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Page 1: Chapter 2 Part2 Cst110

Chapter 2, part 2

Self, Perception, and Communication

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Psychological Safety and Risk

Psychological risk – taking a change on something new (activities or ideas); helps to improve self-concept

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The Map is Not the Territory

The maps or ideas of that places that you carry with you are ONLY YOUR INTERPRETATION of a place, thing, etc – it is NOT the actual thing.

Have you ever though back on a past relationship and only remembered the good times even if there were bad times also? Traveling – what do you remember about a place?

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The Map is Not the Territory

Your maps are often distorted because you may jump to conclusions because of your experiences, the labels you put on people/ things, only see what you want to see

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The Map is Not the Territory

You cannot possibly see and experience EVERYTHING about a person/place

You react to things FROM the maps you have created

No two people can have exactly the same maps

As you grow, your maps must changeThe maps do not represent who you are

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The Internet, Self, and Communication

You have the choice to represent your true or map up and alternate person – have you ever done this? Why / why not?

The internet gives us the change to be “invisible” – how could this affect self-concept?

Some may provide deeper / faster disclosure on-line than in real life

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How you look at others and the world around you

Psychological set – you always have expectations before you see/confront something and this greatly colors how you perceive/see something. Do you see something as frightening? Happy? Difficult? This information comes from your background and experiences

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The Perceptual Process

Your perception not only affects you interactions with others but your responses to the world around you

Thee-step process:

1. Select the information

2. Organize the information

3. Interpret the information

We all select, organize, and interpret in different ways

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Deletions, Distortions, and Generalizations

Deletions – erasing information; your senses are limited; you may delete because of your beliefs

Distortions – bending information as you see it; you only see a small part; you may change to fit your already held beliefs

Generalizations – drawing conclusions from only a little bit of information

All future experiences are filtered through your beliefs

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Perceptual Filters

Limitations that result from the lens in which you see the world through

This comes from you upbringing, culture, beliefs, sex, education, etc

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Adjusting to Perceptual Influences

You draw your reality of people and the world from your perceptions and the conclusions you draw from them

Objective reality – the actualSubjective reality – your personal ideas

and conclusionsIn text - ways to cut down on negative

effects on perception

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