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  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,2004 1

    Chapter 5

    Database Administration and


  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,2004 2

    Chapter 5 - Objectives The distinction between data

    administration and database


    The purpose and tasks associatedwith data administration and

    database administration. The scope of database security.

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,2004 3

    Chapter 5 - Objectives Why database security is a serious

    concern for an organization.

    The type of threats that can affect adatabase system.

    How to protect a computer system

    using computer-based controls.

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,2004 4

    Data administration and

    database administration

    Data Administrator (DA) and DatabaseAdministrator (DBA) are responsible

    for managing and controllingactivities associated with corporatedata and corporate database,

    respectively. DA is more concerned with early

    stages of lifecycle and DBA is more

    concerned with later stages.

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,2004 5

    Data administration Management and control of corporate

    data, including: database planning

    development and maintenance ofstandards, policies, and procedures

    conceptual and logical database design

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,2004 6

    Data administration tasks

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,2004 7

    Database administration Management and control of physical

    realization of a database system,including:

    physical database design andimplementation

    setting security and integrity controls

    monitoring system performance

    reorganizing the database

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,2004 8

    Database administration


  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,2004 9

    Comparison of data and

    database administration

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,2004 10

    Database security Mechanisms that protect the

    database against intentional or

    accidental threats. Not only apply to the data held in a

    database. Breaches of security may

    affect other parts of the system,which may in turn affect thedatabase.

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 11

    Database security Includes hardware, software, people,

    and data.

    Growing importance of security is theincreasing amounts of crucialcorporate data being stored on


  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 12

    Database security Outcomes to avoid:

    theft and fraud

    loss of confidentiality (secrecy)

    loss of privacy

    loss of integrity

    loss of availability

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 13

    Database security Threat

    Any situation or event, whether

    intentional or unintentional, that mayadversely affect a system andconsequently the organization.

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 14

    Examples of threats andpossible outcomes

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 15

    Summary of threats tocomputer systems

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 16

    Typical multi-user computerenvironment

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 17

    Countermeasures computer-based controls



    backup and recovery


    encryption Redundant array of independent

    disks (RAID)

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 18

    Countermeasures computer-based controls


    The granting of a right or privilege that

    enables a subject to have legitimateaccess to a database system or adatabase systems object.

    Authentication A mechanism that determines whether a

    user is, who he or she claims to be.

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 19

    Countermeasures computer-based controls


    A view is a virtual table that does not

    necessarily exist in the database but canbe produced upon request by aparticular user, at the time of request.

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 20

    Countermeasures computer-based controls


    Process of periodically taking a copy of the

    database and log file (and possiblyprograms) onto offline storage media.


    Process of keeping and maintaining a logfile (or journal) of all changes made todatabase to enable recovery to beundertaken effectively in the event of


  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 21

    Countermeasures computer-based controls


    Prevents data from becoming invalid,

    and hence giving misleading or incorrectresults.


    Encoding the data by a special algorithmthat renders the data unreadable by anyprogram without the decryption key.

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 22

    Redundant array ofindependent disks (RAID)

    Hardware that the DBMS runs on mustbefault-tolerant, meaning that the

    DBMS should continue to operateeven if one of the hardwarecomponents fails.

    Suggests having redundantcomponents that can be seamlesslyintegrated into the working system

    whenever there are failures.

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 23

    Redundant array ofindependent disks (RAID)

    The main hardware components thatshould be fault-tolerant include disk

    drives, disk controllers, CPU, powersupplies, and cooling fans.

    Disk drives are the most vulnerable

    components with the shortest timesbetween failure of any of thehardware components.

  • 8/22/2019 Chap05Database Administration and Security


    Pearson Education Limited,

    2004 24

    Redundant array ofindependent disks (RAID)

    One solution is to provide a large diskarray comprising an arrangement of

    several independent disks that areorganized to improve reliability andat the same time increase


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