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Page 1: Cebu ride slideshow

Jerry and Paul on the road

Page 2: Cebu ride slideshow

Fixing flats…

Page 3: Cebu ride slideshow

Jerry Salgo, king of the roads

Page 4: Cebu ride slideshow

Always looking for more liquids…

Page 5: Cebu ride slideshow

NOT to drink!…gasoline in Coke bottles

Page 6: Cebu ride slideshow

Rice paddies in northwest Cebu island

Page 7: Cebu ride slideshow

Paul checking the road ahead with the support vehicle

Page 8: Cebu ride slideshow

Jinkee and Shari

Page 9: Cebu ride slideshow

A typical rest stop…

Page 10: Cebu ride slideshow

Joel checking the map; Charis is ready to go

Page 11: Cebu ride slideshow

Joel and Jinkee going up a hill

Page 12: Cebu ride slideshow

End of day three

Page 13: Cebu ride slideshow

Joel on the beach at San Remigio

Page 14: Cebu ride slideshow

Sunset at San Remigio

Page 15: Cebu ride slideshow

Jinkee, Junelyn, and Charis

Page 16: Cebu ride slideshow

Riders and support team

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