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Chemical Bondingand

Compound Naming

Ionic Bonding

Ions are atoms that have lost or gained one or more electrons, resulting in a positive or negative charge

Cation = a positively charged ion

Anion = a negatively charged ion




Are the following ions, cations or anions?

Chlorine ion

Magnesium ion

Oxygen ion



gains 1 electron

Cl1- anion


loses 2 electrons





gains 2 electrons


anion *


Naming Binary Ionic Compounds

• A binary ionic compound is a compound composed of a metal cation and a non-metal anion.

• The first part of the name identifies the positive ion, which is the metal cation.

• The second part of the name identifies the negative ion, which is the non-metal anion.

• The name of the non-metal ion always ends with the suffix –ide.

Elements in Ionic Compound

Name of Ionic Compound

magnesium and phosphorus

sodium and chlorine

calcium and bromine

aluminum and oxygen

magnesium phosphide

sodium chloride

calcium bromide

aluminum oxide

Writing the chemical formulas for binary ionic compounds

1. Write the symbols with the metal first:

aluminum oxide

2. Write the charge above each symbol.3. Cross over the numbers, not the charges.4. Never write a subscript 1.

5. Write the formula, reduce if possible.

• Practice:

Elements in Ionic Compound

Ions Name Chemical Formula

potassium and bromine K1+ and Br1- potassium bromide KBr

magnesium and chlorine Mg2+ and Cl1- magnesium chloride MgCl2

calcium and oxygen Ca2+ and O2- calcium oxide CaO

calcium and iodine Ca2+ and I1- calcium iodide CaI2

aluminum and oxygen Al3+ and O2- aluminum oxide Al2O3

potassium and chlorine K1+ and Cl1- potassium chloride KCl

magnesium and nitrogen Mg2+ and N3- magnesium nitride Mg3N2

sodium and phosphorus Na1+ and P3- sodium phosphide Na3P

aluminum and sulphur Al3+ and S2- aluminum sulphide Al2S3

magnesium and bromine Mg2+ and Br1- magnesium bromide MgBr2

Now let’s do some serious practice

Multivalent Metals

Chemical Formula Name





Multivalent metals have more than one ion charge listed on the periodic table.

For example, copper can form ions with a +1 or +2 charge.

Cu+1 = copper (I)

Cu+2 = copper (Il)

Cu3N =


tin (IV) sulphide

iron (III) oxide

iron (III) fluoride

chromium (II) phosphide

[pronounced “copper one”]

[pronounced “copper two”]

copper (I) nitrideCu+1N-3 =

nickel (III) sulphide

osmium (VIII) carbide



Diatomic gases

• H2, O2, Br2, F2, I2, N2, Cl2

oxygen molecule

Elements that have two atoms joined by one or more covalent bonds to form a molecule

The anagram is HOBrFINCl

Element Fluorine Oxygen Hydrogen

Chemical formula of molecule

F2 O2 H2

# of electrons in outer shell

7 6 1

# of electrons to complete outer shell

1 2 1

# of covalent bonds formed

1 2 1

Lewis Diagram of Molecule

What is the difference between a molecular formula and structural formula?

A molecular formula is a chemical formula – it shows the number of atoms of each element.

A structural formula shows the arrangement of the atoms that make up a molecule.

water = H2Oglucose = C6H12O6water = H2Oglucose = C6H12O6water = H2Oglucose = C6H12O6water = H2Oglucose = C6H12O6water = H2Oglucose = C6H12O6

Binary molecular compounds• Binary molecular compounds are compounds composed

of two non-metals joined by one or more covalent bonds.

• You will be using the roman numeral system to name the compounds.

Common examples: carbon dioxide (CO2) carbon monoxide (CO) ammonia (NH3)

Now let’s do Nomenclature Practice Sheet #2

Ionic Compounds with Polyatomic Ions

A polyatomic ion is an ion that is composed of more than one type of atom.

A ternary compound is a compound composed of three different elements.

For example: calcium hydroxide

Naming compounds with polyatomic ions follows the same rules as other ionic compounds:

1. Write the cation 1st (e.g. calcium, Ca+2)

each molecule is composed of


1 calcium atom, 2 oxygen atoms, and 2 hydrogen atoms.

2. Write the anion 2nd (e.g. hydroxide, OH-)

Charge Name Chemical Formula


(CN) -

(OH ) -

(NO3 ) -

(ClO3 ) -

(HCO3 ) -

(HSO4 ) -

(H2PO4 ) -


(CO3 ) 2-

(SO4 ) 2-

(HPO4 ) 2-

-3 (PO4 ) 3-

+1 (NH4 ) +








hydrogen carbonate

hydrogen sulphate

hydrogen phosphate

dihydrogen phosphate


Name Chemical Formula

calcium carbonate



potassium sulphate

calcium nitrate


sodium phosphate


cobalt(II) phosphate



ammonium sulphate

magnesium phosphate



iron (III) hydrogen sulphate


lithium hydroxide


So what are all of these compounds?

sodium chloride

zinc oxide

calcium carbonate

calcium hydroxide

So what are all of these compounds?

nitrogen dioxide

dinitrogen tetraoxide

carbon tetrachloridesodium nitrite

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