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CompanyCompanyThe Brown Recluse


The Black Widow

Danger --- Danger Do Not Collect!!!

Black WidowBlack Widow• LargeLarge

• Usually BlackUsually Black

• Some may be small Some may be small and brownishand brownish

• The female black The female black widow is easily widow is easily recognized by her recognized by her shiny black body shiny black body and red hourglass and red hourglass marking underneath marking underneath her round abdomenher round abdomen

Black WidowBlack WidowSymptoms:Painful bitePainful rigid abdomenSevere diffuse muscle painExcessive salivationSweatingNausea/vomitingDifficulty breathingHeadachesWeakness


The female black widow

gives the more serious bite, but its bite is rarely


The bite feels like a pinprick. You may not even know you've been bitten. At first you may notice only slight swelling and faint red marks. Within a few hours, though, intense pain and stiffness begin.

Brown WidowBrown Widow

The black and brown widow make their

home in wood piles, under eaves, and

other undisturbed


Brown RecluseBrown Recluse•SmallSmall

•Violin shaped Violin shaped

marking on marking on backback


•Smaller than Smaller than

a quartera quarter

• It's NOT a Brown Recluse IF any of the following are true:It's NOT a Brown Recluse IF any of the following are true:

• 1) It's really 1) It's really BIGBIG: : • 2) It's really 2) It's really HAIRYHAIRY::• 3) It 3) It JUMPSJUMPS: : • 4) I found it in a 4) I found it in a WEBWEB • 5) It has 5) It has DISTINCT MARKINGS VISIBLE TO DISTINCT MARKINGS VISIBLE TO

THE NAKED EYETHE NAKED EYE, such as stripes, diamonds, , such as stripes, diamonds, chevrons, spots, etc. that are easily seen.chevrons, spots, etc. that are easily seen.

The bite, from a brown recluse,

produces a mild stinging, followed by

local redness and intense pain within

eight hours.

A fluid-filled blister forms at

the site and then sloughs off to leave a deep,

enlarging ulcer.

Brown Brown RecluseRecluse


Bacterial Infection



Symptoms:Necrotic lesionsDizzinessFeverChillsRashVomiting

Spider bite

If bitten by a brown recluse or black widow


• If possible, make a positive identification. • Use a cold cloth at the spider bite location. • Seek immediate medical attention. {MayoClinic.com}

Brown Recluse SpiderBrown Recluse Spider

Where Do They Call Home?Where Do They Call Home?

Map adapted from the following website:http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/entfacts/struct/ef631.htm

Hobo Spider Brown RecluseOther Recluses

Hobo Spider Brown RecluseOther Recluses

Where Do They Call Home?Where Do They Call Home?

Map adapted from the following website:http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/entfacts/struct/ef631.htm

TarantulasBlack WidowYellow Sac Spider

TarantulasBlack Widow


Do NOT Collect a Brown Do NOT Collect a Brown Recluse or a Black or Brown Recluse or a Black or Brown


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