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Page 1: Cedar Blue Property Owners Association Board …...Cedar Blue Property Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes January 21, 2017 1. Board Members Present: Tom Elliott, Bruce Arnold,

Cedar Blue Property Owners Association Board Meeting Minutes

January 21, 2017

1. Board Members Present: Tom Elliott, Bruce Arnold, Arvilla Bird, Curtis Oshel, David Ponder, Ronnie McGee, Clifford Cops, Jr. and Tonya Glasgow, Park Manager.

2. Board Members Absent: Ken Brown and Dewayne Denwalt.

3. Property Owners Present: The owners of 34 properties were present.

4. Call to Order- The Board Meeting was called to order at 11:03 am by President, Tom Elliott.

5. Prayer by Cliff Guy, Pastor, Sonshine Community Church

6. Approval of the Meeting Minutes for December 17, 2016- A motion to accept the minutes as written by: Bruce Arnold Seconded by: David Ponder The motion passed unanimously.

7. Committees: Committees have been created and implemented to oversee different areas within the Park. Each committee has authorization to take care of certain actions and will present a written report every month that will become a part of the minutes. You will see that there are times when more than one committee can be involved in a project. If you would like to volunteer to be on any of the committees, please email/contact any board member. Cedar Blue welcomes your help, ideas and suggestions. These committees and its members will be posted on the website.

Environmental Committee Chair: Curtis Oshel Members: Bruce Arnold, Dewayne Denwalt, Ronnie McGee, David Ponder Report was read by Curtis Oshel and is attached below. Finance Committee Chair: Bruce Arnold Members: Arvilla Bird, Tom Elliott, Tonya Glasgow Finance report presented by Bruce Arnold and is attached below.

A motion to approve the December 2016 financials by: Clifford Cops, Jr. Seconded: Ronnie McGee The motion passed unanimously.

Maintenance/Infrastructure Committee

Chair: Ken Brown Members: Dewayne Denwalt, JW Mann, Curtis Oshel, David Ponder Report read by Tonya Glasgow and is attached below. Tom wanted all property owners to know that the swimming pool is being renovated. There are many rumors going around at this time that Cedar Blue is doing away with the swimming pool. This information is incorrect. All owners are encouraged to mark their property with their address. Clifford Cops, Jr., explained that he has been working with the Murray County Emergency Management to identify the properties in Cedar

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Blue with a color coded map. Their office has this information. Ambulance and Fire service are not familiar with the entire layout of Cedar Blue. Having proper identification to your property will help should an emergency arise. Insurance Committee Chair: Ronnie McGee Members: Tom Elliott, Clifford Cops, Jr. No report submitted. ODEQ Committee Chair: Tom Elliott Members: Bruce Arnold, Ronnie McGee, Ken Brown Tom reported the project is coming to completion. Tonya is scheduled for a wastewater class in April. He has spoken to ODEQ and they will issue a one year provisional license for Tonya. Signage has been ordered and some cleanup is still needed to do. All of the big things are complete. There have been many people involved and the end is near. No report submitted.

Personnel Committee Chair: Tom Elliott Members: Dewayne Denwalt, Bruce Arnold No report submitted. Covenants and Bylaws Committee Chair: Curtis Oshel Members: Ronnie McGee, Clifford Cops, Jr. No report submitted.

8. Park Manager Report – Tonya Glasgow read the report and it is attached below.

9. Sonshine Community Church – Pastor Cliff and Joyce thanked the Entertainment Committee for the refreshments. 2017 is

going to be a wonderful year.

10. Entertainment Committee – Cindy Forman told everyone the calendar of events is almost complete. More information is


11. Old Business - None

12. New Business - None

13. Property Owner’s Comments – Mark Forman CC-18: asked once the property across Cedar Blue Road for the irrigation field is paid off, does Cedar Blue

own without restrictions? Tom answered yes. He added that the original agreement made in 2008, had some provisions

which inadvertently affected Buckhorn Rural Water District allowing Mr. Freeman to connect to a water line within our Park

to serve up to five (5) meters on land maintained by Mr. Freeman. Cedar Blue and Mr. Freeman, without knowledge,

unintentionally created a contract provision to which neither could perform without the inclusion of Buckhorn Rural Water

District. In addition, the contract included a provision to allow cattle grazing. This is actually a violation of ODEQ rules as

the land purchased serves as a lagoon irrigation field for raw sewage. Bruce, Ronnie and Tom met with Mr. and Mrs.

Freeman in November 2016 and learned that they did not want to sell the land to Cedar Blue. The Freemans were going to

allow us to irrigate on the acreage at no cost. We renegotiated the contract and a legal release was drafted by our park

attorney and has been signed by all parties and is on file in the park office in the Freeman file. Tom added the restrictions on

the land are no trespassing and no hunting allowed. Within the next few weeks signs will be posted accordingly.

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Charles Cummings CC-65: asked if Cedar Blue could build something on the property for additional income for the park?

Tom stated that building or construction is not allowed on the property due to the land serving as an irrigation field for raw

sewage. Charles asked about utilizing other areas in Cedar Blue to build boat storage for the ownership. There is an area by

the sewer ponds. Bruce stated that the Board has discussed this and are going forward to get more information. Charles

asked about the Coast to Coast area rental too? Tom answered by saying this has been discussed with the current board of

directors and previous boards. The concerns are giving access to non-owners into Cedar Blue.

Mark Forman CC-18: he stated to Charles Cummings that Cedar Blue is his family’s recreation time and he does not want

strangers having free reign in the park. Everyone is in agreement for generating additional income to the park to put back

into the park; but allowing individuals who do not have anything invested in the park may not be to our betterment. Tom

stated that the boat storage is a slam dunk. The camper rental area needs attention for more appeal to renting out. Having

a picnic table at each spot, make sure the utilities are right, bring in fire pits and adding gravel to each spot would make a big


Joe Potter CB-275 & CB-277: asked for clarification on the property across the road. He was told the land was temporary

and no longer needed after the ODEQ project was completed. Tom stated that the property is part of the approved ODEQ

plan. The land will never be allowed to be used for other than the sprinkler field. It is an automated sprinkler field for

permanent use. The sprinklers come on by water level in the lagoons.

Don Warlick CB-122: asking the Board of Directors about persons in the park with deactivated gate cards. The word out

is there is a potential to sue Cedar Blue should an emergency come up and they cannot get out of the exit gates. Tom

responded that if they are in the park a property owner has let them in and that owner is responsible for those individuals.

This in no different when an owner has guests in the park and that owner lets their guests in at the gate. If gate cards are

deactivated; those cards are deactivated for a reason. Mr. Warlick asked about the status of the court date for the destruction

of the fence. Tom explained that several have been subpoenaed on behalf of the State of Oklahoma to testify in court

January 30, 2017. We will keep you informed.

14. Adjournment- A motion to adjourn was made by: Bruce Arnold

Seconded by: David Ponder

Motion carried unanimously.

Board meeting adjourned at: 11:47 am

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Environmental Committee Report

January 21, 2017

Chairman: Curtis Oshel

Members: Bruce Arnold

Dewayne Denwalt

Ronnie McGee

David Ponder

Permits for approval:

There are five (5) permits that have been submitted for approval. Three were submitted last month. REMINDER to all Property Owners: Before any lot improvement begins a permit must be obtained. This includes but is not limited to tree removal and the installation of portable sheds and carports. This means any tree removal. Small metal stakes define the four corners of each lot. These stakes may not be removed. The wooden posts do not show the true lot lines and are for identification purposes only. If no property lines are defined, a survey of the property may be required at the owner’s expense. The maintenance staff will not assist in property line location. A map is available online at www.cedar-blue.com or at the Park office that give the dimensions of each property. It is the property owner’s responsibility to contact the Park office once the project is completed to set up a final inspection date with the Environmental Committee. It is preferred that the property owner be present when the final inspection is completed should any questions arise.


Curtis Oshel Committee Chairman

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Maintenance / Infrastructure Report January 21, 2017 Board Meeting

Chairman: Ken Brown

Park Liaison: Joe Bonham Staff Supervisor: Tonya Glasgow

Committee Members: Dewayne Denwalt

JW Mann Curtis Oshel

David Ponder

The pool renovation project has begun. A new channel main drain has been installed. The old concrete deck has been torn out. Jerry and Bobby have been walking the park turning off in ground water valves. Because of the recent colder temperatures maintenance has had to replace water valves that were left on. When leaving your property turn off those in ground water valves. The guys have also repaired a water leak in the CB area. This past week Cedar Blue has received a little over 4 inches of rain. Tree trimming will begin in a few weeks along with leaf raking and burning. The maintenance department plays a major role in the operation of Cedar Blue. Thank you goes out to Jerry, Joe, and Bobby. These guys are wonderful! Please let them know how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication. Discussion by the committees for this year include: roads and the drainage issues, remodeling the restrooms at the Family Center and the pool house.

Committee Chair Park Manager

Ken Brown Tonya Glasgow

REMINDER: Containers are provided for household trash. If you see trash on the ground, take a moment to pick up. Cedar Blue provides the roll off dumpsters for bigger items. This does not include tree branches or limbs. Reminders are given about the limb yard that is open on Friday for cuttings disposal. There is no location on Cedar Blue property for this. A trailer has been provided in the dumpster area for metal and appliances along with a trailer for aluminum. Please dump accordingly.

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Office Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Closed Sunday & Monday

Lunch 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Phone: (580)-622-6302

Email: [email protected]

Property owners are reminded to mark your property location with the numbers so that you can be easily identified.

THANK YOU to the Entertainment Committee, who has provided the refreshments for our meeting this morning.

The first half of the annual assessment of $275.00 is due in the office at 5:00pm

on Tuesday, January 31, 2017. Final reminder statements will be sent March 2017

for property owners with an outstanding balance. No other notices will be given.


Tonya Glasgow

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