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  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C


    Ratecard 2015

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    CityCompass Media is the leader on the English

    language media niche in Romania, with a

    powerful mix of media products & services both

    in print and online.

    City Compass Media



    City Compass Romania:

    Bucharest & Beyond

    Annual Guideslide

    Daily Press Reviewslide

    Weekly Press Reviewslide

    Romania-Insider.com slide

    CityCompass.ro Bucharest & Romania

    online guideslide

    City Compass Premium Accessslide

    Feel-at-Home Clubslide

    Daily business & social newsletterslide

    Weekly cultural & leisure newsletterslide

    CityCompass appslide

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Editorial conceptA yearly print guide featuring a mix ofpractical features on life in Romania,travel stories & advice, stories fromexpats who live in the country, and acurated directory of listings divided on

    major categories of interest.

    ReadershipBusiness people,business visitors,expats and theirguests, tourists,Romanians who

    return home.

    ContributorsA mix of locals and expats wholive and work in Romania, andwho share their insider viewson various aspects of life in thecountry. The guide is coordinated

    by senior journalists.

    MissionHelp readers discover andunderstand Romania throeditorially independent,practical, fresh content, tato readers needs. Feel at

    in Romania!

    Who reads the guide?

    %with monthly income above average and international

    background, with an average period of residence in Romania

    of months

    %are accompanied by family members

    %are in country for professional purposes

    %are living in Bucharest

    How many copiesdo we print?








    City Compass Romania: Bucharest & Beyond

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS:Bookstores, Direct sales to retail clients, E-book format

    via Amazon, E-book format via Premium Access on CityCompass.ro, City Compass

    Events, City Compass Tours for Newcomers, Distribution to corporate clients

    (regular edition or special editions).

    DISTRIBUTION TO CORPORATE CLIENTS: EY, PFK Finconta, Hotel Cismigiu, Rilvan

    Moving, Urban Surfers, Ametras Service, Roedl&Partner, Smart Property, American

    International School of Bucharest, Crowne Plaza, International School for Primary

    Education, Autonom Rent-a-car, Inimed Hospital, AGS Movers, OMV Petrom, DSBU,

    IOANID, Palace Estate, Prner Romania, US Embassy, AmCham Bucharest, Swedish

    Embassy, British Embassy, Snagov Club, Classy Romania, Cantacuzino Palace, Bucharest

    Homes, Euromnistorage, Pivnita Bunicii, Piatra Soimului, Atra Doftana, AVIS Rent-a-car,

    Balaban Inn, The Harbour, Four Seasons, TMF Group, Red Angus, Old City Pub, The

    Drunken Lords, Alpin Carpatic Sport, Vantage Properties, Senses, Fox Wines, GranoItalian Fine Food, Ici et La, Indivizual, Just Smile, Grecu&Lawyers, Poem Boem, Rima

    Lawyers, DB Shenker, Vodafone, Sibus, Ikea, Crtureti bookshops, Anthony Frost bookshop.

    City Compass Romania: Bucharest & Beyond Distribution

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Some of the topics in this edition:

    The young generations return to and

    reinterpretation of traditions The

    multicultural Romania Back to Romania

    - repat stories The newest artistic wave

    & urban cultural trends The old - whereand how does it still live? Democracy:

    recent society & politics shifts The

    popular Letters from Expats Our regular,

    updated stories on major regions and

    cities of Romania Practicalities of living

    in Romania Curated & updated business


    City Compass Romania: Bucharest & Beyond The 2016 Edit


    After covering culture in and

    traditions plus the unexpected

    in , for the edition welook at Romania through the

    lens of time. The special dossier

    in the guide will include features

    on how Romania has come to

    age, years after the fall of


  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    We can customize the regular edition of the guide for corporate clients,

    who use these guides as gifts for partners, clients, employees.

    A Special Edition includes the following: branded cover intro

    page a full page ad or competition taken out (upon demand).

    Special edition lite also available: regular cover intro page

    Optional: special inserts (upon demand).

    City Compass Romania: Bucharest & Beyond Special Editio


    EY, Hotel Cimigiu, Ernst & Young, Hospice

    Casa Speranei, AmCham Romania, AGS

    Movers, Autonom Rent a Car, Happy Tour

    Group, Radisson Blu, Athne Palace Hilto

    Infineon Technologies, Ametras, UrbanSurfers, Rilvan Moving & Relocation, PKF

    Finconta, Smart Property, Roedl & Partner

    Romania:Bucharest & Beyond

    The Feel-at-HomeGuide to Romania.

    Enjoyed by Tourists,Expats& Locals

    Bucharest, citycompass.ro

    Romania:Bucharest & Beyond

    The Feel-at-HomeGuide to Romania.

    Enjoyed by Tourists,Expats& Locals

    Bucharest, citycompass.ro

    Romania:Bucharest & Beyon

    The Feel-at-HomeGuide to Romania.

    Enjoyed by Tourists,Expats& Locals

    Bucharest, citycompass.ro



    Bucharest,Romania & Beyond2012 www.citycompass.ro BucharestBusiness Directoryincluded.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Romania-Insider.comRomania-Insider.com is the most read daily news and features website in English for Rom

    TrafficReadership profile

    %are based in Romania

    %are based in the US

    %are based in UK

    %are based elsewhere in the world (Germany,Canada, France, India, Poland, Netherlands, Italy,among others)

    , unique readers/monthon average () . million uniquereaders/year

    , impressions/monthon average () . million impressions/

    Traffic growth % a year () data provided by Google Analytics

    Social Media , Facebook Fans (February ), average weekly rea, unique readers on Facebook


    Daily news business, politics, social,

    justice, people, culture, entertainment,

    events Features business, social &

    culture Expat profiles Interviews Community Voice:opinions.


    A strong team of experienced

    business journalists create the

    content enjoyed by foreigners,

    expats and Romanians fromall over the world.


    Since , we have been providing reliable

    information from Romania through selected,

    clear & easy to understand content and edito

    independence. We help readers from all over world stay at the beating heart of life in Roma

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Romania-Insider.com Online presence

    Our articles are constantly included inGoogle News. Our content is often quotedby other media outlets and by companies

    from around the world.

    Local media: Adevarul.ro, RomaniaPozitiva.ro, Hotnews.ro,Metropotam.ro, Stirile TVR, Wall-Street.ro, OrasulMeu.ro,

    Ziare.com, DailyBusiness.ro, PaginadeMedia.ro, ClujToday.ro.

    Major international media: CNN, New Yorker, BBC.com,

    BBC.co.uk, Die Welt, Spiegel Online, Daily Mail, Wall Street

    Journal, The Guardian.com Balkans.com, Huffington Post,

    National Geographic, NYMag.com, VICE.com, DE Tijd,

    Channel , EIN News, Balkan Inside, Nomad Capitalist, News

    Tank, Black Sea News, Slate, Zero Hedge, Examiner.com,

    Mining.com, Drudge Report, TOL, The Bulletin, Kyivpost.co

    Roubini.com, RobinSharma.com, Unofficialroyalty.com, Sc

    it, ShaleMarkets.com, Naturagaseurope.com, PlanetRetai

    net, Gawker.com, HollywoodReporter.com, LonelyPlanet.

    com, Glassmagazine.com, Dagbladet.no, PragueMonitor.c


    Organizations:Fondul Proprietatea, Huwaei, Zitec, Biris

    Goran, AISB, AmCham, CCIR, Dutchromaniannetwork.eu,

    Stevenvangroningen.eu, Roconsulboston.com, Millward B

    British School, Olympus, HR Club, Ana Pan + numerous b


    Google page rank

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Romania-Insider.com Daily Newsletter

    Editorial concept:

    A selection of stories we publish on Romania-

    Insider.com.Free of charge, sent daily, Monday to

    Friday between and AM, Romania time.

    Readership: , readers. Our newsletter databasehas a daily organic increase. In , it has increased

    by .%.

    Readershipincludes C-Level readers from Citibank,

    Oracle Romania, E&Y, Mercedes-Benz Romania, Next

    Generation Capital, Transearch, Global Maritime

    Navigation, FSP Global, KPMG, Sanofi, Bursa de

    Valori Bucuresti (BVB), Rominvest GmbH, Nestle,OMV Petrom, Lufthansa Group, Unicredit Tiriac

    Bank, Skanska Construction Romania, Immofinanz,

    World Bank, RILVAN Moving

    & Relocation, Insight Oil and

    Gas, Philip Morris, P&G, JT

    International, Renault Romania,

    Volvo Romania; Radisson Blu

    Hotel, Intercontinental Hotel,

    Athenee Palace Hilton.

    International Schools:American International School of Buchar

    International School for Primary Education (InSPE), German Scho

    Of Bucharest (DSBU), British School Of Bucharest.

    Average open rate: .% (above the media industry average

    opening rate of %).

    Average click rate: .%(above the media industry click rate

    of .%).

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    CityCompass.roThe go-to niche website for practical information about Bucharest & Romania, CityCompasro publishes content which helps foreigners, expats and repats feel at home in Romania: apowerful online directory for Bucharest and Romania, practical information about events &in Romania, and inspiration to discover the country.

    Google page rank

    Traffic: ,unique readers/year,


    Average time on site: : minutes

    (above the average : minutes for

    online media).

    Readership profile: %based in

    Romania, %based in US, UK,Germany, Canada, France, Netherlan

    Editorial concept

    Romania Online Guide: features & listings on major cities & regions.

    Bucharest Online Guide: features & listings on major categories including:

    hotels, restaurants, shopping, entertainment, house & home, legal & business.

    Premium Access:premium, password-protected exclusive content-features,

    exclusive offers from selected partners & downloadable City Compass

    Romania: Bucharest & Beyond e-book.

    Feel-at-Home Club:exclusive offers from selected partners for all Premium Accessuser.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    CityCompass.ro: Weekly Events & Leisure Newsletter


    a selection of upcoming events & leisure information to help readers

    discover Romania.


    , readers.


    .% (above the media industry average opening rate of %).


    .% (above the media industry average opening rate of .%).

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C




    For companies: brand awareness among their Premium users customized link, lan

    page with logo + pictures for the companys users addition to HR benefits & reten

    packages extra benefit for clients gift for partners/visitors.

    For users: exclusive, timely information to feel at home in Romania free & unlimi

    travel & expat guide downloads (the e-book usually sells for USD 7.5 on Amazon)

    automatic membership to the Feel-at-Home Club: exclusive offers from trustedpartners: events, restaurants, retailers, hotels, trainings.

    City Compass Premium Access

    Big companies already signed upfor over , Premium Accessusers through this program.

    A useful and unique online

    instrument for expats andforeigners to discover and

    feel at home in Romania,

    through exclusivecontent

    in English, special benefits

    from our partners and a

    unique digitaltravel guide:

    City Compass Romania:

    Bucharest & Beyond Guide.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    City Compass Feel-at-Home Club

    Over , Premium Access & Feel-at-Home user accounts as of .

    Benefits for users:In , access

    to the club is granted only to users

    who are Premium Access members,

    who also automatically become Feel-at-Home club members. We plan a

    wider membership-based attendance

    in the future. Club members can take

    advantage of offers they wont find

    anywhere else on the market.

    Benefits for partners:promoting their

    products and services among club

    members, generating new business.




    An online clubwhich offers

    access to exclusive offers from

    trusted partners: discounts &

    special offers from restaurants,

    retailers, cultural venues, for

    upcoming shows & events,

    trainings & events organized by

    City Compass Tours & Events.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    An iOS & Android appthat helps foreigners discover Romania,

    through practical information and business directory in

    partnership with OrasulM.eu. Recommended for those who are

    visiting Romania, moving here or in search of practical information.

    With no media & communication support, the app was downloaded

    , times in only three months, after its launch in spring .

    City Compass Romania App

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Romania-Insider.com Press Review

    A powerful daily & weekly

    paid business intelligence

    resource put together byour team of senior business

    journalists. Packed with the

    essential business, politics

    & social news, selected

    & synthesized from the

    local media. Timely, brief,

    accurate, easy to read, in


    Format: Electronic, sent via

    e-mail daily ( AM and/or

    weekly (on Fridays), as well as

    available online, completely

    advertising free. Readable ondesktop, mobile or tablet &

    ready to print out for colleagues

    or guests.


    entrepreneurs, expat managers,

    foreign managers looking for

    business expansion to Romania,multinationals, consultants.

    2015,BusinessInsider SRL.All rightsreserved.Nopart of thisreview maybe copied,reproduced,redistributedor re-soldwithout the express

    permission of BusinessInsider SRL.


    Exchange Rates

    BVB Main Indexes



    Romanian Sales Conference

    ProconsulC oncert


    HR BusinessStrategist

    Todays news from Romania, in brief

    Fitch reaffirmsRomanias rating

    Budgetsurplus almost triples

    FinMin wantsto borrowEUR 752 mlnfrombanks

    Managers: Manufacturing, retail, constructionsgrowth


    Fund investsEUR5 mln in online travelagency

    BCRslosses bring down Austrian parentbankresults

    Slovenian pharma group upssales by 21%

    UKmoney transfer service Azimo enters Romanian market

    CRHGM: Construction sector, up by 4% annually

    Residentialbuilding permits, upby 6.4%

    Publicdisputebetween Tarom'sCEO andpilots

    State failsto provideits share for big energy project

    E.ONgeneral manager: Gasprice liberalization, just a joke

    NEPIshareholders to choose betweendividends and


    Airline company filesfor insolvency

    Minister: Athird of allemployeesearn minimumwages

    Upto EUR2,140 subsidiesfor ecologicalcars

    Women head only 8 of the top 100 companies

    Bucharest stadiumcan host up to 25,000 disaster victims

    Prosecutorsseize part of former minister Elena Udreas


    Bucharest, tenthamong worldwide capitalsfor earthquake


    Weather for Bucharest, Romania

    2015,BusinessInsider SRL& CityCompassSRL. All rightsreserved.Nopart of thisreview maybe copied,reproduced,redis

    without the expresspermission of Romania-Insider.comandCityCompass SRL.p.1









    This weeksnews from Roman

    Alternativetrading systemAeRO haslaunche

    Analysts: Firstfor economic evolution in next

    PrognosisCommission: GDPwill grow by 2.8

    EC: Limited tax compliance& unstabletax po

    PM: Govt. to defend new FiscalCode

    EC: Romania stillrecords economicimbalanceRomania getsEUR 5 bln fromtheEuropean C

    Romania enterstop 10 most promising frontie

    Romania,second lowestminimumwage in EU

    Siemensopens R&Dcenter in northwestern

    DeutscheTelekoms businessin Romania de

    Car sharing serviceUber entersRomanian ma

    Timber producer investsEUR 14 mln in new p

    IKEAbuilds two 10-storey office buildings, wo

    A.T.Kearney consultslocallender over Volksb

    Bucharestgetsfour new officebuildings

    Localcourier, worth EUR 1.7 mln on alternativ

    Daimler subsidiaryenterstop 100 exporters

    GeneralElectrictargets USD100 mln exports

    Insurer Allianz-Tiriacmorethan doublesopera

    Czech developer to open threenew shopping

    OracleRomania expandsoffices in Bucharest

    German retailer, eighth largestimporter

    Locallender targets8%increase in loansfor

    Danish groupsbuy four companiesfrom loca

    Financialleasing market, up 7%

    Bucharesthas300,000 sqmof vacantoffices

    Russian &German buyers want minority stak

    Localfirm targetstop managers&expatswi t

    Lifeinsurer upsgross underwritten premium

    Tech retailer upssalesby 20%on iPhone6 rel

    Swisscement producer increasesturnover by

    LocalDIY retailer Dedeman ranksfifth in CEE

    Tour operator postsEUR 52 mln turnover

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    All ads, except the Business Card format, should be provided with a mm bleed on e

    Our design agency can also create or resize your company ads to proper specificatio

    Business Card Ad


    Spread Insert

    (two facing





    Stripe A

    Half Page Ad ,


    Third Page Ad ,


    Full Page Ad: ,

    C A F

    Cover Ad: ,

    Cover Ad: ,

    Cover Flap: ,



    Cover Flap +

    Cover :







    City Compass Romania: Bucharest & Beyond print guide A

    * Prices do not include VAT.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C





    Special cover

    Your branding

    on a stripe or inanother way on

    the CC front cover



    category listings

    taken out

    A custom onepage intro

    First page of your

    customized CC


    Full page ad

    In your category

    feature of choice





    Front cov


    A - page insert

    You can place ads, brandin

    elements, or customized teand images.




    City Compass Romania: Bucharest & BeyondSpecial Editions

    * Prices do not include VAT. Minimum order for both types of special editions: copies.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Romania-Insider.com: Display Advertising

    * Prices do not include VAT. All banners in Jpeg or Gif format.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Romania-Insider.com: Display Advertising

    * Prices do not include VAT. All banners in Jpeg or Gif format.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Romania-Insider.com: Display Advertising

    * Prices do not include VAT. All banners in Jpeg or Gif format.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Romania-Insider.com: Display Advertising

    * Prices do not include VAT. All banners in Jpeg or Gif format.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Romania-Insider.com: Display Advertising Mobile

    * Prices do not include VAT. All banners in Jpeg or Gif format.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Romania-Insider.com: Text Advertising

    * Prices do not include VAT. All banners in Jpeg or Gif format.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    Romania-Insider.com: Newsletter Advertising

    * Prices do not include VAT. All banners in Jpeg or Gif format.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    CityCompass.ro Display advertising

    * Prices do not include VAT. All banners in Jpeg or Gif format.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    CityCompass.ro Display advertising

    * Prices do not include VAT. All banners in Jpeg or Gif format.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C




    CityCompass.ro Display advertising

    * Prices do not include VAT. All banners in Jpeg or Gif format.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    CityCompass.ro Newsletter advertising

    * Prices do not include VAT. All banners in Jpeg or Gif format.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    CityCompass.ro Premium Access

    * Prices do not include VAT.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    D P R- regular price 20/month/user

    W P R- regular price 15/month/user

    C W + D- regular price 25/month/user

    Minimum period - one year.

    Corporate subscriptions also availableupon demand.

    Romania-Insider.com Daily & Weekly Press

    2015,BusinessInsider SRL.All rights reserved.Nopart of thisreview maybe copied,reproduced,redistributedor re-soldwithout the expresspermission of BusinessInsider SRL.


    Exchange Rates

    BVB Main Indexes


    Mozart Recital

    Romanian Sales Conference

    Proconsul Concert

    Womens Day

    HR Business Strategist

    Todays news from Romania, in brief

    Fitch reaffirms Romanias rating

    Budget surplus almost triples

    FinMin wants to borrow EUR 752 mln from banks

    Managers: Manufacturing, retail, constructions growth


    Fund invests EUR 5 mln in online travel agency

    BCRs losses bring down Austrian parent bank results

    Slovenian pharma group ups sales by 21%

    UK money transfer service Azimo enters Romanian market

    CRH GM: Construction sector, up by 4% annually

    Residential building permits, up by 6.4%

    Public dispute between Tarom's CEO and pilots

    State fails to provide its share for big energy project

    E.ON general manager: Gas price liberalization, just a joke

    NEPI shareholders to choose between dividends and


    Airline company files for insolvency

    Minister: A third of all employees earn minimum wages

    Up to EUR 2,140 subsidies for ecological cars

    Women head only 8 of the top 100 companies

    Bucharest stadium can host up to 25,000 disaster victims

    Prosecutors seize part of former minister Elena Udreas


    Bucharest, tenth among worldwide capitals for earthquake


    Weather for Bucharest, Romania

    2015,BusinessInsider SRL& City CompassSRL.All rightsreserved.Nopart of thisreview maybe copied,reproduced,redistributedor re-soldwithout the expresspermission of Romania-Insider.comandCity CompassSRL.



    Toto Cutugno in



    Womens Day




    This weeksnews from Romania, in brief

    Alternativetrading systemAeRO haslaunched

    Analysts: Firstfor economic evolution in next six months

    PrognosisCommission: GDPwillgrow by 2.8%

    EC: Limited tax compliance&unstable tax policy

    PM: Govt. to defend new FiscalCode

    EC: Romania stillrecords economicimbalances

    Romania getsEUR 5 bln fromthe European Commission

    Romania enterstop 10 most promising frontier markets

    Romania,second lowestminimum wagein EU

    SiemensopensR&D center in northwestern Romania

    DeutscheTelekomsbusinessin Romania declinesafter rebranding

    Car sharing serviceUber entersRomanian market

    Timber producer investsEUR 14 mln in new plant

    IKEAbuilds two 10-storey officebuildings, worth EUR 50 mln

    A.T.Kearney consultslocal lender over Volksbankintegration

    Bucharestgets four new officebuildings

    Localcourier, worth EUR 1.7 mln on alternativetrading system

    Daimler subsidiaryenterstop 100 exporters

    GeneralElectric targetsUSD100 mln exports

    Insurer Allianz-Tiriacmorethan doubles operating profit

    Czech developer to open threenew shopping galleriasthis year

    OracleRomania expandsofficesin Bucharest

    German retailer, eighth largestimporter

    Locallender targets8%increase in loansfor SMEs

    Danish groupsbuy four companiesfromlocal frozen goodsdistributor

    Financialleasing market, up 7%

    Bucharesthas 300,000 sqmof vacantoffices

    Russian &German buyerswant minority stake in Austrian group

    Localfirm targetstop managers&expats with health services

    Lifeinsurer upsgross underwritten premiumsby half

    Tech retailer upssalesby 20%on iPhone 6 releaseand new gadgets

    Swisscement producer increasesturnover by 7.8%

    LocalDIY retailer Dedeman ranksfifth in CEE

    Tour operator postsEUR 52 mln turnover

    * Prices do not include VAT.

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C



    About Our GroupCity Compass Media is part of City Compass Group, which also includes:

    Cross cultural competence

    workshops are a key tool

    for leading teams in Global

    and international options.

    At City Compass we are

    aware of the importance of

    being better prepared and

    reduce adjustment time

    when relocating to or from


    Guided Tours

    Corporate Events &


    Exclusive Teambuildings

    Executive Retreats

    Intercultural Training


    Travel Tips

  • 7/24/2019 CC Media Ratecard 2015 Irina C


    Get in Touchwith City Compass Media

    Irina Chirileasa

    Media & Sales Coordinator


    [email protected]

    [email protected]

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