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Page 1: Celebration Friday 27 March 2020 · Celebration – Friday 27th March 2020 Take a look at this week’s fantastic home learning! We are loving seeing everyone’s fantastic efforts.

Celebration – Friday 27th March 2020

Take a look at this week’s fantastic home learning! We are loving seeing everyone’s

fantastic efforts.

Willow Class

Acer Class

Willow Class have been amazing this week! The

boys have been busy learning about measures

with paper aeroplane competitions, creating

rainbows of hope to display in their windows,

designing 3D vehicles on Purple Mash, making

creatures from pipe cleaners, writing fact sheets

about modes of transport and practising their

reading and spelling on Nessy and Rapid

readers. Miss Pagram has heard lots of stories of

bike rides, gardening and playing nicely with

siblings and has even been treated to a live

recording of Dylan’s own Harry Potter story. Miss

Pagram is so proud of everything they have

achieved this week and the way they are

adapting to learning at home. Keep up the

hard work Willow!

Wow – what a week Acer have had!! So much learning

being attempted and so much fun being had by all!

This week Acer have made an effort to keep

connected and have written letters to each other –

parents commented on how the children enjoyed

reading them!

As well as this, some children have put on a concert for

us in their back garden, created sculptures in the style

of Andy Goldsworthy in their gardens, learned about

Wildlife with Steve Buckshall, helped with chores around

the house, cooked and generally had a great time in

the sunshine!!

Check out our photographs to see what we’ve been up

to! Parents are joining in too and have commented on

how they’re enjoying the daily challenges as well!!

Page 2: Celebration Friday 27 March 2020 · Celebration – Friday 27th March 2020 Take a look at this week’s fantastic home learning! We are loving seeing everyone’s fantastic efforts.

Palm and Juniper Class

Squirrel Class

There has been lots of learning and life skills in Juniper

and Palm class this week. Sam has started a fitness

regime at home that was set by Mr Mullings with the

help of Miss Puckrin-Jones and this has helped his

positive mind-set. He’s also been completing lots of

tricky maths work. Well done Sam!

Myles has been busy with his home learning. He has

completed some tricky maths and found lots of 3D

shapes around the house. He has also created some

outdoor artwork. Keep it up Myles!

Tyler and Joshua have both been enjoying PE with Joe

Wicks. Keeping active and staying healthy is so

important and they both did a super job!

Alex has been very helpful at home. He has been in the

kitchen, in the garden and reading with Mum. Well

done Alex!

Our small group have also been very busy. Leo read 30

pages on Monday and has read every day since. David

has been enjoying playing with Diesel the Dog in the

garden and has also been completing maths work

EVERY day. Well done everyone!

This week in Squirrel class our pupils have

been very busy. Some have completed a

shadow drawing challenge – Look at the

amazing Megazord and Dandelion


Pheonyx has been busy making pizza on

purple mash. Maybe we have a future

chef amongst us! He has also been using

pasta to count, earning lots of stickers!

Ashton completed the Body Coach

workout, and learning even continued in

the bath with letters and numbers!

Cayden has been exploring non-

Newtonian fluid (Ooblek).

Leon has designed his very own robot

called Rod, and even drew some planets

on his deign.

Page 3: Celebration Friday 27 March 2020 · Celebration – Friday 27th March 2020 Take a look at this week’s fantastic home learning! We are loving seeing everyone’s fantastic efforts.

Larch Class

Squirrels South

Larch class have been doing a daily art

challenge, parents have been getting

involved too! They have also been

continuing their topic on human rights and

education so students have been making

PowerPoint presentations on Malala


The children have also been writing letters

to each other, which have been lovely to


Life skills have been a large part of what

Larch are up to at home. Making lunch for

their families, baking, jobs around the

house and outdoor games. Well done

Larch class.

Thomas and Charlie have been completing

Mrs Coombes’ challenge of ‘having fun in

the garden’. They both enjoyed spending

time outside. Thomas was practising his best

jumping whilst Charlie was continuing to

learn about the class topic of Space by

drawing the Solar System in the correct

order from the sun in chalk. He then worked

on his Funky Fingers by squirting the chalk

away with water pistol. Looks great fun!

Aiden has taken on the social media Lego

Challenge and has begun creating a

funfair out of Lego with

Page 4: Celebration Friday 27 March 2020 · Celebration – Friday 27th March 2020 Take a look at this week’s fantastic home learning! We are loving seeing everyone’s fantastic efforts.

Pine Class

Hazel Class

Pine class have been working very hard

this week.

Tom F built this fantastic Lego model

from the “30 day Lego Challenge”

Jacob has been working hard

researching his favourite subject – Ford

Transits, as well as sorting odd and

even numbers. Excellent stuff, Jacob!

Jacob also built a self-isolation house

form Lego. Parked outside, you will see

the Ford Transit model that Ford sent

Jacob because he wrote a poem

about transit vans.

Tom has been sorting odd and even

numbers, then moved onto more

advanced work and starting writing

number sentences using the division


Hazel class have had a really positive

week, with work or pictures from everyone.

Well done Hazel. Below are just some

highlights of the amazing work I have


Charlie has been practicing his spelling

and got nearly all of them right.

James has been a times table super star

and completed a whole sheet of times


Cae has started to build a volcano and will

soon be painting it. We can’t wait to see it.

Jamie has written his newspaper report on

‘Violent Volcanoes’ He used some great


Edmund can now independently tie his

shoe laces after lots of practice. Well done


Page 5: Celebration Friday 27 March 2020 · Celebration – Friday 27th March 2020 Take a look at this week’s fantastic home learning! We are loving seeing everyone’s fantastic efforts.

Oak Class

Beech Class

Oak class have also been engaging in

learning activities at home.

Some pupils have been completing

their learning with their family at the

dinner table or out in the sunshine!

Some have been researching online

and watching educational YouTube


One pupil even did some arts and

crafts and made this fantastic 2 toned


This week in Beech Class, we have had

some great learning taking place!

There has been lots of cooking for Life

Skills, Lego building to help with fine

motor skills, some amazing drawing

challenges, and I have also seen lots of

reading, maths and humanities work

being completed!

Tyler has also celebrated his 11th

birthday this week – Happy Birthday


A huge well done to Beech Class, keep

up the hard work and enjoy your Friday


Page 6: Celebration Friday 27 March 2020 · Celebration – Friday 27th March 2020 Take a look at this week’s fantastic home learning! We are loving seeing everyone’s fantastic efforts.

Catering Pathway

LOTC Pathway

Owen has been working hard this week

cooking up a storm in his kitchen and

producing great looking food for himself

and his sister, as well as working hard on his

catering theory. I especially like the way he

has positioned his hand written recipe.

Corey made a quiche at home today- he

made this without supervision or support,

using a recipe from memory that he'd used

at school previously. Thought we'd share a

picture of it.

Great work from the catering students,

keep up the good work.

This week LOTC Pathway Pupils have been

working very hard on their Duke of Edinburgh


Skills – Rapid Readers, writing and maths work

Physical – Skipping challenge and keeping fit

Volunteering – Helping around the house and


On the 25 March 2020 Jonnie completed:

12 press ups

2 books in Rapid Readers

While Ben has been out riding his bike but

socially distancing and Isolating, on a very

early frosty morning! Ben has also been working

hard on his DofE skills section. He has

completed all sections of Rapid Readers and is

now completing the next reading challenge. A

very big WELL DONE to Ben!!!

LOTC are looking at new and exciting ways to

engage with our pupils so keep an eye on our

new site www.learnoutside.wix.com/lotc for

more information next week!!

Page 7: Celebration Friday 27 March 2020 · Celebration – Friday 27th March 2020 Take a look at this week’s fantastic home learning! We are loving seeing everyone’s fantastic efforts.

Highlights of the week in Maple Class!

Chloe has been working

hard on her writing –

great resilience!

James took on the

Humanities challenge of

finding out where his food

comes from… fab


Ethan has been loving reading the

Beast Quest books!

Oliver has been

participating in the 30

Day Lego challenge –

what a fantastic


Joshua has been using

flashcards to help him

with his spellings!

Natalis has been working hard

on his PE and uploading videos

of workouts we can do!

Iris created this fab sundial as the

weather has been so sunny!

Alfie has been working on creating

a new computer game!

Logan has been participating in Joe

Wicks’ PE classes in the morning!

Page 8: Celebration Friday 27 March 2020 · Celebration – Friday 27th March 2020 Take a look at this week’s fantastic home learning! We are loving seeing everyone’s fantastic efforts.

Highlights of the Week in Acer Class South.

Lots of Acer Class have been joining in with Joe Wicks’ daily

PE. Here is Toby showing his older sister how it is done!

Mrs Berry is so proud of the amount of maths she has been seeing from Acer. Lots of maths

challenges as well as practical measuring skills in baking. In class we were learning how to

convert between imperial and metric units, so this baking has been great practice!

It has also been amazing to see you all getting out and enjoying the sunshine whilst

practicing some great life skills. Sam has been helping to mow the lawn, while Toby has

planted his own lettuces ready for some delicious summer salads.

Page 9: Celebration Friday 27 March 2020 · Celebration – Friday 27th March 2020 Take a look at this week’s fantastic home learning! We are loving seeing everyone’s fantastic efforts.

The Therapy Blog

All forms of social media have been used this week by the team to keep in touch with our


Text chats on dojo

Skype counselling sessions

Face time chats

Telephone calls to Parents/Carers and students

Email chats and sharing of photos of activities they have been doing at home.

At the moment the two common anxieties are that children want to go out to the parks and

play and they don’t know how to stop feeling anxious.

The wider therapy team have developed a list of useful websites and apps that can help with

anxiety – for adults and children. This can be found on the school webpage. Below are two

recommendations which may help, both have previously been used by school staff and have

had positive feedback from students!


With lockdown in place parks are of limits but there is a fantastic YouTube channel called

Cosmic Kids Yoga. Yoga will both help calm the body and mind and also give the body the

movement in needs in a slower controlled way and help reduce anxieties.

It’s aimed at children but parents can join in too. Here’s a link to one of the classes, there

are lots to do and each one focuses on a different character.


Anxiety Apps

There is an app called Stop, Breathe & Think Kids. It is a mindfulness and meditation app

but delivered with a fun interactive element.


Look out for own mindfulness and anxiety strategies coming out soon on Springfields

Academy YouTube Channel

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