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Chapter 723 NewsExperimental Aircraft Association

December 2017


By Tom Ridderbush

Greetings 723 Members

Recently, I attended a FASSTeam safety seminar in Van Nuys.The seminar was put on by Brian Schiff. Brain and his father Barryare members of our chapter. The subject of the seminar was howto use ForeFlight to navigate through the LAX Class BravoAirspace. This seminar was very informative, not only fornavigating, but for using ForeFlight. I have been using it since itcame out. Brian showed us many things that I did not know couldbe done. Brian and I had a discussion on having him come andspeak to our chapter. We are very fortunate to have Barry andBrian as members of our chapter.

This year, I would like to have several FASSTeam type safetyseminars as our monthly program. This is a good way to getpeople into our hangar and get interested in the chapter. I willbe calling Karla Borden, who is the FASSTeam program managerfor our area, to discuss our involvement.

This month we have our annual Installation / Holiday BBQ. Pleaseremember it will begin at noon on Saturday December 9. I hopethat all of you will attend. Our board meeting will begin at 10:00.I promise to keep the meeting part of the BBQ very short.

Happy Holidays!

InstallationHoliday BBQ

On Saturday December 9th at 12:00 noon, we will be havingour annual Installation BBQ at our hangar. I hope that all of youwill attend and bring a guest.

This year the food donation will be $10.00 per person. There willbe food, soft drinks and beer.

As in the previous years, we ask that each attendee bring anunwrapped toy or a Target gift card. These items will be given toCasa Pacifica.

I look forward to seeing you Saturday December 9.

Young EaglesBy Merja Reed, YE Coordinator

December Young Eagles

Saturday Camarillo: 7Sunday Santa Paula: 20

Thanks to all the pilots and ground support personnel for yourhelp and support during 2017.

First FlightBy Glen Wilcox

Charles DeBoer, a member since1998, made his first flight in hisscratch built Legal EagleUltralight in June of this year.

He began building six years ago,on the 4130 steel tube frame,with a wood wing. Charles usedthe Stewart System for covering,

with aircraft grade Glidden house paint for the finish.

It is powered by a Half-VW engine, producing 45 HP, and cruisingon 2 gal./hr. Top speed is 65 mph.

Flying qualities are cub-like for the 16 ft. wingspan, 17 ft. longaircraft, which weighs 245 pounds.

The first flight was uneventful, with just some tweaks of thebrakes and trim of the horizontal stabilizer. He has 47 hours onit to date, and has flown to the Santa Rosa valley, MagicMountain, and the Ojai / Santa Paula area.

Congratulations to Charles on this successful build.

Next Meeting - December 9, 2017EAA Hangar Camarillo

501 Aviation Drive

10 am: EAA Chapter 723 BOD meeting

12 noon: Installation/Holiday BBQ Program: Awards / Installation

Page 2: Chapter 723 News - newsletters.eaa723.orgnewsletters.eaa723.org/pdf/2017/723_2017_12.pdfHas installed voltage regulator and circuit breaker and Ground Bus. • Jim McDaniel is working

EAA Chapter 723 - December 2017 - Page 2


Chapter Store:Richard Skorpen 805 573-9718

Flight Advisor:Ali Moghaddas 805 338-7135

Hangar Boss:Doug Wagner 805-490-2532

Membership:Stephen Svanda 805-217-3664Membership email: [email protected]

[email protected]

Newsletter Editor:Harlis Brend [email protected]

Assistant Newsletter Editor:Avril Roy-Smith [email protected]

Photographer:Harlis Brend 818 632-0582

Safety:Tom Ridderbush 805-390-0532

Young Eagles:CMA:Merja Reed 805 490-5370SZP:Neal Fowler 805 647-6994

[email protected]

Webmaster:Avril Roy-Smith [email protected]


President:Tom Ridderbush 805 390-0532

Vice President:Richard Skorpen 805 573-9718

Secretary:Joe Tischler 805 279-4006

Treasurer:Perry Dahm 805 377-2919

Directors at Large:Harlis Brend 818 632-0582Merja Reed 805 490-5370Glen Wilcox 818 991-6259

Technical Advisors:

Firewall Forward:Ali Moghaddas 805 338-7135

Sheet Metal Fabric:Owen Smith 805 824-5031

Hangar WiFi ID: EAA723

Chapter Website: http://www.eaa723.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/EAA723

The EAA Chapter 723 Newsletter is a monthly publication that is owned and published by EAA Chapter 723. EAA Chapter 723 establishesa copyright on all articles published in this newsletter, unless copy-written by the respective author(s).

Chapter 723 Membership is available for $25.00 per year. This amount is due January 1st of each year. Chapter 723 meets on the 2ndSaturday of each month.

The Newsletter is distributed to members of Chapter 723 in the interest of promoting Sport Aviation. Back issues of the newsletter maybe found at http;//newsletters.eaa723.org

Chapter 723 welcomes submissions of articles, new items, photos and inquiries from its members for publication in the newsletter.

Articles may be reproduced in full provided permission is obtained from EAA Chapter 723 previously, and provided proper credit is givento EAA Chapter 723. Permission must be sought from the authors before reproducing any articles indicating they were copy-written by theauthor(s).

The closing date for submissions to the next month's edition is close of business on the third Friday of the month.

Page 3: Chapter 723 News - newsletters.eaa723.orgnewsletters.eaa723.org/pdf/2017/723_2017_12.pdfHas installed voltage regulator and circuit breaker and Ground Bus. • Jim McDaniel is working

EAA Chapter 723 - December 2017 - Page 3

Hangar HappeningsBy Doug Wagner

Hangar BossThe Navion has been sold and we areawaiting the new owners to pick itup. I understand they are delayedtill December 19th or 20th.

I am expecting a new plane to arrivein our hangar in December. MemberJimmy O’Neal wants to bring in a highwing LSA with folding wings toconvert the engine to a Rotax 912.

We cleaned up the outside of thehangar and tie down areas and gotrid of the tumble weeds and gravelthat was accumulating. We will haveanother plane in the tie down areastarting Saturday; A Cessna 170.

Builder activities:

• Gary Van Meter is back and working on his windscreenand boot cowl. He is getting the cover fitting real nice.

• Randy Lewis and Jeff Bevilacqua have been working onthe Jungster. I see some parts are recovered.

• Michael Sandling is back flying off time and I think hehas about 30 hrs of flight time.

• Doug Wagner is working on wiring and control surfaces;Has installed voltage regulator and circuit breaker andGround Bus.

• Jim McDaniel is working on wheel pants at home andhangar. He is also sanding the paint on wing to redue.

• Andrew Freesh and dad Bill, are building the Spitfire.They seem to be taking a brake; Have not seen themfor a few weeks.

• Adrian Rogers has been taxing his plane around theairport. I understand he is getting a test pilot lined upto fly the plane.

Donation SalesBy Glen Wilcox

Randy Lewis and his band of volunteers havehad a great year, producing almost $15,000in gross income. It’s a lot of work to retrievethe donations, stage them for sales photos,list them on eBay, answer questions fromprospects, and handle the final disposition.

Items sold this year include a KR-1 Project,Bede BD-5B, North American Navion, MidgetMustang, RV-6 Empenage Kit, and Pazmanyaircraft components.

We still have an RK-5 biplane by Rim Kaminskas, and a SmithMini Plane that will be listed for sale.

2018 Board of Directors

President Vice-President Tom Ridderbush Richard Skorpen

Treasurer Secretary Keith Moore Joe Tischler


Harlis Brend Ron Hirsty Mark Sullivan

Midget MustangBy Randy Lewis

The Midget Mustang has been sold.


The Midget Mustang project was donated to our EAA chapter afterthe builder passed away.

One wing is complete and thematerials for the other wing appear tobe all there. The fuselage and tail lookcomplete as well. The builder had builtseveral planes and the workmanshiplooks excellent. The plans areincluded. We can't verify that all partsare there, but it looks pretty complete.

Parts are still available and a new kit sells for over $11,000.

Due to the size, the Midget Mustang is for pick up only, unlessall arrangements are made by the buyer.

Happy bidding on the next project!

Page 4: Chapter 723 News - newsletters.eaa723.orgnewsletters.eaa723.org/pdf/2017/723_2017_12.pdfHas installed voltage regulator and circuit breaker and Ground Bus. • Jim McDaniel is working

EAA Chapter 723 - December 2017 - Page 4

ChockmeisterBy Glen Wilcox

Last Spring, I decided our new hangar deserved some newchocks, so those yellow chocks could go back to their rightfulowner.

I scavenged some nice four by fours from a neighbor’s yard andcut them into the right shape for chocks. Wanting a quality job,I decided the “EAA 723” should be branded into the wood. So Ibuilt the branding iron, and found that I needed to build a smallforge to heat it sufficiently to brand the wood.

This branding idea turned into anightmare because the wood waspainted, and the paint would catch firebefore the wood was properly branded.Also, my wife felt the forge activity was

likely to destroy the neighborhood.

Anyway, the wood was painted, the ropes cut, and the chocksmade. Some seventeen sets of chocks in all.

As I finish my year as a director,I thank the membership for givingme this opportunity to serve.Illness kept me from half themeetings, and I hope this gift ofchocks will make up for some ofthat, and allow me to use thecall-sign “Chockmeister”!

CWA / WOC UpdateBy Marcel Ferland, CWA Board Member

Now we are approaching the end of anotheryear, I would like to say Happy Holidays toEAA Chapter 723. A special thank you to allthe volunteers that came forward to make theWings Over Camarillo air show such asuccess. Volunteers are the life blood of anyorganization. I know you hear this all thetime, but it bears repeating time and timeagain. Without volunteers, we won't have anair show, period. So once again, thank you,thank you.

The CWA has handed out almost all the checks, but being theholiday period, we have several still to give out. We are doingour best to have all the checks handed out in the next few weeks.Sponsorship played a huge reason why we were able to give backto our air community. Special thanks to Alison Barker, JimThompson, and other members of the sponsorship team. Job welldone!

We have had several meetings in the last month on how we caninduce more people to come to the air show: different layouts,adding more entertainment areas, change things up a bit. Ourgeneration likes warbirds, but the "younger" generation is lookingfor an event, a happening, and lets face it we need to entice themto attend our air show. Adding the car show was a step in theright direction. It has grown from 35 entries to around 85, giveor take a few. Cars and planes are a natural mix and we are goingto charge a nominal fee for display cars attending the air show.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the STEM pavilion. Just incase everyone has forgotten what it stands for: Science,Technology, Engineering, Math, is huge in today’s high schools.Alison has put in a huge amount of time and energy to gathercompanies in the local areas who actually build some of theseaircraft and over the last several years interest has skyrocketed.Also the drone cage is wonderful, and from what I saw this yearwas very busy all the time.

We are trying to think outside the box and bring in a more variedgroup of people to the air show. I know its hard to believe, butsome people don't care about airplanes. Sacrilegious!!

So once again, wishing all Chapter 723 members a safe andhealthy happy holiday and may 2018 bring good fortune toeveryone.

The STC Group, LLCBy Paul Odum

I submitted the STC application and documentation for the Cessna180 and 185 models Thursday. I expect they will be added to theSTC in approximately 3 weeks. Possibly sooner. Scott is fairlyhammered with work, but these are important to him. He’s beenpushing me to submit airplanes for STC approval.

I am submitting the Cessna 177 documentation this coming Fridayif I can complete all the paperwork. It takes me approximately160 hours to complete a set of documentation for the ACO. Ihaven’t started the 177 paperwork, so I am recruiting the troopsto assist this week.

I will have the STC documentation completed and submitted forthe Grumman AA5 models and the Cessna 195 models beforeChristmas. So Grumman and Business Liner owners will have anautopilot option in January.

David Fletcher, owner of FletchAir, in Texas is going to approachMooney Aircraft about assisting with a design effort for the Trionext week. Hopefully that effort will yield positive results.FletchAir is assisting in the Grumman design project.

The STC Group has been working closely with engineeringresources with decades of experience in all of our design efforts,including our own Ernie Salmon. Ernie has been a cornerstone tothis group’s success.

Our initial design projects involved retired Cessna designengineers with over 35 years apiece at Cessna. One of theseengineers designed the Cessna NGP and the other engineer wasinvolved with the Cessna 400 TTx project.

Hopefully I will have more positive progress reports next month.We have an announcement that will be published next week inmost of the aviation publications.

Page 5: Chapter 723 News - newsletters.eaa723.orgnewsletters.eaa723.org/pdf/2017/723_2017_12.pdfHas installed voltage regulator and circuit breaker and Ground Bus. • Jim McDaniel is working

EAA Chapter 723 - December 2017 - Page 5

EAA RedBird Simulator ReportBy Keith Moore

We are working to improve our membersflying skills and better utilize our Red Birdsimulator.

We also are pleased to report that DaleMachalleck is now onboard and available as ahighly qualified IFR instructor. Dale is also aCirrus RS22 check pilot.

For EAA Chapter members, the simulator rental rate is $25.00/hour.

EAA Chapter Volunteers, like Young Eagle pilots, get a reduced rate of $10.00/hr.

Happy Holidays

Sharpen Your Flying SkillsScenarios in EAA’s RedBird Simulator

Contact Keith Moore CFI-G805-551-0983

1. CROSS-WIND TAKE-OFF and LANDINGS:Experience effects of strong cross-winds and turbulencein take-offs and landings; Planning your pre-takeoff“what-if” makes this scenario a valuable lesson.

2. HIGH DENSITY ALTITUDE: Temperature set to 35º Cand positioned on a runway at a high-altitude (Big Bear)airport. Flatland pilots rarely appreciate the complexitiesand planning required to fly at high density altitude. Thebeauty of doing this in EAA’s Red Bird simulator is topractice this situation safely.

3. VFR - TRAPPED ABOVE CLOUDS: On a VFR flight(maybe low on fuel) every pilot should know what to do.How to call (simulated) ATC, declare an emergency, andget talked down through the clouds to VFR below. Notonly is it a sphincter-tightening experience to say the“e-word” in anything resembling an airplane, it mightbe lifesaving someday. For the instrument-rated pilot,make it a pop-up clearance to a low-IFR approach.

4. VFR AT NIGHT: Start with a closed airport with poorlighting and services. How do I locate an alternateairport? What are my navigation options? Maybe I’mlow on fuel? What if the alternator failed and potentiallyout of battery range without serious load shedding.

5. ENGINE FAILURE AFTER TAKEOFF: Combines pre-takeoff “what-if” briefing with immediate proceduralpractice application. Failing the engine on takeoff atdifferent altitudes necessitates different responses. Youcan also let a pilot try the “impossible turn” back to thedeparture runway and see what happens.

6. No GPS: Navigate by compass. Locate by VOR Crossfixes. In today’s GPS-dependent world, old fashionnavigation is practically a lost art. Toss in a setting sunand hazy visibility to up the ante.

7. TURNS-ABOUT-A-POINT: Coordinated flying skillsare required to hold the aircraft wing tip on a point (atabout 2000 ft.) A Commercial Pilot check riderequirement.

MembershipBy Stephen Svanda

Membership Coordinator

Hello to all! My name isStephen Svanda. Many of youalready know me, but for thoseof you who don't, I will betaking over the 723 ChapterMembership responsibilities for2018. I’ve been a long timeEAA member, Chapter 723member, CWA member and aCAF Friend of the Wing.

I will introduce myself at our annual BBQ. I’ll have a membershiptable setup and try to answer questions anyone might haveregarding membership.

For those of you who want to get ahead of the 2018 re-enrollment, I will be accepting 2018 membership dues at thistime. Please note, dues are not due until January 2018.

That said, I will not be able to accept credit cards at this time,so checks or cash only! I do plan to talk with our incomingTreasurer about credit card/PayPal etc. processing in the future.

Also, if you wish to make any changes to your membership profilein the Chapter data base, you can submit a new membershipform, which can be found in the hangar office membership inboxand at the membership bench during the BBQ, to me forprocessing.

In the meantime, please e-mail me at [email protected] or call 805-217-3664 if you need help or have anyquestions with any membership matters.

In reviewing the 2017 member’s profile records, in themembership data base, I noticed some members do not have aprofile picture (might be by choice).

That said, any members who wish to include or change a profilepicture, can send me their picture and I’ll include it in the2018-Member Roster. Ideally just a head shot. It’s always niceto put a name to a face!

I am pleased to introduced and welcome EAA Chapter 723'snewest members: Antonia "Toni" David and Lance Pritikin. Toniis a student pilot and just beginning her great flying adventure.Lance is a licensed private pilot. Let's all welcome them to theteam at the annual BBQ!

Finally, I want to say thank you all for your patience and supportwhile I ascend my learning curve!

Page 6: Chapter 723 News - newsletters.eaa723.orgnewsletters.eaa723.org/pdf/2017/723_2017_12.pdfHas installed voltage regulator and circuit breaker and Ground Bus. • Jim McDaniel is working

EAA Chapter 723 - December 2017 - Page 6

Photos Courtesy of Harlis Brend

Chapter General Meeting

Chapter ElectionBallots / Voting


Perry DahmTreasurer


Merja ReedYoung Eagles

Randy LewisProject


Coffee Time

CWA/WOC Air ShowVolunteer

Check Presentation to EAA

November 2017 Meeting in Photos

Carl LekvenDonation

M FerlandCWA/WOC

J ThompsonCWA Pres

Merja Reed / Guard DogsCollect Ballots

T RidderbushPresident

Page 7: Chapter 723 News - newsletters.eaa723.orgnewsletters.eaa723.org/pdf/2017/723_2017_12.pdfHas installed voltage regulator and circuit breaker and Ground Bus. • Jim McDaniel is working

EAA Chapter 723 - December 2017 - Page 7

Navion SoldReady For Pickup

Pizza LunchNovember Meeting

Hangar - Projects

Photos Courtesy of Harlis Brend

Page 8: Chapter 723 News - newsletters.eaa723.orgnewsletters.eaa723.org/pdf/2017/723_2017_12.pdfHas installed voltage regulator and circuit breaker and Ground Bus. • Jim McDaniel is working

DECEMBER 14 – 23, 1986

You are invited to reminisce

with Dick Rutan

about the 31st Anniversary of the

Epic non-stop, round-the-world Flight of Voyager! Dick Rutan served as a Tactical Air Command fighter pilot during

most of his two decades in the Air Force. He flew 325 combat missions

in Vietnam, 105 of them as a member of the Super Sabre FAC

(Forward Air Controller), a high risk operation commonly known as

the MISTY’s. “You are limited only by what you can dream,” is a

favorite quote of the man who completed an impossible round the

world flight 31 years ago this December in the Voyager aircraft.

Around the world non-stop, unrefueled in nine days, three minutes and 44 seconds.

Donation requested – LIMITED SEATING! PLEASE RSVP!

●Static Historic Aircraft Display – Fly in or Drive in!

●Voyager Restaurant opens at 8 a.m. ●Bring the Kids & a Camera!

●Art & Collectibles for Sale

Get Nosey about History! www.mojavemuseum.org

Call 661.824.2481 for more info!

Thank you to our PCS Sponsors!

Thom Lapworth – Rosamond News –

Voyager Restaurant – Scaled

Composites – The Loop Community

Newspaper – Kieffe & Sons Ford –

Mariah Country Inn & Suites

When: Saturday, December 16, 2017 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Free Admission!

Where: Mojave Air and Spaceport Transient Parking Area – By Old Tower

KMHV – TWR 127.6 WX AWOS-3 (132.225) (661.824.5218) Ground 123.9 Joshua Approach 133.65

http://www.airnav.com/airport/KMHV or www.mojaveairport.com

Page 9: Chapter 723 News - newsletters.eaa723.orgnewsletters.eaa723.org/pdf/2017/723_2017_12.pdfHas installed voltage regulator and circuit breaker and Ground Bus. • Jim McDaniel is working

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Project (underconstruction

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EAA Chapter 723Membership Application/Renewal Form




Mail to:with annual dues - $25.00for calendar yearJan 1 - Dec 31

Chapter 723 Membership Chairperson501 Aviation DriveCamarillo CA 93010

New Member


Check one:

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