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  • Tuesday, 13 March 2012


    Customer Experience Management & Analytics for Mobile Services For Insight and Understanding

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    Rapid growth with limited visibility


    Within the next five years more users will connect to the Internet through

    mobile devices than desktop PCs. Morgan Stanley, April 2010.

    Focus on monitoring number of transactions without understanding about end-to-end experience, customer behaviour, trends, opinions or segments.

    Lack of Visibility

    The burden of fragmentation in mobile industry is just getting more challenging and impacting the behavior.

    6800+ handset models 20+ operating systems 680+ mobile networks 20+ mobile browsers


    The need for mobile media measurement and analysis heavily increased as mobile services globally enjoy record breaking figures in usage.

    Explosive growth

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    CEM4Mobile for Mobile Operators Introduction

    CEM4Mobile for Mobile Operators is a mobile Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution particularly designed for Mobile Operators need to understand end-users wireless device usage, optimise their customer dialogue and maximise the number of satisfied, loyal customers and brand advocates.

    The measurement focus is on interaction, experience and engagement, which directly impacts subscriber retention, profitability and lifetime value.

    The analysis extends to usage patterns, service ranking, market trends and particularly how different device, contract, content and user demographic combinations impact the behaviour.

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    CEM4Mobile for Mobile Operators Business drivers

    Consumers no longer buy just mobile phones, they acquire a combination of device, services, voice and data plans. Its the connected services that make people active, loyal and brand advocates. CEM4Mobile facilitates in: Implementing device and service bundles based on customer

    segment specific attributes and behavior Becoming an information and entertainment broker with end-to-

    end Quality of Experience assurance across all device and service combinations

    Continuously seeking critical insight and understanding of

    customers' wireless experience and behavior

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    CEM4Mobile for Mobile Operators Business drivers

    Strong need to shift business focus from being network-centric to consumer service-centric. CEM4Mobile facilitates in: Increasing subscriber retention and creating new revenue streams by

    exploiting subscriber information and offering personalized services based on end-users profile and behavior

    Monitoring digital services beyond the access layer, implementing

    end-to-end network service controls, using subscriber demographic and behavior data across all screens and devices

    Making Customer Experience Management the center of your

    strategy in order to drive your business based on customer-centric KPIs

    Exploiting network assets for providing premium end-to-end

    experience and service quality

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    CEM4Mobile for Mobile Operators Business drivers

    Increasing competition in saturated markets with plenty of options diminishes customer loyalty and profitability. CEM4Mobile facilitates in: Increasing customer loyalty, retention and lifetime value by

    keeping customers satisfied and engaged with compelling digital services

    Pushing multi-screen strategies to span the whole consumer

    content experience to boost data traffic revenues together with customer value and satisfaction

    Converting visiting service users into network subscribers

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    CEM4Mobile for Mobile Operators Business drivers

    The advent of operator agnostic application stores and over-the-top (OTT) players have made it increasingly difficult to analyze subscriber buying and usage habits. CEM4Mobile facilitates in: Enforcing mobile data service intelligence for understanding data

    usage patterns across all services and devices in the network Using the same for creating insight and understanding on device,

    digital service and demographic combinations that make subscribes active, loyal and brand advocates

    Optimizing marketing initiatives based on behavior insight for

    increased competitiveness and subscriber retention

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    CEM4Mobile for Mobile Operators Business drivers

    Mobile ecosystems are driving customer loyalty more towards to handset manufacturers and Internet brands than their mobile operator. CEM4Mobile facilitates in: Increasing loyalty by producing and aggregating compelling,

    relevant and well targeted services with assured network and service quality

    Increasing satisfaction by utilizing service and device portfolio

    intelligence for distributing services that are easy to find, buy and use

    Increasing advocacy by listening to your customers and

    measuring perceived quality using Voice-of-Customer (VoC) channels

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement . Tuesday, 13 March 2012 9


    Mobile users in the centre of the analysis

    Opinions & Values



    Welcome back!

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement . Tuesday, 13 March 2012 10

    The CEM4Mobile Solution


    VoC Surveys

    Mobile Networks


    Mobile Analytics

    Customer Experience


    Device-centric data collection

    Network-centric data collection

    Site-centric data collection

    Voice-of- Customer


    Customer & Market Insight

    CEM4Mobile Metrics CEM4Mobile Surveys


    CEM4Mobile Ranking CEM4Mobile Analytics

    Engagement Experience Interaction

    Active, Loyal and Advocate Customers

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement . Tuesday, 13 March 2012 11

    External CRM, BI/CI Analytics, Mobile Marketing, Policy Control systems

    Critical Lag Messaging

    Customer Experience Management for Mobile Services


    Data Feeds Customer

    Assets Relationship

    Analysis Impact


    Open Export Interface Transaction & Messaging


    Segmentation & Cross Analysis

    Interaction, Experience and Engagement Measurement

    Capability Analysis

    VoC Interactions

    Environment Analysis

    Behaviour Analysis

    Digital Services

    Outbound Marketing


    Experience Engagement

    Loyal Advocate Active

    Inactive or Casual Wireless Customers


  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    CEM4Mobile for Mobile Operators General overview

    Integration by importing data from operators network (Transaction API) -Demographic data -User location -Post paid, pre-paid status -Flow-through, internet service events

    Operators / partners Mobile Services

    Mobile Surveys

    Mobile Operator Network

    Integration of Voice-of- Customer data

    Integration by server side or application tracking

    3rd Party Mobile Services

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    CEM4Mobile for Mobile Operators The solution

    CEM4Mobile seeks to provide the complete picture, which provides insight into mobile users behavior, handset capabilities, environment, values and opinions as well as market trends. Capability Profiler provides an insight into the opportunities and challenges that the users devices are creating by detecting and cross-analyzing the users devices and highlighting segment specific similarities and restrictions Behavior Profiler reveals mobile customers usage patterns within a service; how and when they use the service and whether they are coming back. This makes it possible to analyze segment specific loyalty and churn, service behavior and amount of data used. Environment Profiler presents information about the end-users network performance, location, access point, previous URLs visited and language preferences. Opinions Profiler enables collection of direct feedback from end-users. The opinions module enables a fast and reliable channel for measuring perceived experience and for understanding end users subjective opinions and values. This information can also be cross-analyzed against collected behavior and traffic information.

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    CEM4Mobile for Mobile Operators Network monitoring (DPI)

    In network centric tracking, CEM4Mobile analyzes Internet services accessed from end-user devices through the cellular network. Typically the following services are captured into CEM4Mobile Analytics:

    1. Browsing services: web/mobile sites, search engines, social networks

    2. Mobile application stores: Apple store, Android Market, Nokia, Samsung Apps, Windows marketplace

    3. Email, Webmail 4. Instant Messaging 5. Audio/Video streaming 6. Live games

    Actual network traffic capturing covers IP protocols related to

    these services, for example GTP, HTTP(S), WSP, TCP, UDP, etc. By default, the system automatically detects the major global

    services such as Google services, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, eBay, etc.

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    4. CEM4Mobile INSIGHT Opinions

    The service is based on the CEM4Mobiles Survey product

    Survey enables an innovative way to collect valuable feedback from the end-users through mobile channels and establish a dialog with the current or potential customers.

    The results of the surveys can be viewed as individual reports and studied separately or, the results can be cross-analysed against user behaviour, environment and handset capabilities.

    The surveys can focus on a recruited panel, samples from the current customer base or on a selected focus group. The survey is presented through mobile optimized browsing pages.

    Questions can include single select, multi select, as well as free-text questions in several languages.

    Surveys present a unique way to measure perceived service quality and cross reference results with network quality information.

    Tuesday, 13 March 2012

    15 15

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    CEM4Mobile; user specific dashboards executive reporting

  • Experience, Interaction and Engagement .

    Profiling Users

    Question Answer Pageviews Visits PV/ Visit Unique Users % of total unique users Bounce Rate

    Average Visits Length [s]

    Age Less than 18 1540 741 2,08 30 7 % 54,39 244,48

    Age 18-24 1770 946 1,87 18 4 % 64,69 244,21

    Age 25-34 3905 1996 1,96 54 13 % 58,12 219,83

    Age 35-44 9675 3907 2,48 94 23 % 40,44 294,27

    Age 44-54 12101 4293 2,82 110 27 % 24,88 320,68

    Age 55-64 4583 1652 2,77 80 20 % 36,26 298,94

    Age 65- 2863 765 3,74 16 4 % 15,29 374,34

    The biggest age group in this service is 44 -54 years

    Users with less than 34 years have least pageviews per visit and are more likely to bounce from the service

    Most of the users are older than 35 years (74%), they spend more time on the service and browse thru more pages than the younger users Option for targeted marketing?

  • Identifying service compatibility among handsets

    Handset Manufacturer Handset Model User Status Pageviews Visits PV/Visit Unique Users Bounce Rate

    Average Visits Length [s]

    Apple iPhone New 276453 180759 1,53 180252 84,47 34,50

    Apple iPhone Returned 871592 256757 3,39 24314 37,02 192,06

    Apple iPhone Loyal 256069 80708 3,17 2081 38,64 199,57

    Apple iPhone Dormant 18177 5908 3,08 5176 44,84 131,53

    Apple iPhone Churned 9913 3347 2,96 3261 46,64 120,44

    Nokia E71 New 75928 30714 2,47 29710 55,21 115,34

    Nokia E71 Returned 568880 185718 3,06 14554 39,03 196,74

    Nokia E71 Loyal 177138 62650 2,83 1760 41,50 195,22

    Nokia E71 Dormant 9713 3434 2,83 2965 42,92 139,37

    Nokia E71 Churned 5003 1787 2,80 1734 41,41 148,50

    iPhone users are very critical, they will not return to the service if the first impression is not good

    In case iPhone users are satisfied with the service, they will use it heavily in terms of pageviews and visit length and are not likely to bounce from the service

    New Nokia E71 users are more likely to convert into returned and loyal users compared to iPhone users

  • Finding most cost effective marketing channels

    Domain Name User Activity Pageviews Visits PV/ Visit Unique Users Bounce Rate Average Visits Length [s]

    Direct traffic First-timer 420818 200525 2,10 200519 57,94 97,44

    Direct traffic Daily user 836436 393728 2,12 50940 43,08 97,14

    Direct traffic Weekly user 315945 153896 2,05 46052 41,70 68,80

    Direct traffic Monthly user 35286 16129 2,19 14495 41,87 83,79

    mobile.nokia.mobi First-timer 66851 26137 2,56 26137 44,43 125,10

    mobile.nokia.mobi Daily user 11898 4391 2,71 1347 32,79 159,28

    mobile.nokia.mobi Weekly user 6284 2443 2,57 1127 31,40 113,24

    mobile.nokia.mobi Monthly user 939 394 2,38 378 37,82 113,81

    www.google.com First-timer 9675 3566 2,71 3566 41,19 131,37

    www.google.com Daily user 2718 1060 2,56 350 21,42 106,61

    www.google.com Weekly user 1284 519 2,47 308 27,75 93,63

    www.google.com Monthly user 306 107 2,86 103 20,56 114,50

    Users coming directly to the mobile service are most likely to become active users. They know what they are looking for, thus creating shorter visits and less pageviews per visit

    The conversion from first-timer to daily users differ greatly between different referrers (Direct traffic 25%, www.google.com 10%, mobile.nokia.mobi 5%. The marketing channel is more effective if it creates active users

  • How special events affect mobile services (1/2)

    Iceland Volcano

    iPhone Campaign begins

    First of May

    Summer season begins

    Soccer World Cup

    The iPhone campaign created lot of new users and visits to the service, but the pageviews were not increased

    The first of May had a great negative impact on daily pageviews

    The summer season decreased significantly the pageviews, but only slightly the visits and unique users

    The Soccer World Cup created high peaks during weekends in pageviews, slight increase in visits and unique users

  • How special events affect mobile services 2/2

    Iceland Volcano

    iPhone Campaign begins

    First of May

    Summer season begins

    Soccer World Cup

    The iPhone campaign suffered greatly on the First of May celebrations, causing clear decrease on new users

    The iPhone campaign has created a slight increase in the returned users, but compared to the high number of new users during the campaign, the results are poor

    The Soccer World Cup has created peaks of new users during the weekends

  • Basic functionality:

    Ability to provide QoE alerts and alarms quickly (real time analytics)

    Scalable solution

    High Availability

    Integrated seamlessly into the Analysis/Reporting solution

    Solution Principle:

    Monitoring and alarm functionality is built in line with existing analysis and

    reporting functionality

    Utilizing existing scalability and HA configurations

    Dual data pipelines for providing improved pass-through times

    Monitoring and alarm data assigned a priority track for faster pass-through

    Parallel monitoring database for troubleshooting

    DB layout and operation optimized for real-time updates

    DB contains only very short time (< 1day) history

    DB also contains ongoing sessions for up-to-date view of situation

    Service monitoring (2012) QoE based alerts and alams

  • Alert Message Identifies:

    Trouble Symptoms

    Identified trouble location

    Trouble start time / end time

    Reference to identified related network elements etc.

    Content format depends on alert method (SMS, Email, SNMP)

    Additional Information about the Trouble

    The alert information is saved to the monitoring database

    Ad-hoc queries with easy to use drag-and-drop tool

    Viewing alert information and history through normal reporting UI

    Observing traffic, behavior and service data related to the trouble through normal

    reporting UI functions

    Service monitoring (2012) Alerts and trouble shooting

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