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LEARN – DAY 4Construction Foundation Course

Page 2: CFC Day 4

• Check-in: Shake hands. Remind students to pick up binders and sit where they were yesterday in their temporary Work Teams. Start class.

5 minutes - Review the day:

Review the day’s activities from the list on the board or chart paper.

Check in

Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)7:30 AM - 10:30 AM - 1

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10 minutes - Previous day quiz

• The approach used in the next activity is called Tournament Quiz. In tournament style, the Teams prepare just like they have for previous oral quizzes, but you choose one member from each team to represent the team as a whole. You can unpack this activity in the “Try” section of this lesson or link to the Tournament Quiz Strategy to learn more.

Tournament Quiz

Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)7:30 AM - 10:30 AM - 2

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170 minutes

• You have almost 3 hours to do these tours. You will want students to see examples of every occupation available within the CTT programs offered on center. So you want to schedule several facilities to ensure all the programs are represented, for example, a combination of two or more of the following: an HVAC/insulation or solar panel installation, a welding/fabrication shop, a commercial building site, and/or a residential building site. Ask the facility to specifically mention the occupations available for which your center provides training and to leave approximately 10 minutes at the end for questions. When you finalize the logistics, email the facility contact the handout students will have (see below). Make transportation arrangements.

Workplace Tours

Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)7:30 AM - 10:30 AM - 3

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• Before leaving on the tours, give each student a clipboard and a handout with a series of questions to be answered appropriate to the tours—and one question they will be prepared to ask. For example, if you are visiting a commercial building site, the handout might include the following questions, with room to write the answers:

- How many different construction trades or different kinds of work do see?

- What are some safety practices you see? Are the workers wearing any special equipment?

- What personal qualities do you think a construction worker needs?- Does this work look interesting to you?

• Your question to ask: _____________________________________________• The answer: _____________________________________________________

Workplace Tours

Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)7:30 AM - 10:30 AM - 4

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• Instruct students to think of a question to ask and write it down. When the tour ends and students have a chance to ask questions, they should check to see if their question has already been answered. If so, they should write in the answer. If not, they should ask the question and then write in the answer. (No question should be asked twice, so students need to pay close attention.) Students complete the handout during the tour and place it in their binder when they return to the classroom.

Workplace Tours, continued.

Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)7:30 AM - 10:30 AM - 5

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15 minutes

• Preparation for the employers: Bringing employers in for a short presentation has many benefits, but it does require some preparation, such as the following:

- Send clear directions to the location, including parking.

- Set a clear timeline, e.g., Your presentation will start at 10:50 a.m. Please take no more than 10 minutes for your talk plus 5 minutes more for questions.

- Provide a guideline for the presentation. This can be an AO that you develop for students; see example at the in Part II, Chapter 4 Resources.

- Arrange for an appropriate student (not necessarily from Foundation Course) to meet the Employer and guide him/her to the classroom.

Preparation for Employer Presentations

Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)10:30 AM - 11:30 AM - 1

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• Preparation for the students: Students will greatly benefit from instruction and practice in interfacing with an employer. Take this time to:

- Practice an appropriate greeting, e.g., Good morning, Mr. Harris. My name is _______. We really appreciate your taking time from your busy schedule to speak with us today.

- Practice shaking hands.

- Write down one question to ask. Practice asking the question. 

Preparation for Employer Presentations

Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)10:30 AM - 11:30 AM - 2

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• Tell students that, when the employer enters the room, you will call on one person to do the greeting and hand-shaking, so the scenario may look like this:

- Student guide bringing speaker in: [Your name], this is Mr. Harris who is speaking to your class today.

- You: I’m very happy to meet you, Mr. Harris. Anthony?

- Anthony: Good morning Mr. Harris. My name is Anthony. We…. etc.

Preparation for Employer Presentations

Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)10:30 AM - 11:30 AM - 3

• By using Wait Time to delay the announcement of who will be the greeter, all students are practicing aloud and silently in case their name is called.

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45 minutes

• Students hear from two presenters and complete their AOs for each. The instructor calls for Model Notes.

Employer Presentations

Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)10:30 AM - 11:30 AM - 4

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Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)11:30 PM – 12:30 PM

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30 minutes

• Career aptitude test and interpretation. Use your normal aptitude test and presentation on interpretation. When done, begin pull-outs for individual students to meet with their counselor/case manager to complete the PCDP according to the schedule you’ve developed.

30 minutes

• Evaluation of Student Progress and Foundation Exit Exam. Create an AO for your presentation on the Evaluation of Student Progress (ESP). Because the Exit Exam is an addition to the ESP, you’ll want to add that to your presentation. In the materials in Part II, Chapter 4 Resources, there is a presenter outline and a student AO for the Foundation Course Exit Exam presentation. Choose Model Notes. Continue the pull-outs for counselor/case manager PCDP meetings.

• Stretch Break

Test and Exam Interpretation

Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)12:30 PM – 1:30 PM - 1

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15 minutes

• Information about the local community. Create an AO for your normal presentation on the local community. Choose Model Notes. Continue the pull-outs for counselor/case manager PCDP meetings.

95 minutes

• Diversity (CSS g). You have the rest of this hour and one more hour after break for this topic. Create a presentation and an AO for a presentation on diversity and activities on Diversity related to the Construction industry. Choose Model Notes. Continue the pull-outs for Counselor PCDP meetings. Be sure to give a clear description of the term “diversity,” as students will be making an Active Vocabulary card for this word later today.


Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)1:30 PM – 3:30 PM - 1

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• This hour allows you to solidify student understanding of how to create and use the Vocabulary cards.

• Have students create cards for these three terms: Conflict Resolution, Diversity, and Aptitude.

• Follow the steps in “Vocabulary” in Appendix A, the “Try” section of this lesson, or link to Flashcards study techniques to learn more.

Solidify Vocabulary Skills

Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)3:30 PM – 4:30 PM - 1

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5 minutes

• Reflection. See procedures for Day 1 above.

• Out the door: Remind students to pick up Model Notes for any session they missed. Have them show you that they completed their Reflection and then ask them put their binder on the class shelf. Shake hands on the way out.

• Questions for Week 1 Quiz: Choose two areas from today’s presentations and activities. Create 2 multiple choice questions, like those shown for Day 1, that focus on the most important information in those areas..


Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)3:30 PM – 4:30 PM - 3

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Week One: Day 4 (Thursday)AFTER HOURS

• Dorm life presentation/activities. Please also remind students that the Computer Lab is open so they can complete their individual IT plans this week. Beginning in Week 2, there will be after hours assignments that will take 1-1.5 hours each evening.

• Open Computer Lab. The Computer Lab will be open continuously for at least 1 hour in the evening, preferably 3 hours.

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END If you continue to click forward, you will see links to presentations of similar content available through


Content prepared for the National Office of Job Corps through Contract No. DOLJ111A21695 Job Corps Professional Development Support - KUCRL

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