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Page 1: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

Causes of World War II(WWII)

Social Studies 10

Ms. Rebecca

Page 2: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.


After WWI, continued nationalism, imperialism, and an arms race made peace difficult. Germany and other nations were angry about The Treaty of Versailles and Germany, Italy and Japan formed a new alliance called the Axis. The League of Nations couldn’t stop their aggression

Page 3: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.


-Identify key factors that led to WWII. Assess reasons why appeasement failed to

stop Hitler’s aggression. Explain why the U.S. favored neutrality after


Page 4: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

Last time….

We talked about how dictators came to power in the 1930s. What conditions made it possible for dictators to take over?


Page 5: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

Causes of WWII similar to causes of WWI 1. Nationalism: German Hitler and Italian

Mussolini loved their countries and wanted to make them more powerful. They didn’t care how much money it cots or who they hurt in the process.

Page 6: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

Causes of WWII similar to causes of WWI 2.Arms Race: Just like

before WWI, there was a rush to build up the military, especially in Germany, Italy, and Japan.

In 1940 all three of these nations joined an alliance called the Axis Powers.


Page 7: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

Causes of WWII similar to causes of WWI 3. Imperialism: Before WWI, nations fought

to gain new land (colonies). This continued in the 1930s.

Example: Italy took an African colony: Ethiopia and Japan took over land in China and Manchuria. Hitler took over land in Europe.

Page 8: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.


fill in the graphic organizer in the section for same causes.

Page 9: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

Different Causes of WWII

1. Treaty of Versailles The treaty made Germans take all the blame

for WWI AND pay all of the war damages.

Italians were also upset by the treaty because they thought they deserved more land.

Page 10: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

Gemany: Harsh Treaty of Versailles After WWI, the Treaty

of Versailles tried to make conditions that would prevent future war. But the treaty was very mean to Germany.

It created more anger than peace.


Page 11: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

Different Causes of WWII

2. The Great Depression hurt other countries besides America.

Millions didn’t have jobs. Many people were poor and unhappy. They were willing to listen to anyone who offered a solution to these problems.

Made it easy for dictators to take power.

Page 12: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

Different Causes of WWII

3. Aggression by the dictators The dictators of Italy, Germany and Japan

started taking land when they wanted it. The League of Nations didn’t try to stop them.

Page 13: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.


Hitler didn’t follow the Treaty of Versailles. Sent an army to the Rhineland: a

demilitarized zone (land where no armies could be sent)

He also took over Austria against the treaty.

Page 14: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

Different Causes of WWII

4. The Failure of Appeasement Hitler continued to try to take land even

though it was against the Treaty of Versailles.

He wanted part of a country called Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia was willing to fight Hitler.

Page 15: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.


Great Britain wanted to avoid any fighting. So Prime Minister (leader of Great Britain)

Neville Chamberlain wanted to make a deal with Germany.

He would GIVE Germany PART of Czechoslovakia id Hither promised to STOP taking over other land.

This plan was called appeasement.

Page 16: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

Why did appeasement fail?

Chamberlain thought that he had made peace and avoided war but he was wrong.

Hitler took MORE land in Czechoslovakia in 1939. He had lied to Chamberlain.


Page 17: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

American Isolation

-Just like during WWI, America tried to stay neutral when WWII started.

They didn’t want to be involved in another war in Europe. (far away)


Page 18: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

But President Roosevelt knew that the U.S. would probably get involved later to help those who were being attacked.

“ Innocent people are being casually sacrificed to a greed for power. Let no one imagine that America will escape. There is no escape through mere isolation of neutrality. War is like a disease, and like a disease, war is spreading.

Page 19: Causes of World War II (WWII) Social Studies 10 Ms. Rebecca.

Why do you think Roosevelt compares war to a disease? What do diseases and

war have in common?


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