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Chapter 1 Introduction and Basic concepts Chapter 2 Radiation Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology Chapter 4 Power From Fission Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons Chapter 7 Nuclear Waste Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture Chapter 11 Medical Applications of Nuclear Technology

1The Significance of Nuclear Technology 2Early Discoveries 3Basic Facts and Definitions

4Units SI system Physical constants natural unit

5Nuclear Reactions

Chapter 1 Introduction and Basic concepts

Discovery of nuclear reactions (nr)Energy in nrNeutron induced nuclear reactionsSimple theories or concepts related to nrTypes of nrApplications of nr

1 人类寻找物质构造基本单元的历程

gt10-2 cm() 10-8 cm 10 -12 cm 10-13 cm

Nuclide Z N A Symbol

碳 -12 6 6 12 12C

碳 -13 6 7 13 13C

碳 -14 6 8 14 14C

nuclear jargon

Z N A Examples

isotope Same D D 1H 2H 3H

isotone D Same D 2H 3He

isobar D D Same 3H 3He

isomer Same Same Same 99Te 99mTe

The binding energy (BE) of a nuclide is the energy released when the atom is synthesized from the appropriate numbers of hydrogen atoms and neutrons

Z H + N n = AE + BE

or Z mH + N mn = mE + BEwhere mH mn and mE are masses of H n and AE respectivelyEg

BE = Z mH + N mn - mE

BE (3He) = (21007825 + 1008665 - 301603) 931481 MeV = 772 MeV

BE (4He) = (21007825 + 21008665 - 400260) 931481 MeV = 2830 MeV

3) Nuclear mass and energy)()()()(M 1 AZMmZAHZMAZ n

The more the binding energy the more stable is the nuclide

Stable and Radioactive Nuclidesaverage binding energy

The binding energy and averagebinding energy of some nuclides

Nuclide BE BE A MeV MeV nucleon

3He2 772 2574He2 283 70816O8 1276 79856Fe26 4923 879 54Fe26 47176 874 208Pb82 163644 787 238U92 18017 757

Variation of the Average Binding Energyas a Function of Mass Number A









Estimate Energy in Nuclear Reactions

The energy Q in a reaction A (a b) B is evaluated according to

ma + mA = mb + mB + Q (Q differs from enthalpy)

where mi means mass of i etc

Q = ma + mA - (mb + mB) (difference in mass before and after the reaction)

The Q is positive for exothermic (energy releasing at the expense of mass) or negative for endothermic (requiring energy) reactions

For endothermic reactions the energy can be supplied in the form of kinetic energy of the incident particle Energy appear as kinetic energy of the products in exothermic reactions

Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

These two examples illustrate endothermic and exothermic reactions

Example Energy for the reaction

14N + 4He 17O + 1H + Q 1400307 + 400260 = 1699914 + 1007825 + QQ = 1400307 + 400260 ndash (1699914 + 1007825) = ndash 0001295 amu = ndash 121 MeVendothermic kinetic energy of must be greater than 121 MeV

Example The energy Q for the reaction 11B( n) 14N given masses 11B 1100931 n 10086649

Q = 1100931 + 400260 - (10086649 + 1400307) = 0000175 amu = 0163 MeVexothermic reaction

(5) Special Nuclear Units

is the kinetic energy gained by an electron (mass me

and charge -e) that is accelerated through a potential difference ΔV of one volt The work done by the electric field is -eΔV = (160217646 x 10-19 C)(1 JC) = 160217646 x 10-19 J = 1 eV

The Electron Volt 1 eV= 1602 176 46 x 10-19 J

The Atomic Mass Unit 1 amu = 16605387 x 10-27kg

112 the mass of a neutral ground-state atom of 12C

Chapter 2 Radiation


2Radiation interaction with Matter

3Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

1) overview

Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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1The Significance of Nuclear Technology 2Early Discoveries 3Basic Facts and Definitions

4Units SI system Physical constants natural unit

5Nuclear Reactions

Chapter 1 Introduction and Basic concepts

Discovery of nuclear reactions (nr)Energy in nrNeutron induced nuclear reactionsSimple theories or concepts related to nrTypes of nrApplications of nr

1 人类寻找物质构造基本单元的历程

gt10-2 cm() 10-8 cm 10 -12 cm 10-13 cm

Nuclide Z N A Symbol

碳 -12 6 6 12 12C

碳 -13 6 7 13 13C

碳 -14 6 8 14 14C

nuclear jargon

Z N A Examples

isotope Same D D 1H 2H 3H

isotone D Same D 2H 3He

isobar D D Same 3H 3He

isomer Same Same Same 99Te 99mTe

The binding energy (BE) of a nuclide is the energy released when the atom is synthesized from the appropriate numbers of hydrogen atoms and neutrons

Z H + N n = AE + BE

or Z mH + N mn = mE + BEwhere mH mn and mE are masses of H n and AE respectivelyEg

BE = Z mH + N mn - mE

BE (3He) = (21007825 + 1008665 - 301603) 931481 MeV = 772 MeV

BE (4He) = (21007825 + 21008665 - 400260) 931481 MeV = 2830 MeV

3) Nuclear mass and energy)()()()(M 1 AZMmZAHZMAZ n

The more the binding energy the more stable is the nuclide

Stable and Radioactive Nuclidesaverage binding energy

The binding energy and averagebinding energy of some nuclides

Nuclide BE BE A MeV MeV nucleon

3He2 772 2574He2 283 70816O8 1276 79856Fe26 4923 879 54Fe26 47176 874 208Pb82 163644 787 238U92 18017 757

Variation of the Average Binding Energyas a Function of Mass Number A









Estimate Energy in Nuclear Reactions

The energy Q in a reaction A (a b) B is evaluated according to

ma + mA = mb + mB + Q (Q differs from enthalpy)

where mi means mass of i etc

Q = ma + mA - (mb + mB) (difference in mass before and after the reaction)

The Q is positive for exothermic (energy releasing at the expense of mass) or negative for endothermic (requiring energy) reactions

For endothermic reactions the energy can be supplied in the form of kinetic energy of the incident particle Energy appear as kinetic energy of the products in exothermic reactions

Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

These two examples illustrate endothermic and exothermic reactions

Example Energy for the reaction

14N + 4He 17O + 1H + Q 1400307 + 400260 = 1699914 + 1007825 + QQ = 1400307 + 400260 ndash (1699914 + 1007825) = ndash 0001295 amu = ndash 121 MeVendothermic kinetic energy of must be greater than 121 MeV

Example The energy Q for the reaction 11B( n) 14N given masses 11B 1100931 n 10086649

Q = 1100931 + 400260 - (10086649 + 1400307) = 0000175 amu = 0163 MeVexothermic reaction

(5) Special Nuclear Units

is the kinetic energy gained by an electron (mass me

and charge -e) that is accelerated through a potential difference ΔV of one volt The work done by the electric field is -eΔV = (160217646 x 10-19 C)(1 JC) = 160217646 x 10-19 J = 1 eV

The Electron Volt 1 eV= 1602 176 46 x 10-19 J

The Atomic Mass Unit 1 amu = 16605387 x 10-27kg

112 the mass of a neutral ground-state atom of 12C

Chapter 2 Radiation


2Radiation interaction with Matter

3Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

1) overview

Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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1 人类寻找物质构造基本单元的历程

gt10-2 cm() 10-8 cm 10 -12 cm 10-13 cm

Nuclide Z N A Symbol

碳 -12 6 6 12 12C

碳 -13 6 7 13 13C

碳 -14 6 8 14 14C

nuclear jargon

Z N A Examples

isotope Same D D 1H 2H 3H

isotone D Same D 2H 3He

isobar D D Same 3H 3He

isomer Same Same Same 99Te 99mTe

The binding energy (BE) of a nuclide is the energy released when the atom is synthesized from the appropriate numbers of hydrogen atoms and neutrons

Z H + N n = AE + BE

or Z mH + N mn = mE + BEwhere mH mn and mE are masses of H n and AE respectivelyEg

BE = Z mH + N mn - mE

BE (3He) = (21007825 + 1008665 - 301603) 931481 MeV = 772 MeV

BE (4He) = (21007825 + 21008665 - 400260) 931481 MeV = 2830 MeV

3) Nuclear mass and energy)()()()(M 1 AZMmZAHZMAZ n

The more the binding energy the more stable is the nuclide

Stable and Radioactive Nuclidesaverage binding energy

The binding energy and averagebinding energy of some nuclides

Nuclide BE BE A MeV MeV nucleon

3He2 772 2574He2 283 70816O8 1276 79856Fe26 4923 879 54Fe26 47176 874 208Pb82 163644 787 238U92 18017 757

Variation of the Average Binding Energyas a Function of Mass Number A









Estimate Energy in Nuclear Reactions

The energy Q in a reaction A (a b) B is evaluated according to

ma + mA = mb + mB + Q (Q differs from enthalpy)

where mi means mass of i etc

Q = ma + mA - (mb + mB) (difference in mass before and after the reaction)

The Q is positive for exothermic (energy releasing at the expense of mass) or negative for endothermic (requiring energy) reactions

For endothermic reactions the energy can be supplied in the form of kinetic energy of the incident particle Energy appear as kinetic energy of the products in exothermic reactions

Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

These two examples illustrate endothermic and exothermic reactions

Example Energy for the reaction

14N + 4He 17O + 1H + Q 1400307 + 400260 = 1699914 + 1007825 + QQ = 1400307 + 400260 ndash (1699914 + 1007825) = ndash 0001295 amu = ndash 121 MeVendothermic kinetic energy of must be greater than 121 MeV

Example The energy Q for the reaction 11B( n) 14N given masses 11B 1100931 n 10086649

Q = 1100931 + 400260 - (10086649 + 1400307) = 0000175 amu = 0163 MeVexothermic reaction

(5) Special Nuclear Units

is the kinetic energy gained by an electron (mass me

and charge -e) that is accelerated through a potential difference ΔV of one volt The work done by the electric field is -eΔV = (160217646 x 10-19 C)(1 JC) = 160217646 x 10-19 J = 1 eV

The Electron Volt 1 eV= 1602 176 46 x 10-19 J

The Atomic Mass Unit 1 amu = 16605387 x 10-27kg

112 the mass of a neutral ground-state atom of 12C

Chapter 2 Radiation


2Radiation interaction with Matter

3Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

1) overview

Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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gt10-2 cm() 10-8 cm 10 -12 cm 10-13 cm

Nuclide Z N A Symbol

碳 -12 6 6 12 12C

碳 -13 6 7 13 13C

碳 -14 6 8 14 14C

nuclear jargon

Z N A Examples

isotope Same D D 1H 2H 3H

isotone D Same D 2H 3He

isobar D D Same 3H 3He

isomer Same Same Same 99Te 99mTe

The binding energy (BE) of a nuclide is the energy released when the atom is synthesized from the appropriate numbers of hydrogen atoms and neutrons

Z H + N n = AE + BE

or Z mH + N mn = mE + BEwhere mH mn and mE are masses of H n and AE respectivelyEg

BE = Z mH + N mn - mE

BE (3He) = (21007825 + 1008665 - 301603) 931481 MeV = 772 MeV

BE (4He) = (21007825 + 21008665 - 400260) 931481 MeV = 2830 MeV

3) Nuclear mass and energy)()()()(M 1 AZMmZAHZMAZ n

The more the binding energy the more stable is the nuclide

Stable and Radioactive Nuclidesaverage binding energy

The binding energy and averagebinding energy of some nuclides

Nuclide BE BE A MeV MeV nucleon

3He2 772 2574He2 283 70816O8 1276 79856Fe26 4923 879 54Fe26 47176 874 208Pb82 163644 787 238U92 18017 757

Variation of the Average Binding Energyas a Function of Mass Number A









Estimate Energy in Nuclear Reactions

The energy Q in a reaction A (a b) B is evaluated according to

ma + mA = mb + mB + Q (Q differs from enthalpy)

where mi means mass of i etc

Q = ma + mA - (mb + mB) (difference in mass before and after the reaction)

The Q is positive for exothermic (energy releasing at the expense of mass) or negative for endothermic (requiring energy) reactions

For endothermic reactions the energy can be supplied in the form of kinetic energy of the incident particle Energy appear as kinetic energy of the products in exothermic reactions

Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

These two examples illustrate endothermic and exothermic reactions

Example Energy for the reaction

14N + 4He 17O + 1H + Q 1400307 + 400260 = 1699914 + 1007825 + QQ = 1400307 + 400260 ndash (1699914 + 1007825) = ndash 0001295 amu = ndash 121 MeVendothermic kinetic energy of must be greater than 121 MeV

Example The energy Q for the reaction 11B( n) 14N given masses 11B 1100931 n 10086649

Q = 1100931 + 400260 - (10086649 + 1400307) = 0000175 amu = 0163 MeVexothermic reaction

(5) Special Nuclear Units

is the kinetic energy gained by an electron (mass me

and charge -e) that is accelerated through a potential difference ΔV of one volt The work done by the electric field is -eΔV = (160217646 x 10-19 C)(1 JC) = 160217646 x 10-19 J = 1 eV

The Electron Volt 1 eV= 1602 176 46 x 10-19 J

The Atomic Mass Unit 1 amu = 16605387 x 10-27kg

112 the mass of a neutral ground-state atom of 12C

Chapter 2 Radiation


2Radiation interaction with Matter

3Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

1) overview

Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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nuclear jargon

Z N A Examples

isotope Same D D 1H 2H 3H

isotone D Same D 2H 3He

isobar D D Same 3H 3He

isomer Same Same Same 99Te 99mTe

The binding energy (BE) of a nuclide is the energy released when the atom is synthesized from the appropriate numbers of hydrogen atoms and neutrons

Z H + N n = AE + BE

or Z mH + N mn = mE + BEwhere mH mn and mE are masses of H n and AE respectivelyEg

BE = Z mH + N mn - mE

BE (3He) = (21007825 + 1008665 - 301603) 931481 MeV = 772 MeV

BE (4He) = (21007825 + 21008665 - 400260) 931481 MeV = 2830 MeV

3) Nuclear mass and energy)()()()(M 1 AZMmZAHZMAZ n

The more the binding energy the more stable is the nuclide

Stable and Radioactive Nuclidesaverage binding energy

The binding energy and averagebinding energy of some nuclides

Nuclide BE BE A MeV MeV nucleon

3He2 772 2574He2 283 70816O8 1276 79856Fe26 4923 879 54Fe26 47176 874 208Pb82 163644 787 238U92 18017 757

Variation of the Average Binding Energyas a Function of Mass Number A









Estimate Energy in Nuclear Reactions

The energy Q in a reaction A (a b) B is evaluated according to

ma + mA = mb + mB + Q (Q differs from enthalpy)

where mi means mass of i etc

Q = ma + mA - (mb + mB) (difference in mass before and after the reaction)

The Q is positive for exothermic (energy releasing at the expense of mass) or negative for endothermic (requiring energy) reactions

For endothermic reactions the energy can be supplied in the form of kinetic energy of the incident particle Energy appear as kinetic energy of the products in exothermic reactions

Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

These two examples illustrate endothermic and exothermic reactions

Example Energy for the reaction

14N + 4He 17O + 1H + Q 1400307 + 400260 = 1699914 + 1007825 + QQ = 1400307 + 400260 ndash (1699914 + 1007825) = ndash 0001295 amu = ndash 121 MeVendothermic kinetic energy of must be greater than 121 MeV

Example The energy Q for the reaction 11B( n) 14N given masses 11B 1100931 n 10086649

Q = 1100931 + 400260 - (10086649 + 1400307) = 0000175 amu = 0163 MeVexothermic reaction

(5) Special Nuclear Units

is the kinetic energy gained by an electron (mass me

and charge -e) that is accelerated through a potential difference ΔV of one volt The work done by the electric field is -eΔV = (160217646 x 10-19 C)(1 JC) = 160217646 x 10-19 J = 1 eV

The Electron Volt 1 eV= 1602 176 46 x 10-19 J

The Atomic Mass Unit 1 amu = 16605387 x 10-27kg

112 the mass of a neutral ground-state atom of 12C

Chapter 2 Radiation


2Radiation interaction with Matter

3Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

1) overview

Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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The binding energy (BE) of a nuclide is the energy released when the atom is synthesized from the appropriate numbers of hydrogen atoms and neutrons

Z H + N n = AE + BE

or Z mH + N mn = mE + BEwhere mH mn and mE are masses of H n and AE respectivelyEg

BE = Z mH + N mn - mE

BE (3He) = (21007825 + 1008665 - 301603) 931481 MeV = 772 MeV

BE (4He) = (21007825 + 21008665 - 400260) 931481 MeV = 2830 MeV

3) Nuclear mass and energy)()()()(M 1 AZMmZAHZMAZ n

The more the binding energy the more stable is the nuclide

Stable and Radioactive Nuclidesaverage binding energy

The binding energy and averagebinding energy of some nuclides

Nuclide BE BE A MeV MeV nucleon

3He2 772 2574He2 283 70816O8 1276 79856Fe26 4923 879 54Fe26 47176 874 208Pb82 163644 787 238U92 18017 757

Variation of the Average Binding Energyas a Function of Mass Number A









Estimate Energy in Nuclear Reactions

The energy Q in a reaction A (a b) B is evaluated according to

ma + mA = mb + mB + Q (Q differs from enthalpy)

where mi means mass of i etc

Q = ma + mA - (mb + mB) (difference in mass before and after the reaction)

The Q is positive for exothermic (energy releasing at the expense of mass) or negative for endothermic (requiring energy) reactions

For endothermic reactions the energy can be supplied in the form of kinetic energy of the incident particle Energy appear as kinetic energy of the products in exothermic reactions

Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

These two examples illustrate endothermic and exothermic reactions

Example Energy for the reaction

14N + 4He 17O + 1H + Q 1400307 + 400260 = 1699914 + 1007825 + QQ = 1400307 + 400260 ndash (1699914 + 1007825) = ndash 0001295 amu = ndash 121 MeVendothermic kinetic energy of must be greater than 121 MeV

Example The energy Q for the reaction 11B( n) 14N given masses 11B 1100931 n 10086649

Q = 1100931 + 400260 - (10086649 + 1400307) = 0000175 amu = 0163 MeVexothermic reaction

(5) Special Nuclear Units

is the kinetic energy gained by an electron (mass me

and charge -e) that is accelerated through a potential difference ΔV of one volt The work done by the electric field is -eΔV = (160217646 x 10-19 C)(1 JC) = 160217646 x 10-19 J = 1 eV

The Electron Volt 1 eV= 1602 176 46 x 10-19 J

The Atomic Mass Unit 1 amu = 16605387 x 10-27kg

112 the mass of a neutral ground-state atom of 12C

Chapter 2 Radiation


2Radiation interaction with Matter

3Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

1) overview

Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Stable and Radioactive Nuclidesaverage binding energy

The binding energy and averagebinding energy of some nuclides

Nuclide BE BE A MeV MeV nucleon

3He2 772 2574He2 283 70816O8 1276 79856Fe26 4923 879 54Fe26 47176 874 208Pb82 163644 787 238U92 18017 757

Variation of the Average Binding Energyas a Function of Mass Number A









Estimate Energy in Nuclear Reactions

The energy Q in a reaction A (a b) B is evaluated according to

ma + mA = mb + mB + Q (Q differs from enthalpy)

where mi means mass of i etc

Q = ma + mA - (mb + mB) (difference in mass before and after the reaction)

The Q is positive for exothermic (energy releasing at the expense of mass) or negative for endothermic (requiring energy) reactions

For endothermic reactions the energy can be supplied in the form of kinetic energy of the incident particle Energy appear as kinetic energy of the products in exothermic reactions

Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

These two examples illustrate endothermic and exothermic reactions

Example Energy for the reaction

14N + 4He 17O + 1H + Q 1400307 + 400260 = 1699914 + 1007825 + QQ = 1400307 + 400260 ndash (1699914 + 1007825) = ndash 0001295 amu = ndash 121 MeVendothermic kinetic energy of must be greater than 121 MeV

Example The energy Q for the reaction 11B( n) 14N given masses 11B 1100931 n 10086649

Q = 1100931 + 400260 - (10086649 + 1400307) = 0000175 amu = 0163 MeVexothermic reaction

(5) Special Nuclear Units

is the kinetic energy gained by an electron (mass me

and charge -e) that is accelerated through a potential difference ΔV of one volt The work done by the electric field is -eΔV = (160217646 x 10-19 C)(1 JC) = 160217646 x 10-19 J = 1 eV

The Electron Volt 1 eV= 1602 176 46 x 10-19 J

The Atomic Mass Unit 1 amu = 16605387 x 10-27kg

112 the mass of a neutral ground-state atom of 12C

Chapter 2 Radiation


2Radiation interaction with Matter

3Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

1) overview

Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Estimate Energy in Nuclear Reactions

The energy Q in a reaction A (a b) B is evaluated according to

ma + mA = mb + mB + Q (Q differs from enthalpy)

where mi means mass of i etc

Q = ma + mA - (mb + mB) (difference in mass before and after the reaction)

The Q is positive for exothermic (energy releasing at the expense of mass) or negative for endothermic (requiring energy) reactions

For endothermic reactions the energy can be supplied in the form of kinetic energy of the incident particle Energy appear as kinetic energy of the products in exothermic reactions

Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

These two examples illustrate endothermic and exothermic reactions

Example Energy for the reaction

14N + 4He 17O + 1H + Q 1400307 + 400260 = 1699914 + 1007825 + QQ = 1400307 + 400260 ndash (1699914 + 1007825) = ndash 0001295 amu = ndash 121 MeVendothermic kinetic energy of must be greater than 121 MeV

Example The energy Q for the reaction 11B( n) 14N given masses 11B 1100931 n 10086649

Q = 1100931 + 400260 - (10086649 + 1400307) = 0000175 amu = 0163 MeVexothermic reaction

(5) Special Nuclear Units

is the kinetic energy gained by an electron (mass me

and charge -e) that is accelerated through a potential difference ΔV of one volt The work done by the electric field is -eΔV = (160217646 x 10-19 C)(1 JC) = 160217646 x 10-19 J = 1 eV

The Electron Volt 1 eV= 1602 176 46 x 10-19 J

The Atomic Mass Unit 1 amu = 16605387 x 10-27kg

112 the mass of a neutral ground-state atom of 12C

Chapter 2 Radiation


2Radiation interaction with Matter

3Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

1) overview

Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions

These two examples illustrate endothermic and exothermic reactions

Example Energy for the reaction

14N + 4He 17O + 1H + Q 1400307 + 400260 = 1699914 + 1007825 + QQ = 1400307 + 400260 ndash (1699914 + 1007825) = ndash 0001295 amu = ndash 121 MeVendothermic kinetic energy of must be greater than 121 MeV

Example The energy Q for the reaction 11B( n) 14N given masses 11B 1100931 n 10086649

Q = 1100931 + 400260 - (10086649 + 1400307) = 0000175 amu = 0163 MeVexothermic reaction

(5) Special Nuclear Units

is the kinetic energy gained by an electron (mass me

and charge -e) that is accelerated through a potential difference ΔV of one volt The work done by the electric field is -eΔV = (160217646 x 10-19 C)(1 JC) = 160217646 x 10-19 J = 1 eV

The Electron Volt 1 eV= 1602 176 46 x 10-19 J

The Atomic Mass Unit 1 amu = 16605387 x 10-27kg

112 the mass of a neutral ground-state atom of 12C

Chapter 2 Radiation


2Radiation interaction with Matter

3Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

1) overview

Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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(5) Special Nuclear Units

is the kinetic energy gained by an electron (mass me

and charge -e) that is accelerated through a potential difference ΔV of one volt The work done by the electric field is -eΔV = (160217646 x 10-19 C)(1 JC) = 160217646 x 10-19 J = 1 eV

The Electron Volt 1 eV= 1602 176 46 x 10-19 J

The Atomic Mass Unit 1 amu = 16605387 x 10-27kg

112 the mass of a neutral ground-state atom of 12C

Chapter 2 Radiation


2Radiation interaction with Matter

3Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

1) overview

Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Chapter 2 Radiation


2Radiation interaction with Matter

3Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

1) overview

Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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1) overview

Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Gamma-ray Three Modes of Interaction with Matter

Interaction of Photons with Matter

1 5 MeV



Compton scattering

Photoelectric effect Compton scattering pair production

Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Compton Effect of Gamma Rays

Spectra of an Original and Scattered X-raysat a Particular Fixed Angle




Feynman Diagram forthe Compton Effect

When a photon transfers part of its energy to an electron and the photon becomes less energetic is called Compton effect

Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Gamma Ray Spectrum of O18


Intensity 2h+


327 MeV

198198 MeV

327 MeV

525 MeV



An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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An Ideal Alpha Spectrum



8 10

211Po particle energy | 989 1002 MeV | 05 945 | 05 855 |

| 207Pb |72+ 090 MeV ndash 0552+ 057 MeV ndash 0512+ ndash


b)How is alpha energy evaluated and determined What is a typical alpha spectrum and why


4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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4) Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter

Sketch of Alpha Particle Paths in a Medium



Fast moving protons 4He and other nuclei are heavy charged particles

Coulomb force dominates charge interaction

They ionize and excite (give energy to) molecules on their path

The Born-Bethe Formula for Energy Loss of Charged Particles

- dE

dx =




c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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c) Beta Decay Spectra and Neutrino

Pauli Neutrino with spin 12 is emitted simultaneously with beta carrying the missing energy

A Typical Beta Spectrum

Intensityor of

Energy of

E max

A Beta Decay Scheme

PZ DZ+1 + ndash + v

Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Radioactive Decays

What is decay rate How does decay rate vary with time

Radioactivity or decay rate A is the rate of disintegration of nuclei Initially (at t = 0) we have No nuclei and at time t we have N nuclei This rate is proportional to N and the proportional constant is called decay constant

dNA = ndash ndashndashndashndashndash = N Integration gives

d t

ln N = ln No ndash t or N = No e ndash t

Also A = Ao e ndash t

activity or decay rate A decay constant


Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Half-life and its measurementVariation of N as a function of time t

N No


N = No e - t

Also A = Ao e - t

Be able to apply these equations

N = No endash t

A = Ao e ndash t

ln N = ln No ndash t ln A = ln Ao ndash t

Determine half life tfrac12

Ln(N or A)


ln N1 ndash ln N2

= ndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndashndash t1 ndash t2

tfrac12 = ln 2

Half life is not affected by chemical and physical state of matter

1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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1) Historical Roots

2) Dosimetric Quantities

3) Natural Exposures for Humans

4) Radiation Effects

23 Radiation Doses and hazard Assessment

Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Radiation Absorption and DosageThe amount of energy absorbed from exposure to radiation is called a dose The radiation effect measured by a dosimeter reflects an equivalence of certain dosage of X-rays The amounts are defined in certain units as shown here

type units

Radioactivity Bq Ci

Exposure dose Gy rad (R)

Quality factor Q

Biological dose Sv rem

A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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A Dosage Evaluation ExampleA 5-MeV particle is absorbed by 1 gram of water estimate the dosage in rad and rem

The Q factor is 10 for particle and thus the dose is 8e-7 rem or 8e-9 Sv

If the particle is absorbed by a of 10-9 g cell then the dose is 109 times higher (08 Gy 8 Sv) exceeded lethal dose for most living beings

rad 1080 = erg 100

rad 1

J 1

erg 10 MeV 1

J 1016

g 1

5MeV 8-7-13

Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Exposure Limit

Maximum permissible dosage of workers in radiation zone

Max accumulated Max dose13 wk mSv mSv

Whole body 50(age-18) 30

Hands and 250 (750y)forearms

1 Sv = 1000 mSv = 100 rem

Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Chapter 3 Basic Instrumentation for Nuclear Technology

1 Accelerators

2 Detectors

3 Reactors

Outline of experiment

bull1048708 get particles (eg protons hellip)bull1048708 accelerate thembull1048708 throw them against each otherbull1048708 observe and record what happensbull1048708 analyse and interpret the data

types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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types of accelerators ion source1048708 electrostatic (DC) accelerators1048708 Cockcroft-Walton accelerator (protons up to 2 MeV)1048708 Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 10 MeV)1048708 Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator (protons up to 20 MeV)

1048708 resonance accelerators1048708 cyclotron (protons up to 25 MeV)1048708 linear accelerators electron linac 100 MeV to 50 GeV1048708 proton linac up to 70 MeV

1048708 synchronous accelerators1048708 synchrocyclotron (protons up to 750 MeV)1048708 proton synchrotron (protons up to 900 GeV)1048708 electron synchrotron (electrons from 50 MeV to 90 GeV)

1048708Induction Induction linac betatron

Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Gas-Filled Radiation Detectors

Scintillation Detectors

Semiconductor Detectors

Personal Dosimeters


Particle identification

Measurement theory

Detection Equipment

ionization chambersproportional countersGeiger-Muller counters


photographic films photographic emulsion plates

Cloud and Bubble Chambers

Photomultiplier tube

2 Detectors

Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Pulse height distribution of the gamma rays emitted by the radioactive decay of 24Na as measured by a Nal(Tl) scintillation detector


resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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resonance escape probability p

fast fission factor ε

thermal utilization f

thermal fission factor η


Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Chapter 5 Thermonuclear Fusion


2Thermonuclear Reactions and Energy Production

3Fusion in a Hot Medium

4Progress Towards Fusion Power

5Stellar Burning

Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Chapter 6 Nuclear Weapons1History of Weapons Development

2Nuclear Explosions

3Uranium and Nuclear Weapons

4Plutonium and Nuclear Weapons

5Nuclear Weapons related Issues

Basic Characteristics of Fission BombsCritical Mass for Nuclear WeaponsBuildup of a Chain Reaction

Explosive Properties of PlutoniumReactor-Grade Plutonium as a Weapons Material

1 kt of TNT = 1012 cal = 418 times 1012 J

Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Chapter 8 Radioactive isotopes and Their Applications


2Production of Radioisotopes

3Some Commonly Used Radionuclides

4Tracer Applications

5Thickness Gauging

6Radioisotope Dating

7Radioisotope Applications in Space Exploration

Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Daughter Decays Faster than the Parent λI lt λ2

daughters decay rate is limited by the decay rate of the parent

After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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After elution the daughter activity starts to grow again in the column until an equilibrium is reached the elution of activity can be made repeatedly the 99mTc is milked from the 90Mo cow

Production timeAs long as possible

tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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tt eCC





Clock starts when one dies

N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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N ( t ) = N(0)exp(-λt)

we never know N(0)

the initial ratio N(0)NS of the radionuclide and some stable isotope of the same element can be estimated with reliabilityThis ratio also decays with the same radioactive decaylaw as the radionuclide

It is usually easier to measurethe specific activity of 14C in a sample ie A14 per gram of carbon

Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Radiocarbon Measurements and Reporting

Radiocarbon dates are determined by measuring the ratio of 14C to 12C in a sample relative to a standard usually in an accelerator mass spectrometer

standard = oxalic acid that represents activity of 1890 wood

14C ages are reported as ldquo14C years BPrdquo where BP is 1950

Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Chapter 9 Nuclear Analysis Methods

1Neutron Activation Analysis 2Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 3Moumlssbauer Spectroscopy 4Ion Beam Analysis 5Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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Chapter 10 Nuclear Technology in Industry and Agriculture

101 Introduction 102 Material Modification- lithography 103 Sterilization 104 Food and Agriculture


No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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No matter which sterilization method is used the objective is to reduce thebioburden (the number of microorganisms present) to a safe level

Ethylene oxide环氧乙烷

suitable or unsuitable

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