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Change In The Presence Of Fit: The Rise, The Fall, And The Renascence Of Liz Claiborne

by Nicholaj Siggelkow

WP 99-06

A Working Paper of the Reginald H. Jones Center

The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania

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I would like to thank Kim Cameron, Giovanni Gavetti, Pankaj Ghemawat, Bruce Kogut, Daniel Levinthal, Johannes Pennings, Michael Porter, Daniel Raff, Jan Rivkin, and Harbir Singh for their helpful comments. Any remaining errors are mine.

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CHANGE IN THE PRESENCE OF FIT: THE RISE, THE FALL, AND THE RENASCENCE OF LIZ CLAIBORNE Abstract: This paper proposes a new framework for studying the consequences of tight fit within a firm’s activity system on the firm’s ability to react to environmental change. A new classification scheme for environmental changes based upon their impact on internal and external fit is outlined. It is argued that fit-conserving change, which leaves the internal fit among activities intact yet decreases the appropriateness of the activity system as a whole (i.e., reduces external fit), poses a particularly difficult challenge for managers. To illustrate the framework, we conduct a longitudinal case study on Liz Claiborne, the largest manufacturer of women’s fashion-apparel in the U.S., from its inception in 1976 to early 1997.

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The last years have seen a remarkable upsurge of interest in the concepts of interaction and fit. Within

the management and organization literatures, the notion of fit has a long-standing tradition. In particular,

the internal fit between the strategy and the structure of the firm (e.g., Chandler, 1962; Learned et al.,

1965; Miles & Snow, 1984; Miller & Friesen, 1984) and the external fit between the structure and the

environment of the firm (e.g., Lawrence & Lorsch, 1967; Pennings, 1987; Prescott, 1986; Thompson,

1967) have received much attention. During the late 1980s and 1990s, spurred by analyses of Japanese

manufacturing methods, the topic of fit was revived. The emphasis shifted to study internal fit at a very

fine-grained, detailed level of analysis. The importance of replicating entire systems of practices,

including production, supply, and human resource policies, rather than single elements, was recognized

(e.g., Hayes & Jaikumar, 1988; Jaikumar, 1986, 1989; MacDuffie & Krafcik, 1992; Nemetz & Fry, 1988;

Parthasarthy & Sethi, 1992; Womack, Jones, & Roos, 1990). Expanding the concept of fit beyond

manufacturing, and ascribing to it a central role in strategy formulation, Porter (1996) stressed the

importance of mutually reinforcing activities in creating and sustaining a competitive advantage.

Over the same time period, economists, as well, have become interested in the issues of fit and

interdependence among firm choices and have started to create mathematical frameworks which allow

rigorous modeling of at least certain types of mutually reinforcing interactions (e.g., Milgrom & Channon,

1994; Milgrom, Qian, & Roberts, 1991; Milgrom & Roberts, 1990).

The common theme of these approaches is that to understand the performance of a firm, the firm must

be analyzed as a system of interconnected choices: choices with respect to activities, policies and

organizational structures, capabilities, and resources. Even though each individual part of a firm’s system

might have an intrinsic value, it is only in the interaction with the other elements that we can understand

the full benefits of each part. In other words, to understand the value of a system we cannot study each

individual part in isolation and then try to “add” up.

While internal fit among choices can lead to a sustainable competitive advantage because it makes

imitation difficult (Porter & Rivkin, 1998; Rivkin, 1998), the implications of tight fit on the sustainability

of a competitive advantage in the presence of environmental change are ambiguous. On one hand, “firms

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may have difficulty navigating a changing environment not only because the changes in the environment

negate the value of the organization’s assets, but also because a tightly coupled organization may have

difficulty adapting to such changes” (Levinthal, 1997: 936). Tight coupling requires a firm to modify

many choices simultaneously, an inherently difficult task (Nadler, Shaw, & Walton, 1994). On the other

hand, tight fit raises the incentive for management to optimally configure and adjust all of its choices.

Since each choice influences the payoff of many other choices, the marginal payoff to adjusting each

choice in response to some external change is increased in the presence of tighter fit (Porter, 1995).

Moreover, tight fit can make a firm more sensitive to environmental change (Weick, 1976). Changes are

quickly detected, since the repercussions are felt at multiple areas in the firm.

This paper presents a new framework for thinking about the relationship between fit and

organizational inertia and throws empirical light onto the consequences of fit when a firm is confronted

with environmental change. In line with the more recent literature on fit, we study fit at a very low-level

of analysis—at the level of individual activities and resources. Recent studies analyzing firms at this level

have employed a static, “snapshot-in-time” approach (e.g., Milgrom & Roberts, 1995; Porter, 1996). This

static approach, however, cannot help us with the dynamic question of change. Moreover, this approach is

problematic because it creates the misperception that firms which strive to create mutually reinforcing

systems of choices appear to be engaged in a static optimization problem. In other words, it appears as if

firms could devise their “optimal” and tightly-fit systems in toto and then remain at that status-quo—a

highly unrealistic scenario.

To illustrate the framework presented below, this paper studies longitudinally how a firm has been

able to construct a system of choices which displays a high degree of interconnectedness, and how the

firm responded (or failed to respond) to environmental changes. In particular, we study the developmental

journey of Liz Claiborne, the largest U.S. manufacturer of women fashion apparel, from its inception in

1976 to late 1997. We analyze the initial success of Liz Claiborne, the environmental changes it faced in

the early 1990s, its first responses, and its subsequent actions in the late 1990s.

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To study how a firm’s interconnected system of choices affects that firm’s ability (or behavior) when

faced with environmental change requires a very detailed analysis of the firm’s activity system. As a

result, to serve as a starting point for an inquiry into this issue, we chose to engage in an in-depth,

longitudinal case study (Eisenhardt, 1989; Yin, 1984). This methodology has served well for gaining

insight into complex and longitudinal issues such as strategy formation (Mintzberg & McHugh, 1985;

Mintzberg & Waters, 1982), decision making within organizations (Eisenhardt & Bourgeois, 1988;

Pettigrew, 1973), the resource allocation process (Bower, 1970), and the management of organizational

and strategic changes (Child & Smith, 1987; Kimberly, 1979; Miles & Cameron, 1982; Pettigrew, 1985;

Pettigrew, Ferlie, & McKee, 1992; Pettigrew & Whipp, 1991).


Before we embark on the historical journey of Liz Claiborne, it will be helpful to review briefly the

literature on organizational change that is concerned with changes of systems of interrelated parts.

Following the review, we propose a new framework for thinking about the relationship between fit and

organizational inertia given different types of environmental changes.

Logically prior to any theory about changes of systems of interrelated parts, is the notion that internal

fit should not be thought of as pairwise associations between variables, but of gestalts or configurations

describing sets of elements and their interrelationships (Drazin & Van de Ven, 1985; Hambrick, 1984;

Khandwalla, 1973; Miller 1981, 1986; Miller & Friesen, 1978; Mintzberg, 1979; Nadler & Tushman,

1992). As Van de Ven & Drazin (1985) point out: “By focusing on fit in the overall system itself, rather

than the specific forms of fit among individual pairs of variables, we may be able to capture and model fit

more adequately” (p. 347).

While the literature on configurations has used the term “fit” to describe the internal relationship

among activities, the contingency literature has used the term to describe the relationship between a firm’s

choices and its environment. Both types of fit will become important in the change framework presented

below. To avoid confusion, we will be careful in the following to distinguish between internal fit among

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activities, i.e., whether a firm has a coherent configuration of activities, and external fit, i.e., the

appropriateness of the configuration to the environmental situation of the firm.

Building on the idea that firms consist of systems of interrelated parts, Miller & Friesen (1982)

analyze the change processes of these systems. They hypothesize and empirically find that quantum

changes (changes in many attributes over a short period of time) yield better performance than piecemeal

incremental approaches. Following a similar line of thinking, Tushman & Romanelli (1985) propose that

firms follow a developmental path best described by a punctuated equilibrium model of organizational

evolution. Firms engage in incremental changes during most of their history, yet sporadically undergo

relatively rapid and fundamental transformations (Gersick, 1991). Empirical support of this

developmental pattern has been provided by Tushman, Newman, & Romanelli (1986), Pettigrew (1987),

and Romanelli & Tushman (1994).

Intimately tied to the process of change is the issue of inertia that firms display towards change. For

the purpose of our discussion, we will focus on factors that may cause senior management not to respond

to environmental changes.1 Hambrick & Mason (1984) propose a helpful framework for understanding

management inertia. In short, managers are thought of as having mental models which influence both the

information that is perceived and the way information is processed. As a consequence, managers,

especially those with long tenure, may be unable to “unlearn” outdated views of the world (Nystrom &

Starbuck, 1984) and are caught in a competency trap (Levitt & March, 1988). We will briefly elaborate on

the main concepts of this framework.

The idea of a mental map, or a cognitive base (Hambrick and Mason, 1984), which influences

decision making, can be traced back to March & Simon (1958) who argue that each decision maker brings

his or her own set of personal “givens” to a managerial or administrative situation. These givens define

the decision problem as it appears to the manager and influence the decision process. Similarly, Kiesler &

Sproull (1982) define the pre-existing knowledge system that a manager brings to a situation as a

“schema.” Kiesler & Sproull (1982) suggest that only schema-relevant new information is perceived and

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processed. Moreover, information about environmental changes that would indicate inadequacy of the

schema is heavily discounted.

Past success, in particular, reinforces and eventually ossifies mental maps leading to increased inertia

(Murmann & Tushman, 1997; Nadler & Shaw, 1994). Studies have found that past success leads to a

reduction in information processing (Miller, 1993) and an increased belief that environmental changes are

not going to affect the organization negatively (Milliken, 1990). Moreover, past success can lead to the

accumulation of slack resources which reduce the perceived need to change (Milliken & Lant, 1991) and

to the creation of a strong organizational identity or culture which has been found to increase the belief in

the organization’s relative invulnerability to environmental changes (Milliken, 1990; Miller, 1994).

A similar (and often correlated) set of problems can arise from long tenure of senior management

(Hambrick & Fukutomi, 1991; Miller, 1991). Empirical studies have shown that long tenure leads to

increased commitment to the status quo (Hambrick, Geletkanycz, & Frederickson, 1993; Stevens, Beyer,

& Trice, 1978), a greater likelihood of persistent strategies (Finkelstein & Hambrick, 1990), and

executive teams whose members become very homogeneous with respect to experiences and interpreting

environmental changes (Keck & Tushman, 1993; Weick, 1987).

In sum, a variety of psychological reasons has been described in the literature that lead to firm inertia.

In this paper, we develop a link between the work on inertia and the previously described literature on fit.

As described by Tushman & Romanelli (1985), inertial forces lead firms along a process of convergence

to a specific configuration of strategic position and organizational form. The value of this process has

been previously analyzed with respect to two different environmental conditions: stability and turbulence

(Miller, Lant, Milliken, & Korn, 1996; Tushman & Romanelli, 1985; Tushman & Rosenkopf, 1996). As

long as the environment is relatively stable, convergence, and hence inertial forces, are found to be

beneficial. However, in turbulent environments inertial forces pose a liability (Tushman, Newman, &

Nadler, 1988).

Rather than making the distinction between stable and turbulent environments, the framework we

propose characterizes changes in the environment by their impact on internal and external fit. We believe

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that this characterization scheme can offer some new insights into the (mediating) role that fit plays in the

complex relationship between environmental changes and ensuing changes (or non-changes) at the firm

level. In particular, the framework stresses the difficulty to perceive and to react to environmental change

which leaves intact the internal fit among elements within a firm’s activity system, yet decreases the value

of the activity system as a whole, i.e., destroys external fit.

For the following discussion, the notion of a “performance landscape” will be useful. The concept of

a performance or fitness landscape was first developed in the realm of evolutionary biology by Sewell

Wright (1932). The concept has been further developed and formalized by Kauffman (1993) and has

found application in the study of organizational adaptation (Levinthal, 1997), technological evolution

(Kauffman & Macready, 1995), organizational variety (Westhoff, Yarbrough, & Yarbrough, 1996), and

the difficulty of imitating complex strategies (Rivkin, 1998). In our context, the performance landscape is

a multi-dimensional space in which each dimension represents the values of a particular choice that a firm

can take, and a final dimension that indicates the performance value. For illustration, consider a simple

example in which a firm can make only two choices: the breadth of product variety and the flexibility of

the production set-up. Imagine the breadth of product variety on the x-axis, the degree of flexibility on the

y-axis, and the ensuing performance on the vertical z-axis. The performance landscape maps each pair of

variety and flexibility onto a performance value (see Figure 1A). Similarly, for N choices, the

performance landscape would attach a performance value to each set of N choices in a N+1 dimensional



Performance landscapes provide a suggestive way to illustrate the concepts of internal and external

fit. External fit, i.e., the appropriateness of a set of choices to the environmental situation, is represented

by the height of a particular point on the landscape. As shown in Figure 1A, certain combinations of

flexibility and product variety lead to higher performance than other combinations. The “environmental

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situation” encompasses all factors that affect the firm’s profitability (i.e., that influence a configuration’s

value), e.g., competitors’ actions, customer preferences, and available technologies.

Consistency among choices, i.e., internal fit, is represented by a peak in the landscape. Internal fit

corresponds to peaks, because changing any single element (and not changing any other element) within a

consistent set of choices would lead to a decline in performance. For instance, the Ford mass-production

system and the Japanese lean manufacturing system are two consistent sets of choices (Milgrom &

Roberts, 1990). In our simple two-dimensional example, the mass production system is represented by

low variety and low flexibility, while the lean production system is represented by high variety and high

flexibility (see Figure 1B).

The shape of each peak contains further information: The stronger the degree of interaction among a

particular set of choices, the steeper the associated peak. This feature results from the fact that in systems

with tight internal fit, performance penalties of misalignments are particularly high because the value of

many other choices is affected.2

The impact of time, i.e., environmental changes, can be thought of as changing the landscape: the

height, shape, or location of peaks change, new peaks arise, etc. For instance, in the early 1900s, with the

information and production technologies available at the time, the choice “low variety-low flexibility”

could be implemented very efficiently: the Ford production system represented a high peak in the

performance landscape, while the “high variety-high flexibility” choice was technologically very difficult

(or even infeasible) to implement for mass production, i.e., represented a very low point on the

performance landscape (Figure 1A). By the 1980s, the high variety-high flexibility choice had become

technologically feasible; moreover, it provided substantial advantages in the marketplace. The landscape

had changed: the value of the Ford production system had declined, while a new peak, the Japanese

production system, had arisen and formed a higher performing set of choices (Figure 1B).

For a firm that occupies a peak, environmental change can affect both external and internal fit.

Logically, we can distinguish four cases depending on whether external and/or internal fit is affected (see

Figure 2).

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1) No change: If neither external nor internal fit is affected, the environmental change has no

relevance to the firm in question.

2) Detrimental fit-destroying change: If both external and internal fit are affected, the firm finds itself

at a lower elevation (lower external fit) and located away from a peak (lower internal fit).

3) Benign fit-destroying change: In this potentially rare instance, the firm’s performance has not

decreased, yet internal fit has been compromised by the environmental change. Graphically, the

peak on which the firm was located moved slightly and increased in height (i.e., a nearby new

opportunity arose). Thus, while the firm is not on the peak anymore, its location is still at the same

height. The firm could, however, increase its performance by incrementally changing its system of

choices and regaining internal fit.

4) Fit-conserving change: While internal fit has not been affected, external fit has decreased. In other

words, the environmental change has left the internal logic of its system of choices intact while

decreasing the appropriateness of the system.


In sum, with fit-destroying change the firm no longer occupies a peak; with fit-conserving change, the

firm still occupies a peak whose height has declined, however. The distinction between these two types of

changes is important, since firms’ reactions to these two types of changes can differ significantly. After

fit-destroying change, a firm will attempt either through local, incremental search, or through long-range

search to change its activities in order to climb onto a new peak. A firm might react quickly in such a

situation, since both its financial performance has deteriorated (in the case of detrimental fit-destroying

change), and internal mis-fits can be identified. In other words, it is clear that something should be done,

and there might exist at least some clues as to what should be done since various elements are misaligned.

Moreover, for changes that only nudge a firm away from a peak, one can hypothesize that firms with a

high degree of internal fit react faster than firms with loosely coupled systems. Since peaks are steeper for

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firms with high internal fit, their incentive to find realignment is large. On a smaller scale, the lean

production line is a good example of tight fit leading to fast response. The absence of inventory (or work-

in-process) between individual work-stations creates a tightly coupled system. A problem at any work-

station is detected very quickly, as the entire line comes to a halt. Moreover, incentives to improve each

individual production step are high, since the cost of stopping the entire line is large (Womack, Jones, &

Roos, 1990).

The situation is different, however, in the case of fit-conserving change: even though the firm’s

financial performance has declined, no obvious misfits can be detected since the internal logic of the old

system still remains intact. In this situation, a firm can react in three ways:

a) Play the old game: The firm does not change anything. It retains its old activity system, which still

displays fit, yet continues to perform suboptimally. Graphically, the firm stays on its old and lower


b) Play an incomplete game: The firm changes single elements in its activity system with the

consequence of an even further performance decline, i.e., the firm moves incrementally away and

down from its peak.

c) Play the new game: The firm changes a whole range of its elements in the attempt to find a new

and higher peak.

The first two reactions, though being destructive, are easily defensible as managers continue to rely

on their old mental maps. Within the landscape metaphor, the term mental “map” is particularly apt: the

mental map can be thought of as the manager’s map of the landscape. Due to past experience, this map

will be most precise around the current position and along past trajectories through the landscape. In Play

the old game, managers continue to rely on and trust previously successful practices and choices.

Moreover, managers may rightly point out that any incremental change would lead to a performance

decline. This is the result of their systems already being fully aligned. In a sense, firms are held captive

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by their existing systems—they have fallen into a competency trap (Levinthal, 1992; Levitt & March,


Managers who Play an incomplete game feel compelled to act, since performance has declined. Yet

in this case, incremental changes lead only to further performance declines. For instance, the American

automobile industry recognized that the height of the peak associated with their production system had

decreased, even though the internal logic of the mass-production system was still intact. Yet, by copying

only single elements of the Japanese production system, the American automobile industry played an

incomplete game for many years which did not generated the hoped-for benefits (Hayes & Jaikumar,


Only through the third reaction, Play the new game, i.e., a comprehensive rearrangement of a

potentially large part of its system of choices, can a firm achieve a significant performance improvement.

Graphically, the firm locates itself on a new peak. Such an approach is, however, very difficult to

undertake. It requires that managers perceive the systemic nature of the needed changes—the managers

must have an idea of the location of the new peak. Moreover, they need to be willing to act on a broad

scale, potentially contradicting some of their past actions. Thus, they have to overcome both their own

behavioral “blind spots” (Zajac & Bazerman, 1991) and establish internal legitimacy of their actions

(Romanelli & Tushman, 1988; Suchman, 1995). In addition, this broad set of changes has to be

implemented successfully— a difficult undertaking as discussed in the organizational ecology literature

on “core changes” (Hannan & Freeman, 1984; Singh, House, & Tucker, 1986). Lastly, these changes

have to take place over a short period of time for the firm not to experience large performance deficits

caused by misfits during the transition period (Miller & Friesen, 1982, 1984). As a result, managers of

firms with tightly-coupled activity systems face a formidable task, both structurally and psychologically,

to respond successfully to fit-conserving environmental change.3

The following case study illustrates the change framework. After providing a methodological note on

the case research, we present a brief sketch of Liz Claiborne’s history followed by an analysis of Liz

Claiborne’s success. We describe Liz Claiborne’s choices within five important stages along its value

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chain: design, production and distribution, the selling process to retailers, the presentation of its

merchandise, and marketing. The section concludes with a description of the internal fit within Liz

Claiborne’s set of choices and a map displaying the interaction among the choices. To use the

terminology of the framework, we establish that Liz Claiborne was located on a peak. Moreover, we show

that the system of choices had high external fit given the environmental conditions at the time, i.e., Liz

Claiborne’s chosen peak was high. The environmental factors considered are customer taste and demand,

retailers’ requirements, and the available technology.

In the second section, we describe how these three environmental factors changed in the early 1990s.

In other words, Liz Claiborne’s performance landscape was shifting. More specifically, Liz Claiborne

faced fit-conserving change. The internal logic of its system remained intact, yet the external fit of its

system decreased. Moreover, a new peak, which involved a host of different choices with respect to

distribution and production, had arisen. Liz Claiborne’s management responded to the fit-conserving

change by playing an incomplete game: Liz Claiborne attempted to change partially its set of choices with

the consequence of a further performance decline.

In the third main section, we use the same five categories of choices (i.e., design, production and

distribution, the selling process to retailers, the presentation of its merchandise, and marketing) to

systematically describe the actions of Liz Claiborne’s new leadership team beginning in 1994 which

eventually moved Liz Claiborne to a new peak. This section concludes with another map, displaying the

particular choices and the interactions among them. In the final section, we provide further discussion of

the framework and outline future research opportunities.

Methodological Note

The data for the case study were obtained from several primary and secondary sources. Over a period

of 1½ years, between 1996-97, personal interviews, ranging from one hour to several hours, and shorter

telephone follow-up interviews were conducted with members of Liz Claiborne’s management team.

Interviewees included the CEO, the CFO, the Vice President for corporate planning, and several division

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presidents. The tenure at Liz Claiborne of the interviewees ranged from 1 year to 10 years. After

completing the fact-gathering from secondary sources (about 900 articles about Liz Claiborne in trade

journals and magazines in addition to security analysts’ reports) and company documents (annual reports,

10Ks, and documents provided by management), a several-hour interview was conducted with one of the

founders of the company (Chazen). Early drafts of the case study were circulated among Liz Claiborne’s

management in addition to Chazen, all of whom provided additions and corrections on factual data in the

case. Subsequent discussions with industry experts were used to confirm the outlined changes, in

particular at the industry level.


Founded in 1976 with a starting capital of $250,000, Liz Claiborne reached revenues of $116 million

in 1981, the year it went public. Five years later, Liz Claiborne became part of the Fortune 500 list, as the

first company started by a woman. In 1989, Fortune Magazine reported that Liz Claiborne had achieved

the highest return on year-end equity during the 1980s among all Fortune 500 industrial companies: its

average return on equity had been 40.3%. In 1991, Liz Claiborne’s sales surpassed the $2 billion mark

for the first time and its stock price reached record heights: in May of that year, an investment of $10,000

in shares bought at the initial offering had a market value of over $610,000 (see Table 1 for financial


Beginning in 1992, however, problems in Liz Claiborne’s performance surfaced. Its sales stagnated

and its net income declined. Over the next three years, Liz Claiborne’s market capitalization dropped

from $3.5 billion at the end of 1992 to $1.3 billion at the end of 1994. In 1994, Paul Charron, the former

Executive Vice President of VF Corporation, was hired and became the new CEO at Liz Claiborne one

year later. The implementation of a series of operational and marketing changes led to a marked increase

in net income and to a renascence of Liz Claiborne’s stock. By May 1997, Liz Claiborne was trading

close to a record high, giving it a market capitalization of $3.2 billion.

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How had Liz Claiborne been able to achieve its remarkable success in its early years? In short, in the

late 1970s, Liz Claiborne had identified a growing customer group (professional women) and had created

a new market segment (a value segment between moderate and designer sportswear). Unlike the designers

of many fashion houses, Ms. Claiborne designed apparel to fit the actual shapes of her customers. She had

made a mark on the apparel industry with the pronouncement that “the American woman is pear-shaped”

(Hass, 1992). Moreover, Liz Claiborne pioneered overseas-production for fashion items, thereby allowing

it to offer its apparel at lower prices. Lastly, by presenting the lines of apparel as entire collections and

enabling customers to mix and match within its collection, shopping for career clothes was greatly

facilitated. As a result, Ms. Claiborne garnered the loyalty of her customers who considered Ms.

Claiborne to be their personal friend, whose taste they could trust when it came to purchasing career

clothes (Belkin, 1986). In the words of Liz Claiborne’s current CEO, for an entire generation of

professional women, Ms. Claiborne provided the “imprimatur” on clothes acceptable to wear in the


In the following sub-sections, we will describe in detail Liz Claiborne’s positioning and the choices

its management took with respect to five stages of Liz Claiborne’s value chain: design, presentation of its

merchandise, the selling process to retailers, marketing, and production/distribution choices. In the

concluding paragraph of this section, we will illustrate the internal and external fit of these choices.

Liz Claiborne’s Positioning in a Growing Niche

Liz Claiborne took full advantage of the change in the demographics of the American workforce. In

1960, only 21.9 million American women were employed. By 1990, there were 53.5 million American

women working, making up 45% of the workforce in the U.S. In the mid-1970s, as this process was

unfolding, the professional woman had, however, not much choice with respect to career clothing. There

was a large void between the classic dark-blue suit (e.g., Evan-Picone) and the haute couture of, for

instance, Carol Horn. Ms. Claiborne, who had spent 16 years as a women’s sportswear designer at Youth

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Guild, a division of Jonathan Logan, was aware of this increasingly expanding niche (Bratman, 1983). In

1976, after Youth Guild closed, Ms. Cla iborne decided to pursue this opportunity together with her

husband Arthur Ortenberg, a former consultant in the apparel industry. Within the first months they

recruited Leonard Boxer, who had apparel production expertise and connections to overseas suppliers

from running production at Susan Thomas Inc., and Jerome Chazen who knew the marketing side of the

women’s sportswear industry. With this team of industry experts, Liz Claiborne enjoyed some up-front

trust in the industry. Department stores knew Ms. Claiborne’s design skills and were willing to give her

coveted floor space (Bratman, 1983). In its first year, Liz Claiborne was already generating $2.2 million

in sales and operating with a profit.

Design Choices

In 1980, Ms. Claiborne described her offerings as “classic enough that a woman can wear them for

several years. They aren’t moderate in price, but aren’t exorbitant, either’’ (Ettorre, 1980). In her first

collections, no item sold for more than $100. While the clothes did not fit the formal “Dress for Success”

mold, they were not too far-out to be worn to the office. At the same time, customers perceived the

moderately priced Liz Claiborne label as a competing name against top designers whose clothes cost

more than twice as much (Byrne, 1982).

Ms. Claiborne had two goals in mind. She wanted to provide high value to her customers, and she

wanted to make shopping easier (Bratman, 1983; Hyde, 1985). It turned out that both could be achieved

by an innovative kind of “color-by-the-numbers fashion” that saved the customers both time and anxiety

(Traub & Newman, 1985). Ms. Claiborne designed clusters of skirts, shirts, blouses and sweaters that

could be mixed and matched. More precisely, each season’s line comprised four to seven concept groups,

each of which consisted of a balance of items such as blouses, shirts, skirts and pants. Within each

concept group, the mix-and-match design was practiced—i.e., each group told a different “color story.”

Customers could put together an outfit not only in terms of the total look but also sizewise, by choosing

different sizes for tops and bottoms, thereby avoiding the need for alterations. Moreover, sizes were the

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same across styles, and colors never changed: navy blue remained always navy blue, so that a jacket

bought in one year still matched a skirt or blouse bought two years before.

Presentation Choices

From the beginning, Liz Claiborne focused on selling its merchandise in better department stores

(Rudnitsky, 1984). In 1994, Liz Claiborne’s products were offered in more than 9,500 locations in the

U.S. and Canada, yet its four largest customers (Dillard’s, May, Macy’s, and Federated Department

Stores) accounted for 44% of its sales. For the end-customer to reap the benefits of Liz Claiborne’s mix-

and-match design, it was important that the collection was presented together and not split up. Hence, Liz

Claiborne pushed for a new presentation format at its retailers (Blueweiss, 1987). While department stores

were traditionally organized around classifications, such as blouses and pants, Liz Claiborne required a

dedicated space to present its entire collection. Liz Claiborne was actually not the first company that tried

to convince retailers to present an entire collection. Chazen had learned that Evan-Picone had put together

a small collection of very classic merchandise and had received small dedicated areas from department

stores. By and large, however, “retailers were not sure what to do with these collections and were looking

for a complementary resource which would allow them to enlarge the floor space dedicated to collection

presentation.”5 Consequently, retailers were willing to listen to Chazen as he tried to convince them to

present Liz Claiborne’s merchandise as a collection.

To help retailers with the presentation of the collections, Liz Claiborne distributed “Claiboards” or

“Lizmap diagrams” which included sketches, photos and printed explanations showing how merchandise

should be displayed in groups (Daria, 1984). Other innovations included simple measures such as naming

the groups and attaching these names to hangers, thus allowing customers to quickly see which pieces of

apparel belonged to each group. Moreover, a dedicated staff supported the retailers: Over 20 consultants

traveled throughout the country to ensure that clothes and displays were arranged in department stores

correctly. These consultants were also engaged in product information seminars for the department stores’

sales personnel. In addition, 150 retail specialists, who were employed by the stores in which they

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worked, yet who received training from Liz Claiborne, helped with merchandise presentation, provided

instruction for sales help and relayed customer feedback to Liz Claiborne’s headquarters (Better, 1992).

Creating dedicated areas for Liz Claiborne merchandise was a first step towards gaining control over

product presentation. Beginning in 1987, Liz Claiborne took its efforts towards product presentation one

step further. In the Boston flagship of Jordan Marsh, Liz Claiborne opened its first store-within-a-store.

The 7,200 square foot “LizWorld” shop housed Liz Claiborne’s full range of merchandise: Liz Collection,

LizSport, LizWear, dresses, accessories, shoes, hosiery, eyewear and fragrance. Within the next years, Liz

Claiborne set up over 200 concept shops within department stores. Moreover, since these shops increased

business for retailers, Liz Claiborne had successfully argued that the department stores cover the costs for

these concept shops. Liz Claiborne’s Accessories division copied the presentation format and introduced

its first concept shop within a department store in 1990. The shop featured a full range of handbags and

small leather goods, while Liz Claiborne’s latest fashion looks—fully accessorized—decorated the walls.

Selling Process

Since Liz Claiborne believed its merchandise had the greatest impact if presented as a collection, it

rejected department store orders when the department stores were not willing to present the Claiborne line

the way Liz Claiborne saw fit. For instance, department stores always had to buy a proper ratio of tops to

match its order of bottoms (Belkin, 1986). Moreover, buyers were required to purchase an entire group,

i.e., they could not pick and choose among the garments shown (Sales & Marketing Management, 1987).

Along with its emphasis on large, up-scale department stores, Liz Claiborne never had a road sales

force, making it the only leading garment house in the country that functioned without one (Birmingham,

1985). Retailers who wanted to look at the new Liz Claiborne line had to come to the showrooms in New

York,6 where they were welcomed by a 80–90 person sales force who won in 1987 the title of “America’s

Best Sales Force” from Sales & Marketing Management magazine. Its centralized selling location enabled

Liz Claiborne to establish relationships at a higher level than otherwise possible. Chazen explained: “On

the road a salesman is lucky if he sees the buyer. But when retailers come to New York, top management

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often comes to see the market” (Skolnik, 1985). As a result, while store buyers still placed the orders,

every major store president in the country visited Liz Claiborne several times a year and met with Liz

Claiborne’s management.

Liz Claiborne not only demanded the purchase of entire groups, but it had also a rigid non-

cancellation policy: if spring merchandise did not sell well in stores, retailers could not cut previous

orders for the summer line (Better, 1992). Liz Claiborne created further leverage by pursuing a strict

production policy of manufacturing about 5% less merchandise than there was demand (orders) for (Hass,

1992). This policy had two effects. First, it increased Liz Claiborne’s sell-through (percentage of clothes

that were sold at full price), which some industry observers pegged at 75% as compared to an industry

average of 50% (Deveny, 1989). Second, the policy created a climate of fear among its customers, giving

Liz Claiborne a credible weapon to ensure that its desires, e.g., with respect to retail-presentation, were


Customer Contact and Marketing

Despite being a company that had no direct retailing contact with its end-customers, Liz Claiborne

sought feedback from its customers. While its consultants and retail specialists talked to customers on a

daily basis, they also arranged, during so-called “LizWeeks,” in-store events for the career woman, such

as full-blown fashion shows in which 25–30 outfits were shown, or “breakfast clinics” during which

women had the chance to see the newest collection and to shop before they went to work. In total,

Claiborne sponsored over 100 in-store events each month across the country (Bizer, 1987).

In addition, Liz Claiborne established a Point-of-Sales data collection system in 1985. Its Systematic

Updated Retail Feedback (SURF) system provided management with details on clothes sold in 16

representative stores around the country (Skolnik, 1985).

Due to its high name recognition and extensive coverage in the editorial pages of many fashion

magazines, Liz Claiborne was able to refrain from running expensive corporate advertising campaigns.

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Moreover, the absence of splashy, “fantasy-driven” advertising campaigns fit well with Liz Claiborne’s

image as a “trusted friend.” All its products were presented in co-op ads with local department stores.

Production and Distribution Choices

Since its inception, Liz Claiborne had contracted out the production of its merchandise. Moreover, it

was one of the first big apparel makers in the 1980s to outsource production across the globe—mainly

into Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea (Ferraro, 1991). In its first year of operation, Liz Claiborne had

used exclusively domestic manufacturers, but encountered problems. The domestic suppliers were

inflexible and unwilling to work with Liz Claiborne’s new designs. Since Leonard Boxer had experience

in apparel assembly in the Far East, he started to move production overseas. While in 1982 Liz Claiborne

was still sourcing about 50% of its merchandise domestically, by 1994 only 14% of its merchandise was

produced in the U.S. Liz Claiborne had contracts with over 500 suppliers in 38 countries, with most of its

suppliers being situated in China, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong and Indonesia. Twenty-four

percent of its purchases were manufactured by its ten largest suppliers, with none of its suppliers

accounting for more than 5%.

Liz Claiborne’s direct engagement in production was limited. While it provided some support to

contractors, it did not engage directly in production. In 1992, Liz Claiborne opened its first major

production enterprise, a 270,000 square foot plant in Augusta, Ga., turning out annually 500,000 to one

million pounds of cotton circular-knitted fabrics (jerseys, fleeces and other types). One advantage of local

production lay in response time: while this factory was able to fill an order in 20 to 25 days, it took Liz

Claiborne’s Asian suppliers often as long as 60 days plus shipping (Lee, 1994).

Liz Claiborne also differed from its competitors with respect to how often it offered its merchandise

to its retailers. The apparel industry was used to a four-season buying cycle. Liz Claiborne, however,

“invented” two more seasons, pre-spring and pre-fall to let stores buy six smaller inventory batches of

fresh merchandise instead of four la rger ones (Rudnitsky, 1984). While reducing inventory costs for the

stores, this choice also helped Liz Claiborne’s suppliers, who operated more efficiently with two extra

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cycles filling their slack periods. In addition to offering two more collections, Liz Claiborne offered the

collections later than their competitors with the intent that clothes appropriate for the current season were

available in the stores (Birmingham, 1985). Thus, instead of delivering fall goods in July, the company

would ship them in late August and September. In other words, Liz Claiborne offered a new season every

two months, with, for instance, the clothes delivered in January and February intended to be sold and

worn during February and March.

Internal and External Fit

As described in the previous sub-sections, Liz Claiborne’s goal of dressing the professional woman

with products that provided high value was implemented with a series of choices that particularly suited

its strategy. To systematize the analysis, we grouped Liz Claiborne’s choices into five categories: design,

presentation, selling, marketing, and production/distribution. Figure 3 summarizes the choices within each

category and displays the interactions among the choices. The following discussion elaborates on several

of the interconnections indicated in Figure 3, showing the high internal fit among Liz Claiborne’s

choices. A discussion of external fit is provided in the second half of this section.


Liz Claiborne’s mix-and-match design could only be appreciated if the entire collection was

presented together. Hence, it was important (and valuable) to push for a collection rather than a

classification presentation. Also note, that once a collection presentation was in place, the returns to a

mix-and-match design were increased. Thus, formally, collection presentation and mix-and-match design

were complementary (Milgrom & Roberts, 1990).7 The collection-presentation format was supported by

a host of other choices, such as concept shops, LizBoards, retail associates, sales consultants, and

LizWeek department store presentations. Again, a complementarity existed: the value of these activities

was increased by the presence of a collection presentation, while at the same time, the value of the

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collection presentation was increased by the support activities. Similarly, the apparel could provide its

“mix-and-match value” only if the department store carried the full collection.

In this light, one can understand Liz Claiborne’s strict policy of selling only complete groups to its

customers. An incidental effect of this requirement was that end-customers always saw a full collection in

the department store, which strengthened confidence in the brand and increased perceived value in the

eyes of the consumers. A consequence of this vending policy with respect to Liz Claiborne’s sales

organization was that Liz Claiborne had to focus on large buyers. In addition, success with such an

inflexible order policy necessitated a high level of trust in its customers. Liz Claiborne’s decision to sell

only in its New York show room addressed these concerns. On one hand, senior department store

management would come to New York to establish the required trust. On the other hand, the lost

customers, i.e., those that would not be willing to afford the trip to New York, were small customers who

were not able to buy a full line anyhow. The trust level was further bolstered by an expert sales force and

its SURF system, which provided a closer touch to end-customers than most other apparel designers

could offer at the time. Lastly, Liz Claiborne’s decision to offer six collections a year alleviated the

inflexibility of being required to buy full lines, since a larger number of lines was offered. The ability to

choose from six lines also lessened the impact of Liz Claiborne’s no-cancellation policy. Due to the two

extra lines, each order was smaller than would have been the case otherwise. The no-cancellation policy,

in turn, made long-term planning possible, which was important for Liz Claiborne’s overseas sourcing

strategy. Since its overseas supply had longer lead-times and was unable to react quickly to demand

changes, a steady demand was beneficial. In return, Liz Claiborne could provide high value (and achieve

high margins), due to the lower production costs of its overseas suppliers.

Since Liz Claiborne focused on large buyers, there was a potential risk of being squeezed by its

customers. By following a strict underproduction policy, however, Liz Claiborne retained leverage over

its customers.8 Moreover, this strategy had beneficial side-effects. By producing slightly below demand,

the sell-through was increased, which meant that Liz Claiborne merchandise was less frequent (or in

lower quantities) on sale. This, in return, fortified Liz Claiborne’s “every-day value” claim.

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It is important to note that Liz Claiborne’s set of choices contained tradeoffs. Its decision to use

mainly suppliers located in the Far East, and to invest little in design, distribution and information

technology all helped to keep costs down, yet led to three disadvantages: a) it generated long lead times

between the start of the design to the delivery of the finished product, b) retailers could not reorder, and c)

no production could be made to order.

In evaluating the severity of these disadvantages, the external fit of Liz Claiborne’s set of choices

becomes apparent. All disadvantages were alleviated by external factors: customer demand, retailers’

requirements, available technology, and competitors’ strengths. First, the impossibility of reordering was

not crucial, since Liz Claiborne faced high customer demand mainly for fashion apparel that was not

reordered anyway. Second, the health of Liz Claiborne’s primary retail channel, department stores, was

relatively solid during the 1980s. As a consequence, department stores were not (yet) concerned with

reducing inventory which would have put pressure on Liz Claiborne to offer reordering. Third, the

information and design technology that would allow an efficient reordering system coupled with

shortened design cycles was only in early stages of development. As a result, there did not exist a feasible

alternative set-up (in other words, a different peak) with which competitors could attack Liz Claiborne’s

position. Yet, imitating Liz Claiborne, i.e., trying to climb the same peak and competing on the same

terms, was very difficult, because the entire system of choices would have to be duplicated (Porter &

Rivkin, 1998; Rivkin, 1998). Consequently, Liz Claiborne enjoyed a strong competitive position which

enabled it to easily sell the majority of its output. In turn, with “guaranteed demand,” long lead times and

no production-to-order did not pose a problem.

In sum, Liz Claiborne’s choices showed high internal fit and—given the environmental conditions at

the time—high external fit: In the 1980s, Liz Claiborne had positioned itself on a high peak in the

performance landscape. However, during the late 1980s and early 1990s, changes in customer demand,

retailers’ economic health, and technological advances reduced the external fit of this coherent system:

the height of Liz Claiborne’s peak started to decrease while a new peak arose in the performance


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Changes in Customer Demand and Product Portfolio

By the early 1990s, the trend towards “casualization” of the workplace had picked up momentum—a

development which Liz Claiborne had first underestimated.9 More and more companies allowed their

employees to dress casually, yet customers could not find an attractive assortment of Liz Claiborne

apparel to fulfill this need. Liz Claiborne eventually responded to this shift in customer demand and

increased its offerings in the casual and more basic categories. In addition, in May 1992, Liz Claiborne

acquired for $31 million Russ Togs, Inc. which had filed for Chapter 11 protection the previous

November. Russ Togs manufactured moderately priced women’s sportswear under the Russ Togs and

The Villager labels. The acquisition was intended to take Liz Claiborne into national and regional chain

department stores and the moderate areas of traditional department stores.

While these shifts in its product portfolio appeared to be natural responses to changes in customer

demands, the shift in the product portfolio had far-reaching consequences: Liz Claiborne increased the

number of apparel categories in which reordering had become a convenience offered by many

competitors, yet Liz Claiborne was not set up to offer efficient reordering.

Changes in the Retail Channel

During the late 1980s and early 1990s, the industry of Liz Claiborne’s main distribution channel, i.e.,

traditional department stores, underwent wrenching change. Several hostile takeovers and leveraged

buyouts stretched the liquidity of many department store chains often to the point of bankruptcy. The

most prominent examples of this development included Federated Department Stores which filed for

Chapter 11 protection in January 1990, R. H. Macy which declared bankruptcy in January 1991, and

Carter Hawley Hale which filed for bankruptcy protection in February 1991. As a result, department

stores tried to save cash wherever they could.

First, department stores cut down the retail support they provided to their vendors. For instance, much

less attention was spent on the presentation and restocking of goods on the department store floor. Liz

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Claiborne, being accustomed to having retailers pay for concept shops and presentation support, failed to

compensate for this deficit. Since careful presentation of Liz Claiborne’s apparel as a collection was

essential to its value proposition, the deterioration of shop-floor presentation was particularly detrimental

for Liz Claiborne.

Secondly, department stores demanded larger discounts from their vendors. Similar to its

unwillingness to pay for retailing support, Liz Claiborne refused to cut prices.10 Past success had created

a belief of infallibility coupled with a tinge of hubris at Liz Claiborne, like at many other successful

companies (Miller, 1994). In 1989, Jay Margolis, Liz Claiborne’s top executive next to the remaining

founders of the company, had proudly proclaimed: “We like to think of ourselves as the IBM of the

garment district” (Deveny, 1989). Liz Claiborne’s strong internal culture—the company directory still

listed its employees alphabetically by first name—had created a belief in the organization’s relative

invulnerability to environmental changes (Milliken, 1990). Moreover, negative performance was

frequently attributed to external factors rather than to internal problems, another common pattern for

firms responding to downturns (Bettman & Weitz 1983; Ford, 1985). A former Claiborne executive

commented: “If the product didn’t sell, it was always someone else’s fault. The buyer didn’t show it right,

or it wasn’t delivered the right way” (Caminiti, 1994). Yet with sagging sales and with lower margins

compared to other vendors, Liz Claiborne’s apparel became less attractive to department stores and

received even less attention and eventually less floorspace from retailers.

Third, to alleviate their liquidity problems, department stores aggressively pursued a decrease in their

inventories. Increasingly, department stores demanded that manufacturers offer an option to reorder

items, in order to avoid buying in bulk and having to store merchandise in their stock-rooms.

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The Old Peak Declines and a New Peak Arises

In addition to the need to offer reordering that was now not only possible but also demanded by

retailers, Liz Claiborne faced new competitors that employed a different production paradigm allowing

them to offer reordering efficiently. Improvements in information, design, and production technology, as

well as the spreading of standards in bar-coding and point-of-sales-terminals, had made short reordering

cycles, shorter design cycles, and partial production-to-order economically feasible (Abernathy, Dunlop,

Hammond, & Weil, 1995). In other words, technological changes had created a new peak in the

performance landscape that required a different set of choices. For instance, Jones Apparel, one of Liz

Claiborne’s strongest new competitors, sourced 55% of its products domestically, as compared to 14% for

Liz Claiborne (D’Innocenzio, 1994). This sourcing strategy in addition to heavy investments in design

technology allowed Jones to react quickly to new trends in the marketplace.

At the same time, with demands of retailers and customers shifting, Liz Claiborne’s set of choices,

while still internally consistent, had become less appropriate to the environment. Liz Claiborne’s

disadvantages, in particular long design cycles, no reordering, and no production-to-order had become

more costly. While in the 1980s these disadvantages were small given Liz Claiborne’s product portfolio,

the requirements of retailers, and the high costs of a leaner production model, the disadvantages had

grown in the 1990s: the height of Liz Claiborne’s peak had declined.

Playing an Incomplete Game

In 1991, faced with increasing demands of retailers to offer reordering, Liz Claiborne initiated a

reordering program for items in its casual division. Liz Claiborne’s management followed the path

described in the change framework as playing an incomplete game: Liz Claiborne changed single

elements in its activity system with the consequence of a further performance decline. The firm moved

down from its local peak to even lower performance.

The only elements of “quick response”—as these reordering programs became known in the apparel

industry—that Liz Claiborne duplicated were the ability of department stores’ buyers to submit their

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orders electronically and the promise to fill orders within two weeks. On the production side, no changes

were implemented. Liz Claiborne produced a warehouse full of merchandise and then sold off the

inventory as orders came in. Since inventory costs did not enter Liz Claiborne’s profitability

measurements, the inefficiency of this reordering process remained financially hidden.11 Moreover, past

success had created a “buffer” of $300–$500 million in cash and securities on Liz Claiborne’s balance

sheet (see Table 1). With this buffer, Liz Claiborne never experienced liquidity problems that could have

resulted from having funds tied up in inventory. Slack resources had reduced the necessity for Liz

Claiborne’s management to act upon this inefficiency—a common pitfall of past success as pointed out

by Milliken and Lant (1991).

In addition, by allowing department store buyers to place orders (rather than having a vendor-driven

continuous replenishment program), the volume of orders had large swings which caused Liz Claiborne to

be either unable to fill an order, or to increase its inventory even further. Moreover, department store

buyers whose allotted purchasing budget was exhausted, often would not reorder at all—even styles

which had been sold out—thus leaving popular styles out of stock.

As Figure 3 illustrates, the choice of “no-reordering” was intimately tied to many other choices Liz

Claiborne had made. Simply to offer re-ordering to retailers without further changes in the system as a

whole was bound to create problems. As Hammond (1993) outlines, partial production-to-order and a

shortened product development cycle are necessary to pursue a quick-response strategy efficiently.

Otherwise, inventory at the manufacturer starts to accumulate. However, Liz Claiborne’s lead times were

nine months, about three months longer than lead times of some of its competitors (D’Innocenzio, 1994).

Figure 3 is also helpful in identifying the reasons for Liz Claiborne’s long design-to-market: a) the

location of most of its suppliers in the Far East, b) the small size of its suppliers who did not invest in

(information) technology which would have reduced cycle times, and c) its small investments in

technology, e.g., in CAD systems that could reduce time-to-market (Henricks, 1995). As this example

illustrates, incremental changes in a tightly-coupled system rarely lead to the desired result. Not until Liz

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Claiborne’s (new) management changed a whole series of choices in its design, distribution, and

production set-up, i.e., moved Liz Claiborne to a new peak, did performance improve.


In 1994, with Liz Claiborne’s sales declining and net income plummeting by 35%, Paul Charron was

hired as new Chief Operating Officer. Charron had previously worked for Procter & Gamble and General

Foods, had been the COO of Brown & Bigelow, a specialty advertising agency, and had been most

recently EVP at VF Corporation, the manufacturer of Wrangler and Lee jeans, Vanity Fair Lingerie, and

Jantzen Swimwear. In 1995, Charron replaced Chazen as CEO, while Chazen remained chairman of the

company. This position was also taken on by Charron in 1996, when Chazen retired.

Beginning with his tenure as CEO in 1995, Charron pursued three avenues of change within Liz

Claiborne: First, a revitalization and modernization of choices within presentation and design that had

become neglected over the previous years. Second, a shift in Liz Claiborne’s product portfolio. Third, a

wide-ranging restructuring of its production and distribution set-up.

Revitalization of Presentation and Design

In 1995, Charron created under the name “LizEdge” a new in-store marketing department. One

hundred twenty-five sales associates were hired, each being responsible for in-store presentation of better

sportswear in four locations. At the same time, Liz Claiborne started to install new in-store fixtures

(LizView) in department stores around the country. By April 1997, 200 LizView shops had been installed

with plans to add another 400 by the end of 1997. Similar to the success in the mid-1980s with the

LizWorld shops, sales increased an average 19% after shops had been installed (Rosenberg, 1997). In

addition to the new fixtures, a training program (Liz & Learn) was initiated that provided sales support

and incentives for department store salespeople.

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To obtain a better understanding of the marketplace, Charron commissioned a study on the

characteristics and shopping behavior of Liz Claiborne’s customers. One of the study’s findings was that

customer confidence in picking outfits had risen considerably. While in the early 1980s Liz Claiborne’s

function had been to show what apparel was suitable for the workplace, customers now asked to be

presented with options. In the words of Charron, the customer “has gained confidence to ‘put it together’

by herself if she is provided with cues.”12 These insights were taken into account in designing the new

LizView in-store display units.

Another finding of the consumer study was that a typical customer played a large number of “roles”

during the day (professional woman, soccer-mom, etc.) without having much time to change clothes.

Hence, versatility of apparel and the ability to dress up or down quickly (e.g., by adding some accessories

or by changing a top) was valued very highly. As a result, Liz Claiborne strengthened its efforts to allow

its customers to mix-and-match across divisions (e.g., between LizSport and LizWear).

To ensure that colors across collections and groups were held constant, designers of all units were

required to use the same color card. Moreover, meetings among the company's designers from all its

businesses were held on a regular monthly schedule; previously, they had met haphazardly.

Changes in Product Portfolio

For the long term, Charron was concerned that the current trend in retailing, i.e., the decline of the

department stores and the rise of the discount stores such as Wal-Mart, would continue. Concurrent with

the consolidation in the retail market, he expected a consolidation in the apparel supply market. Prior to

Charron’s arrival, Liz Claiborne had acquired Russ Togs, Inc. which manufactured moderately priced

women’s sportswear under the Russ Togs and The Villager labels. Sales of this division, the “Special

Markets Unit,” increased to $112 million by the end of 1994 (partly inflated by sell-offs of excess

inventory) and decreased to $77.3 million by the end of 1996. Charron decided to enlarge this unit. His

vision was to have for every retail channel and every price point a different Liz Claiborne brand: the

“Russ” label for the budget segment (to be sold, e.g., at Wal-Mart), “The Villager” and a new “First

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Issue” brand for the moderate segment (to be sold, e.g., at Sears), a newly created brand “Emma James”

for the upper moderate segment (to be sold, e.g., at Federated Department Stores), the traditional “Liz

Claiborne Collection,” and the casual lines including “LizWear” for the better segment (to be sold, e.g., at

Dillard’s), and its successful “Dana Buchman” line for the bridge segment (to be sold, e.g., at Saks Fifth


In order to increase general brand awareness, national brand advertising was increased substantially.

Using supermodel Niki Taylor as the centerpiece of its advertising strategy, Liz Claiborne tried to

rejuvenate its image which had grown stale, especially in the eyes of the new generation of professional

women. Some of the newer brands also benefited from this marketing campaign, since they were attached

to the Liz Claiborne name. For instance, the First Issue label was branded as “First Issue – A Liz

Claiborne Company.” In addition to the public media campaign, at the end of 1994, Liz Claiborne made

a statement within the fashion industry by opening a 19,000 square foot flagship store at 650 Fifth


Production and Distribution Changes

While the new initiatives with respect to presentation consisted mainly of the modernization of

previous choices, fundamental changes occurred in the way Liz Claiborne orchestrated its production and

distribution. In 1995, Charron announced a comprehensive program, LizFirst, which was geared towards

increasing Liz Claiborne’s efficiency. Its goals were to reduce excess inventories by 40%, cut cycle time

by 25%, and reduce SG&A by $100 million over three years. Some of the ways in which Liz Claiborne

sought to fulfill its goals was to reduce the number of suppliers by half and to shift 50% of its production

to the Western hemisphere. By concentrating production with larger suppliers who could afford and were

willing to invest in information and production technology, and by moving production closer to the region

of retail, cycle times could be shortened.

Liz Claiborne also switched back to four instead of six production and design cycles. With six

seasons, i.e., a two-month delivery period, none of the merchandise could be made to order. With four

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seasons, the three-month delivery period allowed Liz Claiborne to produce—for at least some items—the

third month to order. Liz Claiborne also started with some of its clients a vendor-based restocking system,

or “retail inventory management” program (LizRim), in which Liz Claiborne automatically replenished

basic merchandise (mainly jeans, slacks, and shorts) to prior negotiated inventory levels at department

stores. This system dramatically lowered stock-outs and kept inventory levels at department stores small,

without causing huge production and order swings for Liz Claiborne.

One of the pioneers of such a vendor-based system had been Procter & Gamble (in co-operation with

Wal-Mart). Later VF Corporation and Haggar were among the first to adopt a similar system in the basic

apparel industry. Charron’s prior work experience at Procter & Gamble and VF Corporation provided him

with valuable knowledge about the necessary supporting activities for a successful implementation. At

Liz Claiborne, the program was spearheaded by the casual wear division, whose new president had been

recruited by Charron from Haggar in December 1994. Charron also brought further expertise in-house by

hiring a new Chief Information Officer, who had previously been an Executive Vice President for

Business Systems/Logistics at a leading apparel retailer, and a new Senior Vice President for

manufacturing and sourcing who had a background in low-cost private label manufacturing.

By 1997, LizFirst showed good results: excess inventory had been cut by 47% from 1994 levels, its

retail management program was in 1,200 doors, operating expenses had been reduced by $82 million, and

cycle time in certain key processes had been cut by 40%. Moreover, the number of factories Liz

Claiborne used had been cut by half.

Internal Fit on a New Peak

Similar to Figure 3, Figure 4 depicts Liz Claiborne’s choices as of 1997 in the five categories of

design, presentation, selling, marketing, and production/distribution, and displays the interconnections

between the choices. The locations of the five categories on the maps have been kept approximately

constant to facilitate comparison of the choices between the two points in time.

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We find a familiar cluster of reinforcing choices dealing with the strengthening of the retail

presentation. As noted above, Liz Claiborne was rejuvenating its former successful formula: mix-and-

match design coupled with a careful presentation strategy involving, among others, new displays and

sales associates. The main changes within these categories were that mix-and-match was conducted

across divisions and that Liz Claiborne, rather than the retailers, paid for the presentation support.


The largest number of new choices clustered around Liz Claiborne’s new reordering process

(LizRim), and around the system to allow (partial) production-to-order. While the presentation support

was mainly geared towards Liz Claiborne’s traditional better sportswear, LizRim was designed to fulfill

the requirements of mass-merchants which would carry its budget brands. However, due to its large size,

the Liz Casual division, which belonged to the better sportswear division, was actually accounting for the

largest use of LizRim. By keeping out-of-stock positions at a low level, LizRim reinforced the efforts

undertaken with respect to the renewed presentation format—the best trained sales people and most

cleverly designed display units could not sell merchandise which was out of stock.


Why had Liz Claiborne’s old management been unable to respond to the environmental changes, a

common finding for declining organizations? (Cameron, Whetten, & Kim, 1987). In the analysis above,

we suggested that a major contributing factor was that Liz Claiborne’s management faced fit-conserving

change. Environmental changes had decreased the value of a part of Liz Claiborne’s set of choices (in

particular with respect to production and distribution), which had to be changed. Small, incremental

changes—exploring the local neighborhood of the current position—no longer sufficed. However, larger,

revolutionary changes were not initiated by existing management.

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Lant & Mezias (1992) introduce the concepts of first-order and second-order learning which are

helpful to understand the executive development at Liz Claiborne (for the origin of the concepts see

Watzlawick, Weakland, & Fisch, 1974). First-order learning is an incremental, conservative process that

is geared towards sustaining the current condition. Second-order learning involves the unlearning of prior

premises, and the developing of new frames and new interpretive schemes (Bartunek, 1984).14 In our

terminology, first-order learning can be thought of as updating the mental map around the local

neighborhood of the current position. In contrast, second-order learning is a broader scanning of the

landscape resulting in a changed mental map which recognizes new peaks.

As described in the discussion of the literature on inertia, changing mental maps is, however, a very

difficult undertaking, especially for executives with long, successful tenures. Consequently, firms often

respond to the need for new mental maps through executive succession, i.e., by the “importing” rather

than the development of new mental maps (Greiner & Bhambri, 1989; Lant, Milliken, & Batra 1992;

Virany, Tushman, & Romanelli, 1992). New management is often necessary to facilitate the unlearning of

old routines (Nystrom & Starbuck, 1984) and to create substantial second-order learning (Tushman &

Rosenkopf, 1996). Consistent with this argument, it has been observed that new successors often bring in

new skills and have characteristics which deviate from those of their predecessors, especially when top

management changes were made in response to crises (Virany & Tushman, 1986; Wiersema & Bantel,

1992). Outsiders frequently fit this description better than internally groomed successors (Helmich &

Brown, 1972; Reinganum, 1985).

The executive development at Liz Claiborne is well captured by the above description. By 1993, the

year prior to Charron’s arrival, Liz Claiborne’s top management team consisted of Chazen and a group of

eight executives who had been with the 17-year-old company on average 8½ years. In 1994, Charron, an

outsider with experience in the new production paradigm who was not mentally tied to the old system,

was hired. Moreover, Charron aggressively changed the composition of Liz Claiborne’s top management

team by hiring further expertise from outside and promoting younger managers from within. At the end of

1995, the top six managers had an average tenure of four years (the median was 1½ years). Similarly,

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from the extended top management group in 1993, which consisted of 25 managers (all managers from

the Vice President level up), only 8 were left among the top 28 managers in 1995 (Dun & Bradstreet,

various years; Liz Claiborne 10-K, various years). Together with this new management team, Charron

was able to execute a wide-ranging change of many activities, moving Liz Claiborne to a new peak on the

changed performance landscape.

The purpose of the framework developed in this paper is to explore how fit influences the link

between environmental changes and ensuing firm change. To this end, we suggested that a useful

distinction can be made between environmental changes that affect external and/or internal fit. While the

existing literature has made the distinction between stable and turbulent environments, i.e., how

frequently the performance landscape changes, we suggest to classify environmental changes with respect

to the impact they have on the landscape. We are thus offering an alternative and complementary

classification. With this classification, the effect of environmental change on firms can be described as fit-

destroying and fit-conserving—a useful distinction since managers react differently to these two types of

changes. As the literature on inertia suggests, managers will have a particularly difficult time reacting to

fit-conserving change, because the internal logic of the existing system of choices remains intact.

The argument outlined in this paper finds a parallel in the conceptual approach of Henderson & Clark

(1990) who study a particular type of environmental change (a technological innovation) and the effect of

this change on incumbent firms. They suggest that rather than distinguishing between incremental and

radical innovations (a measure of magnitude), it is useful to classify innovations with respect to their

impact on the existing product-system. Analogously, we argue for the classification of environmental

changes according to their impact on internal and external fit, rather than by their frequency. The new

distinction Henderson and Clark (1990) introduce is whether an innovation changes architectural

knowledge (how parts interact) or changes component knowledge (how parts work). This distinction

allowed Henderson (1993) to explain the inertia of incumbent firms to innovations in the

photolithographic alignment equipment industry. Similarly, it is hoped that the proposed framework in

this paper and the distinction between fit-conserving and fit-destroying change will provide a new lens

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through which the impact of environmental changes on firms with high internal fit can be better


In addition to the framework, we believe that the maps of choices and their interactions can provide a

helpful tool for understanding the structural requirements of change in a system with tight internal fit. For

instance, in the present case, Liz Claiborne wanted to offer re-ordering. As Figures 3 and 4 illustrate, the

choice whether or not to offer re-ordering was tied to many other choices. We can use Figure 3 to predict

the changes that were necessary to implement an efficient reordering process. Directly affected were the

previous choices of low spending in information and distribution technology (which had to be increased

to gather precise information about apparel sold), and the decision not to produce any apparel to order.

One could call these “first-order” changes. However, to produce some merchandise to order, other

choices had to be changed: part of the supplier base had to be shifted to the Western hemisphere, the

number of collections had to be reduced to four (which had implications for the design process), the

delivery dates had to be moved up in time to allow information gathering early in the season for

production delivered late in the season, and lead times had to be reduced. In turn, to reduce lead time,

increased investments in design technology, and a shift to larger, better capitalized suppliers who could

invest in information and production technology had to follow. Thus, not only first-order, but also

second- and third-order changes were necessary. The mapping of choices and their interactions as in

Figures 3 and 4 make these ripple effects clearly visible. At the same time, these maps point out those

choices that do not have to be changed. For instance, the presentation format, which was mainly

connected to the design concept of mix-and-match, was not affected by changes in the production set-up.

The goal of this paper was to outline a new framework and to use an in-depth case analysis for

illustration. Clearly, more empirical work waits to be done to illustrate the effects of fit-conserving versus

fit-destroying change. For instance, the framework predicts that in the face of (moderate) fit-destroying

change, firms with high fit react faster than firms with loosely coupled systems (for evidence couched in

different terms, see Firestone, 1985). While further insights can be derived from additional case work,

larger-sample analyses would add statistical power to conclusions. To this end, however, more

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preliminary conceptual work needs to be done to identify conditions under which fit-conserving and fit-

destroying change is likely to arise. A first hypothesis, suggested by our framework and our empirical

observations, is that fit-conserving change can be observed if technological change allows rival firms to

compete with new systems of activities. In landscape terminology, fit-conserving change appears likely if

new (high) peaks are rising in the landscape. At the same time, (moderate) fit-destroying change is

associated with environmental developments (e.g., technological improvements) that affect only

individual activities.

On the analytical side, an interesting extension of the framework would be to incorporate a more

explicit process of how managers create mental maps of the performance landscape. With faulty

representations, new questions arise. For instance, what are the consequences of faulty maps given high

internal fit? What types of misrepresentations are particularly costly? In current work, we are pursuing

this line of research.

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TABLE 1 Financial Data for Liz Claiborne, Inc.

(all figures in millions except EPS and share price)

1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981

Sales 2217 2081 2163 2204 2194 2007 1729 1411 1184 1053 813 557 391 228 160 116

growth 6.5% -3.8% -1.9% 0.5% 9.3% 16.1% 22.5% 19.2% 12.4% 29.5% 46.0% 42.3% 71.1% 42.9% 37.0% 46.0%

COGS 1341.1 1290.9 1407.7 1452.4 1364.2 1207.5 1030.8 841.7 758.3 655.6 502.2 341.7 243.8 144.7 109.6 76.2

Gross margin

39.52% 37.99% 34.92% 34.10% 37.82% 39.84% 40.38% 40.35% 35.95% 37.74% 38.23% 38.65% 37.69% 36.73% 31.50% 34.76%

SG&A 641.7 600.5 604.4 568.3 507.5 471.1 393.1 321.9 255.5 194.7 146.3 97.3 66.3 40.1 27 18.2

SG&A/ sales

28.94% 28.85% 27.94% 25.78% 23.13% 23.47% 22.74% 22.81% 21.58% 18.49% 18.00% 17.47% 16.94% 17.53% 16.88% 15.58%

NI 155.7 126.9 82.9 126.9 218.8 222.7 205.8 164.6 110.3 114.4 86.2 60.6 41.9 22.4 14.1 10.2

growth 22.7% 53.1% -34.7% -42.0% -1.8% 8.2% 25.0% 49.2% -3.6% 32.7% 42.2% 44.6% 87.1% 59.2% 37.9% 64.5%

NI/Sales 7.02% 6.10% 3.83% 5.76% 9.97% 11.10% 11.90% 11.67% 9.32% 10.86% 10.60% 10.88% 10.71% 9.79% 8.79% 8.73%

EPS 2.15 1.69 1.06 1.56 2.61 2.61 2.37 1.87 1.26 1.32 1.00 0.71 0.50 0.27 0.17 0.13

ROE 15.3% 12.8% 8.4% 13.0% 21.9% 24.5% 28.9% 26.9% 24.1% 32.0% 34.8% 37.2% 40.1% 34.7% 34.2% 38.1%

Cash+ Securities

528.8 437.8 330.3 309.2 425.6 471.5 431.8 372.9 278.3 160.4 104 56.2 19 11.2 na na

Inventory 349.4 393.3 423 436.6 385.9 322 265.7 198.2 168 156.4 114.9 72.8 73.4 34.2 21.3 na

Inv. days 95.1 111.2 109.7 109.7 103.2 97.3 94.1 85.9 80.9 87.1 83.5 77.8 109.9 86.3 70.9 0.0

LT Debt 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.6 15.1 15.6 14.1 14.5 0 10 0 0 0 0

D/E 0.10% 0.11% 0.12% 0.13% 0.14% 0.18% 2.12% 2.55% 3.08% 4.06% 0.00% 6.15% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%

Market Value

2796.8 2064.9 1335.0 1844.1 3495.0 3610.6 2581.8 2109.8 1509.1 1434.4 1844.0 1035.4 539.2 357.0 194.6 97.3

Share price

38.63 27.50 17.00 22.63 41.63 42.25 29.75 24.00 17.25 16.50 21.38 12.13 6.38 4.25 2.33 1.22

Page 45: Change In The Presence Of Fit: The Rise, The Fall, And The ...


A: Performance Landscape (early 1900s) The Ford Production System (low flexibility, low variety) provides high performance

B: Performance Landscape (1980s) The Japanese Production System (high flexibility, high variety) provides better performance, while the value of the Ford production system has decreased.



no change

external fit

internal fit

no change change

no change fit-conserving change

benign fit-destroying


detrimental fit-destroying


low variety

high flexibility






low variety

high flexibility






Page 46: Change In The Presence Of Fit: The Rise, The Fall, And The ...

FIGURE 3 Map of interactions among Liz Claiborne’s choices in the early 1990s



Dana Buchman




late presentation and delivery

image of friend

overseas suppliers

six collections

mix-and-match design

presentation as collection


LizWeek presentations

concept shops retail associates

sales consultants

selling entire groups only


sales only in NY

excellent sales force

focus on large customers


consistency of color

no splashy advertising

Lower total cost to customers - Price - Search cost - Time value

stylish yet conservative design

no cancellation policy

accessory concept shops

low design technology

low spending on information systems and distribution

small suppliers

no reordering no production to order long lead times

Fashion apparel for the professional


Product Portfolio

Production and Distribution




Selling Process

Page 47: Change In The Presence Of Fit: The Rise, The Fall, And The ...

FIGURE 4 Map of interactions among Liz Claiborne’s choices in 1997

upper moderate: Emma James

budget: Russ

better: Liz Claiborne Collection


rejuvenating image

shift towards Western Hemisphere suppliers

four collections

mix-and-match design and mix-and-match across divisions

presentation as collection


Liz & Learn

LizView sales associates

selling entire groups only

sales only in NY

excellent sales force

focus on large customers

consistency of color

Niki Taylor

Lower total cost to customers - Price - Search cost - Time value

close design coordination

accessory concept shops

CAD investment

increased spending on IT systems and distribution

better capitalized, larger suppliers

reordering for certain styles

partial production to order reduction in lead times

Apparel for women at every price


Product Portfolio

Production and Distribution




Selling Process

bridge: Dana Buchman

better: Liz Casual

moderate: First Issue The Villager

NY flagship

Liz Rim

Page 48: Change In The Presence Of Fit: The Rise, The Fall, And The ...

FOOTNOTES 1 Organizational ecologists further argue that organizational reliability and accountability, which are posited to be the central advantages of organizations over individuals, require stable organizational structures. In this view, inertia is a defining and necessary feature of firms and not only the result of managers’ (psychological) tendencies towards inertia (Hannan & Freeman, 1984).

2 For formal models of performance landscapes with these features see Kauffman (1993).

3 It is interesting to note that this discussion about the “dark side” of linkages is paralleled by the debate about the value of routines (Montgomery, 1995). On one hand, routines can be seen as sources for a competitive advantage (Nelson & Winter, 1982). On the other hand, routines can be seen as creating a liability due to their generating increased inertia (Hannan & Freeman, 1984).

4 personal communication with Paul R. Charron, February 30, 1997.

5 personal communication with Jerome Chazen, October 7, 1997.

6 Until 1990, all of Liz Claiborne’s (domestic) sales were performed through its New York showroom. In order to reach smaller specialty stores, Liz Claiborne decided to open two small showrooms in Atlanta and Dallas in 1990 and 1992. However, in these showrooms only dresses, accessories, jewelry and Liz & Co. better casual knitwear was displayed. The traditional sportswear was not shown, since the minimum orders were too high for most specialty stores.

7 Two elements A and B are complementary if the marginal benefit of A increases in the level of B, and vice versa. This concept can be extended to non-continuous cases as long as A and B and their combinations can be ordered (Milgrom & Roberts, 1990).

8 For another example of an underproduction policy, see the discussion by Brandenburger and Nalebuff (1995) of Nintendo’s production strategy in the face of powerful buyers such as Wal-Mart and Toys “R” Us.

9 personal communication with James Lewis, President Liz Claiborne Casual, February 30, 1997.

10 personal communication with Jerome Chazen, October 7, 1997.

11 personal communication with James Lewis, President Liz Claiborne Casual, February 30, 1997.

12 personal communication with Paul R. Charron, February 30, 1997

13 personal communication with Paul R. Charron, February 30, 1997.

14 Fundamentally related are the concepts of single- and double-loop learning discussed by Argyris & Schön (1978).

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