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  • 8/3/2019 CATIA Generative Drafting



    Page 1IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Generative Drafting

    IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes 19972001DASSAULTSYSTEMES

  • 8/3/2019 CATIA Generative Drafting



    Page 2IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Description?This Tutorial is an introduction to Generative Drafting.


    ?To show how CATIA V5 allows theuser to automatically generateassociative drafting from 3D mechanical parts produced with CATIA Version5.

    ?To show a higher productive environment for drawings dress-up and



    ?45 minutes

    Product Coverage

    ?Part Design, Generative Drafting

    Page 2IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Tutorial Objectives


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    Page 3IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Tutorial Major Steps

    Here are the different steps of this tutorial:

    Step 1? Prepare the drawing

    Step 2? Create main views

    Step 3? Use the Wizard to generate views

    Step 4? Create a Detail view

    Step 5? Create a Section view

    Step 6? Create Dimensions

    Step 7? Create a Breakout view

    Step 8? Finish the drawing

    Step 9? Finishing

    Note : in the ..\Generative Drafting\Data directory you can find several drawings named with thedifferent steps of this tutorial. If you have some difficulties or if you need to stop and continue sometimelater, you can load them at the end of each step to continue the tutorial.

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    Page 4IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Settings 1/2Depending on your needs, you may have to modify the CATIA V5 settings (units, defaultdirectory, visualisation parameters, etc)

    In order to use the appropriate settings for this tutorial, you have two possibilities:

    1. Do the following operations (simplest one):


    ?Copy or replace the directory ..\Generative Drafting\Data\CATSettingsin:

    C:\Winnt\Profiles\XXXXX\Application Data\DassaultSystemes

    C:\Documents and settings\Profiles\XXXXX\Application Data\DassaultSystemes

    C:\Windows\Profiles\XXXXX\Application Data\DassaultSystemes

    XXXX is the name used to log on to your computer

    ?Do not forgetto put this folder (CATSettings) inread mode:

    ? Selectthe folder (CATSettings)

    ? Click mouse button 3 then click onProperties anduncheck theRead-only Attribute

    ? Selectall the files in the folder

    ? Click mouse button 3 then click onProperties and uncheck theRead-onlyAttribute

    2. Set them manually:?Launch your CATIA V5 session and do the operations from page 32 onwards

    For NT users

    For Windows 2000

    or XP users

    For Windows

    98 users

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    Page 5IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Settings 2/2

    For this tutorial you also need to install a tooling and a material catalogue:

    ?Do not do this step if you have already done it in getting started or in a previous tutorial

    ? Copy the ..\Getting Started\Catalog.CATMaterial file under ..\ProgramFiles\Dassault Systemes\M07\intel_a\startup\materials\French directory

    ? Copy the ..\Getting Started\Catalog.CATMaterial file under ..\Program

    Files\Dassault Systemes\M07\intel_a\startup\materials\German directory

    ? Copy the ..\Getting Started\Catalog.CATMaterial file under ..\ProgramFiles\Dassault Systemes\M07\intel_a\startup\materials\Japanese directory

    ? Copy the ..\Getting Started\Catalog.CATMaterial file under ..\Program

    Files\Dassault Systemes\M07\intel_a\startup\materials directory

    ? Answer Yes in order to replace the old catalogue

    You are now ready to launch your CATIA V5 session

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    Page 6IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 1: Open the Part

    Opening Files

    ?Close all the windows in CATIA

    ?Open the file Spindle.CATPart under

    the \Generative Drafting\Data directory?NB: There are several ways of

    opening the files

    ? In the Browse window, check theShow Preview option

    ?Select the Spindle.CATPart file?Click onOpenbutton

    ?AnswerYesto the question

    because some libraries are notinstalled on this CATIA demonstrationmode

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    Page 7IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 1: Open a new drawing

    Opening files

    ?Select Start + Mechanical Design +Drafting in the menu bar to access the

    Drawing workbench

    ? Check that the first layout is


    ? In the New Drawing Creationwindow, click on theModifybutton

    ?Choose ANSI for the Standard andC ANSI for the Format

    ?Validate by clicking onOKin theNew Drawing window

    ?Validate by clicking onOKin theNew Drawing Creation window

    ?A new drawing window is opened

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    Page 8IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 1: Add the Company Background

    Adding the template?Select File + Page Setup in the Menu bar

    ?In the Page Setup window, click onInsertBackground View

    ?Click on theBrowsebutton in the displayedwindow

    ?Browse your hard disk in order to find andselect the DS_Template.CATDrawing file

    ?Click on theOpenbutton

    ?Click onInsertbutton in the Insert elementinto a sheet window

    ?ClickOKin the Page Setup window

    ? The frame is inserted in the Background

    view? If you want to have access to thisbackground layer, select Edit + Background inthe Menu bar. Before going to the next page,return to the Working view by selecting Edit +Working Views in the menu bar

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    Page 9IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 1: Change the Scale

    Modification of the scale?You can access the properties of thewhole sheet

    ?Click MB 3 (Mouse Button 3) onSheet.1 in the specification tree

    ?Select Properties

    ? In the Global scale field, key in1/32

    ?Click onOKto validate? The whole sheet will now have thisnew scale value

    ?Click on theSnap to pointicon onthe bottom toolbar to deactivate it

    ? The icon should turn blue

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    Page 10IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 2: Start the Drawing

    Creating the front view

    ? You will now learn how to create a front view

    ? Click on theFrontviewicon on the rightToolbar

    ? Select Window + Tile horizontally in themenu bar

    ? Click in the bottom window andOUTSIDEof the geometry

    ? Drag the mouse cursor over the various3D planes on the specification tree

    WITHOUTclicking? If you click on the plane you will create the

    corresponding 2D view. To delete a created

    view, refer to the next page

    ? The preview window shows you the


    ? Click the front face of the Spindle

    ? If you have trouble selecting it, dont

    hesitate to zoom in before clicking

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    Page 11IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 2: Start the Drawing

    Orientating the front view

    ? You can rotate the views before creating them

    ? Click on the arrows of the compass toorientate the front view

    ?When you have the view positioned asshown here, click anywhere on the grid

    ? To have the same orientation you should

    click 3 times on the left rotation arrow (the

    inside circular arrow)


    After a few seconds, the view is created? If you have failed, you need to delete the

    view and re-do it. (See page11 on how to

    delete a view).

    ? Select and drag the text box, placing itunder the front view as shown

    ? Maximise the drawing window

    ? Zoom out to see the whole page

    ? Select the front view frame and drag it toposition it as shown

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    Page 12IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 2: Generate some other views

    Creating a projection view

    ?How to create a left view

    ?Click theProjection viewicon behind the

    Front viewicon

    ? You have to click on the black arrow at the

    bottom right of the front view icon

    ?Drag the projection view around the frontview to preview the different projections youcould create

    ?Now position the projection view as shownon the right and click MB1

    ?Another way to create views


    Delete the views by clicking MB3 on theframe (and not inside the frame) ofboth

    views and then selecting the Delete function

    ? Another way is to select a view and use the

    Delete key of the keyboard

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    Page 13IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 3: Generate some other views

    Using the Wizard?You can generate the views one by one as youdid in the last pages or use the wizard creation

    ?Click on theWizardicon in the View


    ?Click the different vertical icons to preview

    what you could create, then finish by selecting

    the 3rd

    configuration? By selecting this icon, you can create theFront, the Left and the Top views

    ? If you want to delete a specific view, clickMB3 on the view

    ?Click on theNextbutton

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    Page 14IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 3: Generate some other views

    Using the Wizard

    ?You can also choose the view by viewselection instead of a whole or

    complementary configuration

    ?Click on theIsometric viewicon

    and drag the preview result toposition it as shown then click MB1 toposition it

    ?Key in 1 for the Minimum distancebetween each view

    ?Click on theFinishbutton

    ?Reduce the drawing window

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    Page 15IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 3: Generate some other views

    Using the Wizard

    ?Zoom in and click MB1 on theFront face

    ?Maximize the drawing window

    ?Rotate the views using theCompass as previously explained

    ?When satisfied, click anywhere on

    the sheet to create the views

    ?Move the Front view by draggingits frame

    ? The other views will move


    ?Move another view

    ? The other views will not move

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    Page 16IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 4: Create a Detail

    Creating a detail view?How to create a detail view

    ?Zoom in on the Front view (check that thisview is active)

    ?Click theDetail viewicon

    ?Click once in the place shown

    ? A circle is generated showing you the area of

    the detail view?Drag the mouse to change the radius

    ?Click the sheet when the radius is as shown

    ?Zoom out to see the top left corner of the


    ?Drag the mouse to the top left side of the

    sheet and click there

    ? The detail is created here with a 1:16 scalefactor (x2)

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    Page 17IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 4: Create a detail

    Creating a detail view

    ?Click MB3 on the Detail view blueframe and select Properties

    ?Key in 8 instead of 16 in theScalefield

    ?Uncheck the Centre Line option

    ?Validate the properties by clickingOK

    ?Zoom out and reposition the detailview

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    Page 18IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 5: Create a Section

    Creating a section view?How to create a section view

    ?Double-click the frame of the Detail A view toactivate it

    ?Zoom in on the Detail A view to see the hole

    ?Click theOffsetSection viewicon

    ?Pass the cursor on the circle to detect thecoincidence constraint then click

    ? Automatically you will define a section profilethat passes through the circle centre

    ?Draw a vertical line as shown? You should see the line turning blue when it isvertical

    ?Double click to end the profile creation


    Zoom out to see the whole sheet

    ?Drag the section view on the left and clickMB1 to create it

    ?Move the Section view

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    Page 19IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 6: Create dimensions

    Generating dimensions

    ? You can automatically generate dimensions on one ofthe views

    ? Zoom out and double-click MB1 on the blue frameof the Section view

    ? The colour of the frame changes to red. This means

    the Section view is now the active window

    ? Key in 0.08 in thefont sizefield

    ? Click on theThreadDimensionicon behind theDimensionicon

    ? Select the top linethatrepresents the thread by

    clicking MB1? the thread dimensions are displayed

    ? Select dimension value to move and drag it to theleft or right as shown

    ? Multi select the two values (use CTRL key) andclick MB3 then MB1 on Properties to customiseextension line.

    ? Click on the Extension Line tab then Key in0 in asblanking value.

    ? Click OK to validate the modification

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    Page 20IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 6: Create dimensions

    Generating dimensions?You can automatically generate dimensions onone of the views

    ?Zoom out and double-click MB1 on the blueframe of the Bottom view

    ? The colour of the frame changes to red. Thismeans the Bottom view is now the activewindow

    ?Click on theDimensionicon

    ?Select the bottom line by clicking MB1? A diameter dimension is displayed

    ?Without clicking, drag the mouse. When thedimension is correctly positioned, click MB1

    ? If you make a mistake, delete it with Delete

    key of the keyboard or with the contextual menu?Drag the value to the right of the dimensionline

    ?Click on the dimension arrow to reverse itsorientation

    ?Click anywhere to finish

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    Page 21IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 6: Create dimensions

    Generating dimensions

    ? Click on theDimensionicon

    ? Select the bottom line again

    ? Select the top line? The value displayed automatically

    switches from a diameter value to a length


    ? Drag and position the dimension as youdid before

    ? Click anywhere to finish? Click MB3 on the dimension and selectProperties

    ? Select the Extension line Tab then key in0 in as blanking value

    ? Click Ok

    ? On the dimension value, click MB3 and

    select Set as Default

    ? Select the Only User Default Propertiesoption

    ? Now you will re-use automatically the

    properties defined for the next length

    dimension creation.

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    Page 22IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 6: Create dimensions

    Generating dimensions

    ?Behind theDimensionicon, select theStackedDimensionicon

    ?Select the bottom line again

    ?Then select the next 4 lines as shown

    ? They have to be selected in the right order

    ?Without clicking, drag the mouse andposition the dimensions as shown here

    ? If you drag one dimension, the others follow?NB: If you click MB1, you can move each

    dimension individually.

    ? You will note that you have the same

    properties as the last length dimension created(text size, blanking value)

    ?Validate the creation by clicking MB1

    ? You can then move the dimensions one byone so that they do not overlap






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    Page 23IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 6: Create dimensions

    Using automatic generation

    ? You can also generate 3D dimensions usingthe wizard

    ? Zoom in on the Detail view

    ? Double-click the frame of the Detail viewto activate it

    ? The frame should turn red

    ? Click anywhere on the sheet to deselectit

    ? In the Menu bar, select Tools +Dimension generation + Filters

    ? Select the Detail view frame in the 2Dsheet (this is very important if you dontwant to generate the dimensions in all

    the views)? Click theSketcher wireframe

    constraintsoption in the DimensionGeneration Filters window

    ? ClickOK

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    Page 24IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 6: Create dimensions

    Using automatic generation

    ?Click theGenerating Dimensionsicon in the Generation toolbar.

    ?Select the Detail frame again

    ? Some dimensions areautomatically generated

    ?Reduce the Drawing window

    ?CheckGenerated constraintsinthe Generated dimensions analysis


    ? The corresponding dimensions are

    displayed in the 3D view

    ?NB: Checking different options willgenerate different dimensions.

    ?ClickOKto close

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    Page 25IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 6: Create dimensions

    Using automatic generation

    ?Maximise the drawing window

    ?Zoom in on the Detail view

    ?Delete the dimensions you dont

    want to see

    ?Move and place the others as you

    have done before

    ? You should be an expert by now

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    Page 26IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 7: Create a Breakout view

    Creating a Breakout view?You will learn how to generate a Breakout view

    ?Double-click on the Front view frame tomake it active

    ?Click on theBreakout Viewicon behind theBroken Viewicon

    ?Click on the axis (1)?Click on the Centre when you have thedouble-circle (2)

    ?Click on the other axis (3)

    ?Move the mouse to the left and click MB1when the perpendicular symbol and the verticaldotted line are displayed (4)

    ?Click on the first point to close the profile (5)

    1 2



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    Page 27IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 7: Create a Breakout view

    Creating a breakout view? A preview is displayed to show youthe depth limit of the broken view. Thislimit is represented by a green line

    ?Zoom out to see the Right view

    ?Move the mouse over the vertical

    edges in that Right view? You will see the dynamic preview

    ?Click on the edge you need

    ? As shown (1)

    ?ClickOKin the Preview window tovalidate

    ? You can see the result in the Frontview


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    Page 28IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 7: Create a Breakout view

    Creating a breakout view? CATIA gives you the option topropagate this breakout view toanother view.

    ?Click MB3 on the Front view frame

    + Front view object + Apply BreakoutTo

    ?Select the Isometric view frame

    ? The breakout view now appears in

    the Isometric view.

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    Page 29IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 8: Change Standard

    Changing Standards? CATIA gives you the option toswitch the standards if you want toexchange drawings with a supplier or

    subcontractor from another country.

    ? IntheFilemenu, selectPage


    ?Select theISOStandard and the

    A2 ISOformat

    ?Click OK

    ? You can see that all dimensions

    automatically change to an ISOrepresentation.

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    Page 30IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Step 9: Finishing

    Finishing steps

    ?You can remove the view frames

    ?Select the Detail view in the tree

    ?Click MB3 + Properties

    ?Click the Frame option to deselectit

    ?ClickOKto validate

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    Page 31IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    This is what you can create

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    Page 32IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

    Manual Settings

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    Page 33IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes



    ?Select Tools + Options menu

    ?Under General select Parameters onthe tree


    ?Select theLengthline

    ?SelectInch (in)in the pull downmenu

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    Page 34IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes



    ?Under Mechanical Design selectDrafting on the tree


    ?Select the options as shown

    ?ClickOKto validate

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    IBM Product Lifecycle Management Solutions / Dassault Systemes

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