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  • 1. For this album of Alesha Dixon, he use of her costume is part of the circus theme, it is short andsexual which represent her personality. Also as she is shown as an act on the circus which is anacrobat is sitting on the swings , it shows that the use of an acrobat amazes people and keep themcaptivated of what is to come next in their performance, which is what Alesha is trying to portrayin her album to attract more attention to the audience, the same way acrobats do. As she is themain concept of the album she is shown to be behind the curtains which represents that she is inthe limelight and the star of her own show.For her front cover, Alesha used herself to promote her album which most artist do as they wantto increase their popularity to a wider range of audiences subconsciously e.g. if people see theirface more often, then individuals would gradually become interested in the artist. The image is afull body shot type which shows that she is presenting herself as she has one arm up, showing thatshe is allowing a self- introduction. As she is looking directly at the camera it is as if she wants tograb the attention of the consumers due to her charisma and her body language. Her smile couldalso represent the fun side of the album , that reflects her music. For example it fits well with oneof her songs called the boy does nothingFor this double opening, it shows that Alesha is preparing for her show as her album is called TheAlesha show. On the first pane, it shows that there is an empty seat which corresponds to thesecond pane as ,she is looking at the mirror to get ready in her dressing room ,this could be shownas behind the scenes of what she has to present in the album to the audience as there is no directeye contact at the camera, as if she wants to keep the audience waiting for her Show. Thisconcept is creative as everything corresponds together well such as the setting and the artist whichis what the artist has to offer through the sight images of her album, without using soundThe use of colour scheme is black , red ,white and god which is consistent around the whole albumof her Circus theme, as it connotes to what the artist wants to be the main focus of colouring asthe colours can be easily recognised to show that is a circus theme. Which I would consider whenwe choose our colour scheme for our album packagingThe colour of her CD is red which is part of the colour scheme. The use of italic fonts for heralbum name represents the elegance of this album as she is dressed up for her show. Theplacement of her name is in capital letters which would be the first thing that the consumerswould see when they open the album, therefore would immediately grabs their attention, also thewriting is in white which follows the colour scheme.At the back of the album the writing is read horizontally which is what the artists intended for theaudience to read in that way. This can be used to get the audience to read the first titles of thesong which sounds more interesting , that could possibly grab the audiences attention and the waythe songs are played in the CD. Also the layout of the words are placed at the centre of the albumwhich can imply that the words are the centre of attention as they are placed on a stagedbackground Also the writing is in white which corresponds to the colour scheme.

2. For this album cover, the artists face is not visible which shows that she does not needher face to shows that she is famous, but the use of her legs are used to represent orsymbolise the artist in her personal representation to grab the audiences attention inanother way compares to Alesha Dixons Album This has inspired me as the artists chosenot to promote their face but use their body part to represent them. Such as Ameriesbody language of her different leg positions could signify femininity which she wants toconvey to the consumers. Although Amerie is still promoting herself using the bottomhalf of her body, she may want people to not judge her by her face as people may wantto be interested in an artists due to their looks, but Amerie chooses to go away from thatconcept and want to be judged by her voice not just her facial appearance. Which isanother way that artists use another concept to represent themselves.The use of the artists clothing is casual wear as she is not wearing any fancy clotheswhich shows that she is laid back as she is leaning against the wall . Also the location ofher shoot is simple and significant to the artist herself, as there is not much happeningwithin the images of the album. The album does not have any other images only hasone side of image which is the front cover , which is the main attraction to grab theaudiences attention, which shows that she wants to be the main concept for her ownalbum. The use of the colour scheme is green, black, grey and white. The colour schemeis consistent through out the album. As this album is a single the simplicity of the pastel green follows the colour schemecould signify envy which mainly corresponds to female as her front cover showsfemininity of her legs. Due to the simplicity of the album, the audience may either beattracted to the album or back away from the album. However this may grab peoplesattention as some people may not be interested in the looks of the albums just what thewould want to hear in the CD itself. The CD is pastel green which corresponds with the colour scheme as it fits well with thecolour of the front cover background. The layout of the lettering is in an informal fontwhich shows the laid back side of the front cover, also it is capital letters and larger thanthe other letters which is the main focus when you open the album. Also the words arein black.As the two inserts and the back cover of the album are the same location it shows thesimplicity of the artist. Also the writing is both repeated on the first insert and back coverwhich shows the difference in layout of a full album and a single, through the ways inwhich both albums are presenting itself. 3. The album cover represents the title of the album which is science and faith of the two hands, this is trying tosignify the use of humanity and we are bonded together as it looks like it is two people reuniting with each otherwhich could signify the strength and power of the band and what they have to offer to the listeners for theiralbum. Throughout the album , there are no images of the band but symbols which are used to represent themand the music they have produced for this album. As the band does not need to show their face to increase theirpopularity but it shows how famous they already are and how big their fan base is, which could also connotationthe reunion and bond between the band and to their fans.The use of hands throughout the album represents the sense of touch and trust which the artist would want thelisteners to understand of what type of music they do. As the band wants to connect to their audience through thesounds of the music even though they can not physically show their emotions to the audience but touch themthrough indirect messaging of the hands. This use of messaging is what I would want to do as it explores the artistfurther and gives the support of the artists.The pattern of the CD relates to the title of the album Science and Faith the image is atoms which represents howlife created to something small turn into something big. The title can also be contradicting as Science and Faithcould be shown as a representation of Science vs. Religion but the way the album is presenting it that we shouldmake these two arguments and turn it positive by uniting it together, which is what the atom may be showing aspeople may think atom is a creation or god (religious argument) or the collision of millions of molecules from space(science argument).The image of the second insert of the album is an image of a person hooding out two old photographs with theirtwo hands which could represent the past or history as the photo is in grey which could represent the change oflife, which may be significant to the artists themselves as they may feel that they have to make a change throughtheir music. As the main concept signifies a reunion.For the back cover the use of two hands together could be a position of praying which is seen as religious or abegging gesture in for a change, which could represent that they have done something different in their musicwhich they would want the audience to explore for themselves and to think of the concepts of the Album images.the concept of this album is all related to the title such asThe front cover sense of uniting togetherfirst insert sciencesecond insert historyBack cover- faithThe main colour scheme used throughout the album is black, brown, grey and yellow which represents light. Thesecolours are used throughout the album. These colours could represent the past due to the use of dull colours.However it may be a different contrast to their music as their music is more modern and related to the audiencewhich is what their title of their album science and faith has portrayed as it is a contrast.For the front cover the band name is bigger than the album title which shows that The Script is the mainattraction for the audience. As the image is bigger than the title it shows that the photo is the main concept whichis the first thing you see before the artists name. this shows that they prioritise the concept of this album beforethem which shows the importance of the album to the band. This is also the same for the back cover as the list ofsongs is presented at the corner of the album in small writing and the image is what stands out more than the listof songs. Also the writing is in black which follows the colour scheme of the album. 4. The reviews of the album flows down in a corresponding order which leadsThe use of natural lighting The colour scheme of this is gold, blackto the artists as you read down. Also as the words are in the middlereflects the type of music sheand brown which is consistentfollowing from shortest quote to the longest. As if it is signifying savingdoes which is indie. Indiebest till last of the reviews. This inspired me to use this layout , as when throughout the advert , including themusic is calm and people read down the artists is the main image of the album.writing which is what I would take intoharmonious, that gives aaccount.warm vibe. This has inspiredme to do a location shootA voice that demands to be heardsimilar to this, as the location The use of thisreflects the music . statement, emphasise the fact that the artist is different and forcingHer name and the release date is in largelisteners to listen to a more moderngold and white fonts which is the firstand composed artist .thing that the audience will read, that willimmediately grab peoples attention as it The artist is laying down with herstands out the most. As these two things arms crossed, which shows thatare significant for the artist, which Ishe is laid-back and enjoying thewould consider thinking of doing . peaceful setting. However her body language of crossing her arms could signify that she is waiting forThe facial expression of the artistsomething to happen, such as whatlook relaxed as her eyes are awaits for her in the future. I likeclosed, which signifies that she is in this concept which is what I wouldher own world and is leftlike to do for our album advert.undisturbed Low angle shot -which isThe artist is wearing casual different to most album clothing which shows that she is a covers as she is lying on laid back artist as it also fits well the floor. Which we could with the location . This has inspired consider using as itme to take into account of the represents loneliness asmise-en-scene of the album advert the location looks, so the album does not look odd.The release date is at the bottom after the artists and the deserted.review, which is interesting because after the readers read The artist is not directly lookingthe good reviews about the artists it subconsciously alertsShallow Depth of Field is used to at the audience therefore therethe readers that the album is good and may want to buy it.focus on the artist, as she is the main The word out is in cap locks which grabs the attention of is no connection between theconcept of the album, that as a group the readers as it is not being subtle about the release date. reader and artist. However itwe should take into account whenThis is something I want to do too, which is typically showngives the readers a sense ofdoing our album.in album adverts as it is most memorable for the audience curiosity of who this new artist isas it is the last thing they read.as this is her debut album. 5. The artist name is in bold which stands out the The placement of the title is larger than themost, that immediately grabs the audiences The use of bright colours makes the album name is and is under it shows that Mikaattention. Also the fonts are in 3-D which could music album seem playful and wants his name to be the main subject, which signify that his music brings people to life as it isreflective of the singers personality. is more recognisable to his audiences as itin the audiences faces, which is music that people This has inspired me because the main grabs their attention straight away when can enjoy listening too such as one of his songs concept of the album overall is looking at the album advert. called We Are Golden which is an upbeat song colours. The artists face is notthat fits well with the chaotic objects around the enlarged as the main concept whichUsually in an album advert there is a colouralbum advert.differs from other music albumsscheme which is followed throughout theadvertisements, where they havealbum, however there is none here as their own face to promoteeverything is all colourful with the range ofthemselves., which shows hismixed colours which signifies the artist and popularity.his childish side as he is shown as the Boy.The colourfulness of the album is theThe chaotic-ness images of the albumrepresentation of the artist. I like this conceptrepresents the title of the album. Such as in the middle it looks like a boysbecause personally listening to Mikas bedroom but has exploded into themusic, his music is very upbeat and cheerful universe signifying that he knows toowhich is what this album cover is signifying.much. which shows that Mika is theWhich would interest me as I would want my Boy and conveying his new ideas oralbum cover to be a representative of my knowledge of his music and gettingartist.the audience to listen to his album through the use of images. Which IThe reason I have chosen this albumwould take into account as the imagesadvert for my case study is because theshould be representative to the artist.concept of not having the artistthemselves to promote their own album The release date of the album is atis not seen typically seen. However as this the bottom in small writing whichis not Mikas first album , it shows that he The background of the cover isdoesnt stand out as much, as it isdoes not need a full image of himself toout of space which could signifyin the corner. This interests me that the artists music is out ofbecause you would expect theshow his popularity, but use objects tothis world which could showartist to be wanting their newrepresent the artist himself and the musicalbum to be significant in grabbingfor his album. his originality of Mikas type ofpeoples attention but instead its music, which is different to the artists name which stands outwhat the audience would listenthe most with the images around it.to all the time. 6. The use of a medium shot shows only theAs the artist is not directly looking at theThe framing of the artists cuts out her artists as she is the main concept of theaudience , it creates a secretive vibe due to arms but focuses on the artists facial album, as it only focuses on her. I like thisher dark surroundings and the shadow on the features. I like the framing of this because type of shot as readers would only beleft side of her face which is the effect that thereaders dont notice the body language interested in the artists face rather than herphotographer may have wanted. This interestsbut only focus on the artist which is the body language as she is promoting her ownme as her facial expression is reflective of hermain concept. Which is what many album album.album cover. Which is what I would want toadvert use in order to increase andcreate in my album advert. I would like to take promote the popularity of their artist.into account the composition of the charactersface and her body language which is what sheThe use of lighting of this shoot is thatwants to portray to her audience.you can tell that the photo was taken Ina studio which gives it a professionalThe effects of the glitter around the artists hairvibe. This could represent the skilledsignifies that she is magical, which is a type of singer she is. This has inspired asrepresentation of her voice as it also adds a on one side of her face is light whereassense of positive vibe about the album. Which the other side is dark that gives ais what I would take into account as she uses mysterious concept , which wouldsymbols to represent her and her albuminterest the readers. This has shown mename, which corresponds well together.to take into account of lighting whentaking photographs in the studioThe clothing of the artist is simple as it is justblack, which fits well with the colour scheme The colour of the text of the artiststhat is used for this album. I would like to take name corresponds well with thethis into account as this would help me withglitter of the artists. As the title isthe mise- en scene if I was doing a studio called Lights therefore her namephoto-shoot for my album cover. and surrounds are filled with lightsaround her You can see that thereThe use of reviews encourages the is a colour scheme of the albumconsumer to buy the CD as it gives an cover which is black, white andoverview of how it sounds like as the gold. I would like to take I intoreaders can not physically listen to theaccount the colour scheme as itsong, but have a mental or emotional feel links well with the artists albumof what the music would be like from the The layout of the words is after the artists face. The use of positive ratings of the artist is morecover and her clothing.positive comments of the other newspapers. The combination of the use ofmemorable as it is towards the end , leaving an encouraging concept for buyers to get the album. Overall the album has given me ideas ofwords and images appeals more to the As the already have an idea of how the album what to consider if I was doing a studioaudience as it gives the reader more sounds like. Which is what I may consider thinking photo-shoot, such as the lightening andthings to look at and would interest them when producing an album advert.colour scheme .more.

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