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Page 1: Centennial College Business Plan · Centennial College Business Plan 2013-2014 7 Commitment #1 In creating good global citizens, be recognized as just that. We will strive to become


Centennial College Business Plan

Page 2: Centennial College Business Plan · Centennial College Business Plan 2013-2014 7 Commitment #1 In creating good global citizens, be recognized as just that. We will strive to become

Centennial College Business Plan 2013-2014


Contents Executive Summary (Message from the President)................................................................... 2

Overview ....................................................................................................................................5

Business Outlook ....................................................................................................................5

Our Book of Commitments ................................................................................................... 6

Commitment #1 ......................................................................................................................... 7

Commitment #2 ....................................................................................................................... 9

Commitment #3 ...................................................................................................................... 13

Commitment #4 ...................................................................................................................... 16

Commitment #5 ...................................................................................................................... 18

Commitment #7 ...................................................................................................................... 23

Commitment #9 ......................................................................................................................28

Major Capital Investments....................................................................................................... 31

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Centennial College Business Plan 2013-2014


Executive Summary (Message from the President) Centennial College has an extraordinary history of providing excellence in experiential education, global citizenship and leadership development. With dedicated leadership and visionary Board governance, our investments in 2013-2014 demonstrate our commitment to providing an exceptional learning experience. Students and employees will benefit from a wide range of new programs and projects that support and inspire innovation, growth and prosperity. We will focus our efforts on five key areas: enabling student success; empowering our employees; improving our infrastructure; providing financial stewardship; and sharing our success. By enabling student success and ensuring our students graduate with the skills and leadership needed to become good global citizens, Centennial continues to support local, national and international development efforts. For example, we will:

Expand opportunities and activities that raise student awareness of social justice,

equity and inclusion issues

Develop a sustainable platform for volunteerism and service learning

Accelerate technology enabled learning

Integrate entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial experiences into our curricula

Enhance student engagement in market-driven applied research and innovation

and business incubation

Develop an infrastructure to support the transformation of three-year advanced

diplomas to three year degrees

Erase the boundaries between the classroom and the workplace through strategic


Launch new programs, earn more external accreditations and focus on establishing


Reduce barriers and accelerate post-secondary attainment for underrepresented


Renew our commitment to increasing learning opportunities for Aboriginal


Expand the highly successful First Year Experience – “Roadmap to Success” to

second year

Develop a student career development strategy and grow our Career Centre‟s

capacity to enhance career and employment services and resources for students

Centennial has earned a leadership role in creating more powerful, more meaningful and more relevant experiences for our students, and our community. Over this coming year, we will build on efforts to provide similar experiences for our employees.

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Centennial College Business Plan 2013-2014


At the core of all we do are the people who plan, implement, analyze and manage the College‟s ongoing transformation with innovation, excellence and dedication. To empower our people in 2013-2014 we will:

Reinvest in its human resources to achieve academic and service excellence by hiring

20 new full-time faculty, 8 full-time support staff and 7 full-time administrative

staff, for a total of 35 new hires

Hire an additional 21 faculty, filling vacancies created under the Voluntary Leave

Incentive Program (VLIP) for a total of 41 full-time faculty positions

Offer employees the ability to earn our Leadership Designation; increase faculty

and staff international exchange and service learning opportunities

Develop new mentorship, feedback, recognition and career path strategies for


Support employees seeking to enhance their skills through additional post-

secondary education by enhancing the Employee Tuition Reimbursement program

Create clear and usable dashboards, scorecards, analytics, drill-down reporting

capability and dynamic reports to support evidence-based decision making

Implement the new Banner Student Performance and Retention tool

To support our goal of offering an exceptional learning experience, Centennial will improve our buildings, labs, classrooms, technology and infrastructure. In 2013-2014 we will:

Establish a sustainable model for our Emergency Management and Public Safety

Institute and Simulation Centre

Develop and implement a five year Energy Conservation Plan

Continue with space and infrastructure upgrades across all campuses

Continue our Ashtonbee Campus renovations

Extend services for students with disabilities

Increase our online functionality and infrastructure

Pursue our vision for an aerospace campus at Downsview Park

The Centennial community is committed to maintaining the highest standards of fiscal management and continuing our internationally recognized standard of excellence in financial stewardship. In 2013-2014 we will:

Plan a budgeted operating surplus of $5.1 million

Develop new strategic partnerships with leading employers

Increase domestic enrolment by 2.2% and international enrolment by 3.4%

Invest $14.3 million in major capital investments, revitalized space and equipment to

support the delivery of academic programming within a quality learning


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Centennial College Business Plan 2013-2014


Recruit and implement campaign teams for our Centennial fundraising campaign,

increasing pledged and cash commitments to $5.5 million, inclusive of increasing

scholarships and bursaries by 19%

The College has gained national and international recognition for our work in a competitive and challenging marketplace. To ensure we sustain continued recognition for excellence, in 2013-2014 we will:

Continue to create unique, leading-edge communication tools, advertising

campaigns and compelling media stories

Amplify reach and actively engage with online communities profiling the

Centennial College brand

Position Centennial College in the forefront of innovation and program design to

meet aerospace industry needs

Develop on- and off-campus events and recruitment initiatives that target direct

and non-direct students, Internationally Trained Individuals (ITI‟s), primary feeder

schools, and encourage community engagement

Celebrate the achievements of our employees and students locally, nationally and


Over the past year, we engaged in an innovative strategic planning process focused on identifying “the big ideas” and strategies that will propel Centennial to the forefront of the post-secondary educational marketplace. Through extensive internal and external consultations, we heard pride and praise for Centennial‟s success in fulfilling our ground breaking strategic plan - Our Book of Commitments - and for continuing to live our compelling vision of “transforming lives and communities through learning”. We also heard a powerful and inspiring call to action - to develop and implement new initiatives that will address Canada‟s urgent skills shortage and help to close the innovation and productivity gap – ideas and strategies that prepare our students for successful careers, and meaningful lives. This year‟s Business Plan instills our commitment to the concepts noted in our Mandate Agreements, while preparing the College for elements of a new strategic plan.

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Centennial College Business Plan 2013-2014



Centennial College‟s Business Plan for 2013-2014 presents the strategy for business growth and development over the next year. It embodies the guiding principles of Centennial‟s Vision: to transform lives and communities through learning and Mission: to educate students for career success.

The Business Plan follows the strategic directions outlined in Our Book of Commitments, a set of nine institutional promises that translate into business actions. The College‟s six main business divisions provided 2013-2014 business plans that stated their divisional analysis of the Commitments, proposals for actions and measurable performance indicators. This Business Plan consolidates the divisional plans into one cohesive document that describes, by Commitment, the actions that will be undertaken. This year‟s Business Plan represents an exciting transitional planning horizon for Centennial College as we collaboratively build our new five year strategic plan and move forward on our Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA) with the Government of Ontario. Building upon Our Book of Commitments, our Strategic Mandate Agreement, and our emerging new Strategic Plan and Academic Plan, we will accelerate our leadership in quality and innovative post-secondary education that is industry relevant, evidence-based, practice-focused, and entrepreneurial. We will develop new ways to prepare students with the essential skills needed for careers in the changing global economy, and citizenship in a civil society – meaningful work, meaningful lives. We will engage our employees in professional growth, leadership and mentorship opportunities for career success. We will foster strategic partnerships, regionally and internationally, to increase productivity, create new jobs and help build more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable communities. We will form connections with industry to ensure our curriculum remains relevant and our students gain the experience needed to succeed, adapt and thrive in response to new and emerging demands and expectations in the workplace.

Business Outlook The 2013-2014 Business Plan charts Centennial‟s path for expanding influence in a highly competitive post-secondary marketplace while continuing to focus on promoting excellence in academic and service offerings within a challenging global economic climate. While the Business Plan is ambitious, each action is executable and positions Centennial to realize sustained growth.

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Centennial College Business Plan 2013-2014


Our Book of Commitments Our Book of Commitments communicates the College‟s strategic plan for 2009-14 through the nine commitments listed below. In addition, this Business Plan identifies how Centennial will achieve each commitment in 2013-2014.

1. In creating good global citizens, be recognized as just that.

2. Prepare people for the new world that awaits.

3. Be a community leader.

4. Help students grow into leaders.

5. Forge many roads to success.

6. Stand behind our promise to students.

7. Be one of Canada‟s best employers.

8. Build the bottom line.

9. Tell a great story.

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Centennial College Business Plan 2013-2014


Commitment #1

In creating good global citizens, be recognized as just that. We will strive to become an internationally recognized leader in education that places a strong emphasis on global citizenship, social justice and equity. Centennial College is committed to preparing students who will become international leaders and exceptional global citizens. We are committed to providing innovative student learning opportunities and work experiences both locally and globally that will raise student awareness of current and potential social justice, equity and inclusion issues and lead to informed and ethical social action. We will focus on continually expanding our partnerships, learning opportunities and volunteerism to demonstrate our world-renowned leadership skills for our students and our employees. Locally, Centennial will increase student awareness of Canada‟s Aboriginal peoples with three new General Education Electives. We will engage with our partners in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) to help strengthen our city‟s preparation for the 2015 Toronto PAN AM games; and through mock disaster exercises to better understand how our disaster planning can be improved and strengthened. Centennial College will continue to be a leader in global citizenship and corporate responsibility. We will enhance our applied research, innovation and entrepreneurship capacity by engaging more students, employees and businesses in a wide range of projects that accelerate social innovation, business productivity and job creation. We will demonstrate our corporate responsibility by implementing a five year Energy Conservation Plan that will meet or exceed the requirements of the Ministry of Energy‟s Green Act, reduce our environmental footprint and increase our accountability and responsibility to the world around us.

Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Focus #1 Internationalize student learning, work experience and opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Expand opportunities for global service learning and exchanges

Developed and delivered five new activities in 2013-14 (workshops, seminars and awareness campaigns) through the Student Relations Office

Expand the number of sustainable platforms for global service learning

Introduced 10 more global service learning opportunities

Increased the number of students that completed a Global Citizenship & Equity Learning

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Experiences (GCELE) by 80

Increased the number of staff that participated in a GCELE1 by 30

Increased the number of international exchanges, internships and work abroad experiences to 100

Expand opportunities and activities designed to raise student awareness of social justice, equity and inclusion issues

Expanded pilot project in the School of Community and Health Studies (SCHS) with Canadian Red Cross and increased participation rates by 10%

In preparation for PAN AM games in 2015 - developed and delivered five new workshops and, seminars through the Student Relations Office in 2013-14 and participated in one GTA PAN AM Preparation Event

Focus #2 Lead in exemplary global citizenship and corporate responsibility.

Engage more students, staff, and industry partners in applied research and innovation projects Create an innovative, new interdisciplinary model for business incubation for students, staff and business/community partners in collaboration with Centennial‟s Centre of Entrepreneurship (COE), Applied Research and Innovation Centre (ARIC), Continuing Education (CE) Department and the Schools

Obtained funding for 2-3 new research grant applications

Increased student-staff engagement in industry-college research and innovation projects by 10%

Created and implemented a new business incubator model and developed innovative performance metrics (performance metrics to be developed)

Develop, monitor, report and implement a five year Energy Conservation Plan, including submission of energy consumption and Green House Gas emission to conserve energy mandated by the Ministry of Energy under the Green Act, 2009, Section 6 to meet the deadline of June 01, 2014

Developed and begun implementation of a five year Energy Conservation Plan in collaboration with expert energy consulting firm (performance metrics to be developed)

1 GCELE: Global Citizenship & Equity Learning Experiences

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Demonstrate applied research capacity in United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) certified programs

Demonstrated successful research activities for UNWTO2 certification audit in 2014

First course offered in Fall 2013, additional two courses developed in Fall 2013 and offered in Winter 2014

Commitment #2

Prepare people for the new world that awaits. We will establish applied education opportunities to meet the economic and social inclusion needs of our communities and apply equity principles in the development of new academic and career success strategies. Centennial College places the highest priority on teaching, learning, program quality, curriculum delivery and excellence of the student experience. We prepare our graduates to be employees of choice by our many industry and community partners. Centennial will continue to build on our partnerships by enhancing opportunities for our students to gain career-building industry experience. To meet the challenge of the essential new skills required by a rapidly changing labour market, we will build on the success of our new, fully staffed Career Centre and the implementation of our Student Career Development Strategy. In the next year, we will maximize opportunities provided to us by new and leading technologies by developing and implementing a strategy for fully integrating technology into applied learning. In addition, we will increase the number of students that will work in social innovation, applied research and entrepreneurship projects. Centennial graduates will benefit from the development of 19 new liberal studies courses to support the creation of our new degrees. Centennial College has submitted applications to Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (PEQAB) for approval of 5 new degrees. We have also applied for renewal of consent for one of our two existing degrees. We will implement our proposed new degrees, immediately upon Ministerial approval. Accelerated by the development of a new model of innovation, entrepreneurship and business incubation, collaborative and interdisciplinary teams of students will not only gain valuable business management experience, but will benefit numerous companies in helping to develop their business and media plans as part of their coursework. We will create a new framework for strategic partnerships with employers. In addition:

The new Business Start-Up Series will transition to full-time and be delivered in an online format through the School of Continuing Education, providing students with additional programs that are flexible and give students opportunities to engage with businesses and the community.

2 UNWTO: United Nations World Tourism Organization

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The School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science (SETAS) will continue to offer our graduates nationally-recognized pathways through our industry accredited programs to a wide range of career opportunities. SETAS currently offers 21 accredited programs, which is among the highest number in colleges in Canada. Two additional programs will be accredited this year: Energy Systems Engineering Technology (2013) and Food Science Technology (2014).

SETAS‟s Centennial Energy Institute leads in the development in new technologies and programs in solar and wind energy, and water resource management. We will increase the number of industry partners we work with in research and development to commercialize innovations in the field and provide cutting edge, job ready skills for our graduates.

SETAS and our School of Transportation (SoT), in partnership with industry, will continue to work together to create a new, state of the art, Aviation and Aerospace Campus (Phase I) and Innovation Hub (Phase II) at Downsview Park.

The School of Communications, Media and Design‟s (SCMD) Kids Media Centre will continue to be a national leader in the development of entrepreneurial content producers who provide quality, cross-platform entertainment and media for children and youth, and will introduce research in child development through digital media.

The Institute for Academic Enrichment and its Centres for Academic English and English Language Learning and the Assessment Centre will provide comprehensive and timely assistance enabling students to realize their academic potential by continuing to grow the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) testing services, introducing IELTS3 preparation workshops, expanding language proficiency workshops and migrating workshops to an online mode.

The School of Business (SoB) will accelerate its capacity to foster an entrepreneurial spirit with hands-on business experience enabling students to engage in applied research activities and embedding experiential learning outcomes in relevant courses and programs. Significantly, the School will engage in a rigorous and exciting program renewal process in 2013-14.

Our new Pickering Learning Site, in partnership with Durham College, will continue to offer graduate certificate students the scheduling flexibility they need in their busy, multi-faceted lives. Learners will gain the additional career-oriented skills they need for employment or entrepreneurship, in our state-of-the art, collaborative learning environment. Two additional programs will be added to the site in Fall 2014.

3 IELTS: International English Language Testing System

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The Emergency Management and Public Safety Institute (EMPSI) in SCHS4 will continue to provide leading-edge, integrated educational curricula preparing future leaders in community and organizational resilience. A new degree - Bachelor of Emergency Management will be offered in Fall 2014, conditional on Ministry approval.

The School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culture‟s reputation for academic excellence and the internationalization of its hospitality offerings, expanded with the establishment of the School as a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and with the School obtaining UNWTO5 certification of six of its programs. The launch of the new Culinary Arts Centre with three state-of-the-art teaching labs in 2013 has increased the capacity of the school to develop and deliver exciting new culinary arts programs to meet the growing needs of the hospitality industry.

The School of Community and Health Studies will continue to offer some of our most sought-after programs leading to careers in health and social sciences locally and globally. The school‟s reputation for excellence and for high graduate employment and employer satisfaction will continue to attract students from Ontario and beyond.

Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Focus #1 Provide students and graduates with career-building industry experience and employment opportunities.

Increase applied R&D employment for students in industry projects and increase student capacity for obtaining credit towards Centennial College Leadership Credential

30-50 students employed in industry-ARIC6 R&D projects by 2014 Graduate Employment Survey

Enhance English proficiency by adding a high level communications course in all post-graduate model routes in SoB7 and SETAS8

Communication courses included in all post-graduate module routes in SoB and SETAS for Fall 2013 semester

4 SCHS: School of Community and Health Studies 5 UNWTO: United Nations World Tourism Organization 6 ARIC: Applied Research and Innovation Centre 7 SoB: School of Business 8 SETAS: School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science

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Enhance applied research, innovation and entrepreneurship culture and caliber of capstone project activities across SETAS9 - through industry sponsored applied research in energy, biotechnology, water resources, advanced automation, mobile computing, wireless technology, embedded systems, and biomedical systems

Applied research elements included in curriculum of all relevant capstone project courses

Through broad consultation, develop and implement an institutional Career Development/Employability Strategy and enhance career services and resources

Developed and implemented Career Development/Employability Strategy (performance metrics to be developed)

New employment management software integrated and operational resources and services enhanced by March 31, 2014

Focus #2 Enhance student career success with new programs and resources for career development.

Increase number of Degree Liberal Studies Courses available in all our existing Degree Programs

Increased new Degree Liberal Studies Courses as elective offerings in Applied Degree programs to 19

Received approval from Ryerson Senate for new Degree Liberal Studies courses offered in the Collaborative Nursing Degree program

Initiate SCMD10 Collaborative Cross Disciplinary Student Teams for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership. Each team will work with various not-for-profit organizations to assist in organizational development, media management or design. Students will be eligible for points towards their Centennial Leadership Designation Credential

Created collaborative cross-disciplinary student teams with at least 30 students involved

Involved 3% of students in 2013-2014; increasing to 8% in 2014-2015

Continue consultation and review of Co-operative Education services and curriculum

Review completed improvements integrated into operations by 2013-14

Transition the New Business Start Up Series to full time status, providing greater program access through

Program redevelopment completed

All College, Board and Ministry approvals received

9 SETAS: School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science 10 SCMD: School of Communications, Media and Design

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online delivery to the community and eligibility for RRSP11 LLP12 funding

Create a new framework for strategic partnerships with employers

New framework created; 10 partnerships developed

Commitment #3

Be a community leader. We will play an integral and active role in the promotion of barrier-free learning in targeted communities. Centennial College serves a diverse and unique set of communities, and we strive to understand and remove barriers to learning and success for our students who live and work within these communities. Community leadership means offering our expertise in areas of significant value and learning with and from the communities we serve. We are committed to supporting students from every walk of life – whether they are first-generation Canadians, living in a disadvantaged area, part of a minority or indigenous community, internationally educated, new comers to Canada, or managing a disability. Centennial continues to focus on developing and strengthening the relationships we share with our client communities. We are working to establish Alumni Chapters in various corners of the world or within specific graduate interest groups - from academic to athletics. We continue to work with Elders and Chiefs of Aboriginal communities to assist with our goal of increasing access and participation of Aboriginal learners through the development of respectful, relevant learning opportunities, out-of-classroom supports, cultural awareness, and ongoing outreach to Aboriginal communities. We will expand our successful Strong Girls, Strong Women program to engage more girls between the ages of 9 to 14 in interactive sessions and activities designed to explore non-traditional career paths for young women. In our concern for safety and security, Centennial extends unique programs for interprofessional training in emergency and disaster preparedness and community resilience. We will work with partners through our Emergency Management and Public Safety Institute (EMPSI) and Simulation Centre and we will increase our ability to support the community in developing community resilience, providing additional research and training opportunities for students. In addition, we will continue to support our students and faculty in hosting and attending key conferences and events which will showcase the College. Within our own infrastructure, Centennial is working to streamline financial processes and encourage better understanding of our own budgeting and online systems within our own

11 RRSP: Registered Retirement Savings Plan 12 LLP: Lifelong Learning Plan

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community. Best practices will be shared province wide with external communities, further enhancing Centennial‟s reputation for excellence in financial stewardship. We will also continue to respond to the needs of our students with disabilities by increasing accessibility and ease-of-use of our facilities and buildings.

Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Focus #1 Strengthen outreach and communications to our client communities, working collaboratively with community partners and stakeholders.

Initiate Alumni Chapters Plan and establish Centennial's first Alumni Chapter Group

Alumni Plan implemented, 9500 Alumni contacted

First Alumni Chapter in Athletics established

Increase focus on direct recruitment of Aboriginal students through visits to all GTA13 high schools with significant Aboriginal populations and hold annual on-campus events for prospective Aboriginal students

Visits and on-campus events completed; 10% increase in attendance; 10% increase in Aboriginal student enrolment

Begin integrating interprofessional competencies into curriculum and Interprofessional Education (IPE) student activities Establish the model and criteria for a Simulation Centre with external partners Continue with space and infrastructure upgrades for simulated labs

Curriculum mapping template for IPE14 competencies in SCHS15 built

Current IPE16 activities in SCHS17 documented

Two new IPE18/IPC19 projects implemented and evaluated during 2013-14 in SCHS20

Feasibility study for building a Simulation Centre completed

Simulation training for 15 laboratory technicians completed in August 2013

Lab expansions for Pharmacy Tech, Nursing,

13 GTA: Greater Toronto Area 14 IPE: Interprofessional Education 15 SCHS: School of Community and Health Studies 16 IPE: Interprofessional Education 17 SCHS: School of Community and Health Studies 18 IPE: Interprofessional Education 19 IPC: Interprofessional Care 20 SCHS: School of Community and Health Studies

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Create cross-disciplinary activities to advance utilization of simulation as an experiential learning methodology Organize and implement a series of annual symposia

Paramedic, Police Foundations completed

Radio Studio facility revitalization completed

Roof simulators used as learning and research tools for Energy, Architectural Programs, and Environmental programs

2nd Annual Culture and Heritage Institute (CHI) Symposium – Making Culture Matter Conference: Creating Culture Networks, delivered; and Greening Tourism Conference, delivered

8th Annual Applied Research and Innovation Symposium – Powering Research & Innovation: Cultivating a Culture of Entrepreneurship, delivered

3rd Annual Institute for Global Citizenship and Equity Symposium – Engaging Hearts and Minds: Human Rights and Social Justice Issues Today, delivered

Expand Strong Girls, Strong Women program

Career exploration web-portal explored; long term strategic plan developed; Circle of Champions selected and engaged

Focus #2 Lead in business management process design, development and execution, with internal and external stakeholders.

Initiate recruitment of campaign chairs and cabinets for our Centennial College fundraising campaign

Key executive chair roles recruited, Ashtonbee, Pickering Learning Site and six School cabinets recruited by March 31, 2014

Develop and incorporate finance seminars into the regular operations of the Finance Department Increase online presence and utilization

Improved understanding and knowledge attained through analysis of financial records in schools/departments

Employee capacity to manage financial responsibilities improved through online tools (performance metric to be developed)

Respond to increased numbers of students with disabilities at Morningside Campus and extended student services unit at Ashtonbee Campus

Recommendations developed and implemented

Student satisfaction with student disability services increased by 1%

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Offer new preparatory workshops for IELTS21 candidates through the Centre for Academic English Provide leadership and support on the development of new Emergency Management degree22 Develop a concept for the transformation of the EMPSI23 to a Centre of Excellence for Emergency Management

Intensive workshops offered in Winter 2014 to refine candidates‟ skills, success increased in either the IELTS24 Academic or General Training Test

Developed, marketed and resourced - implementation of Emergency Management Degree for Fall 2014 start (pending Ministerial approval)

Model for Centre of Excellence for Emergency Management completed and recommendations made

Focus #3 Achieve excellence in innovative, responsive community-focused programs.

Through collaboration and participation in Aboriginal Education Steering Committee, develop courses/programs, utilizing online learning where possible and appropriate

Aboriginal Course Series included in distance learning through Ontario Learn including five online courses and two hosted at Centennial (Aboriginal Governance and Sovereignty and Aboriginal Strategy and Decisions)

Commitment #4

Help students grow into leaders. We will create opportunities for students to discover their leadership ability. Centennial is widely recognized as a model for mentorship and leadership development in post-secondary education. Our students are encouraged to engage in activities and projects that will provide them with valuable leadership skills that will last throughout their lifetimes.

Centennial‟s flagship Leadership Passport program continues to evolve as one of the most recognized and successful curricula of its kind. The Leadership Passport gives our students the opportunity to earn a second credential, a Distinction in Leadership, at the time of graduation and a notation of this achievement on their transcripts. To achieve this distinction, students embark on a self-directed journey that engages them in a series of

21 IELTS: International English Language Testing System 22 EMPS: Emergency Management and Public Safety 23 EMPSI: Emergency Management and Public Safety Institute 24 IELTS International English Language Testing System

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Leadership workshops and highly visible on-campus and community experiences, enriching their curriculum-based learning.

Launched in Fall 2011, the uptake was remarkable and resulted in 21 students achieving the criteria and receiving a Distinction in Leadership credential at the June 2012 Convocations. The Leadership Passport is reaching new heights with almost 400 students registered in the program and is anticipated to continue to grow rapidly.

Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Focus #1 Create curricula to foster leaders, with our Leadership Passport as the flagship program.

Continue to develop new eligible activities for the Leadership Passport: applied research and innovation, service learning, student societies, and entrepreneurial activities across all schools

500 students involved in Leadership Passport program by April 2013. New activities such as entrepreneurship defined and implemented for Leadership Passport

Review and enhance Leadership Passport activity through the development of a leadership mentor program and on-campus leadership conferences, streamlined processes, and increased promotion to students

40 students achieved a Distinction in Leadership in June 2013 Convocations, representing a 50% increase over 2012

Focus #2 Enrich student learning experience with opportunities for networking and leading initiatives beyond the classroom and labs.

Develop and implement a Student Service Learning Model within our local community

Model developed and implemented, five new local service learning experiences developed

In collaboration with the International Department and the Schools, refine and implement a model for Student International Placement/Exchange to improve efficiencies and effectiveness

Infrastructure developed and sites/partners established

Field placement with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), industry and business organizations internationally developed

Approximately 50 placements including UNESCO25 Institution for Educational Planning in Paris, France implemented

25 UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

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Commitment #5 Forge many roads to success. We will expand opportunities for students to reach academic success and enhance student transition and retention. Centennial College believes that students are at the centre of all we do and we achieve success when our students have the opportunity to transition into meaningful careers. We recognize that technology offers new learning opportunities, and our goal is to continue to introduce blended (classroom and online learning combined) courses that seek to provide students with the most flexible, current and comprehensive education possible. Centennial will increase the use of blended course delivery at the College to a target of 10% of all existing program courses. In the coming year, Centennial will continue to develop partnerships that will increase student and staff opportunities to transfer between academic schools within the College and among post-secondary institutions, as well as an infrastructure that will transform three-year advanced diplomas to three-year degrees (pending Ministry approval), part of our new Centre for Pathways and Degree Completion. We will implement a new tool, which will improve retention and success initiatives. In addition, we will review, modify and evaluate the First Year Experience “Roadmap to Success” so it can be expanded into second year. An exciting development for Centennial will be the Aerospace Campus at Downsview, which will position us at the forefront of innovation and program design to meet aerospace industry needs. At the learning and research site we will partner with major leaders in government, academia and industry, further solidifying Centennial as a national leader in innovation and skills development. Our greatest strength is in our people – students, employees and community partners. Centennial also recognizes that a well-designed and welcoming physical space is necessary for exceptional teaching and learning and interaction. With this in mind, in 2013-14 we will renovate and expand the Ashtonbee Campus, including building a new library, Centralized Student Services Hub, expanded gym and fitness facility, and completing upgrades to classrooms and public spaces. We will continue to improve our labs and facilities across our campuses.

Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Focus #1 Deliver programs and services to attract and retain students, encouraging and supporting them to successfully fulfill their academic goals.

Continue to develop courses in flexible formats by ensuring all college course development

Two new blended delivery programs designed in 2013-14; blended course delivery increased to 10% of all existing program courses

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processes include selection of appropriate modes of delivery and identify opportunities for technology enhanced, blended and online learning

School of Business will engage in a curriculum Revitalization Project in collaboration with Academic Excellence using improved program/course development processes

Academic Excellence to provide support to schools and faculty to increase use of technology in school program offerings through program /curriculum design assistance and course level instructional design and technology enhancement assistance

SoB26 – International Business program as pilot, with blended delivery introduced by Winter 2014, and in each SoB27 program under review, at least one blended course developed and implemented

SoA28 courses for technology enhanced delivery modes identified, and impact measured through new student feedback questionnaire

Each program undergoing Comprehensive Program Quality Review (CPQR) will be reviewed for opportunities to introduce at least one blended course (approximately 25 new blended courses implemented in 2013-14)

Develop infrastructure to support the transformation of three-year advanced diplomas to three-year degrees (pending Ministry approval)

Processes for three-year degree implementation created

Three-year degree proposal evaluation, development and approval of new and converted program offers developed - process to be determined through representation on College‟s Ontario Taskforce on Three-Year Degrees

Conversion of three potential programs to three-year degrees completed by January 2014

Strengthen and expand multi-lateral and bi-lateral partnerships to increase pathway opportunities for students and staff

Two new pathways created; existing pathways reviewed (diploma to degree completion)

New processes for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) to support faculty/school transfer credit decisions implemented

Existing University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (UTSC) pathways reviewed and one additional offering developed in 2013-14

Corporate Planning and Institutional Research (CPIR) will implement the new Banner Student Performance and Retention tool working collaboratively with IT

New Banner Performance and Retention tool implemented and user training completed by Winter 2014

26 SoB: School of Business 27 SoB: School of Business 28 SoA: School of Advancement

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Focus #2 Create a total quality environment for teaching and learning.

Maintain standards and quality of programs through national accreditation processes

Pending programs for accreditation (Nursing; Energy Systems Engineering Technology and Food Science Technology) and other relevant accrediting bodies submitted

Position Centennial in the forefront of innovation and program design to meet aerospace industry needs

Investment from major industry leaders, academic partners, and all levels of government achieved

Downsview Aerospace Campus (Dehavilland building) – Phase I of the project secured

Bombardier training agreement achieved

Phase II plan for the Innovation Hub developed and completed

Strong marketing campaign for Downsview programs developed and implemented

Maintain strong emphasis on creating quality learning spaces by enhancing campus facilities that foster a practical and welcoming environment, conducive to teaching and learning

Renovation at Ashtonbee Campus completed as follows: new gym for occupancy by September 2013 and the new library occupancy end of December 2013

Phase II proposal for Ashtonbee completed by January 2014

Review, modify and evaluate the First Year Experience – “Roadmap to Success” and expand to second year.

20% increase in student participation in First Year Experience activities

Second Year Experience strategies developed and piloted

Commitment #6

Stand behind our promise to students. We will provide students with an outstanding and rewarding learning experience and ensure students’ out-of-class experience is exceptional. We will accelerate and integrate our use of technology and enhance facilities. Centennial students have adopted new and leading technologies at an ever-increasing pace and are using these technologies to support their studies and transition into their careers. We are focused on ensuring our teaching and learning experiences not only embrace these technologies, but serve to push the boundaries of innovation and leadership in postsecondary education. Centennial is committed to developing new technical tools that will support students and faculty. This includes tools that leverage operational information and improve admissions processes, retention and international recruitment. We will also launch mobile applications that will empower students and staff to access key information and academic software from anywhere at any time, on any device.

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We will continue to focus on delivering programs that meet the highest accreditation and quality assurance standards. This includes, for example, Language Canada accreditation and the expansion of programs offered through our Centre for Academic English.

Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Focus #1 Enhance the quality of the student learning experience and communications with excellent IT and service delivery solutions.

Continue to roll out advanced decision support functionality across the College, inclusive of clear and usable dashboards, scorecards, analytics, drill-down reporting capability and dynamic reports which will allow us to measure the effectiveness of operations and communication campaigns

Banner Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system made available to help measure effectiveness of campaigns or other operations implemented

Program and school level scorecard completed and accessible on AISMARTR system by March 2014

Create an Academic Resource Planning (ARP) system that includes many integrated software products and new business processes to optimize space and personnel utilization

High level system design and project plan completed and approved by June 2013

First phase of the ARP implemented by March 2014

Refresh targeted communication campaigns to improve admissions, retention, international recruitment, or other areas to increase student success Targeted communications campaign to applicants to create a 'one-stop' shop approach to communications, focusing on important information supporting student retention and success

Inquiries increased

Applications and confirmations increased

Enrolment targets met

Launch a mobile applications and engagement pilot for smart applications that empower students and staff to be engaged and make more informed decisions

Adoption and utilization by students of the mobile service, baseline data measured through web analytics

Improve offsite access to academic software for students

Academic software accessible anytime, anywhere, using personal computing devices - target completion by end of March 2014 (extra 600 concurrent users)

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Focus #2 Strengthen teaching and learning through programs and processes assessed by rigorous quality assurance standards.

Brand our English Language Learning (ELL) program as an internationally recognized program of quality through a Languages Canada accreditation

Languages Canada accreditation awarded in Fall 2013

Expand online tutoring and develop online workshops offered by the Centre for Academic English (CAE) Apply to the College Reading & Learning Association(CRLA) for International Tutor Training Certification to develop training for students who can be employed in the CAE29

Online tutoring expanded by 10% by Fall 2013

Two online workshops piloted in Fall 2013

Application approved Fall 2013

Training piloted Winter 2014

Focus #3 Increase student satisfaction by extending learning to significant out-of-class experience and inviting feedback for all learning.

School of Continuing Education will develop and implement quality metrics through survey tool to capture student feedback to improve student supports, customer services and the overall student experience

Metrics developed and survey tool implemented

Feedback report completed - project 20% decrease in negative comments in 2013-14

Increase capacity for functional systems development, upgrades, and improved processes through increased automation in Student and Community Engagement department

Backlog of systems‟ projects reduced; ability to meet most internal and external deadlines improved; adequate testing to ensure smooth go-live implemented; and improved service to students implemented

10% increase in students use of automated processes, reducing lengths of line-ups at front counter and fewer complaints

Focus #4 Lead process improvement in core management operations.

Explore additional ways for students to view their accounts and make payments with a goal to identifying and anticipating future strategies for improved student services

Identification of strategies completed and implementation plan developed

29 CAE: Centre for Academic English

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Commitment #7 Be one of Canada’s best employers.

We will inspire our employees to be their best. Centennial is committed to providing our employees with the tools, supports and incentives they need to excel at their chosen career. We will continue to celebrate the achievements of our staff and foster high functioning individual and team performance by identifying successful projects and providing individuals and teams with the ongoing support, feedback and training they need to achieve exceptional results. We will foster learning for all, through the ongoing development of innovative opportunities for skill development, career pathways and lifelong learning. We will provide our staff with opportunities for professional development throughout their employment through attending conferences and workshops, taking part in exchanges and service learning opportunities, in achieving new credentials, diplomas and degrees, and in developing career path strategies. We will extend our ground breaking Leadership Passport and Credential for students, to our employees as part of our new Signature Employee Experience. Centennial will continue to provide opportunities for staff to work in different parts of the world, broadening their personal and professional experience with overseas assignments, and bringing international faculty to work within our own organization. We will also continue to survey our employees to better understand how we are performing as an employer, and we will renew our abiding commitment to each other for openness and transparency in all our activities and decision-making processes.

Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Focus #1 Motivate staff to excel as professionals.

Implement formal and informal employee recognition and appreciation activities. Work toward the development of an inspirational/positive work environment with transparency, trust, teamwork and recognition, by identifying successful projects and providing employees with support and training to achieve further success

Implemented informal recognition inclusive of peer to peer opportunities by second quarter of 2013

Peer to peer recognition portal on the intranet developed by third quarter of 2013

Increased intranet traffic and growing participation in the peer to peer recognition portal by the end of fiscal year 2013-14

Achievement recognized through the new Learning Centred College Awards

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Every division/department develops and implements an employee engagement plan including Professional Development (PD), leadership training, team building, portfolio development, formal performance feedback process, and career development strategies for all employees

Formal performance feedback process implemented for all employees with at least one learning objective identified for each employee supported by learning activity plans for 2013-14

65% of employees participated in at least one learning activity as identified by the end of fiscal year 2013-14

Survey conducted in Summer 2013 to identify faculty‟s strengths, learning needs, qualifications and areas of interest

Individual learning plans developed for 50 individuals in the Career Development and Pathways to Administration programs, as well as offered to 60 graduates of the previous cohorts of the Pathways to Administration program

Database set up in collaboration with Information Technology and Human Resources to track professional development activities of staff

25 leadership learning and development sessions conducted in 2013/14

Establish and implement faculty exchange opportunities as part of a strategy to globalize faculty and student learning Expand faculty mentoring model to include contract and part-time faculty

International student exchange programs in the SCHS30 (John Moore‟s University) and SETAS31 (Copenhagen Institute of Design and Technology implemented

Include 50 new contract faculty in orientation and mentoring model (SCHS32)

Develop strategies to further orient and engage part-time employees

Strategy developed

Employee engagement survey – part time employees‟ engagement increased by 5%

Develop the Leadership Passport to include employees allowing them to earn Centennial‟s Leadership Credential

Program developed

30 SCHS: School of Community and Health Studies 31 SETAS: School of Engineering Technology and Applied Science 32 SCHS: School of Community and Health Studies

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Focus #2 Lead with best practices in Human Resource management.

Improve the handling and mitigation of the risks associated with human resource management issues experienced by the College, such as compensation service, delivery enhancement and information channel diversification. Establish consistent and mandatory employee engagement strategies for all managers to ensure career development meetings are conducted with staff and relevant training completed

Diversified information channels implemented, measured by employee use of an intranet portal designed to provide advice related to standard human resource transactions and life events

All managers (100%) participated in College-sponsored 2-day “Crucial Conversations” training program to increase capacity to engage staff in formal feedback process, completed by third quarter of 2013

All managers (100%) participated in College-sponsored training designed to support the implementation of formal feedback, learning and development plans for all staff, completed by third quarter of 2013

20% increase in managers‟ self-reported effectiveness in the management of staff performance in the 2014 engagement survey

30% increase in employees‟ reported in the 2014 engagement survey that they had career development conversations with their managers

Develop a risk assessment framework, and build into our database to help manage and mitigate risks Risk mitigation strategies will be developed following risk audits.

Risk assessment framework completed across all schools by March 31, 2014

Risk assessment in place for 100% of schools, with highest risks categorized by April 2014

Focus #3 Create the infrastructure to increase employee engagement through policies, processes, management openness and transparency, as well as working environment.

Reach out to employees and provide the context and reasons behind the College‟s operations and decisions

Three Questions published monthly

The Big Question – (new in 2013) published monthly

Improve employee engagement by enabling effective managerial supports: Support of formal feedback which is delivered to promote employee awareness of organizational objectives and of their contributions to the success of organization

Support of managerial capacity in matters of formal feedback and career planning preparation

All permanent employees of the College have an individual performance feedback and learning and development plan in place by March 31, 2014

All formal feedback and learning plans document a career development discussion with the employee‟s manager

50% of the College intranet content is redesigned to dynamically link staff to college policy content, information and events

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discussions with staff

Develop a recognition portal as part of enhanced intranet for the College

40% increase in measured usage of the College intranet portal site

Commitment #8

Build the bottom line. We will grow domestic and international enrolment and other revenue-generating

opportunities. We will enhance fundraising capacity. We will continue to enhance Centennial College‟s reputation for excellence in financial stewardship and innovative business development. Centennial College‟s post-secondary total full-time domestic enrolment growth is projected to grow by 2.2% in 2013–14, and International enrolment will grow by 3.4% this year. We will demonstrate Centennial College‟s social and economic impact, accountability and leadership by developing an innovative new framework for return on investment inclusive of social innovation. Centennial has achieved budget surpluses over the last eleven consecutive years and it continues to improve its budget process and business practices through collaboration with key stakeholders. Centennial has implemented a new budgeting and projection software “Adaptive Planning and Forecasting” to improve overall enrolment and financial planning functions and accuracy. The College is projecting to end the 2012-13 fiscal year with a budget surplus of approximately $7.9 million. The College expects to keep this momentum in the 2013–14 fiscal year, with a budgeted surplus of $5.1 million. Centennial College‟s projected budget surplus in 2013-14 will continue to enable us, with strong leadership and visionary Board governance, to continue to invest in our people and in our facilities. We will increase revenue commitments by 22% and we will continue to fundraise on behalf of Centennial College with the goal of raising $5.5 million in pledged and cash commitments this year towards the our campaign efforts of $40M. We will increase scholarships and bursaries for our students by 19%. Centennial continues to implement strategies identified through its SEM33 plan and analyses to ensure planned and sustainable enrolment growth. We will continue to increase domestic enrolments through new program development in high demand areas, inclusive of new degrees, and through accelerated retention efforts, as well as through targeted marketing and recruitment strategies.

33 SEM: Strategic Enrollment Management

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Top Priority Actions 2013-2014

Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Focus #1 Generate new revenue streams in domestic and international markets.

Increase Domestic Enrolment Strategies

Domestic enrolment increased by 2.2%

Bi-directional links to high schools re-established: faculty visits, dual credit offerings and campus tours conducted

Professional development sessions conducted with high school teachers

Links to Parent/Teacher Councils to promote college programs established

Restructure SEM34 Committee to bring targeted focus to domestic enrolment competitive challenges, and the creation of viable, sustainable solutions

Highly competitive programs developed to attract large numbers of applicants and meet enrolment targets

Increase revenue generation through international enrolment growth

Number of international students in Canada increased by 3.4%

Two new offices established in 2013/14 including a fourth office in China in a new region and a replacement office in Seoul, Korea

Ten new international MoUs35 and articulations agreements created

Develop a new accountability framework for measuring return on investment (ROI) inclusive of both economic and social impact (SI)

ROI & SI framework developed

Focus #2 Generate additional revenue by launching a multi-year fundraising campaign and capturing international markets.

Grow our capacity to raise pledged and cash in support of scholarships and capital developments

$1.1M in cash and pledged commitments for Capital

$1.6M in cash and pledged commitments for scholarship support (endowment and general scholarships)

$2.0M in cash for special events

19% increase in scholarships and bursaries Expand international corporate training

Automotive Corporate training expanded beyond the Middle East - South Africa, Australia implemented

1 non-automotive corporate training program implemented abroad (Saudi Arabia)

34 SEM: Strategic Enrollment Management 35 MoU: Memorandum of Understanding

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Focus #3 Reduce operating costs with increased efficiencies in IT solutions, processes and

business management.

Replace aging parking control system to improve revenue controls and parking services

Current system replaced by Fall 2013

Improve financial processes through leveraging our investment in Banner finance

Processes improved, errors reduced, consistency improved, financial controls improved, increased resource productivity

Develop an IT support roadmap for academic in-class and distance learning technology

Roadmap developed with projected costs ready for 2014-2015 budgeting process

Commitment #9

Tell a great story. We will ensure strong recognition of the College. We will be the tall poppy. Our staff and students have a million stories to tell about how Centennial College has positively influenced their life and career. The College has a strong reputation for excellence and innovation in everything we do. We will endeavour to share our inspiring story with many audiences, locally and globally. We will build on the quality of our education programs, staff and students to raise interest and awareness of the exceptional innovations we are leading across schools and programs. We will continue to work in partnership with government, academia, business and industry to demonstrate our collaborative approach to problem solving and finding solutions, whether we are equipping students and employees for their meaningful careers, for international service learning, for building community capacity or developing innovative new technologies that will propel our people to the forefront of post-secondary education. We will showcase our ground-breaking global citizenship signature learning experience, our developing signature experience for employees, our applied research, innovation and entrepreneurial capabilities and our extraordinary Leadership Passport. Our people and programs will continue to receive local, national and international recognition and awards for our commitment to educational excellence and to the principles of social inclusion and equity. Our students will be sought after by employers around the globe, with cutting-edge essential skills, and with the capacity to create their own companies as innovators and entrepreneurs. We will accomplish this with our best resources, ingenuity and the support of the Marketing and Communications department, with full confidence that our story is truly compelling. We will take full advantage of all media channels to ensure our story reaches the global community.

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Our story will communicate our successes. It will excite curiosity and wonder for those who are hearing it for the first time. In addition, it will encourage and continue to inspire those who know it well.

Top Priority Actions 2013-


Performance Measurement 2013-2014

Focus #1 Captivate a global audience with our Vision to “transform lives and communities through learning.”

Establish new UNESCO-UNEVOC 36 TVET37 partnerships in under-developed and developing countries

Two new partnerships established (Mauritius University of Technology and the Council for TVET38 in Nepal)

Develop on- and off-campus events and recruitment initiatives that target non-direct entry students, Internationally Trained Individuals (ITI‟s), primary feeder schools, and community organizations

One new on-campus initiative and one new off-campus initiative developed and delivered to a minimum of 500 non-direct potential applicants

One new on-campus and off-campus activity developed and delivered attracting a minimum of 50% of guidance counselors in our primary feeder schools

Ensure Centennial College is recognized for success in international student mobility

Introduced 10 more global service learning opportunities

Increased the number of students that completed a Global Citizenship & Equity Learning Experiences (GCELE) by 80

Increased the number of staff that participated in a GCELE39 by 30

Increased the number of international exchanges, internships and work abroad experiences to 100

Focus #2 Promote and enhance the Centennial brand.

Continue to create unique, leading edge communication tools, advertising campaigns and compelling media stories Maintain top of mind

Measured through proprietary research and ongoing competitive online analytics

Enrolment targets met

36 UNESCO-UNEVOC: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 37 TVET: Technical and Vocational Education and Training 38 TVET: Technical and Vocational Education and Training 39 GCELE: Global Citizenship & Equity Learning Experiences

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awareness amongst prospective students and all key stakeholders (parents, employers, students, donors, government, alumni and other global audiences)

Downsview Aerospace Campus achieved

Fund raising targets met

Amplify reach and actively engage with online communities profiling the Centennial College brand and attributes Integrate mobile technology as appropriate in all media channels Maintain and continue Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing

Mobile technology integrated, as appropriate, in all media channels

Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing maintained and continued

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Major Capital Investments Centennial will direct major capital investments towards visionary projects in 2013-2014 to deliver on Our Book of Commitments for an outstanding learning experience in an exceptional learning environment. Upgrades and renovations are planned and underway at the Ashtonbee, Morningside, Progress, Centre for Creative Communication campuses and our Residence Conference Facility. In addition, we will continue to invest in our infrastructure for teaching and learning excellence for our students and employees. In 2013-2014, Centennial will continue to deliver on our Commitments by directing funds

towards major capital investments, revitalized space and equipment to support the

delivery of academic programming within a quality learning environment.

Over the past few years, the College has successfully completed the Library and Academic

Facility, the Athletic and Wellness Centre, incorporated the new „A‟ Block building and

completed many strategic space renovations at its Progress and Morningside campuses.

This year, the College will focus its primary attention on the Ashtonbee campus

revitalization project.

Ashtonbee Campus

This project encompasses a new library, student hub, academic space, student centre,

recreational facility and improved ancillary services at the College‟s Ashtonbee Campus.

Construction began in Sept 2012, with substantial completion scheduled for December

2013. The approved budget is $41.0 million and is jointly funded by the College and the

Student Association.

Strategic Space Renovations

In fiscal 2013-14, the College is planning various renovations to improve student and

employee spaces at our campuses. Projects totaling $3.510 million include (i) the expansion

of the Pharmacy Technician and Nursing labs at Morningside Campus, (ii) repurposed

classroom space returned from Boreal College at the East York campus and (iii) other

office, classroom and cafeteria renovations at both Progress and Morningside Campuses.

Investing in Teaching and Technology-Enabled Learning The total capital requirement for Support Services and Academic Projects is $10.832 million.

The budget for Academic Projects is $2.299 million for academic renewal and equipment to

enhance the quality and occupational relevance of our programs and to ensure our

learning environment meets the required technology standards. In addition,

We will continue to invest in:

(i) Information Technology - the regular renewal of computer labs and other

information and communications infrastructure ($4.074 million)

(ii) Deferred maintenance and facility improvements ($1.908 million)

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(iii) Safety, Security and Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act projects ($0.450


(iv) Service Areas ($0.601 million)

(v) Reserve fund ($0.500 million)

(vi) Residence ($0.250 million)

Specifically, through our investments in learning technologies, we will migrate students‟ email records to a cloud hosted email and collaboration system (Microsoft 365 or Google Apps). The current student email platform, myCentennial, will be discontinued by the end of 2013. Approximately, 30,000 student email records will be impacted. We will invest $1.2 million to ensure smooth transition and continuity. We will initiate building the foundation for increased capacity in mobile learning using mobile technology platforms on tablets, smart phones and laptops. We plan to purchase and implement the Desire 2 Learn “Analytics” module, which allows us to track, analyze, and assess student achievement over time and at multiple levels including course, program, institution, and system. We will develop an Asset Tracking and Management System to track the hardware and software learning technologies at the college which will allow us to automate application and systems deployments, collect asset information, track license utilization, provide real time statistics reports, and computer lab management tools.

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