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Page 1: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...
Page 2: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...

Charisma.I f you have a fee l for th ings that are rea l ,

you won' t be able to res i s t the char i sma

of rec la imed wood.

From the very beginning, we have

worked on prepar ing rec la imed wood

for modern appl icat ions ; wood that has

a spec ia l character thanks to decades o f

use and wear and features t races o f how

i t has been processed in the past . We are

now able to cover a l l customer wishes

as a complete suppl ier and in addi t ion

to provid ing qual i ty and know how of fer

profess ional consul t ing for every pro ject .

Al tholz has 20 years o f exper ience

working with rec la imed wood.

"With our experience and technical capabilities as a complete supplier,

we are the ideal partner for every reclaimed wood project."

Page 3: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...

Pure joy.

Recla imed wood i s rea l joy in the genuine

ar t ic le . As a competence centre , we

develop products made of h is tor ica l wood

that radiate the joy of something specia l

and inspire people a l l over the wor ld.

The ar t i s in prepar ing these natura l and

non-s tandardised p ieces o f wood in such

a way that on the one hand the character

i s preserved and on the other hand

further process ing i s eas i ly poss ib le .

Page 4: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...

Real.The traces o f o ld cra f t smanship and

e laborate woodworking methods, t races

o f use and natura l age ing create an

incomparable pat ina over many decades

- something that cannot be produced

ar t i f ic ia l ly.

Our employees have now been working

with great enthus iasm for over 20 years

on rec la imed wood f rom old farmhouses ,

barns , gra in s tores , factor ies and other

bui ld ings . In order to preserve the rea l

th ing and avoid damage, you need heart ,

sens i t iv i ty and a lot o f manual work.

Joy in the genuine ar t ic le .

Page 5: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...

Hand hewn.Using a broadaxe to square logs i s an ancient technique for hewing round

t imber into beams. The hand-hewn sur face shows the marks o f count less

b lows of the axe, g iv ing i t a l ive ly appearance. Modern sawmil l s have wiped

out these t radi t ions o f o ld cra f t smanship.

Due to their unique appearance, original hand-hewn surfaces are either reinstated as load-bearing elements or used for wall coverings, ceilings and

for making furniture. They convey a warm feel and are suitable for antique surroundings as well

as modern elements.

Page 6: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...


Beautiful exterior facades,

interior panels for wall & ceiling claddings,

as 3-layer panels for doors and furniture construction

These p lanks come f rom the outer

c ladding of o ld farmhouses and hay

barns .

Wind, ra in and sun have shaped their

co lor and appearance over decades . When

reprocessed and c leaned, they are an

eye-catcher. Depending on the in f luence

of the weather and the type of wood, the

color pa let te ranges f rom dark brown to

l ight brown to grey tones .

Page 7: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...

Original floorboards.The charm of o ld f loorboards l ies in

the fact that they have been worn,

c leaned, used and shaped by count less

generat ions .

As d i f ferent as their appearance i s the i r

or ig in: they come f rom warehouses ,

s tab les , publ ic and pr ivate l iv ing spaces

and br ing their unique his tory with them.

Floor boards finished for reuse, either solid or as a 3-layer floor, for walls, ceilings and

as a visible surface for furniture.Original flooring is also a sought-after

surface for wall cladding.

Page 8: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...

Old oak Oak has been an exclus ive and sought -

a f ter mater ia l for thousands of years .

Old oak beams and boards with their

or ig ina l sur face f in ish are wonder fu l

mater ia l s to be rediscovered in count less

appl icat ions .

However, o ld oak i s not just a head- turner

with i t s or ig ina l sur face.

We a lso prepare i t as sawn t imber,

which creates an at t ract ive and unique

combinat ion of rec la imed wood with a

new sur face f in ish.

Old oak is often used for tables, staircases, furniture fronts or wall coverings; cut old oak for high-quality solid table tops, stair boards,

furniture parts, fronts and wall coverings.

Page 9: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...

Madame Patina.MADAME PATINA® specia l izes in beaut i fu l ly f in ished

mater ia l s f rom or ig ina l and pa inted rec la imed wood for

furni ture, wal l panel l ing, f loors and ce i l ings .

A geometr ic bas ic des ign br ings STRUCTURE and

CONTRAST. The combinat ion of var iegated f in ishes f rom

rec la imed wood creates looks that range f rom text i le to

p icturesque impress ions making our products a p layground

for inexhaust ib le sensual exper iences .The creative mind behind the brand is

artist and designer Christian Loikits.

Page 10: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...

Do It Yourself. Recla imed wood i s now a lso ava i lab le for DIY enthus ias ts

and hobby woodworkers . Prepared in such a way that fur ther

process ing i s poss ib le without any problems.

Everyday objects made of wood are even more appeal ing i f i t i s

rec la imed wood because i t s character turns every p iece into an

unmistakable , personal or ig ina l . Tables with o ld wood panels ,

smal l furni ture i tem, p icture f rames, shelves - there are no l imits

to your imaginat ion.

For more DIY inspiration, please visit www.altholz.net


Page 11: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...

Projects.In cooperation with our partners, altholz-has realised numerous projects with original

reclaimed wood materials in recent years.

Applications for shopfitting, catering businesses, hotels and interior design for private

homes are just a few examples.

We would be pleased to help you with your project.

• Individual consultation and selection of materials in our showroom

• Support in the planning process

• 3D visualisations

• Production plan in coordination with your construction schedule

• Planning and implementation of logistics

Projects and references are available at


Page 12: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...

House of ideas.You can f ind the a l tholz - ideenhaus in Inzersdor f , a t a d is tance of

about 5 km from the a l tholz premises . Here i t i s poss ib le to see a

vast array of des ign poss ib i l i t ies and get a f i r s t -hand l iv ing exper i -


Three d i f ferent apartments are des igned to g ive an impress ion of the

bas ic themes: Oak, Grani te and Color. A dis t inct ambience for indi -

v idual i s t s who are looking for inspirat ion.

www.altholz- ideenhaus.at

You can enjoy the special flair of reclaimed wood by booking the

apartments in the altholz-ideen-haus, staying overnight and getting

a taste of the living experience.

Page 13: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...

Reclaimed wood & restaurants. A fee l ing of wel l -be ing and comfort i s

par t icular ly in demand in the cater ing t rade.

Hardly any other mater ia l has more char i sma

and can be bet ter combined with modern

e lements than o ld wood.

Page 14: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...

Old Oak, original surface

Reclaimed wood, middle layer,non or less wormholes

Sunburnt surface, brownOld Oak, sanded

Sunburnt surface, grey

Sunburnt surface, light brownSunburnt surface, mixed colors

Reclaims wood, middle layer,machine-hewn

Roof boards, rough sawn

Original hand hewn surface

Old Oak, original surface, hand scrubbedOld Oak, hand scrubbed

Middle layer reclaimed wood, wormholes

Original surface barn flooring

Original surface floor boards Madame PatinaCube - SHP-1001

Madame PatinaDiamant - SHP-2009

Madame PatinaDiamant - SHP-1003

Madame PatinaCube - SHP-2001

Madame PatinaTapisserie - SHP-2021

Madame PatinaCarre - SHP-2015

Madame PatinaCarre - SHP-1006

Madame PatinaChevrons Francais - SHP-1010

Madame PatinaTapisserie - SHP-1009

Recla imed wood comes in endless var iet ies o f shades , nuances and colors and with a pat ina that ranges f rom br ight to subdued. Hues go f rom yel low, ocher or fawn to shades o f red and dark brown or even a lmost b lack.

Pictures o f the f in ishes can only serve as examples for the mani fo ld shades o f co lor found in rec la imed wood. In newly ordered i tems, i t i s not poss ib le to guarantee the same color, spec i f ic s t ructure and gra in shown in the p ictures .


Photos: Altholz, Baumgartner & Co GmbH; Daniel Reichsthaler, www.extrawelten.at: id-Werstatt; Jakob Reisinger; Doris Meixner; Angelika Lorenzen Visuelle Kommunikation; Bernhard Schwingenschuh; Holzwerk-satt Sarleinsbach Gmbh; Hachenberger GmbH

Conception & graphic design: Werbeagentur Erhard Reichsthaler, www.reichsthaler.at

Page 15: Charisma. - altholz.net · Charisma. If you have a feel for things that are real, you won't be able to resist the charisma of reclaimed wood. From the very beginning, we have ...











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Tel.: +43 (0) 7582 81 654, F: ext. 14e-mail: [email protected]





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