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Page 1: CFeb 2 No. 189 Pearl street. 10/New York... · fci, brig Dingleys, 36 days from Bath for St. Jago. 14th, lat 32 30, Ion 69 30, schr Blake, from Bal timore. Off Cape Hatteras, fell

if' I w i - i f - t r - » ~ P - * •


There u*tm*aaTe_mttng ice in tba bay and Narrow*.

10. A. M. A brig coming up. 10 15. An berniaphrodite brig beating in. Sailed thii morning, •hip* Gen. Brown, Skiddy,

for Cadiz; Braganza, Roger*, for Liverpool ; Globe, for Dublin; brigs Morning Star, for Gree­nock ; Rebecca ft Salty, for Curraooa; Orleans, for ; Schr* Nancy, for St John, N.B.; Fair-Play, Kemble, for Aux Cayea j Packet, for ——*

The Steam-boat Nautilus ha* towed out the •hip Morning Star.

Steam-beat Enterprize ha* towed out the ship Augusta, for Canton.

ARRIVED LAST EVENING. Schr Leader, Gerrish, 6 day* from Portland,

with rum, to P Fish. Sloop Rising Sun, Williams, 28 days from

Point Petre, with molasses, to A ft R Pease and Co. of Middletown. Left, Dec. 26th, brigs Han­nah, Beecher, for New Haven, loading; Mary, Gardner, for Portland, 25 day*; Elmira, Stetson, for Hamden, 15; schrs Rapid, Childs, for New-hern, 3 ; PearL Grimes, Hartford, just arrived.— Spoke, Jan. 2, brig Hope, Watkins, 18 days from Alexandria for St. Domingo. 3d, lat 22, loug fci, brig Dingleys, 36 days from Bath for St. Jago. 14th, lat 32 30, Ion 69 30, schr Blake, from Bal­timore. Off Cape Hatteras, fell in with and hoarded the wreck of a large sloop, with white side* and'billet head, could not ascertain her name. Jan. 21,13 miles from the Hook, experi­enced a heavy gale from N. W.—split the main­sail, jib and trysail, and lay under bare poles for three days, the ice making so fast as to render us in danger of sinking—all hands so frozen as not to be able to stand. Off the Hook, was spoken by the pilot boat Grand Canal, and supplied with two men and necessaries. Came into the Hook 28th. Above the quarantine ground, lost the best bower cable and anchor by the ice—drifted down nearly to the Narrows, and was taken in tow by the steam boat Nautilus and brought up to the quarantine dock. Got up to town yesterday.

BOSTON, Jan. 30.—Arrived, brig Thomas, Row, 43 days from Surinam.

Came up from below, brig Orleans, from New-Orleans.

Schr Leo, recently ashore below, has got off and ha* arrived at Rainsford's Island. The schr Dennis lap enclosed in the ice near Nantasket Gut

HOLMES'S HOLE, Jan. 2a—Arrived, schr Only Son, 24 days from Cape Haytien for Bos­ton.

Brig James Monroe was carried ashore at the east of this harbor last night, by the ice, but will probably be got off without damage or expense.

Schr Cyrus, fehillabcr, 35 days from Maran-ham, for Salem.

At Tarpaulin Cove, ship Hope, 44 days from St Salvador, for Providence.

29th—Brig Abeona, Bright, 35 dap from Curraooa, for Boston. Left, 24th ult U. S. brig Spark, to sail next day; brigs Eliza, Waring, from New-York, just arrived; Fanny, Baker, New-York, 14 days, repairing.

Brig Favorite, Winsor, 65 days from Palermo, for Boston. Left, brigs Sicily, Bradford, for Mes­sina, in 30 days; Echo, Hedge, for Boston, wait­ing rargo. Passed Gibraltar Dec. 20th, and saw the United States ships Constitution and Ontario lying there.

EARTHEN W A R E - 6 4 crate, of Weil as-sorted Earthenware, receiv ed per brig Nap-

tone, for sale by DIVIEBETHUNEfcCO:

Fe 2 92 Coffee House slip. cut Nails


CUT NAILS ft BRADS—350 and Brad*, assorted sizes, for tale in quan­

tities to tuit purchasers, by CEBRA ft CUMING,

Feb 2 106 Pearl street.

SPRING GOODS.—Just received par Amity and Martha-

Rich Chintz and Plate Furniture* Cotton Ferrets, 6-4 Cotton Checks Wonted Shoe it Quality Binding*, in separate

packages Carlile Ginghams Holt'* Sewing Cotton, in skeins Superior 4 cord Cotton Thread, in bobbins Cotton Bandannas, Cotton Flag Hdkfs. 4-4 and 9-8 buff and purple Shawls Tabby Velvets, all choice colours—for sale by

the package, by O. PURDY ft CO. No. 2 Burling-slip.

ALSO—an extensive assortment of Scotch Sheetings, Ducks, Dowlas, Threads, ftc.

Feb 2 2w

T—AR.—500 b'rls. Wilmington Tar, received per Hero, for sale by

Feb 2 J. W. RUSSELL,

90" Pine street


G. HERRING, having removed, for a short time, from No. 3 Phoenix Stores to 174

Broadway, now offers to the trade, on the most liberal term?, a select assortment of English Thread Lace,Edguigs, and Footings, of every de-scripton. Also, an assortment of men's and wo­men's black Kid Gloves ; English black Silk Hose and Gloves, and English Silk Twist, of the first quality. Feb 2 Iw

E BUS3 ft E. WHITE, No. 118 Broadway, • have this day published, An Universal

History, from the beginning of the world to the Empire of Charlemagne, by M. Bossuel, trans­lated from the 13th edition of the original, by Mr. Ephilitone.

Also for sale, The Troubadour, and other Poems, by John C. MXJaU, price 37 1-2 cents.


ASUPPLY of French Copper-plate Paper, of a superior quality, received and for sale by

HENRY I. MEGAREY, 96 Broadway.

ALSO—Parchment, of a large size, for Deeds, itc itc.; Vellum do do. White and Green.


THE TROUBADOUR, and other Poems, by John C. M'Call, just received and for sale

by F. it R. LOCKWOOD, Feb 2 154 Broadway.


OF the practice of SURGERY; designed as an introduction for students, and a concise

book of reference for practitioners, with sixteen copper plates, by Samuel Cooper, late surgeon to the forces, member of the College of Surgeons, itc. with notes by A. H. Stevens. M. D. Surgeon of the New York Hospital, itc. ftc.; 2 vols 8vo. for sale by COLLINS ft CO,

Feb 2 No. 189 Pearl street.

COTTON—23 bales prime Alabama Cotton* new crop, landing from brig Tybee, for sale

by CEBRA & CUMING, _FeJ 106 Pearl street.

UT NAILS & BRADS.—500 casks assorted viz. 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d, 8d, 10d, 12d, 20d, c sizes,


On Monday evening, will be presented, Shak-spcare's play of the <ecoud part of

HBNRY 4th. with the

tuRO.VATM.v OF MESHY 5TH. Henry 4th, Mr. Maywood Prince of Wales, Pritcliard Earl of Westmoreland, Woodhull Sir John FaUrtaff, * Kent Shallow, Barnes

To which will be Added, the Farce of the SPOILED CHILD.

Tag, Mr. Cowell Maria, Miss Chamberlain

O" Performance to commence at half past six o'clock.

CITY DISPENSARY. ' 83* To-morrow evening, should the weather

prove favourable, the sermon may be expected which was to have been preached last Sunday by the Rev. Mr. Mathews, in the Garden-street church,and a collection taken up for the benefit of the City Dispensary. Service to commence at half past 6 o'clock- feb2 It

NOTICE. D * A Sermon will be delivered by the Rev.

Mr. El dredge, from St. Martha's Vineyard, (Mass) in the Rev. Dr. Spring's Church, to-morrow evening, at the usual hour of worship. After which, a Collection will be taken up for the sup­port of the gospel in that island.

Fe 2 It* B_~ The Annual Meeting of the Protestant

Episcopal Tract Society, will take place in Trini­ty Church, on Tuesday next 5th inst. at 7 o'clock, P. M. when the Annual Report will be read, and an election be held for a fltiasd of Managers for the ensuing year.

Members of the Society, and others favorable to the objects of the Society, are respectfully re­quested to attend.


O* STEPHEN HOLT has removal his well known establi«hmenr*to the new four story brick building, No. 23 FPLTOW, commit or WATKR-STRSJKT ; where he will be happy in accommoda­ting his friends and the public, with Boarding, Lodging, Breakfasts, Dinners and Suppers, either separately or in parties, and he flatters himself he -hall give perfect satisfaction.

Passengers arriving in the city can at all times be accommodated. No situation in New York is more favorable and convenient for masters and mates of vessels.

At the particular request of a number of gen­tlemen in this city, he has ojiened an ORDINA­RY up stairs, where he will supply Breakfast', from 8 to 10 A. M. and Dinners from 1 to 3 P. M.

I he azures those who visit him, that no pains or expense will be spared to furnish the table with every variety the market affords. He also deems it necessary to inform his friends and cus­tomers, that he has taken considerable pains in <*mplo7taghn assistants, to select those that are active, pleasing, neat and attentive.

%* nhwketmen and Long Island people will find it to their advantage, to call, as they will be furnished with sufficient store room for thei r nro-dnce, Itc. gratis, by applying at No. 22 Fulton *M*X F e « l w

For SAVANNAH, The ship WILLIAM, capt Budd, will 1 on Tuesday, the 5th inst. For freight JTOr«?Ul,bwttd» a t P i e r No- 12» — R-CAMBRELENG ft PEARSON,

67 South street ^AlVtEbt^PTRCHASE;

,_JF_dBRl° or "CHRofSS 7to 1200 bis burthen, well found, and not to

exceed 3 years old, and calculated to accommo­date H O T 15 passengers. For further particulars apply to G. G. ft S. HOWLAND,

_ " » 67 Washington st.


IVERPOOL New Pit Scotch, Kendal, Kil­kenny, Newcastle and Virginia Coab, all

« the first quality, are now delivering at 76 Nas-**a street m rear of the Theatre, and at 274 Protit street, where orders will be thankfully re­ceived, and executed with dispatch, by _ j _ b 2 6t ~ A . FRASER.


HE subscriber* having made favourable ar­rangements for freight of Flaxseed to se­

n s _ 2 ^ b ^ P o r t ? i n Ireland for that article. ™«y offer to receive it on eensignment,*hip it, and ™»*e liberal advances on i t and guarantee the wises to which it may be consigned, if immedi-»'e application is made to them at No. 7 Broad st

* • * Iw Hy, * GEO. BARCLAY.


On Friday the 8th inst Valuable property on Hudson-street.

Two lots oil the west side of Hodson-tt immediately above the square, and adjoining the two new houses of William BurtseU, between Vestry and Desbrosses streets. One of said lots is 22 feet front by 100 feet deep. The adjoining one to the north of it is 22 by 75.

ALSO, One lot with a house on it,on Desbrosses street,

25 feet front by 87 feet 6 inches deep. Said tots are on lease from Trinity Church for 41 years yet to come, without ground rent and are situa­ted in the most improving part of the city.

ALSO, in fee simple, A lot on Mulberry street, near the Cathedral,

20 feet wide by 108 deep. Half the amount may remain on mortgage. Feb 2

The following real estate wdl be of­fered for sale on Wednesday, tlie 6th of February, at the Tontine Coffee House,

y uuiiGS k THOMPSON, viz:— The property situate at the comer of Broad and

Beaver streets, formerly occupied by William Cargill; bounded southerly on Beaver street 83 feet; easterly on Broad street 49 feet 7 inches; northerly 81 feet 2 1-2 inches, and westerly 53 feet; with the buildings thereon.

ALSO, two vacant lots in Greenwich-st Nos. 403 ft 405, between Beach and Hubert-sts. and adjoining the dwelling house of Richard Burchan. The lots are" each 25 feet front and 100 feet deep.

Also, a two story brick front house and lot of ground, 25 feet front and 100 feet deep, situate in Rivington street between Attorney and Arundel streets. Feb 2


•J •



For NEW-ORLEANS, The substantial and Hut sailing

.CADMUS, Saml. Rice, master, has y ail her cargo engaged, and will sail on Sunday

next For balance of freight, or passage, apply on board, west side Flymarket wharf, or to

JOHN W. RUSSELL, Fe 1 90 Piae street.

_ ^ A l

For SAVANNAH, The fast sailing regular packet ship UGU8TA, D. Wood, master, bavin*

half her cargo engaged and going on board, will positively sad on Sunday next weather permit­ting. For the remainder of freight, or passage, having superior accommodations, r.pply on board, between Pine-street and Murray's wharf, or to

WM. WHITLOCK, Jr. Jan 31 71 South-street.

apply to Jan 31

For ST. CROIX. The substantial fast sailing ship VIR­

GINIA, Newman, master, will be dis-iu a few days—For freight or passage,

READE ft DEPEYSTER, " ' lw 31 Old-slip.


*••«( HI

FOR SALE or LEASE (very reason-able)—A new 2-story brick front House,

with a oack building—situated on First s t a few doors from the corner of the First Avenue-^-now occupied by Mr. Geo. W. Pitman, containing nine rooms, two kitchens and two cellars, with every convenience for one or two familes. The Lot is 25 by 100 feet with a 3 feet alley leading to the street If not disposed of before, it will be sold at auction on the 7th February, at 0»e Coffee House, by Franklin and Min turn. Apply to

CORNS. DUBOIS, Alto, for Sale or Lease—A three-story brick

HOUSE, at Newburgh, now occupied by Mr. Chrystie. Apply as above, or to Mr. Samuel Wil­liam v*t Newbnrgh. Fe 2 lOt

W\R SALE OR LEASE, That spacious and elegant building,

the Commercial Hotel, No. 119 Pearl st a breadth of the house is 40 feet by 60 deep;

contains about :W room?, and the situation equal j to any in the city for a profitable hotel, or could at.a small expense, lie converted into two dwel­lings or stores, as a brick wall divides the budd­ing about the centre.

Also, the substantial brick store in the rear, on Sloat lane, four stories, 40 feet square, which could likewise, be diverted into two stores, at a very small expense, The terms will be accom­modating. Apply at No. I l l Broadway.


A new 3-«tory fire proof brick STORE, with counting Rooms in the first and se­

cond story, and would answer well for an import­er of dry goods; will be let at a very reasonable rate, and possession given when required. Ap­ply to P. L. MILLS ft CO.

Feb 2 58 Wall-street No. 44 WALL-STREET.

This valuable property is to be sold on Tuesday at the Tontine Coffee House,

I .o'clock, by Hoffman, Glass ft Co. Feb 2 2t

25d, 30d and 50d Nails, and 6d, 8d, 10d, 12d and 20d Brads, landing and for sale by

JOSEPH OSBORN, Feb 1 51 South street.


On Monday, 4th inst. at 12 o'clock, at tlie Ton-

Mt me Coffee House.

The four story brick House and Store, No. 214 in Pearl-street The store is il convenient and a valuable stand for

business. The House (besides the Store) has 11 rooms, and a good kitchen—is in good order, and replete with every convenience for a large family —with a gateway into Fletcher-street

Abo—The three story Fire Proof Store, No. 4 Fletcher-street, (adjoining the rear of the House,) a good stand for business, and is calculated for one or more Officers.

See advertisement in the Evening Post and Gazette, signed, THOS. BOLTON, Master in Chancery. Feb 1 2t#

HOUSES TO LET, The large and commodious 3-story

hrick house, No. 24 Cherry street n**1" e r ratikiin Bank ; has just been put in com­

plete order, and has every convenience for a large family. Possession maybe had on the 20th of A-pril, if required.

ALSO, The two story frame building, No. 18 Cherry-

street a t present occupied as a cabinet ware house. Possession on the 1st May.

ALSO, For sale, or to let, the two story brick front

house, No. 211 Water street uear Fulton Mar­ket It has been put in good repair, for the re­ception of a genteel family.

ALSO, The three story frame building, No. 298 Wa­

ter street at present occupied by A. L. Degreve, as a hat store, having a hatters shop in the rear. Possession given on the 1st May. For terms, ap­ply to GEORGE YOULE,

296 Water street or 24 Cherry street. Feb 1 tf


For Valparaiso, Lima, kr. The new coppered ship POTOSI, S.

,6110101, master, to sail in two weeks, ha-ving most of her freight engaged. For freight or passage, having fine accommodations, apply on board, west side Burling slip, or to

N. L. ft G. GRISWOLDS, Ja 29 86 South-street.

FOR FREIGHTM^ffARTER, The substantial brig TRIDENT, Bum-

_£ham, master, 212 tons burthen, carries a rge cargo and sails well, Apply to

JOSEPH OSBORN, Ja29 51 SouUi street

For LONDON, The fast sailing coppered ship COMET,

, master, having her cargo mostly engaged, will meet immediate dispatch. For freight of 100 bales cotton or other freight of equal bulk, or passage, having handsome accommoda­tions, apply on board, at Pine-st wharf, or to

GRISWOLDS ft COATES, Jan 26 68 South-street

For Freight or Charter. The schr DOLPHIN, Nichols, master,

(burthen 140 tons, is in fine order and ly to receive a cargo. Apply to the master

oft board, at Coffee House slip, or to CAMBRELENG ft PEARSON,

Jan 24 67 South-street

NEWBURYPORT RUM—25 hhds. in store, for sale by JOHN W. RUSSELL,

Febl 90 Pine street

BEANS, HOPS, &c. 17 tierces White Beans; 6 bales New Hops; 35001b. Havana Coff-

forsaleby O. MAURAN,

NEW-YORK FORUM. •: M tT On Saturday the 2nd of Feb. the New-York

Forum will be opened for thebeoefitof the Soci­ety for the relief of Respectable Med indigent Fe­males; 00 which occasion Col. Chas. K. Gard­ner, and Dr. Valentine Mott, will preside. An address will be delivered, and the following ques­tion discussed, vis:

" Whick acquires the more lasting Feme, the Hero or the Phtlanthrophist f*

The speakers on this occasion, will be Messrs. Mead, Ludlow, Greenwood, Bixby, Vonduza, Rogers, Church, and Romaine.

A Ticket will admit but one person, and can be had of S. Gould, corner of Wall and Broad-streets; at Gould ft Banks, corner of Spruce and Nassau streets; at tlie Bar of Washington Hall; and of the officers and members of the two Socie­ties.

H. M. WESTERN, President. W. Romaine, SecVy. N. B. Discussion to commence at 6o'clock. Feb 1

TO THE PUBLIC. (J_- The Society for ttie relief of respectable,

aged, indigent Females have the pleasure to in­form the public, that the NEW YORK FORUM has granted them the proceed* of one night's dis­cussion, in aid of the funds of their Institution, which are how almost exhausted, and the objects to whom they are accustomed to extend their charity, in want of that comfort which they hare never before failed to receive.

On this occasion the charitable have an oppor­tunity of adding amusement to benevolence, and it is hoped this appeal to their liberality will not be in vain. Au address will be delivered on be­half of the society, by the President of the Forum, and a very interesting question extensively dis­cussed.

Tickets 25 cents each, (admitting but one per­son,̂ to be had of R. Maynard, 1st Directress, 41 Beekman street; M. Dominick, 2d do. 31 Cher­ry street.

For further particulars see the advertisement of the New York Forum. Jan 28

NOTICE. *~ SIT All persons having demands against die es­

tate of James Chivvis, deceased, are requested to present them for settlement; and all persons indebted to the same are desired to call and make payment, at the office of P. Snyder, No. 92 Antho­ny street, near Broadway.


F e l 6 t

Febl 8 Fulton street

RUSSIA TALLOW—20 casks, for sale by P.REMSEV&CO.

Jan 31 26 South st

w EW ORLEANS SUGAR—130 hhds. New Orleans Sugar, for sale in lots to *uit pur­

chasers, by GOODHUE ft CO. Jan 31 44 South street.

-A few boxes Russia

Monday, 4tbFeh. At 12 o'clock, ai the Tontine Coffee Howe, the

house and lot occupied by the sntscriher, No 196 Fulton street (near Greenwich street) being a neat and substantial two story fire proof house, af­fording every accommodation for a genteel fami­ly, and containing many advantage*, made for •uch purpose a* may be better explained on a view thereof, Oian described in an advertisement The lot is 25 feet 7 inches front and re**t mad 78 feet deep, including the alley on the west thereof.

Also, a brick front house and lot No. 39 Antho­ny street, with the several back buildings ou the' rear thereof. This lot is 25 feet front and rear, and 100 feet deep, and has the privilege of a cart- « way of 8 feet leading from the rear thereof to Chaple street, and thus affording convenient room for a stable in the rear, in front of the alley. The premises now rent for $360.

Also, the House No. 535 Greenwich street, (now in the possession of Joel West) with the un­expired term of 45 years to come of the lot of ground, free of any ground rent during the tame. The house is a neat new two story brick house, with folding doors and marble chimney places be­low, and in other respects affording every conve­nience for a large family, having tea rooms, be­sides a kitchen and pantries, _c. or otherwise suitable convenience and accommodation for two families, if required for such purpose, being built with every conoenience of bedroom and pantries accordingly.

Friday, 8th February, 12 o'clock, at tiie T. C. H. the substantial three

story brick house, No. 75 Market street (or slip) belonging to the estate of David Logan, deceased; being sold by order of tlie Surrogate, and under the direction of the executor?, for tiie purpose of paying the debts due by said estate. The tale will be peremptory.

JOHN BYER8, Auctioneer.

A house with 12 acres of land, situat-,ed in the village of Oysterbay, (L. I.) the

tame from the city is about 32 miles, and in the summer season, there is a communication by sta­ges and steam boat twice a week. The house is pleasantly situated in the' centre of the village, and might be advantageously converted into a spacious boarding house. The barn and other out houses are all in good repair. For further par­ticulars enquire of R. D. Weeka, 312 Pearl street or B. T. UNDERHILL, Oyster Bay.

Feb 1 lm» TO RENT,

The neat modern built 3-story bouse No. 74 Leonard street replete with eve­

ry family convenience; and having been newly repaired and painted, is a desirable residence for a genteel family. Apply to J. SWORDS, No. 87 Leonard street Feb 1

TO LET, From the 1st of May next, two three

story marble front houses, in Bond street Apply to Prime, Ward & Sands, 42 Wall street

Ja31 tf

RUSSIA QUILLS^-Quills, for sale by

PETER REMSEN ft CO. Jan 31 26 South street

ALABAMA COTTON.—26 square bales Ala­bama Cotton, a very superior lot, this day

received per brig Tybee, from Mobile, and for sale by ROGERS ft GRACIE,

Ja 31 " 5 6 South street

EPSOM SALTS.—8 bbls of Epsom Salts just received per brig Joseph, and for sale at

No. 7 Broad s t _Jan3l H. ft G.BARCLAY.

C_"OLMENAR WINE.—50 qr. casks, of sua*-

rior quality, just landing from schr Harriet, from Malaga, for sale by

CAMBRELENG ft PEARSON, Jan 31 67 South st

_T JNO. BRADISH, having been admitted Solicitor in Chancery, and Attorney, Proctor, ftc. in the District Court of the United States, wul receive appointments as agent in said courts. Dated Utiea, Jan. 30, 1822.

Feb 1 D&C2t O* A stated meeting of the Trustees of Colum­

bia College, will be held ou Monday next the 4th of February, at 10 o'clock, A. M. in tlie College. * CLEMENT C. MOORE, Clerk.

Jan 31 3t A CARD.

O" In consequence of the storm, the discussion of the New York Forum, for the benefit of the So­ciety for relief of respectable aged indigent fe­males, is postponed until Saturday next, when it will positively take place.

Jan 30 4t H. M. WESTERN, President. NOTICE.

_7* A situation as assistant Teacher wanted, in a genteel School, by a Lady, who has been sometime similarly employed in a respectable Se­minary, in the English and French studies : Sa­tisfactory references will be given. A line ad­dressed to H. F. and left at this Office, will re­ceive attention. Jan 29 lw*



YESTERDAY in going from Maiden Lane through Na=5sau, and by different ways to

Spring-street, a GOLD WATCH, with tortoise shell case, gold chain, &c. The finder will hare a liberal reward by leaving it at No. 21 Maiden-lane.

N. B. Watch makers, jewellers, ftc, are cau­tioned not to purchase the above. Fe 2 3t#

from the drab box

coats ; the one with five cape', and one outside breast pocket, perfectly new; the other but little worn, with six capes, and one outride ami two in­side breast pockets. In the outside pocket of the latter, was a power of attorney from Mrs. Eliza Ludlow, widow of Wm. Ludlow, deceased, to Abraham Lott. Fe 2 3t

VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. For sale at auction, by FRAITKT.IJV &

MIWTPRW, on Thursday, the 7th instant, at 12o'clock, that valuable property, situated on the southerly ride of Water street, between Ca­tharine and Market slips, being part of the estate of John Youle, deceased, and known by the name of Townsend's stores and wharf, consisting of four three story fire proof brick Stores, built in an unusual strong manner, and the ground, which has a front on Water-street 105 feet and runs that width into the East River, as far as the Corporation Grant extends. The superior situation for the storage of goods has always com­manded them a decided preference for that pur­pose, and they may be turned to profitable ac­count in any mercantile business. The wharf has lately been put in complete repair, and vessels of the largest size may lay in safety at it all the year. This part of the city is fast improving and presents to the capitalist a favourable opportuni­ty of vesting his money to advantage. An indis­putable title will be given. For further particu­lars, or to view the premises, apply to


PIANO FORTES—4 handsome square Piano Fortes, just imported and for sale by *

DANIEL OAKEY, 61 William street Ja29 l w

Q UILLS.—5 bales Jan 18

Russia Quills, for sale by W. C. HOLLY ft CO.

SSOLEN, about dusk la«t evening, entry of No. 24 Broadway, two

orpNMgi or to

Feb f

Feb 117 No. 264 Water street.



THE Recreative Magazine, or Eccentricities of Literature and Life. Published in Lon­

don, republished monthly in Boston; at five dol­lars per annum, payable on the publication of the 6th No. or f 4 50 for every 12 numbers, if paid in advance.

Extract from the Prospectus. " In the Recreative Magazine, consisting of ta­

ble talk and light reading, the lounger may skim the surface, or dip into, for knowledge ft amuse­ment ; for we have rarely presumed to scatter the gems of our own genius in these pages : we have simply done (through a life of laborious literary reading) like Julius Ctesar & Tacitus, viz: kept a common place book of the pointed sayings of oth­ers ; the essence of which is now presented, as condensed as possible, bating prolixity ami all its works and ceremony al«o ; for dullness and gravi­ty resemble one another so much that it is hardly possible to distinguish them. Sir Thomas More tells us that the Utopians, both at dinner and sup-per, began with some lecture, that is read to them I but it is so short that it is not tedious or un­easy for them to hear it"

No. 1, received and for »aleby R. NORRIS HENRY,

Feb 2 6t 97 Pearl street

THIS DAY PUBLISHED, at the Bookstore of E. BLISS ft E. WHITE, 128 Broadwav.

No. 194 of the CHRISTIAN HERALD, and Seaman's Magazine, published under the patron­age, of the « Society for promoting the Gospel V mong Seamen," and edited by a member of the beard of Director*. F e 2

Property near the Battery. FOR SALE—The three story brick

House and Lot No. 5 Pearl itreet—the use is 26 feet front and rear and 60 feet deep,

remarkably well built, and possesses every con­venience necessary for the accommodation of a family. The lot extends from Pearl street to Bridge street, on which there is a good brick coach house and stable. There is also a large vault under the latter, and the yard, which will contain fuel for a winter. For terms of sale ap­ply to WM. HENDERSON,

Feb 1 lw No. 1 Pearl-street. TO LET

From the 1st of May next. The modern built three story brick

use No. 76 Leonard street, a few doors west of Broadway; it is roomy and has every conveni­ence for the accommodation of a genteel family. The yard is large and pleasant in which is a well of the best water in the city, a brick cistern, a grass plat "̂̂ a variety of shrubbery. For par­ticulars enquire at No. 86 Leonard street or at No. 99 Pearl street Feb l

TO GROCERS. A Store will be let and a small stock

of Groceries, with all the fixtures neces­sary lor business, are for gale, in a genteel neigh-borliood. The business is good, but the proprietor having other pursuits, wishes to abandon it Pos­session may be had of the store immediately, and a continuance together with the house for the next year, if required. Apply to

R. BLAKE, Hudson-rtreet, Jan 31 tf corner of Duane.

TO SELL OR LET, A House and 20| acres of excellent

.Land, situate in the Village of West-ester, opposite the Friends Meeting House,

and within one minutes walk of the Episcopal Church—13 miles from the City, with a good sta­ble and other out houses. The house is in per­fect order, and very convenient—it may be pro­nounced the best in the Village, and contains three parlours, a kitchen, a small bed-room and pantries on the first floor, seven bed rooms on the second floor, and a cellar under the whole bouse. From the village a stage runs, and boats ply daily to the city. There is a good school and an excellent store in the village, and the butcher and baker come to the house.

Also, in the Village opposite the above, and ad­joining the Friends Meeting House, 14 acres of very excellent land, with a small house and good barn.

Also, within a quarter of a mile of (be Village, beginning at the bridge, and running down West Chester creek, a farm of between 70 ft 80 acres of very good land, with a good farm house, barn, ftc. This place is very well situated, has a command­ing prospect, and having on it a great number of stately forest trees, is capable ofbeing converted into an elegant country seat.

Also, to let, an excellent stone house, stone barn, ftc. The bouse has four rooms, a kitch­en, a small bedroom, pantries, ftc. ftc. on the first floor, and six bed rooms on the 2«1 floor. This House is situate on the East river adjoining the residence of the subscriber, 15 miles by land or water from the oity; boats are every hour pass­ing, and the steam boat stops at the wharf. The premises have been for some years past occupied as a tavern. The situation is not surpassed by any on the East river. '

For terms or further particulars, apply to T. L. OGDEN, No. 17 Nassau-street or at Throgmor-ton, to A. HAMMOND.


For one or more years, the House and grounds, bite of Nichs. De Peyster, de­

ceased, /miles from the city, on the post road to Albany, adjoining the Hudson river, and com­manding a fine view. The house is a large stone building, in the modern style and in good repair. The grounds comprise 23 acres of as good land as any on the island, and in high cultivation.— There are two fine apple orchards, Madeira and walnuts, cherries, asparagus, ftc. on the place, and a fine stream of water running through the land, which falls into the Hudson.

ALSO. A modern built 2-story frame honse, with 10

acres of land, near the above place, in good order and repair; this place is likewise well watered. Gentlemen are invited to call and view the pre­mises. For further particulars enquire of Fran­ces De Peyster, executrix, at the first above nam­ed place. Feb 1 2awtf

GLASS—A constant supply of Window Glass, assorted sizes, for sale in lots to suit purcha­

sers, by CEBRA ft CUMING, Jan 21 106 Pearl street


TAKEN from the HOLT ScRirnram*, in the words of the text, wiOiout note or com­

ment in 3 parts. Part 1. Historical Passages from the Old Tes­

tament, and Lessons from the Psalm*. Part 2d!—Devoted to the attribute* and reve­

lation of God and the morality of the New Testa­ment

Part 3d—Containing the history of the New Testament, the Parables, the sufferings of our Lord, Lessons from the Acts.

Compiled by Stephen Grelet Price 31 cents. For sale by R. NORRIS HENRY,

97 Pearl sheet N. B. These Lessons are so much approved,

that the comptrollers of the public schools in Phi­ladelphia have subscribed for 1000 copies.

Febl eodfit MATHEMATICS.

AGentleman of liberal education, who has been engaged in teaching the Mathematics,

intends giving an evening course of instruction in the various branches of this science. For further information apply at this office.

N. B. The most satisfactory references will be given. Ja26 lw*

LOST on the 26th or 27th of-January ult. on the route from New York to Hackensack, a

small Pocket Book, much worn, containing a-mong other papers, two notes dated Monroe, Ja­nuary Ilth, 1822, each for one hundred dollars, made by Oliver Garrison to James Archer, pay­able the 15th May and 1st December next *><" interest; also, a receipt for $62 60. All persons are forbid taking or negotiating said notes as new notes have been given and payment of them stopt. Three dollars reward will be paid for the notes at No. 13 Na—au-street. Fe 1 3t


ANUMBER of valuable Farms are offered for sale, in the vicinity of Woodbridge, West-

field ft Milton, in the state of New-Jersey. Per­sons disposed to purchase, may see a particular description of them in the New-Jersey Journal and Elizahethtown Gazette. For further infor­mation, apply to the subscriber at his residence in Elizabethtown. THOMAS SALTER.

Elizahethtown, 1st Feb. 1322.

TO LET, The convenient three story brick

House, No. 52 Pine-street; ha* an office in the basement story, and a good cistern in the yard, to which is a passageway.

The premises are in good repair, and possession can be had immediately. Apply at 220 Pearl-itreet Jan 31 lw*

TO LET, The pleasant and healthy country

seat on Love-lane, lately occupied by ason. The house is large and convenient;

and the ground (about 7 acres) is advantageously laid out, and abundantly stocked witii the choicest fru it trees and shrubs. Apply to J. OOTHOU T, 75 Chamber street. Jan 31 tf

TO LET, From the 1st of May next,

The house 28 John street, with eight re places besides two bedrooms.

Also, the house No. 9 Peck slip. Enquire at No. 443 Greenwich street corner of Watt ftreet

Ja31 tf 1


THE present is the pro­per season for sending

to Europe, the Seeds of the Flowering Shrubs, Trees, and Plants, natives of this country. Orders left at the seed store, No. 30 Nassau street, opposite the New-Dutch Church, will be im­mediately attended to, and

put up in any quantity to suit purchasers. G. THORBURN ft SON,

117* The months of January and February are the best months in the year for trimming Grape Vines. Competent persom can be had by apply­ing as above.

A few bushels of prime Acorns, for planting, may be had cheap. Jan 31 2w

BY JOHN T. BOYD, Tuesday,

At half past 10 o'clock at his auction room, No. 151 Broadway, by order of au assignee, 1 very handsome sideboard, 2 sett* dining tables, 3 breakfast do. 5 looking glasses, 3 feather beds, blankets and counterpanes, a quantity of room and stair carpeting, carpet rugs, ftc. Abo, a large cooking stove, with apparatus complete.— Also, wardrobes, bureaus, mahogany and fancy chairs, wash and candle stands, dressing tables. Abo, Freneh china, rich cut glass, plated ware, knives and forks, ftc

At 12 tAtock, 2 sofas, 1 sett mahogany chairs,

6 d 0 & n C T d ° * Thursday Evening, At half past 6 o'clock, at his auction room, 161

Broadway, a valuable collection of Books and Stationary. Catalogue* will be ready on Thurs­day morning, and the book* can be examined tail 5 P. M. At 8 o'clock, a fcbare in the City Li­brary.

At priratr sale—Pew No. 53, in the middle aisle of the Reformed Dutch Church in Garden-street. Also, a share in the City Library.

A large and extensive assortment of cabinet fur­niture—among which are, large and elegant din­ing tables with pillar and claw feet, cost from 90 to 6150, sideboards, bureaus, 1 secretary and book case, made by Wm. Phyfe, wardrobe*, p i ­lar and claw feet breakfast tables, work do. can­dle stands, ftc. 76 dozen fancy chairs, 50 do Wind­sor do. 9 sets mahogany do. 13 sofas, together with a general assortment of rich cut glass and china— the whole of which will be sold on accommoda­ting term*.

Also, a case duelling Pistol?. BY J. ft P. HONE ft CO.

Monday, Half past 9 o'clock, at their auction v—_

general assortment of fresh imported British French Dry Goods.

CARGO OF THE ADONIS. Thursday, Feb. 7.

At 10 o'clock at their store* in Fulton street, at 6 mouths credit the entire cargo of Silk* aa_ Nankeen*, imported in tiie chip Adonis, J master, from Canton, consisting of 9001 Goods, viz:

1st and 2d chop black sinchew* 1st and 2d chop black sarsnets Superior white, high coloured, plaid, striped

figured crimson and plain colored do. Green, blue and crimson do. with borders for

umbrellas Striped and embossed striped florences, vary

elegant 18 and 20 tale, black and assorted Canton

crapes, in whole and half pieces, plain and high coloured.

24 to 28 tale, black, colored and white Nankin crapes

Fig'd and striped Canton and Nankin crape* 7-8 and 4-4 damask crape half hdkfs. 4-4,7-4 and 8-4 crape shawl* Damask crape scarfs 1st and 2d chop 18 and 30 yard black and ool'd

satin*, some soft satin, of beautiful quality, 30 yard satin damask • 7-8 and 4-4 fancy and plaideilk hkfk of new and

elegant patterns, and of the best Nankin silk 4-4 fringed and twilled black hdkfe. 4-4 black hdkfs. for gentlemen's cravats, extra

heavy 7-8 heavy birdseye hdkfs. 7-8 damask hdkfs. 30 yard black double chain levantine* Super embossed crape dresses Damask — do do 15 and 30 yard satin striped florentine* White pongees 18 yard black, mixed and blue camblet* 30 yard cancans, green gauze* First quality black, green, white, high col'd

cloth, col d sewing silk. ALSO,

1st and 2d chop short yellow nankeens Company long do Mamee and mamow chop do Canton anil Nankin dye, 1st chop bine do Cornelian beads, Pearl Buttons Unbleached grass cloth 4-4 and 6-4 Nankin floor matting, ftc-The above cargo was selected with great care,

and the assortment contains a great variety ot articles, adapted, both in colour* and pattern*, for the export demand. The good* for home consumpton were put up under the direction of an experienced agent and will be found not in­ferior to any former importation.

Catalogue* will be ready, and the good* exhi­bited for examination on Tuesday morning.

TO LET, Two and three, offices, in the building

No. 45 Wall street Enquire of the nsurance Companv.

TO BE RENTED FOR ONE YEAR. The Steam Boat Hotel,

No. 1 Washington street, at the foot of Marketfield st New York; now occupied

by Mr. Isaac Brown. Possession to be given on the t st of May next Thb advantageous and pro­fitable stand as a steam boat hotel, is well known. Apply at 175 Greenwich street to Mr. William Gibbons; or at Elizabethtown, New Jersey, per­sonally or by letter, (post paid) to Thomas Oib-bens. Ja 30 3w


Half past 9 o'clock, at their auction room, 158 Pearl street, a choice assortment of fresh import* ed seasonable Dry Goods.

_\jr_JL2fi)8___S. BY LEGGETT, 8HOTWELL ft FOX.

Tuesday, At half past 9 o'clock at their auction room,

80 packages of Dry Goods, comprising a choice and oomnlete assortment of seasonable articles,

r tiojn **e**w • -* *

BY JAMES HEARD. Wednesday,

At 10 o'clock, in the auction room, 149 Pearf-«t, a general assortment of fresh iraported DRY GOODS.

At Prirate Sale, received per snip Orbit Capt \ Macey, from Liverpool, a fevT bale* Abm, Rhode* A ft Cos plain black bombazets, No. 0 a 6, and No. ^ 0 a 8; plain ass"d col'd do, No. 0 a 9, and black ft col'd figur'd do No. 5.

TO LET, the 3-story brick dwelling hou% No. 81 Pine st adjoining the corner of Water s t now in possession of Mr. Geo. Sharp, replete with every convenience for a small family. Rent only •340 and taxes.

Al*o, the upper part of the store No. 149 Peart st either from the 1st of March or 1st of May, at a low price.

Also, the 3-story brick store in New st between Wall and Garden st in the rear of No. 22 Broad st. Rent or>1y S200. PoMei-sion may be had now or on the 1st of May. ' - ,

^Y~VVM7C. HOLLY & c7>r Tuesday,

At half past 9 o'clock at thrir auction room, a large and general assortment of Hardirarey Cat-lery, ftc. ____

~ _ T BOGGS, T ¥ 0 M P S 0 N ft CO. Tuesday, _ ^

At 9 o'clock at their auction room, a general assortment of Dry Goods.

. .J

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069


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