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Reform in Western Culture

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Glue in New Government Ideas


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• Government ownership of business• Rather than competition, wanted a classless

society in which everyone cooperated for the common good

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1. Utopian socialist: believed that people were the products of their environment

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2. Christian socialist: tried to combine a form of Christianity with socialism

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• Designed by Karl Marx and his friend Friedrich Engels

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• Wrote the Communist Manifesto

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• Wanted the proletariat (laborers) to unite against the bourgeoisie (capitalists)

• Establish communism: common ownership of property

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Glue in New Movements


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1. Woman’s suffrage• The 19th Amendment in the US gave women

the right to vote• In 1920

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2. Temperance Movement

• Temperance – drinking in moderation• Abstinence – no drinking of alcohol• Women’s Christian Temperance Union was to

educate the public regarding the evils of alcohol

• 18th Amendment makes manufacture, sale and transportation of alcohol illegal

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Glue in New Reform in Britain


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Reform in Britain

• Corn Laws– Allowed merchants to import cheaper grain and

lowered the cost of food for everyone

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• Reform Bill of 1832– Allowed middle class to vote (not the working


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• Reform Act of 1867– Designed by prime minister Benjamin Disraeli– Allowed all male homeowners to vote

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• Parliament Bill of 1911– Established the House of Commons as more

powerful than House of Lords

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Hatred of Jews

• Anti-Semitism – hostility toward Jews

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Dreyfus Affair

• Alfred Dreyfus was a Jew in France

• Accused of passing military secrets to the Germans

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• Convicted and sentenced to life on Devil’s Island

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