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A. Definition of Direction of Mecca

In etimology, word “Al-Qibla” is mentioned 4 times in Al-Qur’an.25 It is

got from Arabic قبل, یقبل, قبلة it means face. In Al-Munawwir (dictionary) Al-Qibla

has meaning ka’bah.1F

26 In KBBI, it has meaning direction of ka’bah in mecca

(when taking prayer). Thus, in law of Islamic encyclopedia qibla has meaning as

ka’bah or direction which is aimed by muslim in doing a part of worship. 2F

27 Syaikh

Abu Bakar explain in I’anah al-Thilibin book that qibla is direction in etimology,

it means that ka’bah.

Qibla has meaning direction, it is identical with word holy war and

syathrah, in latin word it is known as terminal. In expression of astronomy

azimuth has meaning direction which has position calculate from worth as long as

horizon circle in the same direction of clock.28 Well, qibla according to

terminology meaning most of Ulama give their own definition in various:

1. Abdul Aziz Dahlan has definition qibla as ka’bah building or direction

which is aimed by muslim in doing part of worship.29

25 The Qibla word in al-quran is defined (1) Qibla (QS. AL-Baqarah : 142-145) and (2) Place

of prayer (QS. Yunus: 87). In Depag RI. Al-Qur’an dan Terjemah (Madinah: Mujamma’ Khadim Al-Kharamain) P. 320

26Achmad Warson Munawwir. Kamus Al-Munawwir Arab-Indonesia Terlengkap, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Progressif), cet. I, P. 1169

27Abdul Aziz Dahlan, dkk. Ensiklopedi Hukum Islam, (Jakarta: Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve. 1997), Cet. I, Jilid 3, P. 944.

28Mohammad Murtadho, Ilmu Falak Praktis (Yogjakarta: Sukses offset, 2008), cet. 1, P. 124.

29 Ibid, P. 944


2. Harun Nasution give definition that qibla is direction for facing when


3. Mochtar Effendy makes definition qibla as direction to prayer, direction of

ka’bah in Mecca.31

While, there is a scientist astronomy who connects it do the direction of

qibla with earth paradigm as planet which is round so that someone who faces to

qibla should take direction which is nearest. It is based on one of theory that earth

is round so the implication between facing or turning back is the same. The

difference is just distance.

And also definition of direction by range movement can be seen by some

of formula of mufty, like:

1. Slamet Hambali, gives definition direction of mecca that is direction to

ka’bah (mecca) through the strip where every muslim do a part of worship.

2. Muhyidin Khozin, makes definition that direction or distance is nearest for a

long circle which through ka’bah with the right place.32

From some of definition above, we can contude that the nearest distance

for someone who goes to mecca and every muslims is obligatory to facing ka’bah

when prayer. in other words, direction which is aimed by muslim in doing a part

of worship. In short, qibla is the nearest direction to someone who takes prayer.33

30 Harun Nasution. Ensiklopedi Islam Indonesia (Jakarta: Djambatan, 1992), P. 563 31Mochtar Effendy. Ensiklopedi Agama dan Filsafat (Palembang: Penerbit Universitas

Sriwijaya, 2001) P. 49 32Muhyidin Khozin, Ilmu Falak (Teori dan Praktek) (Yogyakarta: Buana Pustaka, 2004), cet.

I, P. 109. 33Ahmad Izzuddin, Ilmu Falak Praktis (Metode Hisab-Rukyah Praktis Dan Solusi

Permasalahannya) (Semarang: Kemala Grafika, 2006), P. 21


B. The Basis Low of Facing Qibla

1. The Basis Low From Al-Qur’an

a. Allah said in Al-Qur’an exactly in Al-Baqarah 144 verses.

That is: We have seen the turning of thy face to heaven (for guidance, O Muhammad). And now verily We shall make thee turn (in prayer) toward a qiblah which is dear to thee. So turn thy face toward the Inviolable Place of Worship, and ye (O Muslims), wheresoever ye may be, turn your faces (when ye pray) toward it. Lo! Those who have received the Scripture know that (this revelation) is the Truth from their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what they do.(Al-Baqarah: 144). 34

b. Allah said in Al-Qur’an exactly in Al-Baqarah 150 verses.

34 Depag RI, Al-Qur’an Dan Terjemahannya (Bandung : CV Penerbit Diponegoro, 2007), cet.

V, P. 22.


That is: and where have you (exit), then at least your face toward the grand mosque. And wherever you (all) are, then your face towards it, so that there is no authority for man to you, except those who do wrong, including the them. So do not fear them, and fear me (only). And that by refining favor upon you, and that you may be guided (Al-Baqarah: 150). 35

2. The Basis Low from Hadist

a. Hadist which is told by Imam Muslim

حدثنا ابوبكرابن شیبة حدثنا عفان حدثنا حماد بن سلمة عن ثابت عن أنس

وسلم كان أن رسول الله صلى الله علیھ یصلي نحو بیت المقدس فنزلت " قد نرى تقلب وجھك فى السماء فلنولینك قبلة ترضھا فول وجھك شطر المسجد الحرام " فمر رجل من بنى سلمة وھم ركوع فى صلاة الفجر وقد صلوا ركعة

قد حولت فنادى ألا ان القبلةفمالوا كماھم نحو القبلة. (رواه


That is: Telling Abu Bakar bin Abi Saibah, telling 'Affan, telling Hammad bin Salamah, from Tsabit from Anas: “That really Rasulullah SAW (one day) while the prayer is facing Baitul Maqdis, then down verse “that, actually I see your face you often see sky, so really! We turn your face to qibla as what you want. Turn you r face to Masjidil Haram”. And then there is a man from descendants of Salamah went on a trip and find a group as sahabat is bowing in prayer at subuh and after that he said “actually qibla has changed” then they turn and imitate group of Rasul that is facing to qibla”. 36

b. Hadist which is told by Imam Bukhari

35Abdul Halim Hasan, Tafsir Al-Ahkam (Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group, 2006),

cet. I, edisi I, P. 23 36Maskufa, Ilmu Falaq (jakarta: GP Press, 2009), P. 127.


قال ابوھریرة رضي الله تعالى عنھ قال

: قال رسول الله صلى الله علیھ وسلم :

استقبل القبلة وكبر. (رواه

البخارى)That is: From Abu Hurairah r.a, said Rasulullah saw said “facing to qibla and

then takbir” (HR Bukhari). 37

حدثنا مسلم قال : حدثنا ھشام قال :

یحي بن ابى كثیر عن محمد بن عبد

الرحمن عن جابر قال : قال رسول الله

صلى الله علیھ وسلم یصلي على راحلتھ

حیث توجھت . فإذا أراد الفریضة نزل

قبلة. (رواه البخارى)فاستقبل الThat is: Telling Muslim, telling Hasyim Yahya bin Abi Katsir from Muhammad bi Abdurrahman from Jabir, said: when Rasulullah saw take prayer on his vehicle, he faced to the direction as what moush want and when he wanted to take prayer which which is obligation he goes down and then facing to qibla. (HR Bukhari). 38

c. Hadist which is told by Ibnu Majah and Tirmidzi

ما بین المشرق والمغرب قبلة (رواه

ابن مجھ و ترمذى)That is: Between west and east, there is qibla. (HR Ibnu Majah and Tirmidzi).

37Ibid, P. 126. 38Moh. Murtadho, Ilmu Falak Praktis, P. 132.


d. Hadist which told by Imam Al-Baihaqi

ما بین المشرق والمغرب قبلة اذا

)توجھ نحو البیت (رواه البیھقيThat is: Between west and east, there is qibla if someone who facing to direction

baitullah. (HR Al-Baihaqi).

البیت قبلة لأھل المسجد والمسجد

الحرام والحرام قبلة لأھل قبلة لأھل

الأرض في مشارقھا ومغاربھا من امتي

)(رواه البیھقيThat is: Baitullah is qibla for inhabitant Masjidil Haram, Masjidil Haram is qibla

for inhabitant haram area, haram area is qibla for all of human from west to east

for my ummah. (HR Al-Baihaqi). 39

According to arguments above those are can be known that facing qibla is a

must for human who takes prayer. So that most of fuqaha’ agree with saying that

facing qibla is obligation when prayer. Hence it is not valid for someone who

takes prayer without facing qibla. And ka’bah is direction of Mecca who takes

prayer in Masjidil Haram. This masjidil haram is qibla for people in Mecca and

around there. And Mecca its self is qibla for people who far from there (outside


C. Mufties’s Interpretation About The Direction Of Mecca

39Ibid, P. 133.


Every mufty agreed about ka’bah is qibla for all of muslim in taking prayer

but in technical system and system quality in facing kiblah, there is different

argumentation exactly in territorial area which is far from ka’bah.

Some scholars have their own special interpretation in the Qibla for people

far from the Ka’bah. We can see some difference of interpretation against the

propositions that had existed in the Qur'an and Hadith include: 40

1. Imam Hanafi

He get opinion, for someone who are far from ka’bah so he must face

qibla by jihatul ka’bah, it mean that direction of ka’bah.

2. Imam Maliki

For people who are outside Mecca just enough with the facing direction

only, without their having to overlook ainul Ka’bah. However surely there is a

requirement that is part of his face required facing towards the Ka’bah.

3. Imam Syafi’i

According to him, those who are far from the Ka’bah then mandatory for

him as he was about to carry out the prayer should be Ijtihad to find Qiblah

direction correctly, both with clues from the stars, the Sun, the Moon, blow it

the wind every direction just about anything that can be a clue to the Qibla. 41

4. Imam Hambali

He argues, for people who are away from the Ka’bah and therefore not

exposed to Taklif facing Ainul Ka’bah. However he obligated facing Ka’bah

Jihatul by following the direction of the Qibla of the mosque Muslims or ask

40Muhammad Jawad Mughniyah, Al-Fiqh ‘Ala Al-Madzahib Al-Khamsah, Masykur A, B. Afif Muhammad dan Idrus Al-Kaff, Fiqih Lima Mazhab (Jakarta: Lentera, 2007), cet. V, P. 77.

41Imam Syafi’i, Ringkasan Kitab Al-Umm, P. 146.


the person who Tsiqoh about the direction of the Qibla. Thus, it is natural for

any cleric has its own interpretation in interpret the Qiblah direction for people

far from the Ka’bah. The difference is based on the interpretation of the verses

of the Quran and the Hadith about the direction of the Qibla.42

Of the differences, meaning that wherever they are, whether in the East or

the West, whether in the North or South they should Ka’bah confronts their face

toward the Ka’bah in prayer time. So in prayers is not stuck in one direction as it

has done the Christians (facing East) or the Jews (only facing West. Therefore, the

Muslims should learn Earth science and science of falak.

Told that implementation of praying Muslims in Suriname there is a West-

facing angle to the North and there are also facing eastward angle to the North.

This is because the people of Suriname came from Indonesia and are convinced

that prayer it should be facing West angle to the North, as when in Indonesia. But

people who already know the Qiblah direction, they overlook the angle to the

North East of 210 43’ 50.80’’ (T-U).43

D. History Of The Qibla Direction

The city of Jerusalem discovered in 4,000 Before masehi is a very

important area for the three Abrahamic religions, Islam, Christians and Jews. In

the old city of Jerusalem, this is one area that is known as the Temple Mount or

Haram al-Sharif (the Holy land/the Hill) which later became the Foundation of

Al-Aqsa Mosque and Kubah Shakhrah.

42Muhammad Jawad Mughniyah, Al-Fiqh ‘Ala Al-Madzahib Al-Khamsah, Masykur A, B. Afif

Muhammad dan Idrus Al-Kaff, Fiqih Lima Mazhab, P. 78. 43Maskufa, Ilmu Falak, P. 123-124.


Holy Hill has an area of about 35 hectares and surrounded by the walls of

the rectangular area in the East of the old city of Jerusalem including the area of

East Jerusalem. Because it has a very important value for the Abrahamic religions,

inevitably this region into the most contested region. The area is also known by

the Jews with the name Har haBáyit.

Long before the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Kubah Shakhrah was built on the

territory of Jerusalem, precisely in 1000 before masehi King Daud (the Prophet

Daud A. S) conquered the city of Jerusalem from the jebusites. After the conquest,

the King David made the city of Jerusalem as the capital of the Kingdom of Israel.

When King David died in 970 Before masehi, his son Solomon (Prophet Sulaiman

A. S) forward a throne.44

King Solomon built the first temple (formerly known as the Temple of

Solomo) in the area of Holy Hill, precisely in the year 968 BM. This first Temple

continues to stand firmly for 375 years. Later, in 586 BM, the first temple was

destroyed by the armies of Babylonia.

Construction of the second temple started by King Cyrus in 538 BM. The

process of the reconstruction of the second temple it takes up quite a lot of time

and recently completed in 516 BM. And then, circa 19 BM, King Herodes (Herod

the Great) did a massive expansion. At that time, King Herod ordered the masons

to cut the surface of the stone to the East and South of the Hill, and then layer it

with artificial platforms and do reconstruction back the second temple.

44Mohammad Murtadho, Ilmu Falak Praktis, P. 134.


However, there was the first war that involves the Jews and the Romans.

After the great revolt of the Jews against the Roman rule in Judea, the second

temple was later destroyed by the Roman army led by General Titus who was the

son of the Emperor Vespasian in 70 M.

In 530 M, Emperor Justinian built a church on the site of the former

Temple. Christian Church called the Church of Our Lady is purposely built by

Emperor Justinian as an offering to the Virgin Mary. Then, in the early 7th

century, the Sassanid Emperor Khosrau II destroyed the Church and leaving only

its ruins.

It is not known with certainty, when Al-Aqsa Mosque was established in

the area of Holy Hill. First, the Al-Aqsa Mosque is a small mosque built by Umar

Ibn Al-Khattab. Later, this small mosque overhauled and brought up the building

during the reign of the Umayyads then led by Abd Al-Malik. The reconstruction

process is completed in the reign of al-Walid who was the son of Abd Al-Malik.45

In Islamic teachings, explained that the Al-Aqsa Mosque is one of the

destinations on the way the Isra ' Ascension Prophet Muhammad SAW. From the

Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jibril Angel to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. escorted travel to

heaven. In this journey, the Prophet met some Prophet of his predecessors and

ultimately accepted the five daily prayers.

Al-Aqsa Mosque was also the first qibla for prays during the 16-17 months

after the move to Medina in the year 624 BM. However, after the Messenger

45Ibid, P. 137.


received instructions at the moment are praying, the Messenger of change it

became the Qibla direction facing the Ka'bah.

For this reason, the Holy Hill is considered to be the third of the Holy land

for Muslims. Although the Qur'an does not mention the city of Jerusalem as a

palpable, the city of Jerusalem a place of Holy Hill is often mentioned in the

Hadith-Hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Some academics also connects the

holiness of Jerusalem with the development and expansion of a literary style

known as Al-Fadhail or history of the city. Fadhail Jerusalem later inspired the

Muslims, particularly in the Umayyad period, to embellish the beautify of the city.

E. Various Methods Of Qibla Direction

Qibla direction method has several kinds of, among others:

1. Modern

1.1. Methodolit a count using the Ephemeris Tool Theodolit. 46



46 Muhyiddin Khazin, Ilmu Falak (Dalam Teori dan Praktik) (Yogyakarta: Buana Pustaka,

2004) cet. I, P. 62.


Under these sections of the theodolit along with an explanation of its


a. Micrometers is part theodolit that serves to adjust the vertical direction

with a subtle shift in order to put the fine angles.

b. the objective Lens is useful to theodolit section see the intended object so

that it appears more clear when seen from a certain point.

c. Vertical locking screw is claims binoculars if nivo tubes on binocular is

right on a balance that shows a straight line horizontally. In addition, this

section also serves to lock the large vertical angle needed so that its position

has not changed.

d. Vertical tangent screw, screw diaphragm is horizontal hand gestures that

are useful as determining angle readings on the first and the second wids.

e. Upper plate screw tangens i.e. the screw locking the top reps are beneficial

to lock the tool in order to position the right already leads on goal not tergeser


f. Lower plate screw i.e. lock screws the bottom that reps are also useful for

maintaining the position of the targets of the viewfinder and return a zero

angle on the North as a guide measurements.

g. okuler is part of the lens which acts to theodolit aiming the object sought.

h. screw-shaped Reflector to regulate the intensity of light in order to capture

objects look more obvious.

i. Nivo tube-shaped tube containing water and air that serves to check the

level of the horizontal axis II base material flatness.


j. Nivo box serves to check the level of the base material flatness and vertical


k. Operating keys are keys which are used to give orders and inform the data

angle, set the 0 degrees, the degree of tilt, and so on.

l. Display is a screen for displaying related data surveying.

Preparation before performing the measurement of Qibla direction

somewhere or a city with an advance then theodolit performed are:

Define a city that will be measured quantum Qibla direction.

Define the data of latitude (φ) and longitudinal place (λ).

- Latitude places/’Ardlul balad is the distance to the equator is measured

somewhere along the lines of longitude. The equator is the latitude of

the Earth's poles to 0o – 90


- The longitude of places/Thulul balad is the distance an until the town of

greenwich longitudes. Greenwich is 180o West longitude (BB) and 180


East longitude. 47

47Ahmad Izzuddin, Fiqh Hisab Rukyah (Menyatukan NU & Muhammadiyah) (Jakarta:

Erlangga, 2003), P. 28.


Data latitude and longitudinal ka’bah

Data latitude and longitudinal is narious like:

No Sumber data Lintang Bujur 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Atlas PR Bos 38 Mohammad Ilyas Saadoe’ddin Djambek (1) Saadoe’ddin Djambek (2) Nabhan Masputra Ma’shum bin Ali Google Earth Monzur Ahmed Ali Alhadad Gerhard Kaufmann S. Kamal Abdali Muhammad Basil at- Ta’i

210 31’ LU 210 LU 210 20’ LU 210 25’ LU 210 25’ 14,7 LU 210 50’ LU 210 25’21,2’’ LU 210 25’ 18’’ LU 210 25’23,2’’ LU 210 25’21,4’’ LU 210 25’ 24’’ LU 210 26’ LU

390 58’ BT 400 BT 390 50’ BT 390 50’ BT 390 49’ 40’’ BT 400 13’ BT 390 49’ 34’’ BT 390 49’ 30’’ BT 390 49’ 38’’ BT 390 49’ 34’’ BT 390 49’ 24’’ BT 390 49’ BT

13. Mohammad Odeh 210 25’ 22’’ LU 39049’31’’ BT48

Preparing calculation of rule direction of Qibla which will

be measured and the value should be from west to east

Preparing empheris astronomy data, day in date the

measurim be held

Bringing wacth which is accurate.

The implementation is done after preparetion is

complete the steps to use it:

• Setting theodoloit to it’s buffer

• Check the waterpas which is evailable in theodolit to

set seriously

• Give remark to place which theodolite sland

• Take aim to sun

48Susiknan Azhari, Ilmu Falak (Perjumpaan Khazanah Islam Dan Sains Modern) (Yogyakarta: Suara Muhammadiyah, 2007), P. 206.


• Lock the theodolit by horizontal telescop and make

tight to not make it move

• Press button “0 – set” theodolit

• (HA= Horizontal Angel) shows 0

• Write the time when take aim the sun. 49

• Convert time shot with GMT (for example wib and chake it for about

7 hours)

• See the value of declination of the Sun (δ0) and equetion of time (e) as

the Sun culminating with (for example at five o’clock GMT) from the


Sun declination / Mailus Syams is the distance along the circle of

declination computed from the equator to the Sun.

Equetion of time / Ta’dilul Waqti / Ta’diluz Zaman / is the time

difference is time grader between essential Sun with solar time average

(middle). 50

Calculate the time Meridian Pass (MP) with the formula:

MP = (105 - λ) : 15) + 12 – e

Meridian Pass (MP) is time when Sun is fix with top culmination, or center

of meridian sky. 51

Calculate the angel time (t0) by from:

T0 : (MP – time of taking aim) x 15

49 It would be better if the measurements are done exactly as at 09.00. 50 Muhyiddin Khazin, Ilmu Falak (Teori Dan Praktek), P. 67-69. 51 Ibid, P. 70.


Calculate azimuth sun (A0) by from:

Cotg A0 = [(cos φ x tan δ0) : sin t0) – (sin φ : tan t0)] 52

Direction of Qibla by theodolit is:

• If δ0 is positive and taking aim is done before sun gets culmination so

AK= 360 - A0 - qibla (B-U).

• If δ0 is positive and taking aim is done after sun gets culmination AK

= A0 – qibla (B-U).

• If δ0 is negative and taking aim is done before sun gets culmination

so AK = 360 – (180 - A0) – qibla (B - U).

• If δ0 is negative and taking aim is done after sun gets culmination so

AK = 180 - A0 - qibla (B-U).

Open the lock of horizontal and loosen the horizontal clam telescop.

Revolve theodolit so thet show the of AK. 53

• Go down the target of theodolit till touch the land for about 5 maters

from theodolit which stards and a mark it (ex. Q)

• Connect point T and terget Q with straight line or rope .

• Straight line or rope is direction of Qibla at that area.

52 [....] = Absolute. 53 When rotated to the right (clockwise) then the number increases (increases) and vice

versa if rotated to the left (clockwise) then the number decreases (decreases).


1.2. Measuring direction of Qibla by compass. 54



Calculate first the direction of Qibla in one of place which is the direction

(B – U) then do these step as below:

• Choose smoot and flat area.

• Determine the point of north or east by compass then remark both of


• Both of the point is connected by rope then shows the straight line of north

and south which is real.

• Make point P at the rope which is connected north and south which is real.

• Point P is pulled to west by line so that be PB line.

• Pull it for about some meter from point P to B then it is remarked be C (ec.

1 meter).

• Pull goupright line to north for point C.

• The line which is pulled from point C is neasured by tansent the direction of

Qibla (ex: 24042’ 46, 34’’ = 0,46 meter), then remark it by point K.

54Muhyiddin Khazin, Ilmu Falak (Teori Dan Praktek), P. 59.


• Pull the line between point P and K so thet it builds line PK and this line

shows the direction of Qibla.

2. Traditional

2.1. Rashdul Qibla

Rashdul qibla is certanty of time where the shalow is hit sun ray shows

the direction of Qibla.55

Determining of direction of Qibla based on shadow of pole or stick at

the certain time. The equipment which is used line : bencet, miqyas, it’s

name is zenith ka’bah. Position of latitude of ka’bah which is smaller then

declination maximum value of sun causes sun can through ka’bah so that

the value is accepted be more accurate when we compare it with other


2.2. Sun position is on ka’bah which is happened every year on 28 may and 16

july. 56

• 28 May (jam 11j 57 m 16 d LMT or 09j 17 m 56 d GMT).

• 16 July (jam 12j 06 m 03 d LMT or 09j 26 m 43 d GMT). 57

55 “Cara menentukan arah kiblat”, in http://www.penemuanterbaru.com/2016/07/cara-

menentukan-arah-kiblat.html. Accessed on April 26, 2017. 56Muhyiddin Khazin, Ilmu Falak (Teori Dan Praktek), P. 73. 57Lintang Ka’bah 21

0 25’ LU and bujur Ka’bah 390 50’ BT by Muhyiddin Khazin, Ilmu Falak


If it is wanted by another time so GMT should be corected58 by

difference time in one place (ex. 28 may = 09j 17 m 56d + 7 hours =

16j 17 m 56 d Wib).

2.3. Sun position in ka’bah zone. 59

• Determine the area to know latitude and longitudional data

• Calculate qibla by north to west (U – B)

• Determine the data to know sun declination and equation of time

• Calculate the subtance which is needed in formula

• Do the calculation by formula which is available

2.4. The way to know the direction of Qibla by knowing “sahabat position” to


• Use sun to determine the direction of qibla. During 1000 yers, the

profesional of navigation depens on sun to know thein location. By

knowing where the sun is rise in set you can find the position and

direction to get Mecca.

• Make a clock for sun. Look for the smooth area and before noon. Put

vertical thing or stick by length 1 meter.

(Teori Dan Praktik), P. 80.

58 East longitude plus (+) and West longitude in subtract (-) 59 Muhyiddin Khazin, Ilmu Falak (Teori Dan Praktek), P. 74.


• Remark shadow the tip of stick

• Measure the length of shadow and make a circle around stick by using

the length of shadow as it’s radius.

• In a row of day (to noon), shadow will get longth again in a row of

night and will tougch the sourch of circle. At that time make another

remark and draw a line between two remarks which has “sahabat


• The line representative east and west. The first point is west and the

second one is east.

• Make upright for east and west line. The line is north and south of


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