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Mortgages and Home Finance: Conduct of Business Sourcebook

Chapter 11

Responsible lending, andresponsible financing of

home purchase plans

Page 2: Chapter 11 Responsible lending, and responsible financing ... · Mortgages and Home Finance: Conduct of Business Sourcebook Chapter 11 Responsible lending, and responsible financing

MCOB 11 : Responsible lending, Section 11.4 : Applicationand responsible financing ofhome purchase plans





■ Release 27 ● Apr 2018www.handbook.fca.org.ukMCOB 11/2

11.4 Application

Who?......................................................................................................This chapter applies to a firm in a category listed in column (1) of the tablein ■ MCOB 11.4.2 R in accordance with column (2) of that table.

This table belongs to ■ MCOB 11.4.1 R

(1) Category of firm (2) Applicable section

mortgage lender Whole chapter

home purchase provider Whole chapter except MCOB 11.6.1G(2), MCOB 11.6.5R (3) and (4), MCOB11.6.18 R, MCOB 11.6.19 G, MCOB11.6.20R (2) and MCOB 11.6.20R (9),MCOB 11.6.40 G to MCOB 11.6.59 G,MCOB 11.6.60R (2)(e), (3) and (4) andMCOB 11.7.3 R

What?......................................................................................................This chapter applies:

(1) if a firm enters into a regulated mortgage contract or home purchaseplan with a customer; or

(2) if a firm varies an existing regulated mortgage contract or homepurchase plan; and

throughout the term of any regulated mortgage contract or home purchaseplan which a firm has entered into.

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MCOB 11 : Responsible lending, Section 11.5 : Purposeand responsible financing ofhome purchase plans



■ Release 27 ● Apr 2018 www.handbook.fca.org.uk MCOB 11/3

11.5 Purpose

(1) This chapter requires a firm to treat customers fairly by assessing,before deciding to:

(a) enter into a regulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan;or

(b) vary a regulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan;

whether the customer will be able to repay the sums borrowed andinterest (in the case of a regulated mortgage contract) or pay thesums due (in the case of a home purchase plan).

(2) This chapter aims to ensure that customers are not exploited by firmsthat provide finance in circumstances where the customers are self-evidently unable to repay (or pay) through income and have noalternative means of repayment (or payment).

(3) This chapter sets out some limited exceptions to the requirement toassess the customer's ability to repay (or pay), including transitionalarrangements in relation to customers with existing regulatedmortgage contracts or home purchase plans which satisfy certainconditions.

(4) This chapter also applies in relation to extending the term of abridging loan.

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MCOB 11 : Responsible lending, Section 11.6 : Responsible lending andand responsible financing of financinghome purchase plans




■ Release 27 ● Apr 2018www.handbook.fca.org.ukMCOB 11/4

11.6 Responsible lending and financing

Contents of this section......................................................................................................(1) This section sets out rules and guidance for lenders and providers

under regulated mortgage contracts and home purchase plans, inrelation to the assessment of affordability for the customer of thesecontracts. Firms have the option of applying certain of the rules andguidance on a modified basis in relation to regulated mortgagecontracts and home purchase plans which are solely for a businesspurpose or are with high net worth mortgage customers. This sectionalso contains (at ■ MCOB 11.6.41 R to ■ MCOB 11.6.52 G) additional rules,with accompanying guidance, in relation to regulated mortgagecontracts which are interest-only mortgages. These rules:

(a) restrict the circumstances in which interest-only mortgages maybe entered into, and impose additional requirements onmortgage lenders in those limited cases where they arepermitted; and

(b) provide for an exception to the requirement to assessaffordability in relation to those interest-only mortgages whichare interest roll-up mortgages, and restrict the circumstances inwhich interest roll-up mortgages may be used (see■ MCOB 11.6.57 R to ■ MCOB 11.6.59 G).

(2) This section also contains (at ■ MCOB 11.6.53 E to ■ MCOB 11.6.54 G)special provisions for mortgage lenders in relation to bridging loans,including some which apply only where the bridging loan is aninterest-only mortgage.

The assessment of affordability......................................................................................................(1) Except as provided in ■ MCOB 11.6.3 R, ■ MCOB 11.6.57 R (Interest roll-up

mortgages) and ■ MCOB 11.7 (Transitional arrangements):

(a) before entering into, or agreeing to vary, a regulated mortgagecontract or home purchase plan, a firm must assess whether thecustomer (and any guarantor of the customer's obligations underthe regulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan) will beable to pay the sums due; and

[Note: article 18(1) of the MCD]

(b) the firm must not enter into the transaction in (a) unless it candemonstrate that the new or varied regulated mortgage contractor home purchase plan is affordable for the customer (and anyguarantor).

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MCOB 11 : Responsible lending, Section 11.6 : Responsible lending andand responsible financing of financinghome purchase plans




■ Release 27 ● Apr 2018 www.handbook.fca.org.uk MCOB 11/5

[Note: article 18(5)(a) of the MCD]

(2) In ■ MCOB 11.6, references to payment of sums due means:

(a) in the case of a regulated mortgage contract, the making of thepayments to repay the sums advanced and interest reasonablyexpected to be accrued under the regulated mortgage contract;and

[Note: article 18(6) of the MCD]

(b) in the case of a home purchase plan, the payment of sums dueunder the home purchase plan;

in each case as they fall due.

(3) In ■ MCOB 11.6, references to the customer must be read as referringalso to any guarantor of the customer's obligations under theregulated mortgage contract, where the context permits.

(1) ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R does not apply to:

(a) entering into a new regulated mortgage contract or homepurchase plan as a replacement for an existing regulatedmortgage contract or home purchase plan between the customerand the firm (either as the original mortgage lender or homepurchase provider or as the transferee of the existing contract),whether or not the new contract relates to the same property; or

(b) a variation of an existing regulated mortgage contract or homepurchase plan;

provided the conditions in (2) are satisfied.

(2) The conditions referred to in (1) are that:

(a) the proposed new or varied regulated mortgage contract orhome purchase plan would not involve the customer taking onadditional borrowing or (for a home purchase plan, increasingthe amount of finance provided under the plan) beyond theamount currently outstanding under the existing regulatedmortgage contract or home purchase plan, other than to financeany product fee or arrangement fee for the proposed new orvaried contract; and

[Note: article 18(6) of the MCD]

(b) there is no change to the terms of the regulated mortgagecontract or home purchase plan which is likely to be material toaffordability.

(3) ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R does not apply to a variation to the terms of aregulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan which is madesolely for the purposes of forbearance where the customer has apayment shortfall, or in order to avoid a payment shortfall.

(1) If a firm treats any of the following changes as not likely to bematerial to affordability, this may be relied upon as tending to showcontravention of ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R:

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MCOB 11 : Responsible lending, Section 11.6 : Responsible lending andand responsible financing of financinghome purchase plans





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(a) an extension of the term of the regulated mortgage contract orhome purchase plan which it is reasonable to expect will extendinto (or further into) the customer's retirement (including achange from a mortgage with a term to a retirement interest-only mortgage); or

(b) changing from a repayment mortgage to an interest-onlymortgage, or vice versa; or

(c) the addition or removal of a customer.

(2) The list in (1) is not exhaustive.

When assessing for the purposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R whether a customer willbe able to pay the sums due, a firm:

(1) must not base its assessment of affordability on the equity in theproperty which is used as security under the regulated mortgagecontract or is subject to the home purchase plan, or take account ofan expected increase in property prices;

[Note: article 18(3) of the MCD]

(2) must take full account of:

(a) the income of the customer, net of income tax and nationalinsurance; and, as a minimum

(b) (i) the customer's committed expenditure; and

(ii) the basic essential expenditure and basic quality-of-livingcosts of the customer's household;

[Note: article 20(1) of the MCD]

(3) (if it is a mortgage lender) must assess affordability on the basis ofboth repayment of capital and payment of interest over the term,except where lending under an interest-only mortgage in accordancewith ■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1); and

(4) (if it is a mortgage lender) must take account of the impact of likelyfuture interest rate increases on affordability, as set out in■ MCOB 11.6.18 R.

[Note: article 18(1) of the MCD]

For the purposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R, a firm must not rely on a generaldeclaration of affordability by the customer or his representative.

Income multiples......................................................................................................A firm may wish to impose a limit, expressed as a multiple of the customer'sincome, on the amount it is prepared to advance under a regulatedmortgage contract or home purchase plan. Such an approach is not, of itself,inconsistent with ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R but, in accordance with the rules in thissection, the firm must be able to demonstrate that the loan is affordable,having taken full account of the customer's income and expenditure, and(for a mortgage lender) the impact of future likely interest rate increases onaffordability.

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■ Release 27 ● Apr 2018 www.handbook.fca.org.uk MCOB 11/7

Income......................................................................................................In taking account of the customer's income (in accordance with■ MCOB 11.6.5R (2)(a)) for the purposes of its assessment of whether thecustomer will be able to pay the sums due:

(1) a firm must obtain evidence of the income declared by the customerfor the purposes of the customer's application for the regulatedmortgage contract or home purchase plan (or variation). Theevidence, whether document-based or derived through the use ofautomated systems, must be of a type and for a period which isadequate to support each element of income that the firm is takinginto account, and subject to appropriate anti-fraud controls; and

(2) a firm must not accept self-certification of income by the customer,and the source of the evidence in (1) must be independent of thecustomer.

In relation to taking account of the customer's income for the purposes of itsassessment of whether the customer will be able to pay the sums due:

(1) income may be derived from sources other than employment (such aspensions or investments), or from more than one job;

(2) the evidence necessary to comply with ■ MCOB 11.6.8 R will varyaccording to factors such as the employment status and the nature ofthe employment of the customer (for example, whether he isemployed, self-employed, a contractor or retired), his length ofemployment and, in particular, any elements of income that are notcontractually guaranteed. For example: income from overtimeworking may be evidenced by payslips over a period of time or bychecking the level of income regularly paid into a bank account;

(3) for a self-employed customer, a firm may wish to consider usingprojections of future income, where these form part of a crediblebusiness plan;

(4) a firm may use information it already holds about a customer'sincome, for example where the customer holds a current accountwith the mortgage lender;

(5) the source of evidence may be independent of the customer evenwhere it is supplied by the customer; for example, in the form ofpayslips, bank statements or tax returns;

(6) a firm may use information provided to it by a home financeintermediary or other third party, including electronic sources ofinformation, but the firm will retain responsibility for compliancewith this chapter; and

(7) mortgage lenders and home purchase providers are reminded of theirobligations under ■ SYSC 8 in respect of outsourcing where theychoose to use a third party to verify income information.

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MCOB 11 : Responsible lending, Section 11.6 : Responsible lending andand responsible financing of financinghome purchase plans





■ Release 27 ● Apr 2018www.handbook.fca.org.ukMCOB 11/8

Expenditure......................................................................................................For the purposes of a mortgage lender's or home purchase provider'sassessment of whether the customer will be able to pay the sums due:

(1) the committed expenditure of a customer in ■ MCOB 11.6.5R (2)(b)(i) ishis credit and other contractual commitments which will continueafter the regulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan (orvariation) is entered into;

(2) the basic essential expenditure of a customer's household in■ MCOB 11.6.5R (2)(b)(ii) comprises expenditure for: housekeeping (foodand washing); gas, electricity and other heating; water; telephone;council tax; buildings insurance; ground rent and service charge forleasehold properties; and essential travel (including to work orschool); and

(3) the basic quality-of-living costs of a customer's household in■ MCOB 11.6.5R (2)(b)(ii) are its expenditure which is hard to reduce andgives a basic quality of life (beyond the absolute essential expenditurein (2)).

(1) Examples of committed expenditure are: credit commitments such assecured and unsecured loans and credit cards; hire purchaseagreements; child maintenance; alimony; and the cost of a repaymentstrategy where the customer has an interest-only mortgage (whereaffordability has not been assessed on a capital and interest basis: see■ MCOB 11.6.48 R (Assessing affordability under an interest-onlymortgage)).

(2) Examples of basic quality-of-living costs (which can be reduced, butonly with difficulty) are: clothing; household goods (such as furnitureand appliances) and repairs; personal goods (such as toiletries); basicrecreation (television, some allowance for basic recreational activities,some non-essential transport); and childcare.

For the purposes of its assessment of whether the customer will be able topay the sums due:

(1) a firm may generally rely on any evidence of income or informationon expenditure provided by the customer unless, taking a commonsense view, it has reason to doubt the evidence or information;

(2) in taking account of the customer's committed expenditure, a firmmust take reasonable steps to obtain details of the customer's actualoutstanding commitments; and

(3) in taking account of the basic essential expenditure and basic quality-of-living costs of a customer's household, a firm may obtain details ofthe actual expenditure. Alternatively, it may use statistical data orother modelled data appropriate to the composition of thecustomer's household, including the customer, dependent childrenand other dependents living in the household. If it uses statistical orother modelled data a firm must apply realistic assumptions todetermine the level of expenditure of the customer's household.

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MCOB 11 : Responsible lending, Section 11.6 : Responsible lending andand responsible financing of financinghome purchase plans





■ Release 27 ● Apr 2018 www.handbook.fca.org.uk MCOB 11/9

(1) Examples of evidence of income in ■ MCOB 11.6.12R (1) are payslips andbank statements.

(2) If a firm obtains details of the customer's credit commitments fromthe customer, it should corroborate the information, for example bymaking a credit reference agency search or checking credit card orbank statements.

(3) Where the customer's credit or contractual commitments are due toend shortly after the regulated mortgage contract or home purchaseplan (or variation) has been entered into, a firm should take acommon sense approach to deciding whether to include thosecommitments in its assessment of whether the customer will be ableto pay the sums due, according to such factors as the remaining termof the commitment and the magnitude of payments required underit.

Future changes to income and expenditure......................................................................................................If a firm is, or should reasonably be aware from information obtained duringthe application process, that there will, or are likely to, be future changes tothe income and expenditure of the customer during the term of theregulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan, the firm must takethem into account when assessing whether the customer will be able to paythe sums due for the purposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R.

(1) Examples of future changes to income and expenditure in■ MCOB 11.6.14 R are: reductions in income that may come aboutfollowing the customer's retirement; where it is known that thecustomer is being made redundant; or where the firm is aware ofanother loan commitment that will become due during the term ofthe regulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan, such as anequity loan to assist in property purchase.

(2) If the term of a regulated mortgage contract or home purchase planwould extend beyond the date on which the customer expects toretire (or, where that date is not known, the state pension age), afirm should take a prudent and proportionate approach to assessingthe customer's income beyond that date. The degree of scrutiny to beadopted may vary according to the period of time remaining toretirement when the assessment is made. The closer the customer isto retiring, the more robust the evidence of the level of income inretirement should be. For example, where retirement is many years inthe future, it may be sufficient merely to confirm the existence ofsome pension provision for the customer by requesting evidence suchas a pension statement; where the customer is close to retirement,the more robust steps may involve considering expected pensionincome from a pension statement. In accordance with■ MCOB 11.6.12R (1), a firm should take a common sense view whenassessing any information provided by the customer on his expectedretirement date.

(3) Where an additional loan commitment is expected to become dueduring the term of the regulated mortgage contract or homepurchase plan, the mortgage lender should assess whether theregulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan will remain

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affordable when the loan commitment becomes due, unless there isan appropriate repayment strategy in place to repay that loan, suchas through the sale of the property which is the subject of theregulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan.

() When assessing the affordability of a retirement interest-onlymortgage with joint borrowers, the firm should consider the ability ofa single borrower to continue making the required payments if theother dies, taking into account relevant evidence such as pensionspayable to the surviving spouse or civil partner.

Debt consolidation and credit-impaired consumers......................................................................................................(1) This rule applies where:

(a) a purpose of a regulated mortgage contract or home purchaseplan (or variation) is debt consolidation; and

(b) for a first charge regulated mortgage contract, the customer is acredit-impaired customer.

(2) Subject to (3), where each of the conditions in (1) is satisfied and, ifthe debts which are to be repaid using the sums raised by theregulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan (or variation)were not repaid, the transaction would not be affordable for thecustomer, the firm must take reasonable steps to ensure that, oncompletion of the transaction, those debts are actually repaid.

(3) The requirement in (2) does not apply if the firm has assumed thatthe customer's existing debts which are to be repaid using the sumsraised by the regulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan (orvariation) will not in fact be repaid and, accordingly, include them ascommitted expenditure in the affordability assessment for thecustomer.

The requirement in ■ MCOB 11.6.16R (2) for reasonable steps may be satisfiedby the mortgage lender's, or home purchase provider's, repaying thecommitted expenditure directly to the creditors concerned as a condition ofgranting the regulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan.

Considering the effect of future interest rate rises......................................................................................................(1) Under ■ MCOB 11.6.5R (4), in taking account of likely future interest

rate increases for the purposes of its assessment of whether thecustomer will be able to pay the sums due, a mortgage lender mustconsider the likely future interest rates over a minimum period of fiveyears from the expected start of the term of the regulated mortgagecontract (or variation), unless the interest rate under the regulatedmortgage contract is fixed for a period of five years or more fromthat time, or for the duration of the regulated mortgage contract (orvariation), if less than five years.

(2) In coming to a view as to likely future interest rates, a mortgagelender must have regard to:

(a) market expectations; and

(b) any prevailing Financial Policy Committee recommendation onappropriate interest-rate stress tests;

and must be able to justify the basis it uses by reference to (a) and(b).

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(3) For the purposes of this rule, even if the basis used by the mortgagelender in (2) indicates that interest rates are likely to fall, or to rise byless than 1%, during the first five years of the regulated mortgagecontract (or variation), a mortgage lender must assume that interestrates will rise by a minimum of 1% over that period.

(1) Under ■ MCOB 11.6.5R (4), in taking account of likely future interestrate increases for the purposes of its assessment of whether thecustomer will be able to pay the sums due, a second charge lendermust also consider the likely future interest rates of any regulatedmortgage contract in existence at the time of the assessment andremaining in existence after the relevant second charge regulatedmortgage contract has been entered into.

(2) The second charge lender must, at a minimum, base its assessmentunder (1) on the balance outstanding of any regulated mortgagecontract relevant under (1).

In relation to ■ MCOB 11.6.18R (2):

(1) an example of market expectations is the forward sterling ratepublished on the Bank of England website. A mortgage lender shouldnot use its own forecast; and

(2) a mortgage lender should not link its determination to marketexpectations without considering the likely effect of rate changes inaccordance with the market expectations on the specific regulatedmortgage contract in question.

Responsible lending or financing policy......................................................................................................A firm must put in place, and operate in accordance with, a written policy(which may be contained in more than one document), approved by itsgoverning body, setting out the factors it will take into account in assessinga customer's ability to pay the sums due. The policy must address thefollowing matters:

(1) how income and expenditure is to be assessed, including (except asprovided in ■ MCOB 11.6.32R (1) and ■ MCOB 11.6.39R (1)):

(a) details of the types of income which are acceptable;

(b) the proportion of different income streams which is acceptable;

(c) how variations in income over time, of which the firm is aware,are to be considered;

(d) what is acceptable evidence of income (including the time periodto be covered by the evidence); and

(e) how committed expenditure, basic essential expenditure andbasic quality-of-living costs are taken into account when assessingaffordability;

(2) how future interest rates are taken into account when assessingaffordability;

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(3) the calculations used to determine whether the regulated mortgagecontract or home purchase plan is affordable;

(4) how the mortgage lender's or home purchase provider's anti-fraudcontrols are incorporated into affordability assessments;

(5) how the mortgage lender's or home purchase provider's method ofcalculating the size of the advance for each customer, based on aconsideration of the customer’s income and expenditure, is to bemonitored, including the timing of reviews and key performanceindicators to be used (see ■ MCOB 11.6.22 R (Monitoring));

(6) the actions to be taken if the mortgage lender's or home purchaseprovider's calculation method, referred to in (5), does not perform asexpected;

(7) how regular audits of compliance with the mortgage lender's orhome purchase provider's responsible lending or financing policyestablished in accordance with this rule are to be undertaken (asrequired by ■ MCOB 11.6.24 R);

(8) how the record keeping requirements in ■ MCOB 11.6.60 R are to bemet;

(9) (if applicable) the matters required by ■ MCOB 11.6.50 R (Interest-onlypolicy); and

(10) (if applicable) how the firm will apply the rules in ■ MCOB 11.7(Transitional arrangements) so as to permit exceptions to itsprocedures for affordability assessments, to include arrangements foruse of management information to monitor its application of thoseexceptions.

[Note: article 18(2) of the MCD]

Examples of different income streams in ■ MCOB 11.6.20R (1)(b) are: incomederived from sources other than employment; income from more than onejob; and elements of income that are not contractually guaranteed.

An MCD mortgage lender must keep a record of the valuation and types ofimmovable property accepted as a security, as well as the related mortgageunderwriting policies used.

[Note: article 19(2) and second sentence of article 26(1) of the MCD]

When considering the period for which the records kept under■ MCOB 11.6.21A R are to be retained, MCD mortgage lenders are reminded ofthe high-level record-keeping provisions in SYSC.

Monitoring......................................................................................................A firm must put in place, and be able to demonstrate that it has, robustsystems and controls (including the use of management information and keyperformance indicators) to monitor the effectiveness of its affordabilityassessments, including in preventing payment difficulties.

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■ Release 27 ● Apr 2018 www.handbook.fca.org.uk MCOB 11/13

Except as provided in ■ MCOB 11.6.32R (2) and ■ MCOB 11.6.39R (2), themonitoring in ■ MCOB 11.6.22 R should:

(1) include use of management information, key performance indicatorsand root cause analysis to review and (where appropriate) adjust andimprove the mortgage lender's or home purchase provider's methodof calculating the size of the advance for each customer, based on aconsideration of the customer's income and expenditure; and

(2) take place on a regular basis. However, a firm should put in place keyperformance indicators that trigger more frequent reviews; forexample, if the incidence of customers being in arrears, or of earlyarrears, is higher than expected.

A firm must ensure that its compliance with the responsible lending orfinancing policy required by ■ MCOB 11.6.20 R is reviewed at least once percalendar year:

(1) in any case where the firm has an internal audit function oroutsourced equivalent, by that function; and

(2) in any other case, by the firm's internal compliance function or anoutsourced equivalent.

Alternative provisions for loans which are solely for a businesspurpose......................................................................................................Where a regulated mortgage contract is solely for a business purpose, a firmmay opt to apply ■ MCOB 11.6.26 R to ■ MCOB 11.6.31 R in place of■ MCOB 11.6.5 R to ■ MCOB 11.6.19 G.

When assessing for the purposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R whether a customer willbe able to pay the sums due, a firm:

(1) must not base its assessment of affordability on the equity in theproperty which is used as security under the regulated mortgagecontract, or take account of an expected increase in property prices;

(2) must:

(a) where the repayments will be made from the resources of thecustomer:

(i) take full account of the income, net of income tax andnational insurance, or net assets (or both) of the customer;and the customer’s committed expenditure; and

(ii) take account, in general terms as a minimum, of the basicessential expenditure and basic quality-of-living costs of thecustomer’s household; and

(b) where the repayments will be made from the financial resourcesof the business, take full account of the strength of thoseresources;

(3) in a case falling within (2)(b), if the customer is relying on thebusiness for his personal income, must as a minimum consider in

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general terms whether the business can support the customer's basicessential expenditure and basic quality-of-living costs;

(4) must assess affordability on the basis of both repayment of capitaland payment of interest over the term, except where lending underan interest-only mortgage in accordance with ■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1); and

(5) must take account of the impact of likely future interest rateincreases on affordability.

For the purposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R, a firm must not rely on a generaldeclaration of affordability by the customer or his representative.

In taking account (in accordance with ■ MCOB 11.6.26R (2)) of the customer'sincome or net assets (or both) and the resources of the business for thepurposes of its assessment of whether the customer will be able to pay thesums due:

(1) a firm must obtain evidence of the income or net assets (or both) ofthe customer and the resources of the business, as declared by thecustomer for the purpose of the customer's application for theregulated mortgage contract (or variation); and

(2) a firm must not accept self-certification of income by the customer,and the source of the evidence in (1) must be independent of thecustomer.

In ■ MCOB 11.6.26 R, for the purposes of taking full account of committedexpenditure and taking account in general terms of basic essentialexpenditure and basic quality-of-living costs, the meaning of those phrases isas set out in ■ MCOB 11.6.10 R.

The information which a firm should consider when taking account, for thepurposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.26R (2)(b), of the strength of the financial resourcesof the business will vary according to the characteristics of the business, butmay include factors such as the cash flow, assets and liabilities of thebusiness.

If a firm is, or should reasonably be aware from information obtained duringthe application process, that there will, or are likely to, be future changes tothe income and expenditure of the customer, or the resources of thebusiness, during the term of the regulated mortgage contract, the firm musttake them into account when assessing whether the customer will be able topay the sums due for the purposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R.

Where a firm chooses, in accordance with ■ MCOB 11.6.25 R, to apply theprovisions of ■ MCOB 11.6.26 R to ■ MCOB 11.6.31 R in place of ■ MCOB 11.6.5 Rto ■ MCOB 11.6.19 G:

(1) its policy in ■ MCOB 11.6.20R (1) need not address each of the mattersprescribed in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of that rule;

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(2) ■ MCOB 11.6.23 G does not apply; and

(3) in each case the record-keeping requirements in ■ MCOB 11.6.60R (2)(a)to ■ (d) apply only to the extent relevant, but the record in■ MCOB 11.6.60R (1) must also include, to the extent relevant:

(a) the customer's assets and the evidence relied on to assess them;and

(b) the details considered in relation to the resources of the business.

Alternative provisions for loans with high net worth mortgagecustomers......................................................................................................Where a regulated mortgage contract is for a high net worth mortgagecustomer, a firm may opt to apply ■ MCOB 11.6.34 R to ■ MCOB 11.6.38 R inplace of ■ MCOB 11.6.5 R to ■ MCOB 11.6.19 G.

When assessing for the purposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R whether a customer willbe able to pay the sums due, a firm:

(1) must not base its assessment of affordability on the equity in theproperty which is used as security under the regulated mortgagecontract, or take account of an expected increase in property prices;

[Note: article 18(3) of the MCD]

(2) must:

(a) take full account of the income, net of income tax and nationalinsurance, or net assets (or both) of the customer; and thecustomer's committed expenditure; and

(b) take account, in general terms as a minimum, of the basicessential expenditure and basic quality-of-living costs of thecustomer's household;

[Note: article 20(1) of the MCD]

(3) must assess affordability on the basis of both repayment of capitaland payment of interest over the term, except where lending underan interest-only mortgage in accordance with ■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1); and

(4) must take account of the impact of likely future interest rateincreases on affordability.

For the purposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R, a firm must not rely on a generaldeclaration of affordability by the customer or his representative.

In taking account of the customer's income or net assets (or both) (inaccordance with ■ MCOB 11.6.34R (2)(a)) for the purposes of its assessment ofwhether the customer will be able to pay the sums due:

(1) a firm must obtain evidence of the income or net assets (or both)declared by the customer for the purpose of the customer'sapplication for the regulated mortgage contract (or variation); and

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(2) a firm must not accept self-certification of income by the customer,and the source of the evidence in (1) must be independent of thecustomer.

In ■ MCOB 11.6.34 R, for the purposes of taking full account of committedexpenditure and taking account in general terms of basic essentialexpenditure and basic quality-of-living costs, the meaning of those phrases isas set out in ■ MCOB 11.6.10 R.

If a firm is, or should reasonably be, aware from information obtainedduring the application process, that there will, or are likely to, be futurechanges to the income and expenditure of the customer during the term ofthe regulated mortgage contract, the firm must take them into accountwhen assessing whether the customer will be able to pay the sums due forthe purposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R.

Where a firm chooses, in accordance with ■ MCOB 11.6.33 R, to apply theprovisions of ■ MCOB 11.6.34 R to ■ MCOB 11.6.38 R in place of ■ MCOB 11.6.5 Rto ■ MCOB 11.6.19 G:

(1) its policy in ■ MCOB 11.6.20R (1) need not address each of the mattersprescribed in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of that rule;

(2) ■ MCOB 11.6.23 G does not apply; and

(3) in each case the record-keeping requirements in ■ MCOB 11.6.60R (2)(a)to ■ MCOB 11.6.60R (2)(d) apply only to the extent relevant, but therecord in ■ MCOB 11.6.60R (1) must also include, to the extent relevant,the customer's assets and the evidence relied on to assess them.

Interest-only mortgages......................................................................................................The rules in this part (■ MCOB 11.6.41 R to ■ MCOB 11.6.49 R) provide thatinterest-only mortgages may be entered into by mortgage lenders in limitedcircumstances.

A shared equity credit agreement may be an interest-only mortgage.

Entering into interest-only mortgages......................................................................................................(1) A mortgage lender may only enter into an interest-only mortgage, or

switch a repayment mortgage onto an interest-only basis for all orpart of its term, if:

(a) it has evidence that the customer will have in place a clearlyunderstood and credible repayment strategy; and

(b) as far as it is reasonably able to assess at that time, therepayment strategy has the potential to repay the capitalborrowed and any interest reasonably expected to be accruedunder the interest-only mortgage.

(2) In ■ MCOB 11.6, a reference to an interest-only mortgage is to be readas including any regulated mortgage contract which includes an

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interest-only period or where part of the sum is advanced on aninterest-only basis.

(3) A mortgage lender must not accept speculative repayment strategiesfor the purposes of (1).

Firms are reminded that:

(1) interest-only mortgages include those where some, but not all,interest is payable at the end of the term. Accordingly, therequirement in ■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1)(b) applies equally to such interest-only mortgages as it does to those where all of the interest is accrueduntil the end of the term; and

(2) a lifetime mortgage is a type of interest-only mortgage, as fullrepayment of capital and interest is not required over the term.Accordingly, the requirements in the Handbook (including in■ MCOB 11.6 and ■ MCOB 11.7) which apply to interest-only mortgagesapply to lifetime mortgages, unless specifically disapplied. Dependingalways on its terms, a lifetime mortgage may also be an interest roll-up mortgage, as noted in ■ MCOB 11.6.59 G.

■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1) does not prevent a mortgage lender, when appropriate,from making a temporary concession, by which he accepts payment ofinterest only, with a customer who is in arrears or has a payment shortfall, oris at risk of arrears or a payment shortfall, on a regulated mortgage contract.

Firms are reminded that whether it is appropriate to take the actioncontemplated by ■ MCOB 11.6.43 R will depend on all the circumstances of theparticular case and must be considered having regard to, among otherthings, Principle 6 and the rules in ■ MCOB 13.

The following are examples of repayment strategies that may, subject to thecircumstances of the customer, be acceptable for the purposes of■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1):

(1) regular deposits into a savings or investment product;

(2) the periodic repayment of capital from irregular sources of income(such as bonuses or some sources of income from self-employment);

(3) the sale of assets such as another property or other land owned bythe customer; and

(4) for a shared equity credit agreement or a retirement interest-onlymortgage, the sale of the property which is the subject of theagreement.

Acceptance by a mortgage lender of any of the following repaymentstrategies for the purposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1) may be relied upon astending to show contravention of that rule:

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(1) an expectation that the value of the property which is the subject ofthe regulated mortgage contract will increase over its termsufficiently to enable the customer to sell the property to repay thecapital borrowed and, where applicable, pay the interest accruedunder the interest-only mortgage;

(2) an intention on the part of the customer to utilise an expected, butuncertain, inheritance to repay the capital borrowed and, whereapplicable, pay the interest accrued under the interest-only mortgage;and

(3) the sale of the property which is the subject of the regulatedmortgage contract, where that is the customer's main residence andthe mortgage lender does not consider whether the property willhave the potential to:

(a) provide sufficient funds for the customer to repay the capitalborrowed and, where applicable, the interest accrued under theinterest-only mortgage; and

(b) allow the customer to purchase a cheaper property to reside in orexecute any other associated strategy.

The above list is not exhaustive.

■ MCOB 11.6.46E(3)(b) does not apply in relation to a retirement interest-onlymortgage.

In complying with ■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1), where a customer's repayment strategyis the sale of the property which is the subject of the regulated mortgagecontract, a mortgage lender may wish to consider, as part of its assessmentof that repayment strategy, factors such as the equity in the property whenconsidered in relation to the level of property prices in the relevant area atthe time of the consideration or, for a lifetime mortgage, the borrower’s lifeexpectancy.

Assessing affordability under an interest-only mortgage......................................................................................................For the purposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R, where a mortgage lender is lendingunder an interest-only mortgage in accordance with ■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1), itmay assess affordability on the basis of payment of interest only over theterm (plus repayment of such capital as may be due to be repaid over theterm). If it does so, it must consider as part of the customer's committedexpenditure under ■ MCOB 11.6.5R (2)(b)(i) (or the equivalent alternativeprovision for transactions with high net worth mortgage customers or solelyfor business purposes) the cost to the customer of the repayment strategy(unless the mortgage is a retirement interest-only mortgage).

Review during the term of interest-only mortgages......................................................................................................(1) This rule applies in relation to all interest-only mortgages which a

mortgage lender enters into on or after 26 April 2014 except:

(a) lifetime mortgages;

(aa) retirement interest-only mortgages;

(b) bridging loans; and

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(c) any other case where the repayment of capital borrowed and, ifapplicable, interest accrued, is certain.

(2) Except as set out in (3), a mortgage lender must carry out a review (asa minimum, once) during the term of the mortgage, in which contactis made with the customer, to check that the customer's repaymentstrategy is still in place, and that it is still reasonable to expect thatthe repayment strategy has the potential to repay the capitalborrowed and, where applicable, pay the interest reasonablyexpected to be accrued under the interest-only mortgage. The reviewmust be carried out at a stage of the term when, if the repaymentstrategy is not in place, or not adequate, there is likely to besufficient time prior to the end of the term for the customer to takeappropriate steps to remedy the situation.

(3) The review in (2) is not required in any case where, despitereasonable efforts to contact the customer, the mortgage lender hasbeen unable to do so.

(4) Following the review in (1), where appropriate the mortgage lendermust take reasonable steps to discuss with the customer what may bedone to address the situation.

Interest-only policy......................................................................................................A mortgage lender which enters into interest-only mortgages (unless theyare only lifetime mortgages) must include in the policy which is required by■ MCOB 11.6.20 R (Responsible lending and financing policy) a policy oninterest-only mortgages, setting out its processes and procedures forensuring compliance with ■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1) and for safeguarding theinterests of customers during the term of interest-only mortgages. This policymust include:

(1) details of the mortgage lender's plans for lending by way of interest-only mortgages, including its planned volumes of lending on thatbasis over a specified period, and provision for reviewing the actualvolumes of lending on that basis, including the timing and method ofreview;

(2) specification of the types of repayment strategy which will beconsidered acceptable, and the evidential requirements and othercontrols which will be applied to ensure that only such types will beaccepted, including the controls to be applied where the repaymentstrategy is the sale of the property which is the subject of theregulated mortgage contract;

(3) the procedures for checking the existence and adequacy of therepayment strategy in line with the policy, including questions to beasked of the customer;

(4) the arrangements for monitoring and auditing compliance with thepolicy, processes and procedures (see ■ MCOB 11.6.22 R and■ MCOB 11.6.24 R (Monitoring)); and

(5) the process for the review required by ■ MCOB 11.6.49 R which, as aminimum:

(a) prescribes the timing of the review;

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(b) prescribes the content of the review, including the questions tobe asked of the customer and the actions to be taken if thecustomer proves difficult to contact or otherwise does not co-operate with the review;

(c) sets out how it is to be decided whether the customer’srepayment strategy meets the criteria in ■ MCOB 11.6.49R (2); and

(d) sets out the actions which will be appropriate to be consideredduring the discussions in ■ MCOB 11.6.49R (2), depending on thecircumstances of the customer.

(1) The controls in ■ MCOB 11.6.50R (2) may include, where appropriate:maximum loan to value limits; minimum equity requirements;regional factors such as property prices; or other eligibilityrequirements.

(2) The policy and procedures for safeguarding the interests of acustomer under an interest-only mortgage should not permit themortgage lender to change the interest-only mortgage to arepayment mortgage, extend the term or otherwise change thefeatures of the interest-only mortgage unless to do so is compatiblewith the duties of the mortgage lender under Principle 6 and anyother applicable rules and regulations, including those relating toarrears or payment shortfall. A mortgage lender should also haveregard to the CRA when drafting the provisions of regulatedmortgage contracts in relation to changes to their features.

■ MCOB 11.6.50 R sets out requirements for mortgage lenders to haveappropriate procedures for managing interest-only mortgages in order tosafeguard the interests of customers. Firms are reminded of the rules andguidance in SYSC (notably ■ SYSC 7.1) relating to systems and controls for themanagement of risks to which firms themselves are exposed. Firms will needto consider whether their systems and controls are adequate in relation tothe management of risks arising from interest-only mortgages.

Assessing the customer's repayment strategy for bridgingloans......................................................................................................For a bridging loan which is an interest-only mortgage, acceptance by amortgage lender as a repayment strategy for the purposes of■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1) of an expectation that, by entering into the bridgingloan, the customer's credit status will be sufficiently improved to enable himto refinance to a longer-term regulated mortgage contract (except wherethe mortgage lender has evidence of a guaranteed offer for such a longer-term contract) may be relied upon as tending to show contravention of thatrule.

For a bridging loan which is an interest-only mortgage, in complying with■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1):

(1) where the customer's repayment strategy is the sale of his existinghome, the mortgage lender may wish to consider asking for it to besupported by an independent valuation of that property, as acondition of accepting that repayment strategy; and

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(2) where the customer's repayment strategy is the replacement of thebridging loan with a mainstream regulated mortgage contract, themortgage lender should not accept that repayment strategy unless itis reasonably satisfied that a mainstream mortgage lender will bewilling to enter into a regulated mortgage contract with thecustomer. A firm may wish to consider requesting evidence of aguaranteed offer or agreement in principle that will be in place oncethe existing term of the bridging loan has expired, or obtain thenecessary income and expenditure information, in order to be sosatisfied.

Extending the term of a bridging loan......................................................................................................Except in relation to a secured overdraft which is solely for a businesspurpose or is with a high net worth mortgage customer:

(1) when considering extending the term of a bridging loan, a mortgagelender must comply with ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R as if the bridging loan werea new loan;

(2) where ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R does not apply in relation to extending theterm of a bridging loan (because the bridging loan is an interest roll-up mortgage, and therefore ■ MCOB 11.6.57 R applies), the mortgagelender must consider with the customer, before he commits himself toextend the term, the impact of the extension on the customer'sremaining equity in the property which is the subject of the bridgingloan; and

(3) a firm must not agree to extend the term of a bridging loan unlessthe customer has made a positive choice to do so.

Firms are reminded that, when extending the term of a bridging loan towhich ■ MCOB 11.6.55 R does not apply, in accordance with ■ MCOB 2.5A.1 R,they must act honestly, fairly and professionally in accordance with the bestinterests of their customer.

Interest roll-up mortgages......................................................................................................The requirements in ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R (and any Handbook provisions applicableonly to that rule) do not apply in relation to an interest roll-up mortgage, orto the type of lifetime mortgage described in ■ MCOB 9.4.132AR.

The type of lifetime mortgage described in ■ MCOB 9.4.132AR is one underwhich the customer makes payments to start with, but which can beconverted to an interest roll-up mortgage at any time of the customer’schoosing.

A mortgage lender may not enter into an interest roll-up mortgage, or varyan existing regulated mortgage contract so that it becomes an interest roll-up mortgage, unless it is:

(1) a lifetime mortgage; or

(2) a bridging loan; or

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(3) a loan to a high net worth mortgage customer; or

(4) a loan solely for business purposes; or

(5) a shared equity credit agreement.

Firms are reminded that an interest roll-up mortgage is a type of interest-only mortgage, where no payments of interest or capital are required oranticipated until the mortgage comes to an end. Depending always on theirterms, it is possible to structure the types of product set out in■ MCOB 11.6.58R (1) to ■ (4) as an interest roll-up mortgage. Where that is thecase, ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R will not apply in relation to them, but ■ MCOB 11.6.40 Gto ■ MCOB 11.6.52 G will apply to all interest roll-up mortgages, to the extentthey are permitted by ■ MCOB 11.6.58 R.

A shared equity credit agreement may be an interest roll-up mortgage.

Record-keeping......................................................................................................(1) A firm must make, in paper or electronic form, an adequate record of

the steps it takes to comply with the rules in this chapter in relationto each customer.

(2) The record in (1) must include the information taken into account ineach affordability assessment, so that it is possible to understandfrom the record the basis of the mortgage lender's or home purchaseprovider's lending or financing decision, including (except as providedin ■ MCOB 11.6.32R (3) and ■ MCOB 11.6.39R (3)):

(a) the customer's income, including, where relevant, a breakdownof the different income types;

(b) the customer's committed expenditure;

(c) the basic essential expenditure and basic quality-of-living costs ofthe customer's household (whether actual expenditure for thathousehold or assumed expenditure from statistical or othermodelled data, including information to show why the assumeddata is appropriate to that customer's household);

(d) the evidence relied on to assess income and expenditure;

(e) the rate or assumptions used to test affordability against likelyfuture interest rate rises;

(f) the repayment type and term of the regulated mortgagecontract, or the term of the home purchase plan; and

(g) the calculation used to determine whether the regulatedmortgage contract, home purchase plan is (or, where applicable,following the variation, remains) affordable for the customer.

(3) In relation to interest-only mortgages, the record in (1) must include:

(a) the reasons for each decision to offer an interest-only mortgageto a customer;

(b) the evidence of the customer's repayment strategy and, whereapplicable, its cost;

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(c) details of the firm's attempts to contact the customer whererequired by ■ MCOB 11.6.49 R; and

(d) the outcome of each review required by ■ MCOB 11.6.49 R(whether conducted once during the term of the interest-onlymortgage or more frequently).

(4) In relation to the extension of the term of a bridging loan which fallswithin ■ MCOB 11.6.55 R, the record in (1) must include:

(a) the customer's positive choice to extend the term;

(b) the reasons for the decision to extend the term; and

(c) the evidence of the customer's repayment strategy and its cost.

(5) A firm must retain the records required by (1) to (4) for the term ofthe regulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan.

(6) Where a firm enters into or varies a regulated mortgage contract orhome purchase plan under ■ MCOB 11.7 (Transitional arrangements), itmust keep, for the term of the contract or plan, a record of:

(a) the outstanding balance on the existing contract or plan;

(b) the cost of the repairs or maintenance work to the property,where relevant;

(c) any product fee or arrangement fee financed by any additionalborrowing taken on under the contract or increase in the amountof finance provided under the plan; and

(d) the rationale for each decision made to enter into or vary aregulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan under■ MCOB 11.7 (Transitional arrangements), including why the firmconsidered it to be in the customer's best interests.

(7) A firm must make, and keep up to date, an adequate record of thepolicy required by ■ MCOB 11.6.20 R. When the policy is changed, arecord of the previous policy must be retained for so long as anyregulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan to which it wasapplicable remains outstanding.

[Note: article 18(2) of the MCD]

For the purposes of ■ MCOB 11.6.60R (2)(c) and ■ (g), if it is not practicable forthe firm to record on the customer's file full details of the calculationmethod applied, it should record clearly which version of that method wasapplied in order that the file can be reviewed in conjunction with theapplicable version of the method, so that it is possible to reconstruct thelending decision.

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11.7 Transitional arrangements

When considering entering into a first charge regulated mortgage contractor varying a first charge regulated mortgage contract or home purchaseplan, a firm need not apply the rules in ■ MCOB 11.6.2 R to ■ MCOB 11.6.18 Rinclusive (as modified by ■ MCOB 11.6.25 R to ■ MCOB 11.6.31 R and■ MCOB 11.6.33 R to ■ MCOB 11.6.38 R, where applicable) if it has established,acting reasonably, that the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) the customer has:

(a) an existing first charge regulated mortgage contract (whether ornot entered into on or after 31 October 2004) with the firm orhome purchase plan (whether or not entered into on or after 6April 2007) which was in existence prior to 26 April 2014; or

(b) an existing first charge regulated mortgage contract with thefirm or home purchase plan which was entered into in relianceon, and in compliance with, ■ MCOB 11.7;

(2) subject to ■ MCOB 11.7.2 R, the proposed regulated mortgage contractor home purchase plan, or variation, would not involve the customertaking on additional borrowing (or, for a home purchase plan,increasing the amount of finance provided under the plan) beyondthe amount currently outstanding under the existing regulatedmortgage contract or home purchase plan, other than to finance anyproduct fee or arrangement fee for the proposed new or variedcontract;

(3) the proposed transaction would be in the customer's best interests;and

(4) the customer has not, after 26 April 2014 increased the size of theadvance under the existing regulated mortgage contract or homepurchase plan other than to finance any relevant product fee orarrangement fee in relation to, or the cost of essential repairs ormaintenance to the property which is the subject of, that regulatedmortgage contract or home purchase plan.

The condition in ■ MCOB 11.7.1R (2) does not apply if each of the followingconditions is satisfied:

(1) the firm is the mortgage lender or home purchase provider under theexisting regulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan in■ MCOB 11.7.1R (1);

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(2) the value of the property which is the subject of the regulatedmortgage contract or home purchase plan is at risk if repairs ormaintenance work to the property are not carried out;

(3) the funds generated by the additional borrowing or increase infinance provided are to be used to carry out the repairs ormaintenance work; and

(4) the firm has obtained credible evidence which demonstrates that theadditional borrowing or increase in finance are no more than the costof the repairs or maintenance work.

(5) the proposed transaction is:

(a) the variation of an existing non-MCD first charge regulatedmortgage contract,

(b) the entry into a non-MCD first charge regulated mortgagecontract, or

(c) a home purchase plan or variation of a home purchase plan.

(1) When considering entering into a first charge regulated mortgagecontract which is an interest-only mortgage or varying a first chargeregulated mortgage contract which is an interest-only mortgage, amortgage lender need not apply the rules in ■ MCOB 11.6.41R (1),■ MCOB 11.6.49 R, ■ MCOB 11.6.50 R and ■ MCOB 11.6.60R (3) if theconditions in ■ MCOB 11.7.1 R) are satisfied, and if it has established,acting reasonably, that the existing regulated mortgage contract in■ MCOB 11.7.1R (1) is an interest-only mortgage.

(2) Where only part of the sum advanced under the existing regulatedmortgage contract is on an interest-only basis, (1) applies, but only tothat part.

In accordance with its obligation under Principle 6 to treat its customersfairly, a firm should not treat a customer with whom it enters into or varies aregulated mortgage contract or home purchase plan pursuant to this section11.7 less favourably than it would treat other customers with similarcharacteristics, for example by offering less favourable interest rates or otherterms.

Firms should note the record-keeping requirements at ■ MCOB 11.6.60R (6)which apply when regulated mortgage contracts and home purchase plansare entered into or varied under this section.

Where a firm has elected to apply any of MCOB TPs 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34,36, 38 or 40 in ■ MCOB TP 1.1, any first charge regulated mortgage contractthey propose to enter into between 21 September 2015 and 21 March 2016is not to be regarded as an MCD regulated mortgage contract for thepurposes of this chapter.

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11.8 Customers unable to changeregulated mortgage contract, homepurchase plan or provider

Where a customer is unable to:

(1) enter into a new regulated mortgage contract or home purchase planor vary the terms of an existing regulated mortgage contract or homepurchase plan with the existing mortgage lender or home purchaseprovider; or

(2) enter into a new regulated mortgage contract or home purchase planwith a new mortgage lender or home purchase provider;

the existing mortgage lender or home purchase provider should not (forexample, by offering less favourable interest rates or other terms) takeadvantage of the customer's situation or treat the customer any lessfavourably than it would treat other customers with similar characteristics. Todo so may be relied on as tending to show contravention of Principle 6(Customers’ interests).

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