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1. August 18, 2013 2. Love is there 3. Or to build a better future 4. Its a trust like none other 5. A man and A woman 6. Love is natural 7. E V E R R I S I N G 8. Ever falling 9. Ever changing 10. H E A T E D L O V E I S O M E T I M E S 11. sometimes 12. Sometimes carefree 13. Memorie s golden cities of 14. Midnight walks 15. Like a morning sunrise 16. Love awakens you 17. better times Speaks of 18. Provokes th e human spirit 19. Now is your time 20. To open your eyes 21. AloOoOsh. 2013. Hameed, Fahad. 2013. Abel, Tanyya. 2013. Warner, Jessie. 2010. Engelmann, Will. 2011. Thurber, Tom. 2012. Terangi, Yayasan. 2013. Indonesia Lotus, Wanda. 2013. Manhattan McGleen, Sarah. 2011. Tenbush, Cindy. 2006. Minnesota Konarski, Stephanie. 2013. Massachusetts Petrich, Gail. 2009. Demuynck, Koen. 2011. Klimas, Martin. 2013 Bumbut, Cosmin. 2004. Huet, Christope. 2008. Toledano, Phillip. 2013. Greenberg, Jill. 2013. 22. http://www.mrwallpaper.com/wallpapers/Sum mer-Forest-Sunshine-1920x1200.jpg http://wendythomasrussell.com/wp- content/uploads/2013/02/footprints-sand.jpg http://wide-wallpapers.net/sea-waves-on-the- beach-wide-wallpaper/ http://theresilientearth.com/files/images/coral _reef_4.jpg http://data.whicdn.com/images/48106581/co uple-love-Favim.com-598643_original.jpg http://www.wedding- pictures.org/_photo/4444074.jpg http://www.pchagnon.com/blog/wp- content/uploads/2013/02/night_Acorn- Street_IMGP0193.jpg http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/19 200000/-depression-19250132-1024-1024.jpg http://gorgeouscompany.files.wordpress.com/ 2010/01/gorgeous-tree.jpg http://www.wallpaperswala.com/wp- content/uploads/2013/02/flying_birds_with_1 024x768.jpeg http://good-wallpapers.com/space/2695 http://www.carldavidweb.com/wp- content/uploads/2013/05/love.jpg http://www.surfacedesign.org/newsblog/wp- content/uploads/2011/12/Henke-Magnifying- GlassMap-Photo-by-Will-Englemann-from- http- www.flickr.comphotoswillengelmann40506871 23.jpg http://www.greengirl.org/uploads/p1000738.j pg

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