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    This supplement is designed to be used with our campaign systems and allows chaos players the ability

    to field Legion armies using special legion lists that used to exist about ten years ago. This list is not

    mandatory to use.

    This list works alongside the Chaos Space Marine codex and does not replace it. Rather, it augments it.

    To use this supplement, your primary detachment must be one of the eight original chaos legions. You

    choose your army as normal, but in addition you may field additional rules which are laid out in the

    various legion entries below. By choosing to use a legion list, your force cannot mix in cult troops if the

    legion chosen does not represent that cult.

    For example, World Eaters would not have any Plague Marines or Emperors Children within its ranks,

    nor would it have characters or units that have marks other than Khorne.

    Some legions have Legion Tactics. These tactics are not mandatory to take but if the player wishes to

    use them, they must also follow the Limitations portion as well.

    Legionnaires are not required to take the Veteran of the Old War marks unless instructed to, as the

    legions must recruit new fighters the same as loyalists do, and not every marine in a chaos legion will be

    10,000 years old.

    Last, the Black Legion is not included in this supplement due to them having a supplement at the time of

    this writing.

    Inspiration for this work comes from the old Chaos 3.5 codex as well as the Horus Heresy books as well

    as unique rules that were created for the campaign specifically.

    If you enjoy these rules, feel free to pass them along to others who may benefit from them as well.

  • Louisvillewargaming.com Chaos Supplement Page 3

    The Alpha Legion

    The XX Legion was the last of the original twenty legions. Their

    primarch Alpharius believed in attacking from several directions at

    once, and the legion was adept at infiltration, subterfuge, sabotage, and

    assassination. They tend to operate as raiders deep behind enemy

    lines, and make extensive use of chaos cultists to do their bidding and

    spread their propaganda.

    Special Rules

    Alpha Legionary forces will not contain any marks of chaos

    within it, they all follow chaos undivided.

    An Alpha Legion army must choose one of the following traits

    that apply to all units within the detachment (to include


    o Scout

    o Infiltrate

    o Tank Hunters

    o Counter-Attack

    o Move Through Cover

    o Adamantine Will

    If a battle is being fought with secondary objectives, and an Alpha Legion detachment suffers

    more units destroyed than their enemy at the end of the game, the enemy scores an additional

    +1 victory point.

    Alpha Legion armies may deploy Headhunter Kill Teams as a Fast Attack choice. These

    infiltrators are deadly assassins.

    Alpha Legion armies may deploy the Exodus, a deadly assassin that takes up an HQ choice. The

    Exodus may not be the armys warlord.

    Banestrike Ammunition special ammunition for bolters. In a bolter, cuts the range down to

    18. For heavy bolters and bolt pistols, no change in range. Same stats as a bolter otherwise,

    except on the roll of a 6 to wound is AP3.

    Power Dagger Strength as user 1. AP3 rending.

    Venom Spheres upgrade to typical frag grenades. Count as assault grenades that give their

    bearers Hammer of Wrath attacks. Can be purchased by Alpha Legionnaire squads for +25


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    Headhunter Kill Team 175 points

    Stats: As a chaos space marine except BS is 5

    Composition: 4 headhunters and 1 prime. The prime has the same stats as a normal unit upgrade,

    having +1 A and +1 Ld (9)

    Wargear: Power Armor, Bolt Pistols, Banestrike Ammunition (18 range but AP3 on the roll of a 6),

    Power Dagger, Krak Grenade, Venom Sphere

    Special Rules: Infiltrate, Preferred Enemy (all infantry)

    Dedicated Transport Options: Rhinos or Dreadclaw Drop Pod. If these are taken the squad loses its

    infiltrate ability.


    Up to 5 more Headhunters at 25 points each

    Any model may upgrade their bolter to a combi bolter with Banestrike ammunition for +5 points

    One model may upgrade their bolter to a heavy bolter with Banestrike ammunition for +10


    The Prime may exchange his Bolt Pistol for one of the following

    o Plasma Pistol at 15 points

    o Inferno Pistol at 15 points

    o Power Fist for 15 points

    The Prime may exchange their close combat weapon for one of the following

    o Power Weapon at 10 points

    o Power Fist for 15 points

    The Prime may take any of the following

    o Melta Bombs at 5 points

    o Artificer Armor at 10 points

  • Louisvillewargaming.com Chaos Supplement Page 5

    The Exodus 115 points

    WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

    5 6 4 4 3 5 2 9 3+


    Power Armor

    Krak Grenades

    Venom Spheres

    Melta Bombs

    Power Dagger

    Bolt Pistol

    The Instrument

    Special Rules

    Independent Character (unique)


    Move Through Cover


    Lone Killer

    Assassins Shot

    Acute Senses

    It Will Not Die

    Lone Killer The only unit that the Exodus may join are Headhunter Kill teams. Otherwise they may

    never join units and may never be the army warlord.

    Assassins Shot The Exodus has Precise Shot on the roll of a 4+

    The Instrument This sniper rifle has two fire modes. The first is rapid shot, 36 S5 AP 4 Salvo 2/4

    Rending. The second is Execution Shot, 36 S6 AP3, Heavy 1 Rending, Ignores Cover, inflicts two wounds

    instead of one per wound.

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    The Iron Warriors

    The Iron Warriors, sons of the primarch Peturabo, are the most heavily

    armed of the Chaos Legions. They are siege specialists that rely on

    blistering salvos of firepower. They place great importance on detailed

    fire plans and assembling formidable field fortifications.

    Offensively, they are methodical, always seeks ways to grind down their

    enemies by attrition until the moment comes where they can be swept

    away with a massive counter-attack.

    While attacking fortifications, the Iron Warriors will quickly decide at

    what point they will actually attack and launch a series of feints to test

    the enemy and weaken their real objective.

    Special Rules

    Iron Warriors forces will not contain any marks of chaos within it,

    they all follow chaos undivided.

    Iron Warriors have the Tank Hunter special rule at no additional cost

    One unit of Obliterators may be taken as a TROOP choice

    Iron Warriors may field four heavy support choices in their Force Organization Chart

    Iron Warriors unit champions may purchase Mechatendrils (p.66 C:CSM) for +20 points

    Warsmith The leader of an Iron Warriors army may be made into a Warsmith. A warsmith has

    the Shatter Defenses Warlord Trait, which means that at the beginning of the game one piece of

    terrain in the enemy deployment zone gives one less point of cover than it normally would. A

    warsmith may not be given a jump pack or a bike, but may be upgraded with a servo-arm (C:SM)

    or Mechatendrils (p.66 C:CSM) for +20 points.

    Shrapnel Bolts all units armed with heavy bolters have the Pinning special rule, but are AP 5

    instead of 4.

    Hammer of Olympia Tactics once per game a unit may elect to use this tactic. When used, a

    unit may launch an assault after firing a rapid fire weapon. The assault counts as a Disordered


    All vehicles gain the extra armor upgrade for free

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    The Night Lords

    Striking fear into the hearts of their enemies, the Night Lords are

    masters of psychological warfare and terror tactics. The catalogue of

    atrocities they have committed continue to perpetuate are their way

    of sapping their enemies will to resist.

    Many enemies have given in without a fight rather than have to face

    the wrath of the Night Lords, though none have ever been spared


    Aggressive patrolling and surprise raids are their signature. They will

    patiently win a hundred small battles in order to achieve their

    objectives rather than pinning everything on one big battle.

    Special Rules

    Night Lords armies do not follow any of the chaos gods.

    They are composed entirely of unmarked units.

    Night Lords troops all have Night Vision

    Night Lords specialize in fast raids and may field an

    additional Fast Attack choice in return for giving up two

    heavy support choices.

    Night Lords may field Raptors and Warp Talons as TROOP choice

    Night Lords may adapt the Stealth Skill for +1 point per model or +5 points for an independent

    character. Models on a bike, demonic in stature, or wearing terminator armor cannot use this


    A Talent For Murder - If a unit or units of models from the Night Lords legion outnumber one or

    more enemy infantry units during any initiative step in which they fight an assault, they gain +1

    to wound. Bulky models count as two models, and very bulky models count as three models for

    purposes of working out when the Night Lords outnumber their victims.

    Nostraman Blood If a unit falls back it falls back an additional 1. If a unit fails a pinning check,

    it may fall back instead of be pinned.

    From the Shadows All models in the Night Lords have a cover save of 6+ on the first game

    turn, even in open ground. This can be combined with the effects of Stealth, etc as normal but

    other forms of cover that provide a higher save supersede it.

    Seeds of Dissent If the armys warlord is slain, each of its unit must make an immediate

    morale check as if they had just suffered 25% casualties from shooting

    Nostraman Chainglave Any character or independent character capable of taking a power

    weapon can instead opt to choose this item as part of their option for the same cost. The

    chainglaive is melee Str as User +1, AP 3, Melee, Two-Handed, Rending

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    Trophies Night Lords characters may buy trophies for +5 points which allow them to cause


    Night Lords Terror Assault Tactic

    Cover of Darkness The force may impose night fighting for the duration of the first turn on the

    roll of a 4+ if this condition is not already occurring normally. Might fighting imposed in this

    manner carries over to the second turn on a 5+ and the third turn on a 6+

    Claw Assault Tactical Squads, and Veteran Squads may take Dreadclaw Drop Pods as

    Dedicated Transports.


    If choosing to use the Terror Assault tactic, only one heavy support choice may be used and no

    fortifications or other allies may be used.

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    Word Bearers

    The Zealous XVII legion were fanatical devotees of the Imperial Cult. The Word

    Bearers took the rejection of the Emperor personally, and they threw in their

    zealous worship to the Chaos Gods instead. They do not worship one

    particular Chaos God; they worship them all.

    The Word Bearers use daemons extensively, and strive to advance through

    daemonhood themselves.

    Special Rules

    Word Bearers armies do not follow any of the chaos gods. They are composed entirely of

    unmarked units.

    Word Bearer Dark Apostles and Chaos Lords may take an Accursed Crozius (Daemon Weapon)

    for +30 points. This follows the rules for a Daemon Weapon, counts as a Power Weapon and

    thus is AP3 and grants the wearer a 4+ invulnerable save.

    Word Bearer Dark Apostles and Chaos Lords may take the Demagogue Ability for +20 points

    which allows all friendly units within 12 of them to reroll any failed morale checks.

    Possessed Space Marines count as Troops

    Any Dark Apostle or Chaos Lord may take the Burning Lore ability for +30 points which upgrades

    them into a Level 1 Psyker with access to the Biomancy or Telepathy Disciplines

    Tainted Weapon Any Word Bearer character capable of taking a power weapon may instead

    take a Tainted Weapon for no extra points cost. A tainted weapon is a melee weapon with no

    bonus to strength, has no AP, but is a Specialist Weapon and causes Instant Death

    From Beyond Chaos Demons count as Battle Brothers

    Word Bearers Tactics: The Dark Brethren

    Arch Traitors All independent characters have the Preferred Enemy (Space Marines) special


    Signs and Portents At the beginning of the game, the player chooses one of his TROOP choices

    and rolls a D6. On the roll of a 1-3, all opposing units count as having preferred enemy against

    this unit. On a 4-6 that unit counts as having Preferred Enemy for all of the opposing units.

    Hell Follows With Them All wounds caused by Perils of the Warp tests taken by the opposing

    force gain the Instant Death special rule.

    Limitations on using the Dark Brethren Tactics

    Detachments using this Tactic must take at least one Dark Apostle

    Detachments using this Tactic may not take fortifications and treat all other allies as Desperate

    Allies with the exception of Daemons

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    The World Eaters The disciples of Khorne, the World Eaters are totally devoted to his murderous ideals. They fight to

    heap skulls at the base of their masters throne. Berzerkers live to kill and kill some more, to burn their

    enemies and tear their limbs from their bodies.

    A World Eaters force is descended from Angrons legion, and these frothing madmen are frenzied hand-

    to-hand fighters that are as apt to turn on each other as they are to fight the enemy.

    Special Rules

    Sacred Number Units that have a model count divisible by eight do not have to pay the cost

    for upgrading their unit champion, it is considered free.

    Blood Frenzy All models must have the mark of Khorne. While frenzied, the models have +1

    Attack and are Fearless. This lasts until the unit is beaten in close combat. Models with the

    Blood Frenzy must attempt to charge in the assault phase if they are in range to do so.

    Feel No Pain - Blood Frenzy confers the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule

    Infantry models with the Blood Frenzy rule must roll a D6 before attempting to shoot in the

    shooting phase. If they roll a 1-2 then instead of shooting they will run towards the nearest

    enemy instead of shooting. If mounted in a transport, then their frenzy overcomes their abilities

    to shoot regardless, though the transport cannot move further.

    If victorious in combat, models with the Blood Frenzy must consolidate towards the nearest


    World Eaters forces do not contain any psyker or sorcerers

    Destroyers World Eaters vehicles are outfitted with all manner of spikes, scythed wheels, and

    slicing blades which tear apart their enemy. If given to a Dreadnought it may re-roll one close

    combat miss in each round of combat. If given to a tank, then during tank shock each enemy

    forced to move will take a wound on a 4+ with no AP value. This ability costs +25 points

    Khornate Chainaxes Khorne Berzerkers in a World Eaters army are armed with Chain Axes.

    These axes follow the same rules as in C:CSM, with the exception that the max armor save that

    any model may take against these is a 4+ (note that the weapon is AP 4, but reducing an armor

    save to 4+ will not therefore make the AP4 negate it, ex: a 3+ save is hit with a chain axe, they

    save on a 4+)

    Banner of Rage This banner may be used once per battle. It is used in any assault phase. Any

    models in the unit gain +1 Attack. +20 points

    Rage of Khorne Champions of Khorne (those being unit champions and independent

    characters) gain D3 extra attacks when they charge, not just the normal one.

    Khorne Berzerkers Count as TROOP CHOICES.

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    Thousand Sons The sons of Magnus were explorers of the most mystic and forbidden arts before the Emperor had the

    Space Wolves scatter their forces during the Heresy. Magnus pulled his sons to a safe retreat, and from

    there the legions mutations began appearing more and more rapidly.

    Determined to prevent his brothers from descending into a mutated madness, the chief Librarian

    Ahriman cast a powerful ritual over his legion to stop the mutation. The ritual worked very well too

    well. Most of the legion was reduced to dust within their power armor save for the strongest of


    Enraged, Magnus exiled his son for casting this ritual against his will but the damage had already been

    done. The majority of the legion are now mindless automatons trapped forever in their armor

    Special Rules

    Sacred Number Units that run with a number divisible by nine may upgrade their unit

    champion for no cost.

    Marked by Tzeentch The only mark allowed in the primary detachment is the mark of


    Sorcerers All independent characters and chosen and possessed have the sorcerer ability

    without having to upgrade for it. They count as a level 1 sorcerer and may choose the same

    powers as a normal chaos sorcerer of tzeentch can. They may also purchase equipment for


    Units All unit champions are sorcerers. Thousand Sons count as TROOP choice. Terminators

    count as being Rubric Terminators and possess the Mark of Tzeentch, the Slow and Purposeful,

    Veterans of the Long War, Fearless rules as well as having a 4++ invulnerable save. Their bolt

    weapons are upgraded to use Inferno Bolts. The cost of terminators is increased by +10 points

    a model.

    Ahriman Ahriman is the same as in the C:CSM with the exception that as one of the most

    gifted diviners of the 40k galaxy he also can pull powers from the Divination deck.

    Bedlam Staff This counts as a Daemonic Weapon that counts as a Power Weapon (AP 3) that

    clouds the mind of any struck by it. Any model wounded by it but not killed have their Attacks

    characteristic reduced to 1 until the end of their next assault phase. +35 points

    Blasted Standard Used once per battle in the chaos players shooting phase instead of its

    bearer firing its weapon. It has a range of 6 and inflicts 2D6 S6 AP4 hits. +35 points

    Bolt of Change Thousand Sons sorcerers may always select this power instead of rolling for

    one randomly. (this still counts as one of the powers that they know) It has a 24 range, S8 AP2

    Assault 1 characteristic.

    Warp Blade counts as a power weapon. Any enemy psyker using a psychic power when within

    12 of this item must roll a D6. On a 4+ the power works normally. Otherwise they take an

    immediate Perils of the Warp attack and the power fails to function. +25 points

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    Death Guard Servants of Nurgle, the Death Guard fight only to spread contagion and death throughout the galaxy.

    These once proud marines have now been reduced to pestilent, disease-infested killers.

    The Death Guard consist mainly of Plague Marines, creatures so vile that their entire existence is

    devoted to spreading Nurgles Rot among the living. Those infected with the rot meet a painful and;

    their bodies reduced to a mass of weeping sores and waste.

    Special Rules

    Sacred Number Units that run with a number divisible by seven may upgrade their unit

    champion for no cost.

    All creatures and units must have the Mark of Nurgle.

    Death Guard terminators have the Mark of Nurgle, blight grenades, are Fearless, and have Feel

    No Pain for +16 points a model

    Any model capable of buying a power sword can instead upgrade to a Plague Sword. Plague

    Swords count as power weapons. In addition, if an enemy is wounded by a Plague Sword but

    not killed, roll a D6. On a 4+, the model suffers from the Instant Death rule. +25 points

    Plague Banner Used once per game. Any one enemy unit within 6 of the banner will take D6

    wounds just as shooting with no armor or cover saves allowed. +50 points

    Deathshroud Power Scythe Independent characters and Death Guard terminators may

    instead of upgrading to a power fist, instead upgrade to a Deathshroud Power Scythe for the

    same cost. The Power Scythe is a melee weapon, +1 Strength, AP 2 with the Unwieldly, Two-

    Handed special rules. In addition, a model armed with a power scythe may instead of attacking

    normally choose to attach each model in base contact with it once.

    Manreaper Chaos lords may choose to wield Manreaper for +50 points. The rules for

    Manreaper are found in the C:CSM (p.61)

    Plague Marines Plague Marines count as TROOPS in a Death Guard army

    Infantry-Based Death Guard are primarily an infantry-based army. They may only ever field

    one fast attack choice regardless of Force Organizational Chart.

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    Emperors Children

    Once a legion dedicated to perfection in all of its pursuits, the Emperors Children succumbed to the call

    of forbidden knowledge. Their drive for perfection was perverted to an obsession with excess, and the

    members of this legion will stop at nothing to gratify their basest desires.

    Chaos Space Marines of the Emperors Chidlren make war into art; a riot of sound, sight, and sensation.

    Doom sirens wail and implements of torture slash as these followers of Slaanesh are driven to further


    Special Rules

    Sacred Number Units that run with a number divisible by six may upgrade their unit champion

    for no cost.

    Mark of Slaanesh All characters and units must be marked with the Mark of Slaanesh

    Hellbrutes Hellbrutes may replace their Multi-Melta for a Blastmaster for no extra cost, their

    heavy bolters if bought with twin-linked sonic blasters, and the heavy flamer for a Doom Siren.

    Predators Predators may upgrade their autocannon to a blastmaster for free and their heavy

    bolter sponsons for sonic-blasters for free.

    Terminators Emperors Children terminators are fearless and have the mark of Slaanesh. In

    addition, they may replace their combi-bolter with a sonic blaster at +3 points. They may

    instead of buying an autocannon buy a blastmaster at the same cost. They may instead replace

    a plasma cannon with a Doom Siren for the same cost.

    Warp Amp Emperors Children vehicles can be equipped with Warp Amps. This is a +20 point

    upgrade. Warp Amps reduce an enemys leadership by 1 within 12, 2 if within 6 and by 3 if


    Combat Drugs Emperors Children champions and characters come with Combat Drugs. Drugs

    can be taken at the beginning of any assault phase and last that assault phase. For every drug

    taken, roll a D6 and consult the following chart. If any doubles are rolled, the character takes a

    wound with no save of any kind allowed. If a triple is rolled, the character dies outright with no

    save of any kind allowed.

    o 1 The character charges 3D6

    o 2 The character is at +1 WS

    o 3 The character is at +1 S

    o 4 The model ignores the first wound inflicted so long as it would not cause Instant


    o 5 The model receives +1 A

    o 6 The model receives the Feel No Pain special rule

    Lash of Torment Daemon weapon, counts as a power weapon. May be used at full effect if

    the bearer is within 2 of the enemy. A unit that takes a wound from the lash is at -1 to their

    Leadership if they have to take a Morale Check.

    Noise Marines Count as Troop Choice

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