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Page 1: Character-Level Modelshs/ranlp/pchar.flat.pdf · tokenization, morphology, BPEs The deep learning model that is optimized for a particular objective The preprocessing component is

Character-Level Models

Hinrich Schutze

Center for Information and Language Processing, LMU Munich


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1 Motivation

2 fastText

3 CNNs


5 Summary

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1 Motivation

2 fastText

3 CNNs


5 Summary

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Typical NLP pipeline: Tokenization

Mr. O’Neill thinks that Brazil’s capital is Rio.


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Typical NLP pipeline: Tokenization

Mr. O’Neill thinks that Brazil’s capital is Rio.


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Typical NLP pipeline: Tokenization

Mr. O’Neill thinks that Brazil’s capital is Rio.


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Typical NLP pipeline: Tokenization

Mr. O’Neill thinks that Brazil’s capital is Rio.


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Typical NLP pipeline: Tokenization

Mr. O’Neill thinks that Brazil’s capital is Rio.


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Typical NLP pipeline: Tokenization

Mr. O’Neill thinks that Brazil’s capital is Rio.


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Typical NLP pipeline: Morphological analysis

For example: lemmatization

Mr. O’Neill knows that the US has fifty states

Mr. O’Neill know that the US have fifty state

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Preprocessing in the typical NLP pipeline


Morphological analysis

Later today: BPEs

What is the problem with this?

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Problems with typical preprocessing in NLP

Rules do not capture structure within tokens.

Regular morphology, e.g., compounding:“Staubecken” can mean “Staub-Ecken” (dusty corners) or“Stau-Becken” (dam reservoir)

Non-morphological, semi-regular productivity:cooooooooooool, fancy-shmancy,Watergate/Irangate/Dieselgate

Blends:Obamacare, mockumentary, brunch

Onomatopoeia, e.g., “oink”, “sizzle”, “tick tock”

Certain named entity classes: What is “lisinopril”?

Noise due to spelling errors:“signficant”

Noise that affects token boundaries, e.g., in OCR:“run fast” → “runfast”

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Problems with typical preprocessing in NLP

Rules do not capture structure across tokens.

Noise that affects token boundaries, e.g., in OCR:“gumacamole” → “guaca” “mole”

recognition of names / multiphrase expressions“San Francisco-Los Angeles flights”

“Nonsegmented” languages: Chinese, Thai, Burmese

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Pipelines in deep learning (and StatNLP in general)

We have a pipeline consisting of two differ-ent subsystems:

A preprocessing component:tokenization, morphology, BPEs

The deep learning model that isoptimized for a particular objective

The preprocessing component is notoptimal for the objective and there aremany cases where it’s outrightharmful.

If we replace the preprocessingcomponent with a character-levellayer, we can train the architectureend2end and get rid of the pipeline.

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Advantages of end2end vs. pipeline

End2end optimizes all parameters of a deep learning modeldirectly for the learning objective, including “first-layer”parameters that connect the raw input representation to thefirst layer of internal representations of the network.

Pipelines generally don’t allow “backtracking” if an error hasbeen made in the first element of the pipeline.

In character-level models, there is no such thing as anout-of-vocabulary word. (OOV analysis)

Character-level models can generate words / units that didnot occur in the training set (OOV generation).

End2end can deal better with human productivity (e.g.,“brunch”), misspellings etc.

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Three character-level models


Bag of character ngrams

Character-aware CNN (Kim, Jernite, Sontag, Rush, 2015)



Character-level BiLSTM

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1 Motivation

2 fastText

3 CNNs


5 Summary

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FastText is an extension of word2vec.

It computes embeddings for character ngrams

A word’s embedding isthe sum of its character ngram embeddings.

Parameters:minimum ngram length: 3, maximum ngram length: 6

The embedding of “dendrite” will be the sum of the followingngrams: @dendrite@ @de den end ndr dri rit ite te@ @dendend endr ndri drit rite ite@ @dend dendr endri ndrit driterite@ @dendr dendri endrit ndrite drite@

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fastText: Example for benefits

Embedding for character ngram “dendri”→ “dentrite” and “dentritic” are similar

word2vec: no guarantee, especially for rare words

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fastText paper

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fastText objective




− log p(wc |wt)

T length of the training corpus in tokensCt words surrounding word wt

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Probability of a context word: softmax?

p(wc |wt) =exp(s(wt ,wc))

∑Wj=1 exp(s(wj ,wc ))

s(wt ,wc) scoring function that maps word pair to RProblems: too expensive

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Instead of softmax:

Negative sampling and binary logistic loss

log(1 + exp(−s(wt ,wc ))) +∑


log(1 + exp(s(wt ,wn)))

ℓ(s(wt ,wc)) +∑


ℓ(−s(wt ,wn))

Nt,c set of negative examples sampled from the vocabularyℓ(x) log(1 + exp(−x)) (logistic loss)

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Binary logistic loss for corpus





ℓ(s(wt ,wc )) +∑


ℓ(−s(wt ,wn))]

ℓ(x) log(1 + exp(−x))

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Scoring function

s(wt ,wc) = u⊺


uwt the input vector of wt

vwc the output vector (or context vector) of wc

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Subword model

s(wt ,wc) =1

|Gwt |




Gwt set of ngrams of wt and wt itself

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fastText: Summary

Basis: word2vec skipgram

Objective:includes character ngrams as well as word itself

Result: word embeddings that combine word-level andcharacter-level information

We can compute an embedding for any unseen word (OOV).

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Letter n-gram generalization can be good


1.000 automobile 779 mid-size 770 armored 763 seaplane 754 bus754 jet 751 submarine 750 aerial 744 improvised 741 anti-aircraft


1.000 automobile 976 automobiles 929 Automobile 858manufacturing 853 motorcycles 849 Manufacturing 848 motorcycle841 automotive 814 manufacturer 811 manufacture

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Letter n-gram generalization can be bad


1.000 Steelers 884 Expos 865 Cubs 848 Broncos 831 Dinneen 831Dolphins 827 Pirates 826 Copley 818 Dodgers 814 Raiders


1.000 Steelers 893 49ers 883 Steele 876 Rodgers 857 Colts 852Oilers 851 Dodgers 849 Chalmers 849 Raiders 844 Coach

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Letter n-gram generalization: no-brainer for unknowns



(“video-conferences” did not occur in corpus)


1.000 video-conferences 942 conferences 872 conference 870Conferences 823 inferences 806 Questions 805 sponsorship 800References 797 participates 796 affiliations

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fastText extensions (Mikolov et al, 2018)

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fastText extensions (Mikolov et al, 2018)

Position-dependent features

Phrases (like word2vec)


Pretrained word vectors for 157 languages

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fastText evaluation

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Pretrained fasttext embeddings

Afrikaans, Albanian, Alemannic, Amharic, Arabic, Aragonese, Armenian, Assamese, Asturian, Azerbaijani, Bashkir,

Basque, Bavarian, Belarusian, Bengali, Bihari, Bishnupriya Manipuri, Bosnian, Breton, Bulgarian, Burmese,

Catalan, Cebuano, Central Bicolano, Chechen, Chinese, Chuvash, Corsican, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Divehi, Dutch,

Eastern Punjabi, Egyptian Arabic, Emilian-Romagnol, English, Erzya, Esperanto, Estonian, Fiji Hindi, Finnish,

French, Galician, Georgian, German, Goan Konkani, Greek, Gujarati, Haitian, Hebrew, Hill Mari, Hindi, Hungarian,

Icelandic, Ido, Ilokano, Indonesian, Interlingua, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kannada, Kapampangan, Kazakh,

Khmer, Kirghiz, Korean, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Kurdish (Sorani), Latin, Latvian, Limburgish, Lithuanian, Lombard,

Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Maithili, Malagasy, Malay, Malayalam, Maltese, Manx, Marathi,

Mazandarani, Meadow Mari, Minangkabau, Mingrelian, Mirandese, Mongolian, Nahuatl, Neapolitan, Nepali,

Newar, North Frisian, Northern Sotho, Norwegian (Bokmal), Norwegian (Nynorsk), Occitan, Oriya, Ossetian,

Palatinate German, Pashto, Persian, Piedmontese, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Romanian, Romansh, Russian,

Sakha, Sanskrit, Sardinian, Scots, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Sicilian, Sindhi, Sinhalese, Slovak,

Slovenian, Somali, Southern Azerbaijani, Spanish, Sundanese, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tajik, Tamil, Tatar,

Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish, Turkmen, Ukrainian, Upper Sorbian, Urdu, Uyghur, Uzbek, Venetian, Vietnamese,

Volapuk, Walloon, Waray, Welsh, West Flemish, West Frisian, Western Punjabi, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zazaki, Zeelandic

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fastText skipgram parameters

-input <path>training file path

-output <path>output file path

-lr (0.05)learning rate

-lrUpdateRate (100)rate of updates for the learning rate

-dim (100)dimensionality of word embeddings

-ws (5)size of the context window

-epoch (5)number of epochs

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fastText skipgram parameters

-minCount (5)minimal number of word occurrences

-neg (5)number of negatives sampled

-wordNgrams (1)max length of word ngram

-loss (ns)loss function ∈ { ns, hs, softmax }

-bucket (2,000,000)number of buckets

-minn (3)min length of char ngram

-maxn (6)max length of char ngram

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fastText skipgram parameters

-threads (12)number of threads

-t (0.0001)sampling threshold

-label <string>labels prefix

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1 Motivation

2 fastText

3 CNNs


5 Summary

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Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Basic idea

We learn feature detectors.

Each feature detector has a fixed size, e.g., a width of threecharacters.

We slide the feature detector over the input (e.g., an inputword).

The feature detector indicates for each point in the input theactivation of the feature at that point.

Then we pass to the next layer the highest activation we’vefound.

Example task in following slides: detect capitalization

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Convolution&pooling architecture

@ M c C a i n @ l o s e s @




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Input layer

@ M c C a i n @ l o s e s @




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Convolution layer

@ M c C a i n @ l o s e s @




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Convolution layer (filter size 3)


@ M c C a i n @ l o s e s @

a = g(H ⊙ X )

g(H⊙X )




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Convolutional layer: configuration

Convolutional filter: a = g(H ⊙ X + b)

g : nonlinearity (e.g., sigmoid)

H: filter parameters

X is the input to the filter,of dimensionality D × k

Kernel size (or filter size) k : length of subsequence

D is the dimensionality of the embeddings.

⊙ is the (Frobenius) inner product:H ⊙ X =

(i ,j)HijXij

H also has dimensionality D × k .

Number of kernels/filters

Usually: mix of filters of different sizes

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dos Santos and Zadrozny (2014)

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CNN for generating word embeddings

character embeddings,dimensionality d chr

convolutional filter W0 (here: widthkchr = 3)

input to filter: zm, concatentationof kchr = 3 character embeddings

output of filter: g(W0 ⊙ zm + b0)

one output vector per positionhere: M = 9− kchr + 1

maxpooling:[rwch]j =max1≤m≤M [g(W0 ⊙ zm + b0)]j

rwch is the character-basedembedding of the input word“clearly”

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Character-based word embeddings are trained end2end – herefor a part-of-speech (POS) tagging task.

It’s apparent that the word embeddings reflect similarity forthe POS task.

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dchr 10 dimensionality of character embeddingskchr 5 width of convolutional filtersn 50 number of convolutional filters

(= dimensionality of character-based word embeddings)

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POS performance of character-based word embeddings

If regular word embeddings (WNN; e.g., word2vec) areavailable (OOSV), then character-based word embeddings donot help.

If not (OOUV), then character-based word embeddingsperform best.

Overall performance is also the best.

Hand-engineered features slightly worse than character-basedword embeddings.

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Kim et al. 2016 (AAAI)

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Kim et al. 2016 (AAAI)

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Convolutional filters of many sizes

Highway network

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dchr 15 dimensionality of character embeddingskchr 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 width of convolutional filtersn min(200, 50 · kchr) number of filters per width

1100 dimensionality char-based word embeddings

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Language modeling results (perplexity)

Character-based model is on par with state of the art at thetime

But has a smaller number of parameters

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Here the objective is language modeling, so we get more thanPOS similarity (“advertised” / “advertising”)

Big difference before/after highway

Highway copies over useful character information(computer-aided / computer-guided) and filters outmisleading character-based similarity (“loooook” / “cook”).

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1 Motivation

2 fastText

3 CNNs


5 Summary

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FLAIR: Akbik et al (2018)

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FLAIR embeddings

First layer: biLSTM

Second layer: FLAIR word embedding:concatenation of fLM hidden state after last characterand bLM hidden state before first character(fLM = forward language model)(bLM = backward language model)

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Motivation for FLAIR embeddings

FLAIR embeddings are contextual.

The same word has different FLAIR embeddings in different contexts!

Hope: context (e.g., “George”) incorporated into FLAIR embedding(e.g., “Washington”) in the context “George Washington”

Pretraining: In contrast to character-embeddings learned for a specifictask, FLAIR embeddings can be pretrained on huge unlabeled corpora

Plus: FLAIR embeddings have all the other advantages ofcharacter-based word embeddings, e.g., robustness against noise andno out-of-vocabulary words.

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Typical use of FLAIR embeddings:

Sequence labeling

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Stacking embeddings: a FLAIR embedding can be extendedwith other word embeddings: word2vec, fastText etc.

Also: a FLAIR embedding can be extended with atask-trained embedding, i.e., trained end2end on the trainingset of the task

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Nearest neighbors in FLAIR embedding space

This demonstrates that FLAIR embeddings indeed capturevaluable context – so they are contextualized embeddings.

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Performance of FLAIR

FLAIR beats three strong baselines – new state of the art.

Word embeddings give a big boost for some tasks.

Stacked embeddings are better than FLAIR embeddings only.

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How much information do FLAIR Embeddings contain?

Only use a linear map from embeddings

NER English NER German chunking POS

FLAIR, map 81.42 73.90 90.50 97.26FLAIR, full model 91.97 85.78 96.68 97.73word, map 48.79 57.43 65.01 89.58word, full model 88.54 82.32 95.40 96.94

Using FLAIR embeddings directly, without a sequence labelingmodel, performs surprisingly well (but big gap to full model).

In particular, FLAIR/map is much better that word/map.

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1 Motivation

2 fastText

3 CNNs


5 Summary

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fastText CNN FLAIR

architecture ngram embed’s CNN biLSTMpipeline end2end mixed

language modeling BOW/fixed pos. filters sequentialefficient to train? + − −pretrained available? + − +expressivity − + +combinable withword embeddings + + +within-token, OOVs + + +cross-token inflexible − +

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See “references.pdf” document

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