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Discontent in the Colonies

Vocabulary Chapter 6

1. French and Indian War

2. Treaty of Paris

3. Proclamation of 1763

4. Treaty of Augusta

Vocabulary Chapter 6

5. Sugar Act

6. Quartering Act

7. Stamp Act

8. Townshend Acts

Chapter 6 Vocabulary

9. Boston Tea Party

10.Intolerable Acts

11.First Continental Congress

12.Lexington and Concord

French and Indian War

French claimed interior Mississippi River Valley, Ohio River Valley, Great Lakes region

Had alliance with Huron and Algonquin Indians

English had alliance with Cherokee and Creek in the south

Dutch and English aligned with Iroquois

French Allies

British Allies

Cherokee And

Creek Indians

War, cont’d

British fought the French over territory

Each side had Native American allies

This war became part of a larger worldwide conflict in Europe called the Seven Years’ War (1756-1763)


War, cont’d

Treaty of Paris* ended the 7 Year War and gave all of North America east of Mississippi River* to Great Britain

France gave Spain New Orleans and LA territory west of Mississippi River

Britain traded Cuba to Spain for Florida

French and Indian War was expensiveTo finance the war, England had

gone into debt. Since the war was fought mainly to

protect the borders of the American colonies, the English government decided to make the Americans pay for most of that debt.

This created great unrest in America.

War tactics change…

The French and Indian War, as Americans called it, showed the American colonists how powerful the English army and navy could be. It also showed how vulnerable these same troops could be.

The Americans noticed the effectiveness of the guerrilla tactics guerrilla tactics used by the French and Native Americans. When the British tried to keep the American colonies from rebelling in 1775, the British troops faced the same kind of tactics.


Proclamation of 1763*

To pay war debt, Britain wanted colonies to help pay

To avoid conflict with natives, Proclamation of 1763* declared no one could move west of the Appalachian Mountains

Mostly ignored

Settlers believed by fighting, they had won the right to move

Treaty of Augusta*

1763 Governor Wright negotiated with the Creek

Almost tripled the size of Georgia Gave Georgia control of entire coast

south of the Savannah River Almost 50,000 people lived in

Georgia now Georgians optimistic about future

Felt protected by the King

Activator King of England

You Have To Pay ME! 10 cents to use the pencil sharpener

15 cents to use the hand sanitizer

25 cents to go to the bathroom

30 cents to buy a pencil (15 cents goes to


$1.00 to sit in a desk



Chapter 6 Section 2

Britain put too many restrictions on the colonies! Acts of Trade -certain products could only be sold to Britain or British colonies

Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Quartering Act angered colonists who thought that Britain was supposed to help them

Britain repealed (took away) the Stamp Act, but passed the Declaratory Act * that said that Britain took complete control over the colonies

British Control1764 The Sugar Act*Primarily affected merchants

Colonists had to buy from British planters

1765 Quartering Act*

Colonists pay for housing food and supplies for 10,000 British troops

1765 The Stamp Act*

All documents had to show an official stamp

The Townshend Acts*

Tax on tea, paper, lead, glass (collected at the ports)

Triangle Trade: British Mercantilism

and the Colonies

Sons and Daughters of Liberty

Sons of Liberty-protestors (colonists) who pressured merchants not to sell goods that would pay the salaries of British officials

Daughters of Liberty-patriotic organization made up of women that boycotted British tea and other British goods

Boycott to refuse to buy

Causes of American Revolution

Britain taxed without representation* of the colonists in Parliament

Intolerable Acts*- 4 laws passed meant to punish the colonies, especially for the Boston Tea Party, a protest where colonists dressed as Indians dumped 90,000 pounds of tea into Boston Harbor

CRCT BookDeclaration of Independence

pg 43-44

Answer questions 107-110 on notebook paper

Write out the question

Write out the words of the correct answer

Write: The correct order of events leading up to the Revolution.

If you are not sure of an answer then go back and READ about it in the practice book!


1. Preamble C

2. Thomas Jefferson C

3. list of grievances against the king B

4. a statement about separation from Great Britain C

Boston Tea Party*

Many stopped drinking tea to protest and smuggled Dutch tea

Sons of Liberty refused to buy tea Almost bankrupt the British Tea Co. 12-16-1773, boarded 3 tea ships and

threw 90,000 pounds of tea into Boston Harbor

Similar tea parties happened in other cities

In the south, they left the tea on the docks and used it to pay for the Revolution

Colonial Resistance

Boston Massacre outraged citizens because soldiers killed 5 innocent colonists

Sam Adams called for peaceful measures like boycotts and committees of correspondence* (spread news from town to town)

However, Georgia was still dependent on England

Continental Congress

Britain passed the Intolerable Acts to bring the colonies under control

All colonies except GA and FL met in the 1st Continental Congress to boycott trade with England and form a militia

GA did not send anyone because they needed England’s protection from the Creeks

Lexington & Concord*

“…one if by land…” Paul Revere and William Dawes saw one lantern in the Old North Church steeple in Boston letting them know that the British would be coming by land

They took different routes to Lexington, to alert everyone

At Concord’s North Bridge, a battle broke out: British won, with 1,000 men added, it is known as the 1st battle of the American Revolution

Main Idea p. 119

1. Open Social Studies book to page 119

2. Write the three questions under MAIN IDEAS

3. Answer in complete sentences


A. Georgia was reluctant to rebel because Britain had been generous to them and they needed their protection against the attack of Native Americans.

B. Tea parties were intended to protest the Tea Act.

C. Governor Wright wanted to keep Georgia loyal to England.

Chapter 6 Study Guide1. What effect did the end of the French and Indian War have on

Georgia?______________________________2. What law placed a tax on tea, paper, lead, glass, and paint

brought into the colonies?___________________3. What reduced the tax on French and Dutch molasses?

____________________________________________4. What placed a tax on all legal and commercial documents such as

newspapers, licenses, and legal documents?______________________________________________

5. What law almost tripled the size of Georgia?________________________________________________

6. What is the first battle of the American Revolution called?________________________________________

7. What law forced colonists to house and feed British troops?_______________________________________

8. What passed news from town to town? _______________________________________________________

9. What treaty ended the Seven Years’ War?___________________________________________________

10. What law forbids colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains?____________________________

11. What was it called when British Tea was thrown into the Boston Harbor and destroyed?________________

12. Under the Treaty of Paris, what became the Georgia colony’s WESTERN border? (river)_______________

13. Finish this phrase: Taxation without ________________________________________________ is tyranny.

14. Colonists called the Coercive Acts the ______________________________________________.

15. How did Georgia react when Parliament enacted the Stamp Act in 1765?_____________________________

16. What was the only colony in which any stamps were purchased?___________________________________

17. Why did Britain repeal the Stamp Act?_____________________________________________________

18. Britain passed the _________________________________ after they repealed the Stamp Act and it stated that Britain had complete control over ______________________________________________________.

Daily TenFinish the following statements

I predict that… I can picture… A question I have is… This reminds me of… This is like… I am confused about… The big idea here is… I believe…

RAFTRole: Governor WrightAudience: Georgia colonistsFormat: Speech Topic: Persuade Georgians to

continue a harmonious relationship with Britain

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