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Page 1: Chapter 10: Challenges for the future. Important notes These slides are not a replacement for the text Please use these slides as a starting point for.

Chapter 10: Challenges for the future

Page 2: Chapter 10: Challenges for the future. Important notes These slides are not a replacement for the text Please use these slides as a starting point for.

The future

“Intelligence-led policing is crime fighting that is guided by effective intelligence gathering and analysis—and it has the potential to be the most important law enforcement innovation of the twenty-first century”

Kelling, G.L. and Bratton, W.J. (2006) 'Policing terrorism', Civic Bulletin, 43, p. 6.

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Public support for proactivity

ACPO market research report found that Young people and working adults lower on the socio-economic

spectrum favored proactive, targeted, solution-oriented policing. Midlife adults in the middle to higher socio-economic groups, older

men, and ethnic groups naturally identified with visible patrolling; however, they could be readily convinced through logical argument that proactive and targeted activities are the most effective and beneficial.

It was only older women and the retired that retained a connection with visible patrolling as a symbol of reassurance, relating visible patrolling to perceptions of safety.

Bradley, R. (1998). Public expectations and perceptions of policing. Police Research Group: Police Research Series, Paper 96.

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Issues for management

How do we know that informants are telling the truth?

How do we place covert information into a wider context of criminality, especially when we may not have confidential sources in other areas?

How do we manage the wider strategic responsibilities and avoid degenerating into an informant-led policing model?

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5×5×5 Information/Intelligence Reporting System

Source evaluationA. Always reliableB. Mostly reliableC. Sometimes reliableD. UnreliableE. Untested source

Information evaluation1. Known to be true without

reservation2. Known personally to the

source but not to the person reporting

3. Known personally to the source but not corroborated

4. Cannot be judged5. Suspected to be false

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5×5×5 Information/Intelligence Reporting System

Handling codes1. Permits dissemination within the police service and to

other law enforcement agencies as specified (default code)

2. Permits dissemination to non-prosecuting parties3. Permits dissemination to foreign law enforcement

agencies4. Permits dissemination within originating force/agency

only: specify reasons and internal recipient(s). Review period must be set.

5. Permits dissemination but receiving agency to observe conditions as specified

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Principle of proportionality

Sir John Stevens noted that the likely target from a crime intelligence assessment of the highest risk for a local police department…

‘will not be the head of an organized crime syndicate. It is more likely that they will be a prolific 15-year-old thief’

Stevens, J. (2001, 3-7 December 2001). Intelligence-led policing. Paper presented at the 2nd World Investigation of Crime Conference, Durban, South Africa.

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Combating ‘surveillance creep’

Gary Marx identified ‘surveillance creep’, an increasing acceptance of intrusion in the name of crime control

The principle of proportionality is therefore a balance of the apposite tactics applied to the appropriate offenders and should be a tenet of intelligence-led policing

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Data protection

Title 28 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 23 The purpose of 28CFR23 is to ensure that criminal

intelligence systems are operated and maintained so that individual privacy and rights are not violated unless in accordance with the law.

UK Data Protection Act 1998. Information must… be fairly and lawfully processed be processed for limited purposes and not in any manner

incompatible with those purposes be adequate, relevant and not excessive be accurate and where necessary, up to date not be kept for longer than is necessary be processed in accordance with individual rights be stored securely

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The widening security agenda

UK HMIC analysis points to a future policing environment characterized by:

widespread enterprising organized criminality, proliferating inter national terrorism and domestic extremism

a premium on intelligence, expertise and smart use of capacity

an increasingly risk concerned public and intrusive media

HMIC. (2005). Closing the gap. London: Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary.

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GMAC integrates strategic meetings

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Strategic harm model

Strategic harm models are not the same as models to reduce fear of crime

Reassurance policing Media scaremongering

Media-led policing? Mike Maguire and Tim John described reassurance policing

as having a ‘populist’ or ‘consumerist’ focus

Page 13: Chapter 10: Challenges for the future. Important notes These slides are not a replacement for the text Please use these slides as a starting point for.

National security and ILP

Intelligence-led policing has become a policing paradigm at the same time that national security issues have expanded to become domestic priorities. Terrorism has been linked to

Narcotics Organized crime Transnational crime

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Information Sharing Environment

Work to better coordinate national security information across the US is undertaken by the Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment (in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence) and the Information Sharing Council

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Information Sharing Council

1. Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment (Chair)

2. Central Intelligence Agency3. Department of Commerce4. Department of Defense

(Joint Chiefs of Staff)5. Department of Defense

(Office of the Secretary of Defense)

6. Department of Energy7. Department of Health and

Human Services8. Department of State

9. Department of Homeland Security

10. Department of the Interior11. Department of Justice12. Department of

Transportation13. Department of the Treasury14. Director of National

Intelligence15. Federal Bureau of

Investigation16. National Counterterrorism

Center17. Office of Management of


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Lack of executive training

Recognized as a national way forward, ILP is an all-crimes approach to enforcement that will revolutionize law enforcement. ILP richly integrates existing strategies and technologies into a coherent ‘game-plan’ approach in allocating resources efficiently. Currently, without a national strategy, or a place where police executives can learn how to implement ILP, it is sitting on the shelf unused. (Bratton 2007: 7–8)

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The future?

Both police executives and analysts will have to demonstrate leadership, ownership and understanding of the tenets of intelligence-led policing for it to succeed

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10 yardsticks for intelligence-led policing

1. Supportive and informed command structure2. Intelligence-led policing is the heart of an organization-wide approach3. Integrated crime and criminal analysis4. Focus on prolific and serious offenders5. Analytical and executive training available6. Both strategic and tactical tasking meetings take place7. Much routine investigation is screened out8. Data are sufficiently complete, reliable and available to support

quality products that influence decision-making9. Management structures exist to action intelligence products10. Appropriate use of prevention, disruption and enforcement

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