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Page 1: Chapter 5

Question 1 4 out of 4 points  

Alternate states of consciousness can be achieved in which of the following ways?

Selected Answer:    all of these options

Correct Answer:    all of these options

  Question 2 4 out of 4 points  

Chronic use of _____ can produce lasting damage to serotonin-releasing neurotransmitters.

Selected Answer:    MDMA

Correct Answer:    MDMA

  Question 3 0 out of 4 points  

Which of the following is FALSE about sleep apnea?

Selected Answer:

   It is characterized by periods of 10 seconds or less without breathing during sleep

Correct Answer:

   all of these options are true

  Question 4 4 out of 4 points  

You just awoke from a startling dream in which you were very frightened, but could not move. How would the activation-synthesis theory of dreaming explain your dream?

Selected Answer:

   Your amygdala was randomly stimulated, but REM-stage paralysis kept you from moving.

Correct Answer:

   Your amygdala was randomly stimulated, but REM-stage paralysis kept you from moving.

  Question 5 4 out of 4 points  

Your text reports that the suspected cause of sleep apnea is _____.

Selected Answer:

   an airway blockage or the brain's failure to signal the diaphragm

Correct Answer:    an airway blockage or the brain's failure to signal the

Page 2: Chapter 5


  Question 6 4 out of 4 points  

Psychoactive drugs can _____.

Selected Answer:    all of these options

Correct Answer:    all of these options

  Question 7 4 out of 4 points  

Durango was very angry with his stepmother, and wished she were dead. That night Durango dreamed that he pushed her off a cliff. According to Freud, the latent content of Durango's dream would be _____, while the manifest content would be _____.

Selected Answer:    wishing she were dead; pushing her off the cliff

Correct Answer:    wishing she were dead; pushing her off the cliff

  Question 8 4 out of 4 points  

When repeated drug use causes changes in the body that require continued drug use to prevent withdrawal symptoms, a state of _____ has been reached.

Selected Answer:    physical dependence

Correct Answer:    physical dependence

  Question 9 4 out of 4 points  

According to your text, accounts of alien abduction are associated with characteristics found in this stage of sleep.

Selected Answer:    hypnogogic

Correct Answer:    hypnogogic

  Question 10 4 out of 4 points  

Dieting, surgery, dental appliances, and tennis balls are all recommended treatments for _____.

Selected Answer:    sleep apnea

Correct Answer:    sleep apnea

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  Question 11 4 out of 4 points  

Which of the following lists contain ONLY psychoactive drugs?

Selected Answer:    caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol

Correct Answer:    caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol

  Question 12 4 out of 4 points  

LSD _____.

Selected Answer:    all of these options

Correct Answer:    all of these options

  Question 13 4 out of 4 points  

Physical dependence occurs when a person needs to use a drug to prevent _____.

Selected Answer:    withdrawal symptoms

Correct Answer:    withdrawal symptoms

  Question 14 4 out of 4 points  

Drugs that change conscious awareness or perception are called _____.

Selected Answer:    psychoactive

Correct Answer:    psychoactive

  Question 15 4 out of 4 points  

This is NOT a parasomnia.

Selected Answer:    sleep apnea

Correct Answer:    sleep apnea

  Question 16 4 out of 4 points  

Discomfort and distress, including physical pain and intense cravings after stopping the use of an addictive drug is called _____.

Selected Answer:    withdrawal

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Correct Answer:    withdrawal

  Question 17 4 out of 4 points  

Consciousness is defined in your text as _____.

Selected Answer:    an awareness of one's self and one's surroundings

Correct Answer:    an awareness of one's self and one's surroundings

  Question 18 0 out of 4 points  

The altered-state theory of hypnosis suggests that _____.

Selected Answer:

   hypnotic effects are the result of a combination of role-playing and an altered state of relaxation

Correct Answer:

   hypnotic effects result from a special altered state of consciousness

  Question 19 4 out of 4 points  

_____ is (are) BEST defined as our awareness of our environments and ourselves.

Selected Answer:    Consciousness

Correct Answer:    Consciousness

  Question 20 4 out of 4 points  

_____ is a group of techniques designed to focus attention and produce an altered state of consciousness.

Selected Answer:    Meditation

Correct Answer:    Meditation

  Question 21 4 out of 4 points  

Research shows that this drug can impair memory, impair lung functioning and immune response, interfere with proper reproductive functioning, and can adversely affect the brain.

Selected Answer:    marijuana

Correct Answer:    marijuana

Page 5: Chapter 5

  Question 22 4 out of 4 points  

If you foolishly cram before final exams, missing several nights sleep, what is MOST likely to happen to your sleep cycles the first time you get uninterrupted sleep? You will _____.

Selected Answer:    have more than the usual amount of non-REM sleep.

Correct Answer:    have more than the usual amount of non-REM sleep.

  Question 23 4 out of 4 points  

A mental state other than an ordinary waking state, in which there are distinct changes in perception, emotion, memory, thinking, etc. is called alternate _____.

Selected Answer:    states of consciousness

Correct Answer:    states of consciousness

  Question 24 4 out of 4 points  

A nightmare occurs during _____.

Selected Answer:    REM sleep

Correct Answer:    REM sleep

  Question 25 4 out of 4 points  

Scientists study sleep in sleep labs using _____.

Selected Answer:    EEG recordings

Correct Answer:    EEG recordings

Question 1 4 out of 4 points  

The relaxation/role-playing theory of hypnosis suggests that _____.

Selected Answer:

   deeply relaxed suggestible people will allow a hypnotist to direct their fantasies and behavior

Correct Answer:

   deeply relaxed suggestible people will allow a hypnotist to direct their fantasies and behavior

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  Question 2 4 out of 4 points  

Durango was very angry with his stepmother, and wished she were dead. That night Durango dreamed that he pushed her off a cliff. According to Freud, the latent content of Durango's dream would be _____, while the manifest content would be _____.

Selected Answer:    wishing she were dead; pushing her off the cliff

Correct Answer:    wishing she were dead; pushing her off the cliff

  Question 3 4 out of 4 points  

A mental state other than an ordinary waking state, in which there are distinct changes in perception, emotion, memory, thinking, etc. is called alternate _____.

Selected Answer:    states of consciousness

Correct Answer:    states of consciousness

  Question 4 4 out of 4 points  

Freud believed that dreams were the "royal road to the _____."

Selected Answer:    unconscious

Correct Answer:    unconscious

  Question 5 4 out of 4 points  

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of Stage 2 sleep?

Selected Answer:    sleep apnea

Correct Answer:    sleep apnea

  Question 6 4 out of 4 points  

Mental activities that require focused attention are called _____.

Selected Answer:    controlled processes

Correct Answer:    controlled processes

  Question 7 4 out of 4 points  

Which of the following is INCORRECTLY matched?

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Selected Answer:

   non-REM: paradoxical sleep, paralysis, irregular respirations

Correct Answer:    non-REM: paradoxical sleep, paralysis, irregular respirations

  Question 8 4 out of 4 points  

The role of glutamate in addiction appears to be that it _____.

Selected Answer:

   creates lasting memories of the drug's effects by changing the connections between neurons

Correct Answer:

   creates lasting memories of the drug's effects by changing the connections between neurons

  Question 9 4 out of 4 points  

Long-term drug addicts who received _____ reported significantly fewer cravings and less drug-seeking behavior.

Selected Answer:    a glutamate antagonist

Correct Answer:    a glutamate antagonist

  Question 10 0 out of 4 points  

The repair/restoration theory of sleep says that sleep serves _____.

Selected Answer:

   all of these options

Correct Answer:

   a recuperative function, following depletion of key brain and body resources

  Question 11 4 out of 4 points  

Singh finds that he has to drink several more beers to get the same buzz he used to get with one or two. It is likely that Singh has developed _____.

Selected Answer:    a tolerance to alcohol

Correct Answer:    a tolerance to alcohol

  Question 12 4 out of 4 points  

A drug that blocks the action of the neurotransmitter is called _____.

Page 8: Chapter 5

Selected Answer:    an antagonist

Correct Answer:    an antagonist

  Question 13 4 out of 4 points  

According to your text, accounts of alien abduction are associated with characteristics found in this stage of sleep.

Selected Answer:    hypnogogic

Correct Answer:    hypnogogic

  Question 14 4 out of 4 points  

Which of the following is FALSE about sleep apnea?

Selected Answer:    all of these options are true

Correct Answer:    all of these options are true

  Question 15 4 out of 4 points  

You just awoke from a startling dream in which you were very frightened, but could not move. How would the activation-synthesis theory of dreaming explain your dream?

Selected Answer:

   Your amygdala was randomly stimulated, but REM-stage paralysis kept you from moving.

Correct Answer:

   Your amygdala was randomly stimulated, but REM-stage paralysis kept you from moving.

  Question 16 4 out of 4 points  

Research on drugs and neurotransmitters suggests that a _____ could be helpful in reducing cravings and drug-seeking behavior in long-term addicts.

Selected Answer:    glutamate antagonist

Correct Answer:    glutamate antagonist

  Question 17 4 out of 4 points  

Which of the following is associated with the use of cocaine?

Page 9: Chapter 5

Selected Answer:    all of these options

Correct Answer:    all of these options

  Question 18 4 out of 4 points  

_____ act on the nervous system to increase its overall activity and general responsiveness.

Selected Answer:    Stimulants

Correct Answer:    Stimulants

  Question 19 4 out of 4 points  

Physical dependence occurs when a person needs to use a drug to prevent _____.

Selected Answer:    withdrawal symptoms

Correct Answer:    withdrawal symptoms

  Question 20 4 out of 4 points  

LSD _____.

Selected Answer:    all of these options

Correct Answer:    all of these options

  Question 21 4 out of 4 points  

If you foolishly cram before final exams, missing several nights sleep, what is MOST likely to happen to your sleep cycles the first time you get uninterrupted sleep? You will _____.

Selected Answer:    have more than the usual amount of non-REM sleep.

Correct Answer:    have more than the usual amount of non-REM sleep.

  Question 22 4 out of 4 points  

Leilani finds that she perspires, breathes rapidly, and has muscle twitches and tremors when she tries to quit using illegal opiates. This suggests that she has developed _____.

Selected Answer:    withdrawal symptoms

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Correct Answer:    withdrawal symptoms

  Question 23 4 out of 4 points  

Chronic use of _____ can produce lasting damage to serotonin-releasing neurotransmitters.

Selected Answer:    MDMA

Correct Answer:    MDMA

  Question 24 4 out of 4 points  

Melatonin influences _____.

Selected Answer:    sleep

Correct Answer:    sleep

  Question 25 4 out of 4 points  

Just before sleep, brain waves move from _____ waves, indicating normal wakefulness, to _____ waves associated with drowsy relaxation.

Selected Answer:    beta; alpha

Correct Answer:    beta; alpha

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