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A d v a nc e d C u l t u r a l Co m pe t en c e G en d e r Training & Education International Organisations Good Governance Subject Matter Expert NATO Rule of Law CIMIC Doctr inal Development

COIN Protection of Cultural Heritage Liaison

Academia United Nations Courses&Modules

NGOs Internship Front End Analysis Insights

C I M I C M e s s e n g e r A J P C I M I C ( 3 . 4 . 9 ) Knowledge Reach Back Comprehensive Approach

Lessons Learned CMI Civil Military Interaction

Informat ion Porta l Knowledge Centric

CMI/CIMIC Courses offered by CCOE: NATO CIMIC Awareness Course (NCAC) (Free access for everybody, no costs!) E-learning course as entry to the world of NATO CIMIC. NATO CMI/CIMIC Orientation Course (NCCOC) One week course for non CMI/CIMIC personnel. This course is organized by NATO School Oberammergau with support from CCOE. NATO CIMIC Field Worker Course (NCFWC) The two weeks course is focusing on the field unit. NATO CIMIC Staff Worker Course (NCSWC) The two weeks course is focusing on the tactical level staff worker. NATO CIMIC Functional Specialist Course (NCFSC) One week course for Functional Specialist. NATO CIMIC Liaison Course (NCLC) One week course for CIMIC Liaison Officers. NATO CMI/CIMIC Higher Command Course (NCHCC) The two weeks course is focusing on the strategic and operational level staff worker. Comprehensive Approach Specialist Support Course One week course for COMPASS-personnel. UN-CM Coord SHARED Course (SHARED Course) Supporting Humanitarian Action in Responding to Emergencies and Disasters (SHARED), in cooperation with UN OCHA. Learn more about content, application etc: http://www.cimic-coe.org/products/training-education/ Information/Knowledge Management The CCOE takes a leading role in facilitating and contributing to a Lessons Learned and Best Practices platform on CIMIC related issues. In terms of being a Knowledge Reach Back facility, the CCOE already has the capacity to provide advice and expertise on demand. Our aim is to establish an infor-mation portal in the future; enabling active participation, shar-ing and pushing information and making knowledge accessi-ble. The CCOE website and implementation of new media like Linked-In, Twitter and Diigo are the first results of this initia-tive.

Networking and cooperation The CCOE is part of an extensive network amongst International Or-ganisations, Governmental Organisations, Non Governmental Organi-sations (IOs/GOs/NGOs), Geneva based UN organisations and mili-tary organisations. There is also a cooperation with several academic institutions, in and outside of the military, e.g.: The Netherlands De-fence Academy, Bundeswehr University, Copenhagen and Calgary Universities.

Internship We run an intensive internship programme involving students and graduates from all over the world. That enables the CCOE to receive highly qualified specialist support and advice, especially when con-ducting research and studies. For more : http://www.cimic-coe.org/internships/

Facilities/Conference Support The CCOE (with assistance of Host Nation Support) has several facili-ties available for courses, meetings and conferences, all equipped with modern presentation and communication tools. Accommodations, within short walking distance, are offered for a small fee. The bed-rooms are equipped with private shower and toilet, television and internet access.


Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence

CCOE Visitor Address: CCOE Postal Address: Brasserskade 227A Postbox: 90701 2497 NX The Hague 2509 LS The Hague The Netherlands The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 15 28 44241 [email protected]

The CCOE mission is to: “assists NATO, Sponsoring Na-tions and other civil and military institutions/organisations in their operational and transformation efforts in the field of civil-military interaction (CMI). The CCOE provides innova-tive and timely advice and subject matter expertise in the development of existing and new concepts, policy and doctrine; specialised education and training; and the con-tribution to the lessons learned processes”.

Some of the publications are : “Gender makes sense”, covering parts of all five dimensions

mentioned above. “Ecosystems assessment makes sense”, (physical dimension). “Good governance makes sense” (political dimension). “Rule of Law makes sense”, (political dimension). You will find more on our publications on the CCOE-website: http://www.cimic-coe.org/products/conceptual-design/downloads/

Education & Training (E&T) In 2010 CCOE and the CMI/CIMIC Community of Interest joined in the wish to offer and conduct the highest possible quality CMI/CIMIC Education and Training. All the courses offered by CCOE now reflect the expertise and knowledge from the CMI/CIMIC Community of Interest. They are based on the latest CIMIC doc-trine and procedures, meeting customer requirements and incorpo-rating the latest in training methodology including Advanced Dis-tributed Learning (ADL/E-learning) meeting the highest standards. CCOE is offering education and training for the soldier to the general and civilians. Most of the courses are NATO accredited, which means they meet high NATO standards and requirements on E&T. All courses are open for military and civilian students from all nations and all organisations. CCOE can also offer other types of support to CMI/CIMIC E&T such as; instructor support, Mobile Educational Training Teams, lecture support, Regional Training Centre Training Teams, E&T Quality Assurance Teams and Tailor Made Courses etc.

Concepts, Doctrines and Procedures The Concepts, Interoperability and Capabilities Branch (CIC) task is to provide Subject matter expertise in the field of Civil-Military Interaction (CMI) and - Cooperation (CIMIC). This includes the contribution to the development of CMI/CIMIC-policy, -doctrine and -standards.

Culture At CCOE we believe that operations are both kinetic and non-kinetic. CCOE's Advanced Cultural Approach. To facilitate this holistic view for the military the CCOE follows aca-demic anthropological models and incorporates all relevant sectors of any society, as well as all influence factors to this society, which the military forces need to understand and imply in their planning and execution to enable success in Missions.

CCOE looks at the society divided into five segments.

These are the :

Physical dimension

Economic dimension

Social dimension

Political dimension

Identity dimension

Each single one of these dimensions plays a vital part in the interac-tion of any society, sets its’ fundamental axioms as well depicts bor-ders or development opportunities. Any frictions in these areas will create unrest ranging from irritation to aggression. CCOE aims for making the importance of understanding the culture in a mission understood. Resulting from that it is a part of our program to publish easy guidelines for each single segment, if not covered in other publications or doctrines. CCOE publishes the “….makes sense.

A way to improve your mission” publications.

The Civil-Military Cooperation Centre Of Excellence (CCOE)

CCOE is a NATO accredited entity but is not an organic part of NATO. This implies that NATO policy, doctrine, processes and re-quirements provide the primary platform from which the CCOE ef-forts evolve. The CCOE widens the perspective towards other inter-national stakeholders beyond NATO in the civil and military arena.

CCOE provides inputs to the NATO CIMIC documental hierarchy – from policy down to tactics, techniques and procedures – manifested in its position as the NATO Custodian for the NATO CIMIC Doctrine. Additionally CCOE was the first entity to be appointed as NATO “Department Head” for a topic area (CMI and CIMIC Education and Training). In this capacity the CCOE has together with the CMI/CIMIC Community of Interest designed and are now offering high quality education and training. The 7 sponsoring nations (SN) of the CCOE are Denmark, Germa-ny, Hungary, Latvia, The Netherlands, Poland and Slovenia. All CCOE efforts are done in close cooperation with the individual Sponsoring Nations including interagency connectivity, the respec-tive command levels of NATO and a variety of civilian stakeholders, the IO/NGO community as well with network relations to the aca-demic area.



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