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  • 5/23/2018 Centrifugal Pumps Wdx


    Pump Division

    Type: WDX




    PCN=71576322 06-05 (E)

    T h e s e i n s t r u c t i o n s m u s t b e r e a d p r i o r t o i n s t a l l i n g ,

    o p e r a t i n g , u s i n g a n d m a i n t a i n i n g t h i s e q u i p m e n t .

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    1 INTRODUCTION AND SAFETY .......................... 4

    1.1 General.......................................................41.2 CE marking and approvals...........................4

    1.3 Disclaimer...................................................41.4 Copyright....................................................4

    1.5 Duty conditions............................................ 41.6 Safety.........................................................5

    1.7 Safety labels summary................................. 81.8 Specific machine performance...................... 8

    1.9 Noise level..................................................9

    2 TRANSPORT AND STORAGE..........................10

    2.1 Consignment receipt and unpacking ........... 102.2 Handling..... .............................................. 10

    2.3 Lifting........................................................112.4 Storage.....................................................12

    2.5 Recycling and end of product life................12

    3 PUMP DESCRIPTION....................................... 12

    3.1 Configurations...........................................123.2 Nomenclature............................................13

    3.3 Design of major parts................................. 133.4 Materials of construction ............................ 14

    3.5 Performance and operating limits................ 143.6 Coverage charts........................................15

    4 INSTALLATION................................................. 16

    4.1 Location....................................................16

    4.2 Cleaning prior to installa tion ....................... 164.3 Foundation................................................16

    4.4 Grouting....................................................174.5 Initial alignment.........................................17

    4.6 Piping ....................................................... 184.7 Final shaft alignment check........................ 21

    4.8 Electrical connections................................214.9 Protection systems .................................... 22

    5 COMMISSIONING, START-UP, OPERATION ANDSHUTDOWN................................................22

    5.1 Pre-commissioning p rocedu re.................... 225.2 Pump lubricants.........................................23

    5.3 Direction of rotation.................................... 245.4 Guarding...................................................24

    5.5 Priming and auxiliary supplies....................245.6 Starting the pump......................................25

    5.7 Running the pump..................................... 255.8 Stopping and shutdown.............................. 27

    5.9 Hydraulic, mechanical and electrical duty....275.10 Pumps for Food Use o r Potable Water ...... 27


    6 MAINTENANCE................................................ 28

    6.1 General.....................................................286.2 Maintenance schedule...............................28

    6.3 Spare parts................................................ 316.4 Recommended spares and consumable..........

    items..............................................................326.5 Tools required............................................ 32

    6.6 Fastener torques.......................................326.7 Renewal clearances..................................32

    6.8 Disassembly.............................................. 326.9 Inspection of components........................... 36

    6.10 Assembly................................................37

    7 FAULTS; CAUSES AND REMEDIES..................38

    8 PARTS LISTS AND DRAWINGS........................ 40

    8.1 Sectional drawings, WDXR grease lubricated

    uncooled ..................................................... ... 408.2 S ectional drawin gs, variants....................... 41

    8.3 Sectional drawin gs, other detail s................ 428.4 Sectional drawin gs part list......................... 43

    8.5 General arrangement drawin g.................... 45

    9 CERTIFICATION..............................................45

    10 OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTATION ANDMANUALS....................................................45

    10.1 Supplementary User Instructions........... ... 4510.2 Change notes..........................................45

    10.3 Additional sources of information .............. 45

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    Additional sources (10.3)........ ..... ...... ..... ..... ...... ... 45Alignment of shafting (see 4.3, 4.5 and 4.7)

    Assem bly (6.10)..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... . 37

    ATEX m arking ( ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ... 7CE marking and approvals (1.2).............................. 4Certification (9)....................................................45

    Change notes (10.2)............................................4 5Clearances (see 6.7, Renewal clearances)............ 32

    Commissioning, start-up, operation (5).................. 22Compliance, ATEX ( ........... 6

    Configurations (3.1) ............................................. 12Copyright (1.4)..................................................... .. 4

    Coverage charts (3.6) .......................................... 15Design of major parts (3.3)...................................1 3

    Direction of rotation (5.3)...................................... 24Disassembl y (6.8)................................................ 32

    Disclaimer (1.3).....................................................4Disman tling (see 6.8, Disassembly) ...................... 32

    Drawing s (8)............................................... ......... 40Duty conditions (1.5)................ .............................. 4

    Electrical conne ctions (4.8)................................... 21End of product life (2.5)........................................12

    Inspection of components (6.9)............................. 36Fastene r torque s (6.6).......................................... 32

    Faults; causes and remedies (7)........................... 38Foundation (4.3)..................................................16

    Forces and moments (4.6.3).................................20General arrangement drawing (8.5)....................... 45

    Grouting (4.4)......................................................17Guarding (5.4).....................................................24

    Handling (2.2)......................................................10Hydraulic, mechanical and electrical duty (5.9) ...... 27

    Inspection (6.2.1 and 6.2.2)..................................29Installation (4)......................................................16

    Lifting (2.3)..........................................................11Location (4.1)......................................................16

    Lub rication (see 5.1.1, 5.2 and 6.2.3)Lub rication schedule (5.2.4).................................. 24

    Maintenance (6)...................................................28Maintenance schedule (6.2).................................. 28

    Nomenclature (3.2)..............................................13Nameplate (1.7.1)..................................................8

    Operating limits (3.5.1)......................................... 14

    Ordering spare parts (6.3.1).................................. 31Parts li sts (8.4) ....................................................43Performance (3.5)................................................14

    Piping (4.6)..........................................................18Pre-commissio ning (5.1)....................................... 22

    Protection systems (4.9)....................................... 22Pump masses (2.2.2) ........................................... 11


    Reassemb ly (see 6.10, Assembly) ........................ 37Receipt and unpackin g (2.1)................................. 10

    Recommended fill quantities (see 5.2.3)................23

    Recommended grease lubricants (5.2.2).. ............. 23Recommended oil lubricants (5.2.1)...................... 23Recommended spares (6.4)........... ...................... 32

    Recycling (2.5) ................................................. ... 12Replacement parts (see 6.3 and 6.4)..................... 31

    Running the pump (5.7)........................................25Safety action (1.6.3)...............................................5

    Safety marking s (1.6.1)..........................................5Safety, protection systems (see 1.6 and 4.9)

    Sectional drawings (8.1)....................................... 40Sound level (see 1.9, Noise level)...........................9

    Sources, additional information (10.3) ................... 45Spare parts (6.3).................................................. 31

    Specific machine performance (1.8)........................ 8Starting the pump (5.6)......................................... 25

    Stop/start frequency (5.7.6)..................................26Stopping and shutdown (5.8)................................27

    Storage, pump (2.4)............................................. 12Storage, spare parts (6.3.2).................................. 32

    Supplementary manuals or information sources..... 45Thermal expansion (4.5.1).................................... 17

    Tools required (6.5).............................................. 32Torques for fasteners (6.6)...................................3 2

    Transport (2) .................................................... ... 10Trouble-shooting (see 7)......................................38

    Vibration (5.7.5)...................................................26Warni ng labels (1.7.2).. .......................................... 8

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    1.1 General

    T h e s e i n s t r u c t i o n s m u s t al w a y s be k e p t c l o s e

    t o t h e p r o d u c t 's o p e r a t i n g l o c a t i o n o r d i r e c t l y w i t h

    t h e p r o d u c t .

    Flowserve products are designed, developed and

    manufactured with state-of-the-art technologies inmodern facilities. The unit is produced with great care

    and commitment to continuous quality control, utilizingsophisticated quality techniques, and safety


    Flowserve i s committed to continuous qualityimprovement and being at service for any further

    in formation about the product in its installation andoperation or about its support products, repair and

    diagnosti c services.

    These instructions are i ntended to facilitatefamilia rization with the product and its permitted use.

    Operating the product in compliance with theseinstruction s is important to help ensure reliability in

    service and avoid risks. The instructions may not takein to account local regula tions; ensure such regulations

    are observed b y all, includin g those installing theproduct. Always coordinate repair a ctivity with

    ope rations personnel, and follow all plant safetyrequirements and appli cable safety and health laws

    and regulations.

    T h e s e i n s t r u c t i o n s m u s t b e r e a d p r i o r t o

    i n s t a l l i n g , o p e r a t i n g , us i n g a n d m a i n t a i ni n g t h e

    e q u i p m e n t i n a n y re g i o n w o r l d w i d e . T h e

    e q u i p m e n t m u s t n o t b e p u t i n t o s e r v i c e u n ti l a l l t h e

    c o n d i t i o n s r e la t i n g t o s a fe t y n o t e d i n t h e

    i n s t r u c t i o n s , h a v e b e e n m e t .

    1.2 CE marking and approvalsIt i s a legal requirement that machinery and equipment

    put into service within certain regions of the world shallconform with the applicable CE Marking Directives

    covering Machinery and, where applicable, LowVoltage Equipment, Electromagnetic Compatibility

    (EMC), Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) andEquipment for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres


    Where applicable the Directives and any additionalApprovals coverimportant safety aspects relating to

    machinery and equipment and the satisfactory provisionof technical documents and safety in structions. Where

    applicable this document incorporates informationrelevant to these Directives and Approvals.

    To confirm the Approvals applying and if the product isCE marked, check the serial number plate markings and

    the Certification. (See section 9, Certification.)

    1.3 Disclaimer

    Information in these User Instructions is believed tobe reliable. In s pite of al l the efforts of Flows erve

    Pump Division to provide sound and all necessary

    information the content of this manual may appear

    insufficient and is not guaranteed by Flowserve as to

    its completeness or accuracy.

    Flowserve manufactures products to exactingInternational Quality Management System Standards as

    certified and audited by external Quality Assuranceorganizations. Genuine parts and accessories have been

    designed, tested and incorporated into the products tohelp ensure their continued product quality and

    performance in use. As Flowserve cannot test parts andaccessori es sou rced from other vendors the incorrect

    incorporation of such parts and accessories mayadversely affect the performance and safety features of

    the products. The failure to properly select, install or useauthorized Flowserve parts and accessorie s is

    considered to be misuse. Damage or failu re caused bymisuse is not covered by the Flowserve warranty. In

    addition, any modification of Flowserve products orremoval of original components mayimpair the safety of

    these productsi n their use.

    1.4 CopyrightAll rig hts reserved. No part of these instructi ons ma ybe reproduced, stored in a retrieval system ortransmitted in any form or by any means without priorpermission of Flowserve Pump Division.

    1.5 Duty conditionsThis product has been selected to meet thespeci fications of your purchaser order. The

    acknowledgement of these conditions has been sentsepa rately to the P urchaser. A copy should be kept

    with these instructions.

    T h e p r o d u c t m u s t n o t b e o p e r a t e d b e y o n d

    t h e p a r a m e t e r s s p ec i f i e d f o r t h e a p p l ic a t i o n . I f t h e r e i s a n y d o u b t a s t o t h e s u i t a b i l i ty o f t h e

    p r o d u c t f o r t h e a p p l i c a t i o n i n t e n d e d , c o n t a c t

    F l o w s e rv e f o r a d v ic e , q u o t i n g t h e s e r i a l n u m be r.

    If the conditions of service on your purchase order a re

    going to be changed (for example liquid pumped,temperature or duty) it is requested that the user seeks

    the written agreement of Flowserve before start up.

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    1.6 Safety

    1.6.1 Summary of safety markingsThese User Instructions contain specific safety markingswhere non-ob servance of an instruction would cause

    hazards. The specific safety markings are:

    This symbol indicates electrical safety

    in structio ns where non-compliance will involve a high

    risk to p ersonal safety or the loss of l ife.

    This symbol indicates safety instructions where

    non -compliance would affect persona l safety and couldresult in l oss of life.

    This symbol indicates hazardous substances andtoxic fluid safety instructions where non-compliance

    would affect personal safety and could result in loss oflife.

    This symbol indicates safety instructionswhere non-compliance will involve some risk to safe

    operation and personal safety and would damage theequipment or property.

    This symbol indicates explosive atmosphe rezone markin g according to ATEX. It is used in safety

    in structio ns where non-compliance i n the hazardousarea would cause the risk of an explosion.

    This symbol is used in safety instructions to

    remind not to rub non-metallic surfaces with a drycloth; ensure cloth is damp. It is used where non-

    compliance in the h azardous area would cause the riskof an explosion.

    This sign is not a safety symbol but indicates

    an important instruction in the a ssembly process.

    1.6 .2 Personnel qualification and trainingAll personnel involved in the operation, install ation,

    in spection and main tenance of the unit must bequalified to carry out the work involved. If the

    personn el in question do not already posse ss thenecessary knowle dge and skil l, appropriate training

    and instruction m ust be provided. If requi red theope rator may commissio n the manufacturer/supplier to

    provide applicable training.

    Al ways coordina te repair activity with operations andhealth and safety personnel, and follow all plant safety

    requirements and appli cable safety and health lawsand regulations.

    1.6.3 Safety action

    T h i s i s a s u m m a r y o f c o n d i t i o n s a n d a c t i o n s t o

    p r e v e n t i n j u ry t o p e rs o n n e l a n d d a m a g e t o t h e

    e n v i r o n m e n t a n d t o e q u i p m e n t . Fo r p r o d u c t s u s e d

    i n p o t e n t i a l l y e x p l o s iv e a t m o s p h e r e s s e c t i o n 1 . 6. 4

    a l s o a p p l i e s .





    The appropriate safety precautions should be takenwhere the pumped liquids are hazardous.

    FLUORO-ELASTOMERS (When fit ted.)

    When a pump has experienced temperatures over 250C (482 F), partial decomposition of flu oro-elastomers(example: Viton) will occur. In this condition these are

    extremely dangerous and skin contact must beavoided.

    HANDLING COMPONENTSMany precision parts have sharp corners and the

    wearing of appropriate safety gloves and equipment isrequired when handling these components. To lift

    heavy pieces above 25 kg (55 lb) use a craneappropriate for the mass and in a ccordance with

    current lo cal regulations.

    THERMAL SHOCKRapid changes in the tempe rature of the liquid within

    the pump can cause thermal shock, which can result indamage or breakage of components and should be


    NEVER APPLY HEAT TO REMOVE IMPELLERTrapped lubricant or vapour could cause an explosion.

    HOT (and cold) PARTSIf hot o r freezing components or auxiliary heating

    supplies can present a danger to operators and

    persons ente ring the immediate area action must betaken to avoid accidental contact. If completeprotection is not possibl e, the machine access must b e

    limited to maintenance staff onl y, with clear visualwarnings and indicators to those entering the

    immediate area. Note: bearing housings must n ot beinsulated and d rive motors and bearings may be hot.

    If t he tem pe ra ture is gr eate r tha n 68 C (175 F) o r

    be lo w 5 C (20 F) in a res tr ict ed zon e, or ex c eeds

    l o c a l r e g u l a t i o ns , ac t i o n as a b ov e s h a l l b e t ak e n .

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    HAZARDOUS LIQUIDSWhen the pump is handling hazardous liquids care must

    be taken to avoid exposure to the liquid by appropriatesitting of the pump, limiting personnel access and by

    operator training. If the liquid i s flammable and/orexplosive, strict safety proceduresm ust be applied.

    G l a n d p ac k i n g m u s t n o t b e u s e d w h e n p u m p i n g

    h a z a r d o u s l i q u i d s .


    PIPE LOADDo not use pump as a support for piping. Do not mount

    expansion joints, unless al lowed by Flo wserve inwriting, so that their force, due to i nternal pressure,

    acts on the pump flange.

    ENSURE CORRECT LUBRICATION(See section 5, Commissi oning, startup, operation andshutdown.)


    VALVE PART OPENED(Unl ess otherwise instructed at a specific poin t in the

    User Instructions.)

    This is recommended to minimize the risk ofoverloading and damaging the pump motor at full or

    zero flow. Pumps may be started with the valve furtheropen only on installations where this situ ation cannot

    occur. Pump outlet valve shall ma y need to beadjusted to comply with the duty following the run-up

    process. (See section 5, Commissioning start-up,operation and shutdown.)



    WHEN PUMP IS RUNNINGRunning the pump at zero flow or below the

    recommended minimum flow continuously will causedamage to the seal.


    ABNORMALLY HIGH OR LOW FLOW RATESOperating at a flow rate higher than normal or at a flow

    rate with n o backpressure on the pump m ay overloadthe m otor and cau se cavitations. Low flow rates may

    cause a reduction i n pump/bearing life, overheating o fthe pump, instability and cavitations/vibration.

    1.6.4 Products used in potentially explosive


    Measures are required to:

    Avoid excess temperature.

    Prevent build up of explosive mixtures.

    Prevent the generation of sparks. Prevent leakages.

    Maintain the pump to avoid hazard.

    The following instructions for pump sand pump unitswhen installed in potentially explosive atmospheres

    must be followed to help ensure explosion protection.Both electrical and non-electrical equipment must meet

    the requirements of European Directive 94/9/EC.

    1 .6 .4 .1 Sco p e o f co mp l i a n ce

    Use equipment only in the zone for which it isappropriate. Always check that the driver, drive couplingassem bly, seal and pump equipment are suitably rated

    and/or certified for the classification of the specificatmospherei n which they are to be installed.

    Where Flowserve has supplied only the bare shaft

    pump, the Ex rating applies only to the pump. The partyresponsible for assembling the pump set shall select the

    coupling, driver and an y additional equipment, with thenecessary CE Decla ration of Conformity establishing i t

    is sui table for the area in which it is to be installed.

    The output from a variable frequency drive (VFD) cancause additional heating affects in the motor and so, forpumps sets with a VFD, the ATEX Certification for themotor must state that it is covers the situation where

    electrical supply is from the VFD. This particula rrequirement still applies even if the VFDi s in a safe area.

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    Page 7 of 46 Marking

    An example of ATEX equipment marking i s shownbelow. The actual classifi cation of the p ump will be

    eng raved on the nameplate.

    II 2 GD c IIC135 C (T4)

    Equipment Group

    I = MiningII = Non-mining

    Category2 or M2 = High le vel protection

    3 = normal level of protection

    Gas and/or DustG = Gas; D= Dust

    c = Constructional safety(in accordance with prEn13463-5)

    Gas Group (Equipment Category 2 only)IIAPropane (typical)

    IIBEthylene (typical)IICHydrogen (typical)

    Maximum surface temperature (Temperature Class)(see section

    1 .6 .4 .3 Avo i d i n g e xce ssi ve su rfa ce te mp e ra tu re s


    Pumps have a temperature class a s stated in theATEX Ex rating on the nameplate. These are based on

    a maximum ambient of 40 C (104 F); refer toFlowserve for higher ambient temperatures.

    The surface temperature on the pump i s influenced by

    the temperature of the liquid handled. The maximumpermissible liquid temperature depend s on the

    temperature class and must not exceed the values inthe table that follows.

    The temperature rise at the seal s, bearings and due tothe minimum permitted flow rate is taken into account

    in the temperatures stated .

    Temperatureclass to

    prEN 13463-1

    Maxi mumsurface


    Temperature limit of liquidhandled ( * depending onmaterial and c onstructionvariant - check which is








    85 C (185 F)

    100 C (212 F)

    135 C (275 F)

    200 C (392 F)

    300 C (572 F)

    450 C (842 F)

    Consult Flowserve

    Consult Flowserve

    115 C (239 F) *

    180 C (356 F) *

    275 C (527 F) *

    400 C (752 F) *

    Th e re sp o n si b i l i ty fo r co mp l i a n ce w i th th e sp e ci f i e d

    ma xi mu m l i q u i d te mp e ra tu re i s w i th th e p l a n t

    o p e ra to r.

    Temperature classif ication Tx is used when the liquid

    temperature varies and th e pump could be installed indi fferent hazardou s atmospheres. In this case the user

    is respon sib le for ensuring that the pump surfacetemperature does not exceed that permitted i n the

    particular hazardou s atmosphere.

    If an explosive atmosphere exists during theinstallation, do not attempt to check the direction of

    rotation b y starting the pump unfilled. Even a short runtime may give a high temperature resul ting from

    contact between rotating and stationary components.

    Where there is any risk of the pump being run against aclosed valve generating high liquid and casing external

    surface temperatures it is recommended that users fitan external surface temperature protection device.

    Avoid me chani cal, hydraulic or electrical ove rload by

    using motor overload trips, temperature monitor or apower monitor and make routine vibration monitoring


    In dirty or du sty environments, regular checks must b emade and dirt removed from areas around close

    clearances, bearing housings and motors.

    1 .6 .4 .4 Pre ve n ti n g th e b u i l d u p o f e xp l o si ve

    m i x t u r e s


    Ensure pump and relevant suction and dischargepipeline system is totall y filled with liquid at all times

    during the pump operation, so that an e xplosiveatmosphere is prevented. In addition it is essential to

    make sure that seal chambers, auxiliary shaft sealsy stems and any heating and cooling systems are

    properly filled.

    If the operation of the system cannot avoid this

    condition the fitting of an appropriate dry run protectiondevice is recommended (eg liquid detection or powermonitor).

    To a void potential hazards from fugitive emissio ns of

    vapour or gas to atmosphe re the surroun ding areamust be well ventilated.

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    1 .6 .4 .5 Pre v e n ti n g s p a rks

    To prevent a potential hazard from mechanicalcontact, the coupling guard must be non-sparking.To avoid the potential hazard from random induced

    current generating a spark the ground contact on the

    basepla te must be used.

    Avoid electrostatic charge: do not rub non-metallic surfaces with a dry cloth, ensure cloth isdamp.

    The coupling must be selected to comply with 94/9/ECand correct alignment must be main tained.

    A d d i t i o n a l r e q u i r e m e n t s f o r m e t a l l ic p u m p s o n

    n o n -me ta l l i c b a se p l a te sWhen metallic components are fitted on a non-metallic

    basepla te they must be individually earthed.

    1 .6 .4 .6 Pre ve n ti n g le a ka g e

    The pump must only be used to handle liquids

    for which it has been approved to have the correctcorrosion resistance.

    Avoid entrapment of liquid in the pump and associated

    piping due to closing of suction and discharge valves,which could cause dangerousexcessive pressures to

    occur if there is heati nput to the liquid. This can occur ifthe pump is stationary or running.

    Bursting of liquid containing parts due to freezing must

    be a voided by draining or p rotecting the p ump andancillary systems.

    Where there is the potential hazard of a loss of a seal

    barrier fluid o r external flush, the fluid must bemonitored.

    If leakage of liquid to atmosphere can result in a

    hazard, the i nstalla tion of a liquid detection de vice isrecommended.

    1 .6 .4 .7 Ma i n te n a n ce to a vo i d th e h a za rd


    The responsibil i ty for compliance with maintenance

    instructions is with the plant operator.

    To avoid potential explosion hazards during

    maintenance, the tools, cleaning and paintingmaterials used must not gi ve rise to sparkin g or

    adversel y affect the ambient conditions.

    Where there is a risk from such tools or materials;maintenance mu st be conducted in a safe area. It is

    recommended that a maintenance plan and scheduleis adopted. (See section 6,Maintenance.)

    1.7 Safety labels summary

    1.7.1 NameplateFor detail s of nameplate, see theDeclaration ofConformity, or separate documentation included with

    these User Instructions.

    1.7.2 Warning labels

    Oil lubricated units only:

    1.8 Specific machine performanceFor pe rformance parameters see secti on 1.5, Dutyconditions. When the contract requirement specifies

    these to be in corporated into User Instructions theseare included here. Where performance data has been

    supplied separately to the purchaser these should beobtained and retained with these User In structions if


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    Page 9 of 46

    1.9 Noise levelWhen pump noise level e xceeds 85dBA attention mustbe g iven to prevailing Health and Safety Legislation, to

    limit the exposure of plant operating personn el to thenoise. Th e usual approach is to control exposure time

    to the noise or to enclose the machine to reduce

    emitted sound. You may have already specified alimiting noise level when the equipment was ordered,however if no noise requirements were defined then

    machines above a certain power level will exceed 85dB(A). In such situations consideration must be given

    to the fitting of an acoustic enclo sure to meet localregulations.

    Pump noise level is dependent on a number of factors

    - the type of motor fitted, the operating capacity,pipework design and acoustic characteristics of the

    building. Typical sound pressure levels measured indB and A-weighted are shown in the table below.

    The figures are indicative only, they are subject to a +3

    dB tolerance, and cannot be guaranteed.

    The values are based on the noisie st ungeared electricmotors which are likely to be encountered. They are

    LpAsound pressure l evel s at 1m (3.3ft) from thedi rectly driven pump, for " free field o ver a reflecting

    plane". For estimating LwA sound power le vel (re 1 pW)add 14 d B(A) to the sound pressure val ue.

    If a pump only has been purchased, for fitting with your

    own driver, then the "pump only" noise l evels from thetable should be combined with the level fo r the driver

    obtained from the supplier. If the motor is driven by aninverter, it may show an in crease in noise level at

    some speeds. Consul t a Noise Specialist for thiscalculation

    For units driven by equipment other thanelectric motors or units contained within enclosures,see the accompanying information sheets and


    Typical sound pressure level, dBA, LpAat 1 m reference 20 Pa (L wAso u n d p o w e r1 p W w h e re L pA >85 dBA)

    3550 r/m in 2900 r/m in 1750 r/m in 1450 r/m inMotor sizeand speed

    kW (hp)

    Pump andmot ordBA

    Pumponl ydBA

    Pump andmotordBA

    Pumponl ydBA

    Pump andmotordBA

    Pumponl ydBA

    Pump andmotordBA

    Pumponl ydBA

    5.5 (7.5) 90 (99) 77 83 73 76 73 72 71

    7.5 (10) 90 (99) 78 83 74 77 74 73 72

    11 (15) 91 (100) 80 84 76 78 76 74 73

    15 (20) 92 (101) 83 85 (94) 79 80 79 76 75

    18.5 (25) 92 (101) 83 85 (94) 79 80 79 76 75

    22 (30) 92 (101) 83 85 (94) 79 81 79 77 75

    30 (40) 100 (109) 85 (94) 93 (102) 81 84 80 80 76

    37 (50) 100 (109) 86 (95) 93 (102) 82 84 80 80 76

    45 (60) 100 (109) 87 (96) 93 (102) 83 84 80 80 76

    55 (75) 100 (109) 88 (97) 95 (104) 84 86 (95) 81 82 77

    75 (100) 100 (109) 90 (99) 95 (104) 86 (95) 88 (97) 81 83 78

    90 (120) 100 (109) 90 (99) 95 (104) 86 (95) 90 (99) 81 85 (94) 78

    110 (1 50) 100 (109) 91 (100) 95 (104) 87 (96) 91 (100) 83 86 (95) 79

    150 (200) 101 (110) 92 (101) 96 (105) 88 (97) 91 (100) 83 86 (95) 79

    200 (270) * * * * * 83 * 80

    300 (400) - - - - * 84 * 81

    500 (670) - - - - * 85 (94) * 83

    * Motors in this range areg enerall yjo b specific and noise levels should bec alculated based on actual equipment installed.For 960 rpm reduce 1450r pm values by 5 dBA.

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    Page 10 of 46

    In areas where the staff has to intervene, remember

    that when the level of the sound pressure i s:

    Below 70 dBA :It is not necessary to takespecial precaution s.

    Abo ve 70 dBA :People workin g continuously in

    the machine room must besupplied with protective devices

    against noise.

    Below 85 dBA :No particular measures need to betaken for casual visitors stayi ng i n

    the room during a limited period.

    Abo ve 85 dBA :The room must be consid ered as adangerous area because of the

    noise and a warning sign must befixed at each entry warning the

    people coming into the room, evenfor a short period, that they mustwear hearing protection.

    Abo ve 105 dBA:Special hearing prote ction a daptedto this noise level and to the

    spectral noise components mu stbe i nstalled and a warning sign to

    this effect erected at each entry.The staff in the room must wear

    ear protection.

    Make sure that the noise, which travels through thewalls and windows, does not generate too high noise

    level s in the machine room's surroun dings.


    2.1 Consignment receipt and unpackingImmediately after receipt of the equipment it must b echecked against the delivery and shipping documents

    for its completeness and that there has been nodamage in transportation.

    Any shortage and or damage mu st be reported

    immediately to Flowserve Pump Division and

    received in writing within one month of receipt of theequipment. Later claims cannot be accepted.

    Check any crate, boxes and wrappings for anyaccessories or spare p arts that may be packed

    sepa rately with the equipment or a ttached to sidewalls of the box or equipment.

    Each product has a unique serial number. Check thatthis number corresponds with that advised and

    always quote this number in correspondence a s wellas when ordering spare parts or further accessories.

    2.2 Handling

    2.2.1 General instructions concerning handling

    Boxes, crates, pallets or cartons may be unloadedusing fork-lift vehicles or sli ngs dependent on their

    size and construction. See 2.3.1 for positioning ofslings.

    To lift heavy pie ces abo ve 55 lb (25 kg), use a crane

    corresponding to the mass and in a ccordance withthe current local regulations.

    To lift machines or pieces with one or several lifting

    rings, only use hooks and chains in compliance with

    the local regulations concerning safety. Never putcables, chains or ropes directly on or in the liftingrings. Cables, chains or lifting ropes must never

    present excessive bending.

    Never bend the lifting hooks, lifting rings, chains,etc...T hey are only made to endure stresse s within

    calculated limits. Remember that the capacity of alifting device decreases when the direction of the

    lifting force direction makes an angle with the deviceaxis.

    To increase the safety and efficiency of the li fting

    device, all the lifting elements must be asperpendicular as possible. If necessary a lifting beamcan be placed between the crane and the load.

    When hea vy pieces are lifted up, never stay o r workunder the load or in the area which could be in the

    path of the load if it were to swing or fall away. Neverleave a load hanging from a crane. The acceleration

    or th e decele ration of lifting equipment must stay inthe safety limits for the staff.

    A crane m ust be positio ned in such a way that the

    load will be raised perpendicularly. Where possiblenecessary precautions must be taken to avoid the

    swing of the load. For example use two winchesmaking approximately the same angle, less than 30 ,

    with the vertical.

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    Page 11 of 46

    2.2.2 Pump masses

    All m asses, i n the table below, are fo r 3 stages, in

    construction M2.





    lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg

    Noncooled 298 135 271 123 243 110 23 10.5


    Cool ed 309 140 295 134 267 121 23 10.5

    Noncooled 355 161 315 143 302 137 31 14


    Cool ed 386 175 342 155 328 149 31 14

    Noncooled 483 219 450 204 421 191 46 21


    Cool ed 516 234 478 217 450 204 46 21

    Noncooled 661 300 606 275 562 255 60 274WDX

    Cool ed 694 315 628 285 606 275 60 27

    All m asses, i n the table below, are fo r 3 stages, inconstruction M3, M4, M5, M6, M7.

    2.3 Lifting

    2.3.1 Slinging of motor pumps units

    Use handling means in accordance with motorpump unit mass mentioned on the CE plate. For the

    masses of the pumps bare end of shaft see table 2.2.2 and nameplate.

    To avoid distortion, the pump unit

    shou ld be lifted as shown.

    M o t o r p u m p u n i t

    When handling always wear gloves, safetyshoe s and an industrial safety helmet.

    For masses abo ve 55 lb (25 kg), manualhandling is forbidden.





    lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg

    Noncooled 324 147 298 135 260 118 25 11.5


    Cooled 335 152 322 146 293 133 25 11.5

    Noncooled 375 170 335 152 322 146 34 15.5

    2WDXCooled 406 184 362 164 348 158 34 15.5

    Noncooled 527 239 494 224 465 211 51 23


    Cooled 560 254 522 237 494 224 51 23

    Noncooled 710 322 650 295 602 273 66 30


    Cooled 743 317 672 305 694 315 66 30

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    Page 12 of 46

    2.4 Storage

    Store the pump in a clean, dry location

    away from vibration. Leave piping connection coversin place to keep di rt and other foreign material out of

    pump casing. Turn pump a t intervals to prevent

    brinelling of the bearings and t he seal faces, if fitted,from sticking.

    Do not store pumps starting o n the fan guard.

    The pump may be stored as above forup to 6months. Consult Flowserve for preservative actions

    when a longer storage pe rio d is needed.

    2.5 Recycling and end of product lifeAt the en d of the service life of the product o r itsparts, the relevant materials and p arts should be

    recycled or disposed of usin g an environmentally

    acceptable method and local regulations.If the produ ct contains substances which are harmfulto the en vironment, these shou ld be removed and

    di sposed of in a ccordance with current regulations.This also i ncludes the liquids and or gases in the

    "seal system" or other utilities.

    Make sure that hazardous substances or toxicfluid are disposed of safely and that the correct

    personal protective equipment is used. The safetyspeci fications must be in accordance with the current

    regulations at all times.


    3.1 ConfigurationsThe WDX type pump is a horizontal, multistage,

    radial split case, vaned diffuser type centrifugal pumpequipped with a special suction impeller for low

    NPSH. It can be used with motor, steam turbine andgasoline or diesel engine drives.

    The WDX pumps are of modula r construction withidentical stage s being stacked axially to achieve the

    desired pressure output. Four high strength externaltie rods connecting the two end casings hold them

    together. A variety of optimal features and materials

    allow it to fit a wide range of applications such asboiler feed or reverse osmosis.Various orientations for the radial suction and

    di scharge nozzle s are allowed every 90 excepttowards the b ottom.

    The WDX can have the following configurations:

    WDXRHorizontalRadial suctionDrive end on discharge side - C WThrust bearing on drive side

    Radial bearing on suction side2 shaft seals


    HorizontalRadial suctionDrive end on suction side - CCWThrust bearing on suctionsi deRadial bearing on discharge side

    2 shaft seals


    End s uctionDrive end on discharge side - C WThrust bearing on drive sideSleeve bearing on sucti on si de1 shaft seal

    WDXSHorizontalRadial suctionDrive end on discharge side - C WThrust bearing on drive side

    Sleeve bearing on sucti on si de1 shaft seal

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    3.2 Nomenclature

    Characteristics shown on the nameplate fixed on the pump are a s shown below:

    Each pump i s supplied with the follo wing nameplate:

    Each pump unit is supp lied with the following nameplate:

    Mass of the set

    The pump size will be engraved on the nameplate

    typically as below:

    4 WDX E 6 D

    Nominal discharge b ranch size.

    Series name

    Configuration (see 3.1 above)

    Number of stages

    Hydrauli c type

    The typi cal nomenclature above is the general guide

    to the WDX configuration description. Identify theactual pump size an d serial numbe r from the pump

    nameplate. Check that this agrees with the applicablecertification provided.

    3.3 Design of major parts

    3.3.1 Pump casingThe pump casings (suctio n, discharge and stage) are

    sealed with orings and designed to contain thepressure s generated by the pump at the various

    possib le design pressure s and temperatures.

    3.3.2 ImpellerThe impeller is full y shrouded and may be fitted with

    optional wear rings.The suction impeller is specifi call y designed to have a

    low NPSH requirement.

    3.3.3 DiffuserThe diffusers are fully machined to optimise


    3.3.4 ShaftThe shaft mounted on bearings with a keyed drive


    Pump type

    Speed of rotation


    Year of c onstruction +

    Manufact ure number


    Radial/thrust bearing


    Maxi mum admissibl e

    Pressure at 20 C

    Maxi mum / minimum


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    Page 14 of 46

    3.3.5 Pump bearings and lubricationWDX pumps are designed so the antifriction bea rings

    may be either oil or grease l ubricated.

    WDXE and WDXS have product lubricated linebearings with sleeve and bushing m ade of silicon


    Bearing isolators or stationary labyrinths may be fittedas an option in the bearing covers to protect the


    3.3.6 Bearing housingGrease nipples enable grease lub ricated bearings to

    be replenished between major service intervals. Foroil-lubricated bearings, a constant level oiler is fitted.

    3.3.7 Stuffing box housingThe stuffing box housing has a spigot (rabbet) fitbetween the pump casing and bearing housing for

    optimum concentricity. The design enables a numberof sealing options to be fitted.

    3.3.8 Shaft sealThe mechanical seal(s) attached to the pump shaftseal s the pumped liquid from the environment.

    Stuffing boxes have been designed fo r component orcartridge seals. Gland packing may be fitted as an


    3.3.9 DriverThe d river is normally an electric motor. Different drive

    configurations may be fitted such as internal combustion

    engines, turbines, hydraulic motors etc driving viacouplings, belt s, gearboxes, drive shafts etc.

    3.3.10 AccessoriesAccessories ma y be fit ted when speci fied b y the


    3.4 Materials of construction


    columnCasing Impeller Shaft

    M2 Cast iron Cast iron Chrome steel

    M3 Carbon s te el Cast i ron Chrome ste el

    M4 Carbon s te el Stainless

    steelChrome steel

    M 5 C hr ome ste el Stainless

    steel Chrome steel

    M6 Duplex

    stainless steelStainless


    stainless steel

    M7 Stainless steel Stainless


    stainless steel

    3.5 Performance and operating limitsThis product has been selected to meet thespecifications of your purchase order. See the

    nameplate and section 1.5.

    The maximum allowable speed for cast iron

    impelle rsi s3600 RPM and for steel impellers is 4000RPM.

    3.5.1 Minimal flow20 % of BEP up to 280 F (140 C)25 % of BEP between 280 F (140 C) and 410 F

    (210 C)

    3.5.2 Clearance data

    Size Mat

    Nominal wear

    ring clearancemin/max

    mm (inch)



    mm (inch)


    Balance drumclearancemin/max

    mm (inch)

    1.5 M2M3




    1.5 M4 to





    2 M2





    2 M4 to





    3 M2





    3 M4 to








    4 M2M3




    4 M4 to





    3.5.3 Sleeve bearing clearance (WDXE/S)

    Pump sizeDiametral cl eara nce

    min/maxmm( inch)

    1.5 WDX 0.007 - 0.041

    (0.0003 - 0.0016)

    2 WDX 0.007 - 0.041

    (0.0003 - 0.0016)

    3 WDX 0.007 - 0.041

    (0.0003 - 0.0016)

    4 WDX 0.007 - 0.041

    (0.0003 - 0.0016)

    3.5.4 Bearing bushingsInterstage bearing bushings can be mounted on thepump. Their number and location depend on the

    material chosen and the number of stages of thepump. For further in formation, see general

    arrangement drawing of the pump.

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    3.6 Coverage charts

    3.3.1 2970 min-1

    (50 Hz): coverage charts (Q, H)

    3.3.2 3550 min-1

    (60 Hz): coverage charts (Q, H)

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    Equipment operated in hazardous locationsmust comply with the rele vant explosion protection

    regulations. See section 1.6.4, Products used i npotentially explo sive atmospheres.

    All e quipment must be grounded.

    4.1 LocationThe pump should be located to allow room for

    access, ventilation, maintenance and inspection withample headroom for lifting and should be as close a s

    practicable to the supply of liquid to be pumped.

    The pump should be located above the flood level.

    The pipework should be such that there is anadequate NPSH at the pump centreline.The

    foundation should provide enough supp ort so that the

    pump is not supp orted by the pipework.

    Refer to the general arrangement drawing for thepump set.

    4.2 Cleaning prior to installationRemove glue and dirt from suction and discharge

    flanges. Check motors to make sure no foreignobjects have entered through fan and cooling

    openings. Remove any compounds on exposedareas of pump shaft. Clean pump and motor


    4.3 Foundation

    There are many methods of installing

    pump units to their foundation s. The correct methoddepends on the size of the pump unit, its location and

    noise vibration limitations. Non-compliance with theprovision of correct foundation and installation may

    lead to failure of the pump and, as such, would beoutside the terms of the warranty.

    4.3.1 General recommendationsFoundation bolts should be lo cated or embedded in

    the concrete by lay-out o r template in relation to the

    suctio n and discharge piping. Foundation bolts of thespeci fied size may be en closed i n a pipe sleeve twoor three diameters larger than the bolts to

    compensate for minor variation i n alignment.

    Standard accessory steel baseplates furni shed with

    these pumps and motors 10 HP (7.5 kW) and undermay be bolted to machine or equipment structures,

    ei ther rigidly or, if flexible pipin g is used, with properlydesigned vibration isolators.

    A unit mounted on steel work or structural members

    should be mounted over or adjacent to girders orwalls so tha t no misalignment will occur from yielding

    or sagging of the structure.

    Anchor bolts must be in accordance with the foot boltholes. Use anchor b olts of accepted standards and

    sufficient to ensure seave fitting in the foundation.Particularly, this applies to individual plates where the

    anchor bolts have to withstand the driving torque.Provide sufficient space in the foundation to

    accommodate the anchor bolts. If necessary, provideconcrete risers.

    4.3.2 Positioning on foundation

    Pumps are generall y shipped mounted, and it isusually unnecessary with units of moderate size to

    remove the pump or driver from its baseplate whenlevelling.

    Ensure the following are met:

    a) Clean the foundation thoroughly.

    b) The baseplate should be mounted onto a firm

    foundation, either an appropriate thickness ofquality concrete or sturdy steel framework

    capable of absorbing all normal vibrations. (Itshou ld NOT be distorted or pulled down onto the

    surface o f the foundation, but should besupported to maintain the original alignment).

    c) Install the baseplate onto packing pie ces evenlyspaced and adjacent to foundation bolts.

    d) Level with shims, about 25 mm (1), betweenbaseplate and packing pieces.

    e) Check the horizontal position by means of aprecision le vel placed upon an adequate

    reference (discharge fla nge, machined surfacesof casings etc...). Tolerances within 0.5 mm per

    m (0.006 in per ft).

    f) The pump and driver have been aligned beforedispatch however the alignment of pump and motor

    half coupling must be checked. If thisi s incorrect, itindicates that the baseplate has become twisted

    and should be corrected by re-shimming.

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    g) If anchor bolts have been embedded in the

    foundation, slightly tighten the anchor bolts.Otherwise let them hang in the foundation holes.

    h) If not supplied, guarding shall be fit ted as necessaryto meet the requirements of EN292 and EN953 and

    or an y applicable local safety regulations.

    4.4 Grouting

    Where applicable, grout in the foundation bolts.

    Grouting p rovides sol id contact between the pump

    unit and foundation prevents lateral m ovement ofrunning equipment and dampens resona nt vibrations.

    Prepare the site for grouting. Before grouting clean

    the foundation surface thoroughly. Provide externalbarriers as shown:

    Prepare grouting product (concrete, resin) in

    accordance with manufacturers' instructions.(Use anti-shrink products)

    To grout up to the required l evel. Polish surfaces.

    Take necessary p recautions to avoid air bubbles.Lay-down the barrier, break external angles and

    polish the different surfaces.

    Foundation bolts should only be fully tightened whenthe grout has cured.

    4.5 Initial alignment

    Before connecting the couplings verifythe motor rotation direction.

    4.5.1 Thermal expansion

    The pump a nd m otor will normally

    have to b e aligned at ambient temperature and

    should be corrected to allow for thermal expansion atoperating t emperature. In pump installations involving

    high liquid temperatures, the unit should be run at theactual operating temperature, shut down and the

    alignment checked immediately.

    4.5.2 Alignment methods

    Ensure pump and driver are isolated

    electricall y and the half couplings are disconnected.

    Ensure that the pump pipework, suction anddischarge, is disconnected.

    The alignment MUST be checked.

    Al though the pump will have been aligned at thefactory it is most likely that this alignment will havebeen disturbed during transportation o r handling. If

    necessary, align the motor to the pump, not the pumpto the motor.

    Pump-Driver unit supplied assembled on their


    The machines have originall y been aligned in the


    Pump and Driver supplied on separate baseplates:

    The machines have originall y been mounted on their

    respecti ve baseplate in the workshop . The pump is tobe i nstalle d first a nd should be considered as the

    fixed point. The alignment is then performed on thedriver alone.

    Before aligning verify that the pump is horizontal by

    using a flange surface or other horizontal surface.Adjust if necessary by adjusting the height of the

    wobble foot. Tighten any nuts that have beenloosened.

    Alignment is achieved by adding or remo ving shims

    under the motor feet and also moving the motor

    horizontally as required. In some ca ses where thealignment cannot be achieved i t will be necessary tomove the pump before recommencing the above


    For couplings with narrow flanges use a dial indicatoras shown b elow to check both parallel and angula r


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    Page 18 of 46

    Paral lel


    Maximum permissible misalignment at workingtemperature:

    Parallel 0.2 mm (0.008 in.) TIRAngular 0.1 mm (0.004 in.) TIR

    When checking parallel alignment, the total indicator

    read-out (TIR) shown is twice the value of the actualshaft displacement.

    Align in the ve rtical plane first, then horizontally by

    moving motor. When performing final alignment, checkfor soft-foot under the driver. A TIR indicator placed on

    the coupling, reading in the vertical direction, should notindicate more than 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) movement when

    any driver foot fastener is loosened.

    While the pump is capable of operating with themaximum misalignment shown above, maximum pump

    reliability is obtained by near perfect alignment of 0.05to 0.10 mm (0.002 to 0.004in.) TIR parallel and

    0.05mm (0.002 in.) per 100 mm (4 in.) of couplingflange diameter as TIR angular misalignment. This

    covers the full series of couplings available.

    Pumps with thick flanged non-spacer couplings canbe aligned by using a straight-edge across the

    outside diameters of the coupling hubs andmeasuring the gap b etween the machined faces

    using feeler gauges, measuring wedge or calipers.

    When the electric motor has slee ve bearings it isnecessary to ensure that the motor is aligned to run

    on its magnetic centreline.

    Refer to the motor manual for details.

    A bu tton (screwed into one of the shaft ends) is

    normally fitted between the motor and pump shaftends to fix the a xial position.

    If the motor does not run in its

    magnetic centre the resul tant additional axial forcemay overload the pump thrust bearing.

    Complete piping as below and see sections 4.7,Final shaft alignment checkup to and including

    section 5, Commissi oning, startup, operation andshutdownbefore connecting driver and checking

    actual rotation.

    4.6 Piping

    The user m ust verify that the equipment isisolated from any external sources of vibration.

    Protective covers are fitted to the pipe

    connections to prevent foreign b odies entering during

    transportation and installation. Ensure that thesecovers are removed from the pump b efore connecting

    any pipes.

    4.6.1 Suction and discharge pipework

    In order to minimize friction lo sses and hydraulicnoise in the pipework it is good practice to choosepipework that is one or two sizes larger than the

    pump suction and discharge. Typically main pipeworkvelocities should not exceed 2 m/s (6 ft/sec) suction

    and 3 m/ s (9 ft/sec) on the discharge.

    Ta ke in to account the available NPSH must be higherthan the required NPSH of the pump. When

    determining the NPSH available the vapour pressureat the o perating temperature mu st be ta ken into


    Never use the pump as a support forpiping.

    Maximum forces and moments allowed on the pump

    flanges vary with the pump size and type. Tominimize these forces and moments that may, ifexcessive , cau se misalignment, hot bearings, worn

    couplings, vibration and the possible failure of thepump casing, the following p oints should be strictly


    Prevent excessive external pipe load

    Never draw pipin g into pla ce by applying force topump flange connections.

    Do not mount expansion joints so that their force,due to internal pressure, a cts on the pump flange.It is recommended that expansion joints use

    threaded rod to limit any forces of this type.

    Thermal expansions must be compensated insuch a way that no additional forces act on the

    pump flanges.

    Make sure that piping flanges are square and

    concentric to the pump flanges.

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    Page 19 of 46

    The table in 4.6.3 summarizes the maximum fo rces

    and moments allowed on WDX pump casin gs. Referto Flowserve for other configurations.

    Ensure piping and fittings are flu shed

    before u se.

    Ensure piping for hazardous liquids is arrangedto allow pump flu shing before removal of the pump.

    Excessive external strains (forces, moments)may cause mi salignment, general vibrations, hot

    bearings or excessive wear on couplings and seal s.In extreme cases, leakage may resul t with potential

    loss of li fe with hot or corrosive liquids.

    4.6.2 Suction pipingRefer to the diagrams below for typical designs of

    suction piping for both flooded suction and suction lift.

    a) The inlet pipe should be one or two sizes largerthan the pump inlet bore and pipe bends shouldbe as large a radius as possible.

    b) Pipework reducers should be conical and have amaximum total angle of divergence of 15 degrees.

    c) Pipework should be arranged to avoid air pockets.d) If high points cannot be avoided on the suction line

    equip them with air relief cocks.e) On suction lift the piping should be inclined up

    towards the pump inlet with e ccentric reducersin corporated to p revent air locks.

    f) On positive suction, the inlet piping must have aconstant fall towards the pump.

    g) Flow should enter the pump suction with uniformflow, to minimize noise and wear. This is

    particularly important on large or high-spee dpumps which should have a minimum of five

    diameters of straight pipe on the pump suctionbetween the elbow and inlet flange. See section

    10.3, Reference 1, for more detail.h) Inlet strainers, when used, should have a net `free

    area' of at least three times the inlet pipe area.i) Do not install elbows at an angle other than

    perpendicular to the shaft axis. Elbows parallel tothe shaft axis will cause une ven flo w.

    j) Excep t in un usual circumstances strai ners are

    not recommended in i nlet piping. If considerableforeign matter i s expected a screen installed atthe en trance to the wet well is preferable.

    k) Fitting an isolation valve will allow easiermaintenance.

    l) If an inlet valve is necessary, choose a modelwith full bore so as to limit losse s. Val ve stem

    should be in a vertical position. There should bea minimum of five pipe diameters between the

    pump and the valve.

    m) Never throttle pump on suction side and neverplace a valve directly on the pump inlet nozzle.

    n) Do not tighten flanges befo re the final check.

    Typical design flooded suction

    Note:Ideally reducers should be limited to one pipe diameter change,ie 150 mm (6 in.) to 200 mm (8 in.). Must have a maxi mum totalangle of divergence of 15 degrees.

    Typical design suction lift

    Notes:1. S = Minimum submergence >3E.2. I deally r educers to be limited to one pipe diameter change,

    ie 150 mm (6 in.) to 200 mm (8 in.). Must have a maxi mum totalangle of divergence of 15 degr ees.

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    Page 20 of 46

    4.6.3 Maximum forces and moments allowed on WDX pump flanges

    Direction of forces

    Fx = horizontal parallel to pump axis

    Fy = horizontal perpendicular to pump axisFz = vertical perpendicular to pump axis

    Direction of moments

    Mx = around a horizontal axis parallel to pump axisMy = around a horizontal axis nozzle axis

    Mz = around a horizontal axis perpendi cular to pump a xis



    Diameter Fy Fz Fx F My Mz Mx M

    1.5 in 130 lbf 200 l bf 160 lbf 290 l bf 170 ft- lbf 260 ft- lbf 340 ft- lbf 460 ft- lbf

    40 mm58 daN 89 daN 71 daN 128 daN 23 daN. m 35 daN. m 46 daN. m 62 daN. m2 in 130 lbf 200 l bf 160 lbf 290 l bf 170 ft- lbf 260 ft- lbf 340 ft- lbf 460 ft- lbf

    Vertical pipework 50 mm 58 daN 89 daN 71 daN 128 daN 23 daN. m 35 daN. m 46 daN. m 62 daN. m

    perpe ndic ular 3 i n 200 lbf 300 l bf 240 lbf 430 l bf 350 ft- lbf 530 ft- lbf 700 ft- lbf 950 ft- lbf

    to the s haf t 80 mm 89 daN 133 daN 107 daN 193 daN 47 daN . m 72 daN .m 95 daN . m 128 daN .m

    4 in 260 lbf 400 lbf 320 lbf 570 lbf 500 ft- lbf 740 ft-lbf 980 ft-lbf 133 0 ft-lb f

    100 mm 116 daN 178 daN 142 daN 256 daN 68 daN.m 100 daN.m 133 daN.m 180 daN.m

    6 in 460 lbf 700 l bf 560 lbf 101 0 l bf 870 ft- lbf 130 0 ft- lb f 170 0 ft- lb f 231 0 ft- lb f

    150 mm 205 daN 311 daN 249 daN 448 daN 118 daN.m 176 daN 230 daN.m 313 daN.m

    1.5 in 130 lbf 200 l bf 160 lbf 290 l bf 170 ft- lbf 260 ft- lbf 340 ft- lbf 460 ft- lbf

    40 mm 58 daN 89 daN 71 daN 128 daN 23 daN. m 35 daN. m 46 daN. m 62 daN. m

    2 in 130 lbf 200 l bf 160 lbf 290 l bf 170 ft- lbf 260 ft- lbf 340 ft- lbf 460 ft- lbf

    50 mm 58 daN 89 daN 71 daN 128 daN 23 daN. m 35 daN. m 46 daN. m 62 daN. m

    Horizontal pipework 3 in 200 lbf 300 l bf 240 lbf 430 l bf 350 ft- lbf 530 ft- lbf 700 ft- lbf 950 ft- lbf per pe ndi c ul ar 80 mm 89 daN 133 daN 107 daN 193 daN 47 daN . m 72 daN .m 95 daN . m 128 daN .m

    to the shaf t 4 in 260 lbf 400 lbf 320 lbf 570 lbf 500 ft- lbf 740 ft-lbf 980 ft-lbf 133 0 ft-lb f

    100 mm 116 daN 178 daN 142 daN 256 daN 68 daN.m 100 daN.m 133 daN.m 180 daN.m6 in 460 lbf 700 l bf 560 lbf 101 0 l bf 870 ft- lbf 130 0 ft- lb f 170 0 ft- lb f 231 0 ft- lb f

    150 mm 205 daN 311 daN 249 daN 448 daN 118 daN.m 176 daN 230 daN.m 313 daN.m

    3 in 240 lbf 200 l bf 300 lbf 430 l bf 350 ft- lbf 530 ft- lbf 700 ft- lbf 950 ft- lbf

    80 mm 107 daN 89 daN 133 daN 193 daN 47 daN . m 72 daN .m 95 daN . m 128 daN .m

    Horizontal 4 in 320 lbf 260 lbf 400 lbf 570 lbf 500 ft- lbf 740 ft-lbf 980 ft-lbf 133 0 ft-lb f

    within thepump axis 100 mm 142 daN 116 daN 178 daN 256 daN 68 daN.m 100 daN.m 133 daN.m 180 daN.m

    6 in 560 lbf 460 l bf 700 lbf 101 0 l bf 870 ft- lbf 130 0 ft- lb f 170 0 ft- lb f 231 0 ft- lb f

    150 mm 249 daN 205 daN 311 daN 448 daN 118 daN.m 176 daN.m 230 daN.m 313 daN.m

    Notes:1) F = External force (tension or compression).

    M = External mom ent, cl ockwise or counter-clockwise.2) Forces and moments may be applied si multaneously in an y

    direction.3) Val ues apply to all materials.

    4) Higher loads may be applicable, if direction and magnitude ofindivi dual loads are known, but th ese need written approvalfrom Flowserve Pump Di vision.

    5) Pumps must be on rigid foundations and baseplates must befullygrouted.

    6) Pump/baseplate should not be used as pipe anc hor. Suctionand discharge piping s hould be anchored as close as possibleto the pump flanges to r educe vibration and prevent strai n onthe pump casing. Expansion joints are r ecommended. Theymust be properl ytied andl ocated on the side of the pipe anchoraway fromt he pump

    7) The pump mounting bolt torques specified must be used toprevent relative movem ent between the pump casing andbaseplate. (See s ection 6.6, F astener torques.). T he bolt

    material must have a mini mum yiel d strength of 600 N/mm2

    (87 000l b/in.2).

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    4.6.4 Discharge pipingSee section 4.6.2 for typical pipework design.

    A no n-return val ve should be lo cated i n th e dischargepipework to protect the pump from excessive back

    pressure and hence reverse rotation when the unit isstopped.

    Pipework reducers should h ave a m aximum total

    angle of divergence of 9 degrees.

    Fitting an isolation valve will allow easier maintenance.It should be installed downstream of the non-return


    If needed a control pressure gauge may be installedon the pipework.

    Do not tighten the pipe flanges before the final check.

    4.6.5 Auxiliary piping Drai ns

    Pipe pump casing drain s and gland leakage to aconvenient disposal point.

    4 .6 .5 .2 Pu mp s f i t te d w i th me ch a n i ca l se a l s

    Single seals requiring re-circulation will normally beprovided with the auxiliary piping from pump casin g

    already fitted.

    If the seal requires an auxiliary quench then aconnection must be made to a suitable source of

    liquid flo w, low pressure steam or static pressure froma header tank. Recommended pressure is 0.35 bar (5

    psi) or less. Check General arrangement drawing.

    Special seals may require different auxiliary piping tothat described above. Consult sepa rate User

    Instructions and or Flowserve if unsure of correctmethod or arrangement.

    For pumping hot liquids, to avoid seal damage, it isrecommended that any external flush/cooling supply

    be continued after stopping the pump.

    4.6.6 Final checks

    Check the tightness of all bolts in the suction anddi scharge pipework. Tighten i f necessary. Check al sothe tightness of all foundation bolts. Tighten i f

    necessary. Check the tightness of all auxiliary piping.Tighten i f necessary.

    4.7 Final shaft alignment checkAfter connecting piping to the pump, rotate the shaftseveral times by hand to ensure there is no binding

    and all parts are free.

    Recheck the coupling alignment, as previouslydescribed, to ensure no pipe strain. If pipe strain

    exists, correct piping.

    Alignment can only be consid ered definitive afterpipework has been connected.

    4.8 Electrical connections

    4.8.1 Safety conditions about electricalconnections

    Electrical connections must be made

    by a qualified Electrician in accordance with relevantlo cal national and inte rnational regulations. This

    includes any grounding.

    It is important to be aware of the EUROPEANDIRECTIVE on potentially explosive areas where

    compliance with IEC60079-14 i s an additionalrequirement for making electrical connections.

    Avoid me chanical, hydraulic or electrical

    overload b y using motor overload trips or a powermonitor and make routine vibration monitoring.

    It is important to be aware of the EUROPEANDIRECTIVE on electromagnetic compatibility whenwiring up and in stalling equipment on site. Attention

    must be paid to ensure that the techniques used duringwiring/installation do not increase electromagnetic

    emissions or decrease the electromagnetic immunity of

    the equipment, wiring or any connected devices. If inany doubt, contact Flowserve for advice.

    The motor must be wired up in

    accordance with the m otor manufacturer's

    instructions (normally supplied within th e terminalbox) including a ny temperature, earth leakage,

    current and other protective devices as appropriate.The identification nameplate should be checked to

    ensure the power supply is appropria te.

    A device to provide emergency stopping mustbe fitted.

    If not supplied pre-wired to the pump unit, the

    controller/starter electrical details will also be suppliedwithin the controller/starter.

    For electrical details on pump sets with controllers

    see the separate wiring diagram.

    See section 5.3, Direction of rotation

    before connecting the motor to the electrical supply.

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    4.9 Protection systems

    The following protection system s arerecommended particularly if the pump i s installed in a

    potentially explosive area or is handling a hazardousliquid. If in doubt consult Flo wserve.

    If there is any possib ility of the system allowing thepump to run against a closed valve or belowminimum continuous safe flow a protection device

    shou ld be in stalled to ensure the temperature of theliquid does not rise to an unsafe le vel.

    If there are any circumstances in which th e systemcan allow the pump to run dry, or start up empty, a

    power monitor should be fitted to stop the pump orprevent it from being started. This is particularly

    relevant if the pump is handling a flammable liquid.

    If leakage of product from the pump or its associa ted

    seal ing system can cause a hazard it isrecommended that an appropriate leakage detectionsystem i s installed.

    To prevent excessive surface temperatures at

    bearings it is recommended that temperature orvibration monitoring are carried out. See sections

    5.7.4 and 5.7.5.

    If a d efect of cooling can lead to temperature higher

    than those acceptable a system of coolingsurveillance must be installed.

    Except when explicitly required by the customer in

    the specifications, when a possib ili ty of reverse

    rotation exists the customer must install a reverserotation protection device.

    The customer must install all equipment required to

    avoid water hammer.


    T h e s e o p e r a t i o n s m u s t b e c ar r i e d o u t b y

    f u l l y q u a l i f ie d p e rs o n n e l .

    5.1 Pre-commissioning procedure

    5.1.1 LubricationDetermine the mode o f lubrication of the pump set,eg grease, oil, product lubrication etc.

    Grease lubricated pumps and electric motors aresupplied pre-greased.

    Other drivers and gearboxes, if appropriate, shouldbe l ubricated i n accordance with their manuals.

    In the case of product lubricated

    bearings the source of product supply should bechecked against the order. There may be

    requirements for an external clean supply, particularsupp ly pressure or the commencement of lubrication

    supp ly before pump start-up.

    5.1.2 Oil LubricationThe bearings are lubricated by pins. A constant leveloiler automatically maintains the correct oil level.

    The oiler supplies the necessary quantity of oil. Itoperates on the liquid seal principal and feeds with oil

    only when the quantity of oil becomes too low in thebearing. It will stop to feed once a sufficient quantity

    of oil is in the bearing.

    The reserve contained in the reservoir refills

    automatically the natural l osse s of the bearing. Assoon as the oil level approaches the minimum level of

    the reservoir, refill the reservoir.

    Regarding the quality and the quantity of the oil to be

    used, refer to the lubrication table and informationbelow.

    For oil lubricated pump s, fill the bearinghousing with correct grade of oil to the correct level, ie

    sig ht glass or constant level oiler bottle.

    See below for the correct side on which constant

    level oile rs should be installed.

    Oiler Oiler

    Direction of rotation ofthe pump


    When fitted with a constant le vel oiler, the bearing

    housing should be filled onl y by unscrewing orhinging back the transparent bottle and filling t he

    bottle with oil. Do not fill the bearing housing throughthe b reather hole.

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    Oil l evels are as indicated below. The distance

    indicated i s di stance below the shaft centreline.

    Oil Level mm (inch)Pump size

    Drive end Non Drive end

    1.5 WDX 41 (1.61) 41 (1.61)

    2 WDX 46 (1.81) 46 (1.81)

    3 WDX 56 (2.20) 46 (1.81)

    4 WDX 66 (2.60) 46 (1.81)

    The oil filled bottle should then be refitted so as toreturn it to the upright position. Filling should be

    repeated until oil remains visible within the bottle.

    5.2 Pump lubricants

    5.2.1 Recommended oil lubricants

    Viscosity grade ISO 46Ambi ent temperature

    Bearings temperature 80 C maximum



















    T 37






    ZS46Density at 15 C 0.885 0.881 0.868 0.878 0.87 0.872 0.877

    Viscosity at 40 C.cst 45 48.6 43 43 46 46 46

    Viscosity at 50 C.cst 30 31.5 29.4 28 30 29.5 30

    Viscosity at 100 C.cst 6.9 7.1 6.7 7 6.9 6.9 6.8

    Pour-point C - 30 - 27 - 12 - 15 - 30 - 12 - 21

    Flash-point C 210 220 220 220 214 230 230

    Fire-point C 240 252 280 240 245

    Aniline p oint C 99 102 110 102 109 101 101

    Viscosity index 105 106 109 105 113 100 100

    Acid value 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.13 0.7 0.1 0.7 to 1

    Colour 1 2 1 2 2 1 1

    Anti erosion additive s yes yes yes yes yes

    Foam inhibitors yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

    Anticorrosion additive s yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

    Antioxidant yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

    Conradson carbon residue 0.01 0.2

    Li mits on temperature C - 1 2to

    120 C

    - 2 1to

    110 C

    Saponification < 0.5 1.2

    5.2.2 Recommended grease lubricants

    Factory greasing : SHELL ALVANIA R2 or equiv alent

    Equivalent greases : MOBIL, Mobilux EP2TOTAL, Multis 2

    ELF, Elf Multi

    Grease Quantity : 10 to 30 Grams

    5.2.3 Recommended fill quantities

    Oil QuantityISO VG 46Pump size

    Drive e nd Non Drive e nd

    1.5 WDX 0.26 qt (0.250 Ltr) 0.21 qt (0.200 Ltr)

    2 W DX 0.3 7 q t ( 0.3 50 Ltr ) 0.25 qt (0.240 Ltr)

    3 WDX 0.42 qt (0.400 Ltr) 0.25 qt (0.240 Ltr)

    4 WDX 0.63 qt (0.600 Ltr) 0.32 qt (0.300 Ltr)

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    5.2.4 Lubrication schedule Oil lubricated bearings

    Operating conditions and severity of service willdetermine the intervals between oil changes. In

    general highe r oil temperatures will require morefrequent oil changes.

    For pumps on hot service or in severely damp or

    corrosive atmosphere, the oil will require changingmore frequently. If the bearings maintain a stable

    temperature and if there has been no contaminatio nof the oil, the interval between changes may be


    Lubricant and bearing temperature analysis can beuseful in optimising lubricant change intervals.

    Generally, the oil should be changed every 6 months.If the bearing temperature increases, check

    immediately for improper lubrication o r a faulty


    The lubricating oil should be a high quality mineral oil

    having foam inhibitors. Synthetic oils may also be usedif checks show that the rubber oil seals will not be

    adversel y affected.

    The bearing temperature may be allowed to rise to 50C (122 F).above ambient, but should not exceed 82

    C (180 F). A continuously rising temperature or anabrupt rise, indicate a fault.

    5 .2 .4 .2 Gre a se l u b ri ca te d be a ri n gs

    The bearings are prelubricated when supplied.Lubrication frequen cy is as indicated in the table

    below. After a 2 years period the bearing should becompletely cleaned, checked and repacked with new


    The free bearing space should not be filled up morethat 50 % to 60 % of its content see 5.2.3. Care must

    be taken to avoid both under and over-lubrication.

    Over lubrication will cau se the bearings to run hotterthan normal, while under-lubricated bearings could

    wear prematurely.

    The characteristics of the installation and severity ofservice will determine the frequency of lubrication.

    Lubricant and bearing temperature analysis can beuseful in optimising lubricant change intervals.

    Lubricati on frequenci es in hours of operationPump size

    145 0 R PM 175 0 R PM 295 0 R PM 355 0 R PM

    1,5 WDX 3000 2200 1500 1200

    2 WDX 3000 2200 1500 1200

    3 WDX 2700 2000 1400 1100

    4 WDX 2500 1700 1300 1000

    Never mix greases containing different

    bases, thi ckeners or additives.

    5.3 Direction of rotation

    Starting or operating pumps with the

    wrong direction of rotation can be harmful to thepumps.

    Ensure that the pump rotation is the same a s thearrow on the pump casing.

    It i s preferable to check the di rection of rotationbefore installing the coupling. If not, the pump must

    be filled in with the liquid before start-up.

    If maintenance work has been carried

    out to the site's electricity supply, the direction of

    rotation should be re-checked as above in case thesuppl y phasing has been altered.

    5.4 Guarding

    Guarding i s supplied fitted to the pump set.If this has been removed or disturbed ensure that allthe protective guards around the pump coupling and

    exposed parts of the shaft are securely fixed.

    5.5 Priming and auxiliary supplies

    Where there is any risk of the pump being runagainst a closed valve generating high liquid andcasin g external surface temperatures it is

    recommended that users fit an external surfacetemperature protection device.

    Ensure all electrical, hydraulic,pneumatic, sealant and lubrication systems (asapplicable) are connected and operational.

    Ensure the inlet pipe and pump casing

    are completely full of liquid before starting continuousduty operation.

    These operations must be carried out by personnelwith approved qualifications.

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    5.5.1 Suction pressure above atmospheric

    pressureOpen the ai r vent connection to allow the trapped air

    to escape. Let liquid run out until free from airbubbles.

    5.5.2 Suction lift w ith foot v alve fittedFill suction pipe and casing with liquid at a pressure

    of 1 to 2 bar from an external source. Vent asdescribed in section 5.5.1.

    Foot valves are not recommended when

    the p umped li quid has suspen ded solid particles.They may lodge between foot valve seat and shutter.

    5.5.3 Suction lift w ithout foot valvePump casing vents on the suction volute must beconnected to an external vacuum pump priming

    system. If in doubt, please consul t Flowserve.

    5.6 Starting the pump

    a) Ensure fl ushing and/or cooli ng/

    heating liquid supplies are turned ON beforestarting the pump.

    b) CLOSE the outlet valve. If the pump is equippedwith a non -return flow valve and is to be started

    with an opened discharge valve, verify that it isclosed by an adequate back pressure.

    c) OPEN all inlet valves.d) Open all valves of the minimal flow line to ensure

    a minimal flow for the period the pump is runningagainst the closed discharge valve.

    e) Prime the pump.f) Check that all plugs are tight.

    g) Check that the gland lightly tightens the packing.

    h) Ensure all vent connections are closedbefore starting.

    i) Start motor and check outlet pressure.j) If the pressure is sati sfactory, slo wly OPEN outlet

    control valve.

    k) Do not run the pump with the

    outlet valve closed for a period longer than 20seconds.

    l) If NO pressure, or LOW pressure, STOP thepump. Refer to section 7, Faults; causes and

    remedies, for fault diagnosis.

    5.7 Running the pump

    5.7.1 Venting the pump

    Vent the pump to enable all trapped air toescape taking due care with ho t or hazardous liquids.

    Under normal operating conditions, after the pumphas been full y primed and vented, it should be

    unnecessary to re-vent the pump.

    5.7.2 P umps fitted w ith packed gland

    If the pump has a packed gland there must be some

    leakage from the gland. Gland nuts should initially befinger-tight only. Leakage should take place soon

    after the stuffing box is pressurized.

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    The gland must be adjusted evenly to givevisible leakage and concentric alignment of the gland

    ring [4120] to a void excess temperature. If noleakage takes pl ace the packing will begin to

    overheat. If overheating takes pla ce the p ump shouldbe stopped and allowed to cool before being re-

    started. When the pump is re-started, check toensure leakage is takin g pla ce at the packed gland.

    If hot liquids are being pumped it may be necessary

    to slacken the gland nuts to achieve leakage.

    The pump should be run for ten minutes with steadyleakage a nd the gland nuts tightened by 10 degrees

    at a time until lea kage is reduced to an acceptablelevel. The temperature of the gland should be

    checked after each round of tightening. If thetemperature starts to climb rapidly then back off the

    gland nuts until the temperature drops down. Wait for

    the temperature to stabilize before tightening again.The leakage m ust not be reduced below a rate of 20drops per minute. Bedding in of the packing may take

    several hours.

    Care must be taken when adjusting the glandon an operatin g pump. Safety gloves are essenti al.Loose clothing must not be worn to avoid being

    caught up by the pump shaft. Shaft guards must bereplaced after the gland adjustment is complete.

    Never run gland packing dry, even for

    a short time.

    5.7.3 Pumps fitted w ith mechanical sealMechanical seal s requi re no adjustment. Any slight

    initial leakage will stop when the seal i s run in.

    Before pumping dirty liquids it is advisable, ifpossible, to run in the pump mechanical seal using

    clean liquid to safeguard the seal face.

    External flush or quench should be

    started before the pump i s run and allowed to flow fora period after the pump has stopp ed.

    Never run a mechani cal seal dry, even

    for a short time.

    5.7.4 Bearings

    If the pumps are working in a potentiallyexplosive atmosphere, temperature or vibration

    monitoring at the bearings is recommended.

    If bearing temperatures are to be monitored i t isessential that a benchmark temperature is recorded

    at the commissioning stage and after the bearingtemperature has stabilized.

    Record the bearing temperature (t) and theambient temperature (ta)

    Estim ate the likel y maximum ambienttemperature (tb)

    Set the alarm at (t+tb-ta+5) C [(t+tb-ta+10) F]

    and the trip at 100 C (212 F) for oil lubrication

    and 1 05 C (220 F) for grease lubrication

    It is important, particularly with g rease lubrication, tokeep a check on bearing temperatures. After start up

    the temperature rise should be gradual, reaching amaximum after app roximately 1.5 to 2 hours. Thi s

    temperature rise should then remain constant ormarginall y reduce with time. (Refer to section

    for fu rther information.)

    5.7.5 Normal v ibration levels, alarm and tripFor guidance, pumps generally fall under a

    classifi cation for rigid support machin es within the

    International rotating m achinery standards and the

    recommended ma ximum l evels below are based on

    those standards.

    Alarm a nd trip values for in stalled

    pumps shou ld be based on the actual measurements(N) taken on site on the bearing housings of the

    pump in the fully commissioned a s new condition.

    The example (N) value is gi ven for the preferred

    operating flo w region (typi cally this may extend to 70to 120 % of the pump best efficiency poin t); outsid ethe preferred flow region the actual vibration

    experienced may be multiplied by up to 2.

    These stand ard values can vary with the rotational

    speed and the power absorbed by the pump. For anyspeci al case, do not hesita te to consul t us.

    Measuring vibration at regular intervals will then showany deterioration in pump or system operating


    Vibration Velocit y - unfi

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