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Page 1: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently
Page 2: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

Natural Resources Web Mapping Program CEU Proposal 1


Natural resources comprise Northern California’s largest industry with a significant contribution to the

region's workforce and economics. The natural resources industry’s rich diversity includes such clusters as

forestry, water resource management, drought management, mining, biofuels, and agriculture in both the

public and private sectors. The industry employs skilled management professionals, but the bulk of the rural

workforce is unskilled or entry-level workers. Given the spatial nature of the natural resources industry, this

workforce of both professionals and non-technical users needs geographic information systems (GIS) web

mapping technology skills for display and analysis of asset and resource location, data visualizations, maps,

and metrics. Development of these skillsets allows the rural Northern California region to participate in the

world market. The demand for readily available, consistent, accurate, complete, and current geographic

information is increasing. This, combined with the widespread availability and use of advanced

technologies, offers great job opportunities for people with many different talents and educational

backgrounds. (U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). The proposed Natural

Resources Web Mapping Hybrid Program meets the Commission objectives of addressing California

economic and workforce development by increasing exposure to multiple modules, presented as a hybrid of

online training and face-to-face problem solving. By focusing on readily available, existing, and low-cost

entry-level technologies, this program will increase access to workforce development opportunities for the

entry-level workers of Northern California. The program will also help meet several strategic priorities of

CSU, Chico by serving a diverse population, wielding innovative technology, and addressing the economic

needs of our region. With the requested $49,950 in funding, the one-year project will focus on developing

non-credit web mapping program modules, creating online resource tools, deepening industry/agency

partnerships for effective natural resources management, and conducting outreach for successful program

delivery. Through the collaborative efforts of CSU, Chico’s Regional & Continuing Education (RCE), the

Geographical Information Center (GIC), and the Center for Economic Development (CED), a

comprehensive online NorCal Geospatial Mapping iLibrary will serve as an ongoing, objective source of

natural resources geospatial research, tools, and information focused on Northern California.

Page 3: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

Natural Resources Web Mapping Program CEU Proposal 2


Natural resources comprise Northern California’s largest industry with a significant contribution to the

region's workforce and economics. The natural resources industry’s rich diversity includes such clusters as

forestry, water resource management, drought management, mining, biofuels, and agriculture in both the

public and private sectors. The industry employs skilled management professionals, but the bulk of the rural

workforce is unskilled or entry-level workers. Given the spatial nature of the natural resources industry, this

workforce needs geographic information systems (GIS) web technology skills for display and analysis of

asset and resource location. Development of these skillsets allows the rural Northern California region to

participate in the world market.

The demand for readily available, consistent, accurate, complete, and current geographic information is

increasing. This, combined with the widespread availability and use of advanced technologies, offers great

job opportunities for people with many different talents and educational backgrounds. (U.S. Geological

Survey and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). Mapping technology on the web has increased in step with

Internet use worldwide. With the rapid development of web mapping, the technology becomes a

complement to natural resources industries. There exists a need for a competent workforce to be able to

leverage web mapping technologies to reach a growing audience. Web mapping technology allows

professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As

recently as February 13, 2015, USAJobs.gov listed dozens of entry level natural resource jobs with the

federal government, many in rural California, that need at least some GIS web mapping. Better informed

local decision making about ever more scarce natural resources is also key to wise stewardship of and policy-

making for natural resources across government agencies.

The proposed Natural Resources Web Mapping Hybrid Program meets the Commission objective of

addressing California economic and workforce development by increasing exposure to multiple geospatial

technology modules, presented as a hybrid of online training and face-to-face problem solving. By focusing

on readily available, existing, and low-cost entry-level web mapping technologies, this program will increase

access to workforce development opportunities for the entry-level workers of Northern California to fill a

critical skills gap. This project fulfills three of the Commission’s objectives: serving a population that is

Page 4: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

Natural Resources Web Mapping Program CEU Proposal 3

currently limited in its ability to access CSU workforce development programs, expanding the potential

market to rural areas beyond CSU, Chico’s service region, and integrating current web mapping pedagogy

with the effectiveness of online content.

The proposed program also helps meet several strategic priorities of CSU, Chico by serving a diverse

population, wielding innovative technology, and meeting the needs of our region. The region is home to a

variety of evolving natural resource industries that could incorporate new and creative web mapping

technologies into their current workflows with better prepared workers newly adept at understanding GIS

information and tools and deploying cutting edge technologies. A greater understanding of web mapping is

essential to address water resource and drought management issues that grow ever more critical to Northern

California. CSU, Chico’s Regional & Continuing Education (RCE) is joining forces with the Geographical

Information Center (GIC) to develop the non-credit workforce curriculum with outreach and industry

partnerships facilitated by CSU, Chico’s Center for Economic Development (CED).

The CED helps communities prepare and plan for future growth by community development,

employment generation, natural resource management, and workforce development. In addition, the CED’s

SBDC has received a grant from the Small Business Administration (SBA) to be the lead Small Business

Development Center (SBDC), providing counseling and training services to strengthen the small business

community network and promote economic growth within the 23-county service region in Northern

California. The Northern California small business population includes special emphasis groups such as

women, minorities, Native Americans, veterans and service-connected disabled veterans, and individuals in

low- and moderate-income rural areas.

With the requested $49,950 in Commission funding, the one-year grant project will focus on developing

non-credit web mapping program modules, creating online resource tools, deepening industry/agency

partnerships for effective natural resources management, and conducting outreach for successful program

delivery. Program delivery will target workforce development agencies, federal, state, and local government

entities, and private industry.

The proposed program will address competencies in three primary areas, aligning with selected elements

from the Geospatial Technology Competency Model, as defined by the US Department of Labor:

Page 5: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

Natural Resources Web Mapping Program CEU Proposal 4

Workplace Competencies Tier

1. Working with Tools and Technology (Selecting, using, and maintaining tools and technology to

facilitate work activity)

Industry Wide Technical Competencies Tier

1. Core Geospatial Abilities and Knowledge

a. Acquire and integrate a variety of field data, image data, vector data, and attribute data to

create, update, and maintain GIS databases

b. Employ cartographic design principles to create and edit visual representations of geospatial

data, including maps, graphs, and diagrams

i. Use geospatial software tools to perform basic GIS analysis functions

ii. Discuss the elements of geospatial data quality, including geometric accuracy,

thematic accuracy, resolution, precision, and fitness for use

iii. Discuss trends in geospatial technology and applications

Industry-Sector Technical Competencies Tier

1. Software and Application Development

The Natural Resources Web Mapping Hybrid Program will implement training modules to achieve the

elements described above. The hybrid program modules to be developed will address competencies in these

six key areas:

1. GIS Overview: Application, data models, technologies

2. Introduction to Desktop GIS: Creating maps, working with data, publishing

3. Introduction to Data I: Collection, preparation, assessment of existing data for spatial use and

spatial display

4. Introduction to Data II: Spreadsheets, tables, databases, storage, retrieval

5. Introduction to Web Mapping: ArcGIS Online, MapBox, CartoDB, Google Maps, Google Earth,

Google Fusion Tables, JavaScript libraries (OpenLayers, Leaflet, ESRI JavaScript API)

6. Web Map Services: Open Source and Proprietary (ArcServer and GeoServer)

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Natural Resources Web Mapping Program CEU Proposal 5

Embedded in each module will be scenarios and data on natural resource clusters of particular relevance

to rural Northern California (forestry, water resource management, drought management, mining, biofuels,

and agriculture). Modules will feature web-based content that will deliver information through readings,

videos, quizzes, online mapping resources, and interactive geospatial scenarios. The interactive simulations

will allow participants to practice and thus better absorb the knowledge. Assessments will also contribute to

overall mastery with modules sequenced to build upon previous learning. In addition to foundational

content in each competency area, module faculty will provide customized guidance for expanded learning in

unique natural resources situations. Assignments will allow participants to customize the experience to

specific goals related to a broader range of natural resources. For example, geospatial mapping of terrain

incline may be relevant to both forestry/timber management and water resource management. Materials

will be provided in multiple formats to support a multi-modal learning experience. Given a diverse target

population with potentially widely varying computer literacy levels, a wholly-online, self-paced computer

literacy module already proven to be effective will ensure baseline knowledge among program participants

prior to engaging in the GIS overview modules.

Behind the scenes of these online components, a database application will collect data to track user

progress and completion, to inform content development and revision activities, and to gather information

about how participants interact with the online materials. The data collected from this back-end application

will provide invaluable feedback for the continued development and improvement of the program modules.

The project also proposes to create a comprehensive online NorCal Geospatial Mapping iLibrary that

will gather together a wide variety of public resources that will be an objective source of geospatial research,

tools, and information focused on rural Northern California natural resources clusters. Regional &

Continuing Education (RCE), the Geographical Information Center (GIC), and the Center for Economic

Development (CED) are all committed to the collaborative effort to host online the resources developed

from this project along with other work associated with the natural resources geospatial research and


Regional & Continuing Education and the Geographical Information Center are well-positioned to

coordinate this program with mission alignment, curriculum and faculty resources, technology tools, and a

Page 7: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

Natural Resources Web Mapping Program CEU Proposal 6

wide range of connections among the region’s natural resources stakeholders. Sustainability is one of CSU,

Chico’s core values, and the Natural Resources Web Mapping program will leverage the established links to

key industry players and government stakeholders, as demonstrated by the attached letters of support,

including from the CED; Biogeographic Data Branch of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife; the

Central Valley Resource Conservation & Development Area Council; the Sacramento River Conservation

Area Forum; and the Supervisor and Chair, Butte County Board of Supervisors.


Goal 1: Establish Natural Resources Web Mapping Advisory Group

Objective Outcome Timeline

Establish a Natural Resources Web

Mapping Advisory Group made up of

broad representation of industry and

government agencies from Northern CA

Advisory group in place with roles defined;

four industry and government agency leaders,

one representative each from CED, GIC, and




Advisory group helps define module


Group demonstrates active collaboration to

accomplish project objectives; assist with

identification of needed components of web

resources site

July 2015–

Oct. 2016

Goal 2: Deepen industry/agency partnerships for effective natural resources management and

workforce development

Objective Outcome Timeline

Establish partnership agreements with

regional SBDCs and other economic

development service providers

Support of program with endorsements for

training delivery to multiple cohorts on

ongoing basis




Survey industry data needs for resource


Resources and format fully identified;

partners vested in program content


Nov. 2015

Goal 3: Develop the face-to-face and online content for Natural Resources Web Mapping Program

Objective Outcome Timeline

Develop noncredit module curriculum


All modules created with specific

competencies established for each



Page 8: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

Natural Resources Web Mapping Program CEU Proposal 7

Develop LMS metrics and assessment


Create system to track participant use, time

spent on module components, completion,




Goal 4: Launch pilot of modules focused on water resource/drought management and assess/revise


Objective Outcome Timeline

Pilot test of modules for targeted groups Address critical water resource management

web mapping skills



Gather feedback from broad range of

stakeholders and participants

Present pilot results to Economic Forecast


Jan. 2016

Assess pilot outcomes and feedback Revise curriculum Jan.–Feb.


Review project alignment with grant


Mid-year report submitted to Commission Jan. 2016

Revise full program based on pilot


Final focused program with depth of coverage

and length of modules defined



Goal 5: Develop web-based NorCal Geospatial Mapping iLibrary to facilitate natural resources web

mapping understanding and decision-making

Objective Outcome Timeline

Outline organizing content and search


Resource website developed and content




Launch at CED Annual Economic

Forecast Conference

Promote to broad range of stakeholders Jan. 2016

Refine and supplement Site with

additional resources

Regular use of relevant resource materials


Feb. 2016–


Goal 6: Launch marketing and delivery of full program

Objective Outcome Timeline

Establish a program delivery schedule

with outreach to target organizations

Program schedule is appropriate for target




Page 9: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

Natural Resources Web Mapping Program CEU Proposal 8

Confirm program budget and fees with

potential contract rate option

Budget allows for sustainability and


Feb. 2016

Launch program website and interface

for participant access to online learning

management system.

Marketing and communication efforts are

supported by a comprehensive website that

serves prospective and current program





Market the program for ongoing


Outreach to target audiences based on a

defined plan with print and web materials;

enrollments confirmed

Feb. –



Prepare a pre-program survey of

participants’ web mapping knowledge

Survey results compiled, analyzed, and used

to shape pre-program communications with




All program modules and online

content launched

Assessment processes routinely used from

program participants and results shared with

sponsoring organizations as relevant




Goal 7: Evaluate/disseminate project outcomes

Objective Outcome Timeline

Implement dissemination plan Publication of results on RCE web site;

presentations at regional and national

meetings/conferences; poster to CEU



Final project outcomes achieved Final report submitted to Commission Oct. 2016


The Natural Resources Web Mapping Program implementation plan includes leveraging the work of

Chico’s Geographical Information Center (GIC) and the Center for Economic Development (CED), and the

expertise of the new Advisory Group representatives. The online instructional content will be hosted on RCE’s

Moodle learning management system, with instructional design, project management support, and online

resource management facilitated by RCE staff and contractors. The collaboration of all three entities will result

in the creation and launch of the web-based NorCal Geospatial Mapping iLibrary to facilitate natural

resources web mapping training updates and support public agency and industry decision-making. RCE will

also host the online resource site. The pilot launch will provide a rich test feedback on all aspects of the module

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Natural Resources Web Mapping Program CEU Proposal 9

content for revision and refinement before full program launch to a broad number of interested natural resource

and workforce development entities. A full program outreach campaign will be implemented in the spring of

2016 utilizing the marketing expertise of RCE and extensive network of CED, RCE, and GIC contacts.

Key Personnel Responsibilities

Debra Barger – Dean, Regional &

Continuing Education

Project Lead: Responsible for overall project management,

including budget, project evaluations, mid-year and final

report to the Commission

Jason Schwenkler – Director,

Geographical Information Center

Instructor, Program Development, and Industry/Agency

Outreach: Responsible for developing module content

including business case scenarios and marketing strategies

Peter Hansen – Lecturer, CSU, Chico

Department of Geography and


Instructor and Program Development: Responsible for

developing competency assessments and contributor to

program content


The ultimate impact of the program will be a diverse population of Northstate residents employed

due to greater understanding and use of natural resources through effective deployment of geospatial

technologies. Educating decision makers in businesses and public agencies and providing them better

knowledge to wield natural resources web mapping tools could have significant impact on one of the most

critical resources facing California today: water. The program provides an opportunity to explore the

potential for student research and internships, particularly among the non-profit natural resources groups

related to water resource management.


The results of the Natural Resources Web Mapping Program project will be disseminated through a

wide variety of channels, focused initially on the online NorCal Geospatial Mapping iLibrary. The

preliminary results of the initial pilot modules will be shared at the16th annual Regional Economic Forecast

Conference in January, 2016. A broad range of feedback from the early pilot will be used to revise and focus

the final program and hone its delivery. The online newsletters of the CED and the GIC will be ongoing

communication channels for sharing results with business and government agencies, as well other workforce

Page 11: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

Natural Resources Web Mapping Program CEU Proposal 10

development entities. Other dissemination formats to share best practices include presentations by project

staff at national and regional professional conferences, including the state workforce development

conference. RCE will facilitate dissemination through the required six month progress report, the final

project evaluation report, and a poster session at a Commission meeting. Final project results will be shared

as desired with workforce development One Stop agencies in the Northstate, and any other information or

copies of marketing materials will be available to the Commission.


The means for assessing program development outcomes include industry, government, and participant

feedback on the quality of the face-to-face and online content, plus the scope of interactive features

developed to support the content. The planned pilot of the modules will provide timely feedback mid-project

to make adjustments on many curricular components, including length of modules, natural resource cluster

area scenarios, and balance between face-to-face and online content. Learning management system features

will be used to track participant engagement in the online content, measure time invested, and monitor

completion of the embedded competency assessments (including success rates and number of attempts).

Web analytics will provide important details on the use of the multiple components of the NorCal

Geospatial Mapping iLibrary. Program evaluations will include participant feedback as well as pre- and

post-program data collection to measure changes in participants’ use of or plan to use natural resources

geospatial mapping. Tracking the number of participants who complete the program and, as a result, gain

job placement and/or advancement will be an additional key to evaluating the success of the program.

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Natural Resources Web Mapping Program CEU Proposal 11


The Natural Resources Web Mapping Program project seeks $49,950 in Commission funding with

a commitment of $17,407 (26% of project total) in matching funds from Regional & Continuing Education

(RCE), for a project total of $65,182. Commission funds will be used primarily for program development

personnel and contracted services to support outreach and online course content, with lesser amounts to

support the industry/agency Natural Resources Web Mapping Advisory Group functions, plus travel to

workforce and economic development meetings and events that support the project objectives.

Pilot module development will be informed by the Natural Resources Advisory Group to be

convened starting June 2015. Instructional faculty will begin work after July 1 to develop new program

content, develop the competency assessments, and design the natural resources scenarios and video

elements for web mapping applications for natural resources clusters (forestry, water resource management,

drought management, mining, biofuels, and agriculture). Pilot modules will be developed and tested rapidly.

Contracted services include developing branded Moodle LMS templates to allow access to online content

via desktop, tablet, or mobile platforms. Instructional design services will include the conversion of print-

based materials to online format and design for new online content. Video production and editing and

research support are also essential services for which the project seeks Commission support.

The project budget also seeks Commission support for program representatives to consult with

Advisory Board members representing workforce development and well as the identified natural resource

clusters. The final element of the project budget for which Commission funding is requested is for supplies to

support project meetings and general office supplies that will be expended to conduct the collaborative work

of the project performed by RCE, the Geographical Information Center, and the Center for Economic


Once launched, the program will be self-supporting from participant fees. In addition to covering all

direct and indirect costs associated with the offering of the program, CSU, Chico’s incentive model for new

program development, with possible new agency contracts, will generate Research Foundation resources to

support University initiatives.

Page 13: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

Natural Resources Web Mapping Program CEU Proposal 12

California State University

Commission on the Extended University 2015/2016 RFP Budget

Natural Resources Web Mapping Project

CEU Grant


CSU, Chico






Faculty & Staff Salaries


J. Schwenkler (GIC) $12,000

P. Hansen (GIC) $5,000

Technology Staff (.10 ITC) RCE $6,500

Marketing Staff (.05 EESII) RCE $3,000

Benefits $6,800 $3,732

Faculty & Staff subtotal: $23,800 $13,232 $37,032

Student Workers

Salaries $1,150 $500

Benefits $0

Student subtotal: $1,150 $500 $1650


Project & Meeting Supplies $750 $175

Supplies subtotal: $750 $175 $925


CED/SBDC Outreach $2,500

Instructional Design $10,000

Video Production and Editing $8,000

Web Development Services $2,250

Services subtotal: $22,750 $0 $22,750


In-State Travel Outreach/Partnership Development $2,500 $1,500

National Travel Project Dissemination $1,500 $500

Travel subtotal: $1,500 $1,500 $3,500


Advisory Board/Marketing Collateral $1,500

Materials subtotal: $1,500 $1,500

TOTAL $49,950 $17,407 $67,357

74% 26%

Page 14: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

From: Ripke, Dan Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 12:58 PM To: Barger, Debra Subject: Support for Web-Mapping Hybrid Program Dear Debra, The Center for Economic Development (CED) and Northeastern California SBDC program (NEC SBDC) at CSU, Chico are excited to work with you on your Natural Resource Web Mapping Hybrid Program. Over the past 29 years we have worked closely with the businesses and communities leaders across 23 Northeastern California counties. Decisions are made each day on the allocation of scarce resources, decision that impact the future of the environment and the economy, decision which cannot be delay, and are often made is a vacuum of accurate, local, empowering information. Advancements made of the past 5-10 years in availability and access to information have been revolutionary. Your proposed Natural Resource Web Mapping Hybrid Program offers the promise of a more prepare local workforce capable of supporting regional decision making. Our office has built strong, close, trusted relationship with regional business and communities leaders. Our monthly e-newsletter is read by thousands across the 23 county region. Our 6 outreach offices are available to support your program. Additionally, we have close relationships with regional communities colleges (which often offer the only reliable, high speed internet access computer labs in the remote communities of this region. The proposed scope of work aligns well with the scope of work of both the CED (empowering community leaders with information) and NEC SBDC (building strong regional economies through entrepreneurship), and we look forward to working with you on this exciting project! Sincerely, Dan Ripke Director The Center for Economic Development and the Northeastern California SBDC California State University, Chico (530) 898-4598

Page 15: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

State of California -The Natural Resources Agency EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Governor


th Street

Sacramento, CA 95814 http://www.dfg.ca.gov

Conserving California’s Wildlife Since 1870

February 13, 2015

President Karen Haynes

Chair, CSU Commission on the Extended University

Office of the Chancellor

401 Golden Shore

Long Beach, CA 90802-4210

Dear President Haynes,

I am very pleased to offer my full support for the development of the Natural Resources Web

Mapping Hybrid Program proposed by CSU, Chico. With important funding from the CSU

Commission on the Extended University, we can collaborate on essential workforce

development to create a pipeline of GIS-skilled workers in natural resources management for

far Northern California.

Current workforce training and related administrative infrastructures do not harness modern

technology to facilitate wide access nor do they adopt training models to enhance change. This

excellent program would leverage the power of an integrated, regional approach to improve

workforce development across county lines for lasting employment. A hybrid delivery mode

effectively bridges both the huge rural area of the Northstate and the cutting edge technologies

associated with geospatial web mapping for the region’s largest industry. The increasing

demand for readily available, consistent geographic information offers opportunities for more

entry-level workers which the proposed modular program can address.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has previously partnered with CSU, Chico on

geospatial technology applications and look forward to expand on this mutually beneficial relationship

for more effective natural resources management.


Steve Schoenig - Branch Chief

Biogeographic Data Branch


[email protected]

Page 16: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

Working to promote resource, social and economic benefits in the counties of Butte, Colusa, Glenn and Tehama

February 17, 2015 


President Karen Haynes 

Chair, CSU Commission on the Extended University 

Office of the Chancellor 

401 Golden Shore 

Long Beach, CA 90802‐4210 



Dear President Haynes, 


I am pleased to offer my support for the development of the Natural Resources Web 

Mapping Hybrid Program proposed by California State University, Chico.  With 

important funding from the CSU Commission on the Extended University, we can 

collaborate on essential workforce development to create a pipeline of GIS‐skilled 

workers in natural resources management for far Northern California.  


We understand how important it is for our natural resource conservationists to 

effectively communicate information about their activities.  These activities not only 

promote and preserve our natural environment, but also serve as a basis for economic 

expansion.  A better trained workforce allows more employers to view our communities 

as places where they can do business.  A better environment brings visitors who not 

only enjoy experiential recharge and recreation, but also spend money which further 

supports and grows our local economy.  This is our focus at the CSVRC&D Council and 

we fully support complementary efforts that improve conservation and tourism. 


We look forward to expand on this mutually beneficial relationship for more effective natural 

resources management.  




 Warren Jensen 


Central Sacramento Valley RC&D Council 


115 Pine Oaks Road Oroville CA 95966

Page 17: CERTIFICATION IN LOCALIZATION (CIL) · Web mapping technology allows professionals and non-technical users access to geographical data visualizations, maps, and metrics. As recently

February 13, 2015

President Karen Haynes Chair, CSU Commission on the Extended University Office of the Chancellor 401 Golden Shore Long Beach, CA 90802-4210 Dear President Haynes: We are pleased to offer our support for the development of the Natural Resources Web Mapping Hybrid Program proposed by CSU, Chico. With important funding from the CSU Commission on the Extended University, we can collaborate on essential workforce development to create a pipeline of GIS-skilled workers in natural resources management for far Northern California. There is an incredible need for professionals with GIS skills to convey information about important resource management issues in the rural north state. Natural resources are the backbone of our economy and are key to our way of life. We believe the approach envisioned by the CSU, Chico Geographical Information Center will address the challenges of educating a work force that is dispersed across a wide area. It will also provide opportunities to develop technological skills that will increase wages in our region, which suffers disproportionately from low incomes. Our organization has a strong history of working with CSU, Chico, including an intensive research project on local community effects from large scale landscape habitat restoration. The geospatial work force that the Geographical Information Center has applied to our resource management issues has proven extremely valuable to our mission of establishing a continuous riparian corridor on the Sacramento River. We believe that enhancing the ability of resource managers to convey geospatial information is an excellent investment in workforce development and will improve discourse on many important issues in our region. Sincerely,

Jane Dolan Executive Director

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