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Ch 2 Earth’s Size & Shape

I. Model

A representation of an object, a process, or a phenomenon.Ex.– Globe – best, most to scale model

of the Earth– Computer Climate


Part of the Universe that can be studied separately

– Closed System- a system in which energy can enter or leave, but matter cannot

– Open System- a system in which there is a free exchange of both energy & matter between the system & its surroundings.

II. A System

III. Structure of the Earth

A. Inner Core - layer of the Earth composed of solid iron & nickel

B. Outer Core - layer of the Earth composed of liquid iron & nickel

Structure of the Earth Cont’

C. Mantle - largest Earth layer composed of silicon, oxygen,

magnesium, & ironD. Crust - outer most layer of Earth

the deepest mines & caves go no further than the crust

thicker under the continents than the ocean

Layers of the Earth

IV.Temperatures Below the Surface

Deep caves stay about the same temperature all year

From 0 m to 20 m below, a cave usually remains equal to the avg. yearly temperature

Every 40 m below the 1st 20 m, the temperature in a cave 10C for each 40 m (120ft)

Heat is from:

Radioactive Minerals– Ex Uranium & Thorium

Compression of the crust by gravity

V. Earth’s Shape

A. Evidence that Earth is Spherical

1. The mast of a ship is the 1st part to appear over the horizon & the last to disappear.

Earth From Space

2.Photographs of Earth from space

Earth’s Shape Cont’

3. An eclipse of the moon occurs when Earth's shadow falls on the moon

The shadow is always an arc of a circle

http://www.rit.edu/~andpph/eclipse-01-20-00.htm l

4. Ships sailing north or south observed changes in the nighttime sky.

North Star appears higher in the sky as a ship travels north

Ships sailing south lose sight of the Big Dipper & begin to see the Southern Cross

Earth’s Shape Cont’

B. Oblate Spheroid

Sphere that is slightly flattened at the poles & bulged at the equator

Caused by Earth's rotation

C. Weight on Earth

VI. Earth’s Density

A. Density – The amount of matter (mass) in a given space (volume)

Average density = 5.5 g/cm3

VII. Measuring Earth's Circumference

A. Eratosthenes (er uh Tos thuh neez)

Of Greek heritage, born in Cyrene, now

Shah hat, (Libya) Studied at Alexandria & Athens Appointed Director of the Alexandrian

Library, 236 BC

Eratosthenes Cont’

Lived in Egypt1st Scientific Measurement of Earth’s

CircumferenceWent blind 195 BC Starved himself to death 194 BC

Facts Eratosthenes knew:

At noon on June 21st (Summer solstice):

The sun casts a shadow of 7.2o from an obelisk in Alexandria

The sun cast no shadow in a well in Syene (called Aswan today)

Facts Eratosthenes knew:

Believed the suns rays hit the Earth as parallel lines

Eratosthenes figured Syene was due south of Alexandria (He was slightly off on this one)

Distance between Syene & Alexandria (925km) slightly off

Thought both cities were on the same line of longitude (off on this by 30)

VIII. Types of Data

Qualitative – data that is relative but not numeric. – Ex. The color of an object or stating

someone is tall or taller than another person

Quantitative – data where a numeric measurement or a count of objects has been made

IX. 4 Spheres/Subdivisions of Earth

1. Atmosphere

2. Geosphere

3. Hydrosphere

4. Biosphere

1. Atmosphere

Atmos- Greek, Meaning vapor– Ozone- O3, protects Earth from Sun’s

harmful UV rays– Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide provided for

living things– Water vapor forms


2. Geosphere

Geo –Greek, meaning Earth– Rocks, Mountains, Beaches

3. Hydrosphere

Hydro- Greek meaning water– All the water of the Earth’s System


4. Biosphere

Bio- Greek meaning Life– All forms of life on Earth from microscopic

to Human

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