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Character Theory

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Vladimir Propp

Vladimir Propp was a literary critic and scholar who founded the idea that certain types of character were portrayed in every narrative structure. His theory has influenced many filmmakers to write and produce successful narratives. Propp also argues that all fairy takes follow a specific narrative structure.

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Vladimir Propp’s Character TheoryPropp’s eight different character types:

1. The Hero = This is the main chaacter whom the audience will recognise as the key character in the narrative. This character is usually good.

2. The Villain = fights the hero in some way3. The Helper = helps the hero in his quest as a companion, giving him advice and

support. 4. The Princess/Prize = the hero deserves her throughout but is unable to “win” her

because of an unfair evil, usually the “villain” . The hero’s quest is often ended once he marries the princess. Thereby beating the villain and resulting in a “happily ever after” ending.

5. The Dispatcher = gives the task to the hero, identifies the false hero and could be described as the princess’ father. Propp notes that functionally , the princess and father cannot be clearly distinguished

6. The Donor = prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object7. The Hero or Victim = reacts to the donor/ marries the princess8. False Hero = takes the credit for the hero’s actions or tries to marry the princess

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1. The Dispatcher = This character could be the princess’ father as he sets gives the task to the hero and identifies the false hero (sending the hero on a wild goose chase)

2. The Princess’ Father – This 3. The Donor = This character is similar to the role of the

helper. The Donor prepares the hero or gives the hero something to repair the problem in the narrative (Tondorov). The Hero or Victim = reacts to the donor/ marries the princess

4. False Hero = takes the credit for the hero’s actions or tries to marry the princess

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The Villain

This is the character who struggles against the hero. Typically with some sort of scarring. The villain usually appears in dark colours and as not attractive. This is to juxtapose between the hero and the villain, highlighting their differences. An example of this sort of villain is seen in “The Joker” in Batman.

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The Dispatcher

The Dispatcher is the character who invites the hero to eliminate the evilAn example of a “dispatcher” is in the character “Nick Fury” from the “Avengers Assemble” movies as he collects the heroes in order to help them fight off the villain (i.e. Loki/Aliens/Hydra)

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The Helper

• This is the character who helps the hero fight against the evil/villains

• An example of this character is “Robin” from “Batman and Robin” who helps Batman by providing a physical presence in order to destroy the villain.

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The Princess

This is the character who needs help/ to be rescued from the evil villain, e.g. the damsel in distress character. The princess in Spiderman is Mary Jane/Gwen Stacy. In both films she is taken by the villain of the plot and rescued by the hero, Spiderman.

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The Hero

The hero is the most common character type and is usually in the plot to defeat the villain and “win” the princess.

An example of this is the Hero Superman who defeats his enemy, villain “Lex Luthor” and “wins” the Princess character “Lois Lane”.

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Character Theory: My Music Video

In my music video the hero/anti-hero is the mother as she rescues the daughter from the villain (the abusive father) but also is suggested to have murdered him.The helper/dispatcher is the daughter, played by Mabel, as she forces the mother into action. She is also the “Princess” as she needs to be saved by her mother from the situation.

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