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Page 1: Celebrating 71 Years! “The Hard Rock News” · 2015-02-28 · DECEMBER, 2010 “THE HARD ROCK NEWS” PAGE 3 KITSAP MINERAL AND GEM SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING 12 NOVEMBER 2010 The

“The Hard Rock News”

Kitsap Mineral and Gem Society

Elected Officers for 2010


Tony Schackmann (360) 372-2777

[email protected]

Vice President:

Woody Woodside (360) 871-1458

[email protected]


Linda Mathison (360) 698-1562

[email protected]


Don Lorimor (360) 876-8907

[email protected]

President’s Message 1

President’s Message con-

tinued, Other Announce-



Meeting Minutes 3

Meeting Minutes continued,

Other Announcements


Show Announcement

Refreshments announce-



Christmas Potluck An-



Rock Talks,

Tips of the month


December Birthstones,

Birthdays and Anniver-



Mentor Announcement

Quick Quiz

Geology Clinic


Looking forward to January

and Beyond; Editor Contact



Inside this issue:

Merry Christ-

mas & Happy

New Year! „Tis

the season to

be jolly and

thankful for everyone and every-

thing our club offers.

Let me personally say that we had

another very successful November

show. With all the help and new

ideas, we held another record for

setup and take down. Great work

Doug Merson on the Mineral Case

(our main event)! Including your

demonstration table, there was so

much detail and specimen quality

that visitors and members were ex-

cited. The Show Chairman made

changes that were noticeable to

those that visit regularly.

Everyone who took part in volun-

teering to support the show by

standing shifts, etc. — I give you

our applause! We had minimal

complaints this year because so

many more of you came forward

and did your part, and then some!

Thanks to the vendors, members

and demonstrators on their contri-

butions and support for making this

a memorable event. I had many

people (including some folks from

other rock clubs) tell me we are the

best show for variety, cleanliness,

excitement, affordability and

presentation of a great appearance

as soon as you walked in the en-

trance. To me, that means a lot for

what we do and what we stand for,

from all who support the State of

Washington Rockhounding. Chair-

man Jim McClure, with Assistant

Chairpersons Dave Reimers and

Gerry Alexander, Great Job! I


Next we have the Big Christmas

Party/Potluck and the famous annu-

al Slab BINGO. For those that have

not done this before, you‟ll have


Now this means our next meeting

Friday December 10th is at the

Son's of Norway Hall in Bremerton,

6:00 PM. Any questions feel free to

contact myself, Kathy Reimers or

Vangie Mayton. We will have our

meeting and will be inducting with

swearing in the newly elected Presi-

dent Nathan Schackmann, Vice

A Message From Our President, Tony Schackmann:

Celebrating 71 Years!

December, 2010 http://www.kmgs.org

Continued page 2 right

Page 2: Celebrating 71 Years! “The Hard Rock News” · 2015-02-28 · DECEMBER, 2010 “THE HARD ROCK NEWS” PAGE 3 KITSAP MINERAL AND GEM SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING 12 NOVEMBER 2010 The


December Meeting News:

There will be no General Meeting for December.

Joins us for our annual Christmas Party/Potluck

being held at the Sons of Norway Hall

(Bremerton). We generally plan on eating at

around 6:00 PM, so it gets started a bit earlier

than usual.

Program: There is no program for December.

Display Table: There will not be a display table

at the December potluck, so please just bring in

those wrapped slabs for "slab bingo.

-Garry Mahan


Many thanks to those of you who put together

showcases for our big club event. Charlotte

Heesacker, Hannah Evjen, Amy Summers, Megan

Fagan, Gavin & Devin, Petra & Marit Ellerby all

participated. Petra and Marit please call to make

arrangements to get your prizes. I'm holding

them for you! Thanks also to all of you who

helped out at the "wheel" and "critter land." Way

to pitch in for your club.

Hope you all got out and looked at the displays,

and possibly added to your collections. It was

hard to pick because our dealers had so many

wonderful things to choose from. I finally select-

ed some REALLY nice fossil clam shells that look

good next to a plate of ammonites. What did you


See you at the Christmas party.

Juniors Coordinator- Evah Summers

President Bob Lavery and Treasurer Pat Jolly. Linda

Mathison has agreed and the club confirmed that

she will be retained as Secretary for the 2011. Then

we all get to converse about this 2010 year and the

fun times we had and possibly talk about the year

2011. Members, please don‟t forget we could use

some donated wrapped slabs for the prizes to offer

those lucky winners. The tradition of the club would

like to see everyone go home with a slab or two.

Thanks to those that volunteered to cook Turkey

and Ham.

There will be no Board meeting for the Month of De-

cember. There will be a regular meeting for Janu-

ary. The club needs time to establish next year‟s

events, programs and field trips. Also to get chair-

persons established for committees. Who would like

to volunteer?

See you all at the Son‟s of Norway Hall! Nathan and

I look forward to meeting new members and work-

ing with all of you that have been with the club for a

number of years, you are like family to me. Keep up

the good work!

Thanks for your confidence in me; I‟ll do my best as

sworn Sincerely, Tony Schackmann

Presidents Message Continued from page 1


Page 3: Celebrating 71 Years! “The Hard Rock News” · 2015-02-28 · DECEMBER, 2010 “THE HARD ROCK NEWS” PAGE 3 KITSAP MINERAL AND GEM SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING 12 NOVEMBER 2010 The




12 NOVEMBER 2010

The meeting was called to or-

der by President, Tony

Schackmann. The Juniors led

the Pledge of Allegiance.

Welcome: The evening‟s

guests were Walt Schultz,

Frank Deeter, and Fred

Shadel. Fred is not only a new member tonight but

he is Linda Mathison‟s fiancé! Welcome to you all!

Announcements: The South Sound Gem, Opal and

Mineral Show is being held the 13th and 14th at the

Puyallup Fairgrounds. Admission is $4. We also re-

ceived a notice from Lambert Industries in Bangkok,

Thailand offering their lapidary services to club


Nomination of Officers: Jim McClure opened nomi-

nations for President, Vice President, Secretary and

Treasurer. Each office only had one nominee and all

votes were unanimous. Your new President is Na-

than Schackmann; your new Vice President is Bob

Lavery; Linda Mathison will be your secretary for an-

other year and your new Treasurer is Patt Jolly!

Congratulations to the new KMGS Officers!

Our next meeting is on 10 December and is our an-

nual Christmas Potluck and the highly anticipated

Slab Bingo!!!! The celebration will be held at the

Bremerton Sons of Norway. Four wonderful volun-

teers stepped up to the plate (and ovens) and will

bake 2 hams and 2 turkeys. The rest of the club and

guests will bring pot luck!

Fall Festival of Gems: The time is near! Work par-

ties are gearing up and at 8 AM on Friday the 19th,

the President‟s Hall will open for dealers, cases, ta-

ble and demos to be set up. The show will be on the

20th and 21st! Again, Scout Troop 1506 is providing

a fabulous school case for the school with the big-

gest percent of student attendance at the show! We

look forward to seeing everyone there!

Show and Tell: Always a lot of fun, show and tell is

one of the meeting‟s highlights. First up was Nate

Schackmann with thunder eggs and jasper collected

on the September field trip to Rim rock. Patt Jolly

brought agates, petrified wood, jasper and sodalite

she recently collected and shared some rings she

has made as well. Vic Anderson shared some ad-

ventures he and his wife, Marie, have had on a great

trip. He brought pieces of petrified limbs, blue

quartz and turtella. John Burch had a fun story

about a trip to Santa Barbara several years ago and

how his dad used a “rock” to block a tire when they

had a flat. John saved the rock which turns out to

have a bone fossil in it! Goes to show you that you

just never know what you‟ll find out there! Pat Fa-

gan went on a trip to Utah and brought back lots of

very cool rocks from Powder Mountain. Pat‟s grand-

daughter, Meghan, picked up some material at an

auction including calcite and desert rose. Good job,

Meghan! Bob Lavery and his wife, Rocky, brought

back some wonderful material from the Oregon

Coast including a possible Indian artifact found near

the Octopus Tree at Cape Mears. Bob also cautioned

everyone going to the Oregon Coast to be sure to

check the tide charts and be very careful of “sneaker

waves”, unpredictable waves that sneak up on

Continued page 4 right

Page 4: Celebrating 71 Years! “The Hard Rock News” · 2015-02-28 · DECEMBER, 2010 “THE HARD ROCK NEWS” PAGE 3 KITSAP MINERAL AND GEM SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING 12 NOVEMBER 2010 The

Save Those Stamps:

Save stamps for NFMS. These stamps are

cleaned and resold to dealers (mostly overseas)

and the money earned is sent to cancer

facilities. Please do not remove the stamp from

the envelope and try to retain at least 1/4” of the

envelope around the stamp.

- Jack Eads (NFMS Representative)

Yearly DUES

$10.00 for Adult Membership

$20.00 for Family Membership

$2.50 for Single Junior

(Dues were due last June!)

Membership Committee:

Paulette Garibaldi and Dorothy Gambee


More Cool Rockhound Websites:

www.amfed.org/nfms/ (Check out NW show

info online)


See this newsletter in color at our website:


beachcombers causing injuries and drowning. The

Lavery‟s are going back to Oregon in February if

anyone is interested in tagging along. Dean Nor-

man had what appears to be a fossilized section of

a palm tree and donated it to the raffle. Thank

you, Dean! Ruth Brooks-Butler shared some Bea-

ver Valley Quarry material and some agates and

coprolite from the Salmon River. Fred Shadel

shared some mystery rocks hoping someone might

know something about them. Show and Tell Lead-

er, Garry Mahan, talked about intarsia and shared

some magazine articles from a few years ago on

the subject. Thank you to everyone who shared

stories and material for our Show and Tell! (I apol-

ogize for using poor sentence and paragraph struc-

ture but this helps to conserve space in the news-

letter. LM)

Rock Talks: Ruth Brooks-Butler and Jack Eads

have had a very busy schedule with talks.

Program: Following a break including many deli-

cious treats, and the raffle and silent auctions, eve-

ryone settled in for an interesting presentation by

John Burch on the importance of labeling and cata-

loging your gem and mineral finds as well as shar-

ing samples of meteorites and answering questions

about their identification.

Being no further business the meeting was ad-


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Mathison

Page 5: Celebrating 71 Years! “The Hard Rock News” · 2015-02-28 · DECEMBER, 2010 “THE HARD ROCK NEWS” PAGE 3 KITSAP MINERAL AND GEM SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING 12 NOVEMBER 2010 The




The Fall Festival of Gems is over. Yahooooooo!

It appears to be a very successful show again. How

do we keep getting bigger and better each year? I

think you know that answer; but just in case you

don‟t I will tell you how we do it. It is done by YOU.

All the success, year after year, is accomplished by

each and every member of Kitsap Club who pitches-

in, signs-up, helps in whatever way they can,

shows-up, works their fanny off, eats pizza and

works again, wears a smile, and talks about this

great club we have! That is how we make a suc-

cessful show! I wish to thank each of you for show-

ing your support and enthusiasm. You made this

show a wonderful event and we shall continue to

make it a fun and learning atmosphere of wonderful

people of all interests. That is what it is really

about. I couldn‟t do it without all of you.

And if you should have the opportunity to say “hey,

great job” to all my helpers and committee people,

I know they would appreciate knowing you noticed

their efforts. They worked harder than I did!

Thanks again to all the members of our club.

- Jim McClure





Unless something else

happens that hampers

our ability to go to

Arizona from January to April, I will need

another KMGS member to volunteer to

cover the kitchen during the general

meetings during those months. There is

nothing easier, just start the coffee at

6:00 PM and then remind everyone who

approaches that the coffee is not ready

until 7:00 PM! Oh, and put out the snacks

just before the break and clean up after

it‟s all done! Call me if

you think you can help the

club….Thanks! Kathy

Reimers (360) 275-5986

[email protected]

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Potluck Info: This year our Christmas Party/

Potluck will be held at the Bremerton Son‟s of

Norway Hall at 6:00 PM on Friday, December


No major set-up is required. Kathy Reimers

will be there at 4:00 PM (360) 731-5963 cell.

She will need some members to help out in the

kitchen just as we are getting ready to serve

and, of course, at clean-up!

Thank you to:

Turkey and Gravy Cookers - Jill Wetzel and

Tal Conklin

Ham Cookers - Diane Jones and Karen Eslava

Table Decorations - Diane Jones

Annual Food Drive

Please bring non-perishable food donations to the

KMGS Christmas Potluck.

Representatives from the

club will then

distribute the

donations to local area

Food Banks. Please let

Kathy Reimers know if you

can help distribute the

donations to the food

banks. We donate to

North Kitsap, Bremerton

and North Mason Food Banks.

- Kathy Reimers (360) 275-5986

[email protected]

Checklist for the Christmas


Your Potluck Item/Dish, Marked (with

your name) Serving Spoon or

Serving Ware — Please have your

potluck item cut and ready to


Your Own Plates and Silverware

Holiday Gift Wrapped Slabs for the

Slab Bingo, if you can!

Canned Goods or Non-Perishables for

the Food Drive

The potluck will take place at The

Son‟s of Norway Hall (located on the

Olympic College side of the Warren Av-

enue Bridge). Address is: 1018 18th

Driving Directions to the Son’s of

Norway Hall in Bremerton: From

Warren Avenue, turn into Olympic

College at the stoplight at the

intersection of 16th and Warren, Turn

right onto Chester, then left onto 18th.

The Son‟s of Norway Hall is on the left

side, all the way down on 18th towards

Warren. Park in the college parking lot

on your right. 1018 18th Street

Bremerton, WA 98337-1626.

Page 7: Celebrating 71 Years! “The Hard Rock News” · 2015-02-28 · DECEMBER, 2010 “THE HARD ROCK NEWS” PAGE 3 KITSAP MINERAL AND GEM SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING 12 NOVEMBER 2010 The


KMGS Tip of the Month

Display stands

The little metal hangars on old curtains can be

used for small display stands. Some even have

small round brass ends that make them looks

store bought.

What kind of buff and what type of polishing

agent should I use?

No matter how long you've been polishing stones,

you will eventually come up with a stone that just

won't seem to take a polish. Here is a website by

Covington Engineering that gives you the type of

stone, the type of buff and the type of polish to

use to get that "pazaaz polish".





-Thanks Garry Mahan

Jewelry Making Tip Of The Month

Remember, when soldering, the melting point of

solder increases every time it‟s heated. If you

heat the piece just to the point of the solder

melting, you can use the same solder for every

joint on a piece

-Thanks Dan Ice

Rock Talks” November 2010.

We report that 2nd/3rd Graders at Manchester

Elementary were excited to have us come as

they had been studying and experiencing the

hardness of rocks when Jack and I showed them

about the classification of rocks. For example:

Students were able to connect pumice

(igneous);……. (sedimentary);and jade

(metaphoric) to the moh scale that they have

been studying. Of course in the hour and half

time, the children asked us questions. They

wanted to know how did Jack got started col-

lecting rocks, and myself what was the 1st rock

I collected. Wish you had come along to see

how children see the world.

Then 6th Graders at East Port Orchard intently

listened to our presentation with some taking

notes. Of course the coprolite of which Jack

played up a story with putting coprolite in a

bag and wanted a student to touch it but finally

having the teacher touch it. They couldn‟t imag-

ine it was more than dog dung. When groups

came to touch the rocks and ask questions: of

course all wanted to touch it. The teacher was

able to put on the overhead projector the web

site of rock identification as we packed up our

three tubs to leave. You as a member owe it to

yourself to join the “Rock Talk” Team to gain

how our club reaches out into the community.

-Ruth Brooks and Jack Eads

Biggs Jasper is known for it„s mountain scenes.

It was discovered in 1964 after a flood and land-

slide closed highway 97 just south of Biggs Ore-

gon. During the following repairs, this jasper was

found and soon depleted.

Page 8: Celebrating 71 Years! “The Hard Rock News” · 2015-02-28 · DECEMBER, 2010 “THE HARD ROCK NEWS” PAGE 3 KITSAP MINERAL AND GEM SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING 12 NOVEMBER 2010 The

December Birthstone: TANZNITE

/ZIRCON /TURQUOISE Sagittarius (November 23 -

December 21)

Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full

of enterprise, energy, versatility, adventurousness

and eagerness to extend experience beyond the

physically familiar. They enjoy travelling and explo-

ration, the more so because their minds are con-

stantly open to new dimensions of thought. . Via


Tanzanite is relatively new on the gemstone mar-

ket, but has left its mark. Its blue-lavender color is

rather unique and a wonderful addition to the gem-

stone palette. Found in Tanzania (hence the name)

in 1967, it has since become a well known and

widely distributed gemstone. It has become so pop-

ular that in October of 2002 the American Gem

Trade Association (AGTA) announced that tanzanite

had joined zircon and turquoise in the traditional list

of birthstones for the month of December. .

Zircon's reputation has suffered of late due to the

introduction of a diamond simulant. So for the rec-

ord, zircon (zirconium silicate, ZrSiO4) is NOT the

same material as the artificial gem material Cubic

Zirconia (zirconium oxide, ZrO2). However with that

in mind, zircon has been used as a diamond simu-

lant both for innocent and nefarious reasons. Zircon

resembles diamond in luster and fire and colorless

zircons have been mistaken for diamonds by expe-

rienced jewelers. Zircon can make a very attractive

and affordable gemstone. It is generally found in

browns and greens but can be heat treated to

beautiful blue and golden colors. Colorless material

is produced in this way as well.

Turquoise is a valuable mineral and is possibly the

most valuable, non-transparent mineral in the jew-

elry trade. It has been mined for eons since at least

6000 BC. by early Egyptians. Its history also in-

cludes beautiful ornamental creations by Native

Americans and Persians. Its popularity is still quite

strong today. Although crystals of any size are rare,

some small crystals have been found in Virginia and

elsewhere. Most specimens are cryptocrystalline,

meaning that the crystals could only be seen by a

microscope. The finest turquoise comes from Iran

but is challenged by some southwestern United

States specimens. Topaz may be colorless, yellow,

orange, red, blue and green. Turquoise is often im-

itated by "fakes", such as the mineral chrysocolla,

and poorer turquoise specimens are often dyed or

color stabilized with coatings of various resins. The

name comes from a French word which means

stone of Turkey, from where Persian material

passed on its way to Europe. Via Firemountain-



December Birthdays

Pat Armstrong (12-30) Justin Brooks (1-29)

John Burgess Steve Colby (12-1)

Donald Cole (12-18) Bob Corbin (12-10)

Brandon Dyer (12-5) Ben Ellerby (12-24)

George Fellows (12-12)

Paulette Garibaldi (12-4) Mike Heesacker (12-

2) Howard Jackson (12-22) Patt Jolly (12-13)

John Kosinski (12-19) Bob Lavery

Tom Lucas (12-19) Virgil Mastel (12-5)

Rich Rasmussen Carolyn Richter (12-30)

Linden Richter Shane Schackmann (12-21)

Jacob Schonauer (12-22)

Angel and Ruthie Shiver (12-31)

Janet Smith (12-23) Charles Summers

Jerry Thompson (12-5) Kathy Woodside

December Wedding Anniversaries

Vic and Marie Anderson

Paul and Behereh Brons (12-21)

Curt Daggy (12-7)

Carl and Sandy Hendrickson (12-30)

Terry and Carolyn Iversen

(In Memory of Carolyn)

Richard and Joyce Price (12-12)

James Thompson

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KMGS Members Willing to Mentor?

The new KMGS Directory will list members

willing to mentor. The listing will include

contact information. If you are willing to be on

this list and be included in the directory, please

contact Bobbie Sack (360) 277-0383 or Kathy

Reimers (360) 275-5986. Deadline for this will

be December 1, 2010.

Quick Quiz:

Where is the Christmas party?

What happens to solder every time it‟s melted?

Our annual Christmas Party/Potluck is being held at the Sons of Norway Hall (Bremerton). This party

takes the place of the regular meeting on December 10th but we generally plan on eating at around 6:00

PM, so it gets started a bit earlier than usual.

Geology Clinic 2010

What a great geology clinic! This year, 160 Boy

Scouts, Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts earned their

geology oriented awards. They absolutely loved

our show and I saw some very excited Scouts with

great rock collections, rock critters and big ole'

rocks from the silent auction. I had one young

scout come and show me their ming tree and said

that it‟s really rare to get them on the wheel. I

couldn‟t pass up the opportunity to tell the scout

and his parents that our juniors get to make those

at times during our meetings.

For me.., one of the coolest things that I saw was

several Scouts that came up to me and said that

this their third time that they've came to the clin-

ic.., first as a Cub Scout, then as a Webelo and

now as a Scout in order to earn three different

awards. But wait..., yes there was more. This year

we gave the display case away to Star of the Sea

school in Bremerton. This was the first time that a

school in Bremerton school district has won and

December 1st, I will be presenting it to them. As

in the past, I'll bring pictures of that presentation

into share at our next meeting.

Finally, I'd like to mention the legacy that we're all

building together. This was the 6th year for the

Geology Clinic and since we started, 919 Scouts

have earned their geology oriented awards. This

was the 5th year that we've given away a display

case to the school with the highest percentage of

students that attend the show. In those 5 years,

almost 1500 students have passed through our

doors to visit our dealers, our demonstrators and

everyone else that is there to put on this great

educational event. Without a doubt, we're a club

that is making a huge difference to the youth in

our community and that's what I‟m thankful for.

- Mike Heesacker

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Editor Contact Information: Gordon Eslava

[email protected] Phone: (360) 830-4638

11160 NW Holly Rd Bremerton, WA 98312

Deadline for December, 2010 Newsletter:

December 26, 2010

Save Those Stamps

“The Hard Rock News” is the Official Publication of the Kitsap Mineral and Gem Society. Meetings are held

at 7:00 PM on the second Friday of most months at Chico Alliance Church Daycare (entrance in the back).

Address: 3670 Chico Way NW, Bremerton, Washington.

The object of the Society is to provide a general dissemination of knowledge pertaining to the earth

sciences; to sponsor regular meetings and field trips for the benefit of the membership and to be helpful

along these general lines to one and another. The Society is social and educational in character.

Our club is a member of the Washington State Mineral Council, the Northwest Federation of Mineralogical

Societies. and the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies.

No “Hard Rock News” newsletter in January - postcard meeting reminder only.

Feel free to contact me if you want to put an

announcement in the newsletter. Keep in mind

the monthly deadline and that the newsletter

usually arrives around the

beginning of each month, so plan your

announcement accordingly. Contact

information is at left. - Editor

December, 2010


PO Box 3342

Silverdale, Washington 98383-3342

"The Hard Rock News"


Looking Forward to January and Beyond... Update Your Home Calendars!

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