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Page 1: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given


5.2 Line Integrals


The line integral of the scalar function ( , )f x y

along a smooth and orientable curve C is given by

* *


( , ) lim ( , )n

k k kn


f x y ds f x y s

Evaluation of Line Integrals


Let C be a smooth curve with parametric


( ), ( ) ( )x x t y y t a t b

and ( , )f x y is a continuous function over C. The

line integral is given as:

Page 2: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

2 2( , ) ( ( ), ( )) ( ( )) ( ( ))b

C a

f x y ds f x t y t x t y t dt

If C is a curve in 3-space with parametric


( ), ( ), ( )( )x x t y y t z z t a t b

and ( , , )f x y z is continuous on C, then

( , , ) ( ( ), ( ), ( ))b

C a

dsf x y z ds f x t y t z t dtdt


2 2 2( ( )) ( ( )) ( ( ))ds x t y t z tdt


Evaluate x


ye ds , where C is the segment

joining (1, 2) and (4, 7).

Page 3: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given


Evaluate 2 2( )


x y ds , along the helix

( ) (cos 4 ) (sin 4 )r t t i t j tk , 0 2t

Line Integrals in a Vector Field


Let F be a vector field and let C be the curve with

parametric representation

( ) ( ), ( ), ( )r t x t y t z t for a t b

Then the line integral of F over C is


F T ds ( )b


drF t dtdt

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F dr

where T is the tangent vector of ( )r t .

Page 5: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

Connection between the line integrals of vector

fields and line integrals of scalar fields:


( , , ) ( , , ) ( , , )F P x y z i Q x y z j R x y z k

t b

C t a

F dr P dx Q dy Rdz

[ ( ( ), ( ), ( ))

( ( ), ( ), ( ))

( ( ), ( ), ( )) ]

t b

t a





dxP x t y t z t dt

dyQ x t y t z t dt

dzR x t y t z t dtdt

Page 6: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given


Let ( ) ( )F x y i y x j . Compute


F dr where C is the path along the parabola

2y x from (1, 1) to (4, 2).




F dr where F yi x j and C

is the closed path shown in the figure.

(0, 0)

(0, 1)

(1, 0)

Page 7: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

Work as a Line Integral


The work done by a force F Pi Qj Rk

over a smooth curve ( )r t from t = a to t = b is


W F dr

What this say:

If F is a force field and C(t) represents the position

of a mass in the plane at time t, then the dot

product gives the the amount of force exerted on

the mass in its direction of travel, how much of a

push the force field will give the mass at the point.

Page 8: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given


If 22 ( ) (3 2 4 )F x y z i x y z j x y z k ,

find the work done by F in moving a particle once

around a circle C in the xy-plane, if the circle has

radius 3 and centre at the origin.


Find the work done by the force

2 2 3F x z i yx j xz k ,

in moving a particle along a straight line segments

from (1,1,0) to (1,1,1) and then to (0,0,0).

Page 9: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

5.2.1 Green’s Theorem


Let R be a plane region with a positively oriented

piecewise smooth, simple closed curve boundary C.

If the vector field

( , ) ( , ) ( , )F x y P x y i Q x y j

is continuously differentiable on R, then


Q PF dr P dx Qdy dAx y

R is a 2D space

enclosed by a simple

closed curve C



Page 10: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given


R is required to be simply connected with a positively oriented boundary C.

The notation


P dx Q dy or


P dx Q dy

is used to indicate that the line integral is

calculated using the positive (counter-

clockwise) orientation of the close curve C.


Use Green’s Theorem to evaluate the line integral


F dr

Page 11: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

along the positively oriented triangular path shown

and that 2( , )F x y x yi x j .


Find the work done by the force field

1 2 2( , ) tan ln( )yF x y i x y jx

when an object moves counterclockwise around

the circular path 2 2 4x y .

(1, 2)

(1, 0) (0, 0)

Page 12: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

5.2.2 Conservative Fields


A vector field F is said to be conservative if there

exists a differentiable function such that the

gradient of is F . That is


The function is called the scalar potential

function for F .

Not all vector fields are conservative.


i. A path C is called closed if its initial and terminal points are the same point.

ii. A path C is simple if it doesn’t cross itself.

Page 13: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

iii. A region D is open if it doesn’t contain any of its boundary points.

iv. A region D is connected if any two points in D can be joined by a path that lies entirely within D.

v. D is simply connected if every closed curve in D encloses only points in D.

simply connected region is one with “no holes”

Page 14: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

A simply connected region A region that is not

simply connected

Theorem: Testing for conservative field

Let ( , ) ( , )F P x y i Q x y j be a vector field

where P and Q have continuous first partials in the

open connected region D. Then F is conservative

in D if and only if

Q Px y

throughout D.

Page 15: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

By similar reasoning, it can be shown that

( , , ) ( , , ) ( , , )F P x y z i Q x y z j R x y z k

is conservative if and only if

QRy z

, R Px z

, Q Px y

This is equivalent to

conservative curl 0F F .


Determine whether the vector field

y yF e i xe j

is conservative. If it is, find a potential.

Page 16: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given


Show that the vector field

3 2 22 3F xy z i x j xz k

is conservative and then find a scalar potential

function for F .

Theorem: Fundamental theorem for line


Let F be a conservative vector field continuous on

an open connected region D. That is, there exists a

function such that F . Then, if C is any

smooth curve from A to B lying entirely in D, we


( ) ( )B


F dr B A

Page 17: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

What this say:

Recall FTC,

( ) ( ) ( )b


F x dx F b F a

A version of this for line integrals over certain kinds

of vector fields,

( ( )) ( ( ))C

dr r b r a


Let 2 22 ( 2 )F xyzi x z j x y z k be a

vector field describing a force.

(a) Show that F is conservative.

(b) Find the work done by F in moving an object along the line segment beginning at (1, 1, 1) and ending at (2, 2, 4).

Page 18: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

Theorem: Independence of path

Let F be a vector field continuous on an open

connected region D.


F dr is independent of

path in D, if and only if F is a conservative vector


What this says:

CF dr is independent of path if

1 2C CF dr F dr for any two paths 1C

and 1C in D with the same endpoints.


dr is independent of path.

If F is conservative then CF dr is

independent of path.

Page 19: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

Theorem: Closed-loop property


F dr is independent of path in D if and only if


F dr for every closed path C in D.

This is equivalent to,

conservative 0C

F F dr

The symbol indicate that the curve C must

be closed.

Page 20: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given


Show that


F dr is independent of path.

Hence find a potential function and evaluate the

line integral along C.

(a) 10 7 7 2F x y i x y j and C is

the curve 21y x from (0,1) to (1,0).

(b) F yz i xz j xy k and C is the

the line segment from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1), and

then to (0,0,1).

Page 21: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

5.3 Surface Integrals

Surface Integrals of Scalar Fields


Suppose f is defined and continuous on a surface .

The surface integral of f over is denoted by

( , , )f x y z dS

where S is the area of the surface.

When the surface projects onto the region Rxy in

the xy-plane and has the representation

( , )z f x y then


1z zdS dAx y

where dA is either dx dy or dy dx (or rdrd )

Page 22: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

The surface integral is


( , , )

( , , ( , )) 1R

f x y z dS

z zf x y g x y dAx y

can obtain similar formulas for surfaces given by ( , )y h x z (with R in the xz-plane) and

( , )x k y z (with R in the yz-plane).

Formula for Surface Integrals

1. ( , )z g x y , R in the xy-plane


( , , )

( , , ( , )) 1R

f x y z dS

z zf x y g x y dAx y

Page 23: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

2. ( , )y h x z , R in the xz-plane

2 2

( , , )

( , ( , ), ) 1R

f x y z dS

y yf x h x z z dAx z

3. ( , )x k y z , R in the yz-plane

2 2

( , , )

( ( , ), , ) 1R

f x y z dS

x xf k y z y z dAy z

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Evaluate the surface integral

2 2y z dS

where is part of the cone 2 2z x y that

lies between the planes 1z and 2z .



2x z dS

where is the portion of the cylinder 2 2 1x y between 0z and 1z .

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Surface Integrals of Vector Fields

For a general surface in space, each element of

surface dS has a vector area dS such that

dS n dS .

If F is a vector field, the surface integral

F dS F n dS

where n is the outward unit normal to the surface


Page 26: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given


If F Pi Qj Rk is a continuous vector

field on an oriented surface with outward unit

normal vector n , then the surface integral of F

over is

F dS F n dS



z zF n dAx y

where ( , )z g x y


This integral is also called the flux of F across .

Page 27: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given


Calculating the flux of a vector field outward

through the surface S.

Other forms

1. F dS F n dS

2 2


y yF n dAx z

where ( , )y h x z .

Page 28: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

2. F dS F n dS

2 2


x xF n dAy z

where ( , )x k y z


To work with surface integrals of vector fields we need to be able to write down a formula for the unit normal vector corresponding to the chosen orientation.

depends on how the surface is given

Let’s suppose that the surface is given by

( , )z g x y . We define a new function,

Page 29: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

( , , ) ( , )x y z z g x y

Thus, in term of the new function, the surface is

a level surface for ( , , ) 0x y z .

Recall: will be normal to at ( , )x y . This

means that we have a normal vector to the surface.

We obtain a unit normal vector:


To compute the gradient vector:

( , , ) ( , )x y z z g x y

g g z zi j k i j kx y x y

2 2 1

x y

x y

z i z j kn

z z

Page 30: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

Notice that the component of the normal vector

in the z-direction (identified by the k in the normal vector) is always positive and so this normal vector will generally point upwards.

Multiplying by -1 produces the negative orientation.

Likewise for surfaces in the form

( , )y h x z , so ( , , ) ( , )x y z y h x z

y yh hi j k i j kx z x z

Thus, 2 21x z

y yi j kx zny y

For surfaces in the form

( , )x k y z , so ( , , ) ( , )x y z x k y z

Page 31: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

2 21 y z

x xi j ky znx x

Surfaces positive




( , )z f x y 2 2 1

x y

x y

z z

z z

i j kn

2 2 1

x y

x y

z z

z z

i j kn

( , )y g x z 2 21x z

x z

y y

y y

i j kn

2 21x z

x z

y y

y y

i j kn

( , )x h y z 2 21

y z

y z

x x

x x

i j kn

2 21

y z

y z

x x

x x

i j kn

Page 32: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given


Let be a smooth surface of the form

( , )z g x y , ( , )y h x z or ( , )x k y z and

let R be the projection of on the xy-plane, xz-

plane and yz-plane respectively. Suppose that the

surfaces can be rewritten as ( , , ) 0x y z . If is

continuous on R, then



F n dS F dA

if has a positive orientation.



F n dS F dA

if has a negative orientation.

Page 33: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given


Let be the part of the surface of the cone

2 2z x y from 0z to 1z and let

( , , )F x y z i j k . Evaluate

F n dS


Let is the closed surface of the tetrahedron with

vertices (1,0,0), (0,3,0), (0,0,2) and (0,0,0). Evaluate

the surface integral

F n dS

where 2F x i xy j xzk .

Page 34: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

5.3.1 Stokes’ Theorem

Let C be any closed curve in 3D space, and let be

an oriented surface bounded by C with unit normal

vector n . If F is a vector field that is continuously

differentiable on , then


F dr F ndS

can be any surface bounded by the curve.

Stokes Theorem reduces to Green's Theorem when the curve is a 2D curve.

The integral gives the circulation of the vector

field F around C.

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F dr where

2 3 24F x i xy j xy k and C is the

close curve on the plane z y with vertices (1,3,3),

(0,3,3) and (0,0,0) with the orientation

counterclockwise when viewed from the positive z-





F dr where F zi x j yk and C

is the intersection of the xy-plane with the paraboloid 2 29y x z with the orientation

counterclockwise direction when viewed from the

positive y-axis.

Page 36: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given

5.3.2 Gauss’ Theorem

Gauss’ Theorem (Divergence Theorem)

Let be a smooth orientable surface that encloses

a solid region G in 3

. If F Pi Qj Rk

is a vector field whose components P, Q, and R

have continuous partials derivatives in G, then


F n dS F dV

where n is an outward unit normal vector.


Under appropriate conditions, the flux of a vector field across a closed surface with outward orientation is equal to the triple integral of the divergence of the field over the solid region enclosed by the surface.

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Flux integral Flow out of small cubes


F ndS F dV

Flux integral (left) - measures total fluid flow across

the surface per unit time.

Right integral – measures the fluid flow leaving the

volume dV

For divergence free vector field F , the flux through a closed surface area is zero. Such fields are also called incompressible or source free.

Page 38: CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS · CHAPTER 5 VECTOR ANALYSIS 5.2 Line Integrals Definition The line integral of the scalar function f x y( , ) along a smooth and orientable curve C is given


Use the Divergence Theorem to calculate the

surface integral F n dS

where 3 2 2( , , ) 2 3F x y z x i xz j y zk and

is the surface of the solid bounded by the

paraboloid 2 24z x y and the xy-plane.


Let be the surface of solid enclosed by

2 2 2z a x y and 0z oriented

outward. If 3 3 3F x i y j z k , evaluate

.F n dS

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