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The psychological factors that may affect

performance in various sport and exercise-related


Deals with the enduring personality

characteristics called traits or dispositions

Deals with less stable psychological states that

influenced by environment, refer as mood states

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Personality: The distinctive thoughts, emotions, and

behaviors that characterize the way an individual

adapts to the world

Individual’s personality: The person in unique ways

that remain stable and consistent over time

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Psychological core

The deepest component that includes attitudes and

values, interests and motives, and beliefs about

oneself and self worth

Is the ‘real you’ not who you want others to think

you are

Typical responses

The ways one’s learn to adjust to the environment or

how one’s usually respond to the social setting

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Role-related behavior

How an individual behaves in various specific


One’s behavior changes as their perception of

the environment change

Different situations require playing different


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• Psychodynamic Theory • Social Learning Theory

• Humanistic Theory • Trait Theory

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Psychodynamic Theory

Introduced by Sigmund Freud’s in 1933

The characteristics of psychodynamic approach to


Emphasis upon in-depth examination of the

whole person

Emphasis upon unconscious motives

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The structure of personality:

The id

represents the unconscious instinctual core of personality;

pleasure seeking mechanism


Represents the conscious, logical, reality-oriented aspects

of personality


Represents the conscience of the individual; it is the

internalized the moral standards of society impressed upon

the person by parental control and the process of


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As proposed by Freud, the ego aids in the

resolution of conflicts between the id and superego

Freud advocated a conflict theory of personality

The individual’s personality is the sum total of the

dynamic conflicts between the impulse to seek

release and inhibition against these impulse

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Social Learning Theory

Human behavior is a function of social learning

and strength of the situation

The origin of social learning theory:

Clark Hull’s theory of learning (1943) –

stimulus-response theory of learning, an

individual’s behavior in any given situation is a

function of his learned experiences

B.F Skinner’s behaviorism theory (1953)

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Two primary mechanisms to which individuals

learn are:

Modeling, imitative behavior

refers to the phenomenon of learning through


Social reinforcement

Based upon the notion that rewarded behaviors

are likely to be repeated

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Humanistic Theory

Founding father of humanistic theory is Abraham

Maslow who suggested the need hierarchy theory

of human motivation

Centre of humanistic theory is the concept of self-

actualization – the need to realize one’s potential or

to make actual what is potential

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Takes phenomenological approach

Personal growth is emphasized

Phenomenology is the belief that each person has

their own view of the world around them and that

if we want to understand human action we have to

find out what each individual’s perspectives is

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Trait Theory

The basic position of trait is that personality can be

described in terms of traits possessed by individual

Personality traits considered as synonymous with

dispositions to act in a certain way, stable,

enduring and consistent across a variety of

differing situations

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The personality dimensions of the big five

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The strength of trait theory is that it allows for the

easy and objective measurement of personality

through the use of inventories

The weakness of trait theory is that it may fail to

consider the whole person, since according to this

approach, personality is represented by a collection

of specifics traits

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Identify How Personality Can Be Measured

Measuring personality should consider both:

Traits - an individual’s typical style of behaving

States - the situation’s effects on behavior

Consider both traits and states as an attempt to

understand and predict behavior

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Measuring personality:

Trait and state measures

Situation-specific measures

Predict behavior more reliable for given situations

because they consider both personality of the

participant and the specific situation

Sport-specific measures

Predict behavior in sport settings better than do

general personality tests

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Using Psychological Measures

Guidelines on the use of psychological tests:

Know the principles of testing and measurement error

Know your limitations

Do not use psychological tests for team selection

Include explanation and feedback

Assure athletes of confidentiality

Take an intra-individual approach

Understand and assess specific personality components

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The DO in Personality Testing

Inform participants about the purpose of the

personality test and exactly how it will be used

Allow only qualified individuals who have an

understanding of testing principles and

measurement error to give personality tests

Integrate personality test results with other

information obtained about the participant

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Use sport and exercise specific tests whenever

possible, giving these tests in consultation with a

sport psychologist

Use both state and trait measures of personality

Provide participants with specific feedback

concerning the results of the test

Compare individuals against their own baseline

levels rather than against normative information

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The Don’t

Do not use clinical personality tests that focus on

abnormality to study an average population of

sport and exercise participants

Do not use personality tests to decide who makes

a team or program and who doesn’t

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Do not give or interpret personality tests unless

you are qualified to do so American

Psychological Association or another certifying


Do not use personality tests to predict behavior

in sport and exercise settings without considering

other sources of information

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The various methods of assessing personality correspond

closely to the basic personality theories

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Rating Scale

Involve the use of a judge or judges who are asked to

observe an individual in some situation

The employment of checklist or scale

2 types of situations are involved in personality

assessment using rating scales:


Open-ended and specific questions designed to

ascertain personality traits and general impressions

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Depends on the skill and sensitivity of the person

conducting the interview

If conducted properly, carefully, and systematically –

reliable and valid

Observation of performance

Effective if the checklist being used is well designed

and planned, observer highly trained

Checklist contain specific trait and behaviors that the

observer would look for

Rated in terms of strength and clarity

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Unstructured Projective Procedures

Projective procedures are used to determine information

about underlying motives

This techniques allow subjects to reveal their inner feelings

and motives through unstructured tasks

Primarily used in clinical psychoanalytic and humanistic

approaches to explaining personality

Several kinds of unstructured tests:

Rorschach Test

The Thematic Apperception Test

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The questionnaire is a paper-and-pencil test in which the

subject answers specific true-false or Likert scale-type


Different kinds of questionnaire-type personality


Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

Cattell’s Sixteen Factor Personality Inventory

NEO-Five Factor Personality Inventory (NEO-FFI)

Athletic Motivation Inventory

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• Athletes versus Non-athletes • Developmental Effects of Athletic Participation

upon Personality • Personality Sport Type

• Player Position and Personality Profile • Personality Profiles of Athletes Differing in Skill

Level • The Female Athlete

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Athletes Versus Nonathletes

Athletes differ from non-athletes in many personality traits

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Developmental Effects of Athletic Participation upon Personality

The Concept

Athletes tend to be more extraverted, independent, and

self-confident than non-athletes because the process of

“natural selection” and not necessary due to learning

Individuals who exhibit certain personality traits may

tend to gravitate toward athletics

The important exception to this principle occurs in the

formative years before the young athlete reaches maturity

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Personality Sport Type

Differences exist in the personalities of athletes who

engage in different types of sport

Personality profile differences exist between players of

team and individual sports

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Player Position and Personality Profile

In many circumstances, differences exist between the

personality profile based on player position


Athletes playing different positions on the same

team can be differentiated as a function of

personality characteristics

Because athletes are required to do very different

kinds of things

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Personality Profiles of Athletes Differing in Skill Level


As they move up, the athletic pyramid, athletes

become more alike or homogeneous in terms of

both their personalities and their skill levels

Correlations between athletic ability and

personality traits are either nonexistent or trivial

for athletes within the same hierarchical level

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The personality-performance athletic pyramid







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At the base or entrance level of sport, athletes have

different personalities

Certain personality traits will enhance an athlete’s

likelihood of advancing to higher level, while other

traits will undermine it

Through a process of “natural selection”, at each

higher level of the athletic personality pyramid, the

athletes become more alike in their personality


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The Female Athlete

Normative female athlete differs in personality

profile from the successful female athlete

Female athlete is found to exhibit personality traits

much like those of both the normative male and the

male athlete (assertive, achievement-oriented,

dominant, self-sufficient, independent, aggressive,

intelligent, and reserved)

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