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Chemistry of Aerogels and Their Applications

Alain C. Pierre† and Gerard M. Pajonk*,‡

Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse, UPR 5401 du CNRS, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon1, 2 avenue Albert Einstein,69626 Villeurbanne Cedex, France, Laboratoire d’Application de la Chimie a l’Environnement, UMR 5634, Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon 1,

43 Bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France

Received November 26, 2001

ContentsI. Introduction 4243II. Sol−Gel Processing 4244

A. Inorganic Gels 4245B. Chemical Differences between Silica and

Other Oxides Sol−Gel Chemistry4246

C. Alumina and Other Oxide Aerogels 4247D. Organic Aerogels 4248E. Carbon Aerogels 4249

III. Transforming Wet Gels to Aerogels 4249A. Supercritical Drying 4249B. Other Drying Techniques 4250

IV. Texture and Structure of Aerogels 4251V. Chemical Adaptation of Aerogels to Thermal


A. Summary of the Insulation Properties 4251B. Chemistry of Monolithicity 4252C. Chemistry of Hydrophobicity 4253D. New Chemical Developments in Organic,

Hybrid Organic-Silica Aerogels, and OtherRelated Materials


VI. Application of Aerogels for Acoustic Insulation 4255VII. Chemical Adaptation of Aerogels for Optical


A. Chemistry of Homogeneous Porous Texture 4255B. Aerogels in Cherenkov Counters 4256C. The Chemistry of Luminescent Arogels 4256

VIII. The Chemistry of Electrical Applications 4257A. Batteries 4257B. Capacitor Electrodes 4257C. Dielectric Materials 4258D. Piezoelectric Materials 4258

IX. Application of Aerogels Due to Their MechanicalProperties


X. Cosmic (Comet) Dust Collection by SilicaAerogels


XI. Aerogels as Additives or Encapsulation Medium 4259A. Chemical Applications 4259B. Aerogels for Inertial Confinement Fusion


C. Silica Aerogels for Nuclear Waste Storage 4260D. Applications in Fundamental Sciences 4260

XII. Application of Aerogels in Catalysis 4260XIII. Silica Aerogel and Life Science 4261XIV. Further Potential Developments in the Chemical

Synthesis of Aerogels4261

XV. Conclusions 4262XVI. References 4262

I. Introduction

In the present review, aerogels designate dried gelswith a very high relative pore volume. These areversatile materials that are synthesized in a first stepby low-temperature traditional sol-gel chemistry.However, while in the final step most wet gels areoften dried by evaporation to produce so-calledxerogels, aerogels are dried by other techniques,essentially supercritical drying. As a result, the drysamples keep the very unusual porous texture whichthey had in the wet stage. In general these dry solidshave very low apparent densities, large specificsurface areas, and in most cases they exhibit amor-phous structures when examined by X-ray diffraction(XRD) methods. In addition, they are metastablefrom the point of view of their thermodynamicproperties. Consequently, they often undertake astructural evolution by chemical transformation,when aged in a liquid medium and/or heat treated.

As aerogels combine the properties of being highlydivided solids with their metastable character, theycan develop very attractive physical and chemicalproperties not achievable by other means of lowtemperature soft chemical synthesis. In other words,they form a new class of solids showing sophisticatedpotentialities for a range of applications. Theseapplications as well as chemical and physical aspectsof these materials were regularly detailed and dis-cussed in a series of symposia on aerogels,1-5 the lastof them being held in Albuquerque in 2000.6 Reviewswere also regularly published, either on both xerogelsand aerogels7 or more focused on the applications ofaerogels.8-13

The particularly interesting properties of aerogelsarise from the extraordinary flexibility of the sol-gel processing, coupled with original drying tech-niques. The wet chemistry is not basically differentfor making xerogels and aerogels. As this commonbasis has been extensively detailed in recent books,14

it does not need to be reviewed. Compared to tradi-tional xerogels, the originality of aerogels comes from

* To whom all correspondence should be addressed.† Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse.‡ Laboratoire d’Application de la Chimie a l’Environnement.

4243Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 4243−4265

10.1021/cr0101306 CCC: $39.75 © 2002 American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web 10/18/2002

the technique used to evacuate the liquid. Conven-tionally, the term “aerogels” has been used to desig-nate gels dried under supercritical conditions. Morerecently, materials dried by other techniques suchas freeze-drying, produce materials initially knownas cryogels, now also termed aerogels. However, suchan extension can be argued. It can only be justifiedif the pores actually occupy a very high percentageof a sample volume, e.g., above 90%, although noofficial definition exists.

All materials that can be synthesized as wet gelsby the sol-gel process can then be dried by thesupercritical method to obtain aerogels. New proper-ties based upon the very open texture of thesematerials make them outstanding for some applica-tions. To cite a few examples, aerogels can indeedcontribute to high added value technical solutions fordomestic applications such as in buildings doublewindow glazing as transparent thermal super-insula-

tors or for more restricted applications demanding ahigh degree of technology in space exploration andelectronics. In any case, a striking difference appearsbetween two classes of compounds: on one handthose wet gel monoliths which can be dried to aerogelmonoliths without cracking, on the other hand thosewet gels which can only be obtained as fluffy aerogelpowders after supercritical drying. The former cat-egories comprise mostly silica or the silicates wheresilica is a major component,15 organic polymericaerogels, and carbon aerogels derived from theseorganic aerogels. For other oxides, monolithicity witha mechanical resistance sufficient for easy handlinghas not really been achieved. For instance, aluminasactually boehmite AlO(OH)smonolithic gels havebeen made by Yoldas.16 But these are xerogels driedby evaporation, which therefore undertake a signifi-cant contraction during drying and reach a dryspecific pore volume (∼60%) much lower than silicaaerogel monoliths.

In what follows, we therefore first summarize verybriefly the chemistry of sol-gel processing, simplyto stress out the main chemical differences betweensilica, carbon, and organic polymers on one hand, theother oxides on the other.

II. Sol−Gel ProcessingSol-Gel processing designates a type of solid

materials synthesis procedure, performed in a liquidand at low temperature (typically T < 100 °C). Aspreviously mentioned, the physics and chemistryinvolved in sol-gel synthesis has been detailed inmany review papers as well as in books.17,18 Thesolids which were addressed were then exclusivelyinorganic: mostly oxides or hydroxides, formed bychemical transformation of chemical solutes termedprecursors. The solid is formed as the result of apolymerization process which involves the establish-ment of M-OH-M or M-O-M bridges between themetallic atoms M of the precursor molecules. Suchtransformations are the equivalent of the polymeri-zation process well-known to occur in organic chem-istry and which consists of the establishment of directbonds between the carbon atoms of organic precur-sors. Actually, the traditional division between inor-ganic and organic chemistry has been such that,during a long time, these two fields of sol-gel sciencewere addressed by quite different groups of chemists,with virtually no contact between them. More re-cently, these two fields of chemistry have begun tomerge with the development of hybrid organic-inorganic gels.19 Moreover, supercritical drying couldbe applied with reasonably good success to makemonoliths, not only of silicates, but also of organicpolymers.

Regarding inorganic gels, that is to say mostlyoxides, independent solid colloidal particles (i.e.,nanoparticles with a size below a micrometer) areoften formed, in a first step of the process. Eachcolloidal particle has a more or less densely cross-linked internal structure, as illustrated in Figure 1a.It is usually easy to maintain such particles in adispersed state in the solvent, in which case acolloidal suspension also termed a sol is obtained. In

Alain C. Pierre received his Ph.D. degree from the Massachusetts Instituteof Technology. In 1973 he joined industrial research for the developmentof new materials in the Aerospatiale Industry in France. Then, in 1987,he moved as a professor to the University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada),to focus on research about the sol−gel process. Since 1995, he has beena professor at the University Claude Bernard-Lyon 1 in France. His currentresearch interest is on oxide aerogels, particularly on the interface betweensilica and the living world and on the development of new catalysts byencapsulation of enzymes in oxide aerogels

Gerard M. Pajonk received his Ph.D. degree from University ClaudeBernard Lyon 1 in heterogeneous catalysis in 1970 and spent a post-docperiod at Stanford University. His scientific interests are catalysis, selectiveoxidations and hydrogenation reactions, spillover, and materials synthesisusing sol−gel methods under the forms of xero-, aero-, and cryo-gels.He is Professor of Physical Chemistry at University Claude Bernard Lyon1. He holds many tens of patents in catalysis as well as in materialssynthesis.

4244 Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 Pierre and Pajonk

a second step, these colloidal particles can be madeto link with each other, while they are still in thesolvent, so as to build a three-dimensional open grid,termed a gel (Figure 1b). The transformation of a solto a gel constitutes the gelation process, and the gelswhich are obtained are then termed colloidal gels.On the other hand, it is also quite possible to directlyform some gels from rather linear polymer formedfrom a precursor solution, without the intermediateoccurrence of individual particles. When this occurs,the gels are termed polymeric gels.

Historically, major milestones in the developmentof sol-gel processing involved the contributions ofquite different fields of chemistry. The founder ofColloid Science is considered to be Graham.21 Majorcontributions in understanding the physical chem-istry principles involved in the kinetic stabilizationof a sol by electrostatic interactions were made byDerjaguin, Landau, Verwey, and Overbeek accordingto a theory presently known as the D. L. V. O.theory.22,23 As for the phenomenon of gelation itself,its understanding was independently achieved fororganic gels by Flory24 and Stockmayer.25 Gelationis now best studied within the recent mathematicaltheories of percolation introduced by Hammersely,26

as well by Monte Carlo computer simulation meth-ods. These new methods showed that the phenom-enon of gelation could be described as a particularcritical phenomenon in thermodynamics. They alsointroduced the use of the fractal dimension to de-scribe the network structure of gel, more particularlyaerogels, which is a characteristic of some geo-metrical objects described in a further paragraph.27

A. Inorganic GelsThe first inorganic gels accidentally synthesized by

chemists were silica gels made by Ebelmen in 1846.28

But natural gels of an organic nature are commonin the living world. As an example, the eye vitrea isa natural gel. Overall, gels are materials at theborder between organic, inorganic, and biologicalchemistry. Aerogels, which are only at the beginningof their development, are certainly among the mostamazing of these new materials because they canretain, in the dry state, the very open type of networkwhich they had in the wet state.

The first precursors used in sol-gel processingwere metallic salts MXn in which a metal M is linked

to some number n of anions X. In solution in aqueoussolvents, these precursors are present as ionic speciesin which the metal atoms exist as solvated cationsM[H2O]N

z+. The reactions to form sol particles andgels comprise hydrolysis reactions which replace H2Ogroups by OH ones with loss of protons and, conden-sation reactions leading to the construction of M-OH-M “ol” bridges or M-O-M “oxo” bridges withelimination of water molecules. Several concurrentmechanisms have been proposed for these reactions.For instance, an H2O ligand can first be replaced byan OH- one by direct substitution. A proton exchangemechanism through transition hydrogen bonds ac-cording to eq 1 proposed by Livage et al.,14 similar to

that occurring in the ionization of water itself, is alsopossible. Next, various condensation reactions canlead to the formation of ol bridges or oxo bridges, asin the reaction mechanism in eq 2.14

Overall, a model termed the partial charge modelwas proposed by Livage et al.,14 as a development ofthe electronic transfer concept developed by Sand-erson.29 This model makes it possible to establishrather satisfying numerical predictions on the com-plexes formed in solution. It relies on the building oftransition states by nucleophilic or electrophilic at-tacks, followed by redistribution of the electroniccloud (i.e., modification of the polarity of each bond)among all the atoms in a given transition state. As aresult, the partial charge as well as the electronega-tivity of each atom in this transition state aremodified. When a group of near neighbor atoms inthe transition state reaches an added partial chargewhich is an integer (e.g., -1, 0, or +1, etc.), this groupof atoms becomes electronically “self sufficient”, andit separates as a leaving group. A leaving group canbe an anion, a cation, or a neutral molecule such asH2O when the added partial charge (2δH + δO)reaches 0.

For silica gels, an important inorganic precursorwas sodium metasilicate Na2SiO3, also termed water-glass, which reacts with an acid such as HCl accord-ing to reactions similar to eq 3:

Figure 1. The sol-gel process: (a) sol; (b) gel. AfterPajonk.20

Chemistry of Aerogels Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 4245

As indicated by this reaction, a salt is produced,which must be eliminated by tedious dialysis. Thissynthesis method was first used by Kistler to producethe first aerogels.30 As water-glass is cheap, anindustrial process based on this precursor was de-veloped for some time by BASF.31 The main incon-venience of these precursors is that, most frequently,they require water as the solvent, followed by dialysisto eliminate the foreign ions. This does not give muchflexibility in adjusting the hydrolysis and condensa-tion reaction rates at the desired level, hence, to tailorthe texture of a gel.

The use of metallic salts as sol-gel precursors hasrecently seen a renewed interest with the use oforganic solutions, in which an organic, slow “protonscavenger” is dissolved.32 The metallic salt must bein its hydrated form, e.g., Cr(NO3)3‚9H2O. The solventcan be ethanol, and the slow proton scavenger canbe propylene oxide or an epoxide (e.g., 1,2-epoxybu-tane, 1,2 epoxypentane, 2,3-epoxy(propyl)benzene,trimethylene oxide, glycidol, epichlorohydrin, epibro-mohydrin). The hydrated cation [M(H2O)N]z+ must beacidic, so that a slow deprotonation reaction occurswith the proton scavenger. The protonated scavengerundertakes an irreversible ring-opening reaction withthe metal salt anion, while the solvated cation trans-forms to aquo-hydroxo species [M(OH)x(H2O)N-x](z-x)+

which undertake condensation reactions later on.Nice wet gel monoliths can in this way be obtainedwith Cr, Fe, Al, Zr, and other cations.32

The second generation of precursors, which are nowlargely used, are alkoxides M(OR)n. These chemicalsare compounds formed by combination of a metal Mwith an alkoxide group OR, where R designates analkyl group. They are characterized by the existenceof M-O polar covalent bonds in their molecules. Inpractice, they are often available as more or lesssmall polymerized complexes, often in solution intheir parent alcohol. Their transformation is carriedout in an organic solvent and water becomes areactant added in controlled proportion. The sol-gelreactions in which they participate are hydrolysisreactions (eq 4), which lead to the replacement of OR

ligands by OH ones, followed by condensation reac-tions similar to those occurring with metal salts.

B. Chemical Differences between Silica and OtherOxides Sol−Gel Chemistry

The mechanisms of hydrolysis reactions depend onnucleophilic chemical attacks on the metal M,14 which

depends on the partial positive electronic charge δ+

carried out by M. Many metal atoms such Al, Zr, andTi carry a positive partial charge of significantmagnitude, e.g., ∼0.65 and 0.63 in Zr(OEt)4 and Ti-(OEt)4, where Et designates an ethyl group. Hence,the nucleophilic attack of O atoms from water mol-ecules, which carry a negative partial charge δ-, iseasy. Both the hydrolysis and condensation reactionsof these precursors are fast, so that it becomesdifficult to experimentally measure them separately.Overall, with these precursors, it is necessary toglobally reduce the gelation kinetics (hydrolysis pluscondensation) to obtain gels. Moreover, the oligomers(i.e., polymers with a relatively small number ofmetal atoms), which are progressively formed as aresult of hydrolysis and condensation reactions, arerelatively packed clusters, such as the Al13 interme-diate cluster in Figure 233 from which all aluminagels are derived.

Silicon precursors, mostly alkoxides Si(OR)4, con-stitute an important exception which explains thatthey have been much more extensively studied thanprecursors of other metals M. In these alkoxides, Roften is an alkyl CH3 group, so that the precursor istermed tetramethoxysilane, or TMOS, or an ethylC2H5, in which case the precursor is termed tetra-ethoxysilane, or TEOS. This exception comes fromthe fact that Si atoms carry a reduced partial positivecharge, e.g., δ+ ≈ 0.32 in Si(OEt)4. Hence, the globalgelation kinetics of Si(OR)4 alkoxides can be veryslow. The hydrolysis and condensation reactions ofSi alkoxides therefore need to be catalyzed, eitherwith bases which carry strong negative charges (e.g.,OH-, but also strong Lewis bases such as F- ions) orwith acids (e.g., H+) which carry a strong positivecharge and are able to attack the O(δ-) atoms fromthe alkoxy groups OR linked to the metal M. Inpractice, the relative magnitudes of the hydrolysisand condensation rates are sufficiently slow to beindependently controlled. Overall, silica gels with atexture closer to the polymeric gels of organic chem-istry are obtained when the hydrolysis rate is fasterthan the condensation rate, which requires the ad-dition of an acid catalyst or proton donor. On theother hand, proton acceptors, i.e., bases, acceleratecondensation reactions faster than hydrolysis, whichfavors the formation of denser colloidal silica particlesand colloidal gels. The ability to control these kineticshas important consequences regarding the adapta-

Figure 2. Al13 oligomer. After Henry et al.33

Na2SiO3 + 2HCl + (x-1)H2O f

SiO2‚xH2O + 2NaCl (3)

4246 Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 Pierre and Pajonk

tion of silica chemistry for a given type of aerogelapplication, as this is discussed in the related sec-tions.

In any case, instead of building rather compactclusters such as the Al13 polycation illustrated before,the silicon oligomer intermediates between the pre-cursor and the final gel network can take a muchmore linear or open architecture, with a continuouslyvarying degree of linearity or three-dimensionalcross-linking (Figure 3). The difference in aptitudebetween silica and other oxides to make “randomnetwork” colloids, is quite parallel to the differencein aptitude between these oxides to build “randomnetwork” glasses. In theory, all materials can betransformed to glasses from their melt, providingthey are cooled with a sufficient high cooling rate.Experimentally, an adequate cooling rate is muchmore easy to achieve with organic polymers and withsilica than with other oxides. Similarly, a “randomnetwork” gel can in theory be achieved with any sol-gel precursor, provided the “hydrolysis” and conden-sation rates can be lowered to magnitudes where theycan be controlled. But experimentally, this is mucheasier with silicon precursors than with other alkox-ides.

The difference in -(M-O)- random network build-ing ability between Si and other metals M has beenrelated to the difference in ionic character betweenthe Si-O bond and the M-O bonds in other oxides.An estimate of the ionic fraction fionic (0 e fionic < 1)of these polar covalent bonds according to the semiem-pirical formula (eq 5) from Pauling:35

where øM and øO are the Allred-Rochow electronega-tivities of M and O, gives ionic fractions of ∼0.54,0.64, 0.70, 0.71, and 0.78, respectively, for the oxidesSiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, ZrO2, and Na2O. Roughly, SiO2 isabout 50% covalent. This is already sufficient topermit a wide distribution of the “Si-O-Si” anglevalue,36 leading to a “random network”. The ioniccharacter is higher with the other oxides, whichresults in a lower bonding angle flexibility. Rather,random bonding really occurs between bigger dense

colloidal particles, so that a particulate gel is made,rather than “lacy” particles interconnected by con-tinuous siloxane type chains. Gelation is also moredifficult with other oxides than with silica. In turn,this can explain a very different response to dryingstresses, as discussed further on. With Na2O, theionic character is too strong, so that neither pureNa2O glass nor gel can be made. This fits with thewell-known classification of Na as a “modifier ” whichdoes not participate in a random network.

C. Alumina and Other Oxide AerogelsThe case of alumina gels is interesting. The Al13

oligomer previously mentioned comprises one Alatom in tetrahedral coordination, while the other 12are in octahedral coordination. This fits with theknown “intermediate” random network ability of Al.That is to say, Al atoms can in part participate in a“ -Si-O-Al-O-” random network where both Si and Alhave a tetrahedral coordination, only to some extent.Beyond a certain proportion, further Al atoms usuallyact as modifier, as Na atoms do. These extra Al atomsadopt an octahedral coordination and do not partici-pate in the random network. It must be noted thatthe “Al-O-Al” or “Al-OH-Al” bond angles, with Al inoctahedral coordination, are not as flexible as theequivalent “Si-O-Si” angles, due to their higher ioniccharacter and denser packing about an Al atom.

Actually, in boehmite gel monoliths as made by theYoldas method,16 virtually all Al atoms are in octa-hedral coordination. The gel random network is madeby random bonding of rather dense boehmite par-ticles, although the latter have a colloidal size in therange a few hundred nanometers. The interparticlebonding is not by a continuous covalent polymericchain as in silica gels. Rather, as boehmite particleshave a layered structure somewhat similar to thatof clays, interparticle bonding is achieved by weakhydrogen bonds. Indeed, a dry gel can be dissolvedagain in excess water, by intercalation of watermolecules. When drying is slowly done by evapora-tion, the particles tend to pack preferentially flat oneach other (Figure 4), as illustrated by X-ray patternswith a enhanced interlayer peak.37 As evaporationproceeds, hydrogen bonding extends on larger flatinterparticles areas, which consolidates the final dryxerogel. Consequently, transparent xerogel monolithscan be obtained. On the other hand, when drying ismade by the supercritical method, gel compactiondoes not operate. Consequently, interparticle bondingis not reinforced. It even usually becomes very weakbecause of the evacuation of residual polar watermolecules. The dry aerogel which is obtained usuallyhas no monolithic consistency. It collapses to a veryfluffy powder upon handling.

Indeed, few attempts have been directed to thefabrication of truly monolithic aerogels containingalumina,38-42 and the descriptions of monolithiccharacteristics are ambiguous. To achieve somemonoliticithy in alumina aerogels, it is necessary tostrengthen the initial hydrogen bonds between lamel-lar particles. This is made easier with new precursorsin which the alkoxide has been chelated with â-dike-tonates such as ethylacetoacetate (etac) or acetyl

Figure 3. A few lower silicate oligomers. Reprinted withmodification from ref 34. Copyright 1982 American Chemi-cal Society.

fionic ) 1 - e-(øM - øO)2


Chemistry of Aerogels Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 4247

acetoacetate (acac), not easily hydrolyzed. In thisway, it has been possible to incorporate Al atoms intetrahedral coordination in the gels, which introducessome interlamellar bonding, for instance in mixedalumina-silica aerogels.43 Some small pure aluminaaerogel monoliths could also been done, where someAl atoms are in tetrahedral coordination (Figure 5).The latter monoliths were small, extensively cracked,but could be handled with care in the best cases. Theydid strengthen and could be easily handled after heattreatments above 200 °C, up to 900 °C, due to partialsintering and formation of real Al-O-Al bondingbetween the particles. This resulted in the productionof partly transparent relatively strong transitionalumina aerogel pieces. Poco et al. seem to also haverecently made strong alumina aerogel monoliths,45

although the dimensions of these monoliths are notreported. In their chemical protocol, ethanol was themain solvent, and glacial acetic acid in unpublishedproportions was added to introduce acetato bidentateligands in the gel network. Supercritical drying was,moreover, done at 300 °C after a long time soakingin the supercritical fluid, so as to permit a beginningof interparticle sintering to strengthen the gel net-

work. A similar monolithic fragility was observed inTiO2 aerogels.46-48 On the other hand, the wet gelsobtained from hydrated metal salts in organic sol-vents with slow proton scavenger, previously men-tioned, are reported to transform to nice aerogelmonoliths (e.g., Cr2O3 monoliths) by supercriticaldrying in ethanol.32

D. Organic AerogelsOrganic precursors can make organic polymers

resting on strong -(C-C)- covalent bonds, even muchmore easily than silica precursors. Consequently,they made it possible to synthesize an interestingnew class of monolithic aerogels, including aerogelparticles with a size ranging from submicrometersto a few hundred micrometers, prepared by the sol-gel-emulsion technique.49

The most extensively studied of these materials arethe resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) and melamine-formaldehyde (MF) aerogels. They can be preparedby polycondensation of resorcinol or melamine withformaldehyde in a slightly basic aqueous solution,often with sodium hydroxide or sodium hydrogencarbonate as the gelation catalysts. The reactions areof the type shown in eq 6 for melamine.50,51

As with silica, small clusters of approximate size2 nm are first formed. The latter consist of branchedpolymeric species characterized by a mass fractaldimension. These clusters aggregate and form par-ticles 4-7 nm which show a surface fractal dimen-sion. The structure is then fixed by gelation, in atemperature range from 238 to 333 K. Finally theparticles surface is smoothed out by aging.52 Aftersupercritical drying with CO2, the materials obtainedhave nitrogen adsorption isotherms with hysteresisloops, showing the presence of accessible mesopores,altogether with micropores.53 In basic catalysis condi-tions, their typical apparent density tends to belarger than that of typical silica aerogels (0.38 up to0.88 g cm-3 versus 0.12-0.24 g cm-3), while, in acidiccatalysis conditions or in a double acid-base catalysisprocess, RF aerogels with a density as low as 0.013g cm-3 can be done.54 On the other hand, a muchcoarser pore and cluster texture, with micron-sizemacropores, can be obtained by combining a very

Figure 4. Boehmite gel structure. After Pierre.18

Figure 5. 27Al NMR data of (a) an alumino-silicate aerogelwith a molar ratio Si/Al ) 1.43, after Hernandez andPierre;43 (b) a pure alumina aerogel monolith made froman Al sec-butoxide and ethyl acetoacetate (etac) with amolar ratio of etac/Al ) 2.1, after Pierre et al.44

4248 Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 Pierre and Pajonk

high molar ratio of resorcinol/catalyst (>1000) and alow relative molar mass content of resorcinol +formaldehyde (e.g., 30%).

Other precursors used to make organic aerogelsinclude phenolic-furfural (PF) mixtures with poly-(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS),50,55 2,3-didecyloxyan-thracene (DDOA) with ethanol or supercritical CO2

as the solvent,56 polyacrylonitrile (PAN),57 or poly-isocyanates.58 The latter gels are very interesting forpractical applications. They can be turned into heavilycross-linked polyurethanes (PUR), polyureas, poly-urethone imines, or polyisocyanurates (PIR) aerogelsand provide new thermal insulation material withgood insulation characteristics both under evacuatedand ambient conditions. With polyurethanes, CH2-Cl2 can be used as a solvent which directly exchangeswith supercritical CO2. The organic aerogels whichare obtained are nontransparent. They have a bulkdensity of 0.24 g/cm3 and a specific surface area ofapproximately 300 m2/g.59 Finally, optically transpar-ent aerogels can be prepared from aqueous melamine-formaldehyde solutions.60

E. Carbon Aerogels

Carbon aerogels are mostly obtained by pyrolysis,at temperatures above 500 °C, of organic aerogels.51

In this way, the organic aerogels transform to anelectrically conductive carbon network. During py-rolysis, the carbon aerogels obtained from RF aero-gels retain the high specific surface area (400-800m2/g), the large specific mesopore volume (>0.55 cm3/g), and the isotherms with a hysteresis loop of theirparent organic aerogel.53,61 Shrinkage occurs. How-ever, at pyrolysis temperatures below 1000 °C, a hugeamount of microporosity also develops,62,63 so that thelargest specific surface area is achieved near 600 °C.In this temperature range, the pore radius of themaximum in the pore size distribution is not drasti-cally affected.64 Upon increase of the pyrolysis tem-perature up to 2100 °C, all structural characteristicsobservable by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)start to grow drastically. Simultaneously, the mi-cropore volume accessible to CO2 almost vanishes,indicating the formation of closed micropores.65 Over-all, large pore volumes are maintained even afterpyrolysis at 1800 °C.66,67 The formation of microporos-ity can be enhanced by doping the parent RF aerogelswith Ce or Zr. With these dopants, specific surfaceareas as high as 2240 m2 g-1 have been achieved,68,69

while graphitization above 1000 °C is enhanced.66,67

Until recently, carbon aerogels did not exhibitfractal structures. However, a new family of carbonaerogels has been made which shows mass fractalitywith a mass fractal exponent of 2.5 according toBarbieri et al.70 This result was obtained with resor-cinol-formaldehyde gelation in acetone, instead ofwater and, with catalysis by perchloric acid, insteadof sodium carbonate. Moreover, this kind of carbonaerogel displayed a bimodal distribution of pores,with micro- and macro-pores, contrary to all othertypes of carbon aerogels described in the literaturewhich are mesoporous.

III. Transforming Wet Gels to Aerogels

A general flowchart for a complete sol-gel processis shown in Figure 6. After gelation, the wet gel canoptionally be aged in its mother liquor, or in anothersolvent, and washed. Then it must be dried.

A. Supercritical DryingThe traditional drying technique, at the origin of

the label “aerogel”, is supercritical drying. This typeof drying prevents the formation a liquid-vapormeniscus which recedes during the emptying of thepores in the wet gels. As this meniscus is due to thesurface tension of the liquid, a capillary pressuregradient is built in the pore walls, which is able tocollapse most part of the pore volume. To avoid thisevent, it is necessary to annihilate the liquid surfacetension and one convenient way to do so is totransform this liquid in a supercritical fluid with anull surface tension. Supercritical evacuation of theliquid-phase impregnating the porous volume of thewet gel permits the recovery of a kind of “dry solidimage” of the wet material. This drying procedurereleases the porous texture quite intact by avoidingthe pore collapse phenomenon.

Practically, supercritical drying consists of heatingthe wet gel in a closed container, so that the pressureand temperature exceeds the critical temperature, Tc,and critical pressure, Pc, of the liquid entrapped inthe pores inside the gel. Initially investigated byKistler et al.,30 the synthesis of monolithic silicaaerogels from tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) by super-critical drying in methanol was applied by Peri71 inorder to study the surface chemistry of these materi-als. Then, the technique has been largely developed

Figure 6. Sol-gel and drying flowchart. (*) The aging andwashing steps are optional. After Pajonk.20

Chemistry of Aerogels Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 4249

by the Teichner group, who directly performed su-percritical drying within the alcohol in which thealkoxides were hydrolyzed. By operating in thismanner, alcogels were obtained.72 The critical condi-tions are very different depending on the fluid whichimpregnates the wet gel. A few values are given inTable 1.

Presently, one distinguishes high-temperature su-percritical drying (or HOT) in alcohol from low-temperature supercritical drying (COLD) in CO2.Both methods are different in the sense that the hotmethod is accompanied by a kind of a rather poorlycontrolled aging process during the temperature andpressure increase used to attain the chosen super-critical conditions. The resulting materials thus aregenerally hydrophobic since their surfaces are cov-ered by alkoxy groups. In the case of silica synthesis,these alkoxy groups result from the reaction of thesilanol groups with the alcohol selected to make thealcogels. On the other hand, the cold method doesnot favor such processes, and as a consequence, itleads to more hydrophilic solids.

A possible supercritical drying path in the phasediagram of CO2 is presented in Figure 7, while anautoclave to perform supercritical drying with alcoholand the corresponding temperature and pressureprogram schedule are, respectively, illustrated inFigures 8 and 9. Various detailed procedures regard-ing the sample drying preparation protocol, theheating-pressurization path, the atmosphere abovethe samples, the nature of the liquid, the durationof the many steps have been investigated. They weresummarized by Pajonk.74 For silica, the aerogelsobtained typically have a pore volume above 90% ofthe sample volume and a specific surface area whichin some cases can exceed 1000 m2/g. For other oxides,the corresponding specific pore volume and surfacearea are usually significantly lower than for silicaexcept for carbon aerogels.

B. Other Drying TechniquesOrganic wet gels made in organic solvents can

sometimes be dried by solvent evaporation at ambi-ent pressure with moderate shrinkage.60,75 Surfac-tants can also be added to the liquid to decrease thecapillary stresses. The gel can be made hydrophobicby silylation to change the liquid-solid contact angleand annihilate the capillary liquid tension, as donethe first time by Smith et al.76

Other techniques than supercritical drying can alsobe used to obtain high surface area and pore volumematerials. One of them concerns the addition of“drying control chemical additives” (DCCA) such asglycerol, formamide, dimethyl formamide, oxalic acid,and tetramethylammonium hydroxide.77-80 In thisway, brittle but uncracked dry monoliths can beobtained, with a relative pore volume up 97.4%,81

Table 1. Critical Point Parameters of CommonFluids73

fluid formula Tc (°C) Pc (MPa)

water H2O 374.1 22.04carbon dioxide CO2 31.0 7.37Freon 116 (CF3)2 19.7 2.97acetone (CH3)2O 235.0 4.66nitrous oxide N20 36.4 7.24methanol CH3OH 239.4 8.09ethanol C2H5OH 243.0 6.3

Figure 7. Example of a possible cold supercritical dryingpath in the Pressure (P) Temperature (T) phase diagramof CO2 .

Figure 8. Schematic illustration of an autoclave forsupercritical drying with ethanol. After Pajonk.20

Figure 9. Flow diagram of the supercritical drying processwith alcohol. After Pajonk.20

4250 Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 Pierre and Pajonk

equivalent to the best aerogels obtained by super-critical drying. The explanation provided for thisdrying behavior is that a uniform pore size distribu-tion is formed, with pores which can be relativelylarge (basic formamide) or small (oxalic acid). In turn,this minimizes the differential drying shrinkage(Figure 10). Chemically, with formamide, such astructure is related to a lower hydrolysis rate so thatthe condensation kinetics is relatively enhanced bycomparison with hydrolysis. Consequently, biggersilica nanoparticles are formed and linked to eachother by bigger and stronger necks, resulting in alower shrinkage.

A promising technique which can be applied on alarge scale for industrial purposes, is known as“ambient-pressure drying”. This method relies on apassivation of the pore surface, inside the gel, so asto impede further formation of new siloxane bondsby condensation reactions when the gel network iscompressed under the drying stresses. Such a pas-sivation can be induced by silylation for instance withtrimethylchlorosilane as done by Smith et al.82 At theend of the solvent evaporation process, an aerogelmonolith is no longer submitted to capillary stressesso that it can resume its wet size by a spring-backeffect. More recently, Schwertfeger applied the tech-nique, in hexamethyldisiloxane as the solvent, tohydrogels made from sodium silicate (water glass),making it a very cheap process.83 Other preparationmethods before drying rest on ion exchange treat-ments.84

Another concurrent technique is freeze-drying, asdone for instance with tert-butyl alcohol.61,85 In thismethod, the gel liquid is first frozen and thereafterdried by sublimation.21,84,86 Therefore, the formationof a liquid-vapor meniscus is prevented. The materi-als obtained are then also termed cryogels. Theirsurface area and mesopore volume tend to be smallerthan those of aerogels, although they remain signifi-cant. Nevertheless, the gel network may eventuallybe destroyed by the nucleation and growth of solventcrystals, which tend to produce very large pores.87

To attenuate this event, a rapid freeze process knownas flash freezing has been developed. It is alsoimportant that the solvent has a low expansioncoefficient and a high pressure of sublimation.

IV. Texture and Structure of AerogelsAs previously mentioned, gel networks are often

described as fractal geometrical architecture.27 It ispossible to distinguish mass fractals from surfacefractals. In the former case, the mass M of a gel insidea sphere of radius R, centered at a random point in

the gel network, is a statistical function of R of thetype

where f is not an integer and hence is termed thefractal dimension. For a surface fractal object, thesurface area A follows the law

Actually, a gel can only be fractal in a limited rangeof magnitude of the radius R, roughly in the so-calledintermediate range 1-50 nm, which in details de-pends on the material. However, in this limitedrange, f can be as low as ∼1.9 for acid-catalyzedgels.17 At macroscopic dimensions, a gel always hasa uniform density. The fractal dimensions can beexperimentally determined by small-angle X-rayscattering (SAXS) and by adsorption of molecules ofdifferent cross-sectional area. In the first type of data,at so-called intermediate angles, the scattered inten-sity I(k) follows a Porod law of the type (eq 9)

where k is the wave vector defined at a scatteringangle θ, for an X-ray wavelength λ by

In adsorption experiments, the mass w adsorbedat low pressure follows a law of the type

where fs,a is the surface fractal dimension for adsorp-tion of an adsorbate with cross -sectional area σ. Also,the volume Vp(r) of pores smaller than r shoulddepend on r according to the following equation

Basically, aerogels should not differ very muchfrom xerogels. Supercritical drying mostly affects onlythe larger pores which involve network dimensionsbeyond the fractal scale. The general literature onsol-gel therefore gives experimental values for gelsat large, which support various theoretical fractalmodels summarized by Brinker and Scherer.17

The texture and structure of aerogels make theminteresting for some applications. However, someadaptation was often needed to best fit them with agiven application. This in turn required chemicalsynthesis studies which are briefly summarized inthe following paragraphs.

V. Chemical Adaptation of Aerogels to ThermalInsulation

A. Summary of the Insulation PropertiesAerogels are among the best known thermal insu-

lating materials.88 Moreover, they can be made verytransparent although they are also very brittle. The

Figure 10. Effect of formamide on the pore size distribu-tion of gels. After Hench.81

M ≈ Rf (7)

A ≈ Rfs (8)

I(k) ≈ k-2f+fs (9)

k ) 4π/λ sin(θ/2) (10)

w ≈ σ-(fs,a/2) (11)


≈ r2-fs (12)

Chemistry of Aerogels Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 4251

low conductivity of aerogels originates in a very highporosity (95-98%) and thus a low solid conductivityλs. This contribution to the thermal conductivityscales as the aerogel density F as10

Typically, for a monolithic silica aerogel with anapproximate density F of 120 kg m-3, λs is about 5mW m-1 K-1.10 Moreover, the extremely small poresize (lower than the mean free path of air) causes avery low gaseous thermal conductivity λg due toKnudsen effect. At ambient pressure, λg does notexceed 10 mW m-1 K-1.20 This gas conductivity canbe minimized by lowering the gas pressure withinthe aerogel. Overall, at room temperature, for silicaaerogels with an approximate density of 150 kg m-3

the thermal conductivity λ is about 15 mW m-1 K-1

in air and 10 mW m-1 K-1 under vacuum (Figure 11).In air, this compares with values of about 35 mWm-1 K-1 for polyurethane foam, mineral wool andexpanded polystyrene.13

Aerogel granules as well as large size monolithswere investigated for daylight transparent thermalinsulation in the European JOULE II and III (HILITproject) and the two French ADEME programs(PACTE projects).90 Glass panels with dimension55 × 55 × 2 cm were made by the Airglass Ltd.company in Sweden, as part of the EuropeanEUROSOL program.90 Hydrophobic silica aerogelswith an acceptable transparency were also made froma mixture of methyltrimethoxysilane (MTMS) andtetramethoxysilane (TMOS).89,91,92

Silica is nonflammable. They let enter the visibleand UV radiation from the sun daylight but they donot let the infrared radiation from a heated housepass through.93,94 In terms of transparency, they showvery high solar as well as light transmittances.Figure 12 shows the optical properties of such aero-gels in terms of solar transmittances against wave-lengths. However, they all show a tendency to scatterthe transmitted light, resulting in a reduced opticalquality. This phenomenon is considered as being themain obstacle to incorporating the material in clearglazing, although a significant improvement has beenobserved during the last five years.96

Besides window insulation, silica aerogels can beused to insulate cooling or heating systems, includingpiping, for heat or cold storage applications13,97,98 aswell as car windshield defrost in cold weather condi-tions.99 Uncooled monolithic thin film infrared imag-ing devices based on lead zirconate titanate materialscoated on silica aerogels have also been designed. Thelow thermal conductivity of the aerogel attenuatesthe thermal noise and results in a significantly fastertemporal response and a visible reduction in scat-tering.100 Novel types of furnaces for the controlledtemperature gradient growth of monocrystalline met-als or semiconductors, such as InSb, have beendemonstrated. With a transparent silica aerogelcrucible, the crystallization front can directly becontrolled with a IR camera. Aerogels offer a muchbetter control of the solidification process than theclassical method. A nearly one-dimensional temper-ature field and a nearly planar crystallization frontcan be achieved.101,102 Finally, transparent silicaaerogel is also interesting in the production of hollowspheres for inertial confinement fusion.103

B. Chemistry of MonolithicityChemically, it is necessary to reinforce the me-

chanical properties of silica aerogels without loosingtheir main properties, especially when they are to beused as thermal superinsulent and transparentmaterials for window insulation. The transparencyof silica aerogels is an important advantage for thiskind of high added value technical applications. Sucha goal can be met by applying a double step processto the already wet gel before the supercritical evacu-ation step. First, a washing of the wet gel is appliedwith a solution of ethanol and water which is thenfollowed by an aging step consisting in placing theformer washed gel in contact with a solution ofethanol containing the silicon precursor; tetramethylorthosilicate (TMOS), tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS),or polyethoxydisiloxane (PEDS) as described byEinarsrud et al.104 The stiffness of wet gels is greatlyincreased by this particular treatment without loos-ing the permeability properties. This type of finalaging corresponds to the continuation of the creation

Figure 11. Typical order of magnitude of the thermalconductivity of silica aerogel compared to other insulatingmaterials, for 10 mm thick slabs. Reprinted with permis-sion from ref 89. Copyright 2001 Institute of Materials.

λs ≈ Fγ, with γ ≈ 1.2-1.8 (13)

Figure 12. Hemispherical and diffuse normal trans-mistances of P600, P750, and P900 aerogel series, for acommon precursor volume fraction in solution, xprec ) 0.5.After Rigacci et al.95

4252 Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 Pierre and Pajonk

of additional siloxane bridges through the condensa-tion-polymerization mechanism already mentionedin a previous section of this paper, which increasesthe overall mechanical quality of the material asshown in Figures 13 and 14, where shear modulus,permeability, characteristic pore size, BET surfacearea, and modulus of rupture were respectivelyestimated. On the basis of SAXS measurements, itcould be seen that there were no major differencesof structure between nontreated, washed, and agedsilica aerogels as demonstrated in Figure 15. Thedried silica exhibited mass fractality with an averagemass fractal exponent equal to 1.9, suggesting anaggregation mechanism pertaining to the DLCA-likemodel (diffusion-limited cluster aggregation).

C. Chemistry of HydrophobicityA second quality is required in order to be used in

a sustainable manner, i.e, silica aerogels must exhibitgood hydrophobic properties with time on stream.

One pertinent method to reach this goal is to co-gelsome silicon precursor containing at least one non-polar chemical group, such as a CH3-Si bond, withthe normal silicon precursor. Hydrophobic aerogels

Figure 13. (a) Shear modulus, G ((1.68 MPa); (b)characteristic pore radius rav ((5% Å); (c) permeability, D((0.55 nm2); (d) surface area (20 m2/g) of wet silica aerogelsversus initial density. The gels were aged in 70 vol % P750/ethanol at 70 °C for 0-24 h after washing in 20 vol % H2O/ethanol for 24 h at 60 °C. The lines are guides for the eye.After Einasrud et al.104

Figure 14. (a) Permeability, D ((0.51 nm2); (b) shearmodulus, G ((0.07 MPa); (c) modulus of rupture, MOR((0.04 MPa) of wet silica aerogels as a function of washingtime in 20 vol % H2O/ethanol at 60 °C. Data for washedonly gels are given (open symbols) as well as data afteraging in 35 vol % P750 for 7 h at room temperature (closedsymbols). The lines are guides for the eye. After Einasrudet al.104

Figure 15. Log-Log plot of the SAXS intensity versusthe scattering vector q of as-prepared, washed and washed/aged silica aerogels dried under direct supercritical CO2conditions. After Einasrud et al.104

Chemistry of Aerogels Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 4253

were synthesized by Schwertfeger et al. from meth-yltrimethoxysilane (MTMS) and TMOS by hydrolysisin basic conditions followed by supercritical dryingin methanol.105,106 In these high-temperature dryingconditions, the aerogel surface was dehydrated, andthese authors found that aerogels made from more20% MTMS would float on water and hence werehydrophobic. However, for a higher proportion ofMTMS, the condensation degree of silica was re-duced. As the hydrolysis and condensation rates ofMTMS are much lower than those of TMOS, a quasitwo-step gelation process was achieved. Indeed, asthis was well shown by Husing et al., this particulargelation occurs in two-steps: first, the TMOS reactsand then the MTMS is grafted through the silanolsurface groups of the gel giving surface Si-0-Si-CH3functions.107 The methyl groups in MTMS could alsobe replaced by other types of functionalities withsimilar hydrophobization and gel structure results.107

The hydrophobization of silica aerogels with MTMScan be summarized by reaction 14, according to which

the gel network is due to TMOS as described byVenkateswara Rao and Pajonk.92

These authors showed that, provided the molarratio of MTMS/TMOS was fixed around 0.7, goodoptical and hydrophobic properties were obtainedwhen the temperature of treatment did not exceed200 °C. Figure 16 shows the contact angle recordedwhen the molar ratio MTMS/TMOS changed between0 and 1.65 while Figure 17 gives the infrared spectraversus heat treatments showing that the methylgroups are responsible of the hydrophobic propertiesof the so-obtained silica aerogels. Similar results wereobtained by co-gelling TMOS with trimethylethoxy-silane (TMES) whose chemistry is summarized in

Figure 18.108 One can notice that the choice ofmethoxy or ethoxy methyl-silicon precursors allowedthe use of these molecules as co-gelation ones, whichis not the case for instance with hexamethyldisila-zane (HMDS) which can only be reacted once thesilica aerogel has been recovered from the autoclave.Again, infrared analysis confirmed the hydrophobicrole of the external Si-CH3 groups. For aerogelsdiffering by their respective TMES/TMOS molarratio, a higher TMES/TMOS resulted in a very goodhydrophobic material but exhibited poor opticaltransparency principally due to an enlargement ofthe pore size (Rayleigh diffusion).

D. New Chemical Developments in Organic,Hybrid Organic-Silica Aerogels, and OtherRelated Materials

Monolithic organic aerogels have a thermal con-ductivity of the same order of magnitude as silicaaerogels at room temperature.109 The main advan-tages, compared to silica aerogels, is that they areless brittle and the radiation component is minimizedas the temperature increases. This is the case withpolyurethane aerogels made in CH2Cl2, which arenontransparent but have a low thermal conductivity.Hence, they are considered as new insulating materi-als for the appliance industry, where energy require-ments are becoming more and more stringent.110

Figure 16. Contact angle of a water droplet with theaerogel surface versus MTM/TMOS molar ration. AfterVenkatsewara Rao and Pajonk.92 Figure 17. Infrared spectra of the aerogels prepared with

MTM/TMOS molar ratio of 0.8 at different temperatures.After Venkatsewara Rao and Pajonk.92

Figure 18. Hydrophobisation of silica particles withtrimethylethoxysilane (TMES). After Venkatsewara Raoet al.108

4254 Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 Pierre and Pajonk

The strength of silica aerogels can also be quitesignificantly increased by adding inorganic powderor organic binders, while the thermal conductivitycan be maintained below 20 mW m-1 K-1 at roomtemperature in air.111 This technique moreover at-tenuates the radiation component of thermal con-ductivity, at higher temperatures. Granules can forinstance be opacified with TiO2 or carbon black109 orbound with a thermoplastic such as polyvinylbutyrate(PVB) or an aqueous polymer dispersion such as vinylacetate-ethene.12 With PVB, an application of a 1 barpressure in the melting range temperature of thepolymer can form a compact with good thermalinsulation performances and reasonable strength.112

Such plates 9 mm thick with ∼50% PVB are excellentto cover the inner floor of houses. They are able tosupport ceramic tiles, while they offer an excellentfootfall sound attenuation characteristic.12

Finally, siliceous mesostructured cellular foams(MCF) with well-defined ultralarge mesopores canalso be made by templating a sol with oil-in-watermicroemulsions before gelation. Their texture con-sists of uniform spherical and interconnected cellsmeasuring approximately 25-40 nm in diameter.BET surface areas up to 1000 m2/g and porosity ofg80% can be achieved. The cell size can be chemicallycontrolled by adding various swelling agents and byvarying the aging temperature. The MCF materialsresemble aerogels, but offer the benefits of a facili-tated synthesis in combination with well-defined poreand wall structure, thick walls, and high hydrother-mal stability.113

VI. Application of Aerogels for AcousticInsulation

Overall, aerogels are excellent acoustic insulators.The acoustic propagation in aerogels depends on theinterstitial gas type and pressure, the aerogel den-sity, and more generally its texture on the prepara-tion procedure.114 The energy transferred from thegas to the solid phase is in part lost to the acousticpropagation and, thus, reduces the amplitude andvelocity of the acoustic wave.115 This longitudinalacoustic velocity is typically on the order of 100 ms-1.10,116 This property makes silica aerogels suitablefor applications in acoustic impedance λ/4 matchinglayers in ultrasonic transducers, range finders, speak-ers.117,118 Their application in house floor covering forfootfall sound insulation was previously mentioned.12

Other applications concern the acoustic insulation oftransportation and machinery. Besides, silica aero-gels are investigated for applications in anechoicchambers.12,114,119,120

VII. Chemical Adaptation of Aerogels for OpticalApplications

A. Chemistry of Homogeneous Porous TextureAs mentioned in the previous section, silica aero-

gels are extremely porous materials which can bemade transparent. Optical applications depend ontheir homogeneity. Inhomogeneities in the nanometerrange are responsible for Rayleigh scattering, which

makes a sample appear yellowish when light isobserved by transmission through it, while it appearsbluish when light is observed by reflection against adark background. Inhomogeneities in the micrometerrange are responsible for a blurred optical deforma-tion of images.13 These problems have been attenu-ated by empirical chemical synthesis screening.Typically, aerogels made from TMOS in methanol,in particular by a two-step procedure (acid-catalyzedhydrolysis followed by base-catalyzed condensation),can produce sufficiently good samples, with an opticaltransmittance up to 93% at a wavelength of 900nm91,121 (Figure 19). Silicon precursors prehydrolyzedwith an acid catalyst and a substoichiometric watermolar ratio w ) H2O/Si < 2, such as the polyethoxy-disiloxane (or PEDS-Px where x ) 1000w), are alsoavailable on the market95 and make it possible tocontrol a more uniform porous texture, as is neededfor optical applications. One type of applications isdue to their refractive index which is very close to 1.It concerns in particular Cherenkov counters, de-scribed further on. The refractive index of silicaaerogels is related to their density F (kg m-3) by theeq 15122

A second type of application is that silica aerogelscan entrap all kinds of molecules or dopants withspecial fluorescent properties. A third group of ap-plications combines both properties of transparencyand thermal insulation and was described in theprevious section.

Figure 19. (a) Representation of n-hemispherical (direct+ diffuse) transmittance through aerogel samples and (b)optical transmittance spectra of silica aerogel in theultraviolet (UV)-visible near-infrared (NIR) region, afteroptimizing supercritical drying parameters. Reprinted withpermission from ref 91. Copyright 1998 Institute of Materi-als.

n - 1 ) (2.1 × 10-4)F (15)

Chemistry of Aerogels Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 4255

B. Aerogels in Cherenkov CountersIt was shown very early by the Teichner group,123

that low-refractive-index silica aerogel constitutes aconvenient medium for the Cherenkov counters,which are used for electrically charged particleidentification in high-energy physics experiments.This is, also, tied to a major problem of cosmology,which requires the identification of anti-matter andmatter particles in the cosmic rays. The principle ofCherenkov counters rests on the fact that electricallycharged elementary particles, which travel across theradiator medium with a velocity “v” higher than thevelocity of light “c” in this medium, themselves emita light. An analysis of this light can therefore be usedto derive the velocity of a particle and hence itsnature.

Cherenkov counters can be of two types. In thethreshold type, particles are identified according towhether light is emitted or not when they travelacross the radiator material. The number of photonscollected N depends on v, c, and n as indicated in thefollowing equation:

where â ) v/c, K is a proportionality coefficient, andân g 1.

To separate pions from kaons with a momentumof the order of 3 GeV/c, radiator materials must havea refractive index of <1.03. This can be achieved withsilica aerogels. Such aerogel counters were actuallyinstalled in the BELLE detector at the KEK B-Fac-tory in Japan. For this piece of equipment, over athousand highly transparent aerogel plates withdimensions 24 mm × 12 cm × 12 cm were made,which represented a total aerogel volume of ap-proximately 2 m3. Their refraction index n was in therange 1.01-1.03. Because water modifies their re-fractive index, they were also made completelyhydrophobic by aging in hexamethyldisilazane.122

They could operate without any problem undermagnetic fields of up to 1.8 T and could resist to anirradiation up to 9.8 Mrad.122,124,125 Variants of thistype of counter have been developed for the KEDRdetector in Russia.126-131

The second type of Cherenkov counters are termedRing Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) counters, becausethe light emitted by the particles originates from acone-shaped electromagnetic shock wave with angle:

Hence, RICH-type Cherenkov counters calculatethe velocity of particles from the cone angle. Theyalso use aerogel radiators.132,133 For instance, silicaaerogel tiles with a refractive index of 1.03 anddimensions 11 cm × 11 cm × 1 cm, have beendeveloped by the Matsushita Electric Works (Japan),for use in the RICH counter of the HERMES experi-ment at the DESY-HERA German electron synchro-tron (Figure 20). This counter is able to determinethe contributions of the different quark flavors to the

nucleon spin and to identify pions, kaons and protonsover a large kinematic range.135,136 A detector of thistype was launched in a balloon at an altitude of about10 000 m to observe anti-particles, such as anti-protons, in the cosmic rays. Similar counters arebeing considered to search for anti-matter in thespace.122

Another application of silica aerogels, due to theirrefractive index close to that of air, is as a claddingfilm on optical fibers. The film thickness is typicallyon the order of 20 µm. It maximizes the collectionangle at the fiber ends and can improve the lighttrapping fraction by a factor of 4.137 Similarly, aerogelcoating on solar cells improves their efficiency, be-cause Fresnel scattering losses are attenuated andmore light reaches the active surface.138

C. The Chemistry of Luminescent ArogelsPhotoluminescent materials based on silica aero-

gels can be made by encapsulation of various photo-luminescent dopants during the gelation process. Thechemical problem here is to retain the dopants insidethe gel network even after washing and supercriticaldrying, while maintaining its luminescent properties.Chemically, the dopant can be adsorbed (hydrogenbonds), fixed by reversible electrostatic attraction,irreversibly covalently bonded, or just physicallyentrapped, such as in a hydrophilic pocket sur-rounded by hydrophobic gel.

The span of encapsulated molecules is very large.It comprises C-60 to C-70 fullerenes, which emit anintense visible light with a blue shift by comparisonwith the free dopant. The latter effect is due to aquantum confinement by the gel network. Hereagain, the luminescent properties depend on theaerogel chemical preparation procedure.139,140 A fluo-rescent dye such as the N-(3-trimethoxysilylpropyl)-2,7-diazapyrenium bromide (DAP), was covalentlybonded to the gel network.141 Another dopant, 1,4-bis[5-phenyl-2-oxazolyl]-benzene (or POPOP), hasbeen used to enhance the detection of the Cherenkovlight in the SAPHIR program.142 Luminescent scin-tillators, made by saturated impregnation of SiO2aerogel under argon, with 1-methylnaphthalene-based liquid scintillators, have also been investigatedfor application in high-energy physics.143 Another

Figure 20. Aerogel Cherenkov counter with wavelength-shifter readout. After Poels.134

N ) K(1 - 1(ân)2) (16)

θ ) 1ân


4256 Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 Pierre and Pajonk

different type of dopant consists of about 6 nm sizednanocrystalline ZnO particles, which provide stronglygreen-yellow fluorescent aerogels at about a wave-length of 500 nm.144 Dopants can even be simplecations introduced with salts such as aluminumnitrate. In high-temperature ethanol supercriticaldrying conditions, the Al3+ cations from the salt breaksome Si-O-Si bonds to build Si-O-Al ones. Thisalso results in an increased formation of oxygenvacancies near some silicon atoms, by comparisonwith pure silica aerogels. In turn, this can drasticallyincrease the green luminescent intensity which is dueto a small proportion of 2-fold coordinated Si atomsin the Al doped silica gel.145 The design of lasers usingaerogels is possible, for instance by encapsulation oflanthanides146 or other special dyes.147 Besides silica,alumina aerogels made by complexation with ethyl-acetoacetate show an intense blue emission band inthe wavelength range 400-800 nm, after annealingat 500 °C.148

VIII. The Chemistry of Electrical Applications

A. Batteries

The chemical problem here is to be able to revers-ibly intercalate ions in the aerogel network. A largeamount of small ions can indeed be intercalatedbecause of the very porous texture of oxide aerogels.Moreover, as the latter are good thermal insulents,they can be applied in high-temperature electricalbatteries.13,97 The most studied oxides are vanadiumoxide,149 manganese oxide,150 and molybdenum oxideaerogels151 in which lithium ions are intercalated. AV2O5 aerogel is an amorphous material which con-sists of a highly interconnected solid network with asurface area up to 450 m2/g, and a specific porevolume as much as 2.3 cm3/g. Up to 5.8 equiv oflithium/mol of V2O5 aerogel can be inserted by meansof chemical or electrochemical lithiation.152 Thesematerials may function as high capacity (500-600mAh/g), high-energy positive electrodes in lithiumbatteries.153 Besides Li+, the polyvalent cations Mg2+,Zn2+, and Al3+ can also be reversibly intercalated.154

The kinetics and the cycle performance of thesepositive electrodes must still be improved, althoughprogress is being made in this direction.155 In par-ticular, hybrid vanadium pentoxide/polypyrrole (PPy/V2O5) aerogels were made by simultaneous polym-erization of pyrrole and vanadium alkoxide VO-(OC3H7)3, using pyrrole-water-acetone mixtures.The aerogels obtained were monolithic, with a green-black coloration, a specific surface area from 150 to257 m2 g-1, and densities between 0.1 and 0.2 g cm-3.They were sufficiently strong to be cut withoutfracturing, but their electrical conductivity decreasedas the polypyrrole content increased. TEM studiesshowed they were comprised of fibers similar to thoseof V2O5 aerogels, but with a shorter chain length.156

Other possible compositions comprise AgI-Al2O3composite aerogels, with a maximum room-temper-ature conductivity of 2.8 × 10-3 S cm-1. Here also,the conductivity is higher in the aerogel than in thecorresponding xerogel, showing that the pore sizedistribution of aerogels is more effective than thatof xerogels for enhancing the ionic conductivity.157

B. Capacitor Electrodes

Here again, the chemical problem is to reversiblyimmobilize a large quantity of electrical chargecarriers. Moreover, the aerogel itself must conductelectricity, which explains that these properties weremostly studied with carbon aerogels. The latter wereinvestigated for applications as double layer elec-trodes in supercapacitors, pseudocapacitors, capaci-tive deionization units, and fuel cells.158-160 Theyhave a low electric resistance (10-3-10-2 Ω.m)161 and,because of their high specific surface area, they canstore more electrical energy than conventional ca-pacitors (Figure 21). Typical specific capacitance forRF derived carbon aerogels is 45 F g-1 in an aqueouselectrolyte, or even higher depending on the experi-mental setup.159,160 Their stored energy can be re-leased very rapidly to provide an instant power upto 7.5 kW kg-1.158 More recently, carbon aerogelsobtained by pyrolysis of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) aero-gels have made it possible to achieve specific capaci-

Figure 21. Representation of a carbon aerogel double layer supercapacitor.

Chemistry of Aerogels Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 4257

tances as high as 130 F g-1 in a 5 M KOH aqueousmedia, with a stored energy density of approximately15 kJ kg-1 and a power density of approximately 1.4kW kg-1.57 On the other hand, the ion storagepotential of carbon aerogels make them good candi-dates for the deionization medium, for instance, theefficient removal of NaCl, as well as metals (Cu, Zn,Ni, Cd, Cr, Pb, U), from water.9,159 Given their highspecific pore volume, they can store a large amountof these solutes. Morover, they can easily be regener-ated by applying an inverse voltage.

Carbon aerogels can also be impregnated with ametal vapor, for instance of ruthenium, for applica-tions in electrocatalysis and power sources. Theresulting nanostructure is composed of highly dis-persed Ru particles (approximately 2-3 nm in diam-eter) attached to the carbon aerogel surface andhomogeneously distributed throughout the material.A high proportion of Ru can be deposited (>50 wt%). These Ru particles themselves oxidize with waterto produce hydrous RuO2 which increase the specificcapacitance of the carbon aerogels to values greaterthan 250 F/g.162 Ruthenium dioxide is an importantelectrode material. High surface areas can be achievedin mixed (Ru-Ti)Ox aerogels. These aerogels displaya low specific capacitance, which can be explainedby their high crystallinity degree. However, all RuOxdomains in the aerogel are voltammetrically addres-sable.163

C. Dielectric Materials

Thin film silica aerogel is investigated as super-low dielectric constant material for ultra-large-scaleintegrated circuits. It is considered that they couldmore than double computer speed.164 Such films canfor instance be made by using TMOS-based solutionmixed with dimethyl sulfoxide, dried in supercriticalcarbon dioxide after coating. A relative dielectricconstant as low as 1.1 can be obtained.165 No intrinsicbreakdown of SiO2 aerogel films was observed underan electric field of up to 1 MV cm-1. This propertymaintained after annealing at 450 °C. However, earlybreakdown was observed after annealing at 700 °C,which was attributed to a random enhancement ofthe electric field at the irregular asperity of the roughinterface with the metallic surface of the capacitorstructure.166 It is possible to modify the surface of theaerogel, for instance with hexamethyldisilazane(HMDS), to obtain electret materials (i.e., materialswhich produce a permanent external electric field)as good as porous poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE).167

The dielectric properties of organic aerogels makethem applicable in the capacitive part of low passfilters. Their complex dielectric constant ε showslosses due to relaxation phenomena, attributable towater adsorbed at the inner surface of the samples,in the range of frequency from 1 Hz to 50 kHz. Thisis different with silica aerogels which do not showlosses.168

D. Piezoelectric Materials

For ultrasonic applications in gases, porous piezo-electric transducers with low acoustic impedance are

required. Such highly porous piezoceramics can beprepared by sol-gel processing, supercritical drying,and subsequent firing. As an example, lead zirconiumtitanate (PZT) aerogels with composition PbZr0.53-Ti0.47O3 can be obtained as monoliths with porositiesup to 90 vol % and specific surface area above 300m2 g-1. During drying, metallic lead is formed as anintermediate phase. Then, during thermal treatmentat 600 °C, the aerogels dried in carbon dioxide tendto disintegrate, while those supercritically dried in2-propanol transform to monolithic polycrystallinePZT with a porosity exceeding 70% and an enhancedmechanical stability. To facilitate their polarization,the coercive field strength can be lowered withdopants, for instance with 2 mol % neodymium,which does not affect the material porosity.169-171

Finally, aluminosilicate aerogels present some piezo-electric properties which are better than those ofxerogels and can be explained by the gel structure.172

IX. Application of Aerogels Due to TheirMechanical Properties

A distinctive characteristic of silica aerogels is thatthey are extremely light, brittle materials, yet suf-ficiently strong to be handled. Their compressivestrength, tensile strength, and elastic modulus arevery low, and they largely depend on the networkconnectedness and aerogel density (Figure 22). In-deed, as previously mentioned, a gel can however beaged in alkoxide solutions to chemically stiffen itsnetwork, especially the necks between colloidal par-ticles. Aging treatments make gels more resistant tocapillary stresses and improve their mechanicalproperties. It can increase their shear modulus byup to 23 times.174 Typically, aerogels can easily becompressed, in particular by the capillary stressesduring adsorption or desorption in mercury porom-etry, thermoporometry, and nitrogen adsorption.175

The magnitude of the contraction can reach 50%.9When their macroporosity is measured using amercury porosimeter, two phenomena can be ob-served as the applied pressure increases. In a lowerpressure range, no intrusion at all is detected andonly a crushing of the aerogel occurs. Above a certainpressure threshold, mercury intrusion is then reallyobserved.176 Therefore, precaution must be takenwhen this technique is applied to all fragile materialsand especially with aerogels or aerogel-like materials

Figure 22. Young modulus as a function of silica aerogeldensity. Reprinted with permission from ref 173, withmodification. Copyright 1988 Elsevier Science.

4258 Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 Pierre and Pajonk

of low bulk densities. Besides, the mechanical prop-erties are sensitive to the synthesis chemistry of thegel, the environment, and the storage history.177 Withage, the compressive strength and elastic moduliincrease while the strain at fracture decreases. Theenvironment is responsible for subcritical crackgrowth, which proceeds by a stress corrosion mech-anism analogous to that observed in dense silica glasssubjected to alkaline aqueous solutions. Crack growthcan be considerably reduced in hydrophobic aero-gels,178 although an apparently fully hydrophobiccharacter does not totally impede water moleculesfrom reaching the crack tip.179

The fragility of aerogels may explain why they donot seem to have been used or even studied forapplication in filtration membranes, contrary toxerogel oxides which have been extensively studiedand used mostly as coatings on a ceramic support.180

Despite their low density and brittle characteristics,the mechanical properties of silica aerogels areinteresting for some applications. The easy compress-ibility can advantageously be used in kinetic energyabsorber materials.11 Much energy can be absorbedduring a shock compression.181 Silica and carbonaerogels actually constitute low shock impedancematerials, useful to confine few eV plasmas, tocapture freezing states of minerals generated in 100Mbar shock pressures, or in fluid mixing studiesrequiring X-ray induced shocks.11,181,182 Hybrid silicaaerogels can also be made by mixing silicon alkoxidewith hybrid precursors such as polydimethyl siloxane(PDMS), and the gels obtained have a more rubber-like flexibility. With 20% PDMS, they can be elasti-cally compressed by 30%.183

X. Cosmic (Comet) Dust Collection by SilicaAerogels

Since 1987, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory hasdeveloped with Tsou184 a new technique for collectingcomet dust. Indeed comet dust collection is of greatinterest for planetary scientists. These small cometparticles, with dimensions of the order of the micron(from 0.1 to 100), travel space at speeds of many tensof kilometers per second. For this reason they arecalled hypervelocity particles. It is necessary tocapture them intact, i.e., without melting, and thiscan only be achieved by transparent silica aerogels.To be a good device, the aerogel monolith must offera wide range of specific qualities such as a suitablemesoporosity, a good transparency in order to easilylocate the extraterrestrial particles, a wide span oflow apparent densities, high internal surface areas,a very high cleanliness, good launch and landingrobustness (they are embarked in space shuttles suchas the Spacelab module, space laboratories, balloons,etc.), a very low thermal conductivity coefficient, avery good resistance to very rapid thermal cyclingfrom 200 to -100 °C for instance, a good stabilitytoward magnetic and UV radiation, a good stabilityversus ionic erosion, and of course very low mass. Allthese requirements are fully met by pieces of silicaaerogels made by a “two-step acid-base catalysis gel”(TSABG) and prepared at the Lawrence LivermoreNational Laboratory. At the present time, they are

irreplaceable comet dust capture medium. Such silicaaerogel are also part of the Stardust project, with themission to provide back to Earth in 2006, samples ofa recently deflected comet named Wild-2 which willbe encountered in 2004 and also contemporary in-terstellar samples. Silica aerogels were also engagedin the recent PATHFINDER MARS mission to insu-late the Sojourner Mars Rover. During the night, thetemperature dropped down to -67 °C while thetemperature inside the Rover measured 21 °C, whichpermitted the protection of the very sensitive elec-tronics from freezing. A similar program termedEuropean Retrieval Carrier (EURECA) satellite isbeing studied.184 Other applications of this type arebeing considered, for instance to collect aerosolparticles,185 to protect space mirrors, or to design tankbaffles.11,12

XI. Aerogels as Additives or EncapsulationMedium

A. Chemical ApplicationsAerogel particles can be used as filler of other

materials, to provide them with some hardness,resistance to wear, or some thickening characteris-tics. This is the case with paints, varnishes, andelastomers in tires.12 On the other hand, aerogels canbe used as carriers of diverse components, for in-stance pigments. In pharmacy and agriculture, wheremany applications require a progressive release ofactive agents, aerogel particles can operate asnanovessels to carry substances as diverse as fungi-cides, herbicides, pesticides. As colloidal abrasives,they even show some insecticide properties as theyremove the protecting lipid layer on insects, whichdie more rapidly.186 Partially sintered aerogels, whichare mechanically stronger to resist capillary stresses,are convenient to store or transport liquids such asrocket fuel.7 Hazardous liquids such red fuming ni-tric acid and unsymmetric 1,1-dimethyl hydrazine(UDMH), both used as rocket fuels, have been storedwith silica aerogels.187 Different tasks consist inadsorbing or extracting some chemical components,for instance to treat wastewater, to confine radioac-tive waste,11 or to filter gases.188 In chemistry, silica,alumina, and carbon aerogels impregnated withCaCl2, LiBr, and MgCl2 have been tested as watersorbents for heat storage at low temperature. Theirenergy storage ability E measured by a differentialscanning calorimetry (DSC) technique can be as highas 4.0 kJ/g for naturally saturated sorbents, whichis much higher than for common sorbents such aszeolites and unimpregnated silica gels.189

Resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF) aerogels can also betemplated with SiO2, Al2O3, or TiO2 nanoparticles.190

Upon carbonization in an inert atmosphere between500 and 900 °C, the oxide component helps to developmesoporosity.191 Etching the SiO2 particles with HFthen produces nanoporous carbons with pore sizespredominantly in the range of 10-100 nm. Thesecarbons exhibit very high pore volumes of >4 cm3/gand surface areas up to 1000 m2/g. Their adsorptioncapacities for bulky dyes is over 10 times higher thanthat of commercial activated carbon.192

Chemistry of Aerogels Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 4259

B. Aerogels for Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF)Borate, organic, and carbon aerogels were used for

some time in inertial confinement fusion experiments(ICF) as target microspheres containing the fuel.193

These aerogels were stable to radiation and could bewetted by deuterium and tritium. Hollow silicaaerogel droplets for ICF target experiments wereproposed by Kim et al.,194 Jang et al.,195 and Kim andJang196 10 years ago for the fusion of mixtures ofliquid deuterium and tritium using a powerful laserbeam of the Nova or Supernova type at the LawrenceLivermore National Laboratory. Tetraethoxysilane(TEOS) was selected as precursor and gelled inethanol containing aqueous nitric acid. The dropletswere generated by a double nozzle reactor. Hair etal.197 more recently showed that even organic aero-gels such as a copolymer resorcinol/formaldehydehaving been supercritically dried with respect toliquid CO2 exhibited good qualities for ICF targetsin terms of cell size (0.1 µm) and density (0.05-0.1g/cm3) and Z value, under cryogenic conditions.Overturff et al.198 succeeded in making transparentfoam shell targets from resorcinol and formaldehydein organic solvents of low solubility in water whichprevented the densification of the foam. The fabrica-tion of these low-density foam shells was detailed inthe papers of Schroen-Carey et al.199 and Lambertet al.,200 respectively. The requirements were to makespherical organic copolymer shells of a diameter of1-2 mm with a cryogenic liquid or solid layer ofdeuterium-tritium mixture in the inside surfacewith a thickness of 80-100 µm.

C. Silica Aerogels for Nuclear Waste StorageSilica aerogels have been proposed by Reynes et

al.201 for the storage of long life actinide wastesbecause they are chemically very stable with time onstream and possess a very large porous volume percm3. They can easily be converted into vitreous silicaafter a low temperature (at about 1000 °C) and shortheat treatment. The authors201,202 impregnated theporous aerogels by a solution of the “actinide salts”simulated by neodyme nitrate, and after evacuationof the liquid phase, they were sintered as a compositeglassy material containing the nuclear wastes underthe form of neodyme oxide. The storage was improvedfrom the point of view of permeability by adding apyrogenic (fumed) silica, namely aerosil, of large poredimensions into the TEOS precursor solution in thesol-gel step, in such a way to synthesize a so-calledcomposite aerogel. Up to a solution of 20% of nitratein weight, the results showed their total capture bythe composite aerogel system. The experimentalresults also indicated that these aerogels were ableto store the simulated nuclear waste much longerthan the conventional borosilicate glass.202,203

D. Applications in Fundamental SciencesAerogels offer an opportunity to perform original

studies. Because of their high specific surface area,they can for instance be used as a means of introduc-ing strong perturbations in fluids near their criticaltemperature. In aerogels, the gel network acts as an

impurity for the fluids which strongly interact withthe solid surface. Hence, large fluid NMR signalswith long polarization lifetimes can be recorded,revealing a very weak specific wall relaxation.204 Thiseffect can be used to study either the gel itself or thefluid. The gel network was for instance studied byimpregnation with liquid 131Xe near its critical tem-perature (Tc of approximately 289 K). Magneticresonance images were obtained, which made itpossible to differentiate between aerogels with adifferent density or hydration level.205 Regardingstudies on the fluid properties, much work has beendevoted to superfluid 4He,206-208 phase separation of3He-4He mixtures,209,210 and more recently to 3He nearits critical temperature.211-214 It was found that theperturbations due to the gel network affect the fluidlong range order properties. The superfluid state in3He can only be maintained at temperatures betweenTc

a and Tc, where Tc is the bulk 3He superfluid criticaltemperature and Tc

a < Tc depends on the aerogel andthe pressure. With neon, the critical temperatureslightly lowers, and the coexistence region becomesmore narrow.215 Similarly, if an aerogel is impreg-nated with a nematic liquid crystal, the gel networkrandomness destroys the crystal long-range orderand transforms the liquid crystal into a glassystate.216

XII. Application of Aerogels in CatalysisSol-gels have characteristics which make them

good materials for applications in catalysis, andreview papers have been published on this sub-ject.217-219 Catalytic reactions can be of the redox orof the acid-base type. In the latter case, as in alloxides, different types of Bronsted or Lewis acid sitesmay coexist. To incorporate more or stronger acidsites, a classical technique consists of substitutingdopant cations with a valence state different fromthat of the host oxide. As an example, trivalent Al3+

cations can be substituted for tetravalent Si4+ cationsin SiO2, in such a way that they occupy a tetrahedralSi site. Sol-gel processes make it possible to incor-porate such Al atoms in tetrahedral coordination(Altet atoms) in a silicate network with a high specificsurface area, hence to create many such surface sites.Redox catalytic sites are due either to transitionmetal atoms (Cu, Fe, Mo, V) able to change theirvalence state or to noble metals (Pt, Pd, Ir, ...). Theformer ones explains that transition metal oxideaerogels were mostly investigated for catalytic reac-tions. For the latter metals, an oxide aerogel can beused as a support. In all cases, a major advantage ofaerogels is their high specific surface area, whichmakes it possible to increase the number of activesites per gram of material. Moreover, the pore textureof sol-gel oxides presents a relatively good resistanceto thermal coarsening, at least at temperatures fittedto fine organic synthesis.

However, compared to traditional xerogels, aero-gels are more recent materials for use in this field.The types of chemical reactions involved with themcomprise selective oxidation such as with NiO-Al2O3and NiO-SiO2-Al2O3

220,221 nitroxidation with NiO-Al2O3,217 selective reduction with Fe2O3-Cr2O3-

4260 Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 Pierre and Pajonk

Al2O3,222 polymerization with TiCl4-Al2O3,223 andselective hydrogenation as in the Fischer Tropschreaction with Fe2O3-SiO2 and Fe2O3-Al2O3.224,225

Selective hydrogenation is mostly due to metalcatalysts, and sol-gels are efficient as supports, suchas with Cu-Al2O3, Ni-SiO2, Ni-MoO2, and Pd-Al2O3.226-229 However, active metal particles sup-ported on oxide aerogels can also be prepared directlyfrom a multicomponent aerogel. To obtain the metalparticles, supercritical drying must be performed ina reducing environment, that is to say either inalcohol, by replacing N2 with H2 before heating theautoclave, or by flushing the autoclave with H2 atapproximately 200 °C. In these conditions, oxidessuch as NiO, CuO, PbO, V2O5 are reduced to finelydivided metal particles with a size a few nanome-ters.230-233 Colloidal gold particles, 5-100 nm in size,were also obtained by a similar process.234 For organicsynthesis, sol-gel catalysts often have a high selec-tivity, but their activity is not outstanding.

Aerogels can be applied to the protection of theenvironment, in particular to reduce the emissionsof pollutants in the exhaust gases from automobiles.These main pollutants are CO, residual hydrocarbonsdesignated by HC, and nitrogen oxides designated byNOx. Hence, catalysts are needed to achieve the cleancombustion of hydrocarbons. Possibly, it is desirableto simultaneously eliminate the three types of pol-lutants, in a so-called “three-way catalysis”, so thatonly CO2, H2O, and N2 are released in the atmo-sphere. For diesel engines, it is moreover necessaryto favor the catalytic combustion of engine soot. Inpractice, the catalysts which are needed must operateat a temperature from 900 to 1200 °C, in conditionswhere most aerogels lose their high specific surfacearea. In particular, oxide sintering is promoted byH2O present in engine exhaust gases. Also, at thesetemperatures, chemical reactions between the sup-port and the active catalytic phases commonly occur.Despite these problems, a relative success has so farbeen achieved in the clean combustion of methanewith aerogels derived from the hexaaluminate Ba-Al12O19 doped with Mn, Cr, Fe, Ni, or Co.235-237 Thiscompound has a structure derived from cubic spinel,and its densification is attenuated because of itslamellar texture.

Other chemical synthesis catalysts, which operateat milder temperatures, can be made by graftingorganometallic complexes on the inner walls of aero-gels. Perhaps, the most recent and interesting resultin this domain concerns the biocatalysts made byencapsulation of enzymes in silica aerogels.238,239 Thebest success presently is with encapsulated lipaseswhich can be used for esterification reactions. Bio-sensors made by encapsulation of other biocatalystsare also being studied.240

XIII. Silica Aerogel and Life ScienceThe first example summarized below deals with

biocatalysis, and the second one depicts a process todetect viral particle by immobilized bacteria. Buissonet al.238,239 described the in situ encapsulation of thePseudomonas cepacia lipase into a hydrophobic silicaaerogel (Figure 23) and tested the resulting solid in

the reaction of esterification of lauric acid by 1-oc-tanol. It is well-known that enzymes need to adoptspecial conformations in order to be active, i.e., thatonce encapsulated into the porous silica aerogelmatrix, no strong interactions between the enzymeand the “solid solvent” are expected to build up. Theauthors observed that, contrary to the same silicamatrix, but in the form of a xerogel, the aerogel typepossessed a much higher activity in the reaction test.The explanation proposed was that in the aerogelmatrix, the lipase was able to adjust its good confor-mation due to the highly developed porous network(large controlled meso- and macropores).

The second example is related to the use of silicamacroporous aerogels as biosensors involving thedetection of a bacteriophage by a bacteria entrappedinto the aerogel. Power et al.240 described a solidbiosensor prepared and tested under the form of anaerosol of aerogel containing Escherischia coli andthe green fluorescent protein (GFP), the latter beingobtained from the jellyfish called Aequorea Victoria.The GFP is a very interesting “bio-reporter”. Whena virus, like the bacteriophage T7 polymerase pro-moter also under the form of an aerosol, contacts thebacteria, a green fluorescence light is emitted. Silicaaerogels offer the advantage to immobilize the sensorpart of the detector which can then give an easydetectable and even quantified response to a biologi-cal organism existing as an aerosol in the environ-ment. These two kinds of experiments clearly dem-onstrate that silica aerogels are biocompatible ma-terials.

XIV. Further Potential Developments in theChemical Synthesis of Aerogels

As seen all along this review, the chemistry is verydifferent between, on one hand, silica, organic, andcarbon aerogels, which can easily be made as mono-liths, and on the other hand, other materials whichare essentially obtained as powders. In the future,new chemical developments may attenuate this dif-ference. Recently, new generations of precursors haveappeared which provide more flexibility to control thereaction kinetics of alkoxides other than those of Si.These precursors have been designed to reduce theiroverall transformation rates, by partially replacingsome OR ligands by ligands of a different nature.

Figure 23. Representation of the encapsulation of en-zymes in silica aerogels. After Buisson et al.239

Chemistry of Aerogels Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 4261

Such ligands include oxo ligands, which give oxo-alkoxides, and organic ligands, which provide orga-nometallic bonds C-M. The latter case is particularlywell developed in the case of Si for which an abun-dant list of R′Si(OR)3 precursors, where R′ is anorganic group or chain (with an end methyl, ethyl,propyl, phenyl, amine, epoxy, thio group, etc.), isavailable in the chemical catalogues. But such com-pounds begin to appear for other metals. They offerthe possibility to functionalize gels, for instance tomake them hydrophobic, graft other molecules (in-organic, organic, or bio-organic), or to synthesizehybrid organic-inorganic gels, if the R′ chain canitself be polymerized. Reviews of these hybrid gelshave been published,19,241 although their drying toaerogels remains to be done. For metals other thanSi, bidentate chelated ligands L, which cannot beeasily hydrolyzed as previously mentioned for Alprecursors, have provided interesting new precursors[M(OR)xLy]n.242,243 The most elaborate recent precur-sors are complex macromolecular clusters which maycomprise several metal atoms M of a different nature,and several types of ligands in their molecularstructure. New compounds of this type appear inincreasing number, but very few have been investi-gated for sol-gel applications.14

XV. ConclusionsThis review only gives a very limited idea of the

chemistry involved in the synthesis of aerogels. Silicaby itself is a remarkable inorganic oxide with a veryrich chemistry, which can be tailored to a range ofapplications in fundamental science and high tech-nology. Moreover, some recent developments in thepreparation of “aerogel-like” materials at ambientpressure, which eliminates the use of the autoclaveas recently described by Land et al.,244 will reallyopen new fields of applications at the industrial leveland require further chemical studies. Aerogels, in thegeneral sense, whatever their naturesorganic, inor-ganic, simple, or compositesreally deserve to beviewed as a new class of chemically designed archi-tecture and much remains to be done for materialsother than silica.

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Chemistry of Aerogels Chemical Reviews, 2002, Vol. 102, No. 11 4265

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