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Changing Me - Ages 13-14 - Piece 4 - Giving advice

Giving advice to friends when things go wrong.

Read the following scenarios and give some constructive advice to the students.

1. Claire loves acting and she auditionedfor the lead role in the school play,but she wasn’t successful. She hasbeen offered a main part, but not thelead. She is feeling miserable, hasn’tconfirmed if she will take the partshe’s been offered and is even talkingabout giving up on acting as she’s notgood enough at it. She is planning toapply to drama school so this wouldbe a big change of plan.

2. Tom has just turned 14 and wants toget a part-time job. He has handed inhis CV to local shops and businessesand even called a few, however,no-one wants him. Some businessowners have said he’s too young andothers have just ignored him. He hassaid that he might as well just give uptrying as no-one wants to employ him.

3. Nuala and Matt have been goodfriends for years. Matt told Nualain confidence that he liked a girl inhis class and wanted to ask her out.Nuala accidently told another friendabout this who then told the girl helikes. Matt is furious with Nuala andwon’t speak to her. Nuala has decidedshe doesn’t care and will just give upMatt’s friendship.

4. Ali has been playing football since hewas 5, practises at every opportunityand is his team’s star player. Recently,his team was being watched by sometalent scouts from professional clubs.They were impressed by Ali, however,he heard one say that he’s too shortso won’t be any good in the longerterm as the best players are tall. Alihas become withdrawn and depressedas he feels that his hard work has allbeen for nothing.

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