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Page 1: Channel Strategy Argentina...Patagonia [same brand communication], North Face, Columbia, Montage [local brand, communication focus on technological information] -> High intensity of

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Global Channel Strategy Bernhard Bock & Lia Klimmer

Management Summary for Argentina December, 2018

Country specific information

Population: 43,6 m. Inhabitants [64% 15-64 years]

Urbanization: 92% [biggest cities: Buenos Aires, …]

Landscape: possibilities for outdoor activities

Use of internet & telecommunication is rising

Political & economic crises over the last 50 years

Barriers to enter the market [intermediary]

Infrastructural issues

Market Characteristics

Segment Sport & Outdoor is rising

Recognition for EU-Brands

High urbanization

Many shops in urban areas - great demand

E-Commerce business is rising

Big retail stores small specialized dealers

Older generation very price sensitive

Compare prices up to six times


Patagonia [same brand communication], North Face,

Columbia, Montage [local brand, communication focus on

technological information]

-> High intensity of competition


Potential Customers

Wider middle class Younger generation Passionate about sports & outdoor Important: aftersales service, terms of deliver & easy access to stores

Low income People are very sensitive in spending No loyalty to brands Do not care a lot about sustainability


Quick market entry possible Good source of information for customers Purchase over laptop [85%], information via portable devices Reasons for online shopping: [38 %] quick, [45%] any time, [36%] comfortable, [30%] easy Big Platforms: Mercado Libre, eBay, Amazon

Patagonia also uses online channels Only 3% of all sales are made online

Offline Shopping

Good existing retail stores structure Example: Fallabella & Intersport

Store opening only via intermediary Patagonia uses retail stores strategy



* Global consumer Survey in Argentina of Statista in 2017

Channel Strategy Argentina

PULL: VAUDE Online Presence

Website: Offer the right content in the appropriate language

-> Spanish

Improve Online Shop: customer reviews

[*70% appreciate reviews], easy way of ordering,

visibility of prices & information,



Shop function + relevant content:

outdoor tips & tricks – f. ex. which

clothing do you need to do this trip… [*45% prefer to use their smartphone to


PULL: TV – as an advertisement channel

Create brand awareness – because of huge coverage & big influence on customers

Offering possibility to buy, order or see prices

Product placement in well-known TV-Shows, Sitcoms

PUSH: Shop in Shop Solution

Customers can experience the VAUDE Products in retail

stores like Intersport with own VAUDE area & sales

manager, who support and advice [*39% want to see the item before the buy it]

PULL/PUSH Platform: Mercado Libre

Create brand awareness, in being

present within the most famous platform

Usage of existing infrastructure [logistic,

Payment] from the trusted online shop

Channel Connections:

Order, research, reserve online – collect offline [*76 % of the customers research before


Same shopping basket available on different devices

Check availability in stores

Screens with videos & Barcodes in the offline shop to go online

Same visual appereance


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The appendix will provide a deeper understanding of the process, the project team went through, to

set up the management summary. Topics to be addressed in the appendix will be information about

the company VAUDE, general information about Argentina, market characteristics and consumers in

Argentina as well as the pros and cons of them for possible channels.

1. VAUDE.......................................................................................................... 4

1.1. Vision ....................................................................................................................................... 4

1.2. Business segments................................................................................................................... 4

1.3. Production facilities ................................................................................................................. 4

1.4. Distribution .............................................................................................................................. 4

1.5. History ..................................................................................................................................... 5

2. Argentina ..................................................................................................... 6

2.1 General country conditions ..................................................................................................... 6

a. General .................................................................................................................................... 6

b. Political .................................................................................................................................... 6

c. Economical .............................................................................................................................. 7

d. Social ........................................................................................................................................ 7

e. Technological ........................................................................................................................... 7

f. Environmental ......................................................................................................................... 7

g. Legal ......................................................................................................................................... 7

h. Key Findings general country conditions Argentina ................................................................ 7

2.2. Market characteristics ............................................................................................................. 8

2.3. Potential Customers ................................................................................................................ 9

2.4. Main competitors for VAUDE .................................................................................................. 9

2.5. Possible offline sales structure .............................................................................................. 10

2.6. Possible E-commerce structure ............................................................................................. 11

3. Presentations ............................................................................................. 14

3.1 Presentation 1 ....................................................................................................................... 14

3.2. Presentation 2 ....................................................................................................................... 17

List of references .............................................................................................. 23

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Attitudes towards online and offline shopping ...................................................................... 10

Figure 2: 10 biggest cities in Argentina ................................................................................................. 10

Figure 3: E-commerce share of total retail in Argentina ....................................................................... 11

Figure 4: Online shopper device penetration in Argentina ................................................................... 11

Figure 5: Online retailers in Argentina .................................................................................................. 12

Figure 6: Preferred online payment methods in Argentina .................................................................. 12

Figure 7: Reasons to buy online in Argentina ........................................................................................ 13

Figure 8: Number of online shoppers in Argentina ............................................................................... 13

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To decide whether to go to a country or not, the vision and strategical goals of the company have to

be understood:

VAUDE is a modern and family-run company which emphasises on being environmentally friendly.

They are an outdoor supplier, which takes, according to them, social and environmental responsibility.1

Their goal is to be Europe’s most sustainable brand of the outdoor gear segment. In being or enforcing

the sustainable approach the have a cooperation with many different partners like WWF.

1.1. Vision

According to the website, VAUDE should stand for a certain kind of spirit of a partnership with people

and nature. The goal of becoming Europe’s most sustainable outdoor brand should be fulfilled with

the greater goal that future generations can still enjoy the nature. 2

1.2. Business segments All in all, they have three business segments

Mountain sports, Bike sports, Packs’n and Bags.3

In these segments they produce Outdoor Clothing, Shoes, Backpacks, Sleeping bags, Tents, Bags and accessorising. The target groups are people who like doing mountaineering, ski mountaineering, hiking, trekking, mountain biking and road cycling. 4

1.3. Production facilities As mentioned also in their Vision and values, VAUDE also tries to manage their production facilities in

a fair way. The most important facilities are directly managed by VAUDE or in close cooperation. This

includes one facility in the headquarter in Tettnang, and another facility in Bim Son, in Vietnam. In

Germany 32 employees are working in the Production, whereas in Vietnam there are 1.000 people

working for VAUDE.5

1.4. Distribution On their website VAUDE mentions, that they place a lot of trust in specialist stores and the importance

of the competence in service and advice.

The business partners, they work with can, according to them, help with any questions or problems.

Furthermore, repairs or a VAUDE product or a replacement part can be handled directly with the

dealers in a short time.6

1 Cf. VAUDE o. J.-a 2 Cf. VAUDE o. J.-b 3 Cf. VAUDE o. J. 4 Cf. VAUDE o. J.-c 5 Cf. VAUDE o. J.-d 6 Cf. VAUDE o. J.-b

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Additionally, to the retailers they have some more distribution channels:

Online Shop: where the entire range of gear can be found. The expertise of the online shop is hold by Arendicon. If a product is bought the shop contacts the nearest dealer, which is then also responsible for the service.7

VAUDE Stores: those are flagship stores, which are mostly only situated in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. 8

Franchise: Mostly the mentioned VAUDE flagship stores are a franchise concept which creates brand experience that reflect the values, global high-end concept store design- only with professional retail partners

Outlet Stores: VAUDE offers factory outlets with discontinued products from previous collections or prototypes.9

Second Use Shop: In these shops VAUDE resells brand products which are no longer used, VAUDE is for example also offered at the EBay platform. With these channels they extend life cycle of outdoor articles10

Online Shops: In contrast to their support strategy, they are also present in web shops like Bergfreunde, Zalando, Hervis and Amazon.11

1.5. History Here is a short summary of the history of the company VAUDE from 1974 until 2015:

Albrecht von Dewitz founded the Mountain sports in 1974, thin mountain air of the alps 1980 Headquarter in Tettnang – continuously expanded (now 500 employees) 1992 New business segment: bike sports (clothing & accessories for cyclists) 1998 Packs’n Bag (fashionably & functional) 2001 childcare centre 2001 Bluesign (environmental standards) 2002 Partnership with DAV (German alpine association) 2009 Daughter takes over company 2010 Green Shape (guarantee for environmentally friendly products) 2011 WWF (cooperation) 2012 Climate neutrality (products manufactured are climate neutral) 2015 fair wear foundation 2015 remodelling company building -> sustainability12

7 Cf. VAUDE o. J.-a 8 Cf. VAUDE o. J.-g 9 Cf. VAUDE o. J.-f 10 Cf. VAUDE o. J.-e 11 Cf. Zalando 2018 12 Cf. VAUDE o. J.-c

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2. Argentina

The following chapter will bring up some detailed information about Argentina. Especially topics like

general country conditions, market conditions, customer base, main competitors and possible sales

structures will be addressed.

2.1 General country conditions

a. General The base of this short analysis about ARG will be the PESTEL-factors. ARG is located in the southern

part of South America and is the second largest country on this continent. The eastern border of ARG

is the Atlantic Ocean, while the neighbour countries are Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.

The capital is Buenos Aires with 3 m. inhabitants and the overall population of ARG is 44 m.

The transportation network in ARG is very large but suffers from bad quality. Especially transportation

by train is hard to manage.13

b. Political ARG is a presidential democracy and the president is Mauricio Macri. The political history of ARG had

a lot of ups and downs. Looking back to the 1970s ARG always suffered from political instability and

national bankruptcies. Due to that development customers are really conservative with their

13 Cf. Auswärtiges Amt 2017a; Transamerika 2017; WKO 2018; Länderdaten 2017 14 Cf. Transamerika o. J. 15 Cf. Weltkarte.com o. J. 16 Cf. Auswärtiges Amt o. J.


Location South America

Neighbour countries: CHL, BOL, PRY, BRA, URY

Mountains: Andes, Sierras Pampeanas, Mesetas

of Patagonia14


Size 2.780.000 Km²

Capital Buenos Aires 3 Mio. inhabitants

Population 43,6 Mio.

Language Hispanic

Religion Catholics 90%, Protestants 2%, Jews 1%16

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spending’s.17 Also corruption and political risk index are rather high.18 At the moment the political

situation is not really dangerous but should be watched closely because changes can have a big impact

on general spending’s of the potential customers.

c. Economical The currency of ARG is the argentine peso and suffers from high currency fluctuations. The average

yearly income in ARG is € 11.500. A higher level of income can be seen in the wider middle class. In this

part of the population people tend to buy western premium brands and are more quality conscious.

All together the income distribution seems to be very unequal which is proven by a Gini coefficient of

42,7 percent. The inflation rate for 2018 is estimated with 18 percent, the unemployment rate is

estimated with 8 percent.19

An interesting aspect for the future is the trade agreement Mercosur which is in negotiation.20 The

most important economic sector is tourism industry.21

d. Social The age distribution in ARG is as at follows: People with age >65 = 11 percent; People with age 15-64

= 63,9 percent; People with age <15 = 25.1 percent. The urbanization level is 92 percent. The age

distribution can be an important factor to concretise the target group.22

e. Technological At the moment ARG still has problems with electricity generation.

The number of people who have access to the internet is increasing over the years. In 2017, 30 m. of

people have access to the internet.

Number of telecommunication users has increased from 17 percent in the year 2000 up to 148 percent

in 2018. 22,5 m. people use smartphones. At the moment ARG has 16,8 m. online shoppers. These

numbers can give a concrete direction towards the meaningfulness of e-commerce shopping.23

f. Environmental The landscape of ARG is has lot of different variations, from alpine mountains over a lot of rivers and

swamps up to the rainforest which results in different climate zones. The winter in ARG is the European


ARG also suffers from a lot of environmental issues like the quality of water and air as well as water

scarcity. These issues have a great impact on health and life of each individual in ARG.24

g. Legal Doing business, or even starting business in ARG can only be done by an intermediary. A local retailer

or companies from ARG are needed to get a step into the Argentine market. Most of these local

retailers want exclusive rights for the distribution of specific goods.25

h. Key Findings general country conditions Argentina The Argentine landscape offers several possibilities for outdoor lovers. For example, hiking and

trekking fans find the best destinations in Patagonia, while the Andes are more the region for general

outdoor lovers. Also, mountaineering is very big in ARG and was recognized by VAUDE in the year 2011

17 Cf. GTAI 2018; Cf. Auswärtiges Amt 2017b 18 Cf. Rastlos 2018; Cf. Auswärtiges Amt 2017a 19 Cf. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH 2018; Gtai 2017; WKO 2018; Cia.gov 2017 20 Cf. Österreich; H; Kontaktseite 2017 21 Cf. WKO 2018 22 Cf. WKO 2018 23 Cf. WKO 2018; Eshopworld 2018 24 Cf. Auswärtiges Amt 2017a; GTAI 2018 25 Cf. Pfalz Ihk 24 2017

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when the company was sponsoring a rock-climbing trip to Cerro Torre and Fitz Roy in Patagonia. Also,

the responsibility for sustainability was recognised in this project. Besides summer tourists ARG offers

a lot of possibilities for winter sports enthusiast, another interesting target group. A lot of people have

discovered the European summer to go to ARG for skiing.

Opportunities & Challenges for VAUDE:

Opportunities Challenges

General country conditions Landscape offers a lot of possibilities for outdoor activities

Segment sports & outdoor is rising

Use of internet & telecommunication is rising

63,9 percent of population in possible target group

Political and economic crisis over the last 50 years

People very sensitive in spending

Hard to start business in ARG

Bad transportation network

2.2. Market characteristics People in ARG tend to approximate European standards in shopping behaviour. But besides that, due

to political and economic crises in the past, customers really want to know what they get for their

money. They tend to compare prices up to 6 times before they purchase a product. Older population

tends to buy cheaper sub brands, but on the other side younger generation likes to buy European and

well-known brands. Most popular places to shop are big retail stores with a broad product assortment

as well as small specialized dealers. 16,8 m. people use online shopping. The most popular e-commerce

platforms are Mercado Libre, eBay and Amazon.

The segment sports & outdoor is growing by 12 percent every year, revenue will be $ 133 m. in 2018.

Doing business in ARG is not possible without an intermediary.26

Opportunities & Challenges for VAUDE:

Opportunities Challenges

Market characteristics Segment sports & outdoor rising

Recognition for European brands

Access to stores Big retail stores and

specialized stores E-commerce rising

Older generation very price sensitive

Need intermediary to start business

26 Cf. Santandertrade 2018; Statista 2017b; 2018

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2.3. Potential Customers Potential customers in ARG for VAUDE are part of the wider middle class with a higher level of income.

Another potential target group is the younger generation. These people tend to buy more western

premium brands to be more fashionable.

In general people in ARG are very price sensitive due to economic and political crisis in the past.

Customers are not very loyal, have a conservative shopping behaviour and buying only what is really


Potential customers are passionate about sports and outdoor activities but do not care too much about

sustainability. Rally important for potential customers in ARG are after sales services, terms of delivery

and an easy access to stores. 92 percent live in cities which makes the access to stores easier and also

the outdoor possibilities around the bigger cities like Buenos Aires are very popular.27

Opportunities & Challenges for VAUDE:

Opportunities Challenges

Potential customers Wider middle class Young people tend

to buy western brands

Passionate about sports & outdoor


Price sensitivity Political end

economical past Low income No loyalty

2.4. Main competitors for VAUDE The sports & outdoor segment is growing in ARG. This is why more and more foreign brands try to

enter the market in ARG. The main competitors for VAUDE are Patagonia, The North Face and

Columbia and the local brand Montagne.

The main competitor is the brand Patagonia due to its pretty similar attitude towards sustainability.

The brand sells their products in ARG over their own online store, besides this the company cooperates

with several retailers.

The local competitor Montagne does not focus on sustainability too much, the focus is more on

technological issues.28

Opportunities & Challenges for VAUDE:

Opportunities Challenges

Main competitors High market potential

Differentiation in brand communication to local competitor Montagne

Lots of competitors see chances in the market in ARG

Same Brand communication of competitors, for example Patagonia

27 Cf. Santandertrade 2018; Buskerkud and Vestfold University College 2014 28 Cf. Columbia Sportswear 2018; Patagonia 2018; Montagne 2018; The North Face 2018; Statista o. J.

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2.5. Possible offline sales structure Like mentioned before the urbanization in ARG is 92 percent and the structure of offline shops is

divided into big retail stores with a broad product assortment and small specialized stores. There is no

chance of doing business without an Argentine partner. This is the reason why opening an own store

might be rather hard at the beginning. Bigger retail stores are Fallabella and Intersport. Also, the

competitor Patagonia is using the platform big retail stores to sell their products.29

Opportunities & Challenges for VAUD30E:

Opportunities Challenges

Offline shopping Good access to stores, urbanization

Good retail store structure

Patagonia uses same strategy to sell products

Hard to open own store

29 Cf. Patagonia 2018; Yelp 2018; WKO 2018 30 Cf. Statista 2017a

Figure 1: 10 biggest cities in Argentina

Figure 2: Attitudes towards online and offline shopping

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2.6. Possible E-commerce structure

The e-commerce sector was raising in ARG over the last couple years. And more growth is predicted.

The share of the e-commerce sector in ARG was around 3 percent in 2018.

Most of the people tend to do their online shopping over desktop or laptop. Information finding takes

place over smartphones.

Figure 4: Online shopper device penetration in Argentina

The most popular retail website in ARG is Mercado Libre. The platform was founded and is based in

ARG and operates in different Latin American countries. Mercado Libre exists since 1999, is very

responsive and an app is also available. Like mentioned before Argentines tend to compare products,

this is why online shopping becomes more and more important for VAUDE in ARG.

Figure 3: E-commerce share of total retail in Argentina

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Figure 5: Online retailers in Argentina

Most common paying methods in e-commerce in ARG are credit card a direct debit.

Figure 6: Preferred online payment methods in Argentina

The most important reasons for customers to buy online in ARG are that they can buy any time and

that it is comfortable.

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Figure 7: Reasons to buy online in Argentina

The number of online shoppers is increasing every year in ARG.

Figure 8: Number of online shoppers in Argentina

To enter the e-commerce market in ARG it might need different channels. Sell over the company

website as first channel as well as over a platform like Mercado Libre.31

31 Cf. Eshopworld 2018; Santandertrade 2018; Statista 2018

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Opportunities & Challenges for VAUDE:

Opportunities Challenges

Online shopping E-commerce is rising Quick market entry

over Mercado Libre possible

Online channels easy for customers to get information

Competitors like Patagonia use same strategy

Due to growing numbers in e-commerce still small sector compared to offline retail

3. Presentations

3.1 Presentation 1

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3.2. Presentation 2

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List of references

Auswärtiges Amt (2017a): Auswärtiges Amt. Argentinien. Online im Internet: URL: http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/DE/Aussenpolitik/Laender/Laenderinfos/01-Laender/Argentinien.html (Zugriff am: 30.10.2017).

Auswärtiges Amt (o. J.): Auswärtiges Amt. Argentinien. Online im Internet: URL: http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/DE/Aussenpolitik/Laender/Laenderinfos/01-Laender/Argentinien.html (Zugriff am: 30.10.2017).

Auswärtiges Amt (2017b): Auswärtiges Amt. Außenpolitik. Online im Internet: URL: http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/DE/Aussenpolitik/Laender/Laenderinfos/TschechischeRepublik/Aussenpolitik.html (Zugriff am: 29.10.2017).

Buskerkud and Vestfold University College (2014): Sustainability in Argentina. Online im Internet: URL: http://academiab.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Group2A-Sustainability-in-Argentina.pdf (Zugriff am: 17.11.2018).

Cia.gov (2017): The World Factbook — Central Intelligence Agency. Online im Internet: URL: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2172.html (Zugriff am: 29.10.2017).

Columbia Sportswear (2018): Columbia Sportswear Argentina - Bienvenidos. Online im Internet: URL: http://www.columbiasportswear.com.ar/new/ (Zugriff am: 04.12.2018).

Eshopworld (2018): eShopWorld. Argentina eCommerce Insights | 20.56 Million Online Shoppers By 2022. Online im Internet: URL: https://www.eshopworld.com/blog/argentina-ecommerce-insights-2018/ (Zugriff am: 17.11.2018).

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH (2018): Inflation droht zu eskalieren: Argentiniens nächste Krise - Konjunktur - FAZ. Online im Internet: URL: http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/konjunktur/inflation-droht-zu-eskalieren-argentiniens-naechste-krise-12788862.html (Zugriff am: 17.01.2018).

GTAI (2018): GTAI - Argentinien. Online im Internet: URL: https://www.gtai.de/GTAI/Navigation/DE/Trade/Weltkarte/Amerika/argentinien.html (Zugriff am: 03.12.2018).

Gtai (2017): GTAI - Wirtschaftsstruktur und Chancen. Online im Internet: URL: https://www.gtai.de/GTAI/Navigation/DE/Trade/Maerkte/Geschaeftspraxis/wirtschaftsstruktur-und-chancen,t=wirtschaftsstruktur-und-chancen--tschechische-republik,did=1294920.html (Zugriff am: 30.10.2017).

Länderdaten (2017): Verkehr und Infrastruktur in Argentinien. Online im Internet: URL: https://www.laenderdaten.info/Amerika/Argentinien/verkehr.php (Zugriff am: 30.10.2017).

Montagne (2018): Montagne - Indumentaria Outdoors y artículos de camping - Montagne Outdoors. Online im Internet: URL: https://www.montagneoutdoors.com.ar/ (Zugriff am: 04.12.2018).

Österreich, Mag Claudia STOWASSERWirtschaftskammer; H, Abteilung für Finanz-und; Kontaktseite, elspolitikTelefon+43 5 90 900 3536E-MailE-Mail senden var username = „Claudia Stowasser“; var hostname = „wko at“; $ attr; $ html; Detaillierte (2017): Handelsabkommen EU-

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Lateinamerika - Mercosur. Online im Internet: URL: https://www.wko.at/service/aussenwirtschaft/EU_-_Mercosur.html (Zugriff am: 22.11.2017).

Patagonia (2018): Environmentalism: Enviro & Social Responsibility - Patagonia. Online im Internet: URL: https://www.patagonia.com/environmentalism.html (Zugriff am: 04.12.2018).

Pfalz Ihk 24 (2017): IHK für die Pfalz. Wirtschaftsrecht Argentinien. Online im Internet: URL: https://www.pfalz.ihk24.de/international/Kompetenzzentrum_Lateinamerika_channel/Argentinien/Wirtschaftsrecht_Argentinien/1282966 (Zugriff am: 30.10.2017).

Rastlos (2018): Argentinien: Politik und Wirtschaft in Argentinien. Online im Internet: URL: http://www.rastlos.com/argentinien/politik_und_wirtschaft/ (Zugriff am: 17.01.2018).

Santandertrade (2018): Reaching the Argentinian consumer. Online im Internet: URL: https://en.portal.santandertrade.com/analyse-markets/argentina/reaching-the-consumers (Zugriff am: 17.11.2018).

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Global Channel Strategy Bernhard Bock & Lia Klimmer

for Argentina Page: 25

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