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Page 1: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

Chapter 7Chapter 7

Page 2: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.
Page 3: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

The Nature of Work The Nature of Work

Page 4: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

The Nature of Work The Nature of Work The Angelus The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857

Page 5: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

The Nature of Work The Nature of Work

Page 6: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

The Nature of Work The Nature of Work

… work is a way to unite your suffering and sacrifice to the Cross of Christ Jesus. Through work, you can share in God’s saving plan for the world. Your earthly work can help you participate in the work of your own Redemption. Working is a way to strengthen your relation-ship with Jesus and join him in his threefold mission of prophet, priest, and king… (p. 221)

Page 7: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

Rights and Abuses Associated with Work Rights and Abuses Associated with Work

Page 8: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

Mexican-American Cesar Chavez (1927-1993) was a prominent union leader and labor organizer. Hardened by his early experience as a migrant worker, Chavez founded the National Farm Workers Association in 1962. His union joined with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee in its first strike against grape growers in California, and the two organizations later merged to become the United Farm Workers.

Stressing nonviolent methods, Chavez drew attention for his

causes via boycotts, marches and hunger strikes. Despite conflicts with the Teamsters union and barriers, he was able to secure raises and improve conditions for farm workers in California, Texas, Arizona and Florida.

Rights and Abuses Associated with Work Rights and Abuses Associated with Work

Page 9: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

Rights and Abuses Associated with Work Rights and Abuses Associated with Work

On March 25, 1911, the Triangle Shirtwaist Company factory in New York City burned, killing 145 workers. It is remembered as one of the most infamous incidents in American industrial history, as the deaths were largely preventable–most of the victims died as a result of neglected safety features and locked doors within the factory building. The tragedy brought wide– spread attention to the dangerous sweatshop conditions of factories, and led to the develop– ment of a series of laws and regulations that better protected the safety of workers.

Page 10: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

Rights and Abuses Associated with Work Rights and Abuses Associated with Work

Page 11: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

Justice and the Economic SocietyJustice and the Economic Society

Page 12: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

Justice and the Economic SocietyJustice and the Economic Society

Fair Trade goods are just that. Fair. From far-away farms to your shopping cart, products that bear our logo come from farmers and workers who are justly compensated. We help farmers in developing countries build sustainable businesses that positively influence their communities. We're a nonprofit, but we don't do charity. Instead, we teach disadvantaged communities how to use the free market to their advantage. With Fair Trade USA, the money you spend on day-to-day goods can improve an entire community’s day-to-day lives.

Page 13: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

Justice and the Economic SocietyJustice and the Economic Society

Then [Jesus] said to the crowd, “Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.” Luke 15:12

Page 14: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

Work and YouWork and You

Page 15: Chapter 7. The Angelus Jean-Francois Millet, c. 1857.

Work and YouWork and You

Just as any wheel in balance must have the hub directly in the center, any life in balance must be centered on Christ. He is the power source for a dynamic Christian life just as the wheel is driven driven forward by the power of the hub. The direction of any wheel also comes from the hub and so every mature believer follows the Lordship of Christ. He sets the direction for their lives.

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