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Page 1: CHAPTER 27·30 THT APUSH - PBworks APUSH 27...[DJ British concession of the disputed territory to Venezuela ... Filipino people. [E] the United States refused to give the Filipino


v. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

1. Americans favored providing aid to the Cuban revolutionaries for all of the followingreasons except

[A] anger at Spain's destruction of the sugar cane and sugar mills.

[B] sympathy for patriots fighting for their freedom.

[C] fear that Spanish misrule in Cuba menaced the shipping routes to the West Indies.

[D] outrage at the Spanish use of reconcentration camps.

[El the atrocity stories reported in the "yellow press."

6. When the United States invaded Puerto Rico during the Spanish-American War.

[AJ the anny encountered stiff resistance from the Spanish.

[B] the resulting battle ended the war.

[C] most of the population greeted the invaders as liberating heroes.

[D] its intentions were to grant Puerto Rican independence.

[E) the majority of the fighting occurred in the harbor at San Juan.

2. During the Spanish-American War, the entire Spanish fleet was destroyed at the Battle of

(A] Santiago. (B] Samoa. (C] Guantanamo. (0] Havana. (E] Manila Bay.

7. President William McKinley asked Congress to declare war on Spain mainly because the

[A] Teller Amendment had been passed. [B] Spanish government had insulted him.

[C] American people demanded it. [DJ business community favored the conflict.

[EJ justice of obtaining Cuban independence was clear.3. The United States gained a virtual right of intervention in Cuba in the

[A) Teller Amendment.

[C] insular cases.

[B] Guantanamo Bay Treaty.

(0] Platt Amendment (E] Foraker ActA major factor in the shift in American foreign policy toward imperialism in the latenineteenth century was

4. Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani was removed from power because

[A] she insisted that native Hawaiians should control Hawaii.

[B) many Hawaiians found her rule corrupt.

(C] Hawaiian agriculture had failed under her leadership.

[D] President Grover Cleveland believed that U.S. national honor required control of theHawaiian government.

[E] she did not allow Christian missionaries in her country.

[A] the desire for more farmland.

[C] the need for additional population.

[D] the construction of an American-built isthmian canal between the Atlantic Ocean andPacific Ocean.

[B] the closing of the frontier.

[E] the need for overseas markets for increased industrial and agricultural production.

(A] acquisition of the Philippines.

[C) adoption of the Platt Amendment.

[E] declaration of war against Spain.

[B) adoption of the Teller Amendment.

[0] acquisition of Puerto Rico.

9. President Grover Cleveland rejected the effort to annex Hawaii because

[A] the U.S. would then have to establish military bases in Hawaii.

[B] the islands were not particularly productive.

[C] passage of the McKinley Tariff made Hawaiian sugar unprofitable.

[0] a majority of native Hawaiians opposed annexation to the United States.

[E] the United States did not have the naval power to protect the islands.

S. At the time, the most controversial event associated with the Spanish-American War wasthe


V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

10. The "Rough Riders," organized principally by Teddy Roosevelt,

[A] consisted primarily of Roosevelt's upper-class friends

[B] were commanded by Colonel Leonard Wood.

[C] were trained in guerrilla warfare. [OJ were a well-disciplined fighting force.

[E] managed to take San Juan Hill unassisted.

14. President McKinley justified American acquisition of the Philippines primarily byemphasizing that

[A] the Filipinos wanted to be annexed by the United States.

[B] there was no acceptable alternative to their acquisition.

[C] the electoral success of the Republican party depended on their acquisition.

[D] the United States would gain key naval bases there.

[E] the Philippines were spoils of war and America's by right of conquest.II. The battleship Maine was sunk by

{A] a mine planted by pro-Cuban Americans.

[B] reporters working for William Randolph Hearst.

(e) the Spanish. (0] Cuban rebels. [E] an explosion on the ship.

15. In an attempt to persuade Spain to leave Cuba or to encourage the United States to helpCuba to gain its independence, Cuban insurrectos

12. The Venezuela boundary dispute was settled by

[A] stationing United States marines along the disputed border.

[B) a brief war between Venezuela and British Guiana

{C] the mediation of Brazil and Colombia.

[DJ British concession of the disputed territory to Venezuela

rEI arbitration of the Venezuelan and British claims.

[A] assassinated Spanish officials.

[C} made guerrilla raids on Havana.

[E] attacked Spanish shipping.

[B] burned the cane fields and sugar mills.

[D] blew up the battleship Maine.

16. Starting in 1917, many Puerto Ricans came to the mainland United States seeking

[A] independence.

[OJ employment.

rB] citizenship.

(E] political refuge.

(e) to learn English.

13. As a result of the settlement of the Venezuelan boundary dispute,

[A J the Monroe Doctrine was weakened.

[B) Latin American nations were pleased by the determination of the United States toprotect them.

[C} British and American relations steadily worsened until World War 1

[DJ the United States developed respect for Latin American autonomy.

[E] Venezuela gained the bulk of the disputed territory.

17. The Teller Amendment

[A] guaranteed the independence of Cuba

[B) appropriated funds to combat yellow fever in Cuba

[C] directed President McKinley to order American troops into Cuba.

[D] granted the U.S. a base at Guantanamo Bay.

[E] made Cuba an American possession.

18. All of the following became possessions of the United States under the provisions of theTreaty of Paris except

(A] Guam.

(0] Manila.

(B] Puerto Rico.

(E] Hawaii.

(C] the Philippine Islands.

Page 2: CHAPTER 27·30 THT APUSH - PBworks APUSH 27...[DJ British concession of the disputed territory to Venezuela ... Filipino people. [E] the United States refused to give the Filipino


V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

19. The Philippine nationalist who led the insurrection against both Spanish rule and UnitedStates occupation was

[AJ Emilio Aguinaldo.

[OJ Dupuy de LOme.

[B J Pasqual de Cervera.

[E] Valeriano Weyler.

[C] Ramon Macapagal

20. The numerous near-wars and diplomatic crises of the United States in the late 18805 and1890s demonstrated

[A] how weak America seemed to the rest of the world.

[B) that other nations were jealous of American power.

[C] the aggressive new national mood. [OJ the failure of the Monroe Doctrine.

[El the hostile reaction to American expansionism.

21. The 1889 Pan-American Conference resulted in

[A) settlement of the Venezuela boundary dispute.

[B] the lowering of tariff barriers between participating nations.

(C) arbitration of the Pribilof Island dispute.

[D] worsened relations between the United States and Latin American countries.

[E] creation of the Organization of American States.

22. During the boundary dispute between Venezuela and Britain, the United States

[A} "twisted the [British] lion's tail."

(B] never threatened war over the issue.

[D] supported the Venezuelan clai m.

[C) failed to invoke the Monroe Doctrine.

[E] opposed American intervention.


IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

26. The revolution in Panama began when

[A] a Colombian officer shot several Panamanian civilians.

[B] a Chinese civilian and a donkey were killed.

[C) the United States invaded the area. [D] Colombian troops invaded the isthmus.

[E] the U.S. Congress rejected a treaty for the sale of Panama to Colombia.

27. Theodore Roosevelt defended his building of the Panama Canal by claiming that

[A] other Latin American nations had requested his help.

(B] it would enhance economic development on the West Coast.

[C) Britain would have built the canal had the United States not taken the initiative.

[0] he had received a "mandate from civilization."

[E] the canal would strengthen ties with Latin America.

28. Theodore Roosevelt can best be described as

[A] a poor politician with a commanding personality.

[B] energetic and self-righteous. [C) mentally competent but physically weak.

[D] lacking in self-confidence. [E] a reflective intellectual.

29. As a result of the Russo-Japanese War,

(A] Russia became a major power in East Asia.

[B] Japan received a large financial indemnity from Russia.

[C) Japan won a territorial concession on Sakhalin Island.

[D] U.S. relations with Russia improved. [E] U.S. relations with Japan improved.


V. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

23. When the United States captured the Philippines from Spain,

[A] they did so without Filipino assistance.

(B] America granted the Philippines its independence.

[e] Filipinos were granted American citizenship.

[DJ Spain asked for an end to the Spanish-American War.

[E] Hawaii was annexed by the United States.

24. Ann-imperialists presented all of the following arguments against acquiring the PhilippineIslands except that

[A) the islands were still rightfully Spain's, for they were taken after the armistice hadbeen signed.

[B] it would violate the "consent of the governed" philosophy of the Declaration ofIndependence.

[CJ the Filipinos wanted freedom, not colonial rule.

{D] annexation would propel the United States into the political and military cauldron ofthe Far East.

[E] despotism abroad might lead to despotism at home.

25. To Justify American intervention in the Venezuela boundary dispute with Britain,Secretary of State Olney invoked the

fA] Platt Amendment.

{OJ Monroe Doctrine.

[BJ Open Door policy. [C] Foraker Act.

{E] Gentlemen's Agreement.


IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

30. The Roosevelt Corollary added a new provision to the Monroe Doctrine that wasspecifically designed to

[A] establish a friendly partnership with Britain so that it could join the United States inpolicing Latin American affairs.

[B] enable the U.S. to rule Puerto Rico and the Canal Zone.

[C] stop European colonization in the Westem Hemisphere.

{DJ restore cordial relations between the United States and Latin American countries.

[E] justify U.S. intervention in the affairs of Latin American countries.

31. In 1899, an insurrection began in the Philippines because

[A} Spanish citizens living there tried to regain political control.

[B] Communist insurgents attempted to seize control of the islands.

[e] American missionaries tried to convert Catholic Filipinos to Protestantism.

[D] the United States refused to promote the economic and social development of theFilipino people.

[E] the United States refused to give the Filipino people their freedom.

32. The British gave up their opposition to an American-controlled isthmian canal becausethey

[A] confronted an unfriendly Europe and were bogged down in the Boer War.

[B] sold their rights to Philippe Bunau-Varilla.

[C] were involved in a war with India

[D] accepted American domination of Latin America

{E] could see no economic gains in continuing to block canal construction.

Page 3: CHAPTER 27·30 THT APUSH - PBworks APUSH 27...[DJ British concession of the disputed territory to Venezuela ... Filipino people. [E] the United States refused to give the Filipino


IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

33. Construction of an isthmian canal was motivated mainly by

[A] the British rejection of the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty.

[B] continued volcanic activity in Nicaragua.

[C] American economic interests in Central America.

[D] a desire to improve the defense of the United States.

[E] the Panamanian Revolution.

37. Teddy Roosevelt promoted the "Bad Neighbor" policy primarily by

fA] making Puerto Rico a U.S. colony.

[B] sending U.S. troops to the Dominican Republic.

[C] adding the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.

[D] building the Panama Canal.

{E] involving the United States in the border dispute between Venezuela and Britain.

34. China's Boxer Rebellion was an attempt to

fA] overthrow the corrupt Chinese government.

[B] restore traditional Chinese religion.

[C] establish American power in the Far East.

[D] destroy the Open Door policy. [E] throw out or kill all foreigners.

38. Many Americans became concerned about the increasing foreign intervention in Chinabecause they

fA] believed it undermined Chinese sovereignty.

(8] wanted exclusive trade rights with the Chinese.

[C] feared German military domination of China.

[D) feared that Chinese markets would be monopolized by European manufacturers andexporters.

[E] none of these.35. The war fought by American troops in the Philippines against the Filipinos

[A} waged in accord with traditional American ideals.

[8J caused the Americans to use reconcentration camps.

[C] was won with fewer casualties than the war in Cuba.

[DJ was remarkable for its lack of atrocities.

IE] was highly popular in the United States.

39. Once the Boxer uprising ended,

[A] the United States became China's most dangerous enemy.

[B] China was spared further partition by foreign powers.

[C] China welcomed foreign economic investment.

[D] the Open Door policy was abandoned.

[E] China gained more respect from foreign powers.36. In response to the Boxer Rebellion, the United States

[A] abandoned its time-honored principles of non entanglement and noninvolvement.

[B] sent more American missionaries to China.

[C] refused to accept any indemnity for the losses that it incurred while putting down thisuprising.

[D1 sent money but no troops to help a multinational contingent to crush the uprising.

[E] became an East Asian power.

40. President McKinley's policy of "benevolent assimilation" in the Philippines

fA] fell short of providing an effective public-school system for the Filipinos.

[B] failed to solve serious sanitation and public-health problems.

[C] recognized the value of traditional Filipino culture.

[D] worked remarkably well and led to the early granting of the Philippine independence.

[E] was not appreciated by the Filipinos.


IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

41. While president, Teddy Roosevelt did all of the following except[A] condemn the law and the courts as too slow.

[B] appeal to the people over the head of Congress.

[C] argue that the president may take any action in the general interest ifit is notexpressly forbidden by the law.

[D] refuse to ignore the Constitution, even when tempted to do so.

[E] disregard the checks and balances among the three branches of government.

46. In the Root-Takahira agreement of 1908,

[A] Japan agreed to accept U.S. control of the Philippines in exchange for Japanesedomination of Manchuria.

[B] the Japanese agreed to accept the segregation of Japanese children in Californiaschools in return for the United States' recognition of Japanese control of Korea.

[C] the United States and Japan agreed to respect each other's territorial holdings in thePacific.

[D) the Japanese government agreed to limit the number of Japanese immigrant laborersentering the United States.

[E] the United States agreed to accept a Japanese sphere of influence in China.42. The Philippine insurrection was finally broken in 1901 when

[A] Emilio Aguinaldo, the Filipino leader, was captured.

[B] the Filipino resistance army splintered.

[C] American troops overwhelmed the Filipino rebels.

[D] the islands were given their independence.

[E] the Senate passed a resolution pledging eventual independence for the Philippines.

47. President Roosevelt organized a conference in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in 1905:0

[A] extend a grant of independence to the Philippines.

[B] arrange a mutual defense pact with Great Britain.

[C] mediate a conflict between Germany and Spain over North Africa.

[D] establish a colonial office to manage the United States' new empire.

[E] mediate a conclusion to the Russo-Japanese War.43. As a vice-presidential candidate in 1900, Teddy Roosevelt appealed especially to

[A] easterners. [BJ conservative Republicans.

[C] fonner Populists. [D] midwestemers. [E] the wealthy. 48. The alternative route to Panama seriously considered as the location for a canal betweenthe Atlantic and Pacific Oceans was

44. America's initial Open Door policy was essentially an argument for

[A] military occupation. [B) free trade. [C) exclusive trade concessions.

(0) spheres of influence. [E] the principle of self-determination.

[A] Nicaragua.

[D] British Honduras.

[B] Costa Rica.

[E] Mexico.

[C] Colombia

45. In the 1900 presidential election, the Democratic party and its candidate, William JenningsBryan, insisted that was the "paramount issue" of the campaign.

[A] free silver [B] social reform [C] national defense

[D] imperialism [E] tariff protection

49. Just before his nomination for vice president on the Republican ticket in 1900, TheodoreRoosevelt served as

[A] governor of New York.

[B] assistant secretary of the navy in McKinley's cabinet.

[C] secretary of war in McKinley's cabinet.

[D] U.S. senator from New York. [E) governor-general of the Philippines.

Page 4: CHAPTER 27·30 THT APUSH - PBworks APUSH 27...[DJ British concession of the disputed territory to Venezuela ... Filipino people. [E] the United States refused to give the Filipino


IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of rhe followingquestions.

50. Theodore Roosevelt became involved in the peace settlement for the Russo-Japanese War

[A) when Russia asked for his assistance.

[B1 when Japan secretly asked him to help.

[C] as a way of enhancing America's position in East Asia. [D] on his own initiative.

[E] because he feared that the British might intervene and thus gain prestige.

54. The Supreme Court's "rule of reason" in restraint-of-trade cases was handed down in acase involving

[A] Standard Oil. [B] General Electric.

[D] Armour Meat-Packing.

[C] Northern Securities.

IE] United States Steel.

55. The two key goals pursued by progressives were to curb the threats posed by _on the one hand and on the other.

[A] the social gospel, the gospel of wealth51. The progressive-inspired city-manager system of government

[A} brought democracy to urban dwellers.

[B} was designed to remove politics from municipal administration.

[C} made giant strides under the leadership of Hiram Johnson.

[0] was developed in Wisconsin. [E] opened urban politics to new immigrants.

[B] trusts, socialists

[0] feminists, patriarchal males

[C] the Old Guard, muckrakers

(E] New Immigrants, blacks

56. The panic of 1907 stimulated reform in policy.

[A] industrial [B] land-use [C] banking [D] tariff [E] stock-trading52. The public outcry after the horrible Triangle Shirtwaist fire led many states to pass

[A] zoning regulations governing where factories could be located.

[B] mandatory fire escape plans for all businesses employing more than ten people.

[C) laws guaranteeing unions the right to raise safety concerns.

[0] restrictions on female employment in the clothing industry

[E] safety regulations and workmen's compensation laws for job injuries.

57. As one progressive explained, the "real heart" of the progressive movement was to

[A] to promote economic and social equality.

[B] preserve world peace. [C] reinstate the policy of laissez-faire.

[D] use the government as an agency of human welfare.

[E] ensure the Jeffersonian style of government.

53. When Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle, he intended his book to focus attention on the

[A] unsanitary conditions that existed in the meat-packing industry.

[B) deplorable conditions in the drug industry.

[C] plight of workers in the stockyards and meat-packing industry.

[0] unhealthy effects of beef consumption.

[E) corruption in the United States Senate.

58. All of the following were prime goals of earnest progressives except

IA] opposition to Prohibition. [B] ending prostitution and "white slavery."

{C] the direct election of senators. [D] the elimination of graft.

[E] woman suffrage.


IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

59. President Theodore Roosevelt branded reporters who tried to uncover injustice as"muckrakers" because

rA] of their coverage of the meat-packing industry.

[B] of their work in the "muck" of the slums.

[C] he saw them as trying to clean up society.

[D] they brought ugly problems to public attention.

[EJ he was annoyed by their excessive zeal.

63. Lincoln Steffens, in his series of articles entitled "The Shame of the Cities,"

fA] attacked the United States Senate.

[B] unmasked the corrupt alliance between big business and municipal government.

[C] uncovered official collusion in prostitution and "white slavery."

[D] laid bare the practices of the stock market.

[E] exposed the deplorable condition of blacks in urban areas.

64. While president, Theodore Roosevelt chose to label his reform proposals as the60. The idea of "multiple-use resource management" included all of the following practices

except[A] Big Stick.

[D] New Deal.

[B] Square Deal.

[E] Big Deal.

[C] Fair Deal.

[A] recreation.

[C] watershed protection.

[B] sustained-yield logging.

[D] damming of rivers. [E] summer stock grazing. 65. Match each early-twentieth-century muckraker below with the target of his or her expose._ A. David G. Phillips

B. Ida TarbellC. Lincoln Steffens

_ O. Ray Stannard Baker

61. One unusual and significant characteristic of the anthracite coal strike in ]902 was that

[A} the national government did not automatically side with the owners in the dispute.

[B) the owners quickly agreed to negotiate with labor representatives in order to settletheir differences peacefully.

[C] for a time the mines were seized by the national government and operated by federaltroops.

[0] it generated widespread middle-class support.

{E) the coal miners' union was officially recognized as the legal bargaining agent of theminers.

I. the United States Senate2. the Standard Oil Company3. city governments4. the condition of blacks

[B] A-I, B-2, C-l, D-4

[EJ A-3, B-2, C-4, D-I

[C] A-I, B-4, C-2, D-l[A] A-l, B-1, C-2, D-4

[D] A-4, B-2, C-l, D-I

62. Passage of the Federal Meat Inspection Act was facilitated by the publication of

[A] Jack London's Call of/he Wild. [BI Upton Sinclair's The Jungle.

[C] Henry Demarest Lloyd's Wealth Against Commonwealth.

[0] Theodore Dreisers The Titan. [E] Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives.

Page 5: CHAPTER 27·30 THT APUSH - PBworks APUSH 27...[DJ British concession of the disputed territory to Venezuela ... Filipino people. [E] the United States refused to give the Filipino


IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

66 The settlement house and women's club movements were crucial centers of femaleprogressive activity because they

[A] broke down the idea that women had special concerns as wives and mothers.

[6J introduced many middle-class women to a broader array of urban social problems andcivic concerns.

70. The real purpose of Teddy Roosevelt's assault on trusts was to

[A] inspire confidence in small business owners.

[6] halt the trend toward combination and integration in business.

[C] establish himself as a bigger "trustbuster" than William Howard Taft.

{D] prove that the government, not private business, ruled the country.

[E] fragment big business.[CJ helped slum children learn to read Dante and Shakespeare.

[O} became the launching pads for women seeking political office.

[E] provided literary and philosophical perspectives on social questions. 71. The progressive movement was instrumental in getting both the Seventeenth andEighteenth amendments added to the Constitution. The Seventeenth called for___ ~ and the Eighteenth called for _67. While president, Theodore Roosevelt

[A] greatly increased the power and prestige of the presidency.

[B] showed no skill and little interest in working with Congress.

[CJ held rigidly to ideological principles.

[01 was surprisingly unpopular with the public.

[E] was a poor judge of public opinion.

[A] income taxes, direct election of senators

[e] woman suffrage, direct election of senators

[E] direct election of senators, prohibition

[B] woman suffrage, income taxes

[0] prohibi tion, woman suffrage

72. Progressive reform at the level of city government seemed to indicate that theprogressives' highest priority was

[A] economic equality. [BJ democratic participation.68. According to progressives, the cure for American democracy's ills was

fA] socialism.

[C] a third political party.

[E] technical and scientific expertise.

[C] governmental efficiency. [E] free enterprise[D] urban planning.[B] a more conservative government.

[D] more democracy. 73. The muckrakers signified much about the nature of the progressive reform movementbecause they

[A] counted on drastic political change to fight social wrongs

[BJ sought not to overthrow capitalism but to cleanse it with democratic controls.

[C] thrived on publicity rather than social change.

[OJ believed that the cure for the ills of American democracy lay in less democracy andmore government control.

[E] refused to look beyond middle-class concerns.

69. As a part of his reform program, Teddy Roosevelt advocated all of the following except[A] controloflabor. [B] consumer protection. [C] an end to railroad rebates.

[D] control of corporations. [E] conservation of natural resources.


IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

74 Theodore Roosevelt is probably most accurately described as

[A] a middle-of-the-road politician. [BJ a near-socialist.

[D] an ardent defender of American individualism.

80. In 1912, Woodrow Wilson ran for the presidency on a Democratic platform that includedall of the following except a call for[C] a political elitist.

[E] a champion "trustbuster."

75. To regain the power that the people had lost to the "interests," progressives advocated allof the following except

[A] antitrust legislation.

[C] support for small business.

[E] dollar diplomacy.

[B] tariff reductions.

[D] monetary reform.

[A] referendum. [B] recall.

[D] direct election of U.S. senators.

[C] initiative

[E] socialism.

81. As World War I began in Europe, the alliance system placed Germany and Austria-Hungary in the ~ while Russia and France were in the .

76. With the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the great majority of Americans

[A] had close cultural, linguistic, and economic ties with the Central Powers

[B] favored U.S. mediation of the conflict.

[C] favored entering the war in support of the Allies.

[D] earnestly hoped to stay out of the war. [E] supported the Central Powers.

[A] Central Powers, Triple Alliance

[C] Central Powers, Allies

[E] Central Powers, Holy Alliance

[B] Triple Alliance, Central Powers

[D] Allies, Central Powers

82. As governor of New Jersey, Woodrow Wilson established a record as a

[A] reactionary. [B] passionate reformer. [C] moderate liberal.

[D] man who would work with the party bosses. [E] mild conservative.

77. Before his first term ended, Woodrow Wilson had ordered American troops to intervene in

[A] Cuba. [B] Nicaragua. [C] Mexico. [0] France. [E] all of these. 83. With the onset of World War 1, the United States

[A] conducted an immense amount of trade with the Allies.

[BJ did not trade with either alliance, for fear of being forced into war.

[C] found its economy hurt by the conflict. [D] refused to trade with Germany

[E] banned the trade of military supplies to either side.

78. Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom

[A] advocated social-welfare programs.

[B] favored small enterprise and entrepreneurship.

[C] opposed fragmentation of big industrial combines.

[D] opposed banking and tariff reform. [E] supported minimum-wage laws.84. President Woodrow Wilson refused to intervene in the affairs of Mexico until

[A] Pancho Villa raided New Mexico.

[B] a small party of American sailors was arrested in Tampico.

[C] William Randolph Hearst and his newspaper began a campaign for involvement.

[0] American business investors demanded protection.

[E] Venustiano Carranza became president of Mexico.

79. The first Jew to sit on the United States Supreme Court, appointed by Woodrow Wilson,was

[A] Felix Frankfurter.

[0] Abraham Cahan.

[B] Arsene Pujo.

[E] Bernard Baruch.

[C] Louis D. Brandeis.

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Iv. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

85. From 1914 to 1916, trade between the United States and Britain

[A} pulled the American economy out of a recession.

[B} decreased considerably. [C] was based on weapons shipments.

[DJ was carried only on British ships. [E] violated international neutrality laws.

90. Woodrow Wilson's early efforts to conduct a non imperialistic foreign policy were firstundermined when he

[A] sent American marines to Haiti. [B] repealed the Panama Canal Tolls Act.

[C] withdrew support from American investors in Latin America and China.

[D] conducted a buildup of American military forces in Hawaii.

[E] promised eventual independence to the Philippines.86. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 guaranteed a substantial measure of public control overthe American banking system through the final authority given to the

[A] president.

[D] regional banks.

[B] Senate. [C] Secretary of the Treasury.

IE] Federal Reserve Board.

91. Match each 1912 presidential candidate below with his political party.A. Woodrow WilsonB. Theodore RooseveltC. William Howard Taft

_ D. Eugene V. Debs87. The Federal Reserve Act gave the government the authority to

[A] increase the amount of money in circulation. [B] close weak banks.

(C] print paper currency. [0] govern federal banks without public control.

[E) none of these.

I. Socialist2. Democratic3. Republican4. Progressive

88. German submarines began sinking unarmed and unresisting merchant and passenger shipswithout warning

[A] in a last-ditch effort to win the war.

[B] in an effort to keep the United States out of the war.

[C] when the United States entered the war.

[OJ because intemationallaw now allowed this new style of warfare.

IE] in retaliation for the British naval blockade of Germany.

[B] A-2, B-4, C-3, D-I

[E] A-I, B-3, C-4, D-2

[C] A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4[A] A-4, B-3, C-2, D-I

[D] A-I, B-2, C-4, D-3

92. The Progressive "Bull Moose" party died when

[A] Teddy Roosevelt lost the presidential race in 1916.

[B] Woodrow Wilson won over most Bull Moose voters

[e] the Republican candidate, Charles Evans Hughes, advocated the same programs asRoosevelt.

[D] Teddy Roosevelt refused to run as the party's presidential candidate in 1916.

[E] the United States entered World War I.

89. As a politician, Woodrow Wilson was

[A] inflexible and stubborn.

[C] a showman, like Teddy Roosevelt.

(B] a man with the common touch.

IDJ clever and agile.

[E] willing to compromise with his opponents.


IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

IV. Single-Answer Multiple Choice. Mark the one best answer for each of the followingquestions.

93. The Sixteenth Amendment provided for

[A] prohibition.

[e) direct election of senators.

[E] a personal income tax.

98. Before he was elected president in 1912, Woodrow Wilson had been a

[A] Progressive Republican. [B} state governor. [e) Presbyterian minister

[0] United States Senator. [E} successful businessman.

[B] abolition of child labor.

(D] woman suffrage.

94. Which of the following American passenger liners was sunk by German submarines?

99. In 1913, Woodrow Wilson broke with a custom dating back to Jefferson's day when he

[A] appointed a black man to the Supreme Court.

[B] rode with his defeated predecessor to the inauguration.

[C) appointed members of his cabinet without regard to their party affiliation.

[D] personally delivered his presidential address to Congress.

[E] endorsed woman suffrage.

[A] Sussex[DJ Lusitania

[B] Arabic [C] Titanic

[E) none of these was an American ship

95. Congress passed the Underwood Tariff because

{A] the tariff kept the graduated income tax from being enacted.

[BJ big business favored its passage.

[C] President Wilson aroused public opinion to support its passage.

[OJ Wilson gained Western support for tariff reduction.

IE] the general public had been demanding a higher tariff.

100. Woodrow Wilson's administration refused to extend formal diplomatic recognition to thegovernment in Mexico headed by

[B] Victoriano Huerta.

[E] none of these.

[C] Porfirio Diaz,[A] Pancho Villa.

[0] Venustiano Carranza.

96 Because of the benefits that it conferred on labor, Samuel Gompers called the _"labor's Magna Charta."

[A1 Clayton Anti-Trust Act

[C] Sixteenth Amendment

[B] Underwood Tariff Act

[0] Federal Reserve Act

[E] Workmen's Compensation Act

97. When Jane Addams placed Teddy Roosevelt's name in nomination for the presidency in1912, it

[A] showed that Roosevelt had lost touch with public opinion.

[B] demonstrated that the Republican party supported woman suffrage.

[C] symbolized the rising political status of women.

[0] ensured Roosevelt's defeat by William Howard Taft.

[E] demonstrated his concern for international peace.

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