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Page 1: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Chapter 6, Section 1

Page 2: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Rome’s Geography Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location

Page 3: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Early Rulers Kings build Rome’s first temples and public centers Romans found a republic—a government in which citizens

elect leaders.

Page 4: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Patricians and Plebeians Different groups struggle for power in early Roman Republic Patricians—wealthy landowning class that holds most of the

power Plebeians—artisans, merchants and farmers; can vote, but

cannot rule Tribunes—elected representatives who protect Plebeians’ rights

Page 5: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Twelve Tables In 451 B.C. officials carve Roman laws on twelve tablets. Called the Twelve Tables, they become the basis for later

Roman law. Laws confirm the right of all free citizens to the protection

of the law. Citizenship is limited to adult male landowners.

Page 6: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Government Under the Republic Rome elects two consuls—one to lead the army and one to

direct government. Senate—chosen from Roman upper class; makes foreign and

domestic policy.

Page 7: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

The Roman Army Roman legion—military unit of 5,000 infantry, supported by cavalry.

Army is powerful and a key factor in Rome’s rise to greatness.

Page 8: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Rome Conquers Italy By 265 B.C., Rome controls the entire Italian peninsula. Rome treats the conquered peoples justly. This enables Rome

to grow.

Page 9: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

War with Carthage Rome and Carthage begin the Punic Wars—three

wars between 264 through 146 B.C. Rome defeats Carthage and wins Sicily in the first

23-year war. Hannibal, the Carthaginian general, avenges this

defeat in the Second Punic War. He attacks Italy through Spain and France, but doesn’t

take Rome.

Rome Triumphs Roman defeat Hannibal in 202 B.C. Rome destroys Carthage and enslaves its people

in the Third Punic War from 149-146 B.C.

Page 10: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Chapter 6, Section 2

Page 11: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Economic Turmoil Gap between rich and poor widens as Roman Republic grows. Civil war—conflict between groups within the same country


Page 12: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Military Upheaval Military becomes less disciplined and disloyal. Soldiers recruited from the poor; show loyalty only to their


Page 13: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Julius Caesar Takes Control Military leader Julius Caesar is elected consul in 59 B.C.

Military victories give Caesar increasing popularity and power.

Caesar is named dictator for life in 44 B.C.

Page 14: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Caesar’s Reforms Caesar makes reforms: grants wider citizenship, creates jobs

for the poor. Group of senators opposes Caesar and murders him on March

15, 44 B.C.

Page 15: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Beginning of the Empire 43 B.C. Caesar’s supporters take control; become Second

Triumvirate. Octavian accepts title of Augustus, “exalted one,” and rules


Page 16: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Pax Romana Under Augustus, Rome moves from a republic to an empire.

Power no longer resides with citizens, but in a single ruler.

Rome enjoys 200 years of peace and prosperity known as Pax Romana

A Sound Government Augustus creates a lasting system of government. Glorifies Rome with beautiful public buildings

Page 17: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Slaves and Captivity Slavery is a significant part of Roman life in both cities and

farms. Some slaves become gladiators; forced to fight to the death.

Gods and Goddesses Early Romans honored guardian spirits and gods Jupiter, Juno,

and Minerva. Worship of emperor becomes part of official religion of Rome.

Page 18: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Chapter 6, Section 3

Page 19: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Romans Conquer Judea Rome conquers Judea, home of the Jews; makes it part of the

empire in A.D. 6 Many Jews believe in a coming Messiah (meaning anointed

one), or savior, who will eventually free them.

Page 20: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Jesus of Nazareth Jesus was born in Bethlehem sometime around 6 to 4 B.C.

He is a carpenter until about the age 30 when he begins preaching.

Mosaic of Jesus at Church of San Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna, Italy.

Page 21: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Jesus Death Many Jews view Jesus as the Messiah; others see him as a

false teacher. Roman governor Pontius Pilate sentences Jesus to be


Page 22: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Growth of Christianity Followers spread Christianity—new religion based on the

teachings of Jesus. The term “Christian” to designate followers of Christianity

was first used in Antioch (see Acts 11: 26).

Page 23: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Persecution of the Christians Christians won’t worship the Roman gods or the emperor.

They are considered enemies of the State. Roman rulers use Christians as scapegoats for hard times. As Pax Romana crumbles, Christians are crucified, burned,

and killed in the arena.

Page 24: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Christianity’s Expansion Christianity becomes a powerful force and appeals to people

because of these reasons: embraces all people gives hope to the powerless appeals to those repelled by extravagance of Roman life offers a personal relationship with God promises eternal life after death

Page 25: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Constantine Accepts Christianity Constantine—Roman emperor battles for control of Rome in

A.D. 312. He has a vision of a cross—the Christian symbol—and places

it on soldiers’ shields. He believes Christian God helped him win the battle and

legalizes Christianity.

Page 26: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Chapter 6, Section 4

Page 27: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

End of Marcus Aurelius’ reign as emperor (A.D. 161-180) brought about end of Pax Romana. Ruler’s after Marcus Aurelius had no idea how to deal with the giant empire and its problems.

Page 28: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Agriculture faced serious problems Harvests were increasingly meager because soil lost fertility. Years of war destroyed farmland.

Serious food shortages, disease, and population decline resulted.

Page 29: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Roman military in disarray less disciplined soldiers allegiance to commanders, not to Rome itself

Later Romans lose their sense of patriotism.

Page 30: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

Constantine Moves the Capital A.D. 312 Constantine gains control of the western part of the

empire. A.D. 324 he secures the eastern empire and the system of a

single ruler. A.D. 330 Constantine moves the capital from Rome to

Byzantium on the Bosporus Strait between Europe and Asia. The center of power shifts from Rome to the east.

Page 31: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.

An Empire No More Roman power in the western half of the empire ceases to exist. The eastern half of the empire comes to be called the Byzantine

Empire, and flourishes for 1,000 years. The Byzantine emperors ruled from Constantinople.

Page 32: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.


• The Latin Languageo Latin was official language of Roman

Catholic Church until 1900so Develops into French, Spanish,

Portuguese, Italian, Romaniano More than half the words in English stem

from Latin

Page 33: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.


• Master Builders • Romans pioneer use of arch; also used

domes and concreteo Create aqueducts—structures to bring

water into cities, towns

Page 34: Chapter 6, Section 1.  Rome’s Geography  Site of Rome chosen for its fertile soil and strategic location.


• Roman System of Lawo Principles of Roman law form basis of

modern legal systems• Rome’s Enduring Influence

o By preserving and adding to Greek civilization, Rome strengthened the

Western cultural tradition

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