370 g9015, 9020, 9022, 9150, 9180, 921014400044cartouche215 g9113, 9115, 9118

    144000309cartouche700 g9940 DP, 9940 DPC, 9950 DP

    Tambours OPC3440011920pc.12035DP, 2045DP, 2235, 2245, 2535, 2545, 4035,

    4045, 4135, 4145, 8045, 9935DP, 9945DP, MLP45

    344001208pc.12055DP, 2070DP, 2085DP, 2105DP, 2555, 2560,2575, 2585, 4051, 4060, 4075, 4090, 9955DP,9965DP, 25105, 40105, MLP75,

    3440012220pc.12515, 2518, 2522, 2527, 4018, 4022, 4027, 8016,8020, 8025, 8030, 8035, SLP 32


    Raclettes64400278100pc.12035DP, 2045DP, 2235, 2245, 2535, 2545, 9935D,

    9935DP, 9945DP

    64400281100pc.12560, 2575

    64400280100pc.14035, 4035SP, 4135G

    * pour utilisation dans SavinTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *SHARP Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    1490002124refill-bottle225 gAL 1000, 1010, 1020, 1041, 1200, 1210, 1220, 1241,1250, 1251, 1520, 1521,1551CS, SN 1045, AR 120,150, 150 N/F,F 151, 152, 155/N, 156, 160, 200, 205,Xerox XD 100, 102, 103, 104,105, 120, 125, 130, 155,XL 2120, 2130, 2140, WorkCentre Pro 16 FX/P

    1490002220refill-bottle210 gAR 151, F 152, 156, 160, 161, 200, 200S, 200SE, 205,AL 1000, 1010, 1020, 1041, 1200, 1210, 1220, 1241,1250, 1251, 1340, 1451, 1520, 1521,1551, 1551CS, SN1045

    14900019--cartouche700 gAR 250, 280, 281, 285, 286, 287, 330LT, 335, 336,337,400, 405, 407

    14900025cartouche814 gAR 280, 300, 350, 450, P350, P450

    14900024cartouche1500 gSharp AR 650, 800

    1490000718cartouche200 gSF 2016, 2020, 2116, 2118, 2120 Lanier 6716, 6718

    1490000611cartouche320 gSF 2022/2027/2035

    14900009cartouche1 x 600 gSF 2025, 2030, 2040, 2530, 2540

    14900016--cartouche930 gSF 2050, 2052, 2060, 3062 (EU-Cap-Version)

    1490001425cartouche240 gSF 2216, 2218, 2220, 2320 Lanier 7216

    1490001120bouteille215 gSF 7300, 7320, 7350, 7370 Lanier 6113, 6413, 6213,6514

    14900012cartouche210 gSF 7800, 7830, 7850

    Tambours OPC3490000860pc.1AL 1000, 1010, 1020, 1045, 1200, 1215, AR 150, 151,

    153, 168

    349000116pc.1AR 250, 280, 285, 336, 337 (EU-Version)

    34900011A6pc.1AR 250, 280, 285, 336, 337 (USA-Version)

    3490001550pc.1AR-M 350, 450

    349000126pc.1AR 405, 407 (EU-Version)

    34900012A6pc.1AR 405, 407 (USA-Version)

    349000136pc.1AR 501, 505, 507 (EU-Version)

    34900013A6pc.1AR 501, 505, 507 (USA-Version)

    351001168pc.1AR 650, 800, 850

    Raclettes64900009100pc.1AR 160

    64900010100pc.1AR 250

    64900004100pc.1SF 2014

    64900005100pc.1SF 2022

    64900011100pc.1SF 2050, 2060

    64900012100pc.1SF 2114

    64900002100pc.1SF 7300

    * pour utilisation dans SharpTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *SHARP Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur

    5490005350pc.1Z50, 52, 55, 70, 72, 75, 76, 77, 85, SF2010, SF6000,SF6100, Xerox 5309, 5310, 5008, 5, 5009RE, 5260Lanier 6610

    5490005940pc.1SF 2022, 2022N, 2025, 2027, 2027N, 2030, 2040, 7900,8300, 8350, 8400

    5490006120pc.1SD 2060, 2260, 3062

    5490005550pc.1SF 7300, 7320, 7350, 7370 Lanier 6113, 6213, 6413,6514

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5490005150pc.1Z20, 25, Xerox 5201, 5305

    5490005250pc.1Z30, Xerox 5220

    5490006220pc.1SF 2060, 3062, 5060 (manchon PFA)

    5490005650pc.1SF 7300, 7320, 7350, 7370 Lanier 6113, 6213, 6413,6514

    5490005840pc.1SF 7700, 7750, 7800, 7830, 7850, 7855

    Exposure Lamps84900109100pc.1Z 50, 52, 55, Xerox 5008S

    84900120100pc.1SF 2040

    Heater Lamps84900107100pc.1Sharp Z 30, SF 2730

    84900108100pc.1Sharp Z 50, 55, 70, 72, 75, 76, 77, SF6000, 6100 Xerox5008, S, 5009, RE, 5260, 5309, 5310

    84900111100pc.1SF 1025, 2022, 2027

    84900116100pc.1SF 2020, 2120

    84900118100pc.1SF 2025, 2030

    84900119100pc.1SF 2035, 2040

    84900113100pc.1SF 2114

    84900115100pc.1SF 2116 Lanier 6716

    84900126100pc.1SF 2260

    84900101100pc.1SF 7300, 7350 Lanier 6113, 6213

    84900129100pc.1SF 7700, 7750

    84900104100pc.1SF 7800, 7830, 7850

    84900131100pc.1SF 7900, 8300, 8350, 8400, 8500, 8570, 8800, 8870,8875

    * pour utilisation dans SharpTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Toshiba Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    1215100912cartouche190 gDP 1570-E15100019cartouche238 ge-Studio 12, 15, 120, 150, 162, 162D

    151000142cartouche335 ge-Studio 16, 16S, 160MFD

    151000152cartouche400 ge-Studio 20/S, 25/S, 200MFD, 250MFD

    1510001618cartouche450 ge-Studio 28, 35, 45

    15100016A18cartouche450 ge-Studio 28, 35, 45 (American cap version)

    14900024cartouche1500 ge-Studio 55, 65, 80, DP 4580, 5570, 6570, 8070

    15100021cartouche675 ge-Studio 350, 352, 450, 452

    15100020cartouche1350 ge-Studio 550, 650, 810

    144000424cartouche1430 ge-Studio 900, 1050

    1510000810cartouche145 g1210, 2810

    151000094cartouche180 g1340, 1350, 1360, 1370

    15100009A4cartouche180 g1340, 1350, 1360, 1370

    151000114cartouche240 g1550, 1560 (4 prongs)

    15100011A4cartouche240 g1550, 1560 (3 prongs)

    151000044cartouche300 g1650, 1710, 2050, 2310, 2500, 2540, 3240

    151000124cartouche300 g2060, 2860, 2870 (2 prongs)

    15100012A4cartouche300 g2060, 2860, 2870 (3 prongs)

    151000064universel450 g2510, 2550, 3220, 4010

    151000074cartouche420 g3210, 3240

    151000185cartouche500 g3560, 4560 (2 prongs)

    15100013cartouche1350 g6560

    Tambours OPC3490000860pc.1e-Studio 12, 15, 120, 150, 162

    3510012050pc.1e-Studio 16, 20, 25, 160, 163, 165, 166, 167, 200, 206,207, 230, 232, 233, 237, 250, 280, 282, OD 1600

    3510012120pc.1e-Studio 28, 35, 45, 350, 352, 450, 452, 453

    344001208pc.1e-Studio 900, 1050

    3510011850pc.11600, e-Studio 230, 280

    3510010812pc.11650, 1710, 2050, 2310, 2500, 2540, 3210, 3240,Lanier 6425, 6432, 6523, 6625, 6632, 6717

    3510011520pc.12460, 3580

    3510011310pc.12510, 25503510011410pc.14010, 3220, 3550

    351001168pc.14580, 5570, 6570, e-Studio 55, 65, 80

    351001178pc.16510, e-Studio 550, 650, 810

    * pour utilisation dans ToshibaTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    *Toshiba Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.Raclettes

    65100010100pc.1e-Studio 28, 35, 4565100001100pc.11210, 2810

    65100006100pc.1BD 1350

    65100004100pc.1BD 1550

    65100002100pc.11650, 1710, 2050, 2310, 2500, 2540, 3210, 3240,Lanier 6425, 6432, 6523, 6525, 6625, 6632, 6717, 6725

    6510000550pc.1BD 2060

    65100007100pc.13850, 4550, Lanier 6745

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur5510000250pc.11210, 1340, 1350, 1360, 1370, 2810, Lanier 6110,

    6112, 6613, 3713, 7213, 7313

    5510002150pc.11310, 3810, 39105510002340pc.11650, 2050, 2540, Lanier 6625

    5510000940pc.1BD 2532, 3210, 3240, Lanier 6432, 6632

    5510000340pc.1BD 3110, Harris 3M 6010

    5510000840pc.1BD 3220, 3550, 3850, 4010, Lanier 6532, 6540, 6735

    5510001040pc.1BD 3701, 3503, 4501, 4511, 4515, Lanier 526, 546,566, 596

    5510000540pc.1BD 5501

    5510002220pc.15540, 6550, 6560, 7550, Lanier 6755, 6765, 7365

    5510000740pc.17811, 7812, 7815, 7816, Lanier 576, DF, 583, DF

    5510000640pc.1BD 8411, Lanier 6040

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5510001120pc.11550, 1650, 1710, 2050, 2310, 2500, 2510, 2540, 2550,

    3210, 3240, Lanier 6425, 6432, 6523, 6525, 6625,6632, 6717, 6725

    5510002625pc.12060, 2860, Lanier 7320, 7328 (manchon)

    5510001325pc.1BD 3110, Harris 3M 6010

    5510001925pc.13220, 3550, 3850, 4010, Lanier 6532, 6540, 6735

    5510001720pc.1BD 3503, 3701, 4501, 4511, 4515, Lanier 526, 546,566, 596

    5510001625pc.1BD 4111, 4121, 3301, Lanier 576, 537, 516

    5510001525pc.1BD 5511, Lanier 570

    5510001425pc.1BD 8811, Lanier 586

    Exposure Lamps85100104100pc.11710, 2310, Lanier 6523, 6717

    * pour utilisation dans ToshibaTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    Triumph Adlerproduitspour * Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    1210001825cartouche290 gDC 1315, 2018, 2315121000174cartouche

    pour 15.000copies^^

    870 gDC 1650, 2016, 2116, 2120, 2216(870 g Toner + 2 Waste Container + Grid Cleaner)

    1215200210cartouche450 gDC 2015, 2020 (Toner + Waste Box)

    1215200812cartouche315 gDC 2023, 2031

    121520164cartouche1,9 kgDC 2025, 2035, 2130 (1,9 kg Toner + 2 WasteContainer + Grid Cleaner)

    1215200112cartouche300 gDC 2115, 2215 (Toner + Waste Box)

    1210002312cartouchepour 6.000copies^^

    1DC 2316


    cartouchepour 6.000copies^^

    1LP 4014

    1210002212cartouchepour 7.200copies^^

    1LP 4022

    115000168cartouchespour 18.500copies^

    4TA 3120toner haute performance

    ^copie A4 6% de noir

    ^^copie A4 5% de noir

    Tambours OPC

    3210000150pc.1DC 20203150000620pc.1TA 3120

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur5320020240pc.1TA 2020, 2222, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2216, 2416, 2616

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5320020350pc.1TA 2012, 2014, 2212, 2214

    5320020420pc.1TA 2020, 2222, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2216, 2416, 2616

    * pour utilisation dans Triumph AdlerTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    UTAXproduitspour * Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    1215500912cartouche190 gCD 15, CD 211215500812cartouche315 gCD 23, CD 31

    1215500210cartouche450 gCD 1015, 1020 (Toner + Waste Box)

    121000174cartouchepour 15.000copies^^

    870 gCD 1016, 1116, 1120, 1216(870 g Toner + 2 Waste Container + Grid Cleaner)

    1210001825cartouche290 gCD 1018, 1315

    121520164cartouche1,9 kgCD 1025, 1035 (1,9 kg Toner + 2 Waste Container +Grid Cleaner)

    1215500112cartouche300 gCD 1115, CD 1215 (Toner + Waste Box)

    12100024A4cartouchepour 34.000


    1900 gCD 1230, 1240, 1250(1900 g cartouche + 2 Waste Container + Grid Cleaner)

    1210002312cartouchepour 6.000copies^^

    1CD 1316

    1210001012cartouchepour 6.000copies^^

    1LP 3014

    ^^copie A4 5% de noir

    Tambours OPC3210000150pc.1CD 1015, 1020, 1115, 1215

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur

    5320020240pc.1C-140, 142, 144, 185, 250, 252, 254

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5320020350pc.1C-105, 106, 125, 126, 128

    5320020420pc.1C-140, 142, 144, 185, 250, 252, 254

    * pour utilisation dans U-TaxTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    (imprimantes laser/fax)Catalogue


    *Brother Unit Unit/cartonINTEGRAL


    Tambours OPC3640010060pc.1DR-500, DR-7000

    3640010160pc.1HL 720 (DR 200)* pour utilisation dans Brother


    *Dell Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.Smart Chips


    * pour utilisation dans DellTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    (imprimantes laser/fax)Catalogue


    *Hewlett Packard/Canon Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    1150004910 kgkg1AX, BX, EX, JX, NX, PX, VX, WX , HP 1100, 1150, 3100/ HP Laserjet 5L, 6L, 4V, 5, 4Si, 4L, 6P, 5Si / CANONLBP 460, 465, 660 EP-A, 730PS, FX 2, FX 3, FX 4,(universal) (bulk, 10 kg sachet) )available as:10 x 10 kg fiber drum or60 x 10 kg palet box

    1150005015 bagskg1AX, BX, EX, JX, NX, PX, VX, WX , HP 1100, 1150, 3100/ HP Laserjet 5L, 6L, 4V, 5, 4Si, 4L, 6P, 5Si / CANONLBP 460, 465, 660 EP-A, 730PS, FX 2, FX 3, FX 4,(universal) (bulk, 1 kg sachet)

    1150006110 kgkg1HP 1000, 1010, 1020, 1150, 1200, 1300, 2100, 2200,2300, 4000, 4100, 4200, 4300, 5000, 8100 (bulk, 10 kgsachet) )available as:

    10 x 10 kg fiber drum or60 x 10 kg palet box

    1150007815 bagskg1HP 1010, 1150, 1200, 2100, 2300, 4000, 4100, 4200,5000, 8100 (bulk, 1 kg sachet)

    1150009110kg1HP 1160, 1320, P 2015 (bulk, 10 kg sachet)

    1150004840bouteille140 gAX - EP-A/AX , HP Laserjet 5L/6L, 1100, FX 3

    1150004340bouteille160 gPX - Canon/HP LJ 4L/ 4ML/ 4P/ 4MP/ PX, FX 2

    1150005540bouteille150 gHP 1000, 1150, 1200, 1300

    1150007140bouteille100 gHP 1010, 1015, 1020, 1022, 1215, 3015, 3020, 3030

    1150007040bouteille135 gHP 1160, 1320

    1150009040bouteille150 gHP 1160, 1320, P 2015

    1150005620bouteille220 gHP 2100, 22001150007220bouteilles340 gHP 2300

    11500057K24bouteille500 gHP 4000, 4100, 5000, HP 1010, 1150, 1200, 2100,2300, 4200, 8100

    1150007312bouteilles2 x 342 gHP 4200, 4250, 4300, 4350

    13100042cartouche1040 gHP 9055 MFP, 9065 MFP, HP 9085 MFP

    * pour utilisation dans Hewlett Packard/CanonTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    (imprimantes laser/fax)Catalogue


    *Hewlett Packard/Canon Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER COULEUR d'origine INTEGRAL

    1152301320bouteilles180 gHP 1500, 2500, 2550, 3500, 3550, 3700 / noir

    1152301420bouteilles170 gHP 1500, 2500, 2550, 3000, 3500, 3550, 3600, 3700 /jaune

    1152301520bouteilles170 gHP 1500, 2500, 2550, 3000, 3500, 3550, 3600, 3700 /


    1152301620bouteilles170 gHP 1500, 2500, 2550, 3000, 3500, 3550, 3600, 3700 /cyan

    1152300920bouteilles260 gHP 3000, 3600, 3800, 4600, 4650, 5500, 5550 / noir

    1152301020bouteilles230 gHP 3800, 4600, 4650, 5500, 5550/ jaune

    1152301120bouteille230 gHP 3800, 4600, 4650, 5500, 5550 / magenta

    1152301220bouteilles230 gHP 3800, 4600, 4650, 5500, 5550/ cyan

    1152300110bouteilles380 gHP 4500, 4550Canon LBP 2040, CLBP 460PS, EP 83 / noir

    1152300420bouteilles200 gHP 4500, 4550Canon LBP 2040, CLBP 460PS, EP 83/ jaune

    1152300320bouteille200 gHP 4500, 4550Canon LBP 2040, CLBP 460PS, EP 83 / magenta

    1152300220bouteilles200 gHP 4500, 4550Canon LBP 2040, CLBP 460PS, EP 83 / cyan

    1152302910bouteille360 gHP 4700 / noir

    1152303110bouteille340 gHP 4700 / magenta

    1152303210bouteille340 gHP 4700 / cyan

    1152303010bouteille340 gHP 4700 / jaune

    1152300520bouteilles580 gHP 8500, 8550 / noir

    1152300620bouteilles380 gHP 8500, 8550/ jaune

    1152300720bouteilles380 gHP 8500, 8550/ magenta

    1152300820bouteilles380 gHP 8500, 8550 / cyan

    * pour utilisation dans Hewlett Packard/CanonTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    (imprimantes laser/fax)Catalogue


    *Hewlett Packard/Canon Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.Tambours OPC

    3152310850pc.AX - HP, Laserjet 5L, 6L, 1100, 3100, 3150, 3200 /CANON LBP 22X, 320, 460, 465, 660 EP-A, 800

    3152310350pc.EX - HP, Lj 4, 4M, 4Plus / Canon LBP-8IV, EP-E

    3152310450pc.PX - HP, Lj 4L, 4P / Canon LBP -4u, 4i, 430W, EP-P

    3152310650pc.VX - HP, Lj 5P, 5MP / 6P / 6MP

    3152311050pc.WX - HP Laserjet 5Si, HP 8000

    3152311450pc.HP Laserjet 1000, 1150, 1200, 1300, 3300, LBP 25X,1210

    3230011150pc.1P1005, 1006, 1505, 1505n

    3230010450pc.HP Laserjet 1010, 1012,1015

    3152311950pc.HP Laserjet 1160, 1320, 2015

    3152312250pc.1HP Color Laserjet 1600, 2600, 2605

    3152311150pc.HP Laserjet 2100, 2200, LBP 32X, 470, 1000

    3230010350pc.HP Laserjet 2300

    3152311750pc.HP Laserjet 2410, 2420, 2430

    3230010650pc.1HP Color Laserjet 3000, 3600, 3800

    3230010750pc.1HP Color Laserjet 3500, 3700

    3152311250pc.HP Laserjet 4000, 4050, LBP 52X, 1760

    3230010150pc.HP Laserjet 4100

    3230010550pc.HP Laserjet 4200, 4300, 4250, 4350

    3230010850pc.1HP Color Laserjet 4600

    3230010950pc.1HP Color Laserjet 4700

    3152311350pc.HP Laserjet 5000, 5000LE, LBP 62X, 840, 850

    3152312350pc.1HP Laserjet 5200, LBP 3500, 3900, 3950

    3152312150pc.1HP Color Laserjet 5500, 5500N, 5500DN, 5500DTH,5500HDN, LBP 2710, 2810, EP-86

    3152311550pc.HP Laserjet 8100, LBP 72X, 950, 3260

    3230011050pc.1HP Laserjet 9000, 9000N, 9000DN, 9000 HNS

    3150002850pc.1LBP 1410, 1420, 1510, 1710, 2000, 2320, 6400

    3150002950pc.1LBP 3700, 3800


    * pour utilisation dans Hewlett Packard/CanonTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    (imprimantes laser/fax)Catalogue


    *Hewlett Packard/Canon Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.Raclettes

    61523105100pc.AX - HP Laserjet 5L, 6L, FX 3, HP 1100, CANON LBP460, 465, 660/EP-A

    61523103100pc.EX - HP, Laserjet 4, 4M, 4Plus, 4MPlus / Canon LBP-8IV, EP-E

    61523104100pc.PX - HP Laserjet 4L, 4P, 4MP, E 30, FX 2, Canon LBP,430/460, EP-P

    61523106100pc.VX - HP, Lj 5P, 5MP, 6P, 6MP, FX 4

    61523109200pc.HP Laserjet 1010, 1012, 1015

    61523110200pc.HP Laserjet 1000, 1200, 1220, 1300, 3200, Canon LBP800

    61523118100HP 1160, 1320

    6152311150pc.1HP Laserjet 2100, 2200, 2420, 2300, 2500, 4500,

    LBP-1000, LBP-32X61523113100pc.HP Laserjet 4000, 4050, Canon LBP-1760

    61523119100pc.1HP 4100

    61523117100pc.HP Laserjet 4200, 4300

    61523122100pc.1HP Laserjet 4600

    61523115100pc.HP Laserjet 8000

    61523116100pc.HP Laserjet 8100

    Doctor Blade61523303100pc.1PX

    61523309100pc.1HP 1320

    61523305100pc.1HP 2100

    61523310100pc.1HP 2300

    61523306100pc.1HP 4000

    61523307100pc.1HP 4100

    61523311100pc.1HP 4200, 4300

    Fusing Sleeves8152300350pc.1AX - EP-A/AX , HP Laserjet 5L/6L (incl. grease)

    81523005100pc.1HP 1100 (incl. grease)

    81523006100pc.1HP 2100, 4000 (incl. grease)

    8152301210pc.1HP 2200

    8152300410pc.1VX - HP LJ 5P, 5MP, 6P, 6MP (incl. grease)

    * pour utilisation dans Hewlett Packard/CanonTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    (imprimantes laser/fax)Catalogue


    *Hewlett Packard/Canon Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.Smart Chips

    823000018pc.1HP 1300, 1320, 2410, 2420, 2430,4250, 4345, 4350 - High Yield

    823000128pc.1HP 1160, 1300, 1320, 2300, 2410, 2420, 2430, 4200,4250, 4300, 4345, 4350 - Low Yield

    823000028pc.1HP 1500, 2500, 2550, 2820, 2840/ noir

    823000055pc.1HP 1500, 2500, 2550, 2820, 2840 / magenta

    823000038pc.1HP 1500, 2500, 2550, 2820, 2840/ cyan

    823000048pc.1HP 1500, 2500, 2550, 2820, 2840/ jaune

    823000135pc.1HP 2600 / noir

    823000145pc.1HP 2600 / cyan

    823000155pc.1HP 2600 / magenta

    823000165pc.1HP 2600 / jaune

    823000175pc.1HP 3000 / noir

    823000185pc.1HP 3000 / cyan

    823000195pc.1HP 3000 / magenta

    823000205pc.1HP 3000 / jaune

    823000255pc.1HP 3800 / noir

    823000265pc.1HP 3800 / cyan

    823000275pc.1HP 3800 / magenta

    823000285pc.1HP 3800 / jaune

    823000101pc.1HP 4500, 4550

    823000065pc.1HP 4600, 4650, 5500, 9000, 9050, 9500 High YieldHP 4100 High Yield/ noir

    823000095pc.1HP 4600, 4650, 5500, 9000, 9050, 9500 High YieldHP 4100 Low Yield / magenta

    823000075pc.1HP 4600, 4650, 5500, 9000, 9050, 9500 High YieldHP 4100 High Yield/ cyan

    823000085pc.1HP 4600, 4650, 5500, 9000, 9050, 9500 High YieldHP 4100 Low Yield / jaune

    823000295pc.1HP 4700 / noir

    823000305pc.1HP 4700 / cyan

    823000315pc.1HP 4700 / magenta

    823000325pc.1HP 4700 / jaune

    823000111pc.1HP 8500, 8550

    Rouleaux Pression Infrieur5152300150pc.1HP 1100

    5152300350pc.1HP 4000

    5152300520pc.1HP 8100* pour utilisation dans Hewlett Packard/Canon

    * pour utilisation dans Hewlett Packard/CanonTarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    (imprimantes laser/fax)Catalogue


    * IBM/Lexmark Unit Unit/cartonINTEGRAL


    TONER d'origine INTEGRAL1620000110 kgkg1Lexmark E 210, 310, 312, X 215 MFP Polyester

    (bulk, 10 kg sachet)

    1620000220bouteille160 gLexmark E 310, 312 (Polyester)

    1620000440bouteille80 gLexmark E 210 (Polyester)

    1620000540bouteille65 gLexmark E 210 (Polyester)

    Tambours OPC3600010150pc.1Lexmark Optra E 210

    3620010750pc.1Lexmark E220, 320, 321, 322, 323, IBM InfoPrint 1116,1312, Toshiba E-Studio 190P, Dell P 1500, Ricoh AP1610, Sindoricoh LP 1600, 1900

    3620010850pc.1Lexmark E230, 232, 330, 332

    3620010650pc.1Lexmark Optra E 310, 312

    3620010950pc.1Lexmark Optra-M410, 412, Unisys UDS 12/17

    36200101100pc.1Lexmark Optra S, 1250/N, 1255, 1855, 1620, 1625,1650/N, 2420, 2450/N, 2455, IBM 4059

    3620011050pc.1Lexmark T-420, 420d, 420dn

    3620011150pc.1Lexmark T-630, 632, 634, Toshiba e-studio 222p

    3600010250pc.1Lexmark X215

    Raclettes66200002100pc.E 210* pour utilisation dans IBM/Lexmark

    Tarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

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    (imprimantes laser/fax)Catalogue


    *Samsung Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.TONER d'origine INTEGRAL

    1620000110 kgkg1ML 200, 210, 250, 1010, 1020, 1020M, 1210, 1210Z,1220, 1220M, 1220MR, 1250, 1250Z, 1430, 1450,1500, 1510, 1520, 1710, 1710P, 1740, 1750, 1755,2150, 2151N, 2152W, 2155N, 2250, 2251N, 2251NP,2252W, ML 5000 series, SF 560, Polyester(bulk, 10 kg sachet)

    1620000220bouteille160 gML 5000 series (Polyester)

    1620000440bouteille80 gML 1210, 1450, 1510, 1710, 1750 (Polyester)

    1620000540bouteille65 gML 1210, 1450, 1510, 1710, 1750 (Polyester)

    1620000640bouteille100 gML 1610, 2010

    TONER COULEUR d'origine INTEGRAL1600000120bouteille300 gCLP 500, 510, 550/ noir

    1600000220bouteille200 gCLP 500, 510, 550/ jaune

    1600000320bouteille200 gCLP 500, 510, 550 / magenta

    1600000420bouteille200 gCLP 500, 510, 550/ cyan

    Tambours OPC3620010650pc.1ML 80, ML 5000 series

    3600010150pc.1ML 1210, 1250

    3600010250pc.1ML 1510, 1710, 1750, SF-560

    3600011450pc.1ML 1610, 2010

    3600010650pc.1ML 1650, 6040, 6060, 6090

    3600010350pc.1ML 2150

    3600010450pc.1ML 2250, 2251, 2252

    3600011150pc.1ML 3050

    3600011050pc.1ML 3560, 3561, 3562

    3600010550pc.1ML 4300

    3600010750pc.1ML 7000, 7050, 7300

    3600010850pc.1ML 8000, 8000W, 8000WG, 8050WG

    3600010950pc.1ML 8200

    3600011350pc.1SCX 6120, 6220, 6320F, 6520FN

    Raclettes66200002100pc.ML 1010, 1020, 1210, 1220, 1430, 4500

    66000003100pc.ML 1610, 1650

    66000001100pc.ML 1710, 1750

    66000002100pc.ML 2150, 2151, 2152

    66000004100pc.ML 2250

    Doctor Blade66200300100pc.1ML 1210

    66000301100pc.1ML 1710

    Tarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:++49(0)2833/606-0 Fax:++49(0)2833/606-160 E-Mail: [email protected]

  • 5/24/2018 Catalogue 1108


    Page45/ November 2008 recyclage de cartouches+ parts for printers

    (imprimantes laser/fax)Catalogue


    *Samsung Unit Unit/carton INTEGRALArt.No.Smart Chips

    860000058pc.1CLP 510 noir

    860000068pc.1CLP 510 cyan

    860000078pc.1CLP 510jaune

    860000088pc.1CLP 510 magenta

    860000018pc.1ML 2150

    Rouleaux Chauffe Suprieur5600000110pc.1ML 1650

    * pour utilisation dans Samsung


    *Xerox Unit Unit/cartonINTEGRAL


    TONER d'origine INTEGRAL1410001010 kgkg1XP-8, 16

    (bulk, 10 kg sachet)

    1620000110 kgkg1P8e, Phaser 3110, 3115, 3120, 3130, 3150, 3450,Work Centre PE 16, 120, PE 120 i, Polyester(bulk, 10 kg sachet)

    1620000220bouteille160 gP8e (Polyester)

    1410000820 kgkg1N 24, 32, 40 (bulk, 20 kg sachet)

    1410001110bouteille330 gXP-8, 16

    Tambours OPC3600011350pc.1WC M 20, WC M 20i, Copycentre C 20

    3600011050pc.1Phaser 3500

    3670011050pc.1Fuji Xerox 128, Xerox Docuprint N24, N32, N40

    3670010650pc.1Fuji Xerox Docuprint N2025, 2825, XP-20

    3670010150pc.1Xerox DocuPrint 205, 255, 305; Epson LP-6100, 7900,9100, EPL-N2500

    3650030250pc.1Xerox DocuPrint 240A/340A

    3670010750pc.1Xerox DocuPrint K-2165S, K-2665S

    3620010650pc.1DocuPrint P8e

    3600010250pc.1WorkCentre PE16


    Smart Chips

    841000015pc.1PE 120

    841000025pc.1PE 120I

    841000035pc.1Phaser 3150

    841000055pc.1N 32* pour utilisation dans Xerox (laser printer)

    Tarifs et conditions sans engagement, pouvant tre modifis sans pravis. Livraison: ex usine Kerken. All prices relate to purchases of fullmasterbox quantities where masterbox quantities are indicated.

    INTEGRAL GMBH, D-47647 Kerken / Germany Tel.:+

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